Author Topic: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon  (Read 17925 times)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« on: November 30, 2010, 05:16:30 AM »
Exactly what it says in the title.

Pok?mon copyright Nintendo, Touhou copyright ZUN.

Hello there! Welcome to the world of POK?MON!
My name is YUKARI! People call me the POK?MON PROF!

?No, they don?t.?

?That?s awesome!?

This world is inhabited by creatures called POK?MON!
For some people, POK?MON are pets. Others use them for fights.
I study POK?MON as a profession.

?No, you don?t.?


First, what is your name?

?Oh, oh, I?m CIRNO!?

?You know her name.?

Right! So your name is CIRNO!


This is my grandson. He?s been your rival since you were a baby.

?What are you talking about??


?Erm, what is his name again?


?Mokou. You know that.?

That?s right! I remember now! His name is PYRO!





Your very own POK?MON legend is about to unfold!
A world of dreams and adventures with POK?MON awaits! Let?s go!

??Are you done??

?I?m good.?

?So why am I here??

?The mortality rate in Gensokyo is still very high. Powerful humans exterminate weak youkai by the thousands, and weak humans are helpless against powerful youkai. Pok?mon, unlike youkai, can be trained, and if they are more powerful than youkai, we would be able to settle our disputes without mass exterminations. I needed someone hardy who could survive harsh, monster filled terrain for months at a time to determine if pok?mon were a viable alternative.?

?O.K., so why is Cirno here??

?Because I?m the strongest!?

?Because she?s disposable.?


?And why should we help you??

?Oh, no reason.  But it?s not like you had anything better to do.?


?And it will make Kaguya insanely jealous.?


??I?m not disposable??

?Then it?s settled! In this world there?s a place called the Indigo Plateau, where they hold annual tournaments. I?d like you to enter next year?s tournament, and I?ll pick you up afterwards. But first you?ll want to meet Professor Oak, down the road in the large white ranch to get your Pokedex. You can?t miss it.?

?What?s a pokedex? And will I need some kind of fake ID??

?Oh no, this isn?t the outside world. This world is in much too much chaos to make birth certificates and accurate records practical. Just see Professor Oak and he?ll get you set up.?

?But what?s a pokedex??


And with that, Yukari disappeared through a portal.

??So now what??

?Let?s catch POK?MON!?

?How? How do you catch Pok?mon??

?You throw a Pokeball at them!?

?And where can I get a Pokeball?

?They sell them at all the stores. But we?ll need Pok?mon dollars first.?

??Cirno, are you saying they named their currency after the wildlife??


?That?s slightly horrifying.?

?You think too much.?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 12:42:03 AM by capt. h »

Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 05:22:15 AM »
So, if I understand this correctly, Yukari's looking into Pokemon battles to replace spellcard duels?

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2010, 05:39:48 AM »
So, if I understand this correctly, Yukari's looking into Pokemon battles to replace spellcard duels?

I think so, but no one will switch over unless pokemon are strong enough to offer a viable alternative. If pokemon aren't strong enough, they won't be effective at protecting the youkai and the humans from eachother.

Of course, Yukari being Yukari, she may have just wanted to watch Cirno get electrocuted when she tries to pet a Pikachu, and cause mayhem in other worlds for her own amusement. With Yukari you can never tell.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 06:26:21 AM »

This is funny.

But what happens to Keine?


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2010, 10:23:20 AM »
This made me giggle a bit, looking forward to more  :)
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2010, 02:23:42 AM »
When I 1st saw the title, I thought this would be so bad that it would be good. :V Then I read it and it turns out that it's not bad at all, and actually pretty good :) I would be more then happy to read the next part, if and when you put it up :)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2010, 02:59:45 AM »

This is funny.

But what happens to Keine?

Good question. She's probably still in Gensokyo. Even without Mokou, she is a school teacher and she does protect the human village. Though truth be told, I really don't know.

When I 1st saw the title, I thought this would be so bad that it would be good. :V Then I read it and it turns out that it's not bad at all, and actually pretty good :) I would be more then happy to read the next part, if and when you put it up :)

When appears to be now :)


Several Rattata kabobs later, Cirno and Mokou found themselves knocking on the door of a large ranch.

?Welcome!? greeted a large, elderly man. ?Mokou and Cirno, correct?

?Yep, that?s me!? Cirno glowed.

?I?m Professor Oak. As you know, wild pokemon live in tall grass, so it?s unsafe? where did you get those kabobs??

?In the tall grass.? Mokou replied cooly.

??Well, it?s still unsafe to journey without a pokemon for protection. Come in and choose your first pokemon.?

Oak invited the two girls into a large room with many unusual machines. On the table were three red and white balls. Professor Oak picked up one of the balls and opened it, after which a green plant-like creature came out.

?So would you like the grass pokemon Bulbasaur??

?Nah? the two replied in unison.

?Would you like fire pokemon Charmander??

?I?ll go with that one? Mokou decided.

?Or the water pokemon Piplup??

?PENGUIN!? Cirno shouted and started hugging Piplup.

?Wait, I thought that the third one was always a turtle.?

?Well, usually it is, but we had a mixup with the most recent shipment? Oak grumbled as Mokou wondered to herself how much trouble Yukari caused here. By this time the Piplup was looking none too pleased with its new trainer, but Cirno seemed too smitten by the penguin to notice the gashes it was pecking onto her face. 

?This is my invention, the pokedex. It?s a high tech encyclopedia for pokemon trainers. I?d like you to each take one with you. Use it on the pokemon you encounter, it could save your life? to which Mokou chuckled under her breath.

?Hey Mokou, let?s battle? A very bloody Cirno requested.

?Your Pokemon looks rather worn out.? Indeed, the Piplup was bent over gasping for breath.

?Penguin, use peck!? Piplup lumbered towards Charmander, preparing it?s attack

?But I don?t know what to do.?

?Call an attack!?

?Um, Charmander, burn it with your tail??

But before Piplup could reach Charmander, the Penguin gasped one last time for breath, and fell over in exhaustion. A silence fell over the room. Then, still slightly speechless, Oak was the first to break the silence.

?Piplup? is unable to battle. The winner is Charmander!?

?Awe, you got lucky Mokou. Next time I?ll win for sure!?

?The power of love backfires again.?

?You should heal your pokemon at a pokemon center after tough battles?? Oak cut in, summarizing the basics of being a pokemon trainer. Oak then saw the two new pokemon trainers off, skeptical that the two could last a week on their own. And while fashion has been going downhill in the region for years, he had to admit that Cirno was the only trainer to come to him wearing fake glass wings. Most the others wore plastic.


