Author Topic: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Results!]  (Read 42801 times)


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Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM. [Mission 2]
« Reply #180 on: February 17, 2011, 12:58:31 PM »
Flaming cats, reminds me of something.

Damn cats, sleep is not important!


Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM. [Results]
« Reply #181 on: February 22, 2011, 11:20:44 PM »
Catch a Witch - Results

"Helepolis! What is this nonsense! Where are the traps I requested!"

Helepolis: "Ah, Lady Patchouli. My deepest apologies. Things happened and s-"

Lady Patchouli: "Cut the excuses and show me the results. Now."

Helepolis: "A-Ah, r-r-right away Lady Patchouli."


To capture the black white, we have to make use of her weaknesses, which from what I can tell are:
1. Her kleptomaniac tendencies.
2. Her desire to be flashy.

Thirdly, I know from a reliable source that she really, really likes manjuu.

These flaws make her susceptible to this beautiful trap I divised:

It works like this:
The manjuu are placed on a table close to the entry of both the food supply and the library. If someone comes close to the table, they will walk into a very fine thread (marked red in the picture) and thus pull it lightly. The force is then redirected by the hooks so that it pulls on the heavy weight which rests undisturbed up above. This weight will then start to move and fall down, thereby ripping the red thread and pull the similarly fine but much more robust green thread. This will cause the net below the table with the manjuu to grapply whoever is standing next to it and capture them.

Now, I do not expect this trap alone to work against the black white. In fact, it being somewhat obvious and avoidable is key to our success! You see, if there was simply a plate of manjuu standing around, with no visible trap inside, she would probably suspect it was a trap and ignore it. Afterall, the supply is right next to her. However, if the trap is both noticeable and avoidable, she will be even more tempted to get the manjuu, just to show us how great a thief she is. It also makes it more likely for her to eat them directly without suspecting a second trap, which is why my plan is going to work:

The manjuu will not be ordinary manjuu. I paid a visit to the bamboo forest and got us this little vial filled with a sleeping drug from Dr. Yagokoro!

If we mix this in the filling of the manjuu, the black white will fall asleep within a couple of minutes and won't awake for several hours, enough time of us to get a hold of her and prevent her from stealing anymore of our supplies!

What do you think, Sir?

Lady Patchouli, as you are aware, Marisa Kirisame has become an increasingly prevalent problem in the library, filching books and making off with them, never to return them to their proper place. As such, I propose the following solution:

Step 1: By every window in the library, two catapults will be stationed, one on either side. These catapults are placed this way so that Marisa will not seem them on her way in. Also, they are loaded with netting which, as you know, is intended to entangle whatever is caught in it. The catapults' firing mechanisms will be connected to the window frame with rope.

Step 2: When Marisa inevitably breaks a window upon entry, the frame will be pushed inward. As it moves, it will tug on the ropes and activate the firing mechanisms of both catapults, causing them to both fling their nets at Marisa.

Step 3: If all goes as it should, Marisa will be hopelessly entangled in the nets, unable to reach her Hakkero or anything else that might help her escape.

Here is a diagram of the setup, if you would like a visual aid. I apologize in advance for my poor artistic skills:
(because Imageshack's been weird lately, try this if the above doesn't work)

My suggestion would be to place the catapults as close to the window as possible for maximum efficiency, but still far enough away so that Marisa cannot see them as she approaches. I hope this idea pleases you, Lady Patchouli, and I look forward to your critique.

I... don't know what happened.
Things weren't meant to turn out this way damn it.
Why the hell did I even go through with an idea conceived at around 2AM anyway?
This was originally meant to be a lot longer, but I had nowhere near enough time to add more stuff in.
Also lack of pictures, again due to time issues.


0 1 4 5 6 13 17 21 24 34
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Please read up to the NORMAL END first.
NORMAL END: 0, 2, 4, 10, 15, 28, 44, 62, 76, 77, 78

Patchouli 「What the hell does this have to do with catching Marisa?」
Dormio 「We could get Marisa to read this and tie her up while she's distracted or something.」
Patchouli 「...」
Patchouli 「You're an idiot.」
Dormio 「Come on, it can't fail!」
Patchouli 「Couldn't you at least use one of the ideas in this book?」
I shrug.

My Lady, I have been called upon to construct a trap to capture the black-white witch currently stalking your libraries. As a librarian myself, I understand the frustration of having your life?s work pilfered from under your nose, and thus I will eagerly aid you in this endeavor.

