Author Topic: Hibachi's Great Revival  (Read 11900 times)


  • There's no escape.
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  • It's time to burn!
Hibachi's Great Revival
« on: April 15, 2010, 11:21:48 PM »
A couple of things before we begin. Firstly, before anyone asks, this is largely inspired by the Zatsuza fic Rou wrote yesterday (which is excellent and can be found here). Secondly, this is the first thing I've written in years, so I apologise in advance if it's a little wooden. Thirdly, this is an incredibly silly concept. I have this planned up to a few updates ahead, but really this is just a spur of the moment idea I got last night, so anything could happen. Oh, and just in case - fourthly, if you don't know who Hibachi is, this should give you a basic idea.

Got all that? Excellent. Well then, let's get this trainwreck moving. :moogy:


Hibachi's Great Revival!


A dull orange glow filled the room. The object emanating the glow had been there for years, if not decades, waiting patiently to be found by anyone daring enough to make it through a state-of-the-art military fortress. This was no easy feat, to be sure, but the lack of... visitors... lately had been unusual, to say the least.

If it had been capable of feeling most emotions, it might have been worried. As always, however, this feeling was replaced with an almost abstract kind of fury; not angry at anything in particular, but feeling anger all the same. It almost missed the countless days spent in a frenzy, raining destruction on its visitors. It was very rare that one of them would last more than a minute; rarer still were those who actually bested it. Even if it had been capable of such things, however, it would not have begrudged those losses; on the contrary, a visitor surviving longer meant more time active, and with things as they were...

It moved its vision over to the huge blast doors at the entrance of the room.

Why isn't anyone visiting?

Its eyes stared daggers into the reinforced titanium, almost as if trying to summon a visitor by sheer force of will. To no avail, of course.

As often happened, an unpleasant thought crossed what passed for its mind - had it been forgotten? Logic would dictate that people would remember an entity of such ferocity, but it had been years... and those humans had such short memories.

Eventually, it moved its vision away from the door, the anger dulling slightly. Regardless of was going on outside those doors, it was sure it would be visited when the time was right. Until then, it would wait as long as was necessary. Turning its consciousness off to preserve its energy, it fell into what could almost be described as a sleep, with only the most basic of sensors operating in case action was needed.

Time passed.

Years later, the door opened once again. A small ship flew deftly into the room, firing a spray of yellow bullets into the chamber as quickly as the guns could handle - only to have its pilot stop shooting in confusion after a few seconds.

The glow was gone.


Chirp. Chiiiiiiiiiiiiirp.

"Ahhhhh..." Hibachi yawned while stretching her arms. Lazily, she opened her eyes to find herself in the pleasant shade of a forest glade, the leaves of the trees just beginning to turn a golden--

...Wait, what? Forest? What happened to my room? Why am I in a forest? ...Did someone move me?!

Confusion and panic threatened to overwhelm her for a moment; she'd never even seen a forest before. How would she get back to her chamber? Scratch that, how would she even survive in a forest away from power?!

Wait, wait. Stop with those thoughts. I'm Hibachi. If I can take out the best the human race has to throw at me, a forest can't be too much trouble, surely. I can handle this.

Calming down slightly, her thoughts returned to the question of how she'd arrived here. Hibachi frowned; she couldn't see how anyone could possibly have moved her without her realizing, but at the same time there was no other possible explanation for what was going on. Looking around, she decided to take stock of her surroundings. She was in what appeared to be a large forest, albeit one without any familiar kind of life at all; there wasn't a tree or plant in sight she recognized. None of her usual sensors seemed to be working at all, which besides being extremely worrying--

Was I alone so long that I... stopped working? Did something happen to me?

--meant that she couldn't tell how far the forest went or whether there were any people around.

Well then, she reasoned, I think some exploration is in order. Flapping her wings slowly at first, she gradually sped the wingbeats up until they emanated a low buzz, allowing her to hover about a metre off the forest floor. Picking a random direction, she flew nimbly forward - head first into a tree.

