Author Topic: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 81721 times)

Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #990 on: June 23, 2010, 08:00:32 PM »
>"You like it? I bought it for you, actually. Wasn't quite sure what to get you, but I tried to find something that wouldn't look out of place in your apartment."

>"And I'm actually doing pretty well, considering. More at peace about at least a part of my situation. Heh, a bit of a story to that one..."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #991 on: June 23, 2010, 08:06:30 PM »
>"You like it? I bought it for you, actually. Wasn't quite sure what to get you, but I tried to find something that wouldn't look out of place in your apartment."

>"And I'm actually doing pretty well, considering. More at peace about at least a part of my situation. Heh, a bit of a story to that one..."

>"Oh really? This'll look nice by the bed, I think. Maybe in th kitchen... hmmmm..." She contemplates it, while you continue to speak, then looks back to you and says. "It sounds like something happened."
>The waitress, who you think is also the chef, appears and gives Parsee a menu.


Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #992 on: June 23, 2010, 08:14:16 PM »
>After the waitress is out of earshot:
>"Well, you know that charm I was wearing the other day? Turns out it's not just a piece of paper. I took it off when I was getting cleaned up, this morning, and as soon as I did, the spirit materialized next to me. I think it must have been keeping her suppressed, or something."
>"I can actually sort of communicate with it now, vaguely. I mean, I can sense a general impression of what it's thinking, and it seems to be able to do the same thing to me. It's pretty vague, sometimes, but... well, I'm sure that it means well, now."
>"It's really shy, though. Tends to pop out when I'm alone, and vanish whenever anyone else is around, although Orin did get a glance at it this morning. I... kinda hope that doesn't happen at a bad time."
>"I went back to its home in the forest this morning, but I think it wants to stay with me. I... get the sense that it also feels like something is wrong with the world, too. But it's hard to really tell what it's thinking, sometimes. It seems very confused by most of the city. I guess it's never really left the forest. I wonder how old it is...?"
>"Anyway, I think we're in this together, now. For better or worse."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #993 on: June 23, 2010, 08:27:57 PM »
>After the waitress is out of earshot:
>"Well, you know that charm I was wearing the other day? Turns out it's not just a piece of paper. I took it off when I was getting cleaned up, this morning, and as soon as I did, the spirit materialized next to me. I think it must have been keeping her suppressed, or something."
>"I can actually sort of communicate with it now, vaguely. I mean, I can sense a general impression of what it's thinking, and it seems to be able to do the same thing to me. It's pretty vague, sometimes, but... well, I'm sure that it means well, now."
>"It's really shy, though. Tends to pop out when I'm alone, and vanish whenever anyone else is around, although Orin did get a glance at it this morning. I... kinda hope that doesn't happen at a bad time."
>"I went back to its home in the forest this morning, but I think it wants to stay with me. I... get the sense that it also feels like something is wrong with the world, too. But it's hard to really tell what it's thinking, sometimes. It seems very confused by most of the city. I guess it's never really left the forest. I wonder how old it is...?"
>"Anyway, I think we're in this together, now. For better or worse."

>"So that piece paper actually did something? Huh..."
>"Well, that's good to hear. I suppose there's worse things than having a peaceful ghost following you around."
>"...It's here right now, isn't it?"
>"Wait, are you saying it thinks the same way you do? Like, the same kind of instinct you told me about before? And, I suppose if it's not used to people, it'd be weirded out by them too."
>"You never did tell me if it's here, right now."


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #994 on: June 23, 2010, 08:30:49 PM »
> "Um, yes, it is here right now... As for how it thinks, I'm not really sure. It's close enough that I can at least make some sort of sense of the emotions that it seems to project. And it does seem to understand me to at least some small degree when I try to communicate with it..."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #995 on: June 23, 2010, 08:37:14 PM »
> "Um, yes, it is here right now... As for how it thinks, I'm not really sure. It's close enough that I can at least make some sort of sense of the emotions that it seems to project. And it does seem to understand me to at least some small degree when I try to communicate with it..."

>She frowns. "God damn it, I hate being spied on so much. Tell it to go away or something, if it listens to you."


Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #996 on: June 23, 2010, 08:42:09 PM »
> "I'm not entirely sure it actually can go away. When I offered to let it stay with me, I got a feeling like... It was already set. I mean, I'll try, but don't get your hopes up... Anyway, it's not like it's going to report to anyone or anything like that."
> Try to convey to it that it would be best to have a little privacy for now.

Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #997 on: June 23, 2010, 08:42:31 PM »
>"It's not 'spying' on anyone. That implies intent. She's not trying to find out your secrets, or anything. She barely understands half of what I've been doing, anyway."
>"And, frankly, I don't know that I CAN tell it to go away. I'm not sure if it's just following me, or actually attached to me in some way."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #998 on: June 23, 2010, 08:47:48 PM »
> "I'm not entirely sure it actually can go away. When I offered to let it stay with me, I got a feeling like... It was already set. I mean, I'll try, but don't get your hopes up... Anyway, it's not like it's going to report to anyone or anything like that."
> Try to convey to it that it would be best to have a little privacy for now.

>"It's not 'spying' on anyone. That implies intent. She's not trying to find out your secrets, or anything. She barely understands half of what I've been doing, anyway."
>"And, frankly, I don't know that I CAN tell it to go away. I'm not sure if it's just following me, or actually attached to me in some way."

>You try to explain the arrangement as you understand it as well as you can. "Huh. That sounds like some you'd want to hammer out real fast. I mean, how an you have alone time with someone over your shoulder all the time?"
>You try to ask it to go away. You have no idea if it even heard you.


Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #999 on: June 23, 2010, 08:52:17 PM »
>"I don't know... it doesn't feel like as much of invasion as you might think. Maybe because she's so... alien, and... innocent, even. It's not like having a person following you around."
>"But we can only barely communicate at this point. Kind of hard to set any ground rules this way."

>"But she did seem nearly terrified when I tried to visit the Moriya shrine, earlier. I don't know if she thought I was going to try and exorcise her, or something. Or how she'd even know where we were going..."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Okuu Quest Next - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #1000 on: June 23, 2010, 08:55:53 PM »
>"I said I wanted dinner for two," Parsee replies, "And I mean to have it!"
>Parsee shanks you.