Author Topic: [ROGUE] Okay let's play some NetHack (and DCSS!) (and Angband!) (and Slash'em!)  (Read 224441 times)


  • Robot maid
  • ow my hand
When I first heard the name "brogue" thought it was a Celtic-themed roguelike.

Now I'm kind of disappointed there is, as far as I know, no such thing out there.


  • Catgirls are Charming!
  • *
  • Catgirl Enthusiast
I still haven't really figured Brogue out. You mean there are builds beyond 'try and grind strength for the best armor and weapons possible'?
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • Robot maid
  • ow my hand


  • Robot maid
  • ow my hand


  • Robot maid
  • ow my hand
Just ascended the main quest in Shiren the Wanderer. That was fun.

Now I just have to do it without a +22 wide-slashing, ghost-slaying Dotanuki and a +6 hunger-slowing, dragonfire-dampening heavy shield.