Author Topic: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office  (Read 23388 times)


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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[Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« on: April 24, 2011, 04:49:37 PM »
One of these days, I swear, I will get this right and update regularly, and never have to worry about the "14 days expiration date" thing... I'll try and update on here weekly from now on, be it a sketchbook page, random doodles I did in class, full pencil works, or digital stuffs. Hell, I'll even post an MSPaint doodle, if it keeps me at my weekly update speed!

With that in mind, watch the rose petals fly by in this one.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2011, 07:17:23 PM »
Wow, awesome drawing. As someone who regularly draws in more of a portrait style, I really like the realistic expression and pose. =D


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 04:23:38 AM »
Nicely done, my friend.

I look forward to meet you at the AN (if I can make it, I will certainly be pleased).


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 05:46:26 PM »
Oh snap, you knew I'd be at AN!  :o  Thanks for the support thus far on my work. Well, like I said before, I'd probably post doodles of stuff I do when I'm uber bored in class, but now I'm wondering why I said that...

There is nothing safe about this. Giving it the NSFW tag would be generous. It's got cursing, suggestive content, anger, and a poor imitation of the Scott Pilgrim style of western drawing. But this is what I do when I'm bored in class and my regular artistic senses won't turn on. It's also what happens when I discover FunnyJunk. The only things that can save this "work" from being un-postable is that I censored anything that was just crossing all borders of reason. I presume anyone that's viewing my work is mature enough to refrain from going mental over it, which is the main reason why I felt that it was even capable of being posted.


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  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2011, 02:19:04 AM »
Yeah... So since last week's update was so silly, I decided to post something slightly more serious. We can't have my kind of funny without it being mixed together with some dark and edgy works.

Now, I could post a story for this, if you want one. Granted, it might seem a tad rushed.

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  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 12:47:55 AM »
Well, at least I'm updating weekly like I said I would, right?  :ohdear:

Boredom galore! Yay!

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  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2011, 11:56:18 PM »
A day late, but hey, nearly nobody looks at my stuff to begin with.  :derp:

Now, this next one, I warn you, is scary as all hell. I also created it nearly a year ago. View at your own risk. It's actually pretty scary...

Oh lawdy.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2011, 02:04:51 AM »
Heck, I follow your thread. Now, my thread is something that everybody SHOULD AVOID.

Anyway, I can see gradual improvement and that alone is enough can make me jealous of you. However, I feel your drawings are not 'planted'; your figures look unstable and  are not mapped out. Maybe

it is just me going crazy and green with envy.

ps. I am forced to call my lawyer due to the improper warning label. Sheer and irreparable damage was made to my retina and cornea while I am traumatized for life. I demand more drawings from you

in compensation. 


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2011, 10:48:50 PM »
Oh lawdy.

Reminds me of Kira. Death Note time!  :V
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2011, 12:43:49 AM »
"Unstable and not mapped out?" Oh, you're so silly~
Oh shoot, he knows too much!
Yeah, I've fallen into my own sad trap of going freestyle in about 90% of my works. With how they work themselves out, that's not always a bad thing, but it's not necessarily good for me, since I KNOW better. Not the end of the world, though.  :V

Since I'm gonna be at Anime North this weekend, Ima post my weekly post early.

This page here is really here because Yuna is pretty. She's probably my newest video game crush.  :blush:

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2011, 12:57:30 AM »
Freestyle isn't so bad, you might discover something cool along the way.

Have fun at Anime North, and post lots of pictures for us, okaaay~?
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2011, 01:59:17 AM »
I was gonna post a con report and such, but stuff came up and I was like "Augh, man!"

Instead, haven't you ever wondered how I come up with so many OCs? ... Yeah, I wasn't really expecting that you did. Still gonna show you how I do it, because this is my office.  :V

So let's start off with the ideas. Sometimes, it's from trying to draw something else, and it turns out completely off from what I want it to be. Sometimes, it's beautiful, and I want to make more of it. Sometimes, I just copy off of characters I already know a lot about. I'm not denying it, I have a lot of heavily "inspired" characters. But let's focus on that second point.

See that guy on the bottom left? The one with the glasses that looks like a more realistic interpretation of my persona. He's our focus here. Basically, I drew this, and thought, "I wanna draw more specs-wearing versions of me!" So I did, and that's how we evolve things.

