Author Topic: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!  (Read 66118 times)


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Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #810 on: June 29, 2011, 02:16:08 AM »
I agree with the former option being the best.  The Oni could become potential allies later on even we can manage to keep things somewhat peaceful right now so it's best not to deceive them or screw them over unless of course you manage to accept our way as an acceptable challenge.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #811 on: June 29, 2011, 08:43:15 AM »
Can't think of anything else, other than a straight up fight, though it kind of pisses me off people will be gambling on this.  At least we should be able to see Yugi in action and maybe learn a thing or two.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #812 on: June 29, 2011, 08:53:29 AM »
>Frown. We'll have to consider this falsehood later...
>Look at Yuugi. Speak softly: "I understand. Do you say this because you doubt my sincerity, or because you do not wish it to be true?"

> This revelation did come at an inconvenient time.
> "With this, I won't have ta doubt you. No words to twist my mind whichever way, no little prepared speeches that ye might not even believe in yerself. A Trial's a Trial's a Trial - fists speak the truth."

Hello Purvis

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Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #813 on: June 29, 2011, 09:03:33 AM »
>"You understand that a trial by combat would play right into the hands of those who have manipulated us thus far, I assume."
>If she agrees to this point, and has any desire to press forward, say, "Let me propose something different, then. Let us put our fists to use creating a different kind of beauty, one more fitting for the situation we are in. I propose to you a trial that is not of strength, but of dexterity, with a mental agility very different than that of fighting. Should you agree, and only if you will feel satisfied with this, I would challenge you to overcome the best calligraphy I can create with your own. Should you not feel this to be proper, then we shall pursue something more traditional. Which would you prefer?"


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #814 on: June 29, 2011, 11:16:15 AM »
>"You understand that a trial by combat would play right into the hands of those who have manipulated us thus far, I assume."
>If she agrees to this point, and has any desire to press forward, say, "Let me propose something different, then. Let us put our fists to use creating a different kind of beauty, one more fitting for the situation we are in. I propose to you a trial that is not of strength, but of dexterity, with a mental agility very different than that of fighting. Should you agree, and only if you will feel satisfied with this, I would challenge you to overcome the best calligraphy I can create with your own. Should you not feel this to be proper, then we shall pursue something more traditional. Which would you prefer?"

> "Yer terms are good. Can't write, but any Oni can carve a rock. Would that be good for ye, and do ye need time to prepare?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #815 on: June 29, 2011, 08:49:19 PM »
>"That is fine. And I am ready when you have your materials."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #816 on: June 29, 2011, 09:34:47 PM »
>"That is fine. And I am ready when you have your materials."

> Yuugi nods.
> "Gimme a moment."
> She strides outside and, moments later, comes back in.
> "Imma be workin' with this."
> She puts down a pebble - a piece of gravel from the path in your garden - on the table. It is about the size of her thumb and is vaguely spherical.

> Rules for the crafting contest!
> The contest will consist of three time periods, each an hour long.
> You have available two currently-empty Impression slots.
> Each time period you may choose to emphasise two of Speed, Quality or Content.
> Content fills in two Impression slots with average-grade work.
> Speed allows you to acquire two more unfilled Impression slots.
> Quality upgrades a filled Impression slot from average-grade to master-grade.
> At the end of the third round, your filled Impression slots will be tallied up.
> Each filled Impression slot has a chance of generating a successful Impression.
> A successful Impression generated from average-grade work counts once.
> A successful Impression generated from master-grade work counts three times.
> Special rule! You can benefit from your Moves or Stances if you can think up a way of how they would aid you.

> "May the strongest prevail," says Yuugi solemnly, and picks up her pebble, concentrating all her attention on it.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #817 on: June 29, 2011, 10:10:17 PM »

Alright. So we're definitely going to want to master things up; average calligraphy is just writing.

Bobert, thoughts on how to apply stances? If nothing else, having a connection to Meiling gives us a very valuable possibility of being able to see how our work affects others before presenting it.

Edit: Could we possibly try to encapsulate kiai in writing, letting the brush strokes and widths emphasize it?

>Could we have an up to date skill list, please?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 05:02:35 AM by The Purvis »


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #818 on: July 01, 2011, 11:48:43 AM »
> Skills:

Eidetic Memory: 5 - you remember everything you've experienced at least once. Also governs learning and pattern recognition.