"Ow!" she yelped, falling back to the ground. Rubbing her head tentatively, she was annoyed to find the beginnings of a lump forming. Sighing, she resigned herself to the headache which was sure to follow, if the buzzing ringing through her ears was any indication.

...Wait, buzzing? I'm sure headaches aren't supposed to do that.

Confused for the second time in as many minutes, she looked for the source of the sound. Left, right, directly away from the tree - nothing. Just before giving up in annoyance, however, she felt an extremely light weight land on her head - so light, in fact, that if she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings, she probably wouldn't have realised it was there at all. Looking up, she found the source of the sound, and a small grin made its way onto her lips.


A small group of bees were emerging from a modest hive high up in the tree; evidently, they were searching for the source of the disturbance that had crashed into their home so suddenly. Giggling to herself, she felt confident for the first time since awakening. If I have my bees to do things for me, everything's okay. This will make a lot of things easier. Now, what should I do with them first?

Clearing her throat, she addressed the small swarm that had appeared.

"Okay, bees. Where are we?"

Watching the swarm, she waited as they... completely ignored her question. A few of them flew around her, clearly wondering what this strange trespasser was, but most of them were either flying away to check for danger or floating lazily back into the hive. She could hardly believe her eyes; she was being ignored by her own subordinates!

"Hey! Bees! I'm talking to you!"

Exclaiming this, she waved her hands around to try and draw their attention, almost swatting one of them by accident. The bees surrounding her buzzed louder for a moment, and then swiftly flew off to her right. Hibachi gritted her teeth in irritation.

"Damnit, what are you doing?! Get back here!"

Almost instinctively, she pointed one of her arms at the escaping insects and let loose a short stream of flashing purple arrowheads. Curiously, however, the bees almost seemed to have anticipated this; moving sharply out of the way, they avoided the bullets entirely, leaving them to hit another tree a few metres onward. Not that it would have made much difference, she thought to herself in dismay - aside from a few scorch marks, the tree was left perfectly intact, completely unlike the explosive power she remembered wielding.

Well, this is bad... I don't know where I am, the bees aren't listening to me, and I can barely mark a tree, let alone destroy a ship. What the hell happened?

Sulking, she started trying to hover again. Take it slowly this time, remember. Don't want anything embarassing to happen again. It seemed that while she could only move jerkily at best, if she concentrated she had enough precision to, say, not fly straight into trees repeatedly. It was hardly ideal, but it would probably have to do under the circumstances. Deciding that she may as well follow the bees for lack of any better directions, she turned to her right and slowly began to make her way through the dense foliage.


Travel through the forest was uneventful, but unsettling. She couldn't see any other creatures apart from herself between the trees, but just the same she had a constant feeling that she was being watched by hundreds of eyes. Occasionally, she was sure she saw movement from the corner of her eye, but upon turning her head, the forest was still as ever. She tried to convince herself that it was just baseless paranoia - after all, nothing was actually happening - but she couldn't quite shake the feeling that she wasn't alone.

After around fifteen minutes of hovering, she came across a stream, flowing between a group of trees. Phew, she thought to herself, lucky I found this. I was getting thirsty. It wasn't all that large - perhaps a metre or two wide, and shallow - but judging from its speed there was likely to be a decent-sized river or perhaps even a lake further downstream. Alighting on the grass to one side of the stream, she kneeled down and cupped her hands together to gather some water to dri--

Hang on. Hands?

She brought her hands in front of her face, stunned. One, two, three, four, five slim digits emerged from a small, flat palm. Yes, they were definitely hands.

But... why do I have hands?

Quickly going down on all fours, she leaned her face over the stream and looked into the water. Staring back out of the reflection was not a machine, but a young girl in a striped yellow and black garment, her wide, red eyes framed with shoulder-length brown hair. Shaking slightly, she sat down and looked at herself properly for the first time since waking up. Hands, arms, shoulders, chest, torso, legs, feet. It was clear as day; she had all the features of a human.

