Author Topic: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project  (Read 7390 times)


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(Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:52:59 PM »
i seriously don't know where this belongs so i think it should go here

but i am thinking of doing something interesting here. 
i want to make a non-damaku(or maybe it will be danmaku) fighting game in the style of king of fighters or street fighter (i dunno)
but i am planning to make a fighting game based on touhou but not with the real touhou characters but fan characters i made up but they are all based off the characters like: i have a dude that acts and has the same powers as cirno (cept he is smarter).
i really want to make fangames i have been trying for months to draw the characters and trying to find the correct programs to make the games. and the worse part i suck at drawing and spriting this game is pure fanbased (ok maybe i will throw in some of the real touhou characters)

high/low chance of me ditching this one like all my other projects.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 05:39:28 PM by likkyzero »


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 07:04:28 PM »
It seems you don't even have a concrete idea of what your game will be like, and you say you lack the motivation to work on it. Are you sure you should have made a topic?


Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 10:03:27 AM »
I've actually made a few OC's myself if you need any.
Some I have done a quick bio for but some don't have one.


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 10:41:49 AM »
I don't recommend trying to make a fighting game. Fighting games require high-detail sprites with hundreds of frames of animation, you basically need a team of very skilled artists to pull that off. Even making 16x32 sprites for an RPG is tedious, fighting game sprites are at least 100 pixels tall D:

It seems you don't even have a concrete idea of what your game will be like, and you say you lack the motivation to work on it. Are you sure you should have made a topic?

Also this.


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 10:10:30 AM »
ahem i didnt talk about details.
its not just a fighting game its a idea for one.
still i really want to make something advanced for a change or would you rather want a sonic game with rumia as main character?


  • RAWR!
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 07:56:43 PM »
I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish.

its not just a fighting game its a idea for one.
What does this even mean? It sounds like you just want to pitch ideas and have other people do all the work. Chances are that's not going to happen. Unless you're a really good project manager. But really good project managers probably type with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation and don't get probated for not reading rules.

high chance of me ditching this one like all my other projects.
Even if it's true, adding this to the end of your opening post just makes it sound like you don't expect this to work at all. No one's going to help you if even you don't believe in yourself.

I didn't want to really post here and come off as an asshole but you really sound like you're underestimating game development with these half-assed posts.
<WorkingKeine> when i get home i just go to the ps3 and beat people up in blazblue with a loli
<Azure> Keine: Danmakufu helper by day, violent loli by night.


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2011, 11:42:49 AM »
the only reason i created the topic... is because the game... and the designs of my characters has been stuck in my head for like months i just cannot stop thinking about it... its just a dream... a dream of mine which will never come true... and i'm not some idiot who wants people to do everything.... i am just someone hunting for advice... and i was probated.... for my own foolishness

well since i will never be able to create the game i will just post the profile of one of my characters.

likky (temp name and i suck at making up names SORRY)

Age: 18
Species: fairy/Doll
Personality: kind and helpfull
Ability: able to manipulate ice and fire and is able to copy any spellcard but doing it means his own demise
relationships: Cirno (little sister?)
Likes: cooking and Cirno
appearance: Blue and red hair with cirno's hairstyle. wears about the same kind of clothes like cirno does except it being male clothing has 2 types of wings on his left side(his left) are his ice wings and the other side he has fire wings...

backdrop: he had no memory of his own and the first person he met was cirno because cirno has his hairstyle and part of his wings he saw her as his little sister and started to protect her ever since...
His real backdrop : he is a doll created by someone to take care of his master but after a accident the house where he and his master lived in was set on fire... a few days later he was found at misty lake with no memory

I'm not giving up anymore! through its still a dream that would never come true I WILL AT LEAST TRY!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 11:38:07 AM by likkyzero »

Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2011, 04:44:32 AM »
You can do lots of other things with your characters besides making a fighting game with them.

Maybe find an RP to use them in or something.

If you want to try that's great, though.  Although I don't know what will become of it.

Maybe a very simple mini-game would be a better place to start?

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2011, 05:08:13 AM »
Right, so since I want to, I'll just drop by to talk about your character's profile.

- First, it's a good thing "Likky" is a temporary name. Hurry up and think of a name for your character.
- Next, setting your character's age as "unknown" is very weird sounding to me since you're the creator of the character - you need to know everything about it.
- "helpfull"?
- Again, you have to know whether Cirno is your character's little sister or not. Likely not, but what I see is that your character "claims" to have Cirno as his little sister.

