Author Topic: This is the 9th thread dedicated to the recording of failures at playing Touhou.  (Read 151168 times)

Oh, and I like being able to practice parts of games that I need to practice without having to go through an entire stage or even the whole game to get there. Probably why I love Spell Practice so much and think we also need nonspell and boss/midboss practice.

This. Totally.

Using save-states in mame is spineless. Not as bad as editing code to unlock stuff, but it's still spineless.

I wonder why you have a grudge against efficient practice. :3

To each his own I guess, but I'm with Zengeku and Enigma on this.  Savestates in competitive runs is something else, but I see nothing wrong with practicing something you're bad at.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
It's like Naut didn't use Stage Practice. Man, what!

Practicing stages in Touhou is one thing, since it allows you to, but using savestates in mame games is different, since the game was not designed to let you do it.

That said, I actually do hate spell practice so whatever. Last words are awesome, grinding all the game's spells is stupid.


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
So Prometheus is a spineless disgrace to Dodonpachi players because he "cheated" his way to getting the western world record?

I fail to see the logic in your thinking. It's about executing things in full runs, in what way you gain the experience to do so during practice is irrelevant. 

Who said cheating, I said spineless

Much like one could say creditfeeding is spineless

Which it is

Hurrr, gaps smaller than hitboxes.

I wonder if this is even possible on min rank >_>.  I should try not farming her second-last phase and see if I can actually not die on her last...

Much like one could say creditfeeding is spineless

Which it is

It's only spineless if you do it then say you actually beat the game. creditfeeding is generally a necessary evil if you don't have access to practice mode or savestates since it allows you experience with later stages.

Always playing only 1 credit in the belief that you'll actually learn the game that way just makes sure you'll likely never learn the game. Of course, it is possible to learn a game like that, but it'll take way longer than it would with credit feeding. People have 1cc'd Gradius III Arcade after all, and that game doesn't allow  you to continue and forces you back to the start if you run out of lives. Of course, Gradius series recovery pretty much forces restart if you die at a bad spot. And of course, Gradius III didn't do very well in the arcades, mainly due to the difficulty, which the 1 credit only thing probably contributed too since you had to not screw up just to get 1 shot at practicing a later bit, then if you screwed up, any chance to practice was over.

I still like Gradius III, even if I can only get to Stage 2, and it'd be neat to get better at it though. But the system pretty much makes any practice time I put in to be meaningless, while I could learn some tricks while credit feeding something

But creditfeeding= more productive practice, not creditfeeding= less practice. but the tradeoff(assuming arcade is) creditfeeding= less time per money spent usually, while not credit feeding= more time per money spent. It's a tradeoff thing.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 11:48:25 PM by Chaotic Phoenixma »

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Guise wat do.

(also, uploading as KounRyuSui brings me to an upload URL by... kakusei. =\)

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Practicing stages in Touhou is one thing, since it allows you to, but using savestates in mame games is different, since the game was not designed to let you do it.

IIrc, Prometheus has claimed to have spent 700 hours practicing for DDP, only practicing the parts that he needed to improve so he could improve in the most efficient way possible. How much would we need to multiply that with to reach the amount of hours it would take to gain the same excellent level of skill through playing the entire game over and over again?

Lets look at Touhou for a bit. The only game to have the ever convinient spell practice is IN. Which also happens to have a great deal of cards requires practice. I don't see the difference to play through Kaguya everytime to get another shot at something as trial n' error as Hourai Jewel or just grind it out to consistency in Spell Practice?

It also completely eliminates my main problem with Touhou. Boring stages. With spell practice I can practice only what I find necessary and not have to play through those slow-paced stages more than I have to when it is the bosses that are the main meat of the game.

Guise wat do.

(also, uploading as KounRyuSui brings me to an upload URL by... kakusei. =\)
Stage 1 - don't move around so much on Letty's first card, it's really unnecessary.  It's an easy card anyway but...

Stage 2 - The last fairy wave before Chen can be dodged with a simple small tap left or right - I wouldn't try the all-the-way-around dodging on anything higher than normal, since it's usually a forced bomb at that point (though I find it easier to PoC that way on normal so yeah).