Brawling: 5 - You are a warrior paragon, capable of performing Moves and adopting Stances that stretch the limits of mortal capability. You are nigh-invincible against mortal opponents, and many Youkai will think twice before challenging you to combat. Many of your Moves and Stances have improved directly as a result of your new-found prowess. Governs attack power and difficulty, also physical strength and general fitness.

Martial Arts: 5 - Your focus allows you to perform near-superhuman feats of agility, and, even without tapping on your Qi, your resistance to supernatural effects is phenomenal. You have no limit on the amount of actions you may try to perform simultaneously, but the quality of each one will suffer with each additional action. You can understand the purpose of any Move or Stance as it is being used even if you have never seen it before. Governs technique, combination attacks, agility and spell resistance.

Calligraphy: 4 - your calligraphy skills are unmatched among the human population of Gensokyo, and you'd give many Youkai a run for their money. Also governs reading and writing.

> Moves:

Kiai Shout - You are the master of your Qi. The user of this move focuses her Qi by drawing it from key points in her body, and releases it in a mighty shout. Whilst it has no direct offensive use, the advantages that a kiai provides are plentiful.

Nimble Shift - Agile and quick, the user of this move takes advantage of her opponent's surprise to immediately slip behind her foe, bypassing many defenses for a brief moment.

Flying Hieda Tackle - You are the most reliable projectile you've ever used. The user of this move launches herself bodily at the opponent, providing a bonus to attack, as well as quickly closing distance. When used for the first time in a fight, also counts as a surprise attack.

Cross Counter! - In a clash of heroes, there is no time for defense! The user of this move must ready a counterattack action, or be in a stance that enables counterattacks. When hit, this move alleviates some of the damage received in exchange for an attack against the opponent that is unblockable.

Sledgehammer Fist - The force of your strikes is such that air whips around them, and the earth shatters beneath them. This move cannot be dodged.

Tiger Claw - The vast power of your strikes is unstoppable. This move cannot be blocked.

Qi Release - Power is nothing if it is not used against one's foes. The user of this technique explosively releases any accumulated Qi - whether in the body or stored elsewhere - to augment a single attack. The attack becomes unblockable and undodgeable under normal conditions, and gains a great increase to damage.

Heavenly Guardian Defense - As long as you hold love deep within you, your body will remain unbroken. This move automatically and completely blocks any single attack, including such attacks that cannot be blocked. Flaw of Invulnerability: You may not use this move if not fighting in the presence of a target of your Compassion.

Spell-Shattering Palm - The mightiest of spells wither at your touch. The user of this technique focuses all her Qi into a single, perfect strike aiming to disrupt the flow of magic by crushing it with her force of will. This move completely destroys many Spell Cards, but might require multiple precise hits against stronger magics.

> Stances:

Eagle Hides Talons - An opponent is weakest when committing to an attack. The stance's user sinks into a low position, waiting for attacks to her upper body and shoulders, blocking and counterattacking each one. All offensive capability is sacrificed for improved defense and the ability to counterattack. At Complexity 5 the user is able to counterattack any attack made against her regardless of position and direction.

Tiger Rends Prey - No defense is necessary when your opponents lie bleeding at your feet. This stance puts the user into an unbalanced position on the tips of her toes, outstretched arms crossed in front of her. This is a highly aggressive stance that gains speed, damage and accuracy in exchange for defense, control and technique.

Berserker Rage - Hell hath no fury like an Akyu scorned. The user of this stance flies into a berserk frenzy, attacking friend and foe alike until nobody stands but her. This stance severely boosts all physical attributes and ignores fatigue and damage penalties for its duration. Whilst this stance is active the user must attack everything that can be considered to be a threat. The stance only ends when nobody else can be perceived, or the user falls unconscious.

Marble Bulwark - Attacking you is akin to attacking a mountain - pointless and futile. The user of this stance prepares to defend every vulnerable part of her body with both arms and legs. The stance sacrifices attack power and the ability to counterattack due to the concentration required to maintain a strong defense. At Complexity 4 the user no longer receives penalties whilst in this stance.

Marble Carapace - Surrounded on all sides, your defense remains unwavering. Marble Carapace augments the effects of Marble Bulwark when you employ Two Fight As One. During this stance, you take no penalties to defense against multiple opponents, and cannot be caught off-guard in combat. At Complexity 5 your defense cannot be reduced by any effect when in this stance.

