Author Topic: Hakurei's Reign  (Read 5711 times)

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Hakurei's Reign
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:32:40 PM »
So, I got different ideas for stuff, and finally decided to go through with this. I'm not sure how well this will turn out, as I don't really think I'm that great of a writer... But I'll do my best.

Strange Dream

Reimu sat outside the shrine, sipping her tea. Ah... Another peaceful day. she thought. It was sunny today, what few clouds were in the sky actually making the day seem better, providing more than just the blue. A cool breeze blew by as well, so the day didn't remain unbearably hot. The peace wouldn't last, however.

Soon, a spot of black appeared in her vision. Reimu blinked a few times, as it began coming closer. It took a moment, but soon enough, she realized what it was, and all but growled as she muttered to herself. "That stupid shadow glutton."  If she blocks the sun again, I swear I'll- Of course, it wasn't long before she did. Floating into the sky above the Shrine Maiden, as she seemed to like hanging around this area for some reason.

A shadow fell upon the area, and Reimu stood up, with a grunt of frustration. "That's it! I'm not gonna put up with it anymore!" She walked back inside the shrine itself, and took the Hakurei Yin-Yang Orb out of where it was held. ...More specifically, she rolled it off, and it landed on her foot. "Ow!" she cried,  kicking it away with her other foot... It bounced outside.

Reimu was a bit too preoccupied with her foot for the next couple of seconds, and it took a moment for her to realize what had happened. She grumbled as she ran outside after it, trying to keep it from going too far away. It was still bouncing around, though she still couldn't figure out why it never seemed to go beyond a certain distance away from her, sometimes changing direction in midair. Whatever.

Reimu finally got underneath it, and swung her gohei, aiming it at the annoying oblivious blob of darkness. ...Or she tried. With... Mixed success. It hit her head before it did the gohei, dazing her. However, by some sort of miraculous luck, it did head toward the darkness youkai, knocking her a large distance away... Enough so that she wouldn't be a worry for some time.

More of a worry was that the orb had headed straight back the way it came. It took a moment for Reimu to realize this, still recovering from the last hit, but then, she realized what was happening. All she could do was stare for an instant. ...Then she processed it, and cried, "OH SHI-" ...She was cut off by a smack to the face, and...

Reimu looked around at where she was now. Was this... A house? It didn't look quite like any she'd ever seen. What were all these things around here anyway? None of them looked like anything she'd ever seen before. ...Meh, not like they mattered. But seriously, where was she?

Suddenly, she heard a man's voice. "Ah, you're finally here. She said you would be, so I had to be sober." She spun around, and looked at him. "Who the hell are you?" she asked. "And where am I?!" The man laughed. "Calm down. I just wanted to make you an offer." Reimu looked at him suspiciously. "What kind of offer?"

The man then said, "Oh, nothing much. I just happen to think that you're pretty interesting. The details aren't important, but let's just say, if you accept, then you'll end up being the most powerful being in Gensokyo, instead of just some shrine maiden with a ball." Reimu was about to snap back at him, but then thought better of it. "What's the catch?" 

"Oh, nothing much." he said. "You just need to give up all your money. I'm sure that should be fine, you can always get more once you're the most powerful." Reimu thought this over for a moment. "Fine. If you're lying, I can always just pound you into the ground with that stupid orb." The man grinned. "Good. It's settled." He then shifted his gaze a little, seeming to be looking behind her. "You can take her back now Yukari. I'm gonna go get a beer."

Suddenly, Reimu was back at the shrine, the stupid yin-yang that had knocked her out lying next to her. ...She couldn't even remember the dream. She knew there'd been something, but... Nah, not like it mattered. She pushed the yin-yang inside, back to where it was supposed to be kept.

After that, she figured that she could use a drink... Then she remembered. "Crap, I'm out of sake!" She sighed. "Well, I'll just go buy some more." She then went over to the place where she kept the money... Wait, why was it unlocked? Hadn't she...? ..."SOMEONE IS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!!"

