Author Topic: CPSS7: Embodiment of Secret Santa REVEAL POSTED  (Read 233390 times)


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #360 on: December 24, 2015, 10:41:26 PM »
So where the hell are the Christmas reports!?


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #361 on: December 24, 2015, 10:43:45 PM »
e: holy fuck it is getting here before the 1st. 28th it is




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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #362 on: December 24, 2015, 10:44:33 PM »
Wondering if I should be cheatsidoodle amd open right at midnight or wait until 7AM... Choices T_T

Rin Kagamine

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #363 on: December 24, 2015, 11:01:47 PM »
So where the hell are the Christmas reports!?
People aren't supposed to post until Christmas in GMT-5, and that's always been the rule so you have another 6 hours to wait!


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #364 on: December 24, 2015, 11:21:43 PM »
People aren't supposed to post until Christmas in GMT-5, and that's always been the rule so you have another 6 hours to wait!

Fuck. I believe I've broken this rule twice so far.

So that means I finally get to BAN someone?

Spotty Len

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #365 on: December 24, 2015, 11:48:59 PM »
People aren't supposed to post until Christmas in GMT-5, and that's always been the rule so you have another 6 hours to wait!
Wuah, I almost did a mistake. I'll wait until tomorrow then.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #366 on: December 24, 2015, 11:56:27 PM »
A mysterious Aikatsu box appears!

But I'm going to leave the contents for Christmas day to open it.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #367 on: December 25, 2015, 12:47:30 AM »
A mysterious Aikatsu box appears!

Good ol' aikatsu, with its data cardass machine.

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #368 on: December 25, 2015, 01:08:29 AM »
According to Santa Hakurei's list and please correct me if there's a mistake....


Yep... For the first time in my history of taking part, there is no gift present. So no opening pictures from me today. Fingers crossed it arrives by the New Year; and at least I get to watch the shenanigans of everyone else unfold around me without having to rush around myself~ <3

{Also, it's :1:08am here. Merry Christmas!}


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #369 on: December 25, 2015, 01:14:34 AM »
Turns out the earlier post where I THOUGHT I got my thing was not, in fact, my CPSS thing so I'm still unaccounted for as the list states.  Ah well, I trust my sender just had a delay or some other issue so no worries.  Merry Christmas to those who are in timezones that's appropriate for!
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #370 on: December 25, 2015, 05:13:51 AM »
Merry Christmas from the only timezone that really matters!

Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #371 on: December 25, 2015, 05:18:54 AM »
Gift opened and pictures taken, though I shall post in depth later. Many thanks
you know what I like.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #372 on: December 25, 2015, 05:21:38 AM »
People aren't supposed to post until Christmas in GMT-5, and that's always been the rule so you have another 6 hours to wait!

I don't remember this last year


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #373 on: December 25, 2015, 05:37:52 AM »


An extremely adorable Saber Lion nendoroid!  She has many cute expressions and will go great with the pictured Saber Lion plush, which was also an MOTK secret santa gift from a previous year!


If I wasn't about to go to bed, I would tear into these right now.  Got a busy day tomorrowtoday, so I have to get up early-ish.

And speaking of getting up early:


A really great and thoughtful gift, and a big thanks to whoever sent it!

I'm going to guess that my secret santa this year is

I don't remember this last year

Me neither :getdown:

Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #374 on: December 25, 2015, 06:03:16 AM »

Box of many Merriments and such Santas.

えー! An Ami Ami thing. Never ordered anything from it before, so it was quite refreshing.

And the contents of the box, an Uzuki Nendroid, an Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Cushion , and a Rika Can Strap!

I have the sneaking suspicion that my Secret Santa stalked the Starlight Stage thread over at Akyu's Arcade. As Uzuki was my first SSR pull, while Rika was my most recent SR pull.

Massive thanks to whoever my Secret Santa is, and have all the luck in whatever gacha you find yourself participating in.

