Author Topic: Your Touhou Career  (Read 14151 times)


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Your Touhou Career
« on: March 29, 2010, 05:23:17 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?

When did you start?

You  don't have to say why, though. I think there's another thread for that.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.

Describe your playing style.

As for me, I've been  playing since start of December 2009. I've known about Touhou since  March 2009, but haven't decided to give it a chance until I was serious  about playing such a hard game. I've already seen replay videos by then,  so I had an idea on what I was in for.

How it all started was  with Youtube recommending me the Chirumiru video on the "Recommended for  You" panel.

Thank you very much, Youtube.

Well,  challenges have been pretty constant: school's taking my time. I don't  have time to draw either. I'm so busy with stuff. Honestly, I'd be much  better if I had more time.

I don't consider myself to be a good  player, though. I can pretty much 1cc anything in Normal except for UFO,  but I pretty much play only in Hard now. Lunatic is still BS for me. I  tend to graze pretty hard, and I try to not use bombs. However, there  are some cards I never capture, like Yuugi's first spell in SA stage 3.

About  ragequitting, it's nonexistant. I have A LOT of patience for games.  Super Mario : The Lost Levels, Zelda II, Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time.  I guess we can all agree that Nintendo has some of the hardest games  around, some are incredibly hard that they don't get released in the  states. I've beaten those four above many times, but only with patience.

Share  your experiences below.

My goal is Lunatic, no bombs/deaths,  with the highest score possible.

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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 05:42:05 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?

About 3-4 months.

When did you start?

Near the beginning of January

Describe your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how embarrassing.

Exterior: Finding enough time to play.
Interior: Micrododging. Always have a hard time doing it.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you want.

Beating extra while recording it. Hopefully Flandre, so I can complete my set of narrated youtube videos of my first playthrough and my first successful victory of EoSD, the first Touhou game I played. Sadly I cannot find the footage to upload with the rest of them the first part where I was learning the controls...

Describe your playing style.

Stay in the back and micrododge anything coming at me(Youmu killed me like 4 times before I realized what she was doing in that one card...) and move at an accordant pace while micrododging for streaming.


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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2010, 06:13:40 AM »
I started during summer of last year, 2009.

I... Honestly don't truly know how I got into it. None of my friends knew about it, nor do most have any interest in it now. I think I might've been looking at Know Your Memes - pathetic, I know - and happened to stumble upon the Touhou page, after the danmaku screenshot caught my attention.
Interestingly enough, I was addicted to a small Shmup called Varia, as well as a beta version of Genetos around half a year earlier.
Also interesting is that when I was waaay younger, I actually did happen to stumble on some Touhou references. I had no idea what they were until I got into the series and remembered these things, most prominently the spinning nineball animation.

My goals are to be able to 1CC the games on Normal, as well as beat the Extra stages. I'm not really getting anywhere, though.

When I started playing, I had no idea my computer was actually running the games at 30fps.
My greatest problem in my earlier Touhou days was that I had too much pride, and never used bombs, leading me to lose many lives. Although I am more willing to today, my deathbomb reflexes are extremely poor because of my past.

I don't ragequit as much as I... Tirequit? I can really only do a single run a day, maybe twice every once in a while. The main reason is because of the fact that beating the game requires starting from the very beginning each time, something which I often find a hassle.

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2010, 06:26:33 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
6 months now
When did you start?
last october I think it was.
it had something to do with Heixin, youtube and many videos of the music and the games

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
Yuugi being a bitch, Kogasa being surprisingly hard even on easy mode(pun intended), Well the worst death was backing into nitori as she appeared the first time. Fortunately it was practice mode. Best moment...finally beating MoF easy. Finally giving Yuugi what was coming to her. (purple lasers to the face) That and actually capturing unnatural phenomenon once.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you want.
I doubt i have the skills to reach the level of some of the people here, but I still enjoy these games.

Describe your playing style.
Stay roughly mid center about 3/4s of the way down. My dodging patterns are split between weaving, reflex, streaming, and misdirection.
weaving- I draw mental lines between the individual bullets in a wave and follow the paths.
reflex- when the pattern is too random to allow for weaving.
Streaming- the usual streaming techniques
misdirection- I discovered this when crossing the POC. Bullets would follow me up there. Then they'd fly off the top or sides of the screen. This helped a lot in MoF stage 5. It's also why I can never capture parsee's grandpa hasanka.