Meiling's Tower - Power gathers to those who are strong. The user of this stance is able to fully tap the channels of Qi in her body, and shape them to her will. While offensively and defensively weak, this stance is able to quickly counter attacks with a mystical component, as long as they can be affected by touch, simply by channeling Qi to the correct location in the body. To the outside observer, the user of Meiling's Tower would seem unmoving and unflinching even as attack after attack breaks itself upon her. Once her Qi has been shaped, the user of this stance does not need to remain in it to enjoy its effects, but would have to return to it to alter the flow of her Qi into another fashion.

Two Fight As One - Transcending words and emotions, the two users of this stance share a bond on the instinctual level. When fighting together, their combined co-ordination and strength become greater than the sum of the parts. At Complexity 5 the bond goes so deep that the two combatants share senses, emotions and pain. It goes without saying that there is a mystical component to the use of this stance, and someone without magical aptitude or who is not in touch with their Qi cannot use this stance. The stance can be further enhanced with magic to a level where the two users of this stance do not need to be close to each other to benefit from its effects.

> Miscellaneous:

Snake Coil Parry - Like a snake winding around its victim, always avoiding a direct confrontation, so does the user of this technique avoid blocking powerful attacks head-on, instead using agility and flexibility to redirect their momentum. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Snake Coil Parry enhances the user's blocking ability, reducing by half any damage incurred from attacks that damage through a block. At Complexity 4 this technique perfectly cancels damage from attacks that have been successfully blocked.

Opening the Mind's Eye - The five senses are limited and imperfect, easily confused and misled. The user of this technique subdues all her other senses in favour of perceiving everything around her through her Qi. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Opening the Mind's Eye enhances the user's Qi sense, when applicable, to perceive anything around her with a mystical component. Only situational in the real world, this is a perfect sense in Gensokyo, where everything has such a component.

Your Compassion drives you and guides you - You can never be forced to hurt your allies, even if your mind itself is in the clutches of your enemy.

Hanzo K.

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Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #819 on: July 01, 2011, 03:40:07 PM »
I was thinking we could face her on her own field, stone carving.
Since our Sledgehammer Fist is described as being able to break the earth in the area of impact, we could use it to carve a large stone/rock/mid-sized boulder.
If anyone has any ideas that might fall in that vein, why don't you toss those into the pot for consideration too?
Perhaps with the support of Two Fight As One?

But then again, this might not work, but it's a potential idea.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Hello Purvis

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Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #820 on: July 01, 2011, 11:47:21 PM »
Given it's very much not our field, and calligraphy is, I would recommend against punching rocks.


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #821 on: July 06, 2011, 08:48:10 AM »
>Would two fight as one allow us to use extra hands for more actions?
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #822 on: July 06, 2011, 09:01:15 AM »

>And would we be able to give Meiling any of our skill without affecting our own performance, as far as we know?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #823 on: July 06, 2011, 06:21:28 PM »
>Would two fight as one allow us to use extra hands for more actions?

> Yes. In Two Fight As One, you get an extra action to emphasise Speed, Quality and Content.

>And would we be able to give Meiling any of our skill without affecting our own performance, as far as we know?

> If this is regarding the extra action from using the stance, then the extra action counts as if it were entirely your own with no penalties.


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #824 on: July 07, 2011, 12:35:47 AM »
>can we use nimble shift to improve speed?

>can we use sledge hammer fist to improve speed?

>can we use Kiai Shout, Tiger Claw, and/or Qi release to improve possible chance of successful impression and/or increase value of the impression?

so far i am thinking content speed content speed quality quality using the two as one to double our actions and these techniques to improve them
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #825 on: July 07, 2011, 01:09:59 AM »
I'm liking the way you think. But I think Kiai might be better as a subject to calligraph than an assistance to such.

>How many of these can we stack on at once?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #826 on: July 07, 2011, 06:50:49 AM »
>can we use nimble shift to improve speed?

> You tell me. How?

>can we use sledge hammer fist to improve speed?

> You tell me. How?

>can we use Kiai Shout, Tiger Claw, and/or Qi release to improve possible chance of successful impression and/or increase value of the impression?

> You tell me. How?

>How many of these can we stack on at once?

> Each and any Move or Stance can be used once, provided its use is reasonable.


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #827 on: July 07, 2011, 07:53:45 AM »
>our sledgehammer fist means an extremely fast and accurate strike since it is undodgeable. That would translate to quick and precise movements during it.