But what-- how--

"Hey! You over there!" A voice shouted from the other side of the stream. Putting the question of what had happened to her aside for the time being, Hibachi looked up and saw what she assumed was a girl on the other side of the lake, though dressed incredibly oddly; her shirt and trousers were bizarrely complemented by a cape, and the green hair and the two Are those antennae? strange appendages sprouting from the top of her head completed the impression of weirdness. "Yes, you! Were you the one who attacked my bees?"

Attacked her bees?! There are so many things wrong with that...

"No, I didn't mean to-- hey, what do you mean, your bees?"

"I mean exactly what I said. My bees." She gracefully leapt forwards over the stream, landing a few feet away from Hibachi. "I'm Wriggle, and I have a fair amount of control over the insects in this forest, as well as being the one who looks after them and keeps them healthy. It seemed appropriate." Looking Hibachi over curiously, she asked, "Who are you, anyway? I don't think I've seen you around here before, and the bees didn't seem to mind you that much even after you were aggressive, which is pretty weird. The insects I had watching you on your way here didn't seem to know who you were either."

Insects watching me? That would explain the weird feeling I had on my way here... I can't believe I didn't catch them, though. I must really have lost it. Ah well, time to introduce myself. Must make a good first impression.

Hibachi stood up, dusted herself off, and struck what she hoped was an impressive pose. "I," she proclaimed, "Am Hibachi! The ultimate destroyer! The leader bee! Humans shake in fear when they hear my name!" She looked away from Wriggle's face and pointed a hand into the sky. "My full name is the Supreme Weapon of Extreme Hellish Annihilation, but you may call me the Golden Disaster." She turned back to Wriggle, expecting to see a look of awe, or at least respect. Instead--

"Pfffffhahahahahahahahaheeheehehehehehahahahaha!" Wriggle was doubled over in hysterics, barely able to stand up for laughter. "The Supreme Hellish We--ahahahaha!"

Hibachi felt her cheeks start to colour. "H-hey! Why are you laughing? It's supposed to be scary!" she complained with a frown.

"Ahahaha, yeah, that was really scahahahahahaaaa, really scary." Wriggle replied while trying to stop giggling quite so hard. Calming down slightly, she walked over and ruffled Hibachi's hair. "Kid, I don't know if I'd call that a disaster, but that was golden."

"Hey! St-stop making fun of me! It's not funny!" Hibachi shook Wriggle's hand off, scowling.

"Ahaha, sorry, sorry, but it's a little long for a name, don't you think?" Wriggle chuckled. "You know, I think I'll stick with Hibachi if that's quite all right."

"It's not all r--"

"Good, good. Well then, Hibachi, what are you doing in this part of the forest?" Wriggle inquired.

"I, err... I don't know." Hibachi admitted. "I just kind of went to sleep and then I woke up and was in this forest. I've never even seen a forest before!"

"...You're a bee youkai and you've never seen a forest before?" Wriggle asked, nonplussed.

"A bee what?" Hibachi asked in confusion before shaking her head. "Wait, wait, that isn't important. Give me back my bees!"

Wriggle sighed. "We've already been over this. They're not your bees. They're not going to obey you regardless of what you do unless I tell them to. Although..." Wriggle looked thoughtfully at Hibachi for a moment. "Hey, can you do that thing again that you tried to hit the bees with?"

"Oh, this?" Hibachi pointed at a nearby tree and fired a stream of five arrowheads, leaving a similar scorch mark to last time. Ugh, this is going to take some getting used to... that's a pathetic amount. I suppose I'll just have to be careful not to waste them--

"Aha, excellent~" Wriggle exclaimed with a smile. "Well then, Miss Hibachi, there's a chance you could get some bees back after all. How about a little challenge?"
Let's fight.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 11:23:48 PM »
Hibachi x Wriggle OT

Hahahaha, the writing bee bug has bitten Sapz! :]


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2010, 11:39:23 PM »
I am morbidly curious to see where this is going.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2010, 11:47:50 PM »
I've never even played ... uh. Whatever Hibachi is from.
I want more.

Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2010, 12:10:52 AM »
I've never even played ... uh. Whatever Hibachi is from.
I want more.

This is awesome.

Hmm ...

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2010, 01:24:25 AM »
Matter of time, ect.

Also bandwagon on the "Haven't touched Hibachi" deal, either way keep truckin and you may see me at your next stop. Who knows.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2010, 02:03:03 PM »

Actually I'm not surprised, I was throwing around the beeloli idea for a month now.


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2010, 12:24:18 AM »
Thanks for the encouragement! It's nice to know that this is at least mildly entertaining. :V Remember, though, constructive criticism is really appreciated - I'd much rather have fun writing a good story than have fun writing a bad one. :3

Without further ado, here's part two!

"A challenge?" Hibachi asked warily. She didn't know what the challenge would involve, and despite Wriggle not looking that powerful, the weakening of her own powers made her hesistant to accept. Then again, she thought, it's not like I'm going to be getting much stronger unless I get some of those bees. "What sort of challenge?"

"Oh, don't worry, it's nothing too complicated. Just a round or two of danmaku. You can pull that off, right?" Wriggle replied, still grinning.

Danmaku... that meant shooting, didn't it? So that means--

"Wait, wait," demanded Hibachi. "Does that mean you can make bullets too?"

Wriggle sighed. "You really don't know anything about this place, do you?" Hibachi shook her head. "Fine, fine, let me give you a basic idea. You, I, and... probably most of the creatures in this forest, are what we call youkai. A youkai is generally an embodiment of some kind of creature, object or concept from the real world in human form, and most have heightened speed and strength, the ability to fly and the ability to use danmaku, as well as occasionally having unique powers of their own. Judging from your lack of knowledge and your, err... we'll call it youthful enthusiasm--"

"Hey, what's that supposed to me--"

"I'd say you were just born pretty recently." Wriggle cut Hibachi off once again, bringing another light scowl to her face. "From all the weapon talk you mentioned earlier I'd have thought you used to be some kind of gun, but you're clearly a bee youkai, so... hm. Not really sure how that works out." Wriggle pondered this for a few moments with a serious expression on her face, before smiling widely once again. "Anyhow! The fact that you're here and able to speak to me at all already means that you're one of the more intelligent and powerful youkai. Most of them tend to just wander around the forest and hunt in packs like wild animals."

Well, that kind of makes sense... it explains looking like a human, at least. But what about that challenge?

"So, this... damnaku thing, it basically means we just shoot at each other until one of us gives up, right?" Hibachi questioned. That didn't seem too difficult. She was much weaker than she was used to being, of course, but she was still confident she could win a shooting contest.

"It's dan-ma-ku, not damnaku," Wriggle replied with a smirk, "But yes, that's the basic idea, though it gets a little more complicated than that. So, what do you say? You win, you get a few bees."

Hmm. I have nothing to lose... and thinking about it, that actually sounds kind of fun. What could go wrong?

Beaming with confidence, Hibachi made her decision. "Okay then. Let's go!"

"Ahaha, excellent. It's been so long since I last had a chance to do this~" replied Wriggle, who had begun to hover a few metres off the ground, floating backwards to create some distance between herself and her opponent. Hibachi followed suit, beating her wings until their familiar buzzing returned, lifting her into the air. After a few moments spent wobbling about mid-flight, she got her bearings and turned to look at Wriggle. Her cape flowing out behind her--

That cape thing looks so weird, she thought to herself absent-mindedly.

--seemingly of its own accord, she gathered a group of what appeared to be small, floating lights around her.