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2010, 06:31:31 AM »
Oh yes, I must include how I got introduced into it.

It all happened 3 or so years ago when I used to play World of Warcraft with this girl who was a lolicon. I talked with her a lot on MSN, but one of the things she liked to do with my other friend and me is post random lolis. Some of the pictures were of Touhou characters actually. She told me about the series, but I kept my distance from it because she was a lolicon and most of the pictures were.... well... yeah. So I had no idea what the game was because of it.

A few years later I saw a video called "THE HARDEST BOSS EVER!" and then saw a related video with a level of Touhou on it. Curious, I looked up and researched the game a slight bit more, surprised to see the very characters that my friend posted a while back. Then in January I finally got EoSD and played it. And thus, I got hooked into Touhou.

Shortly after two of my friends followed.

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 06:45:56 AM »
If only I could get my friends into it.


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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2010, 07:08:59 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?

I've been playing for about five years and a bit.

When did you start?

November 2004.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.

My main challenge in Touhou is trying to appreciate the Windows games, which to this day, I have actually been able to do since Double Spoiler came out, as I have thoroughly enjoyed it much like I actually had a modicum of fun with StB despite its toothbreaking difficulty and PoFV due to how similar it is to PoDD. One of my crowning achievements was probably when I first 1LC'd HRtP's Jigoku Normal. Anyway, I have difficulty with bomb usage, as the PC98 games encourage a different playstyle to the Windows games, partly thanks to the hardware differences and the screen flicker. There are similarities, but the realms are just too far apart. 

Describe your playing style.

If I'm confident to cap something, I will always almost try and cap it. I refuse to use bombs unless I personally feel I need it, regardless of the necessity. This usually gets me killed in most Windows games. Less so in PC98, because I actually need to use bombs elsewhere. MS Lunatic Yumeko is a good example of this, for she is luckgarbage and bombs are pretty necessary unless you are a dodging god of doom and destruction. Streaming is something that is always nice to have. There's more streaming in the Windows than in PC98, though it's prevalent in both. Micrododging is a weakness of mine, and it's one of the reasons for my bad runs in PC98. Anyway, my playstyle is extremely evident in PoFV/PoDD. Micrododging is heavily evident, and I like to get a little close to enemies, sometimes it gets me killed, but it does me more good than not as I can utilize misdirection. Anyway.

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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2010, 07:28:56 AM »

How long have you played Touhou for?
not that long actually

When did you start?

see above :V

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
I really suck at it :V

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.
Clear all the games I have on normal atleast

Describe your playing style.
"Oh hey, a pretty bullet! I'll go say hi to it! WITH MY FACE :D"
Wotters gonna' wot

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2010, 07:30:58 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
When did you start?

I found out about Touhou at the end of August of 2004, because Imperishable Night had been released and was the focus of conversation on various forums. So, I've been playing for more than five years; frequently at first, but now more off than on. I have been visiting MotK regularly for about that long, too.

It amazes me how much the Western community has grown. Back then, there was nothing. No wiki, no image board, no English patches, and next to no translated doujins (limited fanon); everything was on the main site: A full EoSD script translation, a partial PCB script translation, basic (but very helpful) instructions for Touhou 6-8, and a spellcard compendium on the forums. I wonder if I would find Touhou overwhelming if I got into it now. ZUN wasn't as media-friendly either, although I remember he posted to his blog more regularly than he does now.

Describe your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. Also mention any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how embarrassing.

Challenges? None really. As for personal victories, it was getting a score in Phantasm significantly high enough to displace Lev's then-#1 score on MotK's PCB score boards. I never posted it though, because I was just forum-shy lurker at the time.

As for quitting out of anger, not much of that. But I did give up on trying to capture every spellcard in Imperishable Night's Spell Practice with the Scarlet Team after dying on the Lunatic version of Forbidden Arcanum "Hourai Elixir" with 00 on left on the clock, more than once.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you want.

1CC the newest game, unlock things, and keep playing until I get bored.

Describe your playing style.

Aggressive, thanks to CAVE and company. I'll micrododge when I have to.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 08:44:07 AM by Aisha »


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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2010, 08:08:09 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
2-3 months

When did you start?
Last December or January, I don't remember dates

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
My keyboard likes to mess me up by moving in the other direction and/or heading towards a bullet.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you want.
1CC all of the windows game

Describe your playing style.
Stay in the back and spam bombs if I have too.

