Author Topic: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)  (Read 34214 times)

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/12)
« Reply #60 on: November 12, 2010, 07:56:16 AM »
(Sorry for the wait. School's been swamping me lately. I hope this came out well, though.)

 ?So, Flandre,? Koakuma began, sitting next to the little vampire, ?how far are you in the last book I brought??

 Flandre took another bite of the cake before answering, smiling up at Koakuma. ?I?m almost done. It?s kind of weird, ?cause I don?t get why all this bad stuff?s happening to the sailor. He just killed a bird, can?t the spirits just forgive him and get it over with??

 ?The Rime of the Ancient Mariner??

 Flandre looked at Sakuya, her eyebrows raised in surprise. ?Oh, you read it too??

 Sakuya nodded, trying to smile a bit. ?I read it in Miss Patchouli?s library a few weeks ago. I thought it was very good.?

 Flandre nodded thoughtfully, taking another sip of tea. ?I still think they should just forgive him. It feels bad when someone just won?t forgive you for doing something you feel guilty about??

 Her voice trailed off as she looked blankly ahead of her. She seemed to be somewhere else entirely. Thinking quickly to break the awkward silence, Sakuya spoke up again. ?I?I like your wings, Flandre.?

 Flandre quickly snapped out of her small trance and grinned up at Sakuya. ?Thanks! I made them myself. It hurt when I had to put them in, though. But aren?t they pretty?? She cheerfully poked at a light blue crystal on the tip of her right wing. ?I like the light blue ones the best. That?s why I have two on each wing.?

 Sakuya was too shocked by Flandre?s response to say much of anything. ?Y?yes, Flandre. They?re beautiful.? Flandre smiled in satisfaction and returned to eating, completely oblivious toward Sakuya?s shock. The maid looked up at Koakuma, but the demon only gave her an awkward little smile.

 After a few more minutes of silence, Flandre finished her breakfast and wiped her mouth clean. ?Thanks, Koakuma. It was really good, like it always is.?

 Koakuma smiled and put a hand on Flandre?s head. ?I?m glad you enjoyed it. Now, I?m sorry to tell you this, but Sakuya and I need to leave a little early today.?

 Flandre?s face fell instantly as she looked pleadingly up at Koakuma. ?But?but why? I don?t want you to go. It?s only been twenty minutes.?

 Sighing, the demon hugged Flandre comfortingly. ?I know, but we need to talk with your sister. We?ll be back for lunch. Won?t we, Sakuya??

 The maid nodded, unsure what to say. Flandre looked so sad. They couldn?t just stay a little longer?

 Reluctantly, Flandre agreed to let them go. Promising to be back in time for lunch and dinner, they exited the basement and locked the door behind them. Sighing, Flandre slowly walked over to her bed and sat on the edge.

 ?I wonder why they left me in such a hurry,? a familiar voice said behind her.

 Flandre turned to see herself standing on the other side of the bed, grinning at her with an uneven smile. The clone walked around the bed and sat next to her, staring off into the basement. ?They don?t want to be near me for long. Can?t say I blame them, though. I?m such a frightening person, aren?t I??

 Two pitch-black pools formed on the floor, and from them emerged two more black shapes. Once they fully freed themselves from the darkness, colors formed on their bodies, revealing two more clones of Flandre. One had a face torn by sorrow, and the other had eyes burning with hatred.

 The sad one sat on the floor, hugging her legs close to her. ?I wish Remi would come down. Why won?t she see me? I miss her??

 The angry one snorted scornfully, walking over to the table. ?She won?t come down because she hates me. Isn?t it obvious?? Suddenly, she kicked the chair clear across the room, watching as it hit the opposite wall with a crash. ?I hate her so much! That stupid little brat.?

 ?That?s right,? the grinning one said in a soothing voice. ?Why do I even put up with her anymore? It would be so easy to break out of here and get back at her. Make her know what it?s felt like all these years.?

 Flandre shook her head, shutting her eyes. She bent forward in her seat and covered her ears, trying her hardest not to hear anything. ?Remi?s my big sister?I?I?d never do that. I just want to make her happy, even if it means staying in here.?

 ?But if this were making her happy,? the sad one said in a soft whisper, ?wouldn?t she come down to see me and tell me? Wouldn?t someone say something??

 The grinning one?s smile spread even wider. She put an arm around Flandre?s shoulder. ?Of course not. She just wants to forget that I?m even here, that I exist. She wants to forget that her scary, insane little sister is still alive after all these years, right??

