Author Topic: Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning  (Read 4276 times)


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:48:40 AM »
This was a project I wanted to turn into an original Touhou game. With new youkai and new theme songs to go along with it. However, the project was canceled due to lack of volunteers and I could not have time to learn danmakufu or learn to sprite and draw. I would like to give thanks to those (Especially Roukanken, Casercan, ChaoStar, Formless God and others(if i forgot anyone)) for the tiny yet hugely impacted contributions that made me fell in love with this story more. At the beginning, I intended to have a story of how Senritsu and Hakushi met and I didn't have the time. Well, to make sure my story is clear I listened to Senritsu's theme once more and finished the beginning. There will be more though(depends on how many want it to continue and how my crappy inspiration is). Enjoy.(Comments on the story. Skip it if you like.)

"21. I win."

"Dammit! Thats the third time in a row!" an angry man yelled as the winner laughed.

Near a restaurant in the Human Village, there was a crowd surrounding two people. On one side, was a village local. The other was a young man with red hair wearing a dark blue kosode. On his side he had a string of dice and the other, a pocket to put his deck of cards in. He wasn't just any human in the Human Village.

"You already bet 10,000 yen. Now hand it over." The young man held his hand out. The local, pissed, slammed a heavy bag of money in the middle of playing. Inside it was many coins and yen dollar bills. That even looked like his savings! The local stomped off and and the crowd looked at him. The young man put his cards away, grabbed the bag. stood up and walked off.

"Three blackjacks in a row..." Someone said.

"That's nothing. Any chance he took he came out alive of it. I heard he walked out of the village where most Youkai are and he came back unscathed!"

"Is that so?" a woman gasped.

This human was not just any human. Sure, there are humans who have skills like being a perfect archer, or one who can catch any fish he wishes. There is even a human who knows all of Gensokyo's history, but is that even human? There is even an immortal human that was shunned, a human that was a descendant of a goddess, and a human who was sealed up somewhere for forbidden magic done. Can humans like these even be called human?

This human was Hakushi Mahou. As the rumors you heard, it is all true. Hakushi can supposedly win at any game. Any gamble, any risk, any chance. Only the idiots dare to try their luck, as their luck is nothing compared to his. In his situation, how did he obtain such skill? Was it just some sort of good fortune that happened? No. Actually it had been like that ever since he was born. Having a skill that is unique is something to be proud of. At first, you think having magnificent luck is such a poor skill. However, this skill affects everything during your whole life. So far, he didn't feel it consumed him. He is not addicted at all to gambling and taking risks. That would be idiotic. Even if it hasn't consumed him however, it has bored him quite a bit.

The young man walked into a small cabin. Right at entering, there were shelves of antiques and ancient writings. Well, we all know where that came from. Ahead, he also had a bookcase with interesting books. In his home, he had a lavish rug with a table on it. There were four luxurious pillows surrounding it too. But, all bragging aside, Hakushi took a look at the bookcase.

" becoming boring. Same thing as everyday. Five snake eyes in a row, four aces in a hand twice, and three blackjacks in a row..."he sighed."Don't the idiots get it?"

He glanced around the bookcase once more, and one came to mind as he saw it. He took out an dusty, old, tattered book. "I won this a week ago...what's so special about it?"

He blinked and sighed."It's just garbage...might as well make garbage a currency." He threw it on the ground and the book opened. Before he sat down to think, something caught his eye.

That page that was shown had a magic circle on it.

"A...magic book?"Hakushi looked.

A door slammed open, without knocking. He looked to see another man, excited. "Sheesh...barging in my home as if it was nothing."

"Hey you! I heard you beat that other guy with three blackjacks in a row today! I want to see if that's true!"

Hakushi picked up the book and looked at it. The man became impatient. "Hey! Are you listening?!"

"Another time..."Hakushi said.

"Huh?...Weird..."He shrugged and walked out. "Didn't expect that to happen."the door closed.

Hakushi sat down at his table with the book opened.

Some of the lettering on the pages were nearly fading, but at least they were readable. The edges of the pages were torn a bit. The page he was reading seems to tell instructions of how to perform a certain spell. He also noticed a little box on the page on the proper way to draw a magic circle if it was needed.

