Author Topic: Sparen's Danmakufu Utilities  (Read 6159 times)


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Sparen's Danmakufu Utilities
« on: August 11, 2018, 12:47:42 AM »

Sparen's Danmakufu Utilities

Hello everyone. As you may or may not know, I'm Sparen, a Danmakufu scripter here at RaNGE.

Over the years I've built a lot of stuff for the Danmakufu Community - tutorials, databases, and more. However, I never really organized them here on MotK, and there was a noticeable span of many years before I bothered to even attempt logging them on my own website.

Firstly, some links:
If you are looking for my main Danmakufu release thread (for actual danmaku scripts), please visit Sparen's Code Dump
If you are looking for the SeitenTouji AMB game thread, please visit SeitenTouji AMB
If you are looking for my website, it should be in my signature. Otherwise, refer to

For bug reports on any of these, refer to their respective GitHub issues if available, or report to

Now, with that out of the way, I'll list my utilities and services for the Western Touhou Community. Most of these can be found at Sparen's Project Index (

DNHArt/DNHLP + Danmakufu Video Database

DNHArt and DNHLP are my two primary video playlists on Youtube for Danmakufu. DNHArt has been ongoing singe RaNGE 10 and is standard gameplay footage. DNHLP consists of Let's Plays.

For more information on DNHArt and DNHLP, refer to the information page on my website. DNHArt + DNHLP (
Playlist links: DNHArt (Youtube) DNHLP (Youtube)
List of all videos: DNHArt List (

Finally, a more recent service is the Danmakufu Video Database. Here I log all videos I can find of a given scripter's scripts. Notably, this has gotten rather nasty to maintain since I'm the only one ever editing it despite the fact that it's publicly editable, so I typically hesitate to add new scripters if I'm going to have to maintain their pages.
Refer to the Danmakufu Video Database website for more information.

Danmakufu Contest Database

In Jan-Feb 2016, I decided to log all of the Danmakufu contests that had taken place in the Western Touhou Community. This project involved dredging through years worth of threads here on RaNGE and going into the archives of LOCAA, but since then it has become a rather useful history tracker.

The Contest Database ( is updated whenever a new contest happens. There are also a few utilities that produce SVG output for your viewing pleasure. For example, you can get the average number of participants per contest, number of contests hosted at any given location, a graph of contest participation over time (typically useful for scheduling contests), and a graph of each scripter's history over the years. This last one has its own thread here on RaNGE, located at Danmakufu Contest History.

Danmakufu ph3 Tutorials & ph3 Function Reference

This is probably the one thing on this list that needs no explaining. My Danmakufu ph3 tutorials can be accessed on my website at Sparen's Danmakufu ph3 Tutorials ( All miscellaneous guides (using the archiver, using Bulletforge, Danmakufu style guide, etc) can be found here as well.

In addition, prior to the Danmakufu Wiki Apocalypse of 2018, the Wiki and MotK were going down for days at a time out of the blue so I decided to start backing up the Wiki. Lo and behold the entire thing went down for a few months soon afterwards. But anyways, I have a copy of the Danmakufu ph3 Function Reference on my site. Have a feature request? Just let me know.

The original Japanese Docs have been backed up as well and, thanks to Niektory, are accessible without Text Encoding switches on GitHub Pages.

Danmakufu Scripts & Function Libraries

I've been producing function libraries for years and the standards vary wildly. In addition, they have absolutely *never* been logged in one place. In addition, some of them are scattered so badly or are so minor that I haven't even bothered to link them on my website's project page.

Anyways, here's a basic list of the useful ones:
1. Sparen's Danmakufu Standard Library (GitHub)
My STL contains data structures and bit operations in Danmakufu. AKA completely useless garbage. However, I also took the Text Autoformat Library I made for SeitenTouji and adapted + expanded on it, and it is now available as part of this distribution.

The AutoFormat Library allows you to have text automatically add line breaks ([r]), or truncate itself by the word or character. Although I built it for SeitenTouji's dialogue and manual text, the library is dumb and doesn't take word context into consideration, so carefully inserted line breaks will still be better for typical dialogue.

2. Sparen's Sound Library (GitHub)
My ancient sound library contains basic sound object support. It's boring and easy to use.

Of all the things I did in Summer 2018, the STL was the first crazy idea. The APM was the second crazy idea.
Refer to the thread link for the details, but the APM is essentially a way for Danmakufu scripters to easily monitor their game - FPS, Score, Graze, Deaths and Bombs, etc. It has proven especially useful for locating lag spots and also has use when designing a scoring system for your script. It is easy to embed when you're starting a new project, though embedding it into a large problem may require some work if you want to annotate all of your spell cards.

4. ReitOS (GitHub)
This is the third stupid thing I did in Summer 2018 - originally a gag spinoff for SeitenTouji, it became a desktop environment in Danmakufu ph3. It's currently useless since I haven't finished setting up the Application Framework yet but there's a possibility for it to be used for actual practical purposes (though it might be better to write an application in a proper programming language. Shrug).

Other Utilities

Some of the utilities I've written/made/contributed to will be listed in this section.

1. Sublime Text Syntax Highlighter for Danmakufu ph3 (GitHub)
I contributed to this project with Drake. Refer to Drake's MotK thread for links to the Sublime Text and Atom syntax highlighters

2. Random Spellcard Name Generator (GitHub)
This tool was nice back when it was new, but it's since been abandoned. The MotK thread can be found here.

3. Danmakufu Obfuscator (GitHub)
This tool was great in theory but near-useless in practice, since the Danmakufu parser hated one of the things I did in it. It's useful if you want to remove your comments and documentation, I guess.

And that's the list. If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to post here or on the threads for the specific topics, if there are threads on MotK.

Thank you, and I hope these tools prove useful!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 08:40:05 PM by Sparen »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Sparen's Danmakufu Utilities
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2018, 02:51:05 AM »
Danmakufu ph3 Japanese Documentation has been mirrored to

It's technically live as well but every single browser seems to not recognize it as Shift JIS, so you'll have better luck downloading it to your computer.

For now you can still download the docs directly via

Re: Sparen's Danmakufu Utilities
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2018, 04:02:50 AM »
GitHub Pages doesn't support anything else than UTF-8, so yeah.

Would you like me to convert the docs to UTF-8?


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: Sparen's Danmakufu Utilities
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2018, 04:13:58 AM »
GitHub Pages doesn't support anything else than UTF-8, so yeah.

Would you like me to convert the docs to UTF-8?
If you can do so without breaking any of the linking functionality, that'd be great. However, the docs are a mess of like 30 different HTML files and other stuff complete with nested subdirectories, so it might be quite nasty to actually perform the conversion.

EDIT (Oct 3, 2018)
Seems like the switch worked. Multiple people have confirmed that it 'works on their machine'.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 04:54:45 PM by Sparen »