BETA 5.9As promised, I'm not done but I'm releasing what I have. I didn't get nearly as much polishing done as I wanted, but you can play all the remade stages and stage 6 up to the midboss (pictured above, the Prismriver Sisters)! Stage 6 is very early in production, it only works on Normal mode, if you play it on any other difficulty it'll be buggy and crash when you get to the midboss.
Also new is Lunatic mode! As I explained before, I am not a Lunatic level player and thus I cannot playtest at that level. PoSR Lunatic is thus probably extremely unfair but
theoretically beatable.
Alright crap let's see if I can remember all the stuff I changed:
- Every stage is way different, Stage 4 is completely new. This is the big thing.
- Some changed spellcards and stuff. Stella got a bunch of stuff changed up.
- Since somebody pointed out that Josette's painting bombs take a really long time to go off but I didn't want to drop them, I changed it so that you only get the painting bombs as a deathbomb. Your focus bomb is the same as your regular one.
- Red type has a new bomb
- New custom shotsheet!
- Some more new songs (good ones, too!)
On the to-do list:
- Finish the damn game
Maybe do some more work on Lunatic (I will need help with this, I'm tempted to just scrap it)
- Music doesn't loop right still
- Still haven't implemented replay-friendly code
- Enemies in stage 4 need to explode when they die!
- Want to improve Kana's special effects (electricity, object auras)
- Kotohime still has some bullshit that needs adjustment
New scoring system - this will be exciting and offer a new gameplay mechanic, wait for the next beta!
- Will adjust how many lives you get once the game is finished and I can judge how many are needed, will be tied into the new scoring mechanic. (Until then just Continue like a mofo)
Okay that's all I can think of for now