I have absolutely no idea, whom my Secret Santa is, due to me not being that active in the forums, preferring the IRC. But if I have to take a wild guess,

soft cushion is soft

Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #375 on: December 25, 2015, 06:13:56 AM »

Camus and my gift from Iced (Amnesia artbook eeeeeee <3) are protecting the addresses but OH GOD HUGE BOX

Oh geez maybe it's not a very tiny gift and a ludicrous amount of packing material?

ooooh lots of very careful packing and the card mentioned craft breweries from across the state? (oops I forgot to rotate it because I'M ALREADY TIPSY)

got me a lovely-looking assortment of beers from North Carolina. :3 I'd probably crack one open except I just got myself a couple bottles of Dogfish Head 120-Minute IPA today for the holidays. :V (Normally I don't care for IPAs but that one's so strong it kinda wraps around into its own thing. But I haven't tried a more typical IPA in a while and I've been meaning to! So the one in here is fortunate. :3)


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #376 on: December 25, 2015, 06:33:42 AM »
will have to delay report due to imminent travelings, but will submit late today :v

Moogs Parfait

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #377 on: December 25, 2015, 06:44:14 AM »

What's this? Puzzlebro extremely likely.


Box seems to have been damaged in transit.  No matter!

Thank you so much, Secret Santa, this is really cool.  I keep looking at it, likely with a dumb smile on my face.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 06:57:21 AM by Moogs Parfait »

Rin Kagamine

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #378 on: December 25, 2015, 06:57:58 AM »
Will post about sending beer tomorrow, but tldr it's a pain.

I don't remember this last year
It was never enforced but the language had always been there.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 07:06:02 AM by Rin Kagamine »

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #379 on: December 25, 2015, 07:42:17 AM »

Present opening time!

That's a lot of doujin

Too bad I can't read Japanese.

Guess it's time for me to learn Japanese.

I don't get it, what kind of card costs $50 anyway? Trading card?

OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!! A steam card?! Now I can buy Phantom Pain without spending too much money. Oh my God thank you so much.

Now Cirno has some friend. Just need to find Rumia and Wriggle next.

Judging from the fact that my Secret Santa knows I love steam and Mystia (that's obvious), I'm guessing my secret santa is..... I don't know, all I know for sure is it can't be Helepolis-san, PX, Edible, YJ, or Pesco. That still leaves a lot. But still, thank you for the present. Thank you so much.

Edit: Nevermind, already knew my secret Santa.
That's very stupid of me revealing the address like that.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 09:05:50 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #380 on: December 25, 2015, 07:49:19 AM »
A package arrived! Mysterious contents!

Okay, maybe not so mysterious. Thanks customs regulations.

Packages in packages, the usual packageception.

Parts! This looks complicated.

Some assembly required.

This is what the fan looks like.

Cue haughty laughter once again, duhuhu. I received a folding fan in a past year's MotK Secret Santa as well. Fan is effective at hiding my unshaven countenance.

I managed to figure out how it should be displayed thanks to Google.

Great gift, Yuyuko should never be without a fan.
I honestly have no idea who my Santa is. I think they might live in Japan, but they also could have had it ordered and shipped to me. I'll guess... Drake.

e: Fuck image editing, have an album link
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 08:00:30 AM by yuyukos »
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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #381 on: December 25, 2015, 08:30:11 AM »
Apparently I'm not supposed to open present and post pics till I get an email which was supposed to be sent 9ish hours ago according to Santa over here

But eh OK no problerino baby as long as I have to wait shorter than Haku here rofl

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #382 on: December 25, 2015, 08:40:08 AM »
It's a box!

What could be in it???

"You like movies, huh? Movies are awesome! Problem is, there's so many so when one specifies no genre one opens themselves up to the whims of the giver!"
"Please 'enjoy' these 'decent' works of cinema 'excellence' and when the s#!tty movies become too much, enjoy these homemade ginger spice biscotti while playing the game that should be in your Steam box any moment now. Merry Christmas! -Your Secret Santa"


Green gift-wrapped package!