"Hmm... these would have worked better if it was night. Oh well, they should still be powerful enough for some basic patterns." Wriggle said softly to herself. Looking up again at Hibachi, she called out to her. "Okay! The rules for danmaku are very simple. The first is that there's no contact allowed; that means bullets only. No tackling, scratching, biting, hair pulling, blah blah blah. The second is that you can't move out of this area," motioning with her arms to the trees at the edges of the clearing as she said this, "Meaning of course that neither of us can try to escape. The third and final rule is that you have to stop shooting when the opponent calls to stop, is unable to continue shooting, or gives up in some fashion. Got all that?"

Hibachi nodded. She kind of wished Wriggle would just get on with it, though - she was getting impatient. Pointing her arms at Wriggle, she exclaimed, "Come on, let's go!"

"Eager to begin, I see." chuckled Wriggle. "Alright then, on the count of three. One..." She brought her arms together, gathering the lights near her hands.


Hibachi tensed up for what seemed like an eternity, and prepared to fire.


Immediately as the word left her lips, she threw her arms open and scattered four large lights ahead of her. At the same time, Hibachi fired three of her streams of purple directly at Wriggle in quick succession. Rather than hitting their target as she'd hoped, though, her opponent avoided all of the streams at once by moving slightly to one side. Looking at Wriggle's face as the bullets flew into the forest, Hibachi saw her wearing a smirk that said 'you'll have to do better than that'.

Aw, damnit, why did I send them all in the same direction? I must really be rusty... wait, where are all of her bullets? I'm sure she doesn't plan to just sit there and let me take pot-shots.

Just as this thought crossed her mind, however, she saw Wriggle wave her left arm; immediately, a cluster of sharp-looking teal bullets appeared, flying a little way to the side of her before arcing gracefully back towards Hibachi. A wave of the right arm, and an identical pattern appeared to mirror it, this time in yellow.

Wow, Hibachi thought to herself, she's definitely got me beaten in terms of numbers. They're really slow, though... they can't be that hard to dodge.

Concluding that she had a while left before she actually had to avoid anything, Hibachi decided to focus on attacking for the time being. Waving her arms quickly in Wriggle's direction, she sent another few short barrages of bullets towards her opponent; having learned her lesson from last time, however, she added some variance into how the bullets were arranged. Instead of simple lines, there were a few arcs, V-shapes and the occasional random spray mixed in - though they were still very sparse, they were a lot faster than that... whatever it was that Wriggle was slowly firing, and the random factor meant that she couldn't simply strafe out of the way of everything this time. Seeing that Wriggle was actually having some trouble dodging them, she grinned and turned her attention to her opponent's bullets.

Which were suddenly inches away from her.

"Ah!" she yelped, quickly throwing herself to one side to avoid the teal bullet in front of her. Agh, that was stupid, that was stupiiiiiiiid, she scolded to herself as she took in the sight of the pattern headed for her. It appeared that the yellow and teal bullets had collapsed downwards in such a way that they interlaced with each other, becoming far denser and more confusing than they'd originally seemed. Still berating herself for her lapse in concentration, Hibachi began to back up--

but not too fast; don't want to ram something I've already dodged

--towards the edges of the clearing to give herself some more space. Still firing her purple arrowheads, she began making jerky movements left and right to avoid the oncoming bullets. She'd gotten more comfortable with her wings than she had been during that embarassing incident with the tree earlier that morning, but not by a huge amount - her movement was still far too clumsy for her liking. Flying to the right to avoid a teal bullet resulted in almost crashing into a yellow one on her other side; doubling back, she was shocked to see a whole cluster of bullets occupying the space she'd just been in a few moments ago. Okay, maybe these are tougher to dodge than they looked, Hibachi decided worriedly. I don't think I can keep this up for all that long... sooner or later, I'm bound to get h--


...What was that?

Moving through the last few bullets of the wave, Hibachi shifted her attention back to her opponent, who was once again sporting a smile.

"Heehee, not bad, not bad~" Wriggle called out from across the distance. "I didn't expect those to actually hit me. Those arrowheads pack quite a punch, don't they? Still..."  Her grin grew wider. "It wouldn't do to get complacent just yet, would it now?" Another wave of her arms, and a second wave of teal and yellow appeared around her, ready to curve down towards the young bee youkai.