The shrine maiden's enraged scream could be heard for quite some distance. Since... Her money was all gone.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 12:24:31 AM by ShiningDrake »

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 11:41:06 PM »
Doing more already because I'm bored. Feel free to comment.

Part 1
Highly Responsive to Power

Chapter 1
Preserving Secrets

Reimu looked toward the gate. "The demon world huh?" Supposedly, the gate that she stood in front of led to Makai. "Well, I suppose I'm gonna have to deal with it. They'll overrun the shrine if I don't put some fear into them before the seal breaks... So annoying." She sighed.

Of course, she had another reason... If she didn't exterminate youkai, then her god would turn against her. She wouldn't be allowed to stay at the shrine, or use the yin-yang orb... Not to mention, part of the reason that she didn't have extremely powerful things constantly trying to kill her was because they thought that she was keeping the border up. If she lost her powers, they would know... The rule of the Hakurei bloodline over Gensokyo would end.

And so, that was why she was here. She'd already fought her way through a number of minor Youkai to get here. Dealing with this orb was annoying, but she wasn't powerful enough to affect even the weakest of Youkai without using it. It really would have been easier if the power of her bloodline would just activate all at once... Whatever. She could still deal with it.

Just as she was about to step through, something strange happened. Was the orb... Glowing? It looked as if there was much larger version floating in front of her. She sighed. "What now?" A voice... Or, was it just one? It seemed almost as if both a man and a woman were speaking at once. "Your skill must be tested before this ordeal. I cannot allow you to go before you are ready."

Reimu sighed. "What am I supposed to do. Unless you or the shrine's god plans on intervening more than just this 'test,' I can't sit back and wait either way. They'll overrun the shrine!" The response was cold. "That is not my concern. I am merely to test your ability." What came next still held no emotion, but quite a bit of force. "Now, irreverent 'maiden,' we shall see if your bloodline is still worthy of serving the great Hakurei!"

The larger orb began spinning, and Reimu saw a thick spread of white spheres of energy coming toward her. "Dammit!" she swore, as she sent the orb into the air using her gohei, so that it obliterated most of the shots that were headed her direction, and went up to hit the one that was attacking her.

Reimu knew this servant of her deity. Its name was Shingyoku, and was always a pain when it appeared. It had never attacked her before though! Hmph... Well, at least she would be giving it some pain back for how annoying it had been.

...Though the amount of pain she might be getting in return could be a good deal. "...Crap." was all she managed to say when she saw it coming straight toward her. She barely managed to run out of the way, and her own orb was still bouncing around. She took out a piece of paper, and tossed it toward the orb, specifically, the bottom, as that should get it coming back toward her.  "Come on..." she muttered.

...Nope. Shingyoku was rising into the air again as well, and then charging toward her, forcing her to run back past it to catch up with her yin-yang. "Stupid thing..." There was a crash behind her as Shingyoku once again barely missed her, the impact sending her flying forward a bit, as even without actually hitting her, the impact it had was powerful. Was it trying to kill her?!

...Well, it may just succeed. Reimu was unable to regain her balance after her awkward "landing,"  and she tripped to the ground. As she tried to get up, she then realized that her yin-yang was coming straight for her face. "Gah!" she cried, as she brought her head down reflexively... Only to have it simply bounce off of her upper back instead of her skull, sending her flat on the ground again. "Ow..."

At this point, Shingyoku was sending out its shots again, and she was barely able to get up and deflect a couple that were coming toward her with her gohei. She didn't managed to block them all however, and she cried out in pain again as they hit her. Very unpleasant thoughts were in her mind about what she wanted to do to both of these stupid orbs, but she really had no time to get distracted.

Her weapon was lying on the ground, waiting for her to send it into the air again. She ran toward it, and delivered a sliding kick... Shingyoku happened to be right where the orb was sent flying. "Take that!" she said... Even as she realized that it was coming right toward her again. She flung several amulets as she ran again in a futile attempt to slow it down, but it didn't change anything. She was however, able to keep her balance this time.

