Author Topic: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-An easy distraction]  (Read 4632 times)

P♂ zeal

  • Haha,
  • old chap
Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-An easy distraction]
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:00:59 PM »
I've taken up a bit of writing recently, and as of thus, I am going to be posting some short stories on occasion. They never develop very far it they're super short.

Cirno's Lesson                         
Cirno reached forward and grabbed at her shoes, sitting on the Gensokyo map carpet below her. Around her sat many young youkai and a few of the more sentient faeries, all attentively looking at Keine, who was sitting in a chair in the corner and reading a book. Cirno had no idea why exactly she had decided to come to this class, besides perhaps boredom?or the fact that Reimu forced her in here with the after she had frozen the lid of her donation box shut one too many times, threatening to hurt her if she left before the lesson was over. She really didn?t think she belonged in here with these other stupid youkai and fairies. She sighed and decided to listen in on whatever Keine was saying.
?And that?s why Jerome never stole a cookie again. The end.? 
Keine finished, and the children applauded. Cirno sighed audibly, and a couple of the children glared at her. Keine looked at her with an almost scheming look and stood up.

?And today, children, for our play time we have a special guest!? Keine stated extravagantly.

Cirno looked around, looking for someone out of the ordinary. The children seemed to be looking too.

?It?s Cirno, the strongest ice fairy!? Keine pointed at Cirno.

Cirno sat with a shocked look on her face for a moment then stood up. The children clapped for her. Keine gestured for Cirno to sit in the seat, and she did. An uproar of questions soon began.

?Did you have something to do with that red mist accident??

?And the time spring didn?t come for a while??

?Oh and the time the flowers were everywhere! That was pretty! I heard you had something to do with that too!?

?Oh and the time there was that huuuuuge puppet type machine monster thing!?

?I think I saw you in a newspaper once!?

Keine quieted them.
?Now calm down, children. I?m sure Ms Cirno will have answers to all of your questions.?
Cirno stammered a moment, unsure of what to answer first.
?Y-Yeah, all that happened!?

The children all stared at her with the same attention they had when Keine had been teaching. Cirno started to feel really excited. This wasn?t so boring, and these kids werent so stupid after all.

?How did it happen, Ms Cirno??

?Well one day I was just hanging out on the lake when suddenly Daiyousei, that?s my bestest friend, the second strongest fairy on the lake, comes to me and tells me about these to meanies, a red white and black white that are coming towards us and shooting everything down!?
"Did they beat you up?"

"Well we had a danmaku battle and one of my patterns kind of had a spot in it where nothing hits you...."

The class erupted into laughter.
"But I still managed to get a couple hits in with my icicles! And that was only one of my patterns! The other ones challenged them a lot more! And I only lost because there were two of them!"

"Was it that magic girl and the shrine maiden?"

"Yeah! And I actually ran into them a couple other times too! You see there was this time where my friend Letty didnt have to leave so soon one year and the two of them, along with some maid came around and were shooting at things again, so I..."

Keine sat in the corner, taking a breather. She grinned as Cirno continued telling stories. She didn?t have to deal with thirty screaming youkai children, at least for the next hour. Cirno could handle them for now. Perhaps having a class for young youkai and fairies would go better than she thought it would. At least, if Cirno came around to calm them with decent, albeit biased, primary sourced history lessons like this it would.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 05:01:11 AM by P♂ zeal »


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Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-Cirno's lesson]
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 10:35:43 PM »



Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-Cirno's lesson]
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 04:42:52 PM »
... aww, that was adorable! I liked all the references to previous games, too.

Also, maybe you should put a line between every new paragraph? It reads a bit better that way; right now, it looks pretty cramped, though it still reads all right.

Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-Cirno's lesson]
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 07:05:24 AM »
Simple is best...!
Also, isn't Jerome a boy's name? THIS IS GENSOKYO DOES NOT COMPUTE

Also, it may just be me, but from your thread title, I got the assumption that you had other short stories already completed...? Is that true, or am I just bad at assuming things >_<

P♂ zeal

  • Haha,
  • old chap
Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-Cirno's lesson]
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2010, 03:35:52 AM »
A suprising medicine
Medicine sighed and leaned back, letting the soft grass below her cushion her as she stared into the sky. Another boring day. No one to talk to, not much fun to have. Given her poisonous tendencies, no one seemed to really want to be near her, it seemed. But no one seemed to understand that she could control her poison output. She sighed and closed her eyes. She decided she was just going to take a nice nap. She slowly drifted out of consciousness, into a happy dream world with sugarcane hills, ice cream rivers, and the sensation of someone having fallen on her.


She opened her eyes, and found that a youkai had fallen on her, but was getting up after having regained her balance. She turned and looked at medicine, while twirling her umbrella, her two differently colored eyes shining in the light, reflecting concern.

?Are you hurt?? She asked.

?Not really? Medicine responded, sitting up.? Just a bit surprised is all.?

A smile lit the girl?s face. She reopened her umbrella, revealing it having an eye and a tongue.

?You were surprised? Truly??

?Yeah. Kind of hard not to be when someone falls on you.?