He then turned a couple of pages back, feeling he was behind something. He was. In the book, it told of certain ingredients that were needed. Pictures were drawn to show how they looked, but they looked nothing of what he had seen normally.

" this?"

The pictures showed a distinct flower, a disfigured mushroom, a peculiar lizard, and a bark of a tree. He couldn't make out the wording of what kind of tree it was from. But the words at the end stated they were needed for the next step which was intermediate. He didn't even read the basics yet.

He turned right into the beginning. No introduction. No preparations. Just clear instructions on the basics of magic: the elements.

"In order to even begin with magic, one must have a clear mind. The time it takes to even get to that is only known by your willingness of it. The magic before you will come from different sources. Some sources can be from certain items that seem to hold spiritual power (Sorry, this book does not have it if you were suspecting that). For example, if you were in the middle of the deep in the lake you notice that you can move and change the flow around you. To put it short, you are trying to swim up. In the common state, you would panic and your mind in a frenzy. That will do nothing but only swimming up. However, if spiritual power is in the lake somewhere, you acknowledge its presence. If your mind is clear...and if you can grasp that power, then you can control most of the flow in the lake and are able to surface.

On a clear, windless day, the only way to get wind is physical force on air. There are charms that can have a little breeze (Paper fans do not count by the way). Wind charms are a good start if you wish to begin immediately. However, don't expect too much from it. The charm is only an assist item, and do not expect to master it in one day. The unlucky ones take many years to-"


Hakushi gazed into space after reading aloud all that was in the book.

" it saying that it depends on luck?"He whispered."Even if you do it correctly, it won't work..."

Then a smirk came to his face. "However..."

Deep within Makai, the world of demons, there were cries of despair and pain. However, in that area, was nothing but darkness. Someone was sitting against a couple of rocks with her hand out, with a dim light of notes coming out of her hand. Something was heard from her hand, however. It was a melody of despair, composed in thin air.

The person who was sitting was an oni. Long ago, Oni were banished from the surface. It took a while for them to find the perfect place, which was underground. Not this underground, but the cave that was closest to hell.

"How boring..."She sighed. "I'm starting to get sick of this job..."

One of the people in the dark squirmed and started coming to its senses."Ow...oh...where am I? Huh? It's dark! What the hell! I can't feel anything! I can't move! I-"

The oni shot out harmful danmaku at where the noise was.


"Much better~" She sighed in relief as her taste of the melody improved. She took a small wine bottle and poured it in a tiny glass. "Such enjoyable moments to celebrate when you are not bored..." She took a sip.

This one stayed behind. This one wanted things her way. She made the best of the situation and moved to Makai. She had a peculiar ability.

She was able to hear melodies in the atmosphere around her. Rain, shine, snow, sadness, happiness, evil, you name it. Each different scenario had a melody of it's own. She is able to reveal it to others as well. But why would an oni, a powerful creature with immense strength, have such an ability?

It could be just a gift.

With time and time in Makai, her immense strength became immense magic. With great strength comes great magic, and with great magic comes with great strength. Of course, she could still beat you up in a physical fight.

"It was the same melodies over and over...each day. Why did I take this job?"

"Because when the Oni had no where to go when they were sick of humans. Instead of following them, you came here." someone approached behind her with red robes.

"Ah. Yes that's right."

At first, her time in Makai was interesting. Her lust came for her desire to hear melodies and, thus, why she stayed in Makai. With her job, she was allowed to stay and was given food and wine. It was simple to stay here. You work to eat and drink and a place to sleep. And plus, oni love to drink wine. But to her, it only tastes good when the occasion is just right.

"You seem to be slacking off."a voice of a woman sighed. The figure with horns looked behind her. "I always do so. I could blow them all into pieces...but that would be boring.~" she then took another sip. "The melody around you is...tense it seems."

"I wonder how Gensokyo is fairing..."The other voice said in wonder.

"Gensokyo? Why bring such a topic up?" She grinned. The figure started to sit on a rock. "Long ago, we were setting a tour for demons to visit Gensokyo. However, that resulted in them causing chaos. A young Shrine Maiden came and dealt with it."