However, I have heard stories of other entrants producing blueprints that could effectively fill a book in order to construct this device. Personally, while I appreciate the mistress?s need for elegance, I find an ounce of guile is worth a gallon of mechanical know-how. Thus, my plan is to lay a trap that is somewhat more cunning, if not as masterfully constructed as other entrants.

Others may consider the idea of fake floors, fake walls, fake ceilings, all to hide their traps in. My question is this - why not fake books? Or rather, a single fake book, to be placed among the rest. This book is my trap.

Now, I can already hear you asking. ?But Rou, that?s madness! There are thousands of books in Patchouli?s library! How are you supposed to believe Marisa will steal this one??

That?s an excellent question, and one that I have an answer for. See, while Marisa may be a highly powerful magician, she is also human. Because she?s human, she?s mortal, and that fact scares her considerably. Hence, if she were to find some way to avoid that fate, I?m willing to believe she would jump at it.

Hence, the trap shall be the fictional tome ?The Secret of Eternal Life?, by the acclaimed Western author Nicholas Flamel. He was the supposed creator of the Philosopher?s Stone, thus explaining why Patchouli has a book about him and selling its credibility even further. Perhaps my method is cruel, but it should serve as a fitting lesson for her greed nonetheless.

Now, onto the book itself. The cover is leathery, ornate, with the title blurred just enough to look old but not enough to be illegible. It will be in old French, but a hastily written translation on the cover and spine should be enough to attract Marisa?s attention, and she will no doubt grab at the book.

When she does, the pressure she places on the cover will squeeze the pages together slightly, allowing an internal contact between two pages to connect and completing a circuit. Just below the cover of the book, electrical wires are set, and when this circuit is complete electricity will run through these unless it finds a path of less resistance - and it will, in Marisa, as the cover is deliberately as thin as possible. It will be enough to knock Kirisame unconscious, but not kill her, and leave Lady Patchouli with plenty of time to reclaim whatever books the witch intended to steal and decide on a fitting punishment.

As Einstein once said, ?Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler than that?. This should serve as a sufficient anti-witch ward, without the need for seventy pages of notes.

* Rou bows.

This is my trap to set for Marisa. It's called Dimension Door.

It's use with SCIENCE.

Good Day,

My name is Reddyne and I am currently employed as an Associate Research & Development Engineer by Kappa Engineering. We recently received a commission from Lady Patchouli Knowledge for the design, construction, and installation of a system to be used for capturing unwanted intruders inside her place of residence, the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The design and testing phases of this project have been completed and the system is ready for installation. I shall be using this report to describe the method with which the device works. I have also provided several figures which I will reference in the following text in order to provide graphical representations of the system and its operation. These figures may be accessed here: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5. Further details into operation of this system including written instructions and training regarding system use will be provided upon installation and upon later requests thereafter.

A single system is all that would be needed to guard any major hallway from any unwanted ordinary magicians (Fig. 1). Due to the design and appearance of the device, it is easy to conceal. The archlike structure is quite similar to that of supports found throughout buildings with designs similar to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The system's exterior color and texture is designed to match its halls. Therefore, it would require an exceedingly keen eye even for those searching for such a trap to be able to discover it, let alone be permitted the time to discover its method of operation.

Upon installation, the system can be activated to guard against any potentially uninvited guest and capture them with minimal harm to their person. The system can easily be deactivated for a brief period of time or shut down completely via alphanumeric code and/or keycard, depending on the user's preference. Depending on two different scenarios, the system will automatically utilize two different methods with which to ensnare an uninvited guest.

Detection of a potential intruder begins with a pair of motion detectors hidden in the guarded area. Both motion detectors are quite small and easily camouflaged like the archway. The first is placed just before the system's arch structure. This detector will detect the speed of the intruder, and will activate the system at high velocities greater than normal human movement speeds. In the event that the intruder is moving more slowly, this first motion detector will serve to provide information for the second detector. This second detector will activate the system upon detecting an intruder regardless of speed. Upon activation of the system, a series of steps will occur involving the deployment and gathering of a net, resulting in the capture of the intruder. When idle, this net is easily concealed inside the structure (Fig. 2B, 2C).