- Alright, so everything quirky is out of the way. So onto what I really wanna say.
- Seems you're creating a generic "canon character's relative" character. Wouldn't be a neat idea if said canon character has any relationship with your plot, if you have one. Also wouldn't be a neat idea if your "original character" (WITH quotes, never without) suddenly becomes some god-level character in Gensokyo. I might be mistaking this for MCS, so someone tell me if it is.

- Yeah, so I suggest slightly changing things here and there to make it not look like "Some guy meets Cirno and thinks they look alike so the guy starts to idolize Cirno".

Anyways, I'll be watching this topic for some time if I find it interesting enough.

Meet me on #danmakufu some time within the next week.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 05:11:12 AM by Mewkkyuuri »


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2011, 05:22:54 AM »
Well, at this rate, I don't really think this thread belongs in RaNGE anymore. We're just discussing an OC.

Likkyzero, please remember this certain board is meant for scripting and actual game-making, not ideas. Plenty of us have good game ideas, but they're worthless as threads.

... That being said, it sure would be nice if we had a thread where people could just dump all their game concepts from their heads.


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2011, 05:33:11 AM »
... That being said, it sure would be nice if we had a thread where people could just dump all their game concepts from their heads.

It's not a bad idea. PSL has something similar, a "discuss your story ideas here" sticky. It does help flesh out projects with feedback.

Also, have to say that this topic is sort of confusing. On the one hand, likkyzero, you have a number of ideas but on the other, you have said a couple times that you don't expect the project to actually finish.

This board is for people who do intend to finish their projects. Which isn't to say you can't, but you don't seem to believe in it yet. I think you ought to take the time to work out your ideas more, get feedback from others, and most of all, believe that you will complete it.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2011, 11:30:17 AM »
i am working on it... i am working on it...i am already making a sprite... its just a thing... ah who am i kidding if you guys say i cant do it than i cant.... i got so far to have a good head size for the sprite...

jeez i am doing all i can to create a sprite ya know but its rough.

i do believe in myself but i just don't have to software to create the actual game... and fine... if you guys say i should stop than i will... jeez... all i have been doing these days is focus on my character
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 11:40:00 AM by likkyzero »


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2011, 11:35:01 AM »
i am working on it... i am working on it...i am already making a sprite... its just a thing... ah who am i kidding if you guys say i cant do it than i cant.... i got so far to have a good head size for the sprite...

jeez i am doing all i can to create a sprite ya know but its rough.

i do believe in myself but i just don't have to software to create the actual game... and fine... if you guys say i should stop
Do you think you can do it?
Because it's not about other people. Just take it as a side-project that you work on, or get people to help you.


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2011, 11:42:08 AM »
Do you think you can do it?
Because it's not about other people. Just take it as a side-project that you work on, or get people to help you.

if i really want to... i can... i have a experience with computer softwares but a bad experience with creating art and sprites... jeez and my sprite is looking as bad as ever
plus its my dream to create a game... or at least try... i'm drawing some concept art for myself and i mean it has been in my mind for months and months it was tearing my mind apart... i couldnt think clearly and created this thread without thinking... so if someone wants to remove this i'm fine with it... its not like someone will help me...

keep in mind i am just one person!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 11:51:29 AM by likkyzero »


Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2011, 01:24:15 PM »
If you want, I can draw some stuff for you. Not sprites though. Just drawing the characters.


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2011, 09:53:15 PM »
If you can't draw sprites, then don't. Make some placeholder graphics and work on the game's mechanics. If you can make a demo version with the place holder graphics, it will make it that much easier to get help with the graphics, since it would show you have some dedication to getting this to work.

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Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2011, 12:25:00 AM »
Likky, there's one thing everyone overlooks when trying to get into game creation. Making a video game is really hard. The topic is over a month old, and what have you done... half of a single sprite? Have you even written one line of code? I don't want to be mean, but if all this topic is going to be is you complaining that you don't get anything done, then either get something done or leave. It's entirely possible to make a game as just one person, but it takes a lot of effort over a long time period - about 2 years on average for me.

Now, for more specific advice. This is just what Genichiro said right there: don't worry about the art. Ask yourself, what is the most important thing in a game? Obviously, it's having an actual game - even if you did finish that one sprite, you don't have any gameplay whatsoever, so you're no closer to completion. If you have no idea how to program, then start learning it right now. Don't wait until later today, don't say "I can't," just do it.

Find a programming language you like, then draw some boxes on a black background. Get them moving around, and give them a few basic attacks. They don't even need to animate. Just have a red box and a blue box fighting, probably by shooting smaller boxes at each other. Once you have a few different box types with a couple attacks each, keep tweaking it until it's fun. Keep adding more boxes and more attacks until you have a completed game except for the graphics and sounds. THEN you can ask people to help you with art. The graphics do not matter as long as the game is fun, so make fun first and art later.