 ?I?m not insane.? Tears were starting to fall from Flandre?s eyes. ?I?m not. I?m not.?

 Then why did you kill your parents?

 The thought cut through her mind like a bullet. Nobody needed to say it for her.

 The room was silent, save for Flandre?s quiet sobbing. Quietly, the clones slowly disintegrated into black ash that sank into the floor, leaving their original to cry alone in the basement.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • アタリスク・アイダロ
  • 男は僕の心を素早く盗みます。
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/12)
« Reply #61 on: November 12, 2010, 12:09:52 PM »
I love it !!!

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/12)
« Reply #62 on: November 12, 2010, 12:24:08 PM »


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/12)
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2010, 04:32:34 PM »
Worry not, it's an excellent addition.  Flandre's always an interesting character study (and writer study).  I especially approve of her wings.

Oh man....  Now I'm so tempted to write...  Must resist.

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/28)
« Reply #65 on: November 28, 2010, 07:13:25 AM »
(And finally an update. I...don't really like this one, but maybe that's a good sign.)

 ?So, Sakuya,? Remilia began, ?I trust your meeting with Flandre went well??

 ?Yes, milady,? Sakuya replied. Patchouli had dismissed Koakuma to do some work in the library while they talked. The demon had been glad to leave anyway.

 ?And I suppose you would like to know why she is kept there.? Remilia turned to look out of the window as she spoke, an elbow on the windowsill and her chin on her wrist.

 ?Well, I would, but it doesn?t seem to be my place-?

 ?I?m making it your place.?

 Sakuya remained silent. She was obviously going to get an explanation whether she wanted one or not.

 ?Patchouli,? the little vampire said, still staring absently out the window, ?if you would, please. You can explain the situation better than I.?

 The book the magician had been reading closed itself and floated onto a coffee table next to her couch. Patchouli closed her eyes, took a deep breath (accentuated by a small cough at the end), and looked up at Sakuya.


 ?To begin, I should explain that Remilia and Flandre are not normal for their species. When a pair of vampire parents has a child, that child is born a human. The child grows like any other human, and when they reach an age when they appear to be at the peak of their physical and mental capability, their parents convert them into vampires, so that they will permanently be at their best age.

 ?The problem happened on Remilia?s fourteenth birthday. Flandre was ten at the time. I, as a friend of the Scarlets, wanted to take Flandre and Remilia out for an evening in Paris as a birthday present. With my magic, money was not an issue, and their parents happily agreed.

 ?Everything went well for most of the night. We enjoyed ourselves, saw every sight we could, ate at some famous restaurants. And then, just as we were about to leave to come back here, Flandre and Remilia were attacked. I had been walking ahead of them, and as we passed an alley a homeless, starving vampire pulled them into the shadows and began to feed on them.?

 Patchouli closed her eyes again and took a few raspy, deep breaths, clutching at her chest. When her breathing returned to normal, she looked back up at Sakuya. ?Forgive me, it isn?t easy to go through this again.

 ?In any case, when I realized what had happened and used my magic to kill the vampire, it was already too late. Flandre and Remilia had gone into shock, and they were already beginning to turn into vampires themselves. All I could do was carry them back to the mansion, flying in the cloud cover to hide from anyone on the ground that might see us.

 ?Needless to say, the Scarlets were upset. Their daughters would be children forever, and this was probably the end of their line.

 ?Now, before I continue, there is something else I should explain. When a vampire is created, they gain a random power that can range from teleportation to the manipulation of the stars, as well as a weapon related to that power. Remilia and Flandre gained two extremely rare powers: Remilia can manipulate fate, and she has the spear Gungnir, that, like fate itself, almost never misses its mark, while Flandre can instantly destroy anything by closing her hand over the object, and she has the wand Laevateinn, said to be able to destroy the world.

 ?When Flandre and Remilia woke from their shock, they had already grown their wings and gained their powers. However, they didn?t know how to control them, and purely by accident, Flandre destroyed their parents. Remilia, in a fit of grief and rage, tore out her sister?s wings, but I managed to stop her before she could do anything else.