At Sandgem town, Professor Rowan greeted two new trainers

?So would you like the grass pokemon Turtwig??

?Nah? the two replied in unison.

?Would you like fire pokemon Chimchar??

?I?ll go with that one? Barry decided.

?Or the water pokemon Squirtle??

?TURTLE!? Dawn shouted and started hugging Squirtle.

Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2010, 03:11:57 AM »
The humor in this is very unique and interesting. I like this story.


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2010, 10:57:53 AM »
Aww Cirno is so lovable :3 and... plastic wings pffff :]

This is nice and funny, keep going :toot:
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2010, 03:07:22 PM »
I got a couple of chuckles out of that, but the plastic wings bit really got me.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2010, 03:31:35 PM »
Plastic... wings... XDXDXD

I assume he means generic Fairies XD

This is awesome :)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2010, 08:38:32 AM »
Giovanni was seated at his desk when his secretary came in for the morning breifing.

“Sir, Jesse and James have sent in their progress report.”

“Just keep the idiots as far away from here as possible.”

“They appear to be headed for Sinnoh.”


“How is that good sir?”

“Team Meowth causes far more damage to illicit organizations than most military forces. When they were in Johto and Kanto, we suffered massive losses. Within months of sending them to Hoenn, both team Aqua and team Magma fell. So let’s test their luck against Team Galactic. And keep sending their robot schematics to Professor Nanba.”

“There also appear to be two trainers to challenge the gym.”

“Are they any good?”

“They appear to be new.”

“I don’t have time for games.” Giovanni said, but dutifully he prepared to meet the new trainers.

“I am Giovanni, the Viridian City Gym leader. Since you appear to be new, I’ll give you a warning. This is the toughest gym in Kanto. I can’t be held responsible for what happens to your pokemon if you challenge me. ”

“The bonds we’ve developed with our pokemon will carry us through!”

“Cirno, we got our pokemon yesterday.”

“Look how much we’ve bonded already. Piplup, come on out!”

Cirno raised a pokeball into the air and released Piplup, then went to hug the penguin.

“Piplup, show them our friendship!”

At this point, the look on Piplup’s face was that of sheer terror, soon followed by running.

“How can we show them the power of our friendship if you keep running away?” Cirno pleaded with Piplup, chasing close behind.

"It looks like you'll be going first,” Giovanni informed Mokou.

“I'd rather not.”

“Come on, you can do it!” Cirno encouraged, having caught up to Piplup.

“Well, come on out Charmander.”

 “Nidoking, serve your master.”

Mokou sent out a 1 foot tall salamander with its tail on fire. The pokemon Giovanni sent out could best be described as a spike covered purple monster rabbit several times larger than Charmander.

“Nidoking, use double kick”

“Um, Charmader, use flamethrower!”

“It doesn’t know flamethrower yet.” Cirno interrupted, Piplup struggling in her arms.

“It’s a fire type pokemon. It has a flame on its tail. It has to know how to throw flames.”

“Oh, you’re thinking of ember”

“Fine. Charmander, use-”

“Charmander is unable to battle. Victory goes to Giovanni!”

“Aw, that’s too bad Mokou. My turn!”

“Cirno, your pokemon has already fainted.”
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 08:44:36 AM by capt. h »


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2010, 01:31:35 AM »
Plastic... wings... XDXDXD

I assume he means generic Fairies XD

This is awesome :)

My guess is that Oak's talking about the weirdo enemy trainers you meet in the games. There are countless of trainers that actually dress up as Pokemon, with either adorable or disturbing results, sometimes both.

Also, this fic is fantastic. Looking at the title I thought it wouldn't have been much, but I've clearly been proven wrong. Keep it up!

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2010, 01:15:47 AM »
“Beedrill: The poison bee pokemon. It has three poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly. It can take down any opponent with its powerful poison stingers. It sometimes attacks in swarms.”

“You forgot to mention that they’re huge, Mr. Pokedex.”

“Average height: 3’ 3”
Average weight: 65 lbs”

“Right, so how do I stop them?”

Neither Cirno nor Mokou were having a good day. One Beedrill is terrifying to a person who thinks of bees as inch long bugs that gather honey, but is not much threat. Although a dozen Beedrill will send most trainers running.

The two were being chased by hundreds.

“Weaknesses: Fire, psychic, rock”

“You forgot Flying,” Cirno interrupted

“Flying type attacks have normal effectiveness on flying targets. However, bird type pokemon have an advantage over bug types,” the pokedex continued.

“Isn’t flying and bird the same thing? Hey Mokou, I think…”

Mokou was no longer running with Cirno. She is a strong believer in the fine art of killing things with fire, and hearing that these bees were weak to fire was all she needed. She had taken Charmander out, and prepared to teach Charmander a lesson about flamethrowing.

“Charmander – shoot as much fire out as you can.”

Streams of flame erupted from Mokou’s hands. Charmander managed to throw some embers about. Lots of Beedrill fell, but some got through the fiery barrage, and the pair was getting stung pretty badly.

“Butterfree, use confusion!”

The Beedrill stopped attacking Mokou and started wandering about, some even attacking eachother.

“Thank you. I’m Mokou. And you are…”

“Bug catcher Abner. I take it you’re a firebreather.”


“Mokou, trainers are classified into types here. This is a bug catcher – they know all about bug pokemon.”

“Yep. Caught my very first pokemon in this net. You can’t be from around here if you’ve never used trainer classes. And even a firebreather should know better than to anger Beedrill. You have to be more careful.”

“Most people wait to give me an insulting nickname until after I’ve left.”

“No Mokou, he’s declaring your trainer class to be firebreather.”

“So what are they like?”

“Usually they’re fat guys dressed up like clowns.” Cirno answered.

“I am not dressed like a clown.”

“Well, you have the odd colored hair going for you, and you have the clown pair of oversized pants with suspenders. All that’s left is a bit of makeup and you too could be a thing of nightmares for small children and grown men.”

“Cirno, there are many times when it is better for your health if you don’t say anything at all. This is one of those times.”

“But I like clowns. They’re funny.”

“Take these,” the bug catcher interrupted before Mokou could prepare a suitable response, which would have most likely burnt the forest down as well. Abner passed two antidotes. “You and your Charmander got stung pretty badly. If left untreated, Beedrill venom is lethal. Fortunately, antidotes are cheap.”

Administering the antidotes, Mokou began “Abner, I’ve been wondering, you don’t look like you could be more than twelve. Where I come from, any twelve year old out in the woods fighting killer monster bees would be presumed dead. Does having your Butterfree really make the difference between safe and dangerous?”