>Tiger claw is an unblockable strike.  This would mean a strong impression from a forcefulness of spirit. Especially when it is combined with Qi Release to amplify the effect and translated to the paper along with the Qi with the precision afforded by the Spell shattering fist.

>Who is present for this? I see a use for infusing the compassion of the Heavenly Guardian defense into our work.

only using a technique once, i am thinking

content speed (extra action from two fight as one; speed boosted by sledgehammer fist) content quality(Combine Heavenly Guardian Defense, Qi Release, Spell shattering fist, and Tiger Claw)

So while in the Heavenly Guardian Defense, Qi Release and Combine the forcefulness of Tiger Claw with the precision of the Spell Shattering Palm to express compassion.

>Is the above mentioned plan feasible?

Edit: Perhaps we can put first impression( the mindsets of Flying Hieda tackle along with berserker rage to express the surprise rage that entered us in the tournament)

Second impression(the mind sets of Eagle hides talons and cross counter for how we appeared weak yet still defeated our foes early on)

Third impression(master piece combo to express the compassion we stared developing strongly and began our path to peace)

Fourth impression(Marble Bulwark and Meilings Tower combo for though is that the very heavens are arrayed against you(Meilings Tower to express mystical) You shall stand firm against the injustice with such resolve that no matter how hard they billow rage, they cannot bend you any more that the wind cannot bend the mountain)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 08:07:25 AM by mad »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #828 on: July 07, 2011, 08:13:12 AM »
GODDAMNIT PHONE LINE! Don't break and then have to be repaired by my own horrible soldering skills.

Also, I'm entertaing ideas of honor, by having it a one on one, even though I can't think of any reason not to use Two Fight As One.
Best normal route would be 1. Content, Speed 2. Content, Quality 3. Quality, Quality  for a total of 10 possible impression points.
12 if we use Two Fight As One during one of those time periods for another Quality.
Just about anything could be used to improve our writing, it just has to make sense, and you have to be able to explain it.

>Eidetic Memory: Think back to the masterpiece that was ruined at the begining of our journey and gather inspiration and collectedness.  We have been given a chance make something even better.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #829 on: July 07, 2011, 03:43:26 PM »
>our sledgehammer fist means an extremely fast and accurate strike since it is undodgeable. That would translate to quick and precise movements during it.

> Using Sledgehammer Fist during your Calligraphy allows you to immediately acquire an unfilled Impression slot and fill it with average-grade work.

>Tiger claw is an unblockable strike.  This would mean a strong impression from a forcefulness of spirit. Especially when it is combined with Qi Release to amplify the effect and translated to the paper along with the Qi with the precision afforded by the Spell shattering fist.

> Using Tiger Claw during your Calligraphy allows you to immediately upgrade an average-grade work to master-grade.

>Who is present for this? I see a use for infusing the compassion of the Heavenly Guardian defense into our work.

only using a technique once, i am thinking

content speed (extra action from two fight as one; speed boosted by sledgehammer fist) content quality(Combine Heavenly Guardian Defense, Qi Release, Spell shattering fist, and Tiger Claw)

So while in the Heavenly Guardian Defense, Qi Release and Combine the forcefulness of Tiger Claw with the precision of the Spell Shattering Palm to express compassion.

>Is the above mentioned plan feasible?

> The combo provided is unnecessarily complex, but the spirit is viable. Using Heavenly Guardian Defense during your Calligraphy allows you to perfectly nullify a master-grade Impression slot belonging to your opponent.

Edit: Perhaps we can put first impression( the mindsets of Flying Hieda tackle along with berserker rage to express the surprise rage that entered us in the tournament)

Second impression(the mind sets of Eagle hides talons and cross counter for how we appeared weak yet still defeated our foes early on)

Third impression(master piece combo to express the compassion we stared developing strongly and began our path to peace)

> The above are too vague to qualify the Moves and Stances utilized, however:

for though is that the very heavens are arrayed against you You shall stand firm against the injustice with such resolve that no matter how hard they billow rage, they cannot bend you any more that the wind cannot bend the mountain

> Is a heck of a description. Stunt Bonus: You automatically fill an unfilled impression slot with average-grade work during the third hour.

>Eidetic Memory: Think back to the masterpiece that was ruined at the begining of our journey and gather inspiration and collectedness.  We have been given a chance make something even better.

