Author Topic: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.  (Read 30245 times)

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2011, 01:10:32 PM »
Yayifications! An update!

I saw that coming, but it's still an interesting take on that battle. Hoping to see more soon.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2011, 04:15:57 AM »
Oh Noroiko is the
stage 2 midboss personified?

I wonder what'll happen when Meira finds out...


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
  • Surprisingly different
    • [あさらぎ Works]
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #62 on: October 20, 2011, 08:28:07 AM »
Oh Noroiko is the
stage 2 midboss personified?

I wonder what'll happen when Meira finds out...
Also, since I realize the average person wouldn't get it, here is art of Noroiko:

@Donut: Why does the curse spirit speak in Bulgarian? :V
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #63 on: October 20, 2011, 09:32:08 PM »
Also, since I realize the average person wouldn't get it, here is art of Noroiko:
oh look, there's porn on the first page :V

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #64 on: October 21, 2011, 06:43:44 PM »
Not for me there isn' probably changed.
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • MS Paint Lasers incoming!
  • Surprisingly different
    • [あさらぎ Works]
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #65 on: October 26, 2011, 06:24:06 AM »
Nope its still there :V
Oh, by the way. I've found some new tea.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #66 on: October 26, 2011, 03:54:52 PM »
oh look, there's porn on the first page :V
Only if you're logged in and set to view porn.   :V


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2011, 11:33:39 PM »
A happy holiday hello to you all! This chapter was particularly difficult to write, and I'm not sure how well it went. Regardless, this is the way the delicious samurai cookie has crumbled, and I can do nothing but sweep it up and toss it in the garbage continue baking. Without further ado, here we goooo!


*flap flap flap*

Not a word was spoken. Meira could do nothing but turn her head to confirm the demons hadn?t changed formation. The five eyes slowly circled the clearing in tandem, like vultures. Well, she wasn?t going to let herself get picked apart!

?So she told herself while she quivered.

Ooh?my stomach?

This tension could kill. She didn?t dare move, but the eye demons seemed like they were waiting for her. How devious?they must be super intelligent and stuff. Meira hissed.

Okay, what are my options??

With the moon high above, Meira could see everything clearly. She was standing next to a tree stump, one of four in the center of the clearing. It looked like they had been there for a while, but they were quite sturdy ? she had the bruises to prove it. Turning her attention to the edges of the clearing, there were eight stumps arranged in a square formation, evenly spaced out. It was?unnatural.

*flap flap flap*

O-okay, so what do I got. I got me, and I got?uh, me.

Meira clenched her fist. This would not end well.

They?they look flimsy. Ye-yeah, I can totally punch an eye out. This?ll be a snap. Yep. A snap.


Meira turned her attention to the eye now passing through her field of vision. It was perfectly on level with her face. Good. It would have caused problems if it flew too high or too low.

Praying they maintained their distance, Meira crouched into a running stance.


Alright, here we go?


Just think of Jack?



The eye demon flew past the center of her vision.



Meira sprang towards the eyeball. It was only 20 feet away, and she was closing in fast. This oughta ?


Suddenly a dark outline of a stump came into view. Meira nearly tripped over her feet and stumbled sideways. Blast. She was so focused on the eyeball she somehow missed the outer stump! But if she can adjust herself rig-


?Aah-!? Meira was knocked down, her head landing only a foot from the stump. The damn thing got her in the ribs. Sucking up the pain, Meira leapt back to her feet to catch the eyeball off guard while it was still at arm?s length.

?Haaaa!? Meira swung with her right fist, but she hadn?t even finished winding up when the beast retreated back into formation.

?Grr?? Meira brought her fist down and rubbed her chest. Damn bastards were faster than she thought.

Meira caught to her left another eye demon; the formation was coming her way. Alright, it?s do or die!

?HIYAAAA!? Like a B-movie actress, Meira performed a spinning jump to her left. She brought her first high and slammed down. Once again the eye dodged out of the way.


Meira was quick enough to extend her legs, and she landed in track meet formation. Her arms rattled in pain.

?Grr, you damn-!?


Her bottom was struck by the demon, sending Meira sprawling to the ground next to another stump. Her muscles felt cramped, but now was not the time. Meira wasted no time in flipping herself over.

?Aah-! Y-you PERVERT! I?m gonna ? WHOA!?

Meira rolled to her left just in time to dodge the eyeball?s slam into the ground. From this distance Meira could see the bloodlust in the demon?s crimson eye. Meira pushed herself to her feet and turned around. She had to retreat for now before it got up!

Wrong way

Meira saw another eye incoming not ten feet away, and she was pretty sure another was behind it. Damn, the formation was continuing to rotate! What now, she had to get away-

The approaching eyeball divebombed towards Meira?s head. She dunked her head and it flew harmlessly over her head. No time for relief though ? the one that slammed into the ground was now up, and the formation was continuing to catch up.

No time to think, GO!

Meira bolted to her right - the only way the formation couldn?t catch her. Meira crossed the center of the arena and hopped onto the southern stump. Two of the eyes to her side predicted this, and dived at her in unison. Meira put all her strength into her legs and barreled forward.


Meira heard a satisfying noise behind her signifying that the dumbnuts hit each other. For her part, Meira landed a good two meters from the stump and pivoted. It seems she made the right move ? all the eye demons were now behind her, sifting back and forth in disarray.

?Ha, see! I can totally do strate-?

The eyes stabilized and adopted a line formation, spreading out across the clearing. They formed a wide curtain, and stared at Meira, unmoving.

?-gy. Ku?? This did not look good. With her pinned to the end of the clearing, she was at their mercy. Meira took a step back, then looked behind her: The darkness of the forest stared back like a gaping maw. Meira shook her head; she would rather die than get lost in there again.

But?this wasn?t working. Meira didn?t consider herself a boxer, and these freaks weren?t intent on being her punching bags. If only she had a weapon?


Wait. If only she had a?

I-if only I had a-?!

Meira?s left hand dropped to her hip. She ran her shaky fingers over the metal scabbard. Adrenaline flowed into the samurai?s head.

?If only I had a SWORD, HYA!? Meira drew her katana from the scabbard and thrust it into the air.

Yes, I totally planned this! NOW we can get down to business. Meira lowered the sword and gripped it with her left hand. She trained it on the center eye.

?Come on. I?m ready for you now you son of a bitch. The samurai is in town.?

*flap flap flap*

The dramatic pose was beginning to give Meira?s arm a cramp, so she swung her katana downward. 

*flap flap flap*

Meira snorted and took a step forward.

?W-well, come on! What kind of horror monsters are y-?


?Wha-? Meira recognized that sound. That was the sound of ?

?OW!? A shot of danmaku exploded into her chest. Meira gripped her stomach as a burning sensation welled up. Meira?s eyes flared.

?You cheaters! That?s not how you fight a swordsman! You can?t use bulle- AUGH!? Meira leapt to her left to dodge a second wave.

The sound of single-shot danmaku filled the night as Meira dived behind a nearby stump, bullets trailing her steps.

?Shit, this is not what I wanted?? Meira wasn?t sure how long the eyes would stay in place, but she should be safe for the moment.

Meira beat the damp ground with her palm.

Come on girl, think. THINK! What would Jack do in this situation?

She closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing.


Right! Remember issue 41, when he revealed his status as a Judai master? He deflected bullets with his sword!

She stroked her katana and grinned.

Yeah, and then he used his Judai master skills to knock over all the neo-droids. Man, that was such an awesome issue. Meira giggled. If she ever got back alive, she?d have to ?



Meira felt a pop at the ground behind her and yelped. She popped her head up from the stump and saw the eyes approaching; they must have got tired of waiting.


Meira?s eyes widened and she dropped to the ground. She leaned against the stump and saw five more bullets sail in quick succession above her head.

?Grr, now?s not the time. But, if Jack did it, it?s worth a try!?

*flap flap flap*

Shoot, they?re getting closer. If I wanna stand a chance, I?ve got to ?

The center eye rose up into the air and targeted her.

?MOVE!? Meira flipped forward onto her stomach, but wasn?t quick enough to avoid getting a bullet to her left calf. She hissed, but wasted no time in hoisting herself to her feet. Meira panted and dashed forward, sword in hand.

Meira ran right from the stump. Pock mocks created from the trailing danmaku kept Meira quick on her heels. Approaching the next stump, she caught a detail out the corner of her eye: The offensive line had closed in on the stump she had hid behind. That means there must be an opening at the corners! Meira planted her feet and dashed to her right to flank them. Sure enough, the eyeballs had left a huge opening at the corners of the clearing. Even better, the left-most eyeball was within slashing distance.