“If you can’t make it through the Viridian forest without pokemon, you really shouldn’t be in Viridian forest. Many of us bug catchers aren’t even old enough to own pokemon – we wander into the woods, use our nets to catch a pokemon like Caterpie, train it, and battle with it.”

“And if you run into a Beedrill swarm?”

“Most bug catchers that don’t have a good butterfree run. Some of the older ones will take on a swarm using just their net. Warding off a swarm without using any pokemon is a big deal here; it’s how you tell the pros from the kids.”

“Impressive. Thanks for the antidote.”

“Good luck on your travels!”

As Mokou and Cirno parted ways with Abner, Cirno stared at the ground with her finger to her head.

“Mokou, that trainer made bug catchers seem really tough and experienced. But in the games, bug catchers are the lowest level trainers. Then, if the bug catchers are the weakest… does that mean everyone else we meet will be stronger?”
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 01:32:02 AM by capt. h »

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2010, 09:04:14 PM »
“Hi there. I’ve come to challenge the Pewter City gym leader.”

“You’re light years away from challenging…”

“Nothing so elegant and beautiful has ever entered this place. Allow me the pleasure of accepting your challenge. Then afterwards, may I invite you to dinner?”

Cirno and Mokou were greeted by a young man who quite clearly must have gotten an interesting reputation over the years.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brock, leader of the Pewter city gym. And may I have the name of the angel that came to challenge my gym?”

“Hi, I’m Cirno! I’m a huge fan!”

Brock didn’t need the interruption ruining his style; Cirno wouldn’t be legal for at least six more years, but it would be rude to ignore her. Then Brock decided that there was only one course of action: be polite to the little child to impress the elder sister.

“That’s quite a compliment Cirno. Would you like to challenge my gym?”

“That’s why I’m here. After all, I’m the strongest!”

“Piplup, Go!”

At this moment, Brock realized just how new these trainers were. He didn’t want to utterly destroy Cirno’s Piplup, because there isn’t much honor or glory in crushing little girls in battle. So he decided to go with a pokemon that most people would confuse with a small rock.

“Geodude, go!”

“Piplup, use bubble!”

“Geodude, use tackle!”

“Piplup, use bubble!”

“Geodude is unable to battle! You win!”

“Yay!” Cirno squealed. “Don’t worry Mokou, you’ll win this one for sure!”

Perhaps Brock went a little too easy on Cirno. Yes his Geodude needed training, and any battle he had would be a contest for a badge. But that was much simpler than gym battles are supposed to be.

“Come on out, Charmander.”

“Onix, go!”

The average Charmander is about 2 feet tall, and weighs no more than 70 pounds. The average Geodude is about a foot and a half tall, and only weighs 40 pounds.

The average Onix is a 30 foot tall snake made out of rock weighing 500 pounds.

Mokou was less than optimistic.

“Come on! You gave Cirno a pebble compared to this thing!”

“Hey, she’s young and Geodude needed the experience. Just be glad this isn’t Steelix.

Onix, use bide!”

“Charmander, try not to die!”

Charmander watched the Onix intently, waiting for it to strike. Waiting for some tell of when it would launch its attack in the hope that it would only be a glancing blow. It waited for Onix to stop biding its time, and waited for the moment the rock snake would end it all, and waited, and…

“…Why haven’t you attacked Charmander yet?”

“Onix is using bide.”

“Yes, I heard you the first time. So why haven’t you attacked with bide yet?”

“Because I can’t attack you when I’m using bide.”

“Then shouldn’t you stop using bide and attack?”

“Mokou, bide is a counter-attack. It takes the damage you inflict and brings it right back around. But you have to hit Onix for it to work,” Cirno answered.

“Enough, Onix cancel bide.”

“Then Charmander, you can use ember now?”

“That’s right!” Cirno replied.

“Onix, use tackle.”

“No wait, Charmander, get out of that things way!”

 “Charmander is unable to battle! Brock wins!”

“Well, I guess that’s it! Cirno, here’s your new badge.”

“Thanks Brock! Can I have your autograph?”

“Sure,” Brock replied, signing the newly awarded badge. “I take it you’re trying to collect gym badges. The closest gym is in Cerulean City. How about I guide you through Mount Moon? ”

“Can we please, Mokou?”

 “I don’t know…”



“Please please please please please please please…”

“Alright, alright, he can come along.”

“Yay!” Cirno cheered.

“You know, you two are the second and third girls to ever take me up on that offer.”


“Now before we go we’ll need to run inventory.” Brock said. “Let’s see, flashlight, water,…”

“Cirno, are you sure you don’t need more?”

“Don’t worry, if I run out of anything, I’ll borrow it from you.”

“cucumbers, carrots, pickles, melons,… “

“And if I don’t let you have it?”

“I just won’t ask!”

bananas, salami, sausage, hot dogs…”

“At least ask.”


“But then you might say no!”

“copy of the swimsuit edition, copy of playbunny…”

 “That’s why I want you to ask. How would you like it if I borrowed your belongings without asking?”

“Go ahead, I already put them in your bag.”

“OK, that’s everything!” Brock reported.

Brock’s interruption was very lucky for Cirno. It kept Mokou from finding out whether ice fairies melt or fry.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 12:09:24 AM by capt. h »


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon (now with Brock)
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2011, 10:47:17 PM »
When I 1st saw the title, I thought this would be so bad that it would be good. :V Then I read it and it turns out that it's not bad at all, and actually pretty good :) I would be more then happy to read the next part, if and when you put it up :)

Same here. This is great.


Since I couldn't find any Mokou-as-clown fanart.

Edit: Will this fic include the optional quests (Power Plant, Sevii Islands, Cerulean Cave)?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 05:12:45 AM by Whatthe »

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon (now with Brock)
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2011, 03:56:14 AM »
Same here. This is great.


Since I couldn't find any Mokou-as-clown fanart.

Edit: Will this fic include the optional quests (Power Plant, Sevii Islands, Cerulean Cave)?

If I get that far, it will have to include the powerplant, will not include the Sevii islands, but I highly doubt either of these two can get 8 badges in Kanto. They'll need eight badges for sure. I'm not saying much more than that.

Right now I'm kind of sitting on a chapter. I trying to decide if I'm mentioning any of the Mt. Moon hikers or not. I did the same thing for Brock, where I had the Brock chapter well before I had the two chapters before it, but decided to include Giovanni and Viridian forest before posting Brock.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon (now with Brock)
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2011, 01:03:01 AM »
?Is that a Geodude??

