Author Topic: This is the 9th thread dedicated to the recording of failures at playing Touhou.  (Read 150796 times)


  • Time expired: 121:45
My last run through of PoFV with Marisa on normal was horrible.  I hate fighting Sakuya in PoFV.  Her knives are way too big.  And she usually comes far enough along that the computer cheats.  I mean 10 seconds into the fight and she already used a level 4 stock and I'm barely around 2 stocks.  I lost two lives against her.  Then came Komachi.  She was decent enough to wait til I had a level 4 stock before she used hers.  Lily showed up so I used mine, BUT GUESS WHAT!?  She had another level 4 stock that she used immediately after I used mine and Lily dropped a G.  So after I used another stock 4, she did it again!  Needless to say I died.  Then I beat her.  Facing Yamaxamadadobedobedo with no extra lives.  Did decently, until SUDDENLY FOUR BLACK HOLES SHOOTING THINGIES CONSTANTLY!


  • #totes
  • #legit
Alright my first eosd lunatic 1cc could be now.  No lives or bombs and scarlet gensokyo is left let's dies to bubbles shortly in.  Oh well  :V  Ive got a question about rank btw.  So by deathbombing how much does it lower rank as opposed to a normal death.  Also does regular bombing do anything to rank?  Are there other ways to keep rank down as well?


  • =.=
Alright my first eosd lunatic 1cc could be now.  No lives or bombs and scarlet gensokyo is left let's dies to bubbles shortly in.  Oh well  :V  Ive got a question about rank btw.  So by deathbombing how much does it lower rank as opposed to a normal death.  Also does regular bombing do anything to rank?  Are there other ways to keep rank down as well?
Deathbombing lowers the rank by the same amount as dying (which is 16). Bomb does not affect rank.
Scarlet Gensokyo is especially not affected by rank btw.

I highly doubt they could spam level 4s that easily - a lot of those were probably from score summons.  As I recall, the trick to PoFV is to keep your chains and spam level 2s - easier said than done though I suppose.

Deathbombing lowers the rank by the same amount as dying (which is 16). Bomb does not affect rank.
Scarlet Gensokyo is especially not affected by rank btw.
I would also like to say that you probably shouldn't bother with deathbombing in EoSD unless you're confident of your timing and death judgement.  ie. only do it if you're certain you're going to die anyway, and just ram yourself into a bullet as you bomb (rather than waiting for it to hit you).  It's pretty unlikely that you'll notice a situation like that AND react to it that quickly enough to plan a deathbomb, but it's possible so ehh.

If only it worked like LLS where you could just let items drop or timeout easy stuff to drop rank.

it's said that timing spellcards out helps lower rank in EoSD (not sure about nonspells), it's worthy to timeout spells in EoSD for survival, even though this seems to make the game more difficult (while trying to timeout, not exactly against Patchouli, for some reason..).

Iirc, some spells that can be timed out without much problem are Cirno's, Meiling's and Remilia's (there's not much benefit from trying to lower rank against Rumia, since rank is said to be reset at the start of each stage), I'm not sure if score affects rank, or even if max power affects it.
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.


  • #totes
  • #legit
okay this is all useful info thanks guiz.  however i dont know if i wanna timeout anything :ohdear: however i may not need to since ive been informed that marisaA is leagues better than marisaB and ive yet to try a run with marisaA yet.  however i did try stage 2 since that's the highest i have in practice and i must say she's stronger than expected  :V


  • Envoy of Balance
I went in stage 5 on Phantasm Romance with 3 lives. A bit worrying, but I still stand a decent chance provided that I use my resources smartly and Mars Frontier don't wall me too badly.

I then proceed to die four times in a row by trying to autocollect and ramming into bullets.


either timing out or otherwise failing to capture spells (by dying or bombing) works, my "advice" would be to just try to get enough resources to stages 5 and 6 and waste the bombs when you have them (you can play more comfortably when you're out of bombs, but dying with bombs in stock is restart-worthy -- inb4 more bullet hitboxes complaints from me). I used MarisaB since her bomb is strong enough to get rid of earlier spellcards (some of Remilia's latter ones are immune to it) while her shot is strong against bosses as well, but haven't tried MarisaA as much..

Make sure you've learned stage 3, 4 and 5's safespots and/or enemy attacks and placements (stage 4 enemies sometimes shoot away from you, and rows of them appear at certain locations of the screen while firing spread shots, so knowing their appearance placement is necessary. Some stage 5 fairies can be safespotted, just watch out for the fairies that come from the top of the screen who fire spread streams, they may be too close to you and get you by surprise if you don't expect them. If you don't know Sakuya's knives' hitboxes, bomb the spells/nonspells if you get cornered.)
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.