Now, as it went into the air, it seemed to be changing. It was changing into the form of a woman... Reimu stared at it. No, it couldn't be... No, it was just trying to trick her. And there was no way she was going to stand for such a trick. Even as it began sending a stream of white shots toward her, she was already running after her yin-yang. She got to it immediately before it hit the ground, and, using her gohei, she sent it flying viciously toward Shingyoku. And again, when the orb came toward her, after having obliterated the attack coming toward her.

Shingyoku looked visibly annoyed, as if it had been hoping to win this battle. Now, it shifted into yet another form, this time male. She recognized this one as well... No, there wasn't any chance she'd let it get away with this. It began rapidly sending waves of energy spheres at her. These seemed less organized, more random than what it had been sending before, and while there were thick clusters of bullets, those were small, and more often, there were spaces with barely anything.

Reimu quickly figured out where thin spaces would be, and moved just as quickly, flinging away what little was there with her gohei. Soon, her orb rolled toward her again, and she viciously sent it into the air once more. Unfortunately... It missed. ...Wait! It was coming back? Oh yeah, that mysterious property that kept it from going too far away... She never thought that it would have acted quite like this.

Shingyoku was hit in the head, and fell to the ground, shifting back into orb form. "Is that it?" Reimu taunted. "Some test!" ...Maybe she shouldn't have done that.  It was rising into the air again and now... Splitting into two.

The white half of the enemy yin-yang transformed into the male form, while the black half became the female. ...And from what they were doing now, it was only truly becoming serious at this point. The female appeared to be sending a criss-crossing maze of black bullets throughout the area. It was nothing that would be at all difficult to avoid on its own, but it didn't leave a lot of space for what the other was sending... Dense, wide clusters of bullets, aimed straight toward her.

Reimu did her best to dodge one wave after another while trying to get back to her orb. However, she found that... She might actually be outmatched. She ended up dodging into a stream of black bullets several times, each time feeling quite a bit of pain and exhaustion as their cruel energy went through her. Truly, this certainly was the yang part of the yin-yang...

...And then she managed to get to her orb again. Though it didn't seem to want to stop moving at this point... She flung it into the air, right toward the male half of Shingyoku. It vanished in a flash of light as it was hit, and the orb kept going, though sadly not hitting the other one.

...And then the light went into the remaining half of Shingyoku. Immediately followed by a lot of random white bullets being sent out in all directions in addition to the maze that was already there.  "Crap." Reimu desperately attempted to weave her way through everything that was coming at her, but this was worse than before.

Exhausted, and barely hanging on to consciousness, Reimu finally got to her yin-yang again. One last time, she sent it up in the air, toward her accursed annoying opponent. It dissipated into darkness as it was struck, and the orb came back to Reimu.

"Whew... It's over." she said, relieved. "That was tough..." ...Wait. No, was it seriously reforming? ...Yes. It had just appeared again, and was descending to the ground. "Not more... That's it." Reimu sent one last attack to where she knew the other orb would be once hers got there, and then she jumped into the air, ready to strike what she was reflecting.

"You did we-" Shingyoku was cut off as it was hit with another attack. And then another, as Reimu struck one final time. "JUST DIE ALREADY!"  Time seemed to slow as that last attack connected. Indeed, it was nearly stopped, the flash of light and darkness exploding from Shingyoku in incredibly slow motion... And then it was over. Shingyoku was truly gone.

"Finally..." Reimu barely managed to gasp out, as she collapsed to her knees. "So much trouble..." What in the name of the Great Hakurei was it doing taking the forms of my parents...?

Whew. That took a while. Not sure how great it is either...


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 11:59:41 PM »
Nice idea. Though for the strongest being in Gensokyo, Reimu sure had a hard time with a Stage 5 boss...

Interesting seeing more actual story for HRtP beyond "'NO I MUST KILL THE DEMONS' said Raymoo". The forms Shingyoku took have...intruiging implications, too. Keep this up.