Everything in the package:

I think I'll start with the one on the left...

Looks good, haven't seen it yet.

Now for the one on the right... I wonder whether it's this infamous thing everyone seems to be talking about...

Addendum: Woke up and saw an email from Steam:


Upon accepting the gift it became obvious who my Secret Santa was. Thanks a BUNCH,

Merry Christmas, everyone, everywhere!!!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 05:43:38 PM by aUsernameIsFineToo »

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #383 on: December 25, 2015, 08:49:53 AM »
After some adventuring around lots of containers to find the USB cable for my camera (I found my headphones, my pc-comptible dualshock controller, and my ds lite before I found it under some stuff)... But that's been taken care of, so!

The package itself, the shipping labels conveniently censored with the cable TV remote and a box of mozzarella sticks - yes, McDonald's sells them now. They're okay, but I think I still like the ones from Arby's better. BV

Hmm, what appears to be a Japanese newspaper surrounding my stuff...

First things I notice in here is what appears to be a Yo-Kai compass, looks like they don't get sold here in the states. of course. Aaand not just that, but a copy of the 3DS game itself! Awesome, now I have two 3DS games; KH3D and now this~

And then, more Japanese supernatural lore fun! Iiiit's Ghost Stories! IIRC, it has a very bawdy gagdub, can't wait! Hmm, guess that's... ...all...?

But no, it was NOT all! Three Touhou bookmarks with a couple of my favorites. Hell yeah.

But that was all, so here's the whole spread.

Thanks a bunch,
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #384 on: December 25, 2015, 09:01:32 AM »
I have opened my ~*~mysterious package~*~, documentation tomorrow!

Spotty Len

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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #385 on: December 25, 2015, 09:10:54 AM »
Okay, let's get this thing going. I wanted to do this yesterday because I had the right mindset with all that beer and stuff, but rules are rules and we gotta do it now. ANYWAY HERE IS THE BOX

Lovely package. Don't mind the scizors at your side, I'll just pierce gently into you. Yet, as I start thinking about opening that gift, a chill is going down my spine, but it's probably just my imagination. What could possibly go wrong?

Aight, skillful cut and boom, there it is.



Well yeah, actually, I'm not, great. There she is, she's a beauty, let's welcome Phantasmoon.

She's now standing right next to Arcueid, looking good, and as bright as my heart right now. Thank you, mysterious friend who is apparently in California. That makes it at least like 30 possibilities.

But! We can't be too safe, let's see if there's anything else in the box, why not?

I mean, maybe I didn't check properly, let's have another look.

Oh hey, I can see something in there, what is i-









(Actually there wasn't a DVD, this one is the one I got last year but it came back with a vengeance. Merry Christmas! :D)

EDIT : Oh right, yeah, I'm gonna guess it's from
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 10:22:20 AM by Spotty Ren »


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #386 on: December 25, 2015, 09:22:12 AM »

Right, so this was like a day-before-christmas delivery for the mailman. He had the face of an eagle and his shirt the stars and stripes. I saluted him. A mythical box had been put into my hands. The eagle flew away at mach 3045. I saluted it while being burned to ashes because of the sudden afterburners in my face.

Either way, after respawning I took the package to my room and studied it.

Is what my Secret Santa said while packing this. Obviously. Anyway, carrying on. We need to open this, safety as usual is important. Let us put on these and go in.

Safety firstDoes this count as a 'duck face'? ...?? What the!? (nsfw)


Suddenly, High officer Melon Bear has arrived at the crime scene immediately.


The book was confiscated without any hesitation. From this point on officer Melon Bear would stand by to ensure no other immoral things would come out.

So far safe, a note, a package containing powderish thing and a pair of slippers appeared!

No shenanigans you say? So how do you explain High Officer Melon Kuma and the dangerous book then, hmm? Anyway, let us test these slippers out. Damn they look comfortable!

