About a month ago I started working on a shmup with CoolBasic due
small bet with my friends... As I lack imagination I decided to use
Touhou mythology as a base.
So basic storyline is this:
A mysterious gap has appeared to the sky of Gensokyo and the land
is covered by snow (even thought its mid-summer).
Irritated by this unnatural phenomenon girls decide to go through the
gap to found the source of the events...
What I have done so far (25.07.2009, updates are in blue):
Blog updated: 25.07.2009
- Main menu added with working game configuration (keys and sound)
- Configuration settings are saved to the separate file
- Difficulty selection screen
- Player selection screen (only Marisa and Sakuya available at time)
- Music room (With working music playing routines)
- Added secondary characters)
- Added boss definitions with introductions to the game
- Added "intermission"-screens with level starting pictures
- Fixed the bug with bullet drawn under the player
- Removed the debug-mode (game loads faster)
- Check for screensize... If fullscreen-mode with resolution 640x480 is
available then use it - otherwise open in 640x480 window.
(NOTE: in debug-mode game always opens ins 1020x480 window)
- Both players (Marisa and Sakuya) has their individual speed and shooting
-> Marisa is faster and shoots forward / Sakuya is slower and her bullets
tend to turn toward movement direction)
- Focus-mode aka. player moves slower
- Collectable Bonus items added (Bombs,lives,2 different score and power items)
- Interactive test enemies (randomly spawning around screen... Always homing
towards player, destroyable etc..)
- Scrolling backgrounds
- Routine that checks levels and alter things according to that
- Pause screen (with possibility to return main menu, continue game or restart)
- Test dialogue and spellcard.
- Started adding bullet patterns and fixed lots of bugs I found (like error
in saving hiScore)
- Added check for resolution to the game...
- Added all boss dialogues
- Added all ending dialogues
- Added Cirnos and Daiyouseis spellcard names...
- Added rest of the spellcard determinations
- Added all Menu-graphics and sprites for Marisa, Sakuya and Yuyuko
- Sprites for player bullets
- Test-sprites for kendama and fairies
- Fully animated kendama and fairy-sprites... Also added rest of the
"smaller" enemies.
- Cirno, Daiyousei, Mima, Koitaru and Yukihime spirtes added)
- Music handling routine is ready
- Added few songs to debugging mode that can be toggled by pressing '3'
- Added sounds for moving in menus, selecting and canceling and setting sound/music volume.
- Sounds for player shooting and bombing
- Enemy dying and shooting sounds along spellcard activation sound added