No, killing them like this is not the samurai way! I gotta keep my distance so I can show my stuff!

Meira made a running jump past the eyeball. She felt a woosh and cast a quick glance back; it had thrown a clumsy headbutt at her. The other youkai teetered against each other in their attempts to face her.

Hah, take that you creeps!

Meira couldn?t help but feel a bit proud that she was more agile than these superhuman youkai. She reached the other side of the clearing and did a 180 jump. Upon landing, she dug her feet into the ground and crouched like a true samurai. Considering everything she had gone through, her body was feeling quite light. It was almost like she really was a samurai reborn.

In their confusion, the eyeballs bunched together into a trapezoidish formation above the center of the clearing, two hovering above the others. With all five of them bunched together like this?

They?ll fall right into my trap! All right Jack, lend me your power! Meira loosened herself up and gripped the hilt of her katana with both hands. It was time for some bullet deflecting action!



?Ah HA!?

Eyeing the glowing pellet, Meira swung her katana like a baseball bat. Somehow this didn?t work.

?Ggh-!? Meira winced; her shoulder was burning.

I can?t believe that didn?t work! Maybe if I-


?Oh shi-? Meira tightened her grip on her katana and swung wildly at the bullet. Yet again she missed, and the pain spread to her left breast.

?Grr?!? The samurai stomped and lowered her katana.

Alright, calm down. That one eyeball in the lower-center is charging, it looks like. Come on, come through for me?!

Sure enough, the eyeball fired another white pellet. Meira brought her katana horizontal to her face to meet it. She couldn?t miss!


Yes, a perfect block! This-

?Ah-AUGH!? Meira recoiled in pain as the blunt end of the katana smashed into her face.

?A-aah, aaaaah.? The samurai stumbled as she clenched her left eye.

?What the hell, wh-what the hell is this??


Meira?s eyes opened wide.


Meira tried to swing her sword, but with only one hand on her sword, she only managed a clumsy wave. Miraculously, this blocked two bullets (leaving the other three to singe her torso), but the force left by their impact was such that she almost lost her grip.

?No-!? Meira gritted her teeth and brought both hands to cling to her only lifeline. It just hit her that all this time, the demons were slowly closing in. Shoot, what would a samurai do in this situation??


What ELSE would a samurai do in this situation?!

?SAMURAI SPIRIT, AAARGH!? Meira charged the cluster head on, brandishing her katana. If she can?t block, at least she can cut!


?Nngh-!? Meira stumbled as a bullet hit her calf, but kept going. If they were just going to sit there, she would take them down!

Meira readied her katana as she closed the distance between them. Five meters. Four meters. Three, two, one ?

In one swift move, all the eyeballs spread out, creating an arch-like formation.

?Wha?!? Meira almost fell over stopping herself as she ran through them. That is SO unfair!

Wait, I?m in range! Meira saw one of the eyeballs to the right. With a cry, Meira swung her sword to her right.


It connected! The eyeball now hung limply, one of its wings slightly torn. Meira was elated.

?Ha! Take that you little worm!?


?Eh-? Disturbing noises now surrounded her.

?Skreee!? ?Skree!? ?Skruuuu.? ?Skrawll!?

Meira gulped. Looking to the sources of the bestial screeches, she realized the arch had reformed around her; they all looked pretty angry. She whipped her head back to the one she wounded. With its blood-red eye, it looked even more pissed than normal.

?Oh crap-!? Meira pulled back her sword and ran forward. She heard various crashes behind her, but there was no time for that! She had to ?

Run? Wait, what am I thinking? I got one of them! NO TRUE SAMURAI RUNS AWAY!

Meira planted her feet and turned around to face the enemy. After their failed attempts to body slam her, they were a jumbled mess.

?Meira Mash!?

The samurai girl lunged. With them all messed up like that, she?s bound to hit one of them! She raised her katana.


?Wha- NNGH!? Meira?s armpits of all things were now burning. Her arms instinctively retracted, and stumbled to her knees trying to catch herself on the ground. Shoot, how had she not seen that coming?!

Meira struggled to her feet and glared at her three adversaries.

?Wait, three? But there?s five of th-?


?Ooh-!? Meira toppled to her left as an eyeball delivered a body slam from her right. It must have flanked her.

Meira grunted, and muttered, ?A samurai never shows fear?!? With some effort, she hoisted herself to her feet and -


?KYA-!? An eyeball opposite the last slammed into her ribs, sending Meira onto her back.

?Fffff?? She shook her head. No sooner did she regain her senses did she see the other three demons sail above her.


Meira rolled to her right. Three terrifying figures slammed into the ground like meteors. Somehow, Meira had managed to avoided them.

?Gck-? The samurai panted as she rose to her feet once more. The eyeballs were slow getting off the ground, but she had to move before they did!

Scanning the field to pick her next move, Meira centered her gaze and realized one of the eyeballs who tackled her had her in its sight.



Meira bolted to her right, barely avoiding the blast.

The stump. I gotta get behind the stump-!

Meira ran at top speed, traversing more than half the clearing. Summoning her dwindling strength, Meira performed a full body dive, grazing one more bullet in midair. With a grunt, Meira landed on her belly, safe behind the stump.



Meira pulled herself up to a crouch. She rubbed her hands, which were throbbing.

Wait, her hands? But at least one of them should have her ?

Meira?s eyes widened. ?Oh god.?

Frantically, she looked around for her katana. But there was nothing except a few roots and twigs.

??I must have dropped it when I got knocked down back there.? Meira?s words were hollow.

?Ha. I tried to act like a samurai, and I lost my sword. It?s kind of funny how that worked out.  Ha ha?ha??


?Aah? God, why must I tear up now?? Meira wiped her tears away.

Dammit, it?s useless! No matter what, these youkai counter anything I try! I tried blocking their danmaku, I tried rushing them, I tried flanking them, none of the tricks I?ve learned work! And now, I?ve lost my sword, the only thing left that made me a samurai?

Meira clawed at her face. She was a failure as a samurai. Without all the glamour of the bushido code, what good was she? She?s just some pathetic little girl. A piece of trash like her couldn?t hope to defeat five youkai. She was as good as dead.

Meira shivered. Die. Is she?going to die? Is she going to turn into one of those missing persons that people talk about for a day or two in the village, then shrug their shoulders and forget about?

*flap flap flap*

?God, they?re getting closer too?what am I going to do?? Meira fell to her knees and held her head in her hands. Her breathing became ragged. In the end, is this her worth?!

?I don?t want to die. I don?t want to die. I don?t want to die...!? Meira?s teeth chattered.

*flap flap flap*

?I?don?t want to die.? Meira spoke softly. Her breathing calmed.

Was she really that worried about herself? After all the dumb crap she?s said and done, was she still that invested in life?

??I-I don?t want to die.? The samurai girl?s eyes slowly widened. She gazed down at her hands.

?I don?t want to die.?

It?s true. Meira knew how high she was on the scum scale. She was weak, and she was self-centered. She was ungrateful, brash, lazy, and perhaps not the best at thinking things through.

But still, I want to live?!

Yes, there?s still a lot left she wants to do. There are still so many more comic books to read, so many more lessons to complain about?despite everything she had been forced to see about herself that night, did she hate herself enough to wish for death?

?No, I don?t. I don?t want to die.?

Meira felt so alone. For the first time in her life, she was truly in danger. Nobody was going to come for her. Not mom, not dad, not even Jack could help her now. She couldn?t depend on any of them. And since she had nobody else to rely on?

?Clearly, she will have to rely on herself.

Meira raised her head and stared into the expanse of darkness.

?I?m not Jack?perhaps I never will be. Maybe I?m not even cut out to be a samurai. Maybe. However, I know one thing I am for sure!?

Meira clenched her fists. She heard the flapping of the approaching eyeballs. It wouldn?t be long now.

All this time, this wretched body had robbed Meira of everything she ever wanted. But, thinking about it, she has hung on for so long, waiting for that miracle that will change her life. And, maybe she?s not trash! Maybe, someday, she can find the power she desired, and gain the respect she so totally deserved! After seventeen years of being spat on by the world, was she just going to let herself die here, to serve as a snack for some ugly-ass eyeballs?


Am I?!

?I don?t want to die. I don?t want to die!?

Meira sprung up from her crouch.