In the first scenario, the intruder will be traveling at regular human speeds i.e. walking or running. The first sensor activates the second sensor, then the second sensor detects the intruder under the archway (Fig. 3A). The detection causes the bottom pins to be fired downward, thus deploying the net (Fig. 3B). As the bottom pins reach the base of the archway, the pins flip a lever which prevents them from returning upwards (Fig. 2D - 2F). Padding also absorbs much of the momentum of each pin, ensuring that the pin will only continue in the desired direction. This lever also activates the next firing mechanism. The bottom pins are then shot horizontally along the bottom of the floor to the far side of the archway, tripping up the intruder in the process (Fig. 3C). Again, the pins flip a lever which prevent the pins from bouncing back while simultaneously activating the next firing mechanism. After the bottom pins are locked, they are then shot upward and locked into place a third time (Fig. 3D). Next, the top pins are fired back toward the bottom pins (Fig. 3E). Finally, all four pins are shot towards the center of the arch where they are locked into place, capturing the intruder and leaving her dangling at around eye level (Fig. 3F).

In the second scenario, the uninvited guest is traveling far faster than a normal human could travel. This includes even very rapid flying speeds. The first sensor once again picks up the unwanted intruder, this time measuring her speed as being far higher than the first scenario. In this instance, the system will deploy the net immediately by firing the bottom pins in order to deploy the net as previously described (Fig. 5A, 5B). However, the velocity of the intruder will most likely be high enough that she crashes into the net while airborne. Regardless, the system will continue to capture the intruder as described in the first scenario.

It may be possible for the intruder to travel at a speed such that the momentum of the intruder is too great for the force applied to the bottom pins after deployment to overcome (Fig. 5C). Should this occur, the pressure applied to the base of the structure will cause the bottom pins to flip a release lever at the base of the structure. After the tension caused by the intruder speeding into the net has decreased to a certain amount, the lock on the bottom pins for vertical movement will be released, and the bottom pins will instead be shot back into their original positions using the same type of mechanism described previously, this time with the net still deployed (Fig. 4D - 4F, 5E).  Once the bottom pins have been returned to their starting positions, both the top and bottom pins will be shot towards the middle of the beam and locked into place, once again ensuring that the intruder is captured until release (Fig. 5F).

Regardless of which scenario occurs, a chime will sounded upon the system's activation. The sound will be loud and clear enough to be heard throughout the mansion under normal noise levels. Not to mention that the ruckus raised by the captured party's incessant whining and futile attempts to escape will be clear as day. In addition, the system will auto-reset after a 12 hour period in the event that the all individuals in the mansion are simultaneously too lazy to remove the unwanted intruder. 

This is our current design which has 100% success rate on witless fairies willing test 'dummies' subjects, all of whom could easily walk away upon their release. The materials used in the design of this system are readily available from our suppliers, installation and setup is simple, and the system requires very little in the way of maintenance, so the cost for each individual system is relatively low. The net itself is designed to be extraordinarily flexible, resilient, and resistant to magic. The point at which the netting is attached to the pins is also quite strong, ensuring that the net will not break free. Both scenarios ensure capture pending speeds and reaction times well beyond superhuman level. Considering that the original request stated that the system was meant to keep out an unwanted human intruder, the system's capabilities are more than enough for the intended target.

This system fulfills all of the original requirements proposed by Lady Knowledge and we are currently awaiting a convenient time with which to install our system. Currently, one system has been requested, though additional systems for guarding additional areas may be purchased upon request. Please wait warmly for improvements on our current design such as a battery-based electric current in the netting used to stun the potential victim and other similar additions and refinements. Please contact me at your earliest convenience for an installation time. Also, I would be happy to answer any additional questions regarding our design.



P.S.: Just be glad we didn't go all Rube Goldberg up ins.

The Judgement

Helepolis: "Lady Patchouli, I have found three specialized people who are very knowledgeable about these submissions. Please allow me to also inform you about their personalities and judgements."

Sir Sakana -- Lady Fate -- Mr. T.

Sir Sakana - Has a lot of knowledge of maintaining libraries and specialised in automatic defences. Sir Sakana successfully runs his own business and knows the deal with supplies, construction and operations. I definitely advice to have an afternoon cup of tea with him to discuss further details.

Mr. T. Pesco - His surname is censored because he requested to remain anonymous for any publicity. Rumours say it is "Trollwi". Finding this person caused me to die a few times to his traps. I lost a few doing so, I hope you won't mind Miss Patchouli. Everything for the sake of the Mistress and her friends. Mr. T. can be hired for creating and executing deadly traps. But he disappeared quickly after the judgement.