 ?As she was the oldest, Remilia became the new head of the mansion. Before that day, the Scarlets had asked me to take care of their daughters in case anything happened to them, and I?ve done exactly that. Flandre, meanwhile, became unstable due to the shock from so many things happening at once, and through both Remilia?s request to her and her own dedication to her older sister she has stayed in the basement for the last four hundred and twelve years. I?ve tried urging Remilia to visit her more often, but she still seems to hold a grudge toward her sister.?

 ?She destroyed my family and any chance of the Scarlet family continuing its lineage, Patchouli,? Remilia snapped, still staring out the window. ?She?s the most dangerous thing in the world right now, and keeping her anywhere but the basement is a threat to everyone?s safety.?

 Patchouli remained silent, and her book floated off the table and back into her lap again, opening up to where it was before she started speaking.

 ?In any case, Sakuya,? Remilia began after a moment, ?now you know our secret. You can either stay and continue living and working here, or you can leave. If you do, however, keep in mind that I won?t be able to guarantee your safety anymore.?

 Sakuya had been quiet through this whole explanation. It was a lot of information to soak up all at once, and most of it was quite shocking. She really didn?t know what to think.

 ??if you wouldn?t mind, milady,? Sakuya finally replied, ?I would like some time to think it over.?

 ?That?s fine,? Remilia responded, turning to look out of the window again. ?Come back to me when you have reached a decision.?

 Sakuya curtsied politely and walked out of the room, somewhat quickly. When she closed the door behind her, the room was blanketed in still silence.

 ?I hope that was the right thing to do, Patchouli??
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/28)
« Reply #66 on: November 28, 2010, 07:17:22 AM »
Oh wow. This is good. Keep it up!


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/28)
« Reply #67 on: November 28, 2010, 07:20:09 AM »
what can descripe this story other than Perfect, Awesome, or Win? I can't think of anything :D


  • アタリスク・アイダロ
  • 男は僕の心を素早く盗みます。
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/28)
« Reply #68 on: November 28, 2010, 08:04:02 AM »
I've run out of words so I'll draw you another picture later ^^


  • Reimu is all of it
  • I suddenly feel like I ate a crowbar.
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/28)
« Reply #69 on: November 28, 2010, 11:28:52 PM »
400-hundred-year grudge :derp:

Still as intense as usual, which is how it should be. Perfect. :3
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


  • Umiiro Shoujo ni Miserarete
  • Umi is love, Umi is life
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 11/28)
« Reply #70 on: December 22, 2010, 04:58:05 AM »
glad i found this! needs more PERFECT!! =P

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #71 on: February 08, 2011, 04:00:03 PM »
(Holy crap three months. Geez, I need to be more diligent with this stuff. In any case, I had to completely rework this bit about three damn times and I'm still not sure it came out well. But hopefully it did.)

 In the basement of the mansion, the crystal-winged little girl sat on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest. She still cried quietly, shaking from the return of repressed memories bludgeoning her mind. Her parents? last looks of shock, Remilia?s screams, Patchouli pulling her sister off her mutilated body?

 Just then, Flandre felt a small hand on her shoulder. She looked out of the corner of her eye and was met with herself, grinning eerily. ?Go away,? she mumbled, pulling herself into a tighter ball and squeezing her eyes shut. ?Just go away.?

 The clone sighed and put her arms around Flandre, caressing her shoulders slowly, comfortingly. ?I know I don?t like it when I come out,? she whispered, laying her head on Flandre?s hat. ?But it?s not like I have anyone else. The only other option is for me to sit in this basement and rot alone.? The clone slowly ran a finger across Flandre?s cheekbone, and the little vampire quickly turned her head away in disgust.

 The clone just moved her hand to Flandre?s side-tail instead, moving the long strands of blonde hair between her fingers. ?But that?s why I made me, right? Why I made us. So that I could have someone who understands me, someone who knows what it feels like to be me. Someone to be there for me when nobody else is.? The clone sighed, embracing Flandre again. Flandre finally relented, laying her head on the clone?s chest, still curled up as the ever-grinning version of herself stroked her hair. ?It?s a shame. Solitude will do horrible things to people??

 ??I?m not alone,? Flandre mumbled, her voice cracking. ?I still have Remi, and Koakuma, and Patchouli, and now Sakuya-?