?I. AM NOT. GOING. TO DIE!!!!? The forest echoed with her cry.

?Haaaah. Haaaah. Haaaah.? Meira slowly calmed down and quit shaking, and looked at the situation.

The eyeballs had been waiting for her. At some point they spread back out, blanketing the clearing. The closest one, only two meters away, leered at her. Meira snorted and stood tall.

?Sorry to keep you waiting. I don?t think I ever properly introduced myself!? Meira took a deep breath. Who was she, above all else? Beyond the samurai garb, the katana, the hatred, the regret, and all the crazy shit piled on her, who the hell was she?

?I am Meira. I am here, and I plan on living. You got a problem with that? Huh? DO YOU?!?!?


Meira ducked her head left, and the bullet sailed by harmlessly. She brushed her long hair back behind her neck.

?Nice one. Now it?s my turn!? Meira hopped backwards, and ran forward. Using the stump as a stepping stone, Meira lunged at the nearest eyeball. First order of business: Break this offensive line, and get her sword back. The cool samu- no, Meira will NOT back down!!!


To be continued...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 04:06:45 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #68 on: December 18, 2011, 11:50:27 PM »
WHOOOO! GO MEIRA! ... you know, I wasn't sure I'd ever end up actually saying that.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #69 on: December 21, 2011, 09:25:13 PM »

I give that a 72/96 on the hotbloodedness scale.  Keep at it Meira.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #70 on: December 25, 2011, 07:29:07 AM »
Gasp! An omake? Here? At this time of the year?! It's more likely than you think!


Meira ran right from the stump. Pock mocks created from the trailing danmaku kept Meira quick on her heels. Approaching the next stump, she caught a detail out the corner of her eye: The offensive line had closed in on the stump she had hid behind. That means there must be an opening at the corners! Meira planted her feet and dashed to her right to flank them. Sure enough, the eyeballs had left a huge opening at the corners of the clearing. Even better, the left-most eyeball was within slashing distance.

1. Strike now
2. Wait for a better opening

Meira smirked and tightened her grip on her katana.

“Hah, you underestimated me you youkai. Now you, YOU will pay the price!” Changing directions, Meira ran right towards the eyeball, which was off-balance.

Alright, just like you always practiced…

Channeling the inexhaustible spirit of the samurai of old, Meira waved her sword menacingly to her left, like a tiger crouching in anticipation for its prey. Channeling all of her power into her right arm, which held the steel that she staked her life on and trusted to reach out and cut the enemy’s lifeline, she was now ready! Everything seemed to slow down, as though time itself, in its relentless march forward, wished to witness this landmark in history. Meira gave out a mighty yell, swung her tempered samurai sword, and –


It was gone! The eyeball had somehow perceived her attack and dodged! Having thrown all her weight into her arm, Meira stumbled forward.


A blow to her right hip sent Meira flying to the ground. She gasped.

What the hell, I did it like in the books and everything! Meira tried to get up, but stumbled. She planted her katana into the ground and pushed herself to her knees.



Another blow to the side sent the samurai into the ground head-first.


Meira’s mind was swimming. She could barely think straight.

My sword…I have to get my…

Meira gasped. Though her vision was blurry, she noticed a shadow above her. No, not just one shadow. There were two, three…four…


All five eyeballs had now surrounded her. As her senses returned, Meira once again saw their vicious glares. They were not merciful.

Meira began hyperventilating. She saw her sword, still sticking out of the ground. She lifted her back and reached for it with her left hand –


“AUGH!”  One of the eyeballs smashed her back into the ground, breaking her ribs.

*pant, pant, pant*

“No, I gotta…!” Meira reached half-heartedly with her left hand.


There was a sickening snap, and Meira screamed; she could no longer use that arm.

No, please no!

Before Meira could attempt to reach for a third time, another eyeball slammed into her head. Meira’s vision faded to black. Tears now flowed openly.

Mom…dad…I’m so sorry…If only I had been…

One final unseen blow to the skull cut Meira short. As her monologue short-circuited, so too did her consciousness…


Teach Me, Keine-sensei!

The bell for class rang. Meira found herself in Kamishirasawa-sensei’s classroom. Her teacher tapped a pointer to her left hand.


She was dead…wasn’t she? She must have died back there. Then why-

“Now now. That’s enough talking everyone. It’s time for Teach Me, Keine-sensei!”

Meira looked around; she was the only person there.

 Her teacher looked very different from normal. Rather than her ridonkulous box lunch hat and frilly blue dress, now she was dressed in green and had…horns?!

“Miss Kamishirasawa, w-what just hap-“



Meira was headbutted. While this was no different than normal, with those horns…


Meira held her throat as blood oozed out of the wound. The pain was unimaginable, but somehow she clung to consciousness.

Blood visible on her horns, Kamishirasawa-sensei smiled and continued.

“Now that we are all quieted down, let us begin the lesson!”

Meira made a horrifying gargling noise as she gripped her ruined voicebox. Keine appeared nonplussed as she looked over a paper and clucked her tongue.

“Oh dear Meira-kun, this won’t do! I am happy you are being proactive for once, but you should have known better than to handle a youkai in such a manner. Especially in such a manner."

Keine picked up a piece of chalk.

"Now, what have we learned?"

The teacher turned to the chalkboard and wrote in bold letters.

Poetic Imagery Isn’t For Survivors

Kamishirasawa-sensei shook her head.

“Honestly Meira-kun, you should have watched fewer samurai movies.”

What’s a movie.

“A real fighter must learn their own style, and never be so lazy as to imitate fiction. Remember that in your next life.”

“Yes, never be lazy like a cow! >w<”

A preppy catgirl suddenly popped out of a nearby desk. She had purple hair and wore a green and yellow outfit. Meira was dumbstruck.

“Move fast, like a cat, and you will make history! Real history, not what Keinye writes down! OwO”

Keine smacked her hand with the pointer once more.

“Alright, that’s enough out of you, Hieda no Nekyuu.”

The hyperactive freak bounced from desk to desk.

"Cavegirl!" > 3 >

"Four eyes!" < 3 <

"Horny cow!" > 3 >

"Whitewasher!" < 3 <

Suddenly, the lights went out.


The lights came back on. Meira’s teacher wore a delicate smile that betrayed the copious amounts of blood now splattered on her dress.

“Go back to arithmetic class, you reincarnating rat.” She turned back to Meira.

“Anyway, that is all Meira-kun. Let’s meet again somewhere in Touhou!”

Meira looked around. Nothing happened. Her teacher did not move a muscle.

Finally, Kamishirasawa-sensei returned to her senses and looked around in confusion.

“Strange, that’s not what should have happened.

…Huh.” She clasped her hands together.

 "Well, let us begin math then!” With a big smile, Meira’s teacher picked up a piece of chalk.

Th-this must be hell… Kamishirasawa-sensei did have horns…

“Now, if you subtract 'shirasawa' from the equation…” She erased the last two kanji of her name from the board.

“You get 'kami'! That means I’m a god! Isn’t that wonderful class?”

Meira put her head down onto the desk, ignoring the searing pain from her throat as she did so.

This is the end. All is lost…

“KamihamiHAAAA!” Keine giggled like a little girl as she fired a blue laser out of her hands into the mangled corpse of Nekyuu.

All is lost…


The moral of the story? Don't write yourself into a corner during a fight scene. X(

Anyway, Meira Christmas everybody! :3
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 09:29:55 PM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #71 on: December 26, 2011, 06:54:34 AM »

I give this update four XD's out of five.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #72 on: June 18, 2012, 05:03:24 AM »
Ooh boy. There were so many reasons behind this delay. Difficulty in writing, physical problems, personal problems, college, the works. But, let's toss that aside now, and tune back into our good friend Meira, yes?


I'm not the same Meira I was two minutes ago! This time will be different! Here we go!!!

As Meira sailed through the air, she reached forward, grasping at the center eyeball's wings. The demon's eye widened, and backed off. This was exactly what Meira wanted. She dropped her arms and landed gracefully on the ground. With this, there was now more room for her to work with. And she had to use it too - if they crowded her, she'll never get past them, and she'll never reach her sword.

As soon as she stood up, the two eyeballs next to that one rushed forward.

"Kya-!" Meira thrust her palms, meeting the two youkai's charge. The impact was hell on her wrists, but she succeeded in knocking them back.

 Not about to let their prey get the upper hand, the center and outer eyeballs rose up and began firing danmaku in tandem.

"Aah- shoot!"