Prof. Dr. Lady Fate - Took me a lot of effort to find this person. She has studied the phenomenon of traps and published many scientific papers, books regarding this subject. I am sure she would be highly interested in a cup of tea while discussing your material in the library.

Helepolis "Ah ! I am sure you have all the time to talk with them Miss Patchouli. Here are their results."

The following judgement criteria was used on a scale from 1 to 10.
  • Effectiveness - How effective is the trap? Is it fast ? slow ?
  • Efficiency - How much effort does it take, material requirements, set up time. (1 means takes A LOT of effort to build,  10 means it is easy with common material. )
  • Mukyu - Does the trap cause damage (see rule about damage kept at minimum). (1 means shit exploded everything destroyed  10 means super intact etc)

Score format: Effectiveness - Efficiency - Mukyu


Effectiveness: Your obvious trap to tempt the ego of the thief would only work if it was someone stupid like that ice fairy or the kitsune's shikigami. Marisa wille very likely just fly above the trap and pick up the manjuu, thus not trigger it at all.

I'll give you a bit of slack and say perhaps it all works and Marisa is in the net. How is the net actually keeping her secured?

Efficiency: You want a fine thread with enough tensile strength to pull a heavy weight. Normal thread that can do that must be very thick. Or else you want to use enchanted threads. Now assuming you have magic threads, they might take a while to make, depending how much magic they are. Just setting up the perimeter of your trap is enough trouble.

The SDM does not stock Japanese sweets. Those vampires like their western cakes. Now you could get manjuu from the human village and possibly get your custom drugs delivered too whenever useless-bunny goes to peddle the wares. both of these things take time as they are essentially custom order materials.

Mukyu: Falling weights are going to definitely crack a few tiles. Some idiot maid will probably trip it and injure herself, not that I care, Eientei should get a bit more medical aid inusrance packages sold that way.

Now the big problem is that you're using Eirin's shady new drug. That shit has NOT been fully tested. And you know, we kinda don't have humans to test it on. What works as advertised for youkai, lunarians or rabbits doesn't work the same for humans.

4 - 5 - 4



Effectiveness: The windows open inwards, by force or design, the nets capture the windows instead of witch. What a noob mistake. Oh and Marisa makes her own entrances on occaission too.

Efficiency: You want catapults set up by EVERY window? Forget it.

Mukyu: Well it doesn't hurt any of the infrastructure. Assuming that breaking the windows is part of Marisa's doing, I can give you credit for this one.

0 - 0 - 10



Effectiveness: Marisa doesn't read the stuff she takes while on the job. She'll just drop this into her bag and carry on.

Efficiency: What trap?

Mukyu: I think your plan is just going to entice her to come again. The collateral damage counts against you.

0 - 0 - 5



Effectiveness: "Out of the 14 tiles in his hand, how did you know he would deal the 2-pin?"
Marisa may be human, but she also respects her mortality. That's why she's always telling the hikki to get the books when she dies. She's far more interested in collectables. Things of value that she can play with during her lifetime. The trap gambles on probability and unless you paid me some really good money, you ain't so lucky to spring it.

Efficiency: I never knew Gensokyo had electricity :V. Okay seriously though. Do you plan to hook up Miss Fever to the bookshelves? I don't think it works like that. Second issue, who's going to do all the work to make a realistic looking book? Most-valued-customer-of-asthma-medication certainly isn't doing it. does her Equally-useless-as-Reisen assistant even know French? And fat chance of getting the vamp brat to even write someone else's name.

Mukyu: If you can guarantee just enough surge power to knock her out but not kill her, I suppose it's enough of an opening to further secure Marisa while recovery operations are carried out. But I think wiring up the shelves just for this is still going to get a few frowns.

7 - 3 - 8



Effectiveness: I think we can have faith in the reliability of the kappa's designs. But we also know that her Optic camoflauge system is flawed, as in it doesn't work at all. There's not enough detail in your plan for me to determine effectiveness.

Efficiency: Is this thing a one-shot or will it keep pulling people into itself? With a name like 'Dimension Door', I'm willing to bet there'll be some Yukari fooling around if you know what I mean.

Mukyu: I'm a bit wary of using such a high tech thing in the vicinity of concentrated magic. If something could go wrong, the effects can be pretty epic (since I'll be watching from far, far away).