Huh? They don't seem to fit quite well. I can squeeze my foot in there but my heel will be left outside. Which is odd, because size says 9-10 (Large). I checked my jogging shoes which report US 9.5. Either this store has some strange way of tagging sizes or my feet are weird. A slight bigger size would fit perfect! It is ok though Secret Santa! I can pass it on to my Onee-san who perhaps might fit them (her feet aren't giant like mine). Please don't worry about it because such gifts are always difficult when you're sending them across the globe.

So what else is there.

White Russian. Arabica. Netherlands. Turkish. . . . . . . . . you know about that note you wrote. You sure about that?

Ok so after doing some research it seems that a White Russian is a form of drink between Alcohol and Coffee. But this one is Alcohol free it seems. Pitty. But nothing that we can't fix by adding some quality Vodka to it. Although where do I find quality vodka in The Netherlands?

I then realised the note had a backside as well. Cheeky bastard.

Yea. Sticky stuff. Dangerous books.

To be honest I have no idea who my Secret Santa is. I'll do some list-analysis. Seems this is someone who isn't confident in his or her shenanigan powers. Might be a newcomer or not. Either way, the slippers ARE fucking comfortable to the max. I really wish I didn't drink much Dutch Milk so my feet didn't grow this large. But it cannot be helped. Lucky sister I have then.

Thank you Secret Santa.

PS. Before lynching my Secret Santa: The book was not sent by him/her :V It was gifted to me by the Mizuki Hitoshi himself.

Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #387 on: December 25, 2015, 09:34:07 AM »
Ok so after doing some research it seems that a White Russian is a form of drink between Alcohol and Coffee. But this one is Alcohol free it seems. Pitty. But nothing that we can't fix by adding some quality Vodka to it. Although where do I find quality vodka in The Netherlands?

Yep! It's usually a cocktail made of vodka, coffee liqueur, and dairy. Kahlua is a major brand of coffee liqueur, so in this case it's probably just a flavored coffee with a bit of cream-ish flavor. (Though if you were to spike it with something it would probably turn out nicely. :3)

I'm not your Santa but it is a cocktail I'm generally fond of. So.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa GO GO GO GO GO!
« Reply #388 on: December 25, 2015, 09:44:43 AM »
Apologies for bad camera. On the upside you get bonus RAILEG.

I have a tube. Long journey. Mostly my fault. Involves going to the wrong house 3 times and back to a warehouse then falling off an elevator until I chased it up.

GOD HOW MANY LAYERS OF TAPE DID THE CHINESE WRAP THIS IN? This took like 15 mins to actually unwrap.

Is a Koishi and a Kokoro.

I needs to find room for this alongside my [now framed] tapestry from last year.

I don't have the time to figure out who this was sent by right now. I'll do that later and post again with my guess. I'm pretty sure I might be able to figure this one out.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 10:43:19 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: CPSS: Embodiment of Secret Santa AND NOW THE WAITING GAME!
« Reply #389 on: December 25, 2015, 09:59:48 AM »
Alright, weird being one of the early ones to post being in the west coast and all, but let's go! (Images taken with phone because too lazy to charge camera :P)

Convenient Miku and scissors censor

And a LOT of bubble wrap o_O

A box! I always wanted one!

So I maaaaay have not put down anything under my list of preferences (except for one small hint), so I'm in for surprises

So a shoebox with some stuff in it!

Some tea and a robot to mix it!

Two albums from some pretty good bands. Too bad the Aerosmith one doesn't have my favorite song, but I'll have something to listen in the car now outside of my 7GB of love live music

Some syrup! I'll be sure to use this whenever I can!

Oh my god. Nooooooooooooooo! The bird teams continue to haunt me! (I'm winning this fantasy football league :V)

And last but not least, some mints and bars!

Thanks for the gift
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 10:02:39 AM by PX »