 ?Remi hates me,? the clone interrupted. ?I know she does. Patchouli, too. Why else would they never visit me? And now Koakuma?s getting tired of coming down here as well. I saw how eager she seemed to be to get out today. She?s leaping at the opportunity to give her job to Sakuya, and Sakuya has no idea how dangerous I am. ?Better that Sakuya get hurt instead of me,? must be what Koa?s thinking.? Slowly, gently, the clone rested her head on Flandre?s, moving her hand to the original?s back. ?After all, I?ll hurt everyone one day. Everything that gets near me breaks eventually. My toys, my friends, my family. I just can?t control myself.?

 The grin of the clone grew wider and wider until it seemed it stretched from one ear to the other. ?Everything?breaks,? she hissed in Flandre?s ear.

 ?Young mistress? Can I come in??

 Flandre pulled herself away from her clone to see Sakuya peeking around the door in the distance, silhouetted by the light coming from the stairway. She looked back to see if her insane copy was still there, but already it evaporated into black dust. ?C?come in, Sakuya. What do you want??

 The maid silently entered and closed the door behind her before walking through the darkness to the bed. She stopped a few feet from the end of the bed, curtsied, and gave Flandre a small smile. ?I just thought I would pay you a visit. May I sit with you??

 The vampire shifted a bit and looked down at her feet, trying not to let Sakuya see her eyes red from crying. ??you should stay away from me. It?s not safe.?

 Sakuya stood there quietly for a moment. Then, slowly, she moved over to the bed and sat at Flandre?s side, putting an arm around the vampire?s shoulders. Flandre relented after a time and leaned against Sakuya, stuffing her hands into the folds of her skirt as if she were afraid they would leap out of their own volition and attack the maid.

 ?You shouldn?t be down here all alone,? Sakuya finally said, giving the vampire a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. ?Why don?t I come down here more often than just three times a day??

 Flandre was silent. She stared at the burning candle on the table beside her bed.

 ?If I have free time,? Sakuya continued, ?I can come down and spend time with you. Maybe we can play some games, or I can read you stories. Would you like that??

 ??I already told you it?s not safe around me,? Flandre muttered, just barely audible. ?I break things. Anything. It?s just a matter of time before-?

 ?Ssshhh,? the maid interrupted, holding Flandre more tightly to her. ?Don?t talk like that. It?s not good for you.? Pause. ?Besides, I won?t break. No matter what happens, I?ll never break.?

 Finally, Flandre looked up at Sakuya, sitting up straight to get a better look at the maid. ?Promise??

 Sakuya smiled warmly down at Flandre with a gentle nod. ?I promise.?

 ?And you won?t leave either??


 The little vampire took a few minutes to stare into Sakuya?s eyes, and then suddenly hugged the maid around the waist. ?I?m so happy, Sakuya. Thank you. I don?t want to be all alone down here anymore.?

 Sakuya felt a few tears welling up in her eyes, but tried her hardest to push them back. She laid a hand on Flandre?s head, stroking her back with the other. ?I understand, young mistress. I?ll always be here for you. Always.?


 Three figures watched the exchange from the shadows. One mournfully, one barely containing her anger, and one with cold, malicious glee.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #72 on: February 08, 2011, 04:44:39 PM »
Four Of A Kind, but they have different personalities, and their own influence on Flandre, I like this...a lot.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #73 on: February 08, 2011, 05:16:54 PM »
This is amazing. In fact, the whole "Four of a kind" thing being Flandre's different... "persona's", so to speak, Is described amazingly. In fact, this is the first time I've seen any fanfic incorporate four of a kind into the story as part of her personality, and not just a cheap Naruto rip-off. Sadly, the only bad thing about this story, well, not so much the as the author who updates infrequently (COUGHUPDATEMORECOUGH).


  • アタリスク・アイダロ
  • 男は僕の心を素早く盗みます。
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2011, 04:01:30 AM »
Indeed Squiddy~ Update More >__>
I need this to get through the exam weeks...


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
  • Let's puzzle together again, Karin!
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #75 on: February 18, 2011, 12:44:00 AM »
I...just wow.  I'd never really known much about the Scarlet Mansion since I never really looked into EoSD much(Was always most interested in IN/PCB), but this story...It's a very well done emotional piece, for sure.  I'm loving what you've done with Flandre, though I must say...  Everytime I think about her wings, I'm reminded of this horrifying tearing sound from this one audio thing I heard on youTube once...  *shudders*

Of course, I like the other characters as well, it's just that Flandre's gotta be my favorite player in this story(with the Perfect, Elegant Maid a very close second of course).
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!