Basically, we get a bunch of rough sketches together that try and characterize this newfound breed of OC. Whether or not they succeed is irrelevant right now. Basically, this is how my most recent of OCs, Matthew Graves, is born. How I come up with names is... Well, in this case, I was thinking that he sort of reminded me of Gideon Graves from Scott Pilgrim, if only for the glasses and the fact that I decided to set him up in Toronto. And, if you know me, you know that no character is going to be a simple "sit back and watch all the others swing swords around" character. At least, not for long.

I have recently entered my Dragoon phase of my Final Fantasy Fanboy days. That, and lances are cool in general. You might have noticed that I've used that sort of curved blade shape before. I like to connect characters somehow. In this case, Matt has a blade on his lance kind of like Mikoto/Roy's sword from a few posts back. Wait, what? You can't see the resemblance? I've never shown the whole sword? Well, nevermind all that rabble, then. Moving on!

After that, I just fool around with the character/s. Like with that Toaster vs. People thing, wherein Walfas inspired me to make something silly. Stat screens are also incredibly awesome, and you should feel awesome for looking at it.

And that concludes our unnecessary trip through the world of Creating OCs! Join us next time for a Convention Report and Prom Report, because I find these large write-ups amusing!

Also, if I may ask, can you guys post a few good questions for me to answer in the up-coming reports? I'd do it myself, but I'm writing the dang thing, so asking myself questions like that is kind of awkward...  :V

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2011, 02:22:54 AM »
Uh hmm, let's see...

For right now:

How often do you up with a new OC? Is it successful?

Who is your favorite OC and why?

For the reports:

Did the Convention meet your expectations? Anything about it that surprised you?

A few people from this forum went to the convention, you meet them?

Buy anything awesome?
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2011, 01:32:08 AM »
Well, I never asked for more questions for OC stuff, but it's not hurting anyone! It's just delaying that of which I've been trying to post for the last three weeks but kept delaying due to laziness...  :V

Regardless, let's get rollin'!

As far as how often I come up with a new OC, it's a really huge and unpredictable variable. On average, I'd say that since I've been working on the characters and plot of Imperishable Dream (yeah I know, real unique name, totally not ripping off anything) more than anything, I'd have to say about every two to four months since I first made the series. Their success level is a bit of a subjective thing for me. If I feel that I can write them into the story well, and they make sense as characters within the plot, then yes, they're successful, which means almost all of my OCs were successes. I've only ever ditched one character from that story for another, and even that character might get a small role.

My favourite OC? That's a toughie for me, but I managed to make a list of my OCs that appeal to me the most, without them being clear self-inserts.
Yeah, I've self-inserted, but I have some reason behind it!

Generally, Kensei tops my list for numerous reasons. He's the one OC that I've had the longest, and he connects to me surprisingly well. He's also an overall appealing character. He was originally based off of Inuyasha, my first anime series. Generally, he's a hot-headed teenager that has so many cliche character traits (father vendetta, dead mother, large sword, half-human half-animal, etc) that I wonder why he tops my list, but what he lacks in overall originality, he makes up for in his endearing character traits. He's the headstrong, stubborn badass that I can imagine myself actually becoming, and despite that, he's still quite intelligent. I think it's because I've worked on him the most that I find him my favourite. Maybe I'm a sucker for cliches, I dunno.

Edmund is pretty much the polar opposite of Ken, in which he's the shy guy in the army that you can barely take seriously and is always worrying over every single detail. He's more like the person I come off as before I open up to others, unlike Ken, who is me when I'm actually excited about something. If you want a good comparison for him, think Noel Vermillion from Blazblue.

Jack is not directly connected to ID, and is a light-hearted Irish mercenary with a sub-machine gun. Pretty much Laguna Loire of Final Fantasy 8. His simple, easy-going attitude is his most appealing trait, next to the fact that he's Irish.

I'd explain the rest on the list, but I'd be here all day if I did... Instead, I'll give short answers for the con questions in order to lead into when I actually remember to do the report.

The con was not the same as I expected it to be. I don't think I expected the right things of it. It was certainly successful, though.

Although I SAW them in person, I never really spoke to them. We had four or five forum members running the Touhou panel, and I didn't say a dang word.

Yes. Yes I did. Like I said, I'll go into detail when I post the con report.

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  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2011, 12:47:40 PM »

I swear, this is the reason I haven't posted in a while, beyond my usual procrastination. And since I'm here and posting, I think I'll just give a written report of the con, rather than the sort-of-accompanied-by-pictures report I wanted to do... Been a whole month, for the love of God...


Considering that this was my first con, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from Anime North '11. I've read one manga series based around a convention, and seen some con videos, but I never really saw what the con itself was like. Let's just say I had a few surprises from it all.