4 - 6 - 5



Effectiveness: What works on small fry doesn't necessarily work on Marisa. If it had been tested on, say Miss Emo-phoenix, and it worked, then you've proven reliability.

Efficiency: It's a well thought out system with all its design points. The setup time may take a while though.

Mukyu: I think the possible damage to the Library may happen if Marisa struggles hard enough trying to break out. Capturing but not pacifying her will likely give us a hole in the walls or roof.

7 - 9 - 6

Here we go. JUDGEMENTO!

The food-trap, a classic amongst classics, I see. And a double-layered trap at that, to ensure capture. The intruder is captured without harm, and the library isn't damaged either, that's good. Whether Miss Sakuya has the supplies for manjuu in the kitchen, as the Mistress prefers western food, is doubtful though, shopping for materials may be required.
However, there are some flaws: For one, the mysterious source that states that the Black-White likes manjuu is not given. We cannot resort to a trap that works on a potentially false assumption, it would be a waste of Lady Patchouli's ressources. And even then, what guarantees us that she will eat the manjuu on the spot and not just take them with her to eat later? And it should be noted that the drug is described to work ?within a few minutes?. Marisa is known to be fast, if she discovers the manjuu only at the end of her raid and eats them right before escaping there is a chance she will have left the mansion by the time the drug takes effect.
I will have to deduct some points for the unproven assumption, however if we see the assumption as true then this trap seems very effective. Especially since it puts the intruder to sleep it will not disturb the calm and peace of the library, Lady Patchouli values that very much.

Effectiveness - 7 (This is taking into account the net-trap. The manjuu on their own would be around 5 because of the several minutes of delay before they take effect)
Efficiency -  8
Mukyu - 10

Catapults all over the library? This appears to be a rather aggressive and uncultured trap. What I like about this trap is that it rules out the chance of an innocent victim activating it. After all, even if someone else got caught in it, if they entered through the window they could not be up to any good.
On the downside it relies on Marisa entering through the windows. What if she were to just fight her way through the mansion?
This is only one of the problems with this trap. Making place for all those catapults and building them in the first place will require a lot of work. Also if the net catches the Black-White while in full flight, there is a danger of her crashing into the interior of the library which may hurt her as well as cause a chaos.
Those flaws cannot be ignored, however it will undeniably catch the Black-White should the enter through the window and take her out of comission.
Lastly, there will be a half-point-deduction for lack of confidence. The Scarlet Devil Mansion cannot accept a trap-plan that includes the words ?If all goes as it should?. If you do not have confidence in your plan, how can we?

Effectiveness - 9
Efficiency -  6
Mukyu - 7
-0,5 points for lack of confidence

Oh man, a CYOA story? If this was the Weekly Writing Challenge you would probably have won with this, but since we have to judge everyone equally I will at most be able to give you a little bonus for the effort put into this entry. What matters most is the actual trap, so let's look for that.
It seems the trap that is suppposed to work is the one in the Normal End. What we know about the trap is that it is apparently made from strings, that they are deployed in an area around a book Marisa wants to steal, and that pulling the master string will entangle Marisa in some way so she can't move. Seemingly there will be a lot of strings.
The trap carries little risk for the victim and the surrounding, though I will have to take into account that such a trap could potentially strangle the target, and I have my doubts Lady Patchouli would like a dead witch in the library. A flaw is that the trap will make it impossible for anyone to move freely throughout the library until Marisa has appeared, lest they want to get caught in the strings. The information about which books Marisa steals comes from Patchouli, this might violate the ?No help from Patchouli? rule. However, if deployed correctly, the trap can be expected to work well and catch the witch without a chance for escape. Its effectiveness suffers from the fact that it needs to be manually activated though, requiring someone to hide in the library at all times and wait for Marisa to arrive.