On a more positive note, you have one of the best avatars on the entire forum.


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2011, 11:20:17 AM »
Likky, there's one thing everyone overlooks when trying to get into game creation. Making a video game is really hard. The topic is over a month old, and what have you done... half of a single sprite? Have you even written one line of code? I don't want to be mean, but if all this topic is going to be is you complaining that you don't get anything done, then either get something done or leave. It's entirely possible to make a game as just one person, but it takes a lot of effort over a long time period - about 2 years on average for me.

Now, for more specific advice. This is just what Genichiro said right there: don't worry about the art. Ask yourself, what is the most important thing in a game? Obviously, it's having an actual game - even if you did finish that one sprite, you don't have any gameplay whatsoever, so you're no closer to completion. If you have no idea how to program, then start learning it right now. Don't wait until later today, don't say "I can't," just do it.

Find a programming language you like, then draw some boxes on a black background. Get them moving around, and give them a few basic attacks. They don't even need to animate. Just have a red box and a blue box fighting, probably by shooting smaller boxes at each other. Once you have a few different box types with a couple attacks each, keep tweaking it until it's fun. Keep adding more boxes and more attacks until you have a completed game except for the graphics and sounds. THEN you can ask people to help you with art. The graphics do not matter as long as the game is fun, so make fun first and art later.

On a more positive note, you have one of the best avatars on the entire forum.

i know i have been looking for a good software... to begin coding....
and yes i have coded  a little in game maker but i am pretty sure game maker cant handle what i am gonna do...

and uh... thanks for the compliment....?

i have been writing a story during the month for the game... so i guess i am just a idiot... plus i overestimate making games. not underestimate making games. i know all you need to know to make games... but i just think its too hard to find the right software to make the games.

first i have to make art.
second i have to code the game
third i have to make a story for the game.
fourth i must make sure the game works
fifth i must make sure the game looks good.
sixth i have to make sure the controls work correctly
seventh i have to make sure the game doesn't have alot of bugs

and yes i use the i format because i will end up doing everything myself just like the school project with groups of ten
i got the feeling i forgot some.

and uh whatever happened to a ignored topic.... getting so much attention all the sudden?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 11:24:28 AM by likkyzero »


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2011, 01:19:54 PM »
From a builder point of view:
Look Likkyzero, no need to act melodrama about yourself. This may sound bit harsh but I'll tell you anyway. You got two options:

1) - Stop complaining and start working. Complaining "I cannot do X or Y" isn't helping you or any of us.

2) - Accept the fact you cannot built this game you wish to built and carry on.

You said you researched several options, so you know enough to decide which of the 2 choices you need. If you want something from people here, be direct. Ask what you need, don't baww and complain endlessly because it is useless information and won't get you anywhere.

From a moderator point of view:
The reason why your thread was here is because you were planning something. Now your thread deteriorated into nothing.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 01:24:20 PM by Helepolis »

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2011, 04:07:57 PM »
From a builder point of view:
Look Likkyzero, no need to act melodrama about yourself. This may sound bit harsh but I'll tell you anyway. You got two options:
1) - Stop complaining and start working. Complaining "I cannot do X or Y" isn't helping you or any of us.
I thought Stuffman wanted no drama in RaNGE?

From a moderator point of view:
The reason why your thread was here is because you were planning something. Now your thread deteriorated into nothing.

Yeah. It's been said to many people many times, "Can't do ASDF? Just finish GHJ and KL first then you can show people what's finished so they can complete your missing ASDF."
Question: Is the Request Thread also for non-Danmakufu purposes?

If this were a regular danmaku game like the Touhou series, maybe I would be able to help, but since this is for a fighting game...


  • RAWR!
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2011, 08:21:32 PM »
first i have to make art.
second i have to code the game
third i have to make a story for the game.
fourth i must make sure the game works
fifth i must make sure the game looks good.
sixth i have to make sure the controls work correctly
seventh i have to make sure the game doesn't have alot of bugs

You have the order wrong.

*First, you have to learn how to program. Pick up some language. It doesn't really matter which one, but a lot of the more popular ones like C++ and C# already have game frameworks built for them. Just pick something and start working with it. Read a book or do online tutorials with the language/framework you picked and learn how to use that.