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2010, 07:37:21 PM »
Chapter 2
Eyes in the Darkness

Reimu rested for a few minutes, trying to recover her energy from that fight. She wasn't sure how long it was before she finally forced herself to get up... Though certainly, it was some time after she had finished recovering. She looked around, making sure that no other surprises were coming.

Idly, she wondered if she might have time to leave, rest, and come back... No. Not only did she have this to deal with, there was also the gate to Jigoku which she'd have to go into later. The seal was already so weakened that some of the more powerful creatures might be able to break it anyway. Really, it was possible that she should have been going in there first, but she really didn't want to deal with whatever jerks had been sent to hell.

Well... Time to go in. She couldn't afford to keep waiting, no matter how annoying it was to work like this. She reached out toward the gate, and touched the seal. Focus... Focus... ...Nothing. Well, it was a vain hope, thinking that she'd be able to pass through a barrier with her current level of power. After all, she couldn't even really do much more than annoy most enemies without the stupid yin-yang yet.

Sighing, she stepped back, toward where the orb was. "Well... Better this than letting it shatter on its own." After all, there was no other reason that outside youkai would have been attracted... Immediately, she smacked her yin-yang toward the barrier. Sure enough, it smashed, and Reimu immediately ran through after it.

Reimu emerged into a large chamber, which looked as if it had simply been dug out of the ground. There were a number of youkai around. "The seal has been breached!" yelled someone. "Int- AAAHH!!!" The youkai was interrupted by an orb to the face, as the yin-yang orb was still bouncing around the room,  smacking youkai in the face. "Dammit!" another voice yelled. "What the hell is that thing?!"

Reimu very quickly found herself under fire from many directions, as shots from many different youkai came toward her. Oh how she wished she could fly, that would make this so much easier... She threw ofuda toward what was coming toward her as fast as she could, but she realized that there was no chance she could get away quite like this. No... Right there...!

Reimu ran toward a cluster of bullets heading toward her, but then went to the ground, sliding underneath. At the end of said slide, she found that the orb was right next to her feet... Good. Instead of simply standing up, she pushed herself from the ground, doing a flip. The first downward strike didn't do much, but another backflip, kicking it up toward a number of nearby youkai who were huddled close together in the air, did a lot. Even as she did this, she continued to throw her ofuda as best she  could, desperately attempting to counteract all the shots coming toward her, and perhaps slow it, stunning the enemies.

Reimu found that... This wasn't really that bad. All of them seemed to be weaker youkai, not capable of sending out a large amount of danmaku. There wasn't a total lack of danger, she did get hit once... And then again by her yin-yang... Soon enough though, she had killed all of them, and she then got a chance to examine the chamber a bit more.

There wasn't a lot of lighting, now that the danmaku had faded. A few torches at the edges were all that had allowed her to judge the state of the room earlier, though strangely, their flames appeared to be more of a bluish gray than any color that would be expected of fire.

...Wait, what was that? Reimu whirled around, having seen something move in the corner of her eye. Had something managed to escape? ...No, it was just her imagination. Strange though, it had looked almost like a large eye, floating in the air... She was just seeing things, that had to be it.

Reimu headed toward the only exit she saw, a large metal door in the wall. It seemed to be locked... Oh well. A few smashes of the orb later, she went into the next room... Huh. Just a hallway. This seemed to be better constructed than the last room, the stone appearing to have been worked skillfully, rather than roughly carved. Apart from the same variety of strange torches that had been along the edge of the previous chamber, there didn't appear to be anything here however.

Reimu walked down the hallway, which was long enough that she couldn't see the end from where she was, in the somewhat dim light. She could have sworn that she kept seeing those strange eyes out of the corner of her vision, but they had always disappeared by the time they looked... Some weird hallucinations... Finally, the end came into sight, though notably, there had been no other doors along this hall. Another metal door, but above it, there were two large crystals floating there.