"'Dealt with it?'"

"Yes. As revenge, she made Makai a wreck."

"So that's how the story"The oni taunted and poured some more wine.

"Idiot! Should have I stand there and watched Makai going in a wreck? We would have barely survived!" She yelled and her voice echoed in the darkness.

The oni sighed and finished her glass and sat up. "I have a question for you."

"And what would that be?" The one in red robes asked.

"If you didn't wish for Makai to be in a wreck, then why send demons out into Gensokyo?" She grinned again. "Hmph!" the other said. "That was because the demons were interested in Gensokyo. I have to fill their wants if they worshiped me."

The oni turned around and looked at her, revealing her own face. "And what was so special about Gensokyo today? Long ago, it was so dark and dreary like these caves."

"Current, it is a place of beauty, where Youkai and Humans live. They do things differently than we do. Humans work to live and contribute to each other. Some Youkai eat them and in exchange for that, they have to be exterminated." The one in red robes continued. "But with the introduction of the Spellcard Rules, they now fight battles using danmaku which is a combination of patterns and bullets to sort out situations."

"Really..."The oni started flying up and before she could leave. "Spellcard..."


"Heheh...hahaha..."she laughed silently. Her hand started flashing with power. Red, fearsome power. It then became an orb of uncontrollable energy that was flashing around. "Well...everyone. The moment was worth waiting...thank you for letting me enjoy...your 'company'."

She then aimed into the darkness where the suffering were."Spell Capture..."

"No! No wait-not here, NOT HERE!!!" The one in red robes yelled.

"Seven Deadly Sins "Irato of Wrath"!"

She let out the uncontrollable force of energy. With that, it went into the darkness silently. After a moment, a huge explosion came with screams from others. With the explosion, also came barrages of red danmaku released all over the place, fast as if it was the speed of light. Dust from the rocks came, and then something glimmered in the darkness. It was a red card. It then floated to the oni. She put it away and flew off.

"Where are you going!?"she asked.

"To Gensokyo of course. It sounds more enjoyable than here~"

"B-but what about the others?" The one in red robes panicked. "You can't just leave them like this!"

"Send them to hell...I quit."The oni flew off.

"W-wait! Dammit...thinking she could leave when she wanted to. How dare she!" The one in red robes disappeared into the darkness. "Yumeko!" she called for her servant.

The Oni flew fast, past Hokkai, where the area seemed like an orange sky and a blue floor with red areas on it. She then past an area that seemed like a frozen land because of the floor and decorations looking like glass. She then past another area where there was nothing but darkness and red lights sparkling around. She came around a small area with a lake of what seemed like blood. She saw the light ahead, and flew straight out.

The oni floated slowly in the sky, and landed on a cliff. She peered out into the open, where she could see all of Gensokyo covered in green and blue. Her ice, blue hair played in the wind.

"So...this is the Gensokyo of today..." she continued looking. She smirked. "That's funny~...I could have sworn it was filled with death in the air. No trees, no grass, not a living soul..."

Her eyes set upon Gensokyo with the eyes of envy, greed, gluttony, lust and wrath. Along with that, her pride consumed her, and the sloth she had in the caves were no more.

"This will be fun...."her teeth showed.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2010, 10:15:50 PM »
This is awesome! I'm going to love reading this.


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2010, 04:02:59 AM »
Thank you very much for the reply! I was losing hope if anyone was going to reply to this...I'll get the next post done asap.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2010, 05:31:29 AM »
I was losing hope if anyone was going to reply to this...
Don't get discouraged if there are no replies immediately. It's common in PSL that people tend to read your stories, but rarely comment.  :)


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2010, 12:54:23 PM »
Don't get discouraged if there are no replies immediately. It's common in PSL that people tend to read your stories, but rarely comment.  :)
Okay. Thank you^^


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Kokakyoku ~ Disturbance of Aria: Beginning
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 12:37:31 AM »
"Finally...I'm prepared."