?No, it?s a rock.?

?What about that??


?And- ouch,?

?Are you OK??

?Yeah, just tripped on a rock.?

?That?s a Geodude.?

?Really? Charmander, go!?

Charmander came out of the ball to face down the Geodude, which responded by doing nothing.

?Are you sure that?s not a rock??

Then the rock opened its eyes and attacked.

?I?m sure.?

?You can do it Mokou! I believe in you!?

?Of course I can do it, it?s a pebble. Charmander, use ember.?

?Just believe in your pokemon and you?ll pull through!?

?Yes, I know.?

?I?m sure you?ll win if you put your heart into it!?

?Cirno, please shut up.?

?Mokou,? Brock cut in, ?Your Charmander can?t battle anymore.?

?You just need to try harder next time. I know you can do it!?

?Screw next time,? Mokou said, and kicked the rock as hard as she could.


?Are you alright??

?I think I broke my foot.?

?Don?t worry, she?s fine. Now throw a pokeball!?


Mokou threw the pokeball at the rock, and the rock went inside.

?I did it!?

?Not yet.?

Indeed, the pokeball squirmed back and forth for a few seconds, before it pinged.



?Congratulations on catching your first pokemon. You?re elegance in battle is only matched by your beauty.?

?I lost horribly to a rock and I may have broken my foot.?

?Well, you get the idea.?

?Your wisdom in romance is only matched by your subtlety.?

?My turn, my turn!?

?What pokemon do you want??

?I?ll catch one of those!? Cirno said, pointing straight at the ceiling. There were hundreds if not thousands of bats hanging from above.

?I don?t think that?s a good idea. Let?s go after something else,? Brock said.

?Yeah, something less likely to swarm us.?

?Go Piplup, use water gun!?


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon (now with Brock)
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2011, 05:03:21 AM »
aw yeah


capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2011, 12:42:37 AM »
After much running, battling, and cursing of the name Cirno, the trio managed to reach the bottom of the cave.

?See, I told you your foot was fine.?

?I? hate? you?? Mokou wheezed.

?And I even caught a zubat!?

Cirno then let the bat out of its ball. She went to give it a hug, to which it responded by biting her head.

?Ahhh! Get it off! Get it off!?

?Hold still,? Brock said, carefully prying off the bat.

?You?re not very nice,? Cirno told the zubat, returning it to its pokeball. ?Act more like Piplup.?

?Piplup pecked your face off the first time you met.?

?That was the best day ever.?

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2011, 12:43:48 AM »
“Hey stop! I found these fossils! They’re both mine!”

“We don’t want your fossils. Move your stuff so that we can make it through.”


“If I battle you, will you move out of the way?”

“Be careful Mokou, this is a super nerd. They tend to have rare pokemon.”

“I am not a nerd. My name is Miguel. ”

“Geodude, handle this.”

Mokou let out her rock, and the nerd let out a pokeball.

“Um, how do I fight an inanimate object?”

“It’s a Voltorb.”  Brock explained. “It looks like a pokeball, but it’s really dangerous and explodes at random.”

“Well that’s going to hurt. Geodude, keep your distance and use an attack!”

“Geodude probably doesn’t know any ranged attacks yet.”

“Well, what can it do?”

“It can curl itself into a ball with defense curl, and it can throw itself at the Voltorb using tackle.”

“I don’t think the fetal position will help much, so how about tackling it?”

“Voltorb, use self destruct!”

Voltorb took the full brunt of the tackle and continued to do nothing.

“What’s wrong with you Voltorb? Attack her charmander!”


“You killed it. Now I have to use my magnemite to charge my laptop, you meanie!”

“Um, I’m sorry? I didn’t mean to!”

“I think it’s just a pokeball.” Cirno said

“I seem to have miscalculated…” Miguel added.

“The pokeball is unable to battle. Mokou wins!” Brock finished.

“You know, you’re pretty cute. Want to see my sketches?”

“Get your own girlfriend buddy.”

“You are not my girlfriend.”

“I’m your girlfriend? Yay!” Cirno squeeled. “I’m Brock’s girlfriend! I’m Brock’s girlfriend!”

“No Cirno, not you.”

While Brock tried to calm Cirno down, the super nerd continued. “Okay, I’ll share.”

“We don’t care about your fossils.”

“We’ll each take a fossil! No being greedy!”

“Fine, I’ll take the dome fossil.”

“All right. Then this fossil is mine!”

“You know, you didn’t have to give me a fossil.”

“Yeah, but most girls won’t even talk to me,” the nerd blushed. “Besides, you won fair and square.”

 “I really didn’t.”

“Let’s go now.” Brock cut the nerd short, his jealousy getting the better of him.

“Call me!”

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2011, 12:45:20 AM »
“Welcome to our gym. We are the Sensational Sisters.”

“Who?” Cirno asked.

“Show your respect! These are the gym leaders of Cerulean City. This is the gorgeous Daisy, the spectacular Violet, and the lovely Lily,” then Brock turned back and took Lily’s hand. “A perfect lady at a perfect gym. I would be honored if you would allow me to take you to Cerulean Cape tonight.”

“Stop flirting with my sisters!” A particularly short redheaded girl grabbed Brock by the ear and tore him away.

“Who’s that?” Mokou asked.

“That’s Misty, the Cerulean Gym leader.”

“Hey, we’re gym leaders too…”

“No one care about you,” Cirno said.

 “That was mean…”

“Misty!” Cirno announced, “I’m here to challenge you to a battle!”

“That’s the battlefield.” Misty said, pointing to the pool in the middle of the room. “It’ll be a two v. two pokemon battle. First trainer to lose both their pokemon loses.”


“You better not take me too lightly, my water type pokemon are tough!”

“Go! Zubat!”

“Ahhhh! Not the face! Not the face! Return!”

“What was that?” Misty asked.

“That was just me getting warmed up! Now I’m ready. Go! Piplup!” The penguin dove right into the pool.

“Go! Starmie!” A purple starfish pokemon came out of the ball, and dove right in after Piplup.

“Piplup, use water gun!”

“Starmie, use thunderbolt!”

“Piplup, dodge!” but it was too late, and Piplup was hit with the full force of the thunderbolt.

“Piplup is unable to battle!” Violet declared.

“Piplup, why didn’t you dodge the attack?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Misty asked.

“No, I told Piplup to dodge and he got hit anyway.”

“You’re pokemon was underwater. I used an electric attack.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Water conducts electricity!”

“Oh, like in the games!”

“What’s electricity?” Mokou asked.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I mean, I’ve heard of thunder magic, but I don’t know much about it…”

“…moving on. You have one pokemon left.”

“Now, zubat, bite the other pokemon’s face this time!”

The bat came back out of the ball.

“Starmie, use thunderbolt again!”

“Zubat is unable to battle. Misty wins!” Voilet announced.

“I lost… That just means I have to beat you next time. Then I’ll be the strongest!”

“I guess it’s my turn now. Go, Geodude!”

“Starmie, use water gun!”

“No problem, Geodude, use tackle!”


“Geodude is unable to battle.”

“Wait a second, Geodude is a rock. You hit it with water. That would mean Geodude became a wet rock.”

“That’s not how type advantages work,” Misty explained. “First, Geodude is a rock and ground type. Second, water is super effective against both.”


“Because water washes away ground and smoothes stones.”

“But it takes years for a rock to smooth out like that, and you only hit Geodude for two seconds!”

“Just trust me, it works. Now are you going to send out your second pokemon?”

“It’s a Charmander. Does fire beat water by boiling it?”


“Well, Charmander go out anyway.”

The fire lizard was released from its ball, right into the pool.

“Scratch her pokemon for now and try to avoid the water gun.”


But rather than follow commands, the fire lizard was squirming desperately in the water.

“Er, now what?”

“Charmander dies if its tail goes out,” Misty warned.

“What? Return, now!” Mokou commanded. “Well, I guess I’m done.”

“How did you not know that? Your pokemon could have been killed!”

“I’m surprised myself. You’d think the professor would have mentioned that baths were lethal.”

“It’s your responsibility to know as a pokemon trainer.”

“Hm,” Mokou said, flipping open her pokedex.

Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail.

The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places.


The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when

CHARMANDER is enjoying itself. If the POK?MON becomes enraged, the flame burns fiercely.

“That’s not it…” as Mokou scrolled down some more.

The flame on its tail indicates CHARMANDER's life force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly.

“Are you sure it’s here?”

“It’s way at the back.”

From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out.


“Who’s the idiot that thought eleven pages of trivia about Charmander tail should come before the part about needing to keep it lit?” Mokou asked, furiously scrolling down the entry on Charmander.

“I really don’t know,”

“There isn’t even a section about eating habits in here!”

“How can I be strong like you?” Cirno cut in.

“Well, there’s an abandoned power plant down the road where you can catch some electric pokemon. Provided they don’t kill you first.” Misty responded, as Mokou continued ranting on how useless her pokedex was.

“So Brock, I see you’ve found some new trainers to travel with,” Misty said, her fist tightly clenched.

“Just like old times,” Brock said, turning to Misty’s sisters, and taking Daisy by the hand. Daisy blushed a little as Brock began, “How would you like a life of adventure and romance with m-.“

“Go back to your gym already you sick pervert,” Misty commanded, grabbing Brock by the ear. “I apologize for him, he can’t control himself,” Misty told Mokou and Cirno. Turning back to Brock, Misty said “And you have a job to do.”

“Yes ma’am,” Brock grumbled.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 12:48:52 AM by capt. h »

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2011, 04:18:37 AM »
The two girls found themselves at the entrance of an abandoned power plant overlooking the sea. It took some effort to reach, as the roads were little trod except by the occasional pokemon trainer; most travelers see no reason to visit, and even trainers looking for electric types tend to prefer to get their pokemon elsewhere. They entered the empty doorway, the doors having long ago fallen off their hinges, and entered the gloom of the plant?s main lobby.

?Hello? Anyone home?? Cirno yelled.

?Let?s keep going.? Mokou said, passing the dust covered reception desk into a side door labeled AUTHORIZED PERSONEL ONLY. The pair found themselves in a dark hallway.

?Anyone here?? Cirno asked the darkness, which responded with a definitive silence.

Mokou released Charmander from its pokeball with the command, ?Charmander, give us a light.? The flame on the lizard?s tail doubled in size, lighting up the room. It was a fairly long hallway, silent except for the crackling of Charmander?s flame. Cirno was the first to break this silence, rushing to the first door she found, a plain metal door which said MEN in ordinary, albeit rusted letters.

?Mokou, what?s this thing??

?That?s a bathroom.?

??No, not that, this!?? Cirno was pointing to a line of porcelain bowls attached to the wall of the bathroom, each one possessing its own metal lever. At one time these levers were probably silver, but all metal in this room had long ago turned a rust-colored brown.

??I don?t know. It looks like a funny toilet.??

?Hm??  Cirno said. She grabbed the level and pressed it down. Nothing happened. She pressed the lever down again. Nothing happened. She started pumping the level up and down furiously, before crossing her arms and whining, ?I think it?s broken.?

?Probably. I doubt anyone?s been here in years,? Mokou shrugged.

?This room?s boring,? Cirno pouted.  ?Let?s try another!? The ice fairy raced out of the bathroom into the hallway. She tore through the dust-covered hall, past overturned furniture and long dead plants to the large doorway at the end. Above hung an ancient sign with but a single faded word: GENERATOR.

Cirno paused just long enough for Mokou to catch up before rushing through the doors into a huge room, full of strange machines. There was a particularly large, complicated looking one covered in black and yellow tape in the middle, the generator itself. Dim light shined down onto the occasional patch of grass and rumble, where age and a lack of maintenance allowed the ceiling to collapse. Across the room from Cirno lay a row of monitors, only one of which glowed in the darkness. A pokeball-shaped paperweight rested on the desk next to the computer, which flashed error codes across a blue screen. Cirno approached the desk, and started pressing keys on the keyboard. The screen stayed static. She frowned, and furiously bashed the keys. ?Mokou, can you make this thing wo-? but Cirno was cut off by a screech, as the paperweight opened its eyes.

?Charmander, use ember now!?

?Char!? Charmander threw flames from its tale onto the living pokeball. The pokemon exploded in Cirno?s still dazed face, blasting shards of ice fairy in every direction, including Mokou?s. Frozen splinters embedded themselves in Mokou?s face, to which the girl didn?t so much as flinch. Charmander looked up to its master, tilted its head and asked ?Char??

?She?s fine.? Mokou answered, mostly to herself as she began picking the shrapnel out of her forehead. ?She?s always fine.? Mokou took out her pokedex, and scanned the pokeball that just attacked them.

?VOLTORB,? a mechanical voice began. ?The ball POK?MON. It bears an uncanny and unexplained resemblance to a POK? BALL. Because it explodes at the slightest shock, even veteran TRAINERS treat it with caution.?