Just as Reimu was about to smash the door, she heard a voice. "What business do you have here? If there is none, please leave." Reimu was startled. "Wha- Who's there?!" The voice responded. "If anyone should be asking it, it's me. Answer the question or leave immediately." Reimu stomped her foot. "Why should I let some stranger order me around?!" The voice was very cold as it spoke one last time. "Lethal force shall be used if you attempt to continue without providing a satisfactory answer."

Reimu realized that the voice was coming from the crystals... She didn't bother giving an answer. Why should she bother anyway? No doubt it was nothing but a youkai either way. A  vicious swing of her gohei, and one crystal was smashed by a black and white orb. The remaining crystal began shooting a large amount of danmaku toward her... However, it couldn't even come close before the orb returned, and Reimu sent it toward the crystal, destroying everything in the way.

She then proceeded to obliterate the door, and stepped through. There was another large chamber here, this one more well-lit. A huge set of steel double-doors was on the other side, but nothing else could be seen. As Reimu stepped into the center, the voice from the crystals spoke again, seemingly from nowhere. "You were given your chance. Now you shall pay the price."

"Activate defense protocol, YUUGENMAGAN!"
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 08:02:27 PM by ShiningDrake »

Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 08:02:51 PM »

You know, I thought of "YuugenMaagan" as some kind of security/defense system, too. Interesting parallel  evolution there ...

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2010, 06:04:24 AM »
Chapter 3
Not even Hell yet

As soon as the voice spoke out the words, strange things came out from the walls. There were five of them, appearing to be brown and black spheres... And then the eyes opened. For that was what they were,  huge eyes... So this was what she'd been seeing.

The eyes gathered in a circle in the air, and what looked like an arc of lightning connected all of them, creating a field of electricity between them in the air. They stared down at Reimu. "...Crap." she said. "This isn't gonna be fun, is it?" ...Most definitely not.

The eyes stared down at her, and many thin beams of light shot out from them, creating a criss-crossing maze of laser beams. And then, the shots came... WAVES of them. "Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!!!!" Reimu continuously exclaimed, as she simply tried to deflect all the bullets away using her gohei, being rather trapped. ...She did not escape unscathed. At all. On top of that, she hadn't paid attention to where her orb had gone, and now it was bouncing around everywhere.

Once the attack ended, Reimu really wished that she could just get the hell away right now! Unfortunately, that wasn't an option. And she hadn't even got to hurt it yet...  There wasn't even time to rest. Two of the eyes  began aiming shots at her,  or rather, around her, while another two spun around, sending dense waves of bullets everywhere. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" cried Reimu in frustration. There was no way that this was even possible...

"...This is a cruel joke, right?"  Suddenly, the eyes that were aiming the bullets released... Knives? Were those knives? SERIOUSLY?! ...And then, the final eye started sending lasers out. Lots and lots of them. ...This was officially ridiculous.

Some immeasurable amount of time later, which felt like eternity for Reimu, she finally lost her patience. This was ridiculous. She'd only managed to hit any one of them ONCE by now.  At this point, she was cut, bruised, burned, sore, exhausted... And very much wanting to kill someone. Or a lot of someones. But especially whoever had set this thing on her. Oh yes. She was going to crush them. But first, these...

It was time to use it. The ONLY thing she could do besides sending the orb that could damage anything. She held up one of her ofuda... But this was a special one. Yes, it was special. She put as much power as she could muster into it, and then... Tossed it into the air. Where it exploded, filling the entire room with energy. Finally, this assault ended...

And another one began. This time, the eyes started doing something different. Shooting lasers again... But this time, the lasers formed into star shapes. Stars which began spinning, sending out lots of bullets... Though these she could deal with. They were just- WAY TOO MANY CRISS-CROSSING STREAMS OF BULLETS!!!

...And the stars were falling. They just kept coming, and they were falling to the ground. Continuing to send out many, many shots. She somehow managed to avoid colliding directly with any of the stars as they got to the ground... Well, beyond accidentally brushing one with her arm, which caused searing pain as it burned her.

