Note: clicky == large view MERRY CHRISTMASYea it was Christmas, or close to that. It was around 23:45 GMT+1 (That is CET, Central Europe Time aka THE BEST TIME. Well except for GMT+X people, I respect you folks). So, I was sitting here behind my PC and decided to draw something because I got some inspiration.

I have been in a very productive mood for the entire week. Took a few days off from work and connected it with Christmas Holiday. BAM, One week holiday. And I was going to work on
my Danmakufu game most of the time. The drawing occurred randomly, maybe my inspiration was bursting and overflowing that it needed to be drawn out partially. The picture was mainly for Warugaki and friends, you know to wish them Merry Christmas in a specific way. And perhaps add some stuff to
my own Pixiv page (which is pretty much empty). So I was sketching things when it turned into something like this:

I have no idea how it exactly turned out like this. My original quick-sketch was on the right, but for some unexplainable reason Iku-san lost all her clothes yet retaining her hat. I am sure Warugaki will like it. And other Pixiv folks.
Suddenly the sound something heavy dropping on my bed behind me occurred. I first thought I summoned Iku-san from my drawing but such things didn't exist. We don't live in a fucking cartoon world and such things only happen in [REDACTED] doujins. Either way, I turned around with a sigh.
Ok, what the hell.

A package. Flat, unlike the Iku-san I drew
WOULD YOU stop talking about your Iku drawing, F***..
Sorry that was my common-sense trying to snap me back into reality. But this package was quite real. But wait, what is written on it?
Let us quickly open this package!
STOP, HOLD IT!Tsk tsk, how careless of me to just decide to open this unknown package.

I guess I have to use my special Kappa-Optical-Secu--
Unzan: "YOU ALREADY USED THAT JOKE LAST YEAR YOU PERVERTED CLOG WEARING WIND MILL SPINNER. GET ORIGINAL,"Ok so I lost all will to come up with something original. And some teeth. Let us just open it. Keeping my counter spell card ready, just in case.

What do we have here, hmm?

O-ojousama, why are you holding a Unreal Tournament Rocket Launcher?
(The thing was folded and slightly damaged like that Secret Santa. I have no idea what happened inside the package and I even took everything out carefully orz)Behind the bad ass drawing?

That is clever Secret Santa, an elegant Hina,
but her hat resembles the Ottomen hat styles. GOOD GAME.EDIT POST-REPORT: FML, I am disgrace for my culture. This isn't the Ottomen hat. Hina is resembling here the famous
Mevlana Dancing style where they go spin spin spin spin spin spin!!! I am sorry Secret Santa!

That is quite the damn long letter but...Disco funks?

Aaaaah, those disco funks. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I guess I'll try them out tomorrow because
IT IS 1:23 AT THIS PART OF MY REPORT.By the way, no idea which brilliant mind decided to paste that bloody "MAGIC" tape on the CDs and drawing. The drawing I could VERY carefully remove but the CDs are pretty much like this and my rage levels were increasing rapidly.

Yea, screw that. Not breaking this Charisma over such puny things. Hah!
What else is up. I remember the letter reading about Melons and Ripe things.

OJOUSAMA, CAN YOU MOVE? No, on second thought. Don't, I don't think this is the right time.
It is all over the place. The ripeness of the melons. A calendar even. I cannot display
that in my room?! Such insolence! What is this?? It doesn't makes me excited at all.
* Helepolis glances at his Iku drawing
* Helepolis glances at the calendar
* Helepolis glances around
It seems today, my fate has been set to a very specific mood. Thank you Ojousama, orz.
But the bubbles are fun!!!!Oh, speaking of Secret Santa. This has to be someone who knows I play Unreal Tournament. Now since this package came from US it has to be one of the folks over at #dots-meido, since we played Unreal Tournament together. And also my taste for Disco music seems to be also quite close. I am extremely torn between few people because they could be it too. ARGHHHH! I don't know for sure, but my guess is going for:
Mr. Bob!
If that is the case, then I definitely will have a good cheer this year!

Source for Iku pictures, artist Ichimi: