So, this is a project I spontaneously decided to take up a few weeks ago. As the title says, this is a Boss Rush modification to UFO.
Patch Download:!lskyiIzZ!yJB6HLwRQnXs4wO9BmHNxkVtrKrdoKhM-GmMEBRy0ro(日本の皆さん: 日本語で使用方法と変更点を追加したー プレイしてくれてありがとう、楽しんできてください!)
Main game: The main game is styled so that it becomes a fairly challenging boss rush mode. The stage sections are removed, including most midbosses, so the game is entirely boss fights. There are
no bombs, and
no continues. As a boss rush, I wanted to make sure that the player gets a type of challenge that they wouldn't normally experience playing UFO. Ideally, in order to clear, you have to play very well: in other words, capture nearly everything. You're limited to 8 lives throughout the game assuming you make it to Byakuren (each boss drops a 1up), which means you really have significantly less resources than your usual survival run. Plus, since you can't bomb, you have to be able to keep surviving a pattern you may die on. This sort of play doesn't skew your score files, since those are already dependent on captures. Lastly, each card drops 50 Power and 50 Point items. I've had a few complaints about this not being enough if you start dying early on, or say before Shou or Byakuren, but I'm waiting to gauge public opinion.
Through some limited player testing, I've found that this makes a pretty reasonable balance between challenge and capacity to clear for both the lower-level and high-level players. Expect to game over early~!
Extra mode isn't really a point of interest, since Extra is already pretty short and it's just cut to Kogasa and Nue. Having no bombs doesn't provide that much greater of a challenge, and cutting lives here wouldn't make a difference. But it's something different.
Practice mode, however, is probably what many people would use this for. It's simply Boss Practice; that in itself is more than enough to validate this whole thing. No bombs of course, but that only helps for practicing, and you start with 4.00 Power now instead of 2.00. You can practice problematic boss patterns quickly and repeatedly, without having to sit through the stage each time (not that the stages in UFO are bad or anything, they're just in the way).
Replays work perfectly, as far as testing has gone. A separate replay folder is created automatically to read and write from, so the boss rush replays don't get mixed up with the rest.
Instructions:(Always back up your score files. They should not be affected, but it's always good practice.)
- Place the th12_bossrush folder directly into your game folder. You do not need to move any files around, the patch folder should just be a subfolder of your game folder like this:
├─ replay/
├─ th12_bossrush/
│ ├─ data/
│ ├─ patch_en.bat
│ └─ patch_jp.bat
├─ snapshot/
├─ マニュアル/
├─ th12.dat
├─ th12.exe
├─ th12e.dat
├─ th12e.exe
└─ other files
- Run patch_jp.bat or patch_en.bat depending on which base files you wish to patch.
A new executable (th12boss.exe) and data file (th12boss.dat) should be produced directly into your UFO folder, and they will not overwrite your old ones.
(Note: Patch does not work with version 1.00a. Go update your game.)
Changes:- Obviously, the stage sections are removed.
- Most midbosses are removed. S5 Nazrin and EX Kogasa stay because they're the only good ones.
- No continues. Hardcore.
- No bombs. Way hardcore.
- Bosses drop extra lives when defeated. Nue does not drop bomb pieces.
- Every card will drop 50 Power and Point items, unless they normally give more.
- You now start with 4.00 Power in Practice mode.
- A new replay folder for boss rush replays will be created automatically.
- New demo replays.
- Labels at the start of stages and the large Palanquin shadow are removed.
- Other small graphical changes to reflect the game.
Known Bugs:- Card names are in japanese, even if patch is applied to english version, in which case they become mojibake. This is because I'm too lazy to create two versions of modified stage files. Will not be fixed.
- Choosing to "Continue" after clearing Extra stage will crash the game. This is because ZUN reuses the Game Over menu here, and the continue option redirects to the nonexistent restart option. Will not be fixed.
- Sometimes music does silly things with the demo replays. Please ignore.
Subterranean Animism Boss Rush Patch:,14744.0.html