Finally, she hit one of the eyes again... And it exploded. A small explosion, but still, an explosion. ...But the stars didn't stop. Oh no. Instead, the remaining eyes began releasing huge amounts of shots in all sorts of random directions. Fast ones. As if she didn't have enough to deal with. However... This time, the orb had come back to her rather quickly. She smacked it upward with her gohei, toward the nearest eye. Which proceeded to explode as well.

...And now the three remaining eyes were doing more. They each sent three lasers around her, and she found herself practically trapped in a cage of lasers. ...They looked like they were charging up for something. The string of curses that went through Reimu's mind right now were very unfitting of a "pure maiden" that served a shrine. However, all she got out was: "Crap."

Reimu managed to spot the largest opening between the lasers... This was her only chance. She jumped up, trying to get out... And she did. However, the ribbon on her head was cut in half by the laser. She landed outside even as a huge beam took up the spot she'd been standing in, and certainly would have obliterated her had she still been standing there.

However, now it registered in her mind. And time seemed to slow down. "It cut... My ribbon." Everything went red. "YOU CUT THE RIBBON!" Immediately, she got out every single one of her special ofuda, and held them in her hand. She charged them with power, and flung them all into the air at once. The ensuing explosion shook the building.

Reimu stood there, panting with exhaustion and rage. It was over... There was no way it could have- ...No. There was one eye. And now, it was in the center of the field of lightning in the air that had once connected all of the eyes. It stared down at her, still cold, emotionless. Reimu and her yin-yang were reflected in its red pupil...

It looked to be charging up for something again. Well, she wouldn't let it. She flung the yin-yang into the air, straight toward the eye! ...Even as the eye unleashed its attack. One huge lightning bolt. But it didn't stop Reimu's orb. No, not a chance. Instead, the two lightning charged orbs collided, and there was one final explosion.

...I have no idea how I am going to top this fight. Seriously.

Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2010, 06:04:02 PM »

...I have no idea how I am going to top this fight. Seriously.
I recommend turning up the scale. It's also helpful that apart from Kikuri, all the characters are humanoid, and even then she has a face. A personality works wonders for ... well ... just about everything.

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2010, 03:02:09 AM »
Gah! I'm sorry I took so long... There are several quick references in this chapter, done at the request of several people over IRC.

Chapter 4
Caged Prey

Light filled the room. There was nothing but pure light, enveloping her... Burning her. But then it faded. And there she stood, bruised, hurt, beat up... But alive. And angry. Oh, how she was angry. She had come here to seal Makai away again, and she would do it. Of course, the preparation for sealing it would require a lot of power... Power that right now, she could only get by exterminating youkai. Well, technically, she was just supposed to be doing stuff in service to her god, but this would be the quickest method, and she wasn't allowed to leave the gate for any longer than necessary.

As her head cleared enough for her to notice anything besides her own thoughts, Reimu looked around. The room was filled with the shattered remains of what had once been the eye creature... Though it didn't really look like anything that had ever been living. Underneath the exterior, which had looked alive, she saw now that it had been made of stone, with many magical symbols in it.

The voice from before rang out again now, "Quite impressive. I was unaware that humans from the other side of that gate were nearly powerful enough to destroy Yuugen-Magan. Some of the most powerful magic known to our magicians was used to create that construct, but you still managed to destroy it with nothing but a bouncing ball for a weapon. However, if you think that is the most we have, you are sorely mistaken. If you value your life, you will leave."

Reimu called back up to the voice, "Why would I listen to a youkai, demon, whatever you call yourselves here? I'm here to restore the seal, and you'll stay out of my way if you know what's good for you!"  The response came back with almost a hint of derision in it. "You really expect me to believe that you came back to restore the seal when you broke it yourself? And all of this pointless destruction... What sort of fool do you think I am?"