Meira's abdomen and shoulders stung. With the eyeballs at three meters, they were too close for her to dodge. Maybe if she could get closer, she could force the line open. It's worth a shot.

Meira charged forward, waving her hands as menacingly as they could. The eyeball she focused on didn't seem fazed, and smoothly moved to block her escape.. Meira swatted at the eyeball, sidling in vain to outmaneuver it. But it refused to budge, staying at head-level.

"Come on dammit, MOVE!" Not even her best armor-piercing slap seemed to phase it. At least it had stopped firing at this range.


"Aah-!" Meira was knocked backwards to the ground.

Damn, I forgot they did that... Meira pushed herself up, but immediately felt the sting of danmaku as the eyeball resumed.

"Ooh, to hell with it all!" Meira bolted back towards the stump and vaulted over it to lick her wounds.

Argh. And after I made that big speech and everything...

Meira pressed her hands into the soil as she mulled over her options. She tried to ignore the painful bruises from all the danmaku.

Okay, I gotta get past these eyeballs so I can search for my katana, but they're too quick for me to charge through them like this.

Meira stole another glance towards the foreboding trees at the edge of the clearing. She shook her head.

No... Even if I were to try and get past them that way, I'd get headed off. And no way in hell am I taking one step back into that maze.

Meira scowled at the ground. Inappropriate as it was, she momentarily took note of her grimy nails. All this trekking will take days to get out of them...



The center eyeball cleared the stump. Meira sprung to her feet and ran to the right just as her hiding spot was blasted with danmaku.

Shoot, gotta buy some time...!

"Umm, umm...!" Meira teetered backwards, grazing most of the bullets. She glanced at the changing formation: The three eyeballs that were firing flew backwards, while the two which she had palmed earlier had now recovered. With a battle cry, both eyeballs charged.

"Aaaah-!" Meira dropped to the ground, missing the double assault by mere inches. Once more Meira's hands were dirtied by the moist ground.


Wait, the soil...!

No time to think it out. Meira clutched her hands, squishing the soil into her palm. She whipped around and came face to eye with the youkai (she'd have to tank the danmaku for now). They narrowed their eye at her and reared back to charge.

"Not this time!"

Meira slinged the dirt at the left one, and then the right.


Bingo, two direct hits! The two eyes writhed in pain, trying in vain to clear their vision. Meira grinned and hopped back toward the stump to take cover from the fire behind her.

Finally, a weapon! Meira hastily scooped up some more dirt. If it meant her survival, she didn't mind playing...dirty!

Meira sprung out of hiding, this time moving to the left. Two of the danmaku-firing eyes were close together - this was her chance!

"Hiiiii-YAH!" Meira reared back her arms and threw both loads with a mighty samurai swing.


She missed. Both of them. They didn't even slow down their rate of fire.

Oh crap.

Meira's mind went frantic as she dodged with the finesse of a clumsy aerobics student. What now? She couldn't just hop behind the stump this time; those eyeballs back there will surely recover soon, and then she'll be pincered!"

It was strange, but just then, it felt like there was less danmaku to dodge/get hit by. Meira looked to the right, where the third danmaku eyeball was. It was suddenly a lot closer than when she last looked, and it was moving.

"Uh oh...!"

It wasn't attacking, but she couldn't let it control her zone - that's how they got that loser in Rurouni Kenshin! Meira backpedaled, waving her dirtied hands defensively at the approaching enemy.

"G-get back! Get back I say!"



It's charging!

"Oh shi-!"

In pure desperation, Meira bent her head backwards. Meira held her breath as the eyeball passed within centimeters of her face. She saw the wrinkles of its sickly green skin as its form passed over her. A single band of sweat ran down the samurai's forehead as she exhaled.

I...can't believe it.


A few fresh pock marks snapped the girl back to reality. Meira gnashed her teeth, but...something has finally clicked in her mind.

Man...I can do this! Why did I never see this before?!

You see, Meira had a revelation about a certain quality of hers. A strength that she never knew she had. Heck, it's something she had always complained about. But now, it might just save her life. She clenched her fist.

Come on girl, this is your chance! Let's do it!!

Meira ran towards the two remaining danmaku eyeballs.

I always wanted to be a tall, cool bishoujo, but I guess I'll have to do!

If nothing else, she was catching the youkai off guard. She accelerated, aiming for the small gap between the demons. It was impossible to dodge the danmaku, but she pushed forward with all her strength. It was now or never!


Meira jumped, landing in a crouch a few feet away from the youkai. Summoning all her strength, the samurai sprung forward. Realizing her intent, the right eyeball ceased its fire and slammed downward. But it was too late. The eyeball crashed into the ground as Meira passed clean under it. Meira sadly did not have the ninja skills to finish with a forward somersault, but she quickly scrambled to her feet. She had endured the bullets, passed the eye, and broken their line!


Now, where did she drop her sword...? It was when the youkai all flew into an arch, so...

Right, the stumps!

Meira ran forward to distance herself from the eyes. As she neared the central stumps, she scanned the ground.


There! Meira saw for a moment a small gleam from the moonlight above. She hopped over and sure enough, there it was! She picked it up and held it in her hands in awe. Her katana...her lifeline. She resisted hugging it.

"Don't worry baby, I won't leave you again..." She did a firm practice swing and turned to meet her enemies.

"Come on you bastards. I'm ready for you!" Meira extended her free hand and motioned in a "come on you bastards, I'm ready for you" fashion. No way was she charging into that rabble.

The lead eyeball - the one who tried to block her - met her challenge and charged. Meira steeled her will and held her ground.

Steady...wait until you can see the whites of its eye...!


Meira shifted to her side. The eyeball zoomed past her, clumsily trying to change directions. With a battle cry, Meira leapt at the eyeball and sliced downward, aiming straight for the center.


Meira winced at the shriek, but it confirmed that she did some damage. It didn't seem to be fatal, but Meira definitely felt a squishy feeling as she pulled her katana back up.

"Hah hah. Not so tough now, are ya?" Meira reared back her arm to thrust her blade into the youkai's back, when it turned to face her. Meira gasped.

Blood seeped down the whites of its eyeball. From the top, all the way down to the iris, there was a bloody gash. The iris itself was deranged, the top collapsed to an oval shape. Meira felt the strength drain from her arms.


"Skreeeeee..." The eyeball lumbered forward, its torn eyelid contorting in pain. The veins that were once so pronounced now seemed as if they could pop out at any moment. Meira's knees began quaking, her breath becoming labored. She couldn't move; it was too much.

Is this what this blade can really do?


"Aa-!" A sharp blow from behind sent Meira forward, colliding head-first with the eyeball. The blow, combined with the wounded youkai's pained shriek, caused Meira to crumple to her knees. She shook her head and looked up. That fucking creepy eyeball was replaced with two fresh ones, leering down at her.


Meira propelled herself to her feet and jumped to an open space to her right. She cast a furtive glance to the right, towards the central stumps. She may need to use them soon.


"Aah!" More pain, this time from danmaku. Meira looked behind her, and sure enough, there was an eyeball bringing up the perimeter. More importantly, it was all alone! Meira ducked the next bullet and spun around to face it.

"Aaaaah!" Meira dashed forward, slicing horizontally. The eye dodged up, but it stopped firing. Meira ran under it, turned, and swung upwards.

"Skee-!" Not a clean hit - she couldn't swing effectively at this angle - but Meira saw more blood tinge her sword as it stuck the bottom of the youkai. It turned, frenzied, and divebombed. Meira couldn't dodge at this distance, and took its full force in the face, crashing into the ground.


Meira grabbed her sword and rolled over, holding up her katana to block any other assault the eye might try.



Before the samurai could realize her mistake, the sword recoiled into her skull. The samurai cried out in pain.

Kkk, gotta get up...!

Meira found the strength to push herself back up, still reeling from the blow. She took a moment to catch her breath. Why did her arms have to ache so much...?

"Skree!" The eyeball charged forward.

"Kuh!" Meira sidestepped, almost losing her balance in the process.



Dammit, she won't last if this keeps up. She had to put some distance between them so she could recover.

So Meira ran; the eyeball left a huge opening to the south of the arena. Looking to the north, she picked out the three non-wounded eyeballs moving towards her in synch. Where did that wounded eyeball go anyway?

Bah, forget about it. If it runs away, that's one less to worry about. Besides, she did not want to see that...bloody...thing...ever, ever again.