Stage 3 - I noticed you were moving a lot more than you needed to in Alice's midboss spell.  Basically you can just sit at the bottom and watch the lasers - wherever the lasers are is where the blue bullets will be, you can just wait in one spot and move if a red bullet's coming at your face.

Stage 4 - You were close to an extend with 1 bomb and max lives - it would have been a better idea resource-wise to suicide before the extend and go to max lives 3 bombs.  I also would have held off on that border at the start, since it doesn't do much for you there.  Don't shoot the exploding things - max starting lives doesn't work in score runs anyway, you're just wasting bombs there right now.  This goes without saying, but try not to pichuun 3 times between Lily and the end.  The first two were because you didn't give yourself enough space, be a bit more careful with that.  The last makes sense, but if you have trouble with that fairy normally I recommend bombing it.  The death on Lunasa's opener... Uhh... Don't do that.  First Prismriver spell is simple streaming.  The yellow wave comes last, so make your dash for redirecting after that.  Lyrica's second spell (assuming you go that route again) is all aimed.  A small tap is all you need to dodge the bullets.  I say practice the hell out of that stage.

Stage 5 - Everything in that stage other than the arrow-shaped bullets is aimed, so try not to move around so much in the first half, it just makes things harder on yourself.  I recommend unfocused shooting on Youmu's first boss spell - there's no need to save your border for the nonspell.  Watch this for a how-to.  Alternatively, you could also do it my way and doge through the gap in the bullets on the second red/blue wave.  Not sure what to tell you on the second spell's first death, but the second was reasonable I guess.  Third spell is one of the easiest in the game if you stream slowly from left to right.  You should never have to redirect it if done correctly, only look at the rice bullets.

Stage 6 - I felt bad for you on the double pichuns+bomb, dem nerves =(.  Second nonspell is basically the same as Youmu's third spell but with nothing to hit you.  Start left, stream right, (or vice versa) NDNBNE(ffort) it.  Second spell?  Ha, that one can go die in a fire.  I honestly have no clue how to do it.  You made me cringe on the third spell when you directed her stalker explosion thingy up, don't do that.  I really have no clue how you didn't die after that >_>.  Nonspell after that, blue is aimed, green is aimed away.  Small taps man, you should NEVER have a gameover on that nonspell.

General tips: practice stages 4-6 more, don't be so jerky around aimed bullets, use your focus more when you're at the bottom unless it's an easy-peasy phase or you need to set up a border.  If you're almost certain you can't capture something, break a border on it if the bullets are dense enough.  Spell captures increase cherry item value, which is nice, but a break can also put you about 20-30k towards your next border if there's enough bullets (not to mention saving a bomb).  Cherry max doesn't really mean much on a survival run either, so keeping a border doesn't help you at all in that respect - always break your border on nonspells.  Of course if you're breaking a border near the end of a nonspell, you should probably wait a moment for more bullets to come onscreen before you finish it off so you can have your border ready for the next spell.  Borders will save you man.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
<awesome tips>
Cool, I'll keep these in mind. Thanks!

e: YES~! (this belongs to the accomplishments thread though :v )
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 04:03:14 PM by KogasaRyuSui »

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

e: YES~! (this belongs to the accomplishments thread though :v )
Congratz =D

Koishi's polygraph...shudder, slippery hands and a tired demeanor = bleh! XD

Why do I want to try for a No Bombs 1LC on IN? Someone please convince me that this is a terrible idea.

Edit: Hard, not Lunatic obviously. I have at least some sense.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 11:52:26 PM by Chaotic Phoenixma »


  • Time expired: 121:45
Umm...yeah I don't know what to say.  It took my brain a second to process what happened.  I don't know why I keep trying to play with Hatate cause this happens all the time  :V

Paper Conan

  • Productivity, all day 'erry day
  • NOPE, just kidding~


Well fuck.  :colonveeplusalpha:

Overall, this was a serious attempt. First three stages went beautifully (except for a bomb here and there but otherwise it was perfect; heck, I even captured Exiled Doll and all but one of Nitori's spellcards), but the last three stages... ehhh... they didn't go as planned.