Yeah...For a novice, it is good, right? And it's not like there is an Introduction Forum somewhere...

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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2010, 08:17:49 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?

Two or three years?

When did you start?

2007 (as I started before moving into this gaudy apartment). Started with PCB easy, thought it was the greatest shmup ever made, and as they say... The rest... Is history. As to how I discovered the bloody thing in the first place... I only vaguely remember seeing some Youtube MADs and liking the character designs. Everything else is history a blur. But my love for shmups was not only revived, but strengthened.

Describe your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how embarrassing.

Mostly having a good run, only to be creamed by the Prismriver pricks or Youmu, or Yuugi, etc. My moment of victory was... 1ccing SA. On Easy. :V  And then getting bounced like a bat-midden on normal. Good times. :B  Also, had to deal with input lag on the stock keyboard, along with the fact that I really suck with keyboards, though I found that using left-handed movements (read: WASD controls) has bettered things a bit.

I just hope to 1cc something on normal or higher one day soon. Its my dream to reach a skill level similar to the monsters out there (you know who you are :B), and my stubborn, perfectionist nature demands I constantly strive for improvement, even if such a goal proves unattainable.

Describe your playing style.

Focused too heavily on the character/dodging while firing blindly. The surefire sign of a scrub, I realize. :B BUT! With the left handed play as mentioned above, I feel more confident, less stressed, more in control. With my brain no longer having to process unnecessary emotions, I can suddenly see more of the screen and dodge more precisely (surprised myself in a recent DoDonPachi run this way).

I rely heavily on focus, and wish I wasn't so trigger happy with the bomb button (read: panicking). I really need to put a stop to that. Also, running right into wayward bullets. I need to stop that too. :D


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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2010, 10:40:47 AM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
When did you start?
Somewhere between 17 and 18 months I believe. Something feels odd about that though.

This uh "translates" to roughly Mid-October 2008.

Describe your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. Also mention any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how embarrassing.
No Vertical and No Focus constitute (almost) all my challenge runs.

Addendum: Various liabilities include my dynamic living conditions and having use a non-standard control setting. Due to UFO specialization (see below), I've gotten accustomed to MoF / SA / UFO to such an extent that it decreases my playing skills when I'm playing the other games. Particularly PCB and IN.

I've had far too many "moments". Seeing as I chose to specialize in UFO, I guess I'll use an example from there. The road to my first Lunatic 1cc was probably one of the most rage-inducing experiences I had in quite a while; a total of 3 runs had me losing on Stage 6, with one dying on the Final Spell Card, and another one Dying on the Final Spell Card as it was dissipating.

Obvious ragequits moments include dying 4 times within the span of 20 seconds and various other things of the sort. Basically things that makes runs un-salvageable. Well, this is assuming they're in the early parts of the game anyway.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you want.
Goals are transient for me. I've always set small milestones for myself to move along. Current goal is to just improve. I'm not too focused on getting that "once in a lifetime" achievement, but more on the "how often can I do this" aspect (i.e. striving for consistency).

Describe your playing style.
Now this is hard to describe. To quote a friend who has observed me playing (both replays and "live"):
Twitchy, yet somewhat controlled.
Adding to this, I guess I would say that I have a slightly aggressive playstyle. Not overly aggressive, but it's still causing far too many careless errors at this point. On the other hand, it's also saving my ass a lot of the time as well. I don't know what to make of this, but it's certainly saying that my way of playing is still fairly shoddy at this point.

MS Lunatic Yumeko is a good example of this, for she is luckgarbage and bombs are pretty necessary unless you are a dodging god of doom and destruction.
...oh wow.

As a side-note I don't feel that this thread belongs here in this sub-forum / board.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 10:38:39 AM by Baity »
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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2010, 12:36:47 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
9 months

When did you start?
June 27th is the day I created my touhou game folder.

You  don't have to say why, though. I think there's another thread for that.
I was watching the 'Hardest game ever' video on youtube, something m-sama it was called. A curtain fire shooter with insane pink shit everywhere. I clicked a related video which was an extra stage clear of IN and I fell in love with Mokou's theme and thought to myself 'I want to clear this to!'