I might actually edit this later and post a mediocre drawing of my actual self with a description, so for now, imagine a seventeen-year-old that looks a bit like a nineteen-year-old carrying around a Reimu plushie. I swear that my description is remotely accurate.

Now, from what I knew about conventions, I could tell only this: there would be lots of people with similar interests to myself, there would be stuff to buy, and there would be cosplay. LOTS OF COSPLAY. Needless to say, my expectations on those notes were met. There were three separate areas where stuff could be purchased, which was split amongst used items, artist work, and commercial goods that haven't been owned by others before purchase. The cosplay was so vast, I'll dedicate an actual paragraph to it later. It was only when it came to the stuff that I didn't really know much about that I was caught off guard. The panels, as far as I understood them before the event, were just rooms of people talking about stuff, particularly the topic of the room. As for the games and such... Well, I didn't know what to expect of those.

I carpooled and roommated with about sixteen other people from my school and town, and most of them had at least one year of experience with AN. They kind of agreed that the con was slightly less exciting than the year before that. I'll admit, the weather on the first two days was rather gloomy, and I myself couldn't get into the mood of it all. The con was still pretty successful, though, no doubt about it.

I only went to two panels during the span of the three days, one of those being the Touhou panel, naturally. Like I said, I thought panels were just where people discussed stuff about a certain topic. I found that I wasn't that far off the point, but it was more like a group of people were leading the discussion with occasional audience input in one scenario and slightly more constant in the Touhou example. I was incredibly surprised by the absolute maturity held within the panels, as most people listened and entered logical input to the conversation. This isn't to say that I was expecting some sort of chaotic mess within the room, but considering that the con is a place to have fun and enjoy, I didn't see a polite and sophisticated discussion of Great Fairy Wars, Ten Desires, and other recent developments, occurring. After the panel, they apparently set up some computers with some of the series games, but I never got a chance to check it out.

The cosplay at the con, I will admit, was absolutely amazing, both by the sheer amount of cosplayers and the amazing effort they made in their outfits. Props to all those that crossplayed for two reasons: you have more guts than I do, and with you, there'd probably be half as many Touhou cosplays. There were certainly outfits that still stand out to me today. As I might have said before, there was a Medicine Melancholy cosplayer that actually looked doll-like, and I snapped a nice pic of her on my phone. Don't think I can upload from my phone, sadly, but someone else on the forums probably has a good shot of her. There was also a well-made Utsuho crossplayer, wings and all, along with an arm-cannon that lit up on the inside. There was also several amazing Final Fantasy cosplayers, such as an absolutely gorgeous Yuna that I saw as I was walking back to the hotel, and one pair of Panty and Stocking cosplayers. As far as obscurity goes, though, two teen cosplayers took the cake, as they were dressed up as characters from S4 League, an MMO that I happened to have experience within. An MMO, mind you, with no real NPCs.

Like I said before, there was a huge shopping district, which took up a large majority of the actual con centre. One section of the shopping area, the used items, I browsed through. Didn't buy anything, since nothing piqued my interests that much. The artist corner was where I bought the most items. Several of the people in the district had dA accounts, unsurprisingly, and all made me look amateur. Or at least, they made me look more amateur than usual. Though there wasn't much, I found a few Touhou artists here and there, and I bought quite a few pieces of con gear, i.e. two keychains, five PINS, and two posters. I think I might've bought more, but I can't remember for the life of me what else. Moving on, there was the big part of the con shopping, being the Dealer's Market. This is where all the commercial stuff was. Needless to say, there was Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Bleach, and furry gear ALL OVER THE PLACE. The mainstream had its way with this place, but that didn't mean the slightly more underground stuff didn't pop up. You'd still see work from series such as Ouran High School Host Club and such. There was also some nice weapon dealers, with one of them selling me a bokken.