Suddenly, a different computer monitor near Cirno?s puddle started flashing static at Mokou. She glanced left and right looking for a cause, but she was alone in the room. The girl returned her gaze to the monitor and saw a shadow flicker behind the static. Slowly, shaking slightly, she crept to the offending screen. Just behind the static was a muffled image of something. Mokou could almost make out what it was. She edged closer to the screen, very carefully. Sweat pouring down her face, she brought herself within inches of the monitor. She could just barely make out its roundish shape.

The thing, bright and orange, exploded out of the static at lighting speeds. Mokou fell backwards with a yelp, her pokedex clanking on the floor. She whirled around, scanning the room for the pokemon, but Mokou was alone. The girl picked up her pokedex and turned to her Charmander. She asked, ?What was that?? But it was the pokedex that answered.

 ?ROTOM, the Plasma POK?MON. Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.?

Mokou began flipping through the rotom entry of her pokedex, wondering just how long the device was voice activated. ?Anything else??

?Height: 1?00?. Weight: 0.7lbs. Type: Electric and ghost.?

?Keep going.? Mokou asked, still a bit shaken.

?It can possess a trainer?s POK?DEX. It then proceeds to haunt its host until it steals the trainer?s soul.? The mechanical voice said.

?Are you sure?? Mokou asked the device.

?Positive.? The pokedex said. The device then began laughing. It took only a second for the pokedex?s message to sink in, before Mokou found herself hurling the device at Charmander.

?Charmander, use ember!?

?Char!? The lizard threw its flames at the pokedex, which dodged out of the way, floating three feet in the air. ?Tremble in fear, mortal, I will haunt you for eternity!? It threw sparks in all directions, causing half the monitors to explode.

?Is that a promise?? Mokou asked, trembling slightly.

?Yes mortal,? It continued. ?You?re mine until the day you die.? The pokedex glowed yellow and upgraded its attack from showers of sparks to bursts of lighting, which burned everything it touched.

?Until I die?? Mokou needed to think about this. The pokedex said Rotom was a ghost, and the girl was pretty sure ghosts didn?t die. No, that?s not true, ghosts in Gensokyo can die. Although this one made it pretty clear it was immortal?

Mokou rushed towards the device, narrowly dodging its attacks. ?Deal.?

?No.? The pokedex responded. ?Run away in fear, foolish mortal! Can you not see I am a being far greater than yourself? Fear me! Hey, what are you doing??

Mokou grabbed the pokedex out of the air and began banging it against the floor with a little too much enthusiasm. The pokedex responded with a huge zap to the girl?s chest. She felt a sharp stab in her heart, its beats having ceased. Smoke rose from Mokou?s chest and she collapsed lifelessly onto the floor, still clutching the pokedex. ?Fool. You should have run away. Mortals don?t get second chances.?

The girl suddenly beamed back ?Who said I was mortal?? Then her arm ignited, and the pokedex melted in her hand. ?Stop! Let go, you demon!? it screamed, and threw lighting everywhere, but the ghost could do nothing as it was burned by the phoenix flames. The device?s dying speaker asked one last question. Distorted, almost unintelligible, it asked ??how?? before the exhausted pokemon tripped out of what was once a pokedex.

Mokou was stiff from the ghost?s attacks, but she knew what she had to do. Still partially paralyzed, she grabbed a pokeball from her waist. ?I?m immortal? Mokou answered the ghost. ?I could use someone who?s in it for the long haul.? She then threw the ball towards the ghost. It snapped open. It snapped shut.





And Rotom was caught.

Yuyuko Yakumo

  • Carry me~ow
  • Rawr I eat your face with maaaaaagicalness
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2011, 05:17:32 AM »
Wow, this was super funny before and it just got all super serious. And what happened to poor Cirno? She's just a puddle now.
I know, I know. I'll get a real avatar and signature soon. -_-


  • :|
  • XephyrEnigma
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2011, 02:04:50 AM »
Aww. You serious'd.

Wow, this was super funny before and it just got all super serious. And what happened to poor Cirno? She's just a puddle now.
She's a fairy, remember? The only thing hurt is her motivation. Next installment she's undoubtedly going to be back.
Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

My YouTube channel where I often screw about - Latest Upload: IN Border Team Easy Clear

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2011, 12:59:30 AM »
Mokou sat and gazed at the sea. Her Charmander tugged at her sleeve towards the setting sun in the opposite direction. Indeed, the colors were beautiful; the land was painted gold under the scarlet sky. But Mokou didn’t turn her head.

“Charmander, I’ve seen the sun set thousands of times. Do you know how many ages it’s been since I’ve seen the sea?”

The lizard tilted its head. “Char?”

Mokou patted the lizard on its head. “You enjoy your sunset, I’ll enjoy my ocean.” With that, the girl went back to watching the navy waves crash against rock, spitting white foam in the air. And for a moment, everything was perfect.

“Hey Mokou! Look! I caught a Voltorb!”

Mokou sighed. She turned her head just enough to catch the blue-haired girl in the corner of her eye. Cirno was charging from the decrepit entrance of the power plant to Mokou, pokeball in hand. She looked awful. There were huge cracks running down her arms and legs, and a good portion of her face was missing. The damage was freezing over, but she still looked like she was hit by a bomb. Which, to be fair, is exactly what happened. Though Cirno was too busy showing Mokou her new pokemon to care.

“Look at him! Isn’t he awesome?” Cirno said, shoving the pokeball into Mokou’s face. “I’m going to name him Explody!”

Mokou rolled her eyes. “Yes, ‘Explody’ is awesome. Can we go back to Cerulean now?”

“No way! I have to train him first! We have to go to Route 12.” Cirno said.

Mokou began unfolding the map of the region, noting that Cirno wanted to travel pretty far off course. “Why are we taking this detour?”

“Because we need the Fishing Guru’s brother to give us a fishing rod, and he lives on Route 12,” Cirno said matter–of-factly, placing her hands on her hips. “Otherwise, we won’t be able to catch water type pokemon, and it will be much harder to train Voltorb.”

“And this guy just gives fishing rods away?” Mokou raised her eyebrow. Cirno’s understanding of the world seemed lacking at best.

“Yep! Now onward to victory!” Cirno placed one foot forward and pointed straight ahead, in some kind of battle pose. She had a certain determination about her, which would have been more dramatic had it been called for. But Cirno’s unbridled enthusiasm for pointing in the wrong direction was adorable instead. Well, almost adorable. The still-missing skull fragments sort of ruined the moment.

“That’s north.”


“Route 12 is south.”