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
I've had massive problems with UFO normal and SA normal, clearing those were such a relief. I also failed so many times for my first eosd extra clear, just kept failing on different spots every time. At first I never raged, I knew I was still a noob and that I would get better over time. And I did, and at that point the raging also started. I'd rage over every single thing but lately it's been going better so I don't rage either.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.
My first goal was clearing IN extra, which I did after 2 months I think. I then set my next goal to 1cc everything on normal and eventually clear all extras. I completed that last task this christmas when I beat koishi, who wasn't that hard but 1ccing SA normal was a biatch. Currently I'm trying to move onto the 'I can 1cc hards' class, so far I have EoSD, IN (which is so easy), PCB and recently MoF (which was such a bitch, I could do it for ages but always failed).

Describe your playing style.
I tend to focus on life management, I can't bomb and espescially deathbomb as you are supposed to because my laptop only allows 2 button combinations of shift Z and X at a time (that means I can not bomb when shooting and focussing). I strategically calculate my bombs in advance, knowing that if I bomb this card and capture the next I can complete this stage with minimal resources. I like micrododging  the best but I think I'm better at high speed-low density dodging.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 12:39:31 PM by Helix Nine ⑨ »

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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2010, 12:49:25 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
-I'unno 2 years, I guess. Never really cared to keep count...

When did you start?
-I'unno 2 years ago, I guess

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
-Never had any because I only really played Touhou as a time waster, I've never really been that serious with it. I will say that my crap ass connection prevented me from DLing the Windows games (it would have taken 2 DAYS for ONE game to download) so I had to settle for PC98...needless to say though, that was the catalyst I needed to like PC98 over windows.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.
-None. I want to make it to an Extra Stage but, eh not that big of a deal to me.

Describe your playing style.


Basically = Do whatever it takes to kill the opponent.
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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2010, 02:07:50 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?

Six months.

When did you start?

SWR for a couple of days, then UFO got released and (ry

Describe your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.)

Parents being a bitch.

Also mention any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how embarrassing.

No Focus and Pacifist. No Vertical for IN Spell Practice only, but that usually goes with NF Pacifist as well.

Describe your playing style.

- Shaky and not precise, but not luck-based either.
- Focusing entirely on skill than memorization i.e perfecting bosses, gaining consistency on spell cards, etc. I rarely care for score as it doesn't go well with my perfect runs.
- Defensive: I abuse micrododge, I use safespots when I have the chance to (except for BoWaP).
- Aggressive: Little. Most noticeably in Stage 1s, but never in the later stages / practice runs (surprisingly). Which is why I still suck at Shou's 2nd non-spell and Byaku's final non-spell. They are my epitomes of defensive/chicken play.


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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2010, 02:14:24 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
Around 11 months.

When did you start?
I've been searching for it, it seems, I've downloaded applocale for EoSD on April 10th, because I haven't got the English Patch, and my very first replay of EoSD normal was created on April 19th, and I do remember that my very first Normal 1cc took me around a week or so. I've tried the PC-98 games first, while I was waiting for EoSD, but the same day.
So, it was on 2009. April 10th.

You  don't have to say why, though. I think there's another thread for that.
I was watching the 'Hardest game ever' video on youtube, something m-sama it was called. A curtain fire shooter with insane pink shit everywhere. I clicked a related video which was an extra stage clear of IN and I fell in love with Mokou's theme and thought to myself 'I want to clear this too!'

Except with the thing with the theme, I followed a related video from the IN one, what led me to the fight with Suwako, and I instantly recognized her theme as I heard it several times in Nico Nico Ryuuseigun. Everything else is history.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
Only interior problems I had, mostly with SA. It took me several months and a Ruro to do a 1cc on Normal.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you want.
1. Getting back into the mood to play them again
2. SA, UFO, EoSD Extra.

Describe your playing style.

Reimu Needles, lazy micrododger, survivor style, slow bullets are the best.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 02:15:59 PM by Solais »


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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2010, 02:19:56 PM »
When did you start?
November 7, 2009. Yes, I do remember the exact date.

Why did you start?
Early November of last year, a mod on Smashboards posted a video of Kefit's SA Stage 6 Lunatic NDNB run in the Ice Climber General Discussion thread (others had been talking about bullet hell games). I watched it and thought it looked awesome (and difficult; I hadn't played a challenging single-player game in a while), so I felt like trying it out.