?That?s great! You?re one of the few people I?ve surprised. It?s my goal, you know.?

?Oh. Well, I hope you do well with that.?

?Oh, I just realized, I haven?t introduced myself, have I? I?m Kogasa. I?m an umbrella youkai.?

?My name is Medicine.? Medicine responded, hesitating for a moment. ?I?m a poison doll.?

?Neat! Does your little doll there have a name??


?Oh. Well, would you like to hang out with me for a while?? Kogasa outstretched her hand as to help Medicine.

Medicine smiled and took her hand. Kogasa led her down the valley aimlessly, explaining the battle that had caused her to come crashing down. Even though they were going nowhere, a nice conversation and a smiling face was enough to brighten Medicine?s day. One could say she was surprised in more than one way. Not only did someone run into her, but someone actually cared for her without knowing her, and didn?t fear her poison.

And as of thus, the umbrella left there forever and the poison doll spent a happy day together, laughing and playing in a wonderland in which anything is possible.
This is what happens when I write off the top of my head.

Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-A suprising medicine]
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2010, 04:41:17 AM »

Yeah, kinda low-content, but it was kinda cute.


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Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-A suprising medicine]
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 06:00:04 AM »
Short, sweet, and enjoyable
I like reading these sort of "Ordinary day in gensokyo" stories
Wotters gonna' wot

P♂ zeal

  • Haha,
  • old chap
Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-A suprising medicine]
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2010, 04:43:45 AM »
An easy distraction.
Koishi laid on her bed and closed her eyes. Well, the two besides the one that was wrapped about her through an organic core. That one was always closed, she made sure of that. Having it open and being able to read and hear the thoughts of others brought nothing but trouble.
However, at the moment, she was reconsidering that statement.

Sure, she wasn?t feared like her sister, no one was afraid of a satori that couldn?t read thoughts. And it was much less bothersome, since rash annoying people had thoughts that projected like the screeches of an inane fowl. But unfortunately, closing her eye made her understand something else. She could hear the inner war in the subconscious.

Every day, as she spoke to others and interacted with people unafraid of her, she gradually became more afraid of them. And her fear, unlike theirs, was not unfounded. The number of violent desires expressed by one?s id, or sometimes alternatively by their ego was staggering to say the least, and she had to make a note daily not to cringe when she overheard such things. And that was just the start of her fear. There were worse things that haunted other peoples? subconscious depths. Unspeakable horrors, fears, desires! The conscious was at least filtered. The subconscious was the filtering process itself. She wished that she could somehow manage to not hear either. Understanding others? conscious minds made them fear you, but?
Would it be better than being afraid?

?She was hungry now. Suddenly this entire train of thought left her head, replaced by a craving for some ramen, perhaps some sake as well.

She sighed and got up, and walked out of her room. She progressed down several flights of stairs and left the palace of earth spirits. Heading down the road, her third eye followed it?s natural function and detected peoples? subconscious thoughts.
Punch friend.
Scream ?RAPE!? to see if anyone turns and looks.
Oh hey that girl over there is really good looking. I wanna-

Koishi cringed.
The train of thought from before returned. So many stupid, terrible impulses. She had to deal with the fact that people even consider these sorts of terrible things. She ducked into an alley, escaping the projection of such thoughts.
It was silent. Finally. She decided to sit down for a bit in this alley, and re-gather her gusto.
Take it easy!
Someone was here.Her third eye quickly made sure she knew that.
?Take it easy!? A voice shouted.
Koishi looked behind a garbage can. There, what appeared to be a disembodied head sat, munching on a half eaten apple. On its head it wore a hat, and it seemed quite familiar. Humanlike hair pushed out from under its hat. She approached it a bit more. Her footstep sounded. It turned its head.
Take it easy!
?Hey mishter wanna take it easy with me?? It asked, adorning a smile on its face.

?Yeah.? Was all that Koishi could manage, she was so intrigued.

This thing, it thought so simply. Nothing bad, nothing good. Just of taking it easy. Koishi smiled. She picked up the small being and held it?s weight in her hands.
Take it easy!
?Hey mishter, do you know a good place to take it easy? Yukkurisa has had trouble with dat a lot lately. Oni are weally scary!? It shouted, unnecessarily.

?I?ll take you to a good place, then.?

?Hooway! I?ll be able to take it easy fowever!?

?Yeah, let?s hope so.?

Koishi made her way back towards the palace of earth spirits. Her third eye started acting up again.
steal that girl?s handb-
Take it easy!
Skip dow-
Take it easy!
Take it easy!
Take it easy!

"It's like being carried through a croud!"Yukkurisa shouted.
Koishi smiled. Her third eye was locked onto Yukkurisa.
Perhaps if she were to carry this thing around, she would be able to, per se,
Take it easy!
I binged on yukkuri art and wanted to write something koishi related. At midnight. This happened.

Re: Pozeal's super short stories [Latest-An easy distraction]
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2010, 06:05:22 AM »
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's feared even more for her subconscious-hax. And that the subconscious doesn't actually work that way. But still cute. ;)