Author Topic: [Rated M] Death isn't the end  (Read 4137 times)

Forte Blackadder

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[Rated M] Death isn't the end
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:03:40 AM »
This is a series of one-shots. It may contain horrific, violent or sexual contents that don't suit your age/taste/whatever.

The ghost under the bridge

Once upon a time, there was a couple. The husband, Yuugi, was a very strong man who killed bears with his bare hands. The wife, Parsee, was a kind lady who sells groceries in the village's market. They lived a happy life, growing vegetables and fishing through the day. They were not rich, but not poor either, they loved each others dearly and everyone saw them as an ideal family.

One day, Parsee went to her shop as usual. She saw a girl curling outside the door. The girl was stink, dirty and shivering in the cold. Parsee didn't like seeing tramps in the beginning of the day, it brings bad luck for business, but she was, like I said, a kind lady, so she couldn't help but waking the girl up.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Brr... uu...." The girl shivered and her stomach growled.

"Hey, now, get up, I have to open my store."

"Uu... S-sorry..." The girl woke up, she had a very beautiful eyes, for someone like this it's hard to believe she's  homeless. She continued politely "I... I will go right away, please don't hit me..."

"I'm not gonna hit you." Parsee suddenly felt sorry for her. "Look, you're freezing, let me get you something hot."

"Er? Really? I mean..."

"It's fine, there is some soup gonna expire today, I don't wanna waste food."

"Thank you, thank you so much." The girl really cried.

Parsee let her go in the store, even though it didn't have a heater, it was still much warmer than outside. As the girl shakingly ate the soup, Parsee asked:

"Why a girl like you are homeless? And I haven't seen you around here at all."

"Oh!" The girl started crying again. "Miss, I'm so grateful that you helped me today. I'm not from here, nor I'm homeless. But it was the past now. Miss, I don't beg you to believe me, but please hear me out. I'm from the north village, like, 3 days walking from here. I was the daughter of the richest man in the village, but 3 days ago... my family was robbed."

Parsee let out a low shout, but she wasn't surprised. At that time, robbery was very common and many rich families had suffered much from the bandits. Parsee wasn't a very educated person, but as a businessman, she had met various kind of people and she could sense a refined tone in this girl's voice. Thus, Parsee believed her.

"So... why are you here? Shouldn't you call the police?"

"No, no I can't... they killed everyone... my father kicked me out of the house when he heard the alarm... he went back to help my mother... Dear god, the bandits captured both and tortured them so they can know where the money is. I could hear their screams from outside the walls. I was scared, so scared I couldn't think about anything but to run. I ran aimlessly for days... then hunger, thirst, and vain beat me down. I tried to find the police but they didn't believe me. I heard... I heard that because they won't get any money from the case..."

Parsee felt extremely sad for her, so this girl lost everything in one night, and had to run for her life to a strange place. What if... what if she didn't choose to sleep outside this store, other people wouldn't let her in like Parsee did. As a tramp, this girl would be dissed, hit and abandoned to death. Or worse case, if she get in the hands of some perverted bastards... Parsee shivered, she couldn't think more about it.

The girl finished her soup, worryingly looking at Parsee, as waiting to be asked to leave. She wanted to stay in here to feel this warmth a bit more.

"What's your name?"

"Ah? Ah yes, my name is Iku."
"Mine is Parsee. I believe you, Iku, but I'm afraid I don't have any advice..."

"No... it's fine really. Thank you so much for helping me, miss Parsee, this is... already too much..."

"Parsee is fine."

Iku understood that it was time for her to leave. After all, she was a dirty homeless girl, she can't sitting in a store all day. But what would she do, where would she go? Iku didn't have a clue. Tears falling down her face, as she slowly walking to the door.



"I can't bear seeing you like this. Today is Sunday, it'll be a lot of customer, why don't you help me here? I'll pay you as an assisstant."

Iku couldn't believe in her ears, she stutteringly asked: "What... really? Can I... can I really be in here?"