Well, I dodged the first wave, but she got hit, so... that means I should win if I can keep this up! she realized. Although...

Hibachi's eyes scanned the clearing.

...Something seems different.

Her eyes settled on one of the glowing lights Wriggle had sent out at the start of the battle.

Aha, there it is. What's going on with that thing?

Pulsating a strange blue, the light ahead of her had begun moving sluggishly towards her. Hmm... so, does that make it a surprise bullet? It's probably in case I stop paying attention, she reasoned. Well, that's okay then, I'll keep my eye on it. It looks like it'll take a long time to reach me, anyway. Nodding to herself, she returned to firing her arrowheads in the few seconds she had left before her dodging resumed. She was definitely getting the hang of this shooting business; her bursts of bullets were becoming ever so slightly faster and denser as the battle progressed, and she could see Wriggle beginning to struggle. Making sure that she didn't get taken by surprise for a second time, she lined herself up with a comfortable gap in Wriggle's pattern and tightened her own barrage, grinning as she heard another pichuuuuuun from the other end of the clearing. At this rate, victory would soon be--

Her train of thought derailed completely as she felt a powerful shock spread throughout her body from her left shoulder, accompanied by yet another loud noise as a bullet disintegrated next to her.

What?! What hit me? I was in the clear!

Abruptly stopping her assault to search for what she could have missed, Hibachi noticed that the floating lights had continued to move and had made their way off to her sides rather than towards her as she'd predicted. Just outside her field of vision, the lights had finally stopped moving and begun their own miniature barrages of small, white pellets, seemingly flung in completely random directions. The bullets from the nearest orb had already begun to mix with Wriggle's main pattern, and though most of them were aimed too far away to have a chance of hitting her, Hibachi realised with a sinking feeling that she may be taking a few more hits in the near future. Hearing a delighted giggle from Wriggle, she scowled and made her way further to the rear of the clearing, her back almost brushing the trees at its edge.

That was a really dirty trick, she complained to herself. I didn't expect her bullets to shoot bullets, too. I don't think I can really avoid all of this...

Deciding on a course of action, Hibachi smiled again and aimed at Wriggle for the umpteenth time.

So I suppose I'll just have to hit her more than she hits me.

Her fingers spewing the glowing purple arrowheads even faster than before, she began dodging with as much agility as she could squeeze out of her wings with her limited practice.

Left -- right -- quickly jumping forward to avoid a pellet -- damn that was sneaky -- right again, avoiding a teal and yellow bullet at the same time --


A third hit scored on Wriggle, who Hibachi could see was beginning to look ever so slightly strained. No time to celebrate, though, she reminded herself, keeping focused on the bullets.

Backwards -- right -- right again, avoiding a nasty cluster of slow pellets. Glancing even further to her right and seeing some interlaced yellow and teal, she quickly doubled back -- wait, too fast, too fast! -- and careened into a bullet lagging behind the rest of the cluster. Another shock, accompanied as always by the bizarre noise. Feeling her energy start to drain, Hibachi renewed her efforts.


Pichuuuuun! went Wriggle, after a particularly swift series of attacks from Hibachi.

Pichuuuuun! went Hibachi, misjudging the main pattern and colliding head-on with a yellow and teal bullet at once.

Owowow, that really took it out of me. I can't keep this up much longer. Scratch that, I don't think I can even handle one more hit.

Hibachi gritted her teeth and glared at her opponent.

Got to keep shooting, though... she must be drained by now. It's the only chance of me still winning this challenge.

Upping the speed of her assault still further, Hibachi weaved her way through a particularly confusing series of waves.

Diagonally -- left -- a quick loop around some slow bullets -- argh there are too many of these things -- forward through a disappearing gap --

Glancing to her sides, Hibachi was shocked to see any escape routes cut off by groups of pellets. Her sides were blocked off, she couldn't back up or she'd crash into the bullets she just avoided, and there was a high speed teal bullet headed directly for her. Taking the situation in, she realised with certainty that she couldn't avoid this. She'd lost.

