Author Topic: Benediction  (Read 70800 times)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #180 on: March 24, 2010, 03:25:29 PM »
>"What is the chance that the others know about what happened to Archer and Lancer?"


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #181 on: March 24, 2010, 03:33:01 PM »
>"What is the chance that the others know about what happened to Archer and Lancer?"

>You ask patchouli the probability of other masters knowing what happened to Archer and Lancer wherein she replied with.

"The probability is highly likely as news does have ways of traveling fast. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #182 on: March 25, 2010, 11:24:18 AM »
>"I suppose that will do for the time being. Let us make haste."


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #183 on: March 25, 2010, 12:00:22 PM »
>"I suppose that will do for the time being. Let us make haste."

>You decide that will be your last question for now and tell Patchouli your ready. Patchouli nods before opening her mouth to say.

"I suppose it is a bit late to say this but; as you may have already known, a servant's power derives from an item in their past life which are called Hongus or Noble Phantasms. A servant may also have more then one noble phantasms depending on how great they were in their past life."

    With that Patchouli exited the room. The loud ringing in your head stopped as soon as she went through the doorway. You decide to forgot about the whole ordeal and headed towards the storage room. Rows upon rows of boxes were stacked on top of each other. All the boxes were labeled and you decide that you will take out what you need. After you finish collecting supplies you checked a backpack you found to see if you missed anything. As you entered the main hall you see the 4 maid girls who forced the maid outfit onto you. As they saw you coming they waved and smilled at you. Patchouli wasn't wearing her purple marshmellow dress but instead a black tank top and cameoflage pants. You also note that she is skinnier then you'd thought she be. You walk up to Patchouli and opened your mouth to say.

"What are these four girls doing here? Are they coming with us?"

    Patchouli kept her look of impassiveness and replied.

"These girls are going to be my escorts as I can't do exstrainus activities."

    You raised an eye brow at Patchouli before saying.

"Why would you need escorts when you already have a servant like me?"

    Patchouli stared into your eyes and replied.

"Because your a blundering idiot. That is why."

    You were getting irritated and tried to retort but Patchouli said.

"Alright, we don't have much time to spare. We need to make it past the forest of magic before nightfall."

    With that said patchouli walked out the front door while you were being dragged by two of her escort maids. You thought to yourself how things are going to be rough the next few days. As you walked alongside the group you noticed that Patchouli was breathing harder and harder each rest you made and the rests became more frequent. Patchouli finally decides to stop and orders the maids to set up camp. So much for making it past the forest of magic before night. You had some difficulties setting up your own tent and asked a maid to help you. Currently resting your head inside your tent what will you do now?

>Talk to the group.
>Talk to Patchouli.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 12:02:10 PM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #184 on: March 25, 2010, 12:06:26 PM »
>Assassin is a but a humble man of the people. Let's chill with the maids.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #185 on: March 25, 2010, 12:26:36 PM »
>Assassin is a but a humble man of the people. Let's chill with the maids.

>You decide that your not in the mood to argue with Patchouli anymore and headed towards the bonfire. The girls were in idle chatter as you casually walked towards them. You sat yourself down on a log nearby and decided to listen in on their conversation.

"This is the first time I'd seen Miss Patchouli exit the mansion."

    Said the maid with green