Reimu laughed. "The kind that's going to get turned into part of the new seal of course!" The response came back, "What?!" Reimu didn't respond, instead merely walking toward the door that was on the opposite side of the chamber from where she'd come in. It seemed to have a magical barrier in front of it, so she viciously slammed the yin-yang against it several times.

"What, you think you can just knock down a wall of magic? Ha!" It was obvious that the voice's source didn't think that it could be done. However, Reimu continued, not bothering to answer what she thought of as a filthy youkai, and soon enough, it broke. "You were saying?" There was no response.

 There was another hallway on the other side of the doors, with crystals like the ones from earlier hovering near the ceiling, in pairs every ten feet or so. Danmaku immediately began blasting toward her, and she dived to the side as she sent the orb to bounce around inside the hallway. Slowly, she saw the force of the assault that was still directed toward the area of the doorway lessen more and more, as the yin-yang encountered the crystals, as it bounced.

Once the orb found its way back to her, she decided to make it quicker for what remained. She jumped in front, and sent it flying back into the hallway, even as she ran forward, swinging her gohei wildly to counter the shots coming her way. It went ahead of her, but once she caught up to it, she began her assault, slamming it toward one crystal after another. Some attacks grazed her a few times, but after that last battle, this was nothing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, " Reimu taunted, expecting the voice to be listening, "Was that all of the other stuff you were talking about, that was supposed to stop me? I'm so very sorry for not dying."  The response that came was cold. "Not only do you invade without provocation, but you mock those who you intend to turn into victims? Keep talking if you wish, I have nothing to say. You are going to die, one way or another. Even if you escape, our Goddess will not forgive you."

"Your Goddess? Oh of course, I'll make sure to watch out for sudden smitings out of nowhere." No response. And thus, she continued on. As she came closer to the end of the hallway, she realized that there was some strange noise coming from the other side of the door she saw there. She prepared herself as she opened it, and was surprised at just how loud it suddenly seemed. Red light flashed over and over again, annoying her. More crystals were scattered about, though not as many as had been in the hallway... More worrisome though, were the many youkai that appeared to be waiting there... And the huge amount of danmaku that immediately came toward her.

"Shit!" Reimu exclaimed, as she immediately sent the orb forward, bowling over a good number of her enemies, and immediately began swinging her gohei wildly, trying desperately to deflect the attacks as she backed away. She vaguely heard the ever familiar voice speaking, but not to her. "The intruder must not be allowed to advance or escape. Take her down, at any cost!"

"Do you really think you can defeat the Hakurei Maiden?!" Reimu called. "Do your worst!" The voice stopped speaking for a few moments, and a few of those who she was fighting looked slightly scared. However, they didn't stop, and she continued fighting for her life. She had backed down pretty far into the hallway now, and the yin-yang orb came rolling down, bowling many of the youkai there out of the way, who in turn served to interfere with their comrades.

It wasn't long before Reimu had won the battle. "Hakurei..." the voice came again. "Even in Makai, we know that name... It's been a long time since any of them were foolish enough to invade Makai however. Few showed such malice, instead deciding to actually act as one in their position should."

"Who are you to tell me how I should act?!" Reimu snapped back. "You're nothing but another youkai, to be turned into power for the seal!" The response came angrily "Obviously you can't tell for yourself, so someone has to tell you! I know your god has no love for us youkai, but from what I know, he's hardly so bloodthirsty that you could be doing this for him! You're a brat who doesn't know her place! I feel sorry for your world if you have the place of their guardian."

"You know nothing of my god! It is at his instruction that I'm renewing the seal! I was told to do it immediately, and that is what I'm doing! It isn't as if you youkai matter anyway. Why don't you all just die already?!" "I don't think I'm inclined to do that at the request of an insane little girl. Go home to your parents, as I assure you, their punishment will be far less painful than mine."

"My parents are dead!" Reimu shouted back. There was no response. "I see. Then there is nothing else. Either way, flee and hope you can elude your judgment, or continue and walk right into it. That is the choice you've had this whole time, and it still stands." Reimu made no response. Instead, she continued to do what she had come to do.