  • =.=
I used MarisaB since her bomb is strong enough to get rid of earlier spellcards (some of Remilia's latter ones are immune to it)
Only Red Magic / Scarlet Gensokyo are immune to bomb. Master Spark should smoke every other spell card (well, not Flandre :V)

however i may not need to since ive been informed that marisaA is leagues better than marisaB and ive yet to try a run with marisaA yet.
MarisaB allows you to bomb through many places easily. MarisaA has a more powerful attack, but the bomb is much much weaker unless you pointblank the bosses or something. This means you actually need to learn how to dodge certain attacks and certain parts of the stage instead of just bombing through.

I wouldn't recommend timing things out to lowering rank. If rank matters that much to your 1cc attempt, then you should just bomb more. I don't think bombs lowers rank per se (according to the wiki). Apparently, it helps in that if you capture a spell card, the rank rises substantially, so if you bomb it, you won't raise the rank, that's it.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 05:49:15 AM by Eva Beatrice »

Well that's embarassing... Die while streaming bubbles, gg.

Once again, the hatred for Hourai Jewel has increased even more. What is the deal with this? I dunno. The only thing I understand is that the playtesters who thought that card was a good idea needs to use a meltdown fuel rod as a lolipop.

Damn. Kaguya sucks.

8lue Wizard

  • Cobalt Magician
  • (Apparently)
Cheeeen! y u kill me? =(

Kaguya's fight is awesome, except Hourai Jewel. Starting to like Eirin's fight a little more(but Omoikane makes it suck), but it still doesn't beat out Kaguya, Kanako, and Remilia.

On the subject of Hourai Jewel, not even going to try to milk that thing.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 05:23:11 PM by Chaotic Phoenixma »

It is mainly Hourai Jewel that makes me dislike her fight. I don't like LSI either but that at least has some elements of skill even if it constantly pushes me into sandwitches between Kaguya and the stars.

Brilliant Dragon Bullet and Buddhist Diamond is cool attacks though. And her opening non-spell and second non-spell is also very cool. If you took out Hourai Jewel she wouldn't be too bad but I still prefer Kanako and Utsuho over her. Remilia too but EoSD hitboxes ruins my fun.  :(

Oh and I know Utsuho is easy. But she makes everything explode! What other Touhou boss can boast of having actual explosions? I can't remember any. And any PC-98 boss that might do that doesn't count since explosions are nothing without the graphics to support them.


Btw. Enigma. What is your opinion on LSI?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 07:31:36 PM by ゼンゲク »

Every PC-98 boss goes Fat Man after being beaten lol

got up to last boss in pcb on hard, before i quit due to low standards in performance.... -.-....

Every PC-98 boss goes Fat Man after being beaten lol

Sure but its not very satisfying explosions.

Btw. Enigma. What is your opinion on LSI?

2nd best spell in the fight if we don't count last spells
3rd best if we do
5th best if we count in her nonspells

Also, on the subject of failures, just put in 50 attempts on the card Youmu solo No Focus Pacifist and screwed up every single one of them, most of them in ways that shouldn't have even happened. I'm pretty consistent at it normally though.

Aha. So what's your favorite one then?


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Man, what happened? I was certain that the Vsynch patch worked with Danmakufu, but now I'm seeing input lag worse than EoSD/PCB with the patch on. Also Phantasmagoria Trues was fun on standard mode, but as soon as I punch it up to advanced it shows all the reasons I disliked the bulk of Phantasm Romance; ass pull danmaku that no human could ever dodge without memorizing what's coming, and the dumb idea to not only bar access to stage 6 if you continue, but to not let that stage be playable in practice mode (which begs the question of why it's even there if it's non-selectable).
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Agent of the BSoD

  • Takeminakata Invocation
  • *
  • Never forget
Man, what happened? I was certain that the Vsynch patch worked with Danmakufu, but now I'm seeing input lag worse than EoSD/PCB with the patch on.
This. Vsync does pull a few wonders on danmakufu, but not much. On that stage with the blocks, there's insane frame drops that I can't get rid of. It seems that danmakufu can't handle a bunch of objects on screen at one time, though you would think that would have been sorted out by the designers since that's one of the reasons it exists. (besides creating stuff and patterns with less quantity)

Also Phantasmagoria Trues was fun on standard mode, but as soon as I punch it up to advanced it shows all the reasons I disliked the bulk of Phantasm Romance; ass pull danmaku that no human could ever dodge without memorizing what's coming, and the dumb idea to not only bar access to stage 6 if you continue, but to not let that stage be playable in practice mode (which begs the question of why it's even there if it's non-selectable).
Most likely a glitch with the designing. That's probably why it's not completed yet, and many other reasons I'm sure. Makes you wonder, since it's only ver. 0.6, if they'll implement an Extra stage in the future. Don't hold your horses though, I'm just guessing.