Describe your challenges in Touhou.
Last February, my computer got infected, and I was forced to run my computer in Safe Mode if I wanted to do anything - unfortunately I couldn't properly play Touhou in this mode. It was almost two weeks before I could manage to reinstall my OS. I managed to save my Touhou stuff, but such a hiatus did take a toll on my playing, and I had some catching up to do.

Describe your goals in Touhou.
I've already reached the goal to 1cc a game on Lunatic (I've done it for two now), though I've yet to do that for SA. Another goal would be to perfect as many stages as possible on Lunatic. I'd say my ultimate goal would be to become a contender for SA Lunatic's world record.

Describe your playing style.
I have a knack for learning things that are static or micromemorizable. It may take some time to learn them, but I'll just practice it until I get it down. Example, the green amulet streaming in SA Stage 4. I've always had a specific way of doing that section, and when I reach a higher difficulty I'll take the time to experiment with streaming it until I find something that works.

By extension of the above, I'm not too fond of randomness in danmaku. I find it fundamentally stupid when there's even the remotest possibility of a certain pattern completely walling me in - how is anyone supposed to display their skill with something unavoidable like that? For the tamer patterns, my on-the-fly dodging skills are nowhere near perfect, and sometimes annoyingly inconsistent.

I also really like forward-concentration shot types. This may be rooted in the fact that I started with SA, where ReimuA reigns supreme, but such advantages carry over to other games as well. The main reason is that I like being able to deal lots of damage to bosses from far away, allowing me to focus more on dodging while the boss goes down in minimal time. I can't say I feel limited using forward-concentration types in most stages though - it's called "moving around". :V

Overall playstyle utilizes a lot of grazing and micrododging, with "twitchy-looking" movements for non-memorizable attacks. For bosses, I usually try to stay under them as much as possible, though I may choose not to. I also prefer to, in general, remain focused as much as possible in case I need that slight movement.

So yeah, that's me and my Touhou career.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 02:33:09 PM by Funen1 »
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NEW AND IMPROVED YOUTUBE, now with 60 fps Touhou videos! Latest video update: WBaWC Lunatic/Extra no-miss no-bomb no-Roars no-Spirit-Strikes compilation.

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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2010, 02:49:25 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for? When did you start?

I can only remember playing the games since roughly when I discovered "Lost dream" which was exactly a year ago now, However, Searching my youtube faves it seems I was aware of touhou as long back as 2008, having faved UI-70 tomboyish girl. ESoD was first, as said roughly an exact year ago, and Ive only just stared playing PC-98 since last week. I'd tried before, but back then I was such a schmup newb I didn't even know to use the ZX buttons, so I couldnt play.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.

Exterior challenges would be crap keyboards that lock at 3 keys, and nowadays 7's crappy resource management meaning EVEN IN PC98 I HAVE TO SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING before playing. However if I do, then yes its quite playable. an Internal ... any final stage boss except yuyuko, panicing and slamming myself into bullets, and playing before I discovered V-sync. I love you, V-sync. Oh, and learning how to control Aya properly in StB.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.

Touhou goal is to 1cc everything and get all the good endings. So far only succeeded in IN with marisa/alice. I call that my 1cc day, and it was on the 24/03/10 I think. Next year im having a cake.

Describe your playing style.

Avoid dying by bullets
Fail at avoiding dying by bullets
concenration broken by failing at dodging bullets
lose all remaining lives in consequent rage

Share  your experiences below. Above

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Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2010, 02:54:40 PM »
I picked up Touhou I think around the time SA came out, but I started with HRtP and played my way up through the series, so by the time I got around to it, SA was well and good out.

Challenges? eh... mostly my own laziness, really. Grinding SA normal, I think Utsuho's eye rape did some (semi-)permanent damage to my eyes, and I just completely lost the ability to read patterns, so I dropped the series for a few months.
Ragequits: Every single goddamn time I booted up StB.
Victories: My Extra clears. PCB and SA so far.