"Why not, but go to the bathroom and take a shower first, I have some spare clothes you can use."

"Oh god, thanks... thank you so much!" Iku cried in happiness and hugged Parsee. But she realized how stink she was, she let go and apologized, still smiling in tears.

"No problem, no problem, now go, we're getting customers soon."


"So, what do you want me to do?"

Yuugi asked his wife. Iku was doing a good job in the store and the day was spent with great profit. Parsee thought she could be a good assistant and there would be only good to help her out. Therefore, Parsee took Iku home and told her husband about it.

"People said saving one life is equal to building nine temples, and Iku is not useless either. She really helped me out today and we sold nearly twice as much as usual. Why don't we let her stay with us? She's educated too, she can teach you how to read."

"Well, obviously in my life of work it'd be handy." Yuugi sarcastically replied, he was a hunter who worked mostly in the forest where, certainly, didn't have letters to read. Yuugi looked at Iku, the girl had been silent for the whole conversation. She did look like a good lady, and her story was so heart-breaking even Yuugi wanted to help. However, the couple barely lived with their jobs, bringing Iku in was like asking for trouble.

"I said, she was a great help with the store."

"But we can't afford to pay her any salary, I understand your point but we need to think about it..."

"I... you don't need to pay me!" Iku said, for the first time. "Parsee helped me so much I can't thank her enough. I will try my best to help her in the store, I will sleep there to watch it. Please, I know I'm being selfish but I don't want to go out the street again!"

"Well... if you said so..." Yuugi nodded, he wasn't a bad guy, it was just that he thought too much about the income of his family. "But you will stay here, I'm thankful you're enthusiastic but you may have a trauma on robbery, we should at least keep you safely from it."

Thus, like you can expected, a joyful Iku hugging Parsee in tears, happy tears. Parsee and Yuugi adopted her as their sister and started to live together.


A year passed. Iku showed that she was a truly refined lady. From a dirty tramp, she was then a beauty that took the hearts of every man in the village. Of course, that helped Parsee's store profit went off the roof. Many people proposed to her but her answer was always the same:

"Thank you, but I'd like to repay Yuugi, Parsee's kindness before thinking about my private matters."

Parsee, of course loved her adopted sister dearly, and didn't want to lose a helpful assistant either. She sometimes joked:

"Hey, Iku is out lovely sister, if you wanna hold her hand, ask me first!"

Thanks to Iku, Parsee got rich fast. But Iku still had her trauma about that night, so she kept telling Parsee to spend all the money instead of keeping them. Yuugi also agreed, thus they regularly having parties in their house. Everyone was invited and their reputation went better and better. Parsee always said:

"We're living a good life, all the money converted to food so we don't need to watch out. This is brilliant."

And really, the bandits knew about it and accidentally, they were invited to the parties too. Of course they came and had a good time as normal villagers, so people didn't know. Because of this, the Yuugi-Parsee family was absolutely safe from everything.


"Hey, I'm thinking of engaging Iku to the Hinanai eldest son." That night after the party, Parsee said to Yuugi.

"The rich dude passed out on the 5th sake? Why?"

"Can't you see? He's madly in love with her. And he's educated too. I like Iku but as a refined girl, she shouldn't be with us low class forever."

"Didn't you say you won't let her go, that she's your best assistant ever?"

"I did, but look, if she marry that guy, we're getting a big sum too. and this is not only about me, I wanna see her happy."

"Well, I'll talk to her about that, but don't rush it."

"Ok ok."

Yuugi looked at Parsee's back as she went out. Iku really had become strikingly beautiful it'd be a miracle that people didn't want her. In his hunting team, Yuugi always heard the fellows praising her as a goddess, and admiring him for being her adopted brother. It was not unexpected, actually, Yuugi noticed her change months ago, soon after they started living under the same roof. As her brother, he wanted her to be happy too, but somewhere in his heart, he didn't want her to be happy with a stranger, and that feeling, was not that of a brother's.