Also, when I went and peeked at the images used in this script, I was amazed at how many spell cards there were. All in an image too. That, and there isn't an extra, but a Phantasm! That sounds cool. (though extra and phantasm are nearly the same thing aren't they?) :wat:
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>


  • #totes
  • #legit
so im playing eosd lunatic and i make it to scarlet gensokyo with one extra life.  After using that life and all my lives as soon as i see some bubbles i bolt straight to the corner of the screen orz   Basically i died in an extremely dumb way.  Also, do another run it was better than the first but then... I lose like 3 or 4 lives to patchy herself =/ such silly deaths too >.> Also in each of these runs one time i capped eternal meek and the other killing doll  :V the rank was low for both though but still it was unexpected. 

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming

Spam her Level 1 special on boss sprites. They die in about 3-4 shots provided the entire laser sinks into them. This is basically my strategy for Match Mode Hard runs, so...  :V
And yeah, level 2-3 specials if the bullets start to get too dense.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Most likely a glitch with the designing.

I'm wondering, does anybody who knows his danmakufu coding know if it is possible to remedy this by altering something in the code?
I think I already know how to allow continuous in stage 6 so that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

ass pull danmaku that no human could ever dodge without memorizing what's coming,

Play the game once, know that it's there, dodge it everytime after that? Not getting the complaint here.  :shrug:

I'm wondering, does anybody who knows his danmakufu coding know if it is possible to remedy this by altering something in the code?
I think I already know how to allow continuous in stage 6 so that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Quite easily, provided all the creator is doing is disallowing it from being played, as opposed to just not having scripted the systems that allow it to be playable outside of the game continuity. Keep in mind that force unlocking things via editing the code in a game is pretty much the most spineless thing anybody could possibly do in this context.


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Bleh, managed to get it to start at stage 6 when you select the "play full game" option.
No idea how to activate it in stage practice.  :/

Also, I wouldn't be doing this if it actually unlocked on it's own brah~



Stage 6 suddenly unlocked itself for stage practice.

Apparently the trigger for unlocking it is
1cc'ing Unlimited mode.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 10:12:54 PM by Jaimers »

Being the nib I am, I still play my Lunatics with max lives.  I could have had a default equivalent on LLS just now, but I'm terrible at Reimu so I burned 4 lives there.  Oh well, at least I now have a Marisa ending screenshot.

UPDATE:  In an attempt to get hardmode Marisa clear pics, I end up dying on stage 4 four times... By flying into enemies.  3 of which were the same enemies spawning from the same places.  Yes, it was actually that retarded.  Then I try again and die 5 times on Reimu, breaking my old record death count of 4 deaths on Reimu Lunatic and making it 5 deaths on Reimu Hard.  God dammit T_T.

UPDATE 2: Adding onto my horrible runs, I now decide to just say fuck it to scoring and play for survival.  I still blow the whole Reimu fight, die on rings of death with 4 lives in stock, find myself last life no bombs on Yuka by her last few phases, try to lower rank a bit by timing out so I can survive the sparks, survive the first spark, die on the second.  Not that it would have saved me on the last phase, but ugh... Dammit Reimu, why so OP?  I had an easier time with SoEW Marisa =(.

Update 3: Completely failed to supergraze Yuka's circle of bullets that closes in to the center thing, wasting 2 lives there.  Made it to her second last phase with almost no resources for bomb-spam item farming, blah.  Oh well, at least I cleared it, and Reimu was a 1 bomb no death this time... As it should be - Hard shouldn't give me more trouble than Lunatic, I don't care what game I'm playing, but definitely not in LLS where Hard is a complete joke.

Update 4: I forgot to screenshot my score.  Even if it was a horrible run, I can't see myself doing this again for a long while, so I'm disappointed now =(.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 06:06:24 AM by chirpy13 »

Keep in mind that force unlocking things via editing the code in a game is pretty much the most spineless thing anybody could possibly do in this context.

Not any different from using save-states in Mame. Just a means of more effective practice. Doesn't sound spineless at all.

Not any different from using save-states in Mame. Just a means of more effective practice. Doesn't sound spineless at all.

Using save-states in mame is spineless. Not as bad as editing code to unlock stuff, but it's still spineless.

Understandable argument if you're playing something that hasn't been ported.

But if something has been ported, then I see no reason to complain about someone loading a savestate at the beginning of a stage/boss of something since it would be the same as practice a stage/boss on a port if the port has a practice mode.

But savestates are a good thing for practice, even if you cannot do them on the Arcade. Maybe if arcade games had stage practice.

Oh, and I like being able to practice parts of games that I need to practice without having to go through an entire stage or even the whole game to get there. Probably why I love Spell Practice so much and think we also need nonspell and boss/midboss practice.