Author Topic: Manet ciratrix, manet alid mente repostum; dies irae dies illa;  (Read 3674 times)


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
(slightly NSFW)

    Through the fires that licked every corner of my vision I could see the shrine maiden of Hakurei standing in front of my dad. She held out a talisman and summoned balls of light from it. The balls swirled around for a bit until coming full force at my father. I only watched as the balls crushed every fiber of his being. I covered my hand over my sister's eyes who was hiding with me behind the cupboard. It was a gruesome sight watching as the balls of light tear him apart. The shrine maiden wore a look of impassiveness as she watched him get torn apart.

    My hand itched to punch her face in. How dare she show no sympathy for who she murdered. How dare she, who is the shrine maiden of the Hakurei bloodline; the very same bloodline that protected us from youkais, take the life of our father who is a human. Our father was an honorable blacksmith working very hard to feed us and give us shelter. Now who will take care of us? Kids with no parents don't live for very long in this village. I removed my hand from my sister's mouth and clutched my chest. She was looking directly at where we were hiding. Had we been discovered? Should I try and run for it? And what? Leave my sister here? No. I had to wait it out. I had to find the right time to escape with her.

    My sister saw the shrine maiden that stood there in the blazing fires. The shrine maiden had blood on her face and she could see that our father was a bloody pile on the floor. She tried to scream but I kept her mouth close. She turned and looked at me with tears in her eyes but I gave her a pained expression back and whispered.

"Please... Just bear it awhile longer..."

    I trembled with fear as the shrine maiden stared at where we were. Finally she turned her gaze and left through the burnt down door. The house was still on fire and we had to get out of there fast. Just as I was about to tap on my sister's shoulder she left the cupboard and walked out to where our father was. I exited the cupboard too and ran to where she was. She was kneeling on the floor with her face in her palm; crying over the remains of our father. This was not the time and place to be crying; the entire house was ablaze and I had to get her out of there. I lightly tapped on her shoulder and looked at her with tears in my eyes and whispered to her.

"We can build a grave for him later... We need to live for his sake... Now climb onto my back, I need to get you out of here."

 She nodded and got up wiping the tears from her eyes. Suddenly she turned and ran towards our bedroom. I shouted after her.

"Wait! Suku!"

    It was too late she was already inside our bedroom by the time I turned around. I ran after her to make sure that she doesn't hurt herself. The embers that floated across my eyes stung it making it very hard to see. I staggered across the burning pillars that fell from the roof. As I enter the room I saw that she clutched in her palm the music box that dad made for us. I felt a tear fall down across my cheek from my right eye. This was not the time to be sentimental, we needed to go now. Just as she turned to face me I saw that a burning pillar was about to fall down on her. I quickly dash to her side and and covered her with my body.

    The pillar slammed into my back and seared my upper shoulder blades before falling into the ground behind me. Blood was trickling down my forehead and face. I looked down at my sister and smiled at her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and hugged me. Damnit, I was losing consciousness. No, not yet. I need to stay awake. I needed to make sure she was safe. I held out my arms and told her to lay in it. She stared at me with a worried look before nodding and climbing onto my arms. I then carried her through the blazing inferno that our house had become. I was losing too much blood and struggled to stay awake. This was not good I thought to myself. The door leading outside seemed so close.

"Just a little more..."

    Finally I leaped above a pile of burning pillars that laid there in front of the entrance to the house. My sister clung hard against my torso as I made the leap. Even though I got her out of that hell I still fought to stay awake. I had to take her to a nearby town. This village would not care for us anymore now that our father has died. I needed to make sure that she had a roof to sleep under. Food to eat and water to drink. Everything felt dizzy around me as I gently set her on the ground. No, it can't end like this. I can't let it end like this. She hugged me as I struggled to stay awake. Soft... If I fell asleep now I would surely die from blood loss. I fought to stay awake until finally collapsing on the floor. She was kneeling down at me as everything started to blur. I couldn't hear what she was saying but she seemed to be screaming at me with tears in her eyes.

    Everything in my vision seemed to turn white. Was this it? Was I destined to die before exacting my revenge? What will happen to my sister? Will she be sold into slavery where she will be raped for the rest of her life? I don't want to let that happen. I wanted to live. I needed to live. There were too many things that I had to do before I could die. I hadn't even exacted my revenge against the shrine maiden of Hakurei. Suddenly a loud voice boomed out from every single angle possible.

"So you want to live eh human?"

    The voice shook me out of my musings and scared the shit out of me. I meekly mumbled.


    The voice boomed loudly again.

"So be it human. Now you must swear that you will abide by our pact."


    The voice was now crackling thunderously. Finally the noise died down and it said.

"Very well human. I shall give you a present before I go as a reminder of our pact."

    Suddenly everything turned black and I could no longer hear the voice anymore. I probably just signed my soul over to the devil right then and there. It didn't matter though, as long as I could live.


(I swear I won't stop after releasing 2 chapters like I have in the past.)


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Manet ciratrix, manet alid mente repostum; dies irae dies illa;
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2010, 12:01:45 AM »

I stand here, reading this post, mouth agape, and all of a sudden, here comes Erio, and casts a line.


Hook, line, and sinker. Gimme more.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Manet ciratrix, manet alid mente repostum; dies irae dies illa;
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2010, 08:33:56 PM »
Chapter One
Eis quos amo

    It was a strange feeling. Like a sort of dreamlike state. You know you are awake but it feels like you were still asleep. You know, that feeling. Everything feels surreal around you. I didn't know where the hell I was. Just that I was floating as if I were on a cloud. A light opened up and I saw someone descend through the penetrated area. Every feature of that person was blurred and I couldn't make out any definite features. I tried to reach out for that person. Just as my palm made contact with it; my eyes snapped open. I was propped against a tree facing the house that we were in. I looked to my side and saw that my sister had laid her head on my shoulder. Her sleeping face looked so calm, so peaceful that I couldn't help but smile. I stared back at the now pile of ashes that used to be our house.