Goals: short-term: clear more Extras. Long-term: move up to Hard

Playing style:
I play for 1CC's and captures. Spellcard practice makes me RAGE (why I'm not even going to touch DS). My main problem is consistency (see sig), so I generally forego stage practice when I'm aiming for 1CC's; I use stage practice only after I have my 1CC to go back and cap every card at least once. I'm better at reading slow, thick masses of bullets than fast, reflex-based patterns. I absolutely cannot handle rings that have bullets rotating CW and CCW at the same time. (see Kaguya's 4th SC and 2nd Last Spell)


Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2010, 03:02:15 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
10 months

Describe  your challenges in Touhou
boredom, clipdeath, repetition, BoWaP

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.
goals are stupid, especially in shmups

Describe your playing style.
Fly around. Shoot shit. Don't memorize anything. Close the game. Start up Dodonpachi.

Formless God

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2010, 03:05:42 PM »

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2010, 03:24:24 PM »

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2010, 03:25:49 PM »
Skill level

Lunatic level. I have done very well in IN and PCB Lunatic and beaten SA and MoF Lunatic with meh'ish finishing resources. 3 lives and 2 lives respectively. My LLS clear was horrible. No finishing resources at all. It was first try ever too but because that game gives so many lives it doesn't matter. Its PC-98 though so who cares? :P

I have beaten all other games in hard and all scenes in StB and DS. (Fighting games and PoDD-SoEW-HrTP not included in this)

How long have you played Touhou for?

1 year and 10 months.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.

- Lack of patience.
- Slow learning.
- Played Normal mode almost exclusively for a year iirc. (Should have moved on much faster)
- Tolerating lasers, knives, bubbles in EoSD and UFO in general.
- Had no computer capable of playing Touhou for several months (own computer had the most horrible keyboard and school computers sucked.) during year 2009 and part of 2010.

In other words, those 1 year and 10 months are more likely the amount of time i have known Touhou. There have been several things preventing me to play.

Describe your playing style.

I am not too fond of memorizing. I may do so if it is necessary but only if i deem the game awesome enough to warrant such dedication. For example, if mastering something in IN or PCB required memorization i might accept that but if UFO did so then i wouldn't.

I do rather well at plain dodging and i seem to do better at cards that relies on speed and less density rather than cards that relies on density and less speed.

As for bombs i don't use them in practice mode (which usually causes severe frustrations in UFO when my power gets drained to 1xx) but for 1cc's i use bombs on anything i value more likely to kill me than not. When playing lunatics through again for fun i bomb whatever i know i have a tendency to die at and try to capture the rest.

Other than that i try to bomb as well as i can if i feel i'm about to get hit. When i fail to bomb it annoys me like hell and i blame failed 1cc runs on that.

Resource-management is annoying in my opinion. I don't like having to be careful. I like the most to just play the best i'm able and not use any bombs at all without fearing death. Because of this i spend 98% of my time in Touhou playing Practice mode.


I wish to do a no-deaths, no-bombs timeout of VoWG sometime.

Normally i don't have a goal with Touhou but i sometimes set up small challenges like timing out Lunatic cards and perfecting bosses. But stages in STG's - of any kind, Touhou though mostly Cave, bore the crap out of me/annoys me/frustrates me so i don't care about perfecting those.


  • Lurking librarian
  • and moe sound effect
Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2010, 03:28:15 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
Shortly before MoF came out, whenever that was.  Dracil's IN Extra video got my attention because it had shiny colors and things blowing up, plus I'm always up for games that are like pits of frustration.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.
My main challenge is that I don't play it often enough to get better any more.  Blame Mafia.  Even without that excuse, I get better at a very slow pace, but I'm fine with that; I'm in no rush.

My best moments are somewhere between clearing MoF Hard with MarisaC on my first try (capping VoWG along the way) and capturing Hourai Elixir Lunatic with Yuyuko solo the first time I saw it (actually during the run).

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.
I really need to get better, lol.  The major reason I have a ceiling is because I haven't played enough to get better.

Describe your playing style.
I play like a lunatic (not a Lunatic), making crazy dodges that are entirely unnecessary and bombing if I wind up getting in too deep.  That's why I like PoFV; I can do that stuff all I want.

I usually keep scoring in mind when I play.  I don't actually play for score, but I do a lot better than most scrub runs.

I could probably do much better by autobombing things, but where's the fun in that?  (except bombing Murasa, Ichirin, and Sakuya)


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2010, 03:29:04 PM »
Been playing for nearly 3 years. A certain someone mentioned the series at Anime Boston 2007 and I picked up on the games myself shortly after. Oh, the things that are brought up at anime conventions.

