Author Topic: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru  (Read 51390 times)


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #450 on: April 14, 2011, 04:36:23 AM »
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Frontin' ain't gonna help your chances much!

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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #451 on: April 14, 2011, 04:36:55 AM »
Too bad thats what I'm doing. 8)
We'll see how that works out.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #452 on: April 14, 2011, 04:43:11 AM »
Welp, I've nothing to lose since, you know, IP's already gone.
Meh, I'll think up something.

Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #453 on: April 14, 2011, 04:47:09 AM »
Welp, I've nothing to lose since, you know, IP's already gone.
Meh, I'll think up something.
Actually, you could get Unfunnied.


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #454 on: April 14, 2011, 04:47:35 AM »
Actually, you could get Unfunnied.

He's already been Unfunnied once. :V

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #456 on: April 14, 2011, 05:30:22 AM »
"Choo choo I'm on a train!" scream Flandre as she was suffering from some sort of delirium. Her world was filled with nothing more then sprinkles and candy and rainbows, and it was all because of that weird white candy that man gave her. It tasted somewhat bitter, but for all this, it was worth it. Before, As a 9 year old girl with no parents, It's hard to say "No" when someone offers her something strange, but, who cares? Now, as a 12year old big girl, she has enough to last her more then a lifetime, and all she really had to do was kill the guy. It was nothing really, and he kinda spewed some kind of Kool-Aid. It tasted sour, but it was good, it made her feel stronger.

So, Flandre here managed to get her hands into something more dangerous then she could imagine: She was in an arena fight against her sister, with her having a forklift (a teddy-bear/train in her eyes. His name was Fred, with a backwards R) and Remillia only having her two bare hands. The winner of this crazed occult contest would be an elixir to make one immortal (endless supply of candy corn to Flandre). The terms for winning are, as you can clearly see, One dies, the other lives forever. Really, All that mattered was Flandre and her teddy-bear/train named Fred, and beating up the old grumpy lady down the block (Which was really Remillia). Apparently she doesnt want Flandre to take all her sweets, But she still wants them.

"Flandre, What the @#$% are you doing?! Get off of that thing, we gotta go home!" Remillia, losing her cool, protested. "But why cant I have your caaaaandy~" a somewhat insanely high Flandre replied. The next thing Flandre knows is that she feels like My head feels awful... maybe I shouldn't stop taking all that stuff.

She looks in front of her, and there are three things she notices: She was NOT on a choo choo teddy, She was on some thing that reminded her of a spork with wheels, There was a giant sign that said something backwards in front of her, And Onee-sama (What Flandre calls Remillia, as she watches a lot of anime) had Kool-aid dripping from her, only much more then the man she took all the candy from did, and she knew what happened to him.

She didnt want Onee-sama to go to sleep like he did... And then she remembered the weird Eel Licker thing there were talking about. Turns out everyone left, since nothing was really happening, and it was left for the both of them to take. Unforunately, Flandre remembered that SHE won, and she should have the whole thing, but she cant let Onee-sama go to sleep like that man... She thinks she'll just split it in half or something. After pouring half of it down Onee-sama's throat, she takes the rest for herself, but before that had a bit of candy.
Candy goes good with everything, right? Wrong. She regretted this in a split-second after taking it.

Her body was on fire. She couldn't breathe. Maybe that Eel Licker thing wasnt such a good idea- Wait, I feel better now... Did Onee-sama have to go through that too? "Onee-sama, are you okay? Onee-sama?!" She was near tears, as her sister was as cold as that man was when he went to sleep. "Ugh... What was that? God, My throat hurts like a mother @^$%er, what the %&^$ happened? When did you get into cosplaying as a vampire?" Apparently Onee-sama was NOT in a good mood. "Huh? I'm not a vampire, I'm a adorable kid! You said so! U-Uwah... These strange men took us here... I think they put it on..." said a slightly tearing up Flandre. "Here, Dont worry, I'll pull the #^&$ers outta your back, dont worry." assured a Remillia who would soon regret doing this.


The next few seconds were worse then the Eel Licker for poor little Flandre, as Remillia pulled off her wings, which, unknown to her, were actually REAL. This was something so horrible for Flandre to experience, and maybe even worse for Remillia to see. The "cosplay" wings were gone, Remillia found out Flandre was a vampire, And immediately stopping the blood with the now torn-to-shreds wings. Sure, it was a little ironic that the wings would be going back on the second they come off, but hey, whatever it takes to live. Flandre turns around, seeing the mess by Onee-sama's feet, and in a split second, without saying a word, drops down and proceeds to suck it all up.

"Fl-Flandre! What the fu- Oh... shit. I guess thats why." remarked a certain Remillia who made a mental note for the rest of her life NOT to speak without thinking it through. She then remembered there was one thing left to do: Check her own back. Luckily, There was a ocean nearby, murked by the complete craphole this city was. Fortunately, it wasnt murked enough to keep her from staring her own reflection, and seeing her own wi-" Wait a second, Dont vampires have, like, no reflection? Yo, Flandre, How much of that %^$@ did you give me
anyways?" "About half. Why onee-sama?"