> Using Eidetic Memory during your Calligraphy automatically improves an average-grade work to master-grade in the first hour.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 03:45:27 PM by Fightest »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #830 on: July 08, 2011, 12:09:54 AM »
I'm thinking heavenly defense is poor sportsmanship.


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #831 on: July 08, 2011, 12:44:37 AM »
>Since Qi is our life and calligraphy dedicated to history is our lives, Qi release would be infusing our life force into this writing. Our passion and duty to prevent the events that occur from becoming distorted into nonsense or naught but dust shall be infused into our work.

>Marble Bulwark is our unshakable spirit, unbent no matter the opposition. Infused into our work, it displays an unconquerable determination.

>Berserker Rage is our untiring spirit. No matter how long the road, our steps shall never falter. Infused into our work it shows that no matter the obstacle, we shall push on.

>Opening the Minds Eye is our truest sight. Seeing through the deception of this tournament, we shall lay bare the travesty that has been forced upon us.

>Spell-Shattering Palm is a very precise move, translating to precise movements.

>Spell-Shattering Palm is our precise mind. With it, we shall shatter the illusion of this tournament that has trapped Gensokyo in its dark grip.

>Kiai Shout is the gathering of Qi  into one shout. This shout shall be our piercing voice ensuring that the heavens cannot turn a deaf ear to us.

How about

1. Content(Two fight as one, Heavenly Guardian Defense) Speed (Sledgehammer fist, Tiger Claw) Content()
2. speed content
3 quality quality

Bonus from Eidetic Memory. Not using Stunt bonus, because I don't want to leave an unfilled impression slot after all bonuses are collected.

The above grants 3 average and 4 master slots nullifying one of Yuugi's master slots

this is fifteen maximum

I'm thinking heavenly defense is poor sportsmanship.

I disagree. I see it as an overwhelmingly good impression that causes one of Yuugi's to pale in comparison.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #832 on: July 08, 2011, 08:10:28 AM »
>Since Qi is our life and calligraphy dedicated to history is our lives, Qi release would be infusing our life force into this writing. Our passion and duty to prevent the events that occur from becoming distorted into nonsense or naught but dust shall be infused into our work.

> Using Qi Release instantly fills all unfilled Impression slots with average-grade work, but removes all bonuses from Two Fight As One for the duration of the Trial.

>Marble Bulwark is our unshakable spirit, unbent no matter the opposition. Infused into our work, it displays an unconquerable determination.
>Berserker Rage is our untiring spirit. No matter how long the road, our steps shall never falter. Infused into our work it shows that no matter the obstacle, we shall push on.

> For the sake of the Parser's sanity, it is not possible to stand in several stances simultaneously. Stances may be switched once per Trial hour.

>Opening the Minds Eye is our truest sight. Seeing through the deception of this tournament, we shall lay bare the travesty that has been forced upon us.
>Spell-Shattering Palm is our precise mind. With it, we shall shatter the illusion of this tournament that has trapped Gensokyo in its dark grip.
>Kiai Shout is the gathering of Qi  into one shout. This shout shall be our piercing voice ensuring that the heavens cannot turn a deaf ear to us.

> This is too vague, and, whilst sounding impressive, does not relate to the immediate task of Calligraphy.

I'm thinking heavenly defense is poor sportsmanship.
I disagree. I see it as an overwhelmingly good impression that causes one of Yuugi's to pale in comparison.

> This is a correct interpretation. The use of Heavenly Guardian Defense is not a direct interference in Yuugi's work, but more the prevention of your work being surpassed through an absolute and unshakeable Impression. It is as poor sportsmanship as defending yourself in combat.


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #833 on: July 08, 2011, 09:58:48 PM »

Speed(Heavenly Guardian defense, Sledgehammer fist) speed leaving 1 master and 4 unfilled
speed(Qi Release) quality leaving 2 master and 5 average
Quality(Tiger Claw) Quality leaving 5 master and 2 average

Using Eidetic memory

leaving 17 possible

>Spell shattering palm requires precision to perform. Our movement during it is must be precise, which in calligraphy is a requirement for complex characters to be done flawlessly. During it, we should be able to produce higher quality work than normal

>Nimble Shift is the taking advantage of a split-second gap to quickly move to the enemy's rear. During it, our movements require great speed.