She went forward and broke the crystals without incident, before really looking at the chamber she was in. It was surprisingly well-lit, and everything appeared to be carved from marble. There were doorways all around the edges of the chamber, which all appeared to be glowing with red energy. Looking through one of them, she saw what appeared to be a youkai, in chains. Well, she'd take what she could get.

She broke through the barrier, and smashed the youkai with the yin-yang. "Attacking those who can't even defend themselves?" the voice came. "Truly, are there no depths you won't sink to. "Shut up." was Reimu's only response, as she continued, going from door to door and killing the prisoners within.

That was, until she found a prisoner who wasn't a youkai. A young girl in red, with short, brown hair. However, Reimu didn't see any way to break the restraints without hurting the girl. She noticed that there was a nameplate in the wall next to the door, which said "Madotsuki". Odd... Most of the other doors didn't have anything like that.

Reluctantly, Reimu moved on, and continued. The next prisoner with a nameplate next to the door was a huge bee-like monster, apparently called "Hibachi" And then another human. A boy with short hair, named Shinji. Once again, there didn't appear to be any way to free him without harming him, so she moved on. The last one was a man named Ellis, who... For some reason, didn't appear to be restrained, though he was locked up.

Reimu released him, and said "You're free to go. I've taken care of the youkai on the way here, just head that way until you reach a portal." The man thanked her... And then went on some long weird story that she didn't really pay attention to during the time between his starting and her getting sick of it and sticking an ofuda on top of his mouth. It wouldn't come off, and she simply said "Go." He did.

"Amazing how you treat even your own kind. What do you expect him to do if he can't get that off?" Reimu shrugged. "That's not my problem. I let him out, anything else from there is his problem." There was no response, but she did hear a sound that sounded quite reminiscent of a palm connecting solidly with a face.

 And finally, there were no more of those doors left. The only door left was a huge one, on the opposite end of the big room from where she'd come in. She guessed that was the way out of this place... She walked forward, and opened the door...

Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2010, 05:53:53 AM »
Hmm ... interesting. Certainly an interesting take on Genocidal-Reimu ... Also, where'd you get that Ellis from?

Also, I'm not sure how to interpret the "prison" part, or what its prisoners are doing there ...

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2010, 06:04:43 AM »
Regarding Ellis, I don't even remember. I do know that it was requested by Purvis, and included a link to a Youtube video with a bunch of the guy's stories. Off the top of my head, I THINK that it was from Left 4 Dead or something, but I dunno. And regarding why they're there... Who knows~? ...I certainly didn't think that far ahead. Cameos were suggested, and then I later asked if anyone wanted more to appear, and... THAT happened.

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2010, 01:29:46 PM »
"My parents are dead!" - Is it wrong that my first thought was basically "Reimu Wayne"?

Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2010, 09:40:23 PM »
Oh right, that Ellis. XD

Yeah, it makes the seriousness of the story kind of disjointed, though ...

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2010, 10:13:15 PM »
Yeah, I'm not sure I really did it well. I probably should have just skipped the cameos entirely. But I don't think it went TOO far off, and it did give Sar- er, the voice something else to say. At any rate, I don't expect anything quite like this to come up again, so hopefully there won't be any more problems along this line in the future.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Hakurei's Reign
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2010, 11:35:34 PM »
The last one was a man named Ellis, who... For some reason, didn't appear to be restrained, though he was locked up.

Reimu released him, and said "You're free to go. I've taken care of the youkai on the way here, just head that way until you reach a portal." The man thanked her... And then went on some long weird story that she didn't really pay attention to during the time between his starting and her getting sick of it and sticking an ofuda on top of his mouth.

* Diamonds Purvis views from a portable screen

Yes! YES!

Oh right, that Ellis. XD

Yeah, it makes the seriousness of the story kind of disjointed, though ...

Trap sprung.