Ah, really? Getting trapped now? But I was so close to winning...

As the bullet got nearer still, she sighed in defeat, closing her eyes and bracing for the inevitable impact.



She heard the noise, but the usual accompanying shock was missing. Slowly opening one of her eyes in puzzlement, she noticed that the clearing was free of both Wriggle's bullets and her floating lights.

She's stopped shooting? Wait... that means she lost, doesn't it?

Hibachi laughed in relief. I won! I really won!

"Ahahaha, I win! I wiiiiin!" Hibachi called out, whooping for joy. Spinning around a few times in the air as a sort of victory dance, she turned to see Wriggle's reaction.

She was still grinning.

Wait, why does she look so happy? I won, didn't I?

"I must admit, young Hibachi, I didn't expect you to last this long. I'm really impressed!" Wriggle called out to her. Reaching into a trouser pocket, she withdrew a small rectangular object, lifting it up to the light. "The warm-up is over, though."

What's she--

"Firefly Sign - Comet on Earth!"

Immediately as the words left Wriggle's lips, a huge wheel of glowing lights burst out from around her, expanding towards the edges of the clearing. Curving gently to one side, they began to leave trails of blue bullets, creating what Hibachi could only describe as solid walls in her dazed state. Too stunned to do anything but stay still and stare in bafflement, she saw Wriggle flash as a group of gigantic spheres flew towards her; being walled in, there was no way she could possibly avoid them.

Oh, she thought blankly.


Feeling the last of her energy leave her, Hibachi lost consciousness.

...What, you didn't think Hibachi was actually going to beat Wriggle, did you?

Apologies if the 'damnaku' scene was too long/boring, it's my first time writing any kind of fight scene and it turned out quite a lot longer than I expected. Next update might not be until sometime late next week, because I have a ton of schoolwork that needs to get done and such. :V
Let's fight.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2010, 03:28:38 AM »
Wriggle dodging Hibachi's attacks? Total Mary Sue. :V :V :V
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2010, 01:16:41 PM »
Goddamnaku! :V


  • Still working on the Grimoire
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Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2010, 02:40:20 PM »
A feeeeew questions:

- Can mecha turn into into youkai too?
- Why didn't Hibachi realize earlier that she was a youkai? Didn't the pain of hitting a tree, the need to drink water, her far smaller size, or the lack of several limbs and a computer interface tip her off? Or is Hibachi that dense? Machines aren't supposed to feel, so shouldn't she have noticed earlier that she's organic now?
- Why would a bee mecha be capable of controlling organic bees? Hibachi is a weapon of mass destruction meant to battle spaceships. What use would controlling normal bees have for Hibachi? I can understand if she could control mecha bees, but why organic bees?
- Shouldn't a Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction youkai be a lot more powerful than that? Sure, she's sentient and has a human form, but she lost all of her former glory in the power department.


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2010, 03:18:15 PM »
- Can mecha turn into into youkai too?
I don't see why not.
- Why didn't Hibachi realize earlier that she was a youkai? Didn't the pain of hitting a tree, the need to drink water, her far smaller size, or the lack of several limbs and a computer interface tip her off? Or is Hibachi that dense? Machines aren't supposed to feel, so shouldn't she have noticed earlier that she's organic now?
- Why would a bee mecha be capable of controlling organic bees? Hibachi is a weapon of mass destruction meant to battle spaceships. What use would controlling normal bees have for Hibachi? I can understand if she could control mecha bees, but why organic bees?
- Shouldn't a Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction youkai be a lot more powerful than that? Sure, she's sentient and has a human form, but she lost all of her former glory in the power department.
The answer to most of these questions is that regardless of what Hibachi used to be, she's currently a day-old youkai. :P Yes, it would have been very obvious to any mature person in their right mind that they weren't a machine after having a bump on their head and such, but Hibachi at this point is more like an impulsive ten-year-old with a very one-track mind. Given that she was focused on wondering where she was, it didn't actually occur to her that she wasn't a machine until she consciously used her limbs for something.