Hakushi threw down the book and held some wind charms. He was outside of a farm area by a very small tree with few leaves. It's been since yesterday he rehearsed that whole book and gathered wind charms from weak fairies. He set his eyes on the small tree.

"It took a while...but with this, I'm sure I'll knock down that tree without touching it. With this useless luck I've been stuck with, it is impossible for anything to hold me back!"

He clenched his hands into a fist and bent down and opened his hands to release his power...



With only a small breeze touching a leaf.

"H-how? I did as it said..." Hakushi sighed in disappointment. Read,re-read, and recited. He even had the materials in this exercise. The ancient book he won...was it a lie? He then almost forgot he trained in the other areas as well. He then held out his hand...

"What if..."

Only smoke came from his hand. He sighed again.

He dove into the water in the lake and tried to control the currents. All he did was sank and sat at the bottom, being annoyed.

Hakushi gave up and walked in the village with the book. It was the first time ever he felt impossibility. He was used to getting the right results. From childhood to growing up, anything that happened came out just right. Winning, risking, trying, it all came out perfect.

"WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!" He yelled out as the crowd stared at him.

"Mother, who is that person?"

"Just a gambler going poor, finally..."a lady said to her child and pulled him away.

He look disgusted from his embarrassment. Hakushi then remembered that one page. It was more ingredients needed for magic. He turned to it and then looked. Maybe that was what he was missing after all. He then looked out ahead, seeing a huge forest.

"Looks like I'll need them after all..."

The oni landed in an area filled with trees. Her bare feet touched the comfortable grass and looked around. "Ah...I'm almost actually enjoying this place..."

She looked around seeing beautiful trees that had green leaves and were swaying in the wind. The sun shone through the area with no darkness around. She then started walking. "Where was that place, that was once a village."

"Stupid book...How am I suppose to tell between what shade of a mushroom?"

The oni heard a voice and walked towards it.

"I'm starting to think this is all a scam...everything turned right for me...and this time it isn't." Hakushi complained as he ripped mushrooms that were growing from a tree. He sighed and got up, throwing them down and stepping on them.

"What did those mushrooms do to you?~"

He heard a voice and turned around, seeing an oni.

"Ah, a human! How lovely...that means you know where the village of humans are, right?"

"Why should I tell you? I never seen someone like you before." He glared. The oni laughed. "Oh you don't know...oh well.~ Maybe I'll find it myself."

The oni stepped pass the human. "Well...I'm sure I see it ahead...I see a house-Oh some small ones too running around! I can't wait to get there.~" She taunted.

Hakushi got nervous as she continued. "I wanted to come here to destroy this place just like it was before...maybe I'll hear another beautiful melody. Maybe once I rip one of the humans apart as the scream for mercy...Ahh the sound of that I cannot resist~"She grinned as her teeth showed and taunted.

"Hold it! You're not touching that place at all!" Hakushi yelled and she stopped and turned around. "Oh? Why not?"

"I can't stand and watch as my birthplace is being torn away by someone disgusting like you!" He held his hand out, aiming his palm at her face. "What did they ever do to you anyway?"

"Hmm...well you want to know? I'll tell you."

The oni took a pause as the human waited.


"W-what?" Hakushi looked confused at her. "W-whatever! I'll stop you right now! You're not setting foot there!" The oni grinned again. "Oh? Well then...try and stop me. I'll even give you a free shot. After that, then I'll rip your limbs off...I'm waiting human~"

"It was short...the results weren't right...but I can do this. Not once my luck has failed me during these situations! One shot...and I'll burn her apart! She won't be even able to walk after! I'll stop her...She won't touch my home!"Hakushi thought to himself and yelled as he tried charging his hand with the power of fire...

...with only a spark coming out of his hand.


"That'" The oni blinked. Hakushi looked embarassed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"The oni roared in laughter and the birds flew out of the trees in all directions.

"Shut up! I get it!" Hakushi yelled.

The oni tried to stop." Oh...if the humans were this pathetic, I wouldn't have come here in the first place..."she then stopped. "You wish to see how fire is supposed to be casted? I'll show you human..."

Barely, her arm turning away, she aimed at Hakushi. "This is how it's done!"