"Heh... If only that bitch of a shrine maiden didn't come. If only..."

    I felt myself growing more and more irritated by the second. Strange, I wasn't the type to get angry but I could feel annoyance building up in me. Suddenly three fingers touched my cheek and all thoughts of revenge on the shrine maiden were gone. I looked to my side and noticed that my sister was awake and looking up at me. I could tell she was worried about me because as soon as I opened my mouth to reassure her she tackled me in a hug with tears streaming down her face.

"I... I thought you died... I was so scared Sakuraki... So scared... I didn't want to lose you like I lost father..."

    I didn't know what to do so I just held her close and patted her back as she cried. After my shirt was thoroughly soaked she pulled herself back but still held her grip on my arms. She smiled at me through red puffy eyes and cocked her head to the side. I smiled back at her and pulled her back into a hug. I then said to her as I stroked her gray hair.

"It's alright Sukumari... I'm here, I won't ever leave you. That's right... I'll protect you..."

    We sat there in each others' embrace for what seemed like forever. It wasn't love, It was the bonds that siblings could have for each other. I loved her too much to think of her in any other way. To me, she was my little sister and right now, she needed me as I needed her. We finally broke our embrace apart and stood up. I told Sukumari to climb on on my back and she nodded and obeyed. First things first, we needed to go visit our friend Kelvin. Kelvin is a friend of our that lives with his uncle. My sister and I play with him all the time when we were little. Now he was the only one who we could turn to for help. The road to liyama, Nagano would be a long and harsh one. It was the dead of night and the breeze felt cool on my face. I looked up at the moon and then looked down again making my way through the village. The noise of snoring could be heard from every house. I tried to make as least noise as possible as I walked to where Kelvin's house was. The front door was locked; Typical. So I went around the back and set Sukumari on the ground. I then opened the back window a bit and sneaked in.

    The smell of olives overpowered my senses and I cringed. Kelvin's house always had this smell and I could never get used to it. His uncle was a farmer that loved to eat olives. I made my way through the dark halls silently. It was a good thing I had been here before. I found the entrance to Kelvin's room and slowly crept in. I went to the futon that laid in the middle of the room and reached my hand out to try and wake him. Suddenly a lamp lit from behind me and I could see Kelvin in the doorway charging at me. I held my arms up but I guess he didn't see me. Once he had me pinned down he raised the lamp near my face and gasped as he saw it. I told him to get off and he obliged. He set the lamp on a shelf and sat down and I did the same. After awhile of sizing each other up I said.

"Kelvin, please hear me out on this. Your the only one I could turn to."

    He furrowed his brows and said.

"This doesn't sound good..."

    I continued

"Our father just died... I need your help traveling to liyama, Nagano"

    He placed a hand on my shoulder and and gave me a sincere look before saying said.

"I'm so sorry about what happened. What about Sukumari? Is she still alive?"

    I sighed and replied.

"Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. Yes, she is waiting outside right now."

    Yes it wasn't his fault. It was that shrine maiden's fault. It was her fault our house was burnt down. Her fault that we have to travel so far now. Just thinking about it made my blood boil and I guess kelvin saw that because he hugged me. I sighed into his shoulders. After awhile both of us broke apart and sat down again. He then said.

"So what do you need me to do?"

    I replied hesitantly.

"Um, I need you to travel with us Kelvin."

    He cupped his chin with one hand and contemplated. He then opened his eyes and replied.

"Alright, but we must let my uncle know about it."

    It was never easy was it? Kelvin and I got up and walked out of the room with the lamp in hand. I let Kelvin lead the way to his uncle's bedroom. We opened the door just to see that his uncle had been awake all along and was watching us. He was a short man with a white beard but he had an earnest face. Before I could open my mouth to say anything he said.

"It's alright, if you come here asking for my permission then your wasting your time."

    I tried to open my mouth to retort but he clasped a hand over my mouth in the blink of an eye. He then smiled at me and said.

"Ah, wait, you didn't even let me finish. What I wanted to say was. You've already got my permission."

    He released his hand from my mouth and I breathed a sigh of relief. Kelvin bopped his uncle on the head and they sized each other up. His uncle placed both hands on Kelvin's shoulders and said to him.

"Your a grown boy now, you need to explore the world, see new places, meet new people. If you follow your friend there I'm sure you'll have a grand adventure."

    Kelvin cried into his arms they hugged. I stood there in the doorway watching the scene before me. It reminded me of how father was to us. He always told us things that we didn't understand. He was a kind and warm to both me and my sister. This only strengthen my resolve which was to get revenge. Me and Kelvin climb out through the back window to meet up with my sister. Sukumari hugged Kelvin and he hugged her back. Kelvin's uncle had given us some supplies that should last us the whole trip to liyama, Nagano if we conserve. Just as I was about to walk Kelvin tapped my shoulder and show me a two short swords in sheaths. He nodded at me and I knew what he meant. I took one of the swords and strapped it to my side. If worst comes to worst we might need to use it.

    The three of us stared at the village that we were about to leave. The reddish hue of dusk shined behind us as we turned and walk. I could already tell that this would be a long adventure.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 08:50:25 PM by Erio★Mondial »