What really caught me was this one seller which had a particular plushie in sight. First thing to catch my eye on that table, and I'm pretty sure I already mentioned it, there was a Reimu doll sitting in the middle of the table. I checked around quickly, after picking up the doll, to see if there was any more of the Touhou merchandise. Nothing. I saw my opportunity, though, to finally own some Touhou merchandise. As I purchased it, and began to walk happily out of the Dealer's Market, I decided I would carry this Reimu plushie with me for the rest of the con. Several people asked me where I got it from. I swear, everytime was the same conversation about the plushie: "Where'd you find that Reimu plushie?" "Oh, I got it at the, eh, marketplace." (Kept pausing, trying to remember the exact name. One or two confirmed it as the Dealer Market) "Cool. Did you see any others." "No, this was the only one I saw." "Dang. Touhou merchandise is pretty rare." etc. etc.. Not hating on anyone who asked, but it felt like I was in an infinite recursion of time. It felt like I was in an infinite recursion of time. It felt like I was in an inf-- *shot*

The gaming was vast. I'm exaggerating, really... There were a few rooms near where the Touhou panel took place that were dedicated to games, with the 24/3 DDR directly beside the panel room. That was actually really annoying during the panel, since I stood right beside the door, and couldn't hear a word whenever someone opened the door. I embarrassed myself horribly at the DDR room, actually. Apparently, even Standard mode is too much for me. Basically, I screwed over on both the DBu Doll Judgment, and the regular version of Heian Alien. Basically, after I finished, I just said, "Well, that was fun." And then I abandoned ship.

So yeah, in general, it was a pretty good con, for my first con. If I can still remember details like this after a month, then clearly it was worth the time. At least I think that's how it works... Regardless, I had a fun time, and it was worth the group fee I paid to the others of $140 CAD. Fun times were had, and my only big regret was that I didn't talk to people there! I'll make up for that next year, and I'll even try to give some input at the panel, so that some forum people can validate my existence.

Right, now it's time for me to actually wrap my mind around doing the visual novel wor-- Wait, what's that? My graduation ceremony's in two days? Well, great... Way to stress and distract me, Brain... Not like you haven't done that for the past few weeks already.

I'll post my progress on the Visual novel next time, I swear.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2011, 09:18:07 PM »

Sort of looks different from your usual style. Or is that just me?

What really caught me was this one seller which had a particular plushie in sight. First thing to catch my eye on that table, and I'm pretty sure I already mentioned it, there was a Reimu doll sitting in the middle of the table. I checked around quickly, after picking up the doll, to see if there was any more of the Touhou merchandise. Nothing. I saw my opportunity, though, to finally own some Touhou merchandise. As I purchased it, and began to walk happily out of the Dealer's Market, I decided I would carry this Reimu plushie with me for the rest of the con.

Sounds like how I came into the possession of my Reimu doll.  :3

Also, can I request a Yoshika from you~? Yoshika is cute~ (I'll draw you something else in return if you'd like.)
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2011, 01:34:21 AM »
Sort of looks different from your usual style. Or is that just me?

Sounds like how I came into the possession of my Reimu doll.  :3

Also, can I request a Yoshika from you~? Yoshika is cute~ (I'll draw you something else in return if you'd like.)
Seeing as I fidget from style to style, this happens. A lot... Consider that my chibi style, I guess. I'll get out that Yoshika in due time, as well. No guarantee that I'll do too well with her, since I don't feel much connection to the new characters of Ten Desires.

Anyway, let's do a quick progress report on what I have done thus far for the Visual Novel project.

Well, personally, I prefer the works on Alice. I made the mistake of taking the Reimu page with me to school, wherein some silliness was applied to the side shot... Yeah... I don't like the Reimu ones as much as the Alice ones, and the right-most Alice is one I want to work on again later.

Sideboobs are difficult to draw, by the way.

Also, for the heck of it, have some lineart-ish stuff. I felt like relating this character to Yuna from FFX, so yeah... I think that my characters are now becoming slightly more unique. If not, then they're even more clich?.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2011, 01:43:53 AM »
I agree that the pictures of Alice do look better than the Reimu ones. (And to point out, the arm in the air of the Reimu on the left is too long.)

Although, one piece of criticism I'd like to offer is that you need to make the necks on your females thinner. They're noticeably thinner than boys. I guess it's because they're just really muscular. Just making them a tiny bit thinner should solve the problem. (If that helps.  :ohdear:)
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2011, 04:22:44 PM »
I agree that the pictures of Alice do look better than the Reimu ones. (And to point out, the arm in the air of the Reimu on the left is too long.)

Although, one piece of criticism I'd like to offer is that you need to make the necks on your females thinner. They're noticeably thinner than boys. I guess it's because they're just really muscular. Just making them a tiny bit thinner should solve the problem. (If that helps.  :ohdear:)
Oh, so my girls really DO look like boys! I never could figure out if it was that, vice versa, or if I was a master of the ambiguity.  :V

On a note only related by the broader category of the Arts, I've been trying to compose a song for the last while, and it is a pain in the neck! God knows the amounts of Pogos and Coca-Cola I've consumed trying to create this stuff... I could post the MIDI, but I've only got the intro set in stone thus far, and even that might change. Yeah...