"Yes? Ah, Yuugi, what is it?"

Iku was straightening her hair. The night breezed the moonlight gently through the window, pushed darkness away from this girl. She was already her pyjama, but Yuugi just walked in and thinking about how to tell her about the conversation earlier.

"Iku, did you remember the Hinanai's eldest son?"

"Oh the one drank too much and passed out?"

"Yes, what do you think about him?"

"I think he's an idiot, why?"

"Well, your sister is thinking, maybe he's a good match for you."

Iku stopped a bit, then put down her comb and turned around, looked at Yuugi.


"He likes you, or so Parsee said."

"Do you... want me to marry him? Am I... leaving the house?"

"I think so."

"But... why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No it's not you, Parsee said you'll be happy with him."

"No I won't. I don't even remember his name!"

Iku ran and hugged Yuugi, making his heart beat a little faster than a racing car.

"Please, I want to be with you, don't kick me out. I... I really don't want to leave here."

Yuugi stood still, he didn't know what to do, perhaps because of something soft pressing against her chest, or a lovely flowery scent he never knew of before.

"Calm down, I don't want you to leave either."

Yuugi said, tried to push Iku away but couldn't. Was it because Iku hugged him too tight? Or was it because he didn't use any force on his arms?
The beauty looked up, at the eyes of her adopted brother. She too had always been admiring this person, and that feeling had developed every day. Despite objecting her at first, Yuugi had always treated her with care and sympathy. He was the only man Iku knew aside her father, and the first impressions were too great for her to see other men. She didn't realize it until Yuugi told her this, and it hurt to think she has to leave the house... leave him... Iku embraced Yuugi tighter, forgot that he's married. Yuugi couldn't stop the flame that had been burning silently from erupting, he forcefully kissed Iku.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't..."

His adopted sister looked at him in shock, but she didn't loosen her arms. Silence covered the room, and stayed there even when Iku put her arms on Yuugi's neck like a rope. They both knew that when their lips touch, there'll be no return.

Yuugi thought of his wife, Parsee. To be honest, they loved each others, yes, the past tense. With the flow of life, they eventually kept up with their work, to live boring days when they wake up, work, and go to bed. When was the last time they be together? Yuugi forgot. And he, though not young anymore, still wanted to embrace a woman with passion. His life became more colourful since Iku's appearance, and he wanted to be with her, to be freed from the duty of a husband who's nothing more than a co-worker with his wife to gain money to eat.

Now to mention it, Parsee didn't give him a child either...


That night, with the wife sleeping peacefully next door and the moon shining bright, a beast was awaken and a sin was committed.


From that day, the life of the family kept its normal pace. However, whenever Parsee was away, Yuugi and Iku made sure every second of it become a sin. They drowned themselves in the sea of lust which went deeper every passing day. Gradually, Iku became more and more beautiful, while Yuugi was always in high spirit. It was not a bad thing, since Yuugi kept hunting down bigger animals thus making more money. Parsee never doubt anything, she even forgot about Iku's engagement with the Hinanai family.

However, a secret can't be kept forever. That day, Parsee went to the supplier as usual, and Yuugi pushed Iku against the wall. The sky got dark, and lightning started to fall. As Yuugi undressing her, Iku said:

"I think we should stop, Parsee can get home anytime..."

"No she won't." Yuugi replied, pressed his lips on Iku's chest. "It's gonna rain, maybe she will not even return tonight."

Of course, heaven would not overlook such betrayal, well it does sometimes, but not that day. The rain stopped Parsee when she arrived a local shop, thus made her decide to go back home. And so, the wife ran through the rain to her house, just to see hell.

"Hello, it's raining so heavily I ca- Wh- WHAT THE HELL?"

The couple separated, they were surprised, but it was their fault doing it right in the living room.