Effectiveness - 5
Efficiency -  7
Mukyu - 9
+1 point for effort

A trap that does not require any fancy big mechanisms to be set up but works by concealing the actual trap amongst the books in the library. A good concept to start with, a cunning trap for a cunning intruder. A fake-book that activates on touch and stuns the target does not cause any damage to the library and barely any damage to the intruder. The witch will be able to take a good shock.
However the plan lacks in some crucial details. First of all, where is that technology you speak of supposed to come from? We surely cannot shrink Miss Iku and put her into the book, though she possesses the appropriate elemental attribute. Electrical wires are not something common to Gensokyo, so we would need to ask either the kappa or Miss Yukari for help. Putting the mechanism into the book so it will really activate at the slightest touch seems to be a delicious matter on its own, surely nothing we can let the fairy-maids handle. We will require specialists here, and you have not given us any hints who they may be, thus making constructing the trap complicated. And once we have the book, it would be necessary to spread around the word about it to catch Marisa's interest. A way to do that is not proposed either, meaning Lady Patchouli will have to waste her time to think it up.
So while this trap is surely very effective, setting up the trap itself will need quite some work.
(I am also not sure what to think about the fact that the trap is a blatant reference to a certain fictional work in the outside work, but it will not influence the judgement.)

Effectiveness - 10
Efficiency -  5
Mukyu - 9

If I understand this trap correctly it works with a conceiled magnetic area on the floor that will pull down anyone who passes over it and potentially stun them with electricity.
This trap can cover a wide area, this is certainly a benefit. The technology is supposed to be taken from the kappa, especially the camouflage. We shall rely on you to make contact with the kappa to have this supplied should we build the trap. The damage to the intruder also seems minimal.
This trap suffers from one main flaw: There is nothing to ensure that only Marisa would be caught in there. As we understand it anyone passing the trap becomes its victim. Also due to the magnetism technology not being explained further we have to assume that it will only work if the Black-White carries metallic objects with her. From our knowledge her normal attire does not contain metal, however this cannot be proven conclusively.
(PS: I am aware that Trance had a busy time and therefore had to rush his entry, however I can not take that into account for judging purposes)

Effectiveness - 5
Efficiency -  7
Mukyu - 9

Now this is a very well-designed trap, I must say. Taking into account a walking and flying intruder, being easy to conceal, yet large enough to cover a whole hallway. The main system seems to rely on no uncommon materials, which is a good thing. The sensors however seem to be rather technologically advanced, and I will have to assume that they may considerably raise the cost of the system as a whole. Even though Mylady possesses nearly infinite wealth, I will have take this into account.
It also has to be noted that this trap closes off a whole hallway and makes it impassable for everyone, as the trap will activate no matter who is detected by the sensors. If we installed the trap in the main hallway leading to the library noone could enter or leave the library for the time until the Black-White comes. We cannot reasonably expect Lady Patchouli to camp out in the library with supplies until that happens if no maid can reach the library. The second option would be to install a number of the systems throughout the library. If we want to keep all parts of the library accessable though, we will have to leave some passageways without traps, and there is a small chance Marisa could figure those out.
While very efficient in its workings, and without harm to the victim, this trap is hard to apply in a way that will be guaranteed to catch Marisa and Marisa only.

Effectiveness - 7
Efficiency -  7
Mukyu - 10

Effectiveness: 1
Oh come on it's food on a net with a tripwire.  Marisa may be dumb but I doubt she's that stupid.  She could just, I dunno, JUMP over the line?

Efficiency: 3
Everything else is cheap and easy but bribing Eirin isn't what I call a cakewalk.  Likely you'll be turned into a grue as part of some medical experiment in exchange for said sleeping aid.

Mukyu: 8
No harm, just a mess I suppose.

Effectiveness: 3
She would have to be dumb enough to not notice a bunch of extra tension on the windows as she tried to open them.

Efficiency: 2
It's easy, sure, just place 2 large catapults around EVERY FREAKING WINDOW IN THE MANSION!

Mukyu: 6
I can't imagine a fall from a high window caused by weighted nets being anything pleasant but I suppose worse could happen.

Effectiveness: ???
I uhh, I got lost somewhere between page 2 and 63472257457

Efficiency: ???
I'm scared, I-I'm afraid to choose which page to turn to :ohdear:

Muyku: ???
My brain hurt :derp:

Effectiveness: 8
I have to admit it's dumb enough to work, but not so dumb as to be completely obvious it's a trap.  Tasers do work wonders.

Efficiency: 2
Hold on lemme get out my "Faking Old Manuscripts and Electrical Engineering for Dummies", must be here somewhere...

Mukyu: 4
Burnt flesh is a very unpleasant odor

(I can't see the image so I'm assuming the DnD spell Dimension Door)
Effectiveness: 5
I screwed up my will save and took 4d6 damage because there was a dust mite in the way :( (ps you gotta be touching her to teleport her with you).