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2011, 09:47:45 PM »
Hello, my friend, diligent as ever I see.

Good to see you keep drawing despite the sheer temptation from great weather. Still, unlike the majority of your upload, I see more mistakes that could use some tweaking.

Alright let's start with the Alice piece. As you can see, all three were bull-necked Alice who could grapple down a UFC champion. Reduce the width. On the second Alice, the neck looks disjointed from the head.

Shift the whole body towards to the left and it should look better. Also, I can see you drawing clothing straight off from the start as there were some weird curves and disjointed pelvic girdles; don't be hesitant

starting off with drawing the naked body to get the posture right. Lastly, I am seeing some slanting towards to the right in horizontal shoulder line. So, I am assuming you are right-handed or have unique

posture while drawing. To check whether you have made such mistakes, just simply flip the scanned drawing vertically (so left becomes right and vice versa). You will be surprised.

Alright, sideview is a pain in the ass to draw. Especially that of adolescent girl. Break down her body parts in to sections and it will become clear to you. After all, breasts are just blob of fat on the rib cage.

So, draw the rib cage first (just simple elongated circle would do it) and add another circle to get the silhouette right. Also, I see the spinal line and quater-view of her rear; combining these with her breast area

, her whole body is twisted in some ways. Rotate the lower half to the side view would be far easier solution than redrawing the breast area in from-bottom-quarter view (one of the professional's nightmare,

I heard).

These are the technical changes that could be considered. Now, let's talk about postures. That Reimu on the right just exude the atmosphere of being a tomboy; not a lot of girls - especially the ones from

the Asian culture - don't spread their legs like that. Seriously, how many girls do you see on the TTC with their legs wide open? I know a lot of artists portray Reimu as more of an easy-going and confident

person but she still is a girl. Keep that in mind.

Anyhow, this is the end of my ranting. Hope you are not offended and if so, I apologize in advance.

PS. Made a mistake of deleting the uploads. Maybe I am losing far too many screws in my head.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 02:58:28 AM by [HJD]Red_Herring »


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2011, 10:19:04 PM »
wherte are the pictors

Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2011, 10:26:47 PM »
Yeah, uh, those are all "this picture has been moved or deleted"s :o


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2011, 07:52:00 PM »
After you mentioned it, I realized the necks were, indeed, just too damn big. I guess I keep putting it in my head that "real necks are big", but the truth is that my style isn't realistic, and I keep forgetting that at times. :V

Yeah, I have a tendency to start with clothes, generally because I have this odd feeling that someone will randomly walk into my room, see my work mid-way through production, and go, "zOMG yur dr4win pr0nZ!!1!" Please note the slight exaggeration. Even though, I'll admit, I've drawn some explicit content from time to time, I don't really want people thinking that's what I do, which is why I usually start off works with clothing, why there are very few of those explicit works ever seen by other people, and why absolutely none of those explicits are ever uploaded. I know drawing the basic anatomy is a huge part of art in general, but with the general Eastern style's reputation, those are bullets you want to dodge by a long shot.

As for the right-handed/unique posture thing, apparently I have both. People have commented on how the way I write is different from the norm, so that may have carried over to my drawing posture.

And that last bit with Reimu's posture, I'll admit, I'm far too used to drawing male characters, so when I think of characters like Reimu or Marisa, whom are known to have a confident sort of personality, I usually end up thinking of a more masculine stance.

I do have to thank you for that, by the way. It's not nearly often enough that I get critiqued so heavily. I actually used most of your advice and, thus far, redrew one of Alice's poses, and it turned out much better. I'd get right on the others, but I have three obstacles: 1) I can rarely commit myself 100% to a project, since I always want to work on whatever comes to mind, 2) My tuition for college apparently hasn't been paid, and now I'm trying to get that under control, praying to God that they'll at least respond back to my e-mail so that I can fix that mess and 3) I work part-time, and I always get afternoon shifts, which tense me into not working on anything because of my stupid fear that I'll get too involved and forget to go to work, like today. tl;dr: I'd keep working on the project, but DRAMA! No less, thank you for the critique, good sir.

Also, you still have no right to be jealous of me. :V

RIGHT, now about this week's post. Like I was saying above, I've been stressing my head off because my family and I completely blanked on the tuition, and now it's overdue. I blame myself. I've been trying to work it out with the college, but because of that, I've only gotten one pic done, and in my own opinion, I could've fixed it up. I used HJD's advice (that I knew before but didn't follow because above rant) and worked first and foremost on the anatomy.