Iku couldn't say anything, she blushed terribly while trying to get dressed. Yuugi was still in shock, he looked at his wife, then at Iku, he realized that these happy days were no longer. Yuugi only came to his sense when Parsee slapped him hard.



The life of the three were spent in silence after the event. Parsee, as angry as any woman may be, she kept it to herself and try to live normally. Yuugi defended Iku to the very last, and she knew that if she kept pushing, she may actually lose him. It's true they were not as passionate as before, but they're still husband and wife. It's her duty to believe in him, it's her right to trust him. Yet, he betrayed her. To the adopted sister, no less. Yuugi said he will stop the relationship completely, and will have Iku to marry someone soon. But Parsee knew, in his eyes there was no intention for that. He lied. He lied so she would stop screaming at his lover, so he would be able to stay close to that bitch again. What could she do? She was just a woman, a betrayed woman. She knew he loved that bitch, and vice-versa. She cried, but bitterly accepted Iku to stay.

Yuugi started to care more about Parsee, but he didn't look at her the same like how he looked at Iku, or that was how it'd been for the whole year? Did Parsee really not recognize such thing so close to her? Nonetheless, Iku from then was watched by Parsee at all time, even in the store, she was treated coldly. People didn't know what happened, so they started to gossip. And gossip is always various stories, but one of them, will be correct.

"Hey, did you hear? Mr.Yuugi has an affair with Miss Iku!"

"Whaat? It's impossible, Yuugi and Parsee is the ideal couple, they would never have that kind of shit."

"Buh, it's Iku we're talking about. I don't care what you say, if I can sleep with her only once, I'd die with a big smile!"

"Shut up, you're just a pervert."


And so on. The three didn't comment on it at all, as people didn't dare to ask them directly. Another year passed and Parsee seemed to calm down. However, she kept persisting to have Iku married the Hinanai's son. Yuugi knew he could do nothing for it, and finally noded. The day before the Hinanai came over to officially propose, Iku cried a lot. She shut herself in the room and refused to eat. Parsee ignored her, and stared at Yuugi when he wanted to say something.

"It's gonna rain, good, we may get a beautiful day tomorrow."


"I'll go buy something for the party, don't try anything funny. Remember, you're my husband."


Parsee walked out. To get to the market, they have to cross a small bridge nearby. Usually, it's full of people travelling but that day, a foreseen storm is coming so nobody left their house. When Parsee walked up the bridge, a strong wind blew by and made her fall off. Parsee couldn't swim, she shouted as she drowned:

"Help me, Yuugi!"

Yuugi heard that and ran out. But when he got near the door, something popped up in his head.

If something happens to her... then I can openly live with Iku, no?


The wind blew hard, aside from Yuugi who was listening, nobody could hear Parsee's desperate voice. It got lower, and lower, then with a thunder, the voice stopped. Yuugi stood still at the door, couldn't even breath. Did Parsee... die? Yuugi didn't dare to move, maybe not, maybe she grabbed a branch and got up. Maybe someone saved her. Maybe...

Fifteen minutes. Maybe she will appear right now, all wet, and crying from fear.

Thirty minutes.  Maybe someone will run here and tell him that she's unconscious but alive.

One hour. Maybe... maybe people will come and tell him she's taken to the hospital.

Two hours...

Yuugi stared at the door. The storm had gone. Only silence was left.

Three hours... the moon was so bright and the cicadas started singing a gloomy song. Yuugi tried to be calm, he really abandoned his wife, he really let her die. But no, maybe she's not really dead. There is always a possibility. What should he do? He couldn't just run out to confirm it, he's scared. He's scared of the fact that he stopped at the door, refused to save his own wife. Why? Why did it come to this?


Right, because of her. He did this because of her. Now what? Why he didn't feel any urge to run to her room and bury his face in her chest? Why he didn't want to love her madly like last year? His passion which built up greatly since Parsee forbid him to touch Iku, had vanished. What... does he do now?

The door opened, Yuugi startled. In front of him, the beautiful figure of Iku appeared. She couldn't sleep, so she walked around and saw the light in the living room was still on.

"Ah, you haven't gone to sleep yet?"

"No... no."

"What happened? You're sweating."

"I'm fine, nothing really. How is... outside?"

"How? It's nice, after the storm the sky is so clear." Iku stopped a bit. "Yuugi... I... will be someone else' wife soon. I just want to say... thank you."

Yuugi felt like an electric shock went through him. No, he finally turned his back to his wife, he won't let Iku go away from him!

"Yuugi!? Please, if Parsee see..."

"She won't! Iku, go with me!"


"I don't care about it anymore, let's run. Go to some random village and start everything again. I... I love you, and I will make you mine, definitely!"

"I... I am happy, Yuugi, but, I can't do this to Parsee anymore..."

"Iku, do you love me?" Yuugi didn't let her reply, he locked his lips with hers. Iku resisted weakly, and let him embrace her even tighter.

"Yuugi... it hurts..."

"Iku, please, I can't let you go! Please go with me, marry me!"

Iku didn't response, because Yuugi kissed her again. And again. And again. And again...


They arrived at a far village, where nobody knew of them. They got married and had a lovely child. The husband is so strong, and the wife is a true beauty. People were so jealous of them. People admired them. And people felt sorry for them. Because their lovely child, Hina, is mute.

Yuugi and Iku were very upset, but Hina was a very nice girl, polite and love her parents. Iku heard there was a shrine maiden that helped many people from disease. They decided to visit the shrine. The maiden was a very young girl, people called her Reimu and worshipped her like a god. Seeing the kid, Reimu talked to the couple:

"This girl is bringing misfortune, this is the karma she has to carry because of her parents' sin. I can't help it, but if you go back and apologize, the sin may be forgiven."

Yuugi and Iku thought it has to be their betrayal, and Iku finally told her husband to come back to Yuugi's village and apologize to Parsee. Yuugi of course, knew Parsee was dead, but he didn't want to make his new wife sad, so he agreed. At that time, Yuugi had already forgotten about Parsee, and devoted to Iku.

When they got there, they saw nothing but an empty house. Iku was confused and asked the neighbour.

"Parsee? Oh dear, she died a long time ago. People saw her corpse stuck under the bridge... it was horrible."

"What? But... but how? When did she...?"

"Like years ago, I can't remember, sorry, things changed so fast recently..."

That's right, since they ran away, it had been eleven years. Now people couldn't recognise Yuugi the Strong and Iku the Beauty once lived in this very village. Iku was shocked, Parsee helped her too much yet she did a terribly thing to her. And now.... now she's dead. How can Iku ever repay her kindness and atone for her sin?

"Where... is the bridge? I want to pray for her..."

The couple went to the scene. Yuugi shivered. He suddenly recalled Parsee's shouts that night.

Help me!!

He hesitated. But right at that moment, something happened.

"Mom, a woman under the bridge called you."

"Eh? What? What did you say Hina? Did you...?"

The girl didn't reply, she looked back at her parents with dazed eyes. Yuugi take a glance, there were many people under the bridge, mostly women washing clothes. But it doesn't matter, the thing is Hina finally talked!

"What did you say, oh god, Hina, say that again!"

Hina kept silent, she wrote something on the ground that both Yuugi and Iku could see.


What is it? A date? It's one month from here. What does it mean?

They didn't understand. But Iku believe Parsee had forgiven them, so Hina could talk. It must be because she never talked before, so she stopped. They quickly returned and went to the shrine. Reimu didn't say anything about the date 14/7, but her expression worried Yuugi. Iku on the other hand, was so happy about Hina she didn't notice.

That night, Iku gave Yuugi a wonderful "love", if you know what I mean.

Help me!

Parsee's voice drilled to Yuugi's head, he couldn't sleep. Embracing Iku in his arms, his mind was full of the pictures of that destined night.

Help me!

Again, this time was so clear it was like Parsee was right outside the door. Yuugi shook, noticed a woman's shadow on the floor.


His child, Hina, silently walked by.

"...Hina." He let out a breath. "Go to sleep now."

The girl looked at him soullessly, then slowly stepped away. Ever since the bridge visit, she became very different. Yuugi often caught her writing the date 14/7 everywhere in the house. Iku didn't mind that, but it bugged Yuugi greatly. What does it mean?

Help me!

Damn, he tried to sleep, but unable too, the pictures of Parsee kept floating around. Sometimes he could swear he saw Parsee standing near the bed, looking at him with anger. But when he sat up, she vanished.

The thing really irritated Yuugi, and drained his energy greatly. Iku thought her husband just miss Parsee, so she didn't ask. The more Iku cared for Yuugi, the worse it became. Yuugi had a chain of nightmare about Parsee, walking to him from under the bridge, begging for help, and yelling at him for betraying her. Yuugi often woke up in fear, sweating to boots. Then, he always had the feeling that something's about to happen. He knew it was his fault, but he can't stand it if anything's gonna harm Iku.



"I love you."


She curled up into his arms. Again, Yuugi felt peace...


It was a raid. The bandits rushed into the village and killed everyone in sight. Yuugi and the men were hunting in the forest when they arrived. Screams, they could hear.

"Fast! Drop the meat! We need to return as fast as possible!"

But they were too late. The bandits had occupied the village, looted everything.

Old people was killed.

Young people was killed.

Women were raped. And of course, killed.

The house was burning down, Yuugi saw Hina crying silently in a bust. Nearby, laid a corpse of the person who tried her best to keep those bastards from killing her child. The beautiful wife of Yuugi, Iku, was dead.

That day was 14/7.


Yuugi understood that Parsee's spirit refused to forgive them, and obsessed Hina to bestow this tragedy upon the family. He cried. He knew it was his fault, but why Iku? It was him who betrayed Parsee, it was him who indirectly killed her. Why such a thing happened to Iku? Yuugi decided to bring Hina back to his village, maybe, he can find someway to lift this curse on his child. Well they went through the fated bridge, the sky was dark, lightning falling down screaming for the coming storm. It was just like that day. Yuugi walked through the bridge, suddenly, Hina said:

"Dad, the woman under the bridge called you." And she used her feet to write down something on the ground.

It read "14/8".


Note: I actually wanted to write more, but the story kept me from 12 am to 12 pm and I felt really tired... The end is kinda rush But I hope it's not too bad. :)


  • Life.....Death.....
  • I own it all
Re: [Rated M] Death isn't the end
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 03:38:38 AM »
This is amazing. There are some grammatical errors, but those can be forgotten easily. It touches on every emotion I can imagine. Pity, for when Iku was first brought in. Anger, for when Yuugi betrayed his wife. Revenge, for when Parsee died. Confusion, for the number 14/7. And finally, that one emotion you get for seeing people get what they deserve.


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Re: [Rated M] Death isn't the end
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 03:42:31 AM »
Yeah I would say one of the problems was possessives iirc.  Otherwise fantastic job.  Your hard work paid off!


  • Using my Extending Arms to steal donations.
Re: [Rated M] Death isn't the end
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2011, 07:42:19 AM »
I'm guessing that English is your second or third language, guessing by the Vietnamese under your avatar :D
Nice though, it flows really well.

Forte Blackadder

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Re: [Rated M] Death isn't the end
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2011, 08:44:23 AM »
Thank you all.
Yes, English is my second language and I'll really appreciate it if you can point out every single mistake I made. That way I can improve myself further!


  • Life.....Death.....
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Re: [Rated M] Death isn't the end
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 02:16:45 PM »
For one, It should be "Stinky" not just "Stink".

Forte Blackadder

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Re: [Rated M] Death isn't the end
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 12:53:25 AM »
Deleted for future's use...................
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 10:54:23 PM by Fortevn »