Meira came to a rest at an outer edge stump. Positively breathless, Meira plopped down against the stump, keeping a wary eye on the approaching eyes. The one she just fought had joined the other three. All together, the four had adopted the familiar wall formation and were closing in. They seem to be a bit tired as well, because their pace was slower than it was last time this happened. Still...could she really win at this rate? What she needed was a drastic turn of events.

Like, certainly, she's making some headway. She managed to trick that eyeball and cut it down to size. If she could get behind these eyeballs...

Yeah, yeah... The samurai stroked her chin as the wheels in her head started turning. She was better at this thinking thing than she thought.


Alright, they're getting close, so time to make this happen!

Meira grabbed her katana, took a deep breath, and rose to her feet. She crouched into a fighting stance. Any moment now, one of those demons would break formation and charge.

Well, not this time!


Meira charged forward, aiming for the center of the formation. The four eyeballs widened - she must have caught them off guard. As Meira neared them, they split apart, creating the same arch formation as before. Ha ha, but Meira had expected something like this. Planting her feet into the grass, Meira switched directions, turned on the eyeball to the right, and released her slash.


Shoot, it dodged! Meira wanted to try again, but experience taught her that right around now-!

Meira ducked her head, and sure enough, she felt a whoosh over her head, as the opposite youkai charged. Meira smirked. Looks like they can break formation if she razzles them enough! Then how about a bit more?!

Meira pivoted and dashed to her left to keep the other two eyeballs from flanking her. Human and demon exchanged glances - it seems these two were holding their position, higher up where Meira couldn't reach them.

Well, I gotta recipe to fix that!

Meira hopped backwards, bent down and scooped up her recipe - a little bit of...some good ol'...whatever chemicals are in dirt!

"Yeah!" The samurai punctuated her mental affirmation by hurling the dirt at the left eyeball. It wasn't a direct hit, but she caught it off guard enough that it couldn't avoid all the grit.


Sure enough, the agitated eyeball broke formation and charged. Meira wasn't done yet though!

"Taaaake THIS!" Meira slashed with her sword. The charging eyeball arched its movement upwards and avoided it. Damn, she was sure she had it this-

Aah, here come the other two!

They could double team her, but Meira now had a feel for how these things attacked. Meira hopped to the right, watching as the stupid idiots once again tried in vain to halt the momentum of their failed charge. The one that charged her before was dizzy. Meira glanced to the left, toward the central stump formation.

She flashed a grin.

Alright, NOW!

Meira cut through the eyeballs, in between the center stumps. Snaking through them, Meira emerged to the other side. Meira quickly turned around, and faced back towards the eyeballs. They totally fell for it; they're all confused. Now...!

Meira jumped onto the stump. She spotted one of the two eyeballs who double-teamed her, its back totally exposed.

Meira leapt with confidence from one stump to the next. She rose her katana high above her head.

Now is the time to strike!!! Meira sprang from the final stump.


It was at that point Meira noticed the last eyeball, the only one that had resisted her taunts. Only then did she see that it too had moved, drifting downward to guard the others.

Already in the air, she was too late to prevent it from blasting into her stomach.


Immediately, she was flat on her back. She was sputtering. She couldn't breathe. This this was definitely the wind getting knocked out of her. Why, why, why didn't she-

*COUGH CO-gkkk*

Get away must get awaay

But she couldn't move. Her stomach was in agony, her fingers tingling. She felt drool on her face but couldn't do anything why did it hurt so MUCH?

Meira gasped for breath. She couldn't even get up. She could barely see. Maybe she'll pass out. But then she'll die, so no, gotta hang on. Focus on the pain, that will he-*cough cough cough cough couuugh*




Amidst all the swirling trees, Meira focused her attention on the moon high above. With a center to her vision, Meira's shattered breaths gradually brought oxygen back to her brain. With each gasp, her senses returned. The canopy. The light rain on her face. The localized pain above her stomach. The rabble of eyeballs bordering her vision. The...the...


Meira sat bolt upright.

"Nngh-!" She clutched her stomach.

I...I can't move...!

The four remaining eyeballs slowly circled around her. Meira's face broke into a cold sweat.

S-sword... Meira felt around.

Where's my swo- *cough cough* A-aah, there it was, to her right. She slid it forward until she came to the handle.


Oh this condition, she can't fight. She can barely even see straight. This...she was in deep shit.


Meira dug her hand into the handle of her katana. What now...what now?

She chuckled and rubbed her neck.

"O-okay. You guys win. I'm only human, heh heh...


"So, can I go home now?"

Meira whimpered. "P-please?"

"Skreeeee." They stopped circling. The one that growled stared down at her must have been the one she nicked earlier - it had a small gash below the eye. Its icy stare sent a shiver down her spine.

Oh no... Meira held back her tears. Its wings began flapping harder.


This is it. This is the end. One more more hit and it'd be all over. Meira's breath crossed into hyperventilation.

Why? Was this all I was capable of? Was I really this useless, in the end? Her brain was tingling. The leathery grip of the katana dug into her palm.! She wanted to do more. Finally...she was going to discover who she was. She was going to be someone!





It charged!


"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" She shielded her eyes.

A sickening sound of impact.



She was...alive. It felt as though time had stopped. The only sound remaining was the ringing in her ears. Meira lifted her head and opened her eyes.


Meira nearly heaved. On the other side of her katana, that katana which she clinged to so tightly, was the eyeball. The eye was completely ruptured. Blood oozed down the blade.

"Haa..." The samurai girl's jaw hung open.

I-it's dead.

Meira wiggled her katana around a bit. With a slimy noise, the eyeball slid off the blade and onto the ground. Meira quickly crawled backwards to put some distance between them. Slowly, silently, it melted into a green puddle.

*flap flap*

*flap flap*



Right, now's not the time. There's still more to be done!

Meira sucked in her breath and stood up -


And immediately sank to her knees.

"Aaah..." Meira held her chest.

Damn...what now? She needs to get out of this position so she can recover from that blow. But if she can't move...

"Skreeeee!" The eyeball to her right stopped firing and reared back.


Meira instinctively raised her katana in defense. To her surprise, the eyeball startled and froze in place.


Meira grunted and crawled forward using her knees.With all her will power, Meira rose to her feet and barreled forward, keeping her katana trained on the beast.


Of course, the eyeball strafe-dodged, but she didn't even bother slashing. All that mattered was that she got passed it.

Meira panted, doing her best to ignore the pain. Well, one thing was for sure - she wasn't going to lose them out in this clearing. Time to finally gather her courage and step out into the unknown...

Upon entering the twisted forest, Meira weaved through a few trees, going just far enough that she was fairly sure she'd confuse the youkai. She soon found a suitable tree - one with lots of branches for easy climbing. Catching her breath, she looked up.

If I'm this injured, surely they won't think to look for me above ground! Part of her questioned this logic, but hell if she was going to let logic stand in her way now. She sheathed her katana and got to climbing.

Maybe it was the adrenaline, but considering her stomach felt like a cannonball hit it, this was pretty easy climbing. Within seconds, she was atop a branch.

Ooh... Meira collapsed against the tree trunk, hanging her legs over the sides of the branch. These eyeballs are pretty simple-minded, so this might just work.


Once again, the forest was silent. Other than the rain pattering against the treetops, all there was to focus on was the pain in her gut and the swaying of the leaves. After all that had just happened, it was almost eerie...




I actually killed...

Oh god, she really did. Meira stared at her hand in awe - It hadn't really registered until now. She smiled.

Dad, I finally did it. I killed one, just like you.


Meira jumped, quickly grabbing the trunk for support. To her left, Meira heard that infernal flapping. Meira turned, and regretted it immediately.

Because staring right back at her was that misshapen, blood-soaked eyeball.

"Ooh no..." Meira felt queasy.

 She reached for her scabbard, then stopped herself. Where she was, she couldn't fight with a sword...!

"Sh-shoo." Meira waved her hand tentatively. It didn't budge.

"Shoo!" Meira's voice broke. No matter what, she couldn't stop staring at that broken iris...

"Skreeeeeeeeeeee..." Dear god, it sounded like a creaky door.

"G-get away! I'm trying to hi-!" Meira covered her mouth. She couldn't give herself away to the other eyeballs, or she really would be up a creek without a paddle.



"Ow-!" Meira bit her lip as she held her shoulder, careful not to lose her balance. So it still has enough strength to attack. She was afraid of this...

*pew pew*

Meira grunted. What could she do? Her stomach was already starting to feel a bit better, but what good does that do her up in a tree?! And what if the others find her...?