*Second, you have to make a working system of your game. It doesn't matter what your story or art is. If your system doesn't work, it's not a game. As it is, a fighting game is a lot harder than it may look. Because fighting games are closely tied with their graphics, there's less you can do without any art, but there's still plenty of stuff to work on. For example, in a fighting game, each animation frame of a character should have a hitbox where they can take damage. For each animation frame of a melee attack, you need to also define hitboxes where they can do damage. Since this is a Touhou fighting game, it's probably safe to say that there's going to be projectiles, which are basically just independent hitboxes that do damage. Another thing you can work on that doesn't require sprites is controls. Movement, jumping, blocking, etc. Don't forget physics either. The physics of a fighting game doesn't need to be a reflection of reality, but make sure opponents can jump, fall, get hit against the wall, etc. You can use placeholder graphics like a red box to test that these things are working like they should.

*Third, you will need sprites. Normally I wouldn't say you need sprites this quickly in the game development, but fighting games are more dependent on their sprites than any other game that I can think of off the top of my head. In my opinion, if it's taking you this long to work on a sprite, you'd be better off finding some help. Work on one character at a time. For each character's animation frame, you'll need to define the hitboxes I mentioned earlier. This part may take a long time, especially if you want to balance your game a bit at this point.

*Fourth, you will finally have a basic fighting game, though probably it won't be that great yet. Now is the time where you add in special effects, sound, and such things. Step 2 was where you made the basis of any fighting game, but this step is where you customize it into your own unique system. Add a system to do super moves, think up a system of guarding, maybe even add in extra things like SWR's weather system (though most people hate that so think of something else, lol).

*Fifth, run a beta. You're not going to catch all the bugs yourself so have some beta testers play around with it and fix any bugs they report.

*Sixth, add the story. Now that you're sure everything is working properly, you can finally finish up. This should be easy in comparison to all the previous steps.

Also, for the 347985th time in this thread, we aren't telling you that you can't do it. We're just commenting on the fact that you don't have any confidence in yourself. If you yourself give up so quickly, no one else will be there to pick up the slack. What everyone is telling you is that you need to just suck it up and start working or just give up now because if all you do is talk about how hard it is, you'll never get around to doing it. To help get your mind off of how huge of a task this is, try splitting the project into little blocks. Get these little blocks of work done and you'll feel like there's progress, as opposed to just thinking of the project as a whole and thinking that you barely did anything.
<WorkingKeine> when i get home i just go to the ps3 and beat people up in blazblue with a loli
<Azure> Keine: Danmakufu helper by day, violent loli by night.


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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2011, 08:52:22 PM »
That might be the bigger problem, but personally, I think there's an immediate problem to address as well.
This thread still has no place in RaNGE.

Likkyzero, you gotta remember that the general idea is that if you only should post a game thread when you have something to show, like screenshots, videos, or downloadable prototypes. Ideas just won't cut it.
Take some time by yourself and just work on the game. Don't rush or hurt yourself by announcing a game that you've barely even started on.
Once you have something worth showing, post a topic. Then people can see what you're envisioning, and you may garner some support, or even help with things like sounds and graphics.

(Should we make a rule for this?)

And I know we're trying to correct Likkyzero right now, but sooner or later I guess this thread ought to be locked. It won't be long before we've said everything we can say, and even if he does make postable progress, it'd be better for him to just make a new topic.


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2011, 05:44:09 AM »
like i said people can remove this freely cuz i was thinking clearly when i was creating this topic this is pure STRESS RESULT TOPIC so any admin or mod or whatever the rules are here you can just remove this. or move it somewhere cause i dont see any thread for game idea's well i am still working on it... but yeah... i dont have alot of time these days. having no school now i got alot of work to do and yeah.... its tough.

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2011, 05:48:12 AM »
I wish to support you for this.
Shall I follow your project wherever it may go?

Of course, you can keep this topic if you are able to work really quickly and can provide updates every now and then.


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2011, 12:17:23 PM »
i'll try to update this topic each month i guess... if i can work it out between work and all... man i just finishedschool too... *annoyed to the fact he didnt get his summer break*

on a side note whats autism? or whatever its called people keep talking about it behind my back...
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 12:32:32 PM by likkyzero »

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2011, 07:24:25 PM »
An update a month is prettyy nice, considerring you don't have much time to work on a project every day.

Off-topic, autism is.... something I'd better tell you in PM, not here.


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"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2011, 04:14:06 AM »
eh neopets, newgrounds, smashboards, pojo, smogon, stuff like that :V


  • i want a hug...
Re: (Warning Topic may be confusing) fighting game project
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2011, 02:52:07 PM »
this is kind off off-topic but i am experimenting with different stuff to help me show how my character should look like... (since i am better at computer stuff anyways and for some reason i grabbed unreal engine too... oh well as long its free am i right?)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 04:02:03 PM by likkyzero »