As for the second question; again, she's not a mecha anymore. She's not really thinking in terms of 'are these the same things I used to control?' so much as 'I want some bees!'. Saying any more than that might be spoilers, so. :V For the final question; again, it's her first day of being a youkai; she's not going to be beating experienced youkai who already know what they're doing.
I wouldn't be so cruel as to remove all of these powers permanently, though. Probably.

Keep in mind, though, this is a very silly fanfic and I'm not really trying to stick to canon accurately as much as trying to have fun here. :P Of course, my writing is not exactly excellent, so I apologise if I explained things poorly during the story. If there's something anyone's unsure about, ask away - I'll know what I'm neglecting to mention and future updates may be better for it.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 03:21:08 PM by Sapz »
Let's fight.

Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2010, 05:47:29 PM »
I assumed that she'd been forgotten for so long, she turned into a tsukumogami. Though now that I think of it, in that case she'd probably have a second "mecha body" hanging around her like Kogasa's umbrella or Medicine's doll.

But yeah. Saying
"What could go wrong!?"
meant that her loss was sufficiently telegraphed. That should be, like, an instant game-over. :V


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2010, 06:24:20 PM »
I assumed that she'd been forgotten for so long, she turned into a tsukumogami. Though now that I think of it, in that case she'd probably have a second "mecha body" hanging around her like Kogasa's umbrella or Medicine's doll.
That's pretty much what I was going for. I must admit though, I took a little bit of liberty and didn't use the mecha body part, given I didn't really want her followed by a bee the size of a skyscraper all the time. :P
Let's fight.

Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2010, 09:06:59 PM »

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2010, 10:10:25 PM »

Also, I like this story more with each update.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2010, 06:21:30 PM »
Why not have her followed by a mecha-bee about her size if she's gonna be like Kogasa? Hibachi's 3rd form in the video you linked us to at the top was pretty small compared to the 1st and 2nd forms.

Formless God

Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2010, 06:56:57 PM »
Heck yes, Touhou and Dodonpachi. Please continue BV
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 06:58:31 PM by Formless God »


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2010, 12:40:31 AM »
Agh, I apologise for the lack of updates, too much schoolwork and other miscellaneous stuff happening lately to get much time to write. I've started the update, but it might not be done for a while yet the way things are. :/
Let's fight.

Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2010, 04:17:03 PM »
No Sapz

You are the Hibachi

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2010, 01:57:00 AM »
No Sapz

You are the Hibachi
And then Sapz was a giant mecha bee.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2010, 02:39:03 PM »
The biggest flaw with this, is by far, the lack of updates. I know your busy and all, and if you do manage an update, I will be so happy :D


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2010, 04:04:33 PM »
The biggest flaw with this, is by far, the lack of updates. I know your busy and all, and if you do manage an update, I will be so happy :D
Really, really sorry about the lack of updates. On reflection, it was a really bad time to start writing it, given I started at the end of a holiday just before a load of stuff started happening at school and such. :V I haven't dropped this or anything, but on the rare occasion I get the chance to write I always get distracted by Ketsui something else. After the start of next week I have a few weeks off before exams start up again so I'll likely be able to churn out some updates then.
Let's fight.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Hibachi's Great Revival
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2010, 07:35:25 PM »
Really, really sorry about the lack of updates. On reflection, it was a really bad time to start writing it, given I started at the end of a holiday just before a load of stuff started happening at school and such. :V I haven't dropped this or anything, but on the rare occasion I get the chance to write I always get distracted by Ketsui something else. After the start of next week I have a few weeks off before exams start up again so I'll likely be able to churn out some updates then.

Don't worry, I'm not complaining, and I know your busy. I basicly meant "No flaws, I want to read more" when I said the biggest flaw was lack of updates.