Exterior conflict with Touhou is simple: I have the most abused, messy, and discombobulated pc on the US east coast, and sometimes being able to play the games is troublesome. I've had frequent problems with many of the games crashing, not working properly, or simply taking up too much room on my hard drive. I've had to do 5-6 reinstalls and SA stopped working altogether in November, let alone a couple odd fan games that I've had trouble with. My external hard drive is a mess and if I try to load one of the fighting games from it, the game will take forever to load. I'd transfer them to my regular pc, but I have a mere 40 gig hard drive and even if I remove all of the excess junk, 8 years of updates and miscellaneous programs means I only have about 30% of space left, and this pc is slow enough as it is. Urgh! Another 2 months until I'll be able to afford and get a new one!

Gameplay-wise, it's been the same struggle for a long time now: Quickly memorize the patterns and possible exploitation methods, then die because of clipdeaths, random collisions and being unable to take in a particularly daunting wave of bullets. 

I have to play for the maximum amount of damage over a minimal period of time. My dodging ability can be thought of as percentage-based and it's only so long before I am magnetically drawn to a bullet/laser/boss's face. I am not a good dodger and never will be, which is the reason why I can't remember ever timing out on a non-card or spell card. It took me more than two years before I managed to 1cc a single one of the games and I've only noticed marginal improvements since.I would like to clear an extra stage, but based on my current rate of improvement, that'll take me until 2015.

Actually, that represents much of my career quite well but it lacks the crying children and pitchfork wielders I've come to associate with it.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 03:33:36 PM by Reddyne »

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2010, 03:37:24 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?
Cutting it close to a year now...
I think it was somewhere around 15th of April 2009.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou
Playing with a handicap. Perfecting stuff.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.
To get better I guess.

Describe your playing style.
I prefer Forward-focus types, but I'm starting to mix it up somewhat these days.
I guess I'm somewhat aggressive...? Though I tend to be defensive during 1cc's (unless it's a no-bomb run).
Generally don't play for score, but I try sometimes/ score unconsciously.
Likes to micro-dodge and often get killed stupidly.

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2010, 03:50:53 PM »
How long have you played Touhou for?

A little over six months.

When did you start?

Last September.

Describe  your challenges in Touhou, whether exterior or interior. (Had to move  out of country, lost computer, Yuugi being a bitch, etc.) Also mention  any ragequits or moments of victory that you've had, no matter how  embarrassing.

Exterior: I'm playing on a laptop. Enough said.
Interior: I can't pay attention to the whole screen at once, so I end up getting hit with a bullet I can't see on some of the faster-paced cards. Also, SA Normal in general.

You can also describe your goals in Touhou if you  want.

Currently, my goals are to beat SA Normal with MarisaB, MoF Extra with ReimuB, and capture Keine's First Pyramid on Lunatic with Reimu solo. ...That last one's never happening. <_<

Describe your playing style.

Fairly offensive; I'll go auto-collect items whenever I have a free moment. I also try to capture everything, which makes cards like Storm on Mt. Ooe really frustrating.

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2010, 04:20:34 PM »
Exterior: I'm playing on a laptop. Enough said.

Why is this a problem? I play on laptop all the time and it works well enough for playing. The relatively small screen makes it easier to see what's going on at the entire screen and i find their keyboards to be more responsive. (Though the latter is probably just me having had shitty keyboards for my desktops)

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2010, 04:31:18 PM »
Why is this a problem? I play on laptop all the time and it works well enough for playing. The relatively small screen makes it easier to see what's going on at the entire screen and i find their keyboards to be more responsive. (Though the latter is probably just me having had shitty keyboards for my desktops)

As far as I'm aware, laptops aren't all that great for games. This one in particular is only a dual-core (if I'm reading my system specs right), so if I'm playing a game and have Firefox open (as I tend to do), I'll suffer a fairly significant framerate drop if Avast decides to update itself during that time.

Then again, I may just have a lower-end laptop.

Formless God

Re: Your Touhou Career
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2010, 04:31:34 PM »
Damn I almost forgot

But stages in STG's - of any kind, Touhou though mostly Cave, bore the crap out of me/annoys me/frustrates me so i don't care about perfecting those.