*pew pew*


Damn it, this thing's really pissing me off! Attacking with that fucking danmaku that everyone always uses, always! I oughta take its stupid energy and stuff it up its-!


You know, it's not like she can't. Use it, actually. She had forsaken what little power she had years ago. Having only a little felt like it was worse than not having it at all.

But, it's not like I was born with nothing.

Meira's left hand balled into a fist. That's right. Earlier, she had sworn to start being true to herself. And who was she, if not a girl of Gensokyo...?

Meira narrowed her glare at her bloody opponent.

*pew pew pew*

"Stop it." Meira cut through her headache and focused on her childhood. She struggled to recall what using it felt like.

*pew pew pew*

"Stop it!" A warm energy pulsed through her arm. Meira let her anger bubble, sending every stab-filled fantasy to her glowing palm.


Shut up. Just shut up...!

*pew pew*

"I SAID SHUT. UP!!!" Meira thrust her palm forward. With a surge of energy, over a dozen white bullets erupted from her palm. Each bullet hit its mark, dead center, exploding with satisfying pops and flashes. The eyeball recoiled, writhing in the air.

"SKREEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." The mangled youkai recoiled backwards, crashing into a nearby tree. Meira couldn't even call it an eyeball anymore - just an empty cavity. Slowly, it fell backwards and dropped to the ground below.

Meira let out a cool breath. She felt her heart swell.

"This rocks...this rocks!"

She laughed. It had been years since she had fired danmaku. And never, ever before did using it work so well! Shifting to regain her balance, Meira pressed her hands to her breasts and sighed.

I get it now... I am Meira. I am a resident of Gensokyo, youkai buster, samurai extraordinaire!

Meira could feel it: Her second wind. She flipped over and rappelled down the trunk - it was only a matter of time before the eyeballs found her. No matter, she'll come to them.

The samurai dashed between the trees, her hand trained on her scabbard. She soon emerged into the clearing, where the eyeballs had reformed their familiar line formation. Funny, with only three, they didn't look near as intimidating. They even looked kinda goofy. Meira crouched into a fighting stance.

"Sorry, needed a quick break." She smirked, but quickly shifted to a harsh glare.


Meira raised her katana high, grabbed the handle with her other hand, and waved it down.

"Let's end this."

Meira dashed diagonally to the right, towards one of the outer stumps. The eyeballs began spreading out, with one coming towards her, one heading left, and one right. As she ran, Meira exchanged glances at the approaching eyeball and the stump - she wouldn't reach it in time. Not unless she slowed it down!

Meira shifted her katana to her right hand and reared back her left. Arching her fingers, she swung and released a stream of white danmaku. Out of all that, maybe only one hit, but the eyeball did a double-take in trying to avoid it all. Grinning to herself, Meira took cover behind the stump.

"Hmm..." Meira only had a few seconds, but she wondered how she could streamline using her newfound power. I mean sure, danmaku is helpful, but she needed some way to aim...

A loud roar came from behind the stump.

"Hup!" Meira took off to the right, evading both eyeballs as they crashed down on her position.

Now, what could she do with danmaku again? Meira had never used it much, and certainly never in a real fight. As she ducked behind the next stump, she mulled over her childhood...

"Bang!" Meira looked up from her comic. Noroiko had a finger pointed at her.

"Go away Noroiko, I'm busy."

"Bang!!" She giggled in her typical, grating way.

"Don't make me get mom!" Meira noted the page number of her comic book and rolled it up. Noroiko scampered to the door.

"Bang bang!" There it went. That familiar "snap" of her nerves. She gripped the book and concentrated.

"Oh go away!" Meira swung the rolled-up comic book, releasing several danmaku out of it. Noroiko yelped and slammed it shut. The white bullets exploded harmlessly against the frame.


Meira snapped up. "That's right!" Meira laughed. How could she have forgotten?

The sound of approaching wings indicated Meira had lingered too long. She set her sights on the next stump and took off -

Head-first into one of the youkai.


Meira ducked just in time to dodge its attack, but it was only a short charge. By the time Meira stood and turned to face it, it had already reared back for another.

"Kree!" The samurai gritted her teeth and raised her katana to her face. Instead of charging though, the eyeball strafed right and fired at the tip of the blade.


Meira gasped and grabbed the hilt with both hands. The sword sent vibrations through her arms, but she kept it steady.

"Why you...!" Meira stepped forward and cut downwards, but the eyeball shifted back left. Before she could recover, it charged.


"Aah-!" Meira was knocked backward, but managed to keep her footing. Lurching forward, Meira grabbed one of its leathery wings.


"Get outta my face!!" She planted her foot down and hurled the eyeball to her right. The eyeball screeched and spiraled away.

Meira shook her head and faced forward - just in time to see another eyeball on the attack.

Meira stepped back and fired a single bullet from her left hand, right into the pupil. She fled while the eye rattled in place.

As she arrived at the next stump, she looked back at the stunned youkai.

No good. I won't be able to hide here at all.

"Nngh..." Meira held her stomach. She forced herself to move to the next stump.

Meira gasped for air and leaned forward on the moist stump in the corner of the clearing.

Darn, I can't keep this up much longer... If she was ever going to put this plan into action, it had better be now.

Meira climbed up and turned to her enemies. The eyeball she threw was still spinning in the distance, but the other two were approaching. Yet again, they were in a line.

Weird...whenever they go into a line, they always move slower. Were they one of those "hive minds" that stuffy science chick in class talked about once?

"Hmph." Meira lowered her stance. Doesn't matter what they are. All that matters is that the scenario couldn't be more ideal. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. She readied herself with a practice swing.

"Skree!" One of the eyes fired, but it couldn't be easier to dodge.

"Skree!" The other joined in, both of them approaching.

That does it!!!

Meira planted her feet down, taking two danmaku to the chest.

"Skree! Skree! Is that all you can say?!" Meira growled and blocked out the noise, focusing on the sword in her hand.

Concentrate...on how annoying they much you want them gone...! A strange warmth emanated from the sword's handle.

Meira flashed open her eyes and drew back her katana.

"Taaaake THIS!" Meira cut the air in front of her from left to right, and a stream of danmaku fired from the tip of her blade.

Both eyeballs widened. The thick arc of danmaku whipped them both sideways, and they screeched about in pain. Meira stared at her sword and grinned.

"Alright...let's go!" Meira leapt off the stump and charged.

"Haaaaaa!!!" Meira attacked the eyeball on the left first, cutting forward. The eyeball caught a glimpse of her and backpedaled. Meira stumbled forward before regaining her balance. Damn.


Meira turned to her right - the second one recovered!


Meira stumbled to the ground. She shook her head and sat up. The eyeball rose above her and looked down menacingly.

Meira glared and brought her sword up.


Meira was having none of that. She cut diagonally, channeling a wave of danmaku through the katana. The eyeball's bullet was obliterated, the eyeball seared by Meira's spiritual power.


Meira hopped back to her feet and charged forward. The eyeball, shaking about in agony, could not even see Meira approaching. She brought back her sword, and thrust through the center.

A sickening squelch filled the night. Meira turned away so she didn't have to see the carnage this time. She heard was a stomach-churning "pop," like a really large boil.


Calm down, Meira. Remember: This is what papa lived for! The samurai nodded to herself and faced forward. The eyeball's wings drooped - it was most definitely dead. Meira took a good long look at the ruptured corpse. She calmed her nerves and took a deep breath.

Meira turned right and swung her sword two-handed. The eyeball's corpse slipped off and fell just short of the stump she stood on moments before.

"Phew." Meira wiped her brow.


Meira snapped to attention. It looks like both remaining eyeballs had recovered. She shifted her eyes to the left, at the one she blasted with danmaku, and the one on the right - that must be the one she threw.

Silence. The two flapped, unmoving. A smile creased Meira's face.

"Huh? What's wrong? Not so tough with just two of you, eh?!"

They glanced at each other, however possible that was for giant eyes. They turned back to Meira and let out an ear-piercing scream. Meira steadied herself and prepared for their attack.

The eyeball on the right charged her, which she easily sidestepped. She shifted her stance in preparation for the second, but it didn't charge.



"Ha-?!" Meira took several danmaku to the chest. She backed up to give herself more room. Shoot, she didn't expect that.

Wait, the other-!


Meira gasped in pain as she was slammed into from the left. She let her feet stagger along with her body, and kept her footing. She held her side and flipped to her aggressor.


Meira growled - that other eyeball wouldn't stop firing. Her body was pretty tired - she couldn't take much more punishment.