All too many realizations in the past ten minutes for Remillia. If she didnt take the whole thing, it would make sense not all of its effect would come in. So, She has the wings, she checks her own teeth for fangs (which she pricks herself with), yet she still has a reflection. She assumes that she would now be a half-breed, which, at first, kinda seemed cool. After going back home with Patchy the purple beansprout(Their "sister"), and Miss Meiling (the apartments maid), they decided to move after telling them all this. Unfortunately for Meiling, She had no choice but to come or die. Remillia doesnt want their secret spread after all, She's become quite the thinker in the past few minutes.

Along the way they hire a maid, who, really, isnt too much in touch with cleaning. She fumbles all about, taking several years for Miss Meiling to teach Sakuya the "Ways of the Maid". It was a long, hard journey, But the effort was worth it. She was now the most Perfect, Elegant Maid in all of the world. It was childs play to figure out that Remillia and her now insanely-high-for-life sister Flandre were now the same as they were before taking the potion. Flandre was high on her "candy" for life, due to her body pretty much freezing its internal clock, and Remillia was... Well, Nothing about her really changed aside from the fact she likes to sleep in the day.

Sakuya spent months trying to figure out a cure, one thing led to another, and it turns out every person with a sense of balance can tamper with it as they like. As in, If she wants a plate to stay still on her pinky, she can do it. If she wants it to tip over and fall, it will. If she wants to mess up the balance of time and space, well, she could. She doesnt even get it herself, though she knows for sure it isnt some 'ancient bloodline abilities' or something weird like that, no, She just learned.

While testing out her new powers one day, she did a few things. 1. Set the house on fire, so they picked and abandoned mansion to live in, and 2. teleport said mansion to a weird world, where everyone somehow speaks english perfectly even though clearly not being english in any sense. Again, with her Sherlock Holmes skills, she finds out this is the land where common sense is not really applied in this realm called "Gensokyou". Shortly after, the events of EoSD take place.

I made it so that Remi was actually not elegant in any way before becoming a vampire. When she took the elixir, she was realizing how Flandre could do something like this and the elixir frozed ones body in time. I can only assume they'd keep part of that mentality in their subconscious, like how Remillias still egotistcal (I meant to give a backstory but oh well who cares), and Flandre always got that bit of "little kid" in her mind. One thing led to another, and now Remillia can control fate. Likewise with Flandre, She was high on some kind of drug, the world was her plaything. She was never good with toys, so she can now destroy anything at will.

Sakuya was already explained, Patchy and Meiling werent really explained much. Just assume that they all, I dont know, had a magical fucking slice of cheese that made Meiling into a level 80 black belt and Patchy into a level 80 Black Mage.

That.... Was all thought up out of nowhere. I'm actually going to save this and maybe upload it to fanfiction or something. Protip: this was all written in the reply box, with the only newest message being suikama :V
edit to give afterword a bit more sense.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 05:33:43 AM by Kips McKipzerson »


  • Red shroom
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #458 on: April 14, 2011, 05:33:53 AM »
That's...quite a story there.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #459 on: April 14, 2011, 05:34:38 AM »
That's...quite a story there.
That is why I only write fanfiction past 1AM.


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #460 on: April 14, 2011, 12:49:12 PM »
THIS IS THE FACE OF THE DEVIL. The devil. THIS FACE What do you want from meeee

I went a completely different direction. Purvis showed us something that was all WHAT THE HELL so this is what you get!


Now I'm going to sleeeeeeeeeeep :ohdear:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 12:51:46 PM by Shadoweh »

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #461 on: April 14, 2011, 01:10:46 PM »

Man, I didn't know the image was that exploitable!

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #462 on: April 14, 2011, 01:19:15 PM »
THIS IS THE FACE OF THE DEVIL. The devil. THIS FACE What do you want from meeee

I went a completely different direction. Purvis showed us something that was all WHAT THE HELL so this is what you get!


Now I'm going to sleeeeeeeeeeep :ohdear:
i fuckin' love you man


  • Red shroom
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #463 on: April 14, 2011, 01:54:32 PM »
THIS IS THE FACE OF THE DEVIL. The devil. THIS FACE What do you want from meeee
This is just hilarious and has made my morning.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #464 on: April 14, 2011, 01:57:06 PM »
The sad thing I'm in love with the comic that he edited my sexy kogasa picture into :4 Also, I have no idea why when I quoted the full image came up.


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #465 on: April 14, 2011, 06:24:43 PM »
Considering that I thought things would go in a completely different direction in these parts over the last few days, I'm posting what I have and cutting my losses. I went the photo editing route to go along with the same kick I had for TSO's IP contest.

Quick and silly and I like Touhou's crazy titles for its menagerie of characters.

Seven years in MS Paint! I still haven't learned to use other image editing software.

Colonel, Gun Gear?!