  • Umiiro Shoujo ni Miserarete
  • Umi is love, Umi is life
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #76 on: February 28, 2011, 06:27:23 AM »
Three figures watched the exchange from the shadows. One mournfully, one barely containing her anger, and one with cold, malicious glee.

For a second, I thought this sentence meant Koakuma, Patchy, and Remilia  :ohdear:

Reading Comprehension, where are you hiding inside my brain?  :(

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2011, 10:03:38 PM »
Wow.... an amazing story. I love the characterization, how they're fleshed out in each segment.

More updates please~~!

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 2/8)
« Reply #78 on: March 08, 2011, 02:59:24 AM »
Infinite thanks, for writing this, and for posting the link in your signature - that's how I found your story (epic luck  :D). It's mindblowing to see all the characters outside of their carefree outward appeareances and crazy memes. The settings you add make it so much more...colorful.  Geh. I can't describe this in words.  Update please.
For a second, I thought this sentence meant Koakuma, Patchy, and Remilia  :ohdear:

Reading Comprehension, where are you hiding inside my brain?  :(

I did the same thing as well, all the way until I read the next sentence.   ><'

Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #79 on: March 09, 2011, 09:47:53 PM »
(So I decided yesterday to just force myself to write again. I should be doing a lot of things, but screw that. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement.)

 ?For the last time, we are not moving the mansion,? Remilia stated firmly, setting down her tea on the table in front of her. ?The Scarlet Devil will not turn tail and flee like some helpless little mouse faced by a rat. Our pride is at stake, and the pride of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is a thing to be preserved.?

 The little vampire narrowed her eyes at the woman seated across from her, who sighed in response and crossed her legs beneath her long, purple dress. She rested an elbow on the arm of her chair, gently laying a cheek on that same hand as she eyed Remilia with her bright violet eyes.

 ?You know,? she began, her voice mature and almost sultry, ?you?re really lucky. I don?t usually come to other youkai like this. Usually I just let them find the place for themselves and slide in. But no, here I am, giving you the best offer of your life, and you?re just going to turn me down?? The woman clicked her tongue, shaking her head in disappointment. Patchouli, lying on a nearby sofa, looked up from her book for a second to shoot the woman a somewhat irritated glance. She said nothing, however, and returned to reading a moment later.

 Remilia leaned back in her chair, interlocking her fingers together contemplatively in front of her mouth as her wings rested over her shoulders like a shawl. She closed one crimson eye, eyeing the woman in front of her with the other. ?I?m sure you know that we have a new member of the household. A human, in fact. She?s been here a month now, but she?s slowly acclimating to this new environment.? Slowly, she closed the other eye, measuring her words carefully. ?She would have no place in this?Gensokyo, was it? You keep pitching it as a youkai paradise, but it seems there is no place for a human there.?

 The woman giggled, a light and airy sound. ?Of course there are humans as well. Gensokyo is a place where humans and youkai can coexist. A haven for anyone who believes in us, so to speak.?

  The vampire considered this for a moment. She reached for her tea once more and took a sip of it, savoring the bloody taste. Finally, her eyes slid open again as she looked straight at the woman. ?I must continue to decline. For now, the mansion will stand its ground. The Scarlet Devils have lasted for centuries here, and we will remain for many more hence.?

 The woman just shrugged, sighing in resignation. ?All right, if you?re going to be so adamant about it??

 As she stood up and retrieved the parasol that lay against her chair, a jagged crack appeared in midair next to her. Fingers from several hands slid through the crack and shoved it open with a sound like the splitting of an overripe melon, creating a portal to an open dimension colored like rotten flesh and filled with thousands of staring red eyes. The woman took this all in stride, and as she was about to walk through she turned to Remilia one last time, smiling mischievously. ?The offer still stands, though. Maybe one day you?ll see my side of things. I can wait.?

 The vampire narrowed her eyes at the woman, but remained silent. Once the woman passed through the portal and the fissure resealed itself, Remilia let loose her irritation by slamming her fist on the arm of her chair. ?Damn that Yukari,? she growled, her eyes burning with frustration. ?Who does she think she is, waltzing into my home and insulting my integrity? I have half a mind to go over to that damn Gensokyo of hers and teach her just what happens to those that disrespect the Scarlet Devil.? Taking a moment out of her monologue, she turned to glare at Patchouli, who was still calmly reading her book. ?And why did you just sit there and let me take all that? You could have helped, you know.?