Efficiency: 8
If you can't cast Dimension Door you're a noob.

Mukyu: 9
Simple, clean, effective (as long as your destination is 10 feet away and has no physical matter in the way that is).

Effectiveness: 8
What's with everyone's love of nets?  Although I admit this is the least dumb net-based strategy yet.

Efficiency: 5
Why is the new retina scanner set to kill instead of stun?

Mukyu: 8
Nets, an enraged magician, I suppose there's been worse setups for sitcoms.

Although I didn't give Dormio a score, I personally think his entry wins for sheer effort, creativity and brainmelting.  TranceHime gets points for having the only suggestion that doesn't involve nets and/or a possibly fatal dose of electricity.

The Lady of the Library has spoken

Idiot Princess Kitten:

You have been Royal flared because all the books and food got stolen.

ROYAL Excel!

Total standing

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 11:25:57 PM by Helepolis »

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
  • *
  • I don't bite... much.
The trap was totally the True End. :V
Either way, it was a silly idea that I conceived whilst lacking sleep and shouldn't have gone through with.
Oh well, least I had some fun writing that.

EDIT: Also, I claim victory on the basis that I managed to receive ":V" as a score.
And that is clearly the best score.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 11:31:15 PM by Caedo »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
That was fun. And I see I am far too nice with scoring stuff. (Just can't keep up with those other jerks  :V )

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
  • *
  • I don't bite... much.
I'm surprised that, considering the low scores I got, I'm only around 1.5 points behind in total.


  • Arcade Maid
  • *
  • United Federation
How many :Vs to a :dwi:?

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

How many :Vs to a :dwi:?
                :V                                  :V
:V    :V :V :V     :V      :V      :V    :V    :V
       :V      :V      :V  :V  :V  :V      :V
:V    :V :V :V        :V         :V        :V    :V

28 BV


  • Arcade Maid
  • *
  • United Federation
                :V                                  :V
:V    :V :V :V     :V      :V      :V    :V    :V
       :V      :V      :V  :V  :V  :V      :V
:V    :V :V :V        :V         :V        :V    :V

28 BV

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Kinda screwed up the quote thar TSO. >.>

Anyways, good job, but I did NOT see a trap using only a paper clip and a string. You could'va made a god damned nuke with that, but NOOOOOOOOO. If you dont mind me, I'll be kicking kitten in the face now kthx


  • en-counse
Aww don't hurt my kitty friend. :ohdear:

I agree with the Dormio should have won statement for sheer effort.  Type a little less. :V

I agree with the Dormio should have won statement for sheer effort.  Type a little less. :V


...Hmm. Not doing too well compared to the others. Perhaps the third contest could change that...

communist unity (comm-unity)

  • Boss of the Gym
  • 100% salt
Man, you guys are too passive with your traps.

If I was still in this contest you'd be seeing a draconian death trap with flamethrowers, chaos god ritual tables, chains, and time knives.


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
I don't know why the part of the trap that is supposed to be obvious and easily avoidable being obvious and easily avoidable makes the trap less effective, but whatever, the trap still wouldn't have been that good and I still am third place overall.  :derp:
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • Arcade Maid
  • *
  • United Federation
I don't know why the part of the trap that is supposed to be obvious and easily avoidable being obvious and easily avoidable makes the trap less effective, but whatever, the trap still wouldn't have been that good and I still am third place overall.  :derp:
The fact that it wasn't obvious which part of the trap did which didn't help :V

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Uhhh, oops? Engineers gonna engineer. I do give props to Dormio for the mere size of that monster create-your-own-trap adventure novel. I mean, I got the free time for this stuff, but that? Wow.

The quips about my offering all make sense. I either ignored a flaw or just didn't want to think through it to add something different. I also wasn't explicit enough in some of my wording. Still, awaiting Challenge Numbah 3 so I might snipe from my perch again.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

I'm disappointed no one used the other kind of trap :derp:


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
If you dont mind me, I'll be kicking kitten in the face now kthx

Learn your place kid. There's plenty more ready to come down on you for being a jerk to her.

In fact imma issue you a challenge right now. 1v1 DotS on Besthost, 10 kills deathmatch. Game will be in 6 hours from now. If you don't show up, you lose and get punished. :smug:

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
  • *
  • I don't bite... much.
Oh man, I want to take that challenge up myself.
The joys of besthost.