YOU try to find a real Family Circus strip that fits this image!

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #466 on: April 14, 2011, 06:36:09 PM »
THIS IS THE FACE OF THE DEVIL. The devil. THIS FACE What do you want from meeee

I went a completely different direction. Purvis showed us something that was all WHAT THE HELL so this is what you get!


Now I'm going to sleeeeeeeeeeep :ohdear:

I laughed more than I should.
"I'm not sure about this anymore...Are you sure this is safe?"

"Absolutely! This is 100% safe! ...Not."

Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #467 on: April 14, 2011, 06:37:59 PM »
Reddyne, those were awesome!  :getdown:


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #469 on: April 15, 2011, 12:45:08 AM »
THIS IS THE FACE OF THE DEVIL. The devil. THIS FACE What do you want from meeee

I went a completely different direction. Purvis showed us something that was all WHAT THE HELL so this is what you get!


Now I'm going to sleeeeeeeeeeep :ohdear:

Hahaha oh man, that actually made my day XD

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #470 on: April 15, 2011, 01:19:16 AM »
Judging is underway.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #471 on: April 15, 2011, 02:29:48 AM »
Someone give me the final ammy count. It is important.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #472 on: April 15, 2011, 02:34:05 AM »,8824.msg597008.html#msg597008

Though we're prolly missing a good couple posts, thats as far as it went.


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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #473 on: April 15, 2011, 02:38:23 AM »
Someone give me the final ammy count. It is important.
On it!

Round 1: 139
Round 1 (all Ammy posts before Pesco ruling included): 146
Rounds 2 & 3: 28

Total Ammy Post count: 168
If you include all Ammy posts before Pesco's ruling: 175

EDIT: Damnit Kips, you cut me. I'm the Ammy scorekeeper too, gah. And I did update it a few minutes ago, though some people may have changed their Ammy names before that.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 02:41:48 AM by Okuu's Nuclear Fusion Photo Lab...?! »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #474 on: April 15, 2011, 02:42:50 AM »
175 divided by two is 87.5, divide that in two to get 43.75, and divide THAT in two to get 21.87500 and divide THAT in two to get 10.9375. Now add all these numbers together. You'll get 339.0625. With a bit of editing, It becomes 333. 333 times two is THAT NUMBER.

It's all a conspiracy I tell you.


  • Red shroom
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #475 on: April 15, 2011, 02:44:18 AM »
175 divided by two is 87.5, divide that in two to get 43.75, and divide THAT in two to get 21.87500 and divide THAT in two to get 10.9375. Now add all these numbers together. You'll get 339.0625. With a bit of editing, It becomes 333. 333 times two is THAT NUMBER.

It's all a conspiracy I tell you.
I lost you in the editing part. Your little statement makes no sense from there onwards.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #476 on: April 15, 2011, 02:46:20 AM »
Divide the nine in 33"9" by three to get three. Drop everything after the decimal.
and this is math with kippy


  • Red shroom
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Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #477 on: April 15, 2011, 02:48:12 AM »
Divide the nine in 33"9" by three to get three. Drop everything after the decimal.
and this is math with kippy
You teach it as well as Cirno. I recommend you make a perfect math class...or at least its imitation.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #478 on: April 15, 2011, 02:49:55 AM »
You teach it as well as Cirno. I recommend you make a perfect math class...or at least its imitation.
That wasnt math, That was history. Jeez man, you really need my teaching prowess.

Purvis, What are the ammy votes for? Do I want to know?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Duel of the IPs: Shadoweh vs. Kipz - Round II: I wanna be the Bunbunmaru
« Reply #479 on: April 15, 2011, 03:17:13 AM »

First, let us consider the prior round. Having gone over Ammy and EP's sound judgments, victory in Round 2 is awarded to SHADOWEH! Though personally, I would have probably given instant victory to anyone who stole Bild's or Fox News' HTML and altered it to their own tastes.

As for the final round, I see a surprisingly strong entry from Kips, and a surprisingly anemic one from Shadoweh. As such, I declare the winner of Round 3 to be KIPS! And because round 3 is the free round, it is worth triple credit, so the contest winner is...KIPS! Good job!

Okay, psyche.

While Kips did alright in the third round, we cannot deny the strength of Shadoweh's work overall. As such, Shadoweh may advance to the rank of IM, and abuse her powers in ways that will be amusing to all and sundry.

As for Kips, since you no longer have a title to lose, you shall be given an alternate doom. You shall be forced to wear the Icon of Shame!

You shall have this avatar for one hour for each Ammy post in this thread, from the posting of this message. That would be 168 posts, or exactly seven days! Shoudl you take off the Icon of Shame before that time, you will be probated for the rest of that time.

Anyways! Hats off to our new IM, give some props to our loser for a decent show in the end, and thanks to Sakana for dealing with the first half of this!

Also, should any of you other frecklebitches try to be cute and change his avatar in an attempt to try something, you'll get two weeks probation! So don't get any funny ideas.