Large fireballs were aimed at him. He panicked and jumped out of the way as the fireballs hit the tree and a huge explosion came. Smoke was everywhere and after it cleared itself, there was a tree torn in half and burnt. Hakushi's heart was beating fast. That could have killed him!

Hakushi just sat on the grass, in shock. "Hmph." The oni grimaced in disappointment. "I wanted to have fun...but if these humans can't put up a fight, what is the point?"

She sighed and turned away. "I'm going back to Makai, then I'll wait for another thousand years or so until they know how to fight."

Hakushi saw an opportunity walking away. It was either now or never..."Wait!"

The oni stopped. "What? If you decided to show me where the village of humans are, then forget it. Like you, they're pathetic enough." Hakushi then responded. "Not you know magic?"

"Since I am from Makai, of course. Unlike you, I don't do child's play like you do."

"Can you teach me?"

The oni laughed. "Hahaha...why should I? What reason do I have to teach you?"

"Please! I want to know what I'm doing wrong! Even if it's a clue...I did as the book said!" He said. The oni looked at him. "Book?" Then she saw one on the ground far away. "That book?"

"Y-yes that's it."

The oni walked up to it and lifted it up as if it was a sheet of paper. She skimmed through it. "See...I read it how it works. The charms, items, areas to practice, everything!" Hakushi said as she continued skimming through the pages. "What is this...who wrote this..."

"Maybe you could find something that I'm"


The oni tore the book in half and into pieces and threw it in the air, and of course, effortlessly. "What a waste of time..."she sighed.

Hakushi snapped...


The oni looked at him and just smiled. "My my...why are you so angry?~"

Hakushi's eye twitched and pointed at the remains of the books. "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?!"

"Calm down." The oni said and Hakushi stopped as she continued. "Why are you over such a trivial thing?"


The oni pointed facts out. "See...that book is not the one you should be learning from. That for the natural magicians."

Hakushi paused for a moment. "...Natural magicians? Does that mean..." The oni nodded. "The youkai who are born within the magician line. That is why your results didn't come out right. You were too stupid to realize that it wasn't the book for humans."

He looked down at the remains of his book. "Then is it possible or not to learn it?"

" is." The oni responded. "Just takes many years of course. However..."


"You can learn it in a couple of months from me. That is the easiest way. But...if you just want to wait until you're old and die like the others~..."

"What are you trying to say?" Hakushi asked. "I'm not finished." The oni stated firmly. "If you wish to learn from me then there is only one thing you need to follow once this contract begins..."

"That is...?"

"You have to become my servant."

He looked at her confused. "What?" She nodded. "That's right. I'm not going to do everything myself while I am here in Gensokyo. I'll need food, wine, sleep, comfort, and ...mostly wine.~"

"I already caught 'wine' in the list earlier." He sighed then continued. "This is absurd...why would I ever want to learn from-"

"Oh my. Is that a human over there? It looks delicious~" The oni taunted. "Are you trying to taunt me?!" He yelled.

"No. If you simply refuse then I'll just go back to Makai. It is useless to cause any trouble if no one bothers to have the bravery to fight me. If you accept my terms, then I will gladly teach you magic out of my boredom~"

Hakushi thought for a bit. "Seems...risky. It looks like she hasn't been here for a very long time. You know how the Human Village takes these things. It takes a lot of trust from Youkai to even get near the village. They might suspect me for something...they are already looking at me weirdly from learning magic instead of my everyday gambling." But why should he worry about taking a risk? He always came out of it perfectly. With remembering that...

"It's a deal."

The oni smiled. "Oh this is wonderful. Looks like coming here wasn't a waste after all~" she continued. "Now then. I need a place to stay."

Hakushi let out a laugh."Hah! Nice try but the Human Village won't help you."

"That is true. Well...I'll find a place around this area." She started flying up. The oni then looked down as Hakushi yelled. "Hey! Where do you think you're doing?!"

"You expect me to walk to find one?"


"It's settled. You'll catch up somehow." The oni flew away.  "W-wait!" Hakushi started chasing her on foot. And with that, they were going deeper within the forest.