Derped twice (or three times. I can't remember) against Aya. Even though the fight sucked, I dodged her first spellcard stupendously (even though I knew I was going to die (and did, at the end)). Stage 5 was just a bombfest for some some points and also for survival (hurr durr). I also derped also a few times during Sanae due to the fact that all of her spellcards involve micrododging. Stage 6 was also a bomb fest, and Kanako finished me off at Source of Rains thanks to all the little derps here and there. Even though I did a perfect run of her a while back (excluding her opener and VoWG), I still got my faced owned by a goddess.

Why does this always happen to me? :qq:
I have currently gameovered at the following in Lunatic Mode: Scarlet Gensokyo with Reimu A, Hourai Barrage with Scarlet Team, Flying Fantastica with Reimu B, and now this.

I have currently 1cc'd all the (main) games in Normal Mode and beaten all the Extra/Phantasm stage bosses. I don't really feel like 1cc'ing Hard (which I haven't) since now it seems too easy for me, yet I'm at the border of finally 1cc'ing Lunatic Mode in most games (except for SA for obvious reasons :V).

Wat do?

Why do I want to try for a No Bombs 1LC on IN? Someone please convince me that this is a terrible idea.

What? Its just a perfect run of the entire game? How could that be a bad idea? If you manage it, it would be cool.
However, for some reason i don't think you'll succeed so its a terrible idea. If you will remain stubborn then have a "good luck" from me.

Derp'd on Stage 1 last spell card on normal....Not physically nor mentally ready to play Touhou, camping drains the life(16km of hills per day) out of me no Touhou for 3 days and rust had shown lol...


  • Learning the ways of the bomb
  • Specializing in idiotic deaths since 2009
Two attempts at the EoSD ReimuA challenge:

Attempt 1: Restart after panicbombing Colorful Rain.
Attempt 2: Ragequit after dying twice to red NDLs (and I'd just panicbombed Agni Shine, too)

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
Gah... After I got my new glasses today...

Fairy Wars Extra and even some of my own creations such as this become hard to capture for some reason.

The Greatest Dog

  • Grazing at Mach 10
  • 90 Frames per Second GO!

With ReimuA. As part of the challenge.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

So I decide to go for PCB Lunatic, bombing through anything remotely difficult.  I then manage to get clipdeath'd 4 times on the Prismrivers, ragequit because I know damn well I can't do stages 5/6 on one life.


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List
I picked up MoF after two months of not playing it.  (No idea why.) Against Kanako, I either died or bombed all of her non-spells =(

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)


  • Time expired: 121:45
So I decided to play MoF on Hard, cause ya know I wasn't getting my ass handing to me enough on Normal.  My first death came before leaf head.  I managed to avoid dieing for the rest of the stage.  My second death came after mid-boss Hina.  But I hit 20k and got an extra life during the actual boss fight.  Got another 1-up after Mid-boss Nitori and hit 40k during the actual fight.  So I enter stage 4 with three lives.  I game over before reaching Momiji.

How duh hell did I screw up Yuyuko's Final Spell -.-.... And other failures...Although I 1cc, heck any one care to evaluate this for me?

Not sure what went wrong (in terms of scoring) but yea died unexpectedly at times (too many) is what I think just my eyes losing track of bullets looking at the life bar of boss's. Any advice would be nice too. Cheers!

I actually tried to play Imperishable Night with only my right hand a few days ago.

Yes, I failed horribly.  :colonveeplusalpha:

Argh literally 3 seconds away from defeating Koishi D:< ! Stupid subconscious panicking on the last part!

Agent of the BSoD

  • Takeminakata Invocation
  • *
  • Never forget
I'm not sure if this should go in the accomplishments thread or here so I'm posting it here.

Random IN Extra run with Yuyuko & Youmu team, and was perfecting the entire stage until Honest Man's Death. I have no idea why I deathbombed that spell TWICE. I seemed to move, but my characters didn't. (using vsync) >:( I'm not sure why that happened. It all went downhill from there, but I finished with 2 lives, no bombs left. Only 7 spell captures. But a new highscore!
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>