“So why are you pointing north?” Mokou asked, though honestly, she knew the answer would be stupid.

“Because we need to go through Rock Tunnel to get to Route 12,” Cirno said with a frustrated tone. “Honestly, you’re the one with the map.”

“Or we could go south along the coast. We’re already halfway to Lavender, so it would probably be faster.”

“Nope! We’re going to Rock Tunnel.”

Mokou rubbed her temples, before giving in. “Well, let’s see what pokemon are there. Hand me your pokedex.”

“What’s wrong with yours?”

“It melted.” Mokou said, taking out the shredded blob of plastic that once was a pokemon encyclopedia.

Cirno giggled. “I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one.”

“Shut up.”

“Did it call you stupid or something?”

“Not stupid. A foolish mortal.” Mokou chuckled. “So what does it say lives in Rock Tunnel?”

“A buncha Geodude and Zubat. There’s some Graveler in there too. It says there’s also Machop, Machoke, and Machamp, a couple Onix, and the odd Cubone.”

“Onix?” Mokou snapped. “You mean the twenty-foot rock snakes?”

“Thirty” Cirno corrected. “Thirty-foot rock snakes. Don’t worry, they’re small-fry compared to the Machamp.” 

Mokou stared at Cirno a minute before asking, “What could they possibly do that’s worse than a thirty-foot rock snake?”

Cirno pressed a button on her pokedex, and it answered in its dry, mechanical, matter of fact voice. “MACHAMP the Superpower POK?MON. Using its heavy muscles, it throws powerful punches that can send the victim clear over the horizon. One arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this Pok?mon fires off awesome punches.”

The two stood in silence for a moment. Mokou broke the silence with a smile. “You want to catch one of these things?”

“Sure do!” Cirno said.

“Well then, let’s go!”
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 06:50:23 AM by capt. h »

Yuyuko Yakumo

  • Carry me~ow
  • Rawr I eat your face with maaaaaagicalness
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2011, 05:27:09 AM »
There we go. That's a pretty nice blend of humor and seriousness.

Also, forgive my ignorant comment before. I didn't know about GFW then. :V
I know, I know. I'll get a real avatar and signature soon. -_-

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2011, 02:50:44 AM »
Most tunnels are man-made, straight structures used to get from point a to point b quickly and easily. They?re well lit, easy to navigate, and designed with quick, simple transportation as the goal. And most importantly, they?re safe.

Rock Tunnel was not your typical tunnel.

Rock Tunnel is a natural cave system that has an entrance relatively near Cerulean City and an exit at the border of Lavender town. That?s about where the similarities end. Unlit, winding, deep and complex, only pokemaniacs choose to enter Rock Tunnel on their way to and from Cerulean; the route through Saffron is both faster and safer. Some pokemaniacs go for the pokemon. Others go to meet up with trainers that are as crazy about pokemon as themselves. All of them love pokemon a bit too much, some in more Freudian ways that others.

Into this cave the fairy and the phoenix descended, following the light of Charmander?s tail.

?So then Reimu was all like ?What kind of idiot puts a blind spot this obvious into their attack?? and I was all ?I am not an idiot!? And you want to know what I did next?? Cirno asked.

?Not really,? Mokou yawned.

?I blasted her right in the face! That?ll teach her for calling me stupid!?

Mokou made a note not to call Cirno stupid, at least while the fairy was in earshot. Mokou kind of wished the bats overhead would wake up and suck the blood out of Cirno after the first hour. But by the second, Mokou had given up on that dream. The bats weren?t budging, and Cirno wasn?t stopping.

?Have I ever told you about the time I beat Marisa?? Cirno asked.

?About three times this week.?

?Well, I haven?t told you about it today.? Cirno replied, turning the corner ahead. ?So there I was, when-What are you doing to that poor Slowpoke!? Cirno screamed.

An unfamiliar nasally voice replied, ?This is? this is exactly what it looks like.?

?But? why?? Cirno gasped, barely holding back tears.

?Well, I would have preferred a Clefairy, but I make do.?

?Pervert!? Cirno yelled, before rushing just past Mokou?s line of sight.

?Wait, stop it! Ow! Not the face! Why is it always little girls??

Mokou was conflicted. On the one hand, she really didn?t want to know what Cirno had seen, and was perfectly happy going her own way and pretending nothing happened. On the other hand, that would mean leaving the pokedex behind. And Cirno. But mostly the pokedex. Knowing that she would most likely regret it, Mokou decided to peek.

There was a young man in a strange red costume of what appeared to be a pokemon. Which pokemon was beyond the phoenix, though Cirno would probably know. The wings and the tail were nicely done, but the white button down shirt didn?t look right ? was this guy dressing up like a pokemon or not?

Either way, Mokou was too disturbed by the man?s appearance to feel sorry that he was being wailed on by a small child. Cirno had somehow pinned the man to the ground and started punching him in the face over and over, and the man had grabbed Cirno?s hair, yanking it left and right to get her off. Cirno was stubborn about it though, yelling insult after insult at the maniac while refusing to budge. After a good minute of this, the nut job gave up on the girl?s hair, reaching for his pokeballs instead.

?POK?MON fight!? The man declared.

Cirno stopped beating the man long enough to ask ?Huh??

?Ready, go!?

The man let out a brown creature with a bone in its hand and a skull on its head. Cirno leaped off the man, reaching for a pokemon of her own.

?Explody, Go!? Cirno declared, throwing a pokeball from her pack. The pokeball hit the ground in front of cubone with a clunk, and refused to open.

?I think it?s just a pokeball.? The man said, as his cubone started tapping the pokeball with its bone.

?Explody, use self destruct!? Cirno commanded.

The pokeball let out a load roar that screeched throughout the cave, hurling the cubone into the nearest wall with a crack and leaving a ring of scorch marks around the voltorb.

?You don?t keep that thing in a pokeball?? The maniac yelled in disbelief. ?What kind of idiot carries around their Voltorb unrestrained??

Cirno became flustered. She clenched her fists and pouted, ?I am not an idiot!?

?Could you at least put it back in its pokeball?? Mokou did not feel like getting blown up because of Cirno?s stupidity.

Cirno made a blank face and asked ?What pokeball??

?You know, the one you caught Voltorb with.?

?Oh I never used a pokeball.? Cirno explained. ?I didn?t have to. I just picked him up and then he was caught, and I didn?t see any reason to waste a ball when I already had him.?