But before she could even ready her sword to retaliate -


Meira cursed and hopped backwards. She dodged the eyeball as it charged from the left, but not the bullets.

Meira sucked up the pain and thrust her hand, counteracting the eyeball's danmaku with her own. She could fire faster than these lugs, so if she can keep this up -


"Oogh!" Meira took a right-hand blow directly to the ribs. Tripping over her legs, she stumbled to the ground - coincidentally, right behind the stump.

"Ow ow ow ow..." Meira felt that one. Feels like she fell onto something on the ground as well... She tried to get up, but her body was giving out again - she wasn't sure how many more winds she could pull.

As if to challenge that claim, the charging eyeball loomed to her right.

"Shit." Meira braced herself with her katana above her head. The eyeball screeched and charged - at her hand.


The katana flew out of her hands. Meira watched in horror as she saw it clang to the ground falling several feet to the left. Damn it, looks like she pulled that trick one too many times.

Meira pushed herself to her feet before the eye recovered - her body was screaming at her to stop, but there was no way, no way in hell she was letting it end here. She backpedaled towards her sword, keeping her eyes locked onto her opponent.

As expected, the eyeball was not going to let her get away. It screeched and attacked. Meira sucked in her breath and bent backwards, letting her momentum carry her down. Just like last time, the youkai flew above her head.


Meira pivoted and ran forward. Her sword was just in front of her now, glistening in the moonlight. She swiped it up and pointed it at the receding eyeball.

"No, wait...!"

Meira dashed right, where the danmaku eyeball sat on standby. It widened as Meira approached and fired.

Gotta avoid it...let's try this!

Meira changed directions and ran to the eyeball's left. She swung her sword at the eyeball and sent a stream of danmaku at it. It growled in anger and turned to face her, but she wasn't done, with running OR firing!

Meira switched directions again, keeping the tip of her blade centered on the eyeball. Because they were only a few feet away, the eyeball could neither dodge her bullets, nor face her to retaliate.

She switched diagonals again! It screamed as glistening white bullets battered it from all sides. It strained to change directions, but as Meira had observed, these things were clumsy at turning.

Man, if I knew these things were so weak to bullets, I would have used them from the start!

With one final diagonal change, she found herself back where she started. She cut off the danmaku to conserve her energy. Her eyes lit up as she saw its exposed back. It's open!


The eyeball was halfway-turned to Meira before she cleared the remaining distance.

"Too late!" Meira slashed her katana right.


The eyeball stiffened, its eye wide open. The sharp end of the blade dug into its soft, exposed center. Meira let the sweet sensation of the kill set in for a few moments. Then, she brought her katana to her foot and kicked the eyeball off the blade.


Meira straightened up. She turned and faced the final eyeball, frozen in the distance.

"Well?" Meira started forward.

"Are you satisfied?" She swung her katana, sending flecks of white pus into the soil.

"Skree..." The eyeball narrowed at her.

"You're a youkai, aren't you? Youkai eat humans. So why aren't you doing anything? Huh?" Meira cocked her head.

Meira paused thoughtfully for a moment, then looked at the shrinking eyeball.

"Everyone always looked down on me, ya know? Everyone always treated me like a failure. My mom yells at me, my teacher beats me, even my best friend always outperforms me on everything. I'm a failure. I thought I should have just gone and died."

The eyeball growled and hovered backwards back. Meira spat to her side.

"But, I realized something during all this. No matter how shitty your life gets, everyone has the right to live. Everyone should be able to fight for that right." Meira hardened her gaze.

"You, on the other're just a bunch of bullies. A savage pack of demons, only existing to get in my way. The ones with no right to live...ARE YOU."

The eyeball turned around and fled into the forest. Meira broke into a sprint.

"Get back here!!!"


Meira tailed the eyeball by a good five meters. Trees and shrubs whirled by her periphery vision as everything but the eyeball faded away. Her lungs felt like they were about to burst, but she would keep moving to the last. She just had to keep running forward!

Wait, something's strange

Meira cursed her head for trying to think at a time like this. It'll get away if she doesn't keep moving!!

But isn't it weird? Why are we running in a straight line...?


It was true. Trees lined her left and right, but there was virtually nothing between Meira and the youkai.


Meira glanced down, and nearly had a heart attack

The ground...

Meira gawked.

It's beaten down...!

Meira looked up. She was still traveling in a more or less straight line. Everything in front of her was totally flat.

"Th..." Meira coughed. Right, don't talk.

The path...!

She found the path!!!

This was a sign...

The gods favored her. Now she was certain...!







Meira screamed and pushed herself forward. Slowly, but surely, the distance was closing. She raised her left hand and shot forward. Missed.

Meira fired again, but this time the eyeball swerved left...

Fire, fire, fire fire fire fire!!! Damn it, it kept rocking back and forth! Meira let out a cry.

Her lungs were burning...

She was fading...

But she was not going to let it get away.

The proof of her life...the proof of everything...

She will show it, right

"HERE!!!" Meira threw her arm forward. A purple, melon-sized bullet shot out her hand. She held her breath as her steps trickled down to a halt. She watched it trace through the air.

Through the air...


Into the eyeball's right wing.



Meira yelled and readied her blade. The eyeball hung limply on its right and was nearly immobile. Clearing the distance in only a few seconds, Meira wasted no time gloating. She did a horizontal cut at the gyrating wing. It didn't even get stuck; the wing was completely severed.

"RAAAAA!" The eye fell to the left, its center of gravity destroyed.

"YAAAAAA!" Meira swung her sword back the other direction. Its scream was almost deafening, but that only meant it was another clean cut. The eyeball crashed forward to the ground.

Meira jumped forward, landing just short of the writhing monstrosity. Grabbing the hilt with both hands, she slammed the blunt end of the katana down into the youkai.

Then she did it again. Again. Again! AGAIN! AGAIN!

She rose on one foot and held her sword up high.


Meira plunged the sword down.

And then, all was silent in the forest of magic.

*Pat pat pat*

*Pat pat pat*

*Pat pat pat*
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 08:48:54 PM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #73 on: June 18, 2012, 05:27:41 AM »
Been a long long while.  I'll have to reread from the start to fully enjoy it.  But Meira's triumph over the annoying eyes is nice.

Now to see what the rest of this trip has to hold.

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #74 on: June 20, 2012, 04:53:24 AM »
Oddly enough, I'm reminded of the bard from The Last Hero. Starts out as just, y'know, this derpy spoony bard, and he ends up battle-weathered, playing music on a harp he made from a skull.

Except that Meira's still a bit of a derp.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #75 on: September 23, 2012, 06:04:20 AM »
Hello again! My schedule just keeps getting harder and harder to make excuses for, huh? ;^^ So I won't.

Still, It's amazing. When I started this journey with Meira, we were both seventeen, and now I'm twenty. How time flies...oh well, what can you do? Let us get on with the show!


Light raindrops fell upon the Forest of Magic, and a gentle moonlight shined through the treetops and into the clearing. On this early morning, one young woman celebrates her good fortune with enough exuberance to brighten the dark forest.

"In this world, there are two forces: Order and chaos."

Meira swung down her katana, cutting the late-night air with a confident swish. Back in the clearing, she decided to celebrate her victory with some good-old fashioned speeching. It's been a while since she had recited it, but she had a pretty good feeling going on. Even better, nobody would be able to stop her this time with stupid interruptions.

"Yes. Countless fools side with order, believing it to be the only side worth fighting for. But, in reality, it is light which is flawed. In its blind attempts to control everything, the light stamps out all who don't agree with its narrow views, forcing them into the dredges of society!

Yes, that has always been the case. Always always those assholes brought me down, trying to make me behave, mold me into a cookie-cutter adult... Every day, I had to fight against that... She shook her head.

But no more. On this night, finally, she has reached the end of her suffering. She stood up for herself, she fought, and she won. She couldn't stop replaying that image of her bringing her sword down into that last miserable eyeball. It was a feeling she would never forget for the rest of her life. When she's head of the village, she'll look back at that moment and say "yeah, that's when it all turned around."

Meira grinned and slashed through the damp air. "But little do those poor fools know how wrong they are. They say with light comes peace and harmony. But if you remove all the things that make one unique, how, then, can people grow? Such an empty ideal is desired for only by the weak. It has no place among the strong!" The samurai girl jumped and sliced downward.

"Yeah..." Meira closed her eyes. "It is chaos which runs through my samurai veins. The power of imagination, boundless energy, indomitable matter how much they try to squash it, chaos will never die. The awesome power of the self can not be destroyed!!"