I think I made his arm into a tree trunk, though... Yay for traditional colour~

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.

Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2011, 08:02:59 PM »

...Is that Cloud from Final Fantasy? :V


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2011, 01:23:11 AM »
...Is that Cloud from Final Fantasy? :V
You know, as much as I should have expected that one, I really didn't see it coming. Lemme leave the answer at this: His hair may be spiky, he may have angst, he may have an oversized sword, and he may look like he belongs in some sort of modern-day JRPG, but he is not Cloud or any other character from the Final Fantasy franchise. If you wish to attempt to understand this character further, check out my deviantArt page and indulge in my OC-obsessed work.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.

Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2011, 01:44:23 AM »
You know, as much as I should have expected that one, I really didn't see it coming. Lemme leave the answer at this: His hair may be spiky, he may have angst, he may have an oversized sword, and he may look like he belongs in some sort of modern-day JRPG, but he is not Cloud or any other character from the Final Fantasy franchise. If you wish to attempt to understand this character further, check out my deviantArt page and indulge in my OC-obsessed work.

Ah, now I get it. Thanks for helping me to understand. I really like your characters, by the way.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2011, 05:58:28 PM »
Christ, I forgot to post so many times... So what stopped me? Procrastination. Still trying to fix that... Regardless...

So, I'm sure you've heard of Deathly Hallows part 2 coming out. I went to see it last Saturday in 3D. Now, the 3D did seem pretty thrown together, but I got Harry Potter styled 3D glasses, so I'm not complaining. It's a pretty powerful movie for myself, since I've grown up with the series.

Anyway, I've also been playing this MMO known as Elsword, and I must admit, the character art reminded me as to how unusual Koreans and Japanese game designers make their costumes. The Rune Slayer, in particular for the game, made me think that Elsword was a girl for half a second, because of the exposed midriff. So I designed a mock costume that was just for fun.

Before you ask, yes, I do love to make my work completely colourless. It's useful in case I ever find the desire to colour it on the comp.

People at my high school always seemed to praise my work, even though I can safely say it's not that great... One thing they really enjoyed about some of my work is the tribal-like sigils and wings. Y'know, stuff like this:

Yeah, there are some semi-spoilers for the people who are actually reading my fiction...

I swear, when I want to do one thing, it ends up weirdly distorted from my original thought. This one here had the issue of being too old! Tell me, how old does he look?

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2011, 05:41:51 PM »
Augh, why can't I remember to upload my stuffs... Okay, I haven't any real drawings because I've been working a lot, and I haven't gotten any real "two-day break" thing. Y'know how, on the first day off after work, you don't feel like doing ANYTHING, and you kinda don't? And then, that second day that you got off in a row by chance, where you actually feel like you can do something, and might actually do something? That's what I haven't gotten much of.

Also, I was busy attending to my musical side recently. It allowed me to work on a little ditty like this:

I'm no ZUN or Daisuke Ishiwatari, so yeah, it's gonna suck a little, but I have enough musical experience to at least make it worth a small listen.

Also, the whole Visual Novel project? I'm putting myself on a bit of a hiatus, since I haven't felt the spark to create the poses, and personally, I find working on something without the proper motivation to be what ruins most work. That's kind of why I was working on this little song for the past little while: I had the spark to make some music, rather than put the pencil to paper, so to speak. I swear, I'll get on the Visual project, but I want to do a good job on it, and if the spark's not there, then I won't be able to do that.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2011, 05:57:00 PM »
Also, I was busy attending to my musical side recently. It allowed me to work on a little ditty like this:

I'm no ZUN or Daisuke Ishiwatari, so yeah, it's gonna suck a little, but I have enough musical experience to at least make it worth a small listen.
Someone else trying to learn DaiZUNke Senouwatari style? YES!

Listened to it, and found it good, but hold a bit and I'll take another look at it with hardware synths, where it'll sound leagues better. ;)
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2011, 06:45:17 PM »
Also, the whole Visual Novel project? I'm putting myself on a bit of a hiatus, since I haven't felt the spark to create the poses, and personally, I find working on something without the proper motivation to be what ruins most work. That's kind of why I was working on this little song for the past little while: I had the spark to make some music, rather than put the pencil to paper, so to speak. I swear, I'll get on the Visual project, but I want to do a good job on it, and if the spark's not there, then I won't be able to do that.