 ?The affairs of the mansion are yours to handle,? Patchouli replied, her tone one of boredom as she refused to look up from her reading. ?You are the head of the mansion, after all. I?d think you would have adapted to that after the last couple of centuries.?

 Remilia just glared at the librarian for a moment longer. Eventually she relented, sinking into her chair as she massaged her temple. ?Ridiculous?simply ridiculous??

 She winced as someone knocked on the door, grating further on her nerves with the irritating sound. ?Come in,? she snapped. In response, the door slowly opened as Sakuya entered the room, looking around the door warily. ?Am I interrupting anything,? she asked, looking at Remilia with concern.

 Patchouli raised a hand and motioned for the maid to enter, still focused on reading. ?No, no. We were just having a meeting with someone. Come in. Have you reached a decision yet??

 Sakuya nodded, entering the room and closing the door behind her. ?Yes, I?ve decided. I will stay.?

 Remilia suddenly perked up at that, letting her hand drop as she looked up at Sakuya. Realizing her own excessive enthusiasm, she quickly composed herself, clearing her throat and sitting up straight. ?Well, I?m certainly glad you decided to stay. You?ve been quite helpful around the mansion.?

 ?Koakuma has expressed her gratitude, by the way,? Patchouli chimed in. ?She?s much less pressured now, working only in the library.?

 Sakuya just nodded in appreciation. After a moment of silence spent fidgeting with her apron, she spoke up again. ?Well. I should return to work.?

 ?Yes, yes, go ahead.? Remilia waved her hand to dismiss the maid. ?Take care. I?ll call for you if we need anything.?

 Once Sakuya curtsied and left the room, Remilia sighed in relief, falling back into her chair again. ?Well, I suppose that?s some good news to counter that minor annoyance. We won?t be losing our maid anytime soon.?

 ?I get the feeling she?s a bit more important to you than just being a maid, Remilia,? the magician droned. ?Admittedly, she does hold some resemblance to your mother-?

 ?I know, I know.? The vampire hid her face in her hands, partially out of embarrassment and partially out of building irritation. ?Is it wrong for me to want some memory of my family??

 Patchouli defensively raised a finger, though her eyes still never left her reading. ?I never said there was anything wrong with it. Just pointing it out.?

 For a minute, Remilia just looked at her. Then, slowly, she slid off her seat, walked over to the sofa, and warmly embraced the magician. A small, pleasant smile grew on Patchouli?s face as she rested her cheek on Remilia?s head, putting an arm around the vampire?s shoulders.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Life.....Death.....
  • I own it all
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #80 on: March 09, 2011, 11:13:47 PM »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #81 on: March 10, 2011, 01:18:38 AM »
For a minute, Remilia just looked at her. Then, slowly, she slid off her seat, walked over to the sofa, and warmly embraced the magician. A small, pleasant smile grew on Patchouli?s face as she rested her cheek on Remilia?s head, putting an arm around the vampire?s shoulders.


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Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #82 on: March 10, 2011, 06:46:32 AM »
Took some time to read up the entirety of it, t'was an excellent read.  :V

I ask of you, to believe. Not in the you that believes in me. Not in the me that believes in you. Rather, believe in yourself that believes in you.


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Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #83 on: March 17, 2011, 04:45:41 PM »
Love your work so far. keep it up.
Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

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Aba Matindesu!

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Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #84 on: March 20, 2011, 12:19:15 PM »


This stuff is awesome.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu


  • Surprising rain
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #85 on: March 22, 2011, 02:58:32 AM »
Great read!
Please keep updating :3
Love your work :D
New to MotK!


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Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #86 on: March 23, 2011, 10:29:18 AM »
Darn it, I've seen this some time now but I regret never clicking it earlier. It's really good, I can't think of a word to describe it...
Why is it that everytime I read someone else's work I feel so inferior >.<
Really loved this, hope you update it soon  :V


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Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #87 on: March 28, 2011, 02:53:53 AM »
excellent update ~~
I would expect nothinhg less though


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Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #88 on: March 28, 2011, 06:11:40 PM »
Man squidy, I totally forgot about this XD Gonna have to do some catchin up in the story. Also long time no see, good to see your keepin busy~


  • Surprising rain
Re: The Perfect, Elegant Maid (NEW INSTALLMENT 3/9)
« Reply #89 on: April 01, 2011, 07:07:57 AM »
Where's the new chapter :O
New to MotK!