Captain Infinity

  • Captain of Echo Platoon, 3rd Battalion.
  • To bring chaos and honor to this world gone soft.

Also Dormio's score of ":V" is win.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Learn your place kid. There's plenty more ready to come down on you for being a jerk to her.

In fact imma issue you a challenge right now. 1v1 DotS on Besthost, 10 kills deathmatch. Game will be in 6 hours from now. If you don't show up, you lose and get punished. :smug:
Um, You do know my computers graphics card is FRIED right? I cant play really any game, and isnt DotS some sorta warcraft 3 mod? I couldn't download that if I tried, would take about 2 days.

tl;dr Cant. Can I still kick kitten in the face though?

Captain Infinity

  • Captain of Echo Platoon, 3rd Battalion.
  • To bring chaos and honor to this world gone soft.
Um, You do know my computers graphics card is FRIED right? I cant play really any game, and isnt DotS some sorta warcraft 3 mod? I couldn't download that if I tried, would take about 2 days.

tl;dr Cant. Can I still kick kitten in the face though?

Let me take your place! And lo and behold as I get horribly raped.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Oh dearie me looks like you're late. Therefore

Punishment time~


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
ilu moe-moe Anathe-chan :V


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #203 on: February 23, 2011, 05:04:32 PM »
Attention all remaining IPs and IMs

After the little incident with the black and white, we decided to increase the overall defence of the Mansion as well. This should keep the thieves out until the party.

Speaking of the party, a very important preparation must be done. Normally, our lovely Librarian helper, Miss Koakuma would announce the start of the party and welcome the guests. However due to the previous incident, she has lost her and voice and can barely speak.

Miss Izayoi insists the welcome speech should be held. Else we all die. So without wasting any time, I will give the final mission briefing.

Final Mission - The Charismatic Speech

A lot of Gensokyo citizens will be visiting the party. Many familiar faces and honoured guests such as Hakurei Reimu, Kazami Yuuka or Kirisame Marisa. You will be all behaving at your best and welcome these guests in a mannered way as well as boa- cough* saying positive words about the host of the party, our Mistress. This shouldn't be too hard for you. I trust, the remaining alive ones, that you have showed your loyalty to the Mansion.

Prepare a vocal speech to welcome the guests. Maximum limit of the speech: 1 minute. In your speech you must use the following words:
- Pad
- Stab
- Scarlet Devil Launcher
- Chi
- Charisma
- Books

Remember that any rudeness will lead to death. Don't forget to thank our Mistress and the rest for this glorious party!! You cannot ask for Charisma training from the Mistress. Good luck!

PM me your submissions. WAV/MP3/OGG, basically any fileformat which can be listened with ease, uploaded on mediafire or any other possible location.

Monday 28 february 2011, 23:59 GMT+1

PS edit: To non-IPs/IMs: As seen with previous mission, feel free to submit if you want to join the contest for sheer fun. You will be most likely judged as well.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 05:08:02 PM by Helepolis »

Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #204 on: February 23, 2011, 05:11:57 PM »
Out of curiosity, can contestants use those words as part of another word, such as padding or China?


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #205 on: February 23, 2011, 05:25:47 PM »
Most definitely an interesting task to pursue...
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #206 on: February 23, 2011, 05:39:50 PM »
Nope. I'm done intruding on you guys for this one.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #207 on: February 23, 2011, 05:43:19 PM »
Out of curiosity, can contestants use those words as part of another word, such as padding or China?
No, the words cannot be section of another word. They have to be treated as they are listed, with 'Scarlet Devil Launcher' being the exception here, which has to be used like that.


  • This avatar below me is considered ancient.
  • This avatar above me is considered ancient
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #208 on: February 23, 2011, 06:25:01 PM »
I'd like to join in for the lulz(I have this pretty sweet speech set up already), but M'lady's Gungir is still having a profound effect on my face.  -I can't talk for 6 weeks-.  You set this up so that I couldn't specifically join in didn't you D:


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: All IPs & IMs report immediately at the main hall of the SDM [Final Mission]
« Reply #209 on: February 23, 2011, 06:33:14 PM »
No, the words cannot be section of another word. They have to be treated as they are listed, with 'Scarlet Devil Launcher' being the exception here, which has to be used like that.
You saying it has to be used literally, or you saying it has to be used as part of another words?
Because I know what I'd rather do~.
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."