>Beserker rage eliminates fatigue and boosts all physical attributes. These include speed and dexterity. This should translate to quick and precise movements.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #834 on: July 08, 2011, 10:50:55 PM »
>Spell shattering palm requires precision to perform. Our movement during it is must be precise, which in calligraphy is a requirement for complex characters to be done flawlessly. During it, we should be able to produce higher quality work than normal

> Spell-Shattering Palm is, above all else, a monumental release of Qi strong enough to crush magic. Using Spell-Shattering Palm during Calligraphy removes your ability to focus for one round entirely, but instantly creates an unfilled Impression slot and fills it with master-grade work.

>Nimble Shift is the taking advantage of a split-second gap to quickly move to the enemy's rear. During it, our movements require great speed.

> Using Nimble Shift during the first round instantly creates an unfilled Impression slot.

>Beserker rage eliminates fatigue and boosts all physical attributes. These include speed and dexterity. This should translate to quick and precise movements.

> Berserker Rage is, above else, the loss of control to achieve a final purpose. Berserker Rage can only be used on the first round of the Trial. Using Berserker Rage during your Calligraphy removes your ability to focus for the duration of the Trial, and it removes your ability to use Moves and Stances. Instead, these will be used as the Parser deems story-appropriate. While you may lose a degree of certainty of success, the single-minded berserker's trance may lead you to different revelations...


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #835 on: July 09, 2011, 01:03:10 AM »
So I'm thinking

Speed(Heavenly Guardian defense, Sledgehammer fist) speed(nimble shift) leaving 1 master and 5 unfilled
speed(Qi Release) quality leaving 2 master and 6 average
Quality(Tiger Claw) Quality leaving 5 master and 3 average

Using Eidetic memory

leaving 18 possible

>Snake Coil Parry requires precise movements. As a passive, it should have a passive increase in our precision

>Tiger Rend Prey increases speed

>Flying Hieda Tackle, when used for the first time in a fight, counts as a surprise attack. All our fights are against experienced opponents, which would include those who could read the shifts(such as Meiling) that indicate preparation for a tackle. This means the the Flying Hieda Tackle requires extremely fast movements.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #836 on: July 09, 2011, 08:14:51 AM »
Let's see if I understand the nuances correctly:  During each hour we can choose two actions.  We can only use each ability / move once during the trial.
Stances can only be switched after an hour.

>Can we only utilize one ability / move per action?
>Does Two Fight As One only last one hour?
>Is there a difference between a "round" and an "hour"?

Rage sounds tempting, but anger ruined our masterpeice in the first place.  We can try rage-induced trips sometime later.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #837 on: July 09, 2011, 08:16:28 AM »
I don't think anger would serve our purpose, given we're pretty much trying to Martin Luther King Jr. this business as a whole.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #838 on: July 11, 2011, 01:47:51 PM »
>Snake Coil Parry requires precise movements. As a passive, it should have a passive increase in our precision

> The parser swears that you've been using extremely similar phrasing for no less than five Moves and/or Stances.

>Can we only utilize one ability / move per action?

> No. Your Martial Arts allows you to take a large amount of actions simultaneously, however, you may only adopt one stance at a time.
> You may only, however, use each Move once during the duration of the Trial.

>Does Two Fight As One only last one hour?

> Two Fight As One may be held continuously for the duration of the Trial, and does not count as a Stance.

>Is there a difference between a "round" and an "hour"?

> No. Apologies for ambiguous wording.


Re: Let Your Fists Do The Talking! Akyu Quest Continued!
« Reply #839 on: July 12, 2011, 12:20:22 AM »
Since Two Fight as one lasts the whole match

Speed(Heavenly Guardian defense, Sledgehammer fist) speed(nimble shift) leaving 1 master and 5 unfilled
speed(Qi Release) quality leaving 2 master and 6 average
Quality(Tiger Claw) Quality leaving 5 master and 3 average

Using Eidetic memory

leaving 18 possible

Content Speed (Heavenly Guardian Defense, Sledgehammer Fist, nimble shift) 2 filled 3 empty 1 master
Content Quality  Quality(Tiger Claw) 1 filled 1 empty 4 master
Quality Quality Speed? 6 master

using Eidetic Memory and stunt bonus

still 18 possible

The top one seems less risky

>When in the third round does the stunt bonus work?

>Marble Bulwark: back when we created this, we were trying to avoid having strong fist impressions made in us. Perhaps this can still be of use.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.