Meira nodded as she bounced on her legs. She was really on fire tonight. She always knew she was in the right to follow her ambitions! After all, if she had behaved tonight and not gone into the forest, she would have never discovered this fabulous power she now held in her hands. Though, wasn't there another reason she came here...?

With a shout, Meira charged one of the outer stumps and bounded on top of it. "And now, chaos reigns supreme. For tonight, the dark side welcomes its new princess!!"

Under the Moon's spotlight, Meira thrust her sword to the sky and let her mind fill with sweet visions of the future...

"Let's hear it for The Cool Samurai Girl Meira, the coolest samurai of them all!!"

Meira waved her hand at the cheering crowd below. "Oh no, it is nothing."

At the front was Kotohime, dressed in what appeared to be a cheerleader's outfit. "Here we go, Sa-mu-rai-SAN! Was laughed at by all, but now she has WON! Goooooooo MEIRAAAA!!!" She hopped absurdly high.

Meira waved her hand. "Oh no, it is nothing."

A tear-stricken Ms. Kamishirasawa hopped up and down from the back. "Meiraaaaa! I love youuuuuu! How could I have ever doubted you would be my star pupil?! Can you ever forgive meeeee?"

Meira waved her hand. "Oh, no, it is nothing!"

"Waaaaaah ToT" Fighting through the crowd, two familiar faces emerged. The ones she finally wanted to see. Her dear family. Her beloved mother, and her sweet little s-

"Big siiiis! YOU SUCK!"

Meira stiffened and fired lasers from her eyes. Noroiko yelped and disintegrated.

Finally, the
one she wanted to see. Stepping onto the barren ashes was...

"Meira, dear, isn't it time for you to head home? You need your beauty sleep!"

She hung her head and pouted. "Mooooom! Geez, and this is my big moment...!"

"Hey, wait..." Something clicked in Meira's mind. A while back, didn't she remember something...?

Please don't throw your life away...

She opened her eyes. "Crap, that's right..."

Just before all that eyeball stuff happened, something else happened to her. She had...well, she'd like to think of it as just a moment of weakness, but...

Just lead a normal life...

"Mom..." Meira looked down. That's right. Her mom had only wanted her...


She shook her head. If her mom liked her as the sniveling, weak Meira of yesterday, then she'll be floored by the new, cool, sexy Meira she'd meet tomorrow! She almost performed a hair flip, but then remembered that her hair was gritty as hell because of all the times she fell into the mud and decided against it.

"Hmm, I wonder how my life will go now..." The samurai crossed her legs and planted her katana into the stump for support. Now that she's finally reached the end of her long journey, what's left to do in her long life...?

Aah, it's so hard to think of such things now! But let's see...I'll earn respect from everyone, for one. No more will they just be able to ignore little old Meira! The cocky samurai chuckled loudly to herself.

And as she said, her mom will practically be at her beck and call after this...yeah, and maybe she'll start bringing her sword to school more often? I mean, she has yet to become an all-powerful samurai; she only just leveled up her powers, so she's still on the weak side. Maybe that will be her next goal...?

"Ooh, it's so exciting!!!" Meira giggled to herself. Everything's already moving so fast; she's already planning her path to becoming an all-powerful samurai...!

With a grunt, she lifted her katana back up and swiped it through the air.


And it's all thanks to the power of darkness!

"Yes, it is chaos, not order, which is the answer! Any fool can see that!!" Meira crouched and readied herself for the grand finale.

"With the ultimate power behind me, I, the cool samurai girl Meira, will not...!"

She jumped into the air.


She rose her katana high and -

"Milady, did you hear that?"

"Eh-?" Before Meira understood what broke her concentration, she lost her stride and crashed to her knees.

"Ooh..." She rubbed her calf. Did she hear something?

"Ugh, it's probably another banshee-girl..."

Meira raised her head. These voices, they were...voices? Huh, makes sense, but...

The samurai crept to her feet and squinted towards the path. It was hard to make out, but something was approaching.

Meira's puffed chest deflated like a balloon. She may be an unstoppable badass, yeah, but that doesn't mean she wanted to prove it again!

"Crap..." She grabbed her katana and scurried to the shadow of a nearby tree. Hiding behind the trunk, she focused intently on the approaching shadow.

"Well, whatever. The power of yin-yang will protect me, tee hee!"

"Milady Reimu, your training is still incomplete. You're not even a full shrine maiden yet."

"Whaa? You take that back you dingy old turtle!!"

Yin...yang? Meira looked down to the ground. Why does that sound so familiar?

"Yin..." She dug through her mind.

- legendary yin-yang orb, an artifact of most peculiar power

"Wait..." Meira brought her hand to her mouth in thought.

The        clan holds in their possession the legendary yin-yang orb
      shrine is located to the east, on the other side of the forest of magic-

Meira heart jumped. Just earlier that day, Kotohime had told her something. That seemed like so long ago...

The Hakurei shrine maiden. The source of her awesome powers is…some artifact called the “yin-yang orb,” powered by…something. The Hakurei-


"Aah!" Meira shouted without realizing. The important realization...

Meira spat out some dirt.

...Is that she should not cover her mouth with such a dirty hand. BUT! Why she came here in the first place...It was to find this woman!

"Milady, please remember this is not a game. The forest is dangerous, and -"

"Yeah yeah gramps. I'm the big scary Hakurei shrine maiden, nobody's gonna touch me..."

Hakurei...! Sweat formed on her brow. Her. It was her...! The reason she entered the forest...the reason she put herself through this hell...that reason was now within reach!

Meira stared at the silhouette. At this distance, she could now make out a spinning sphere, rotating around the childish figure.

Wait, child? Meira was so sure she'd be a grown-up...

The shrine maiden continued to bicker with some geezer-type voice as she drew closer and closer. At this distance, there was no doubt. Not only was this THE shrine maiden, not only was THE shrine maiden a little girl riding on a bearded turtle, but that was THE yin-yang orb. An orb of ultimate power...




Meira's grip on her katana tightened. This little girl, was she really in possession of such power? But she's just a kid. Why does she get a toy like that? That's not right! Just looking at this puffy-cheeked brat, she can tell she hasn't worked and slaved to survive like she had for so many years. Not like her, the all-powerful Meira. She was much more deserving. And because she deserves it...

Isn't it only right she take what's hers?

Meira's breath became heavy. This wouldn't be a crime. No one could blame her for what she was about to do...

Yeah. This is it: The grand premier of the new me. The strong rule the weak. That's -

Meira's paused; Her head had tensed up for some reason.

Th-that's how it goes. I can't turn back now...not when ultimate power is so close...!

She rose to her feet in a daze. She would strike once the shrine maiden's back was exposed. With the power of Hakurei on her side, the girl had the advantage for now. So, she'll use her own wits to overwhelm her. That's how this kind of thing goes, right? She'll just beat the girl, and take it! She'll just take it! She probably won't even have to kill her! Just one solid swipe and -

Please, Meira. Live a normal life...

"Nngh-" Meira's head started hurting. She...

Don't throw your life away over foolish pride...

Meira growled at this annoying voice. No! That was all in the past! It means nothing! Not now that she's found the REAL answer!

I can't stop now! This is fate! This is the only path for me!!! Meira pounded her chest, and the voice went away.

Meira took a deep breath. Yes...she will gather her courage, and take the first step forward in her new life. For the first time, SHE will be the one to decide her fate!

At long last, the flying turtle and shrine maiden entered the clearing. The dark samurai steeled her eyes, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Just a little longer... The cool samurai girl Meira, backed by the power of darkness, will prove victorious once again!


"Hey, gramps. Something stinks..."


Ooooooh hoh hoh hoh hoh. I have been waiting for this for years.

Stay tuned for the next exciting (?) episode of The Cool Samurai Girl Meira! With luck, to be posted in the not-three-months-from-now time frame!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 06:05:56 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #76 on: September 23, 2012, 11:22:14 AM »
Finally, this part.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2012, 08:48:17 PM »
Oh poor Meira.  All that only to meet the Hakurei.

Your only hope is she Yin Yangs herself in the face.

Re: The Cool Samurai Girl Meira.
« Reply #78 on: September 25, 2012, 04:55:17 AM »
I'm sorry, all I could think was "POWER! UNLIMITED POWER!"

But yes. Meira is about to ... meet Reimu. And get befriended, Takamachi Nanoha-style!