As Mokou reflected on the implications of that, and the way Cirno had shoved it in her face at the power plant, the maniac had simpler thoughts. ?I really don?t care what you do to yourselves,? the maniac said, having already called back Cubone during the conversation, ?But the battle isn?t over. Slowpoke, go!? From behind the man a pink, dopey looking pokemon Mokou didn?t notice before slowly crawled forwards. It looked either too unsteady on its feet to fight or too stupid to let that stop it from fighting.

Cirno responded with her own pokemon, a much healthier looking Piplup. ?Piplup, use peck!? Cirno declared.

?Slowpoke, use headbutt!?

The penguin began a quick succession of jabs at the slowpoke, followed by some unnecessary dodging, followed by more jabs at the pokemon?s head. Meanwhile, Slowpoke slowly lifted itself up. By the third time Piplup moved in for a peck, the slowpoke was upright. Slowpoke let gravity do its thing as it fell into Piplup?s lunge, meeting the penguin?s skull with a crack. The penguin was reeling from the attack, while Slowpoke just continued looking its dopey self. ?Good.? The maniac commanded. ?Now follow up with confusion!?

?Piplup, dodge it and use peck!? Cirno commanded. How exactly one dodges an attack on the mind was a problem Piplup found itself unable to solve as its feet got caught on thin air and it fell. ?Good job, Piplup!? Cirno said, though Mokou wasn?t sure what was so good about it. ?Now just charge in there and peck!?

?Slowpoke, quickly, use water gun!? The pink pokemon inched opened its mouth as Piplup charged, unsure if it was spitting water or yawning. After Piplup had gotten a good three stabs in with its beak, the pink pokemon decided it would in fact like to spit water at the penguin, and splashed water at Piplup, which was ignored as the penguin pecked it into submission. A couple of pecks later, and the slowpoke collapsed.

Mokou wasn?t sure whether it collapsed because it could no longer fight or because it felt like a nap, but either way it was a victory for Cirno. ?Game over?? the maniac said. ?I?m Ashton. That was interesting. I hope we can meet again.?

?I don?t, creep!? Cirno replied.

Ashton laughed, ?No, no, that?s not it. I mean I hope we can meet again.? He quickly switched to a more serious, ominous tone, leaning down until his face was only an inch away from Cirno?s. ?Because when a trainer walks around with an explosive ball of death in her pocket, I don?t expect to have many more meetings with her. Catch your voltorb in a pokeball, and try not to get yourselves killed.? Cirno shuttered a bit, and replied with a quiet ?Yes, sir??

?Good!? the pokemaniac said, returning to a more jolly self. ?Now if you don?t mind, I have things to do,? Ashton said, turning his attention away from Cirno. He reached into his bag and pulled out an orange torso and matching pair of wings. ?Things that you wouldn?t approve of. So please leave.?

Yuyuko Yakumo

  • Carry me~ow
  • Rawr I eat your face with maaaaaagicalness
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2011, 03:15:19 AM »
?Well, I haven?t told you about it today.? Cirno replied, turning the corner ahead. ?So there I was, when-What are you doing to that poor Slowpoke!? Cirno screamed.

An unfamiliar nasally voice replied, ?This is? this is exactly what it looks like.?

?But? why?? Cirno gasped, barely holding back tears.

?Well, I would have preferred a Clefairy, but I make do.?

?Pervert!? Cirno yelled, before rushing just past Mokou?s line of sight.

?Wait, stop it! Ow! Not the face! Why is it always little girls??
Oh god, I took this part the wrong way for a while. xD
I know, I know. I'll get a real avatar and signature soon. -_-

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou and Cirno Crossover into Pokemon
« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2011, 07:41:10 AM »
A typical cave has stalagmites and stalactites. Its walls are smoothed from several millennia of slowly dripping water eroding its walls undisturbed since prior to human history. And for the first half-mile, Rock tunnel was like that. But the further Mokou and Cirno ventured the more rounded walls gave way to sharp jags and fissures. Some passages were completely caved in, while other routes would split straight through ancient stone walls cracked in two.

Not that Cirno could appreciate the change in scenery. ?Are we there yet?? The ice fairy whined.

?No.? Mokou snapped, glaring at her map. The two weren?t there yet. She couldn?t know when the two would ever be there because this map was utterly useless. Twice it told her to go through a dead end, once it told her to turn left into a wall, and now it rather unhelpfully let her know that she was completely lost.

When a map-maker has no idea what the area they?re drawing looks like, they will place red diagonal stripes across the area and designate it as uncharted territory. They will often also place a small disclaimer detailing why the area is uncharted. Mokou and Cirno were in the dead center of a sea of red-stripes, with the handy little disclaimer ?Danger: Extremely Unstable Terrain. Hazardous pok?mon. Freak convention center. Enter at own risk, because we sure won?t.? While those red diagonal lines may have lengthened the life of their crafter, having the map tell her she was lost ruined her mood considerably.

Normally, she would have just turned around, but she already tried that twice and had no reason to think third time was the charm. Sticking with forward, Mokou had barely taken a step before Cirno made her impatience once again known. ?How about now?? The ice fairy asked.

Mokou, not wanting to lose her glaring contest with the map, didn?t so much as lift her head when she responded. ?No. We aren?t there yet. I don?t know when we?ll be there. And I won?t know when you ask in 5 minutes. So stop asking.?

?Well? at least things can?t get worse!? Cirno said, but she wasn?t telling it to Mokou. Rather, she faced the path ahead, commanding the cave to try its worst.

Mokou may have been alright with a bit of misfortune now and then, but inviting it was a different matter. ?Sure they can,? Mokou reminded Cirno. ?The cave could collapse. A 30 foot rock snake could appear. The ground could crumble beneath us. There?s about a hundred ways this could get worse.?

?Right!? Cirno replied with a childish smile. ?And the best way to make sure a 30 foot rock snake appears is to tell fate that things can?t get any worse!?

 ?That?s only because we have a goddess of misfortune back home. Once you start declaring things can?t get worse, you stop praying that things don?t get any worse. She makes you realize you should start praying with just a little bit more misery, and collects the faith.?

?Well, then there?s nothing to worry about! There aren?t any goddesses in this world, so things can?t possibly get worse!?

Cirno twisted her head up and down, left and right, forwards and backwards, and a combination of all 6. Nothing happened. Cirno yelled, ?I said, things can?t possibly get worse!?

The caved replied back ?Worse? worse? worse?..? until Cirno?s echo died to nothing. The girl stared ahead in anticipation.

?Come on, you stupid cave! Make a monster appear! Stop being stupid!?

The cave echoed back ?Stupid? stupid? stupid?..?

?Stupid cave.? Cirno pouted.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 08:45:20 AM by capt. h »