So, list of people we can get help from: Konngara's a given, Yuugi's also a given, provided that she can break off from dealing with the problems underground, and Cirno's already okay with it. Ran seems like she'd help, and I can't imagine Mokou would be adverse to helping as well. We might be able to get Patchouli to help out, especially if we have people shielding her (her major problem against Lumia was that Lumia kept ganking her). Kanako would be awesome to have on our side, but her terrible relationship with Parsee as well as her pretty explicit desire to take out Kikuri makes her an unlikely ally, and Utsuho's pretty much on her side.
Those are the only people thus far that Parsee's seen have the power to be any good against Kikuri: it doesn't stop those people from dragging in others (if we pull off a miracle and get Kanako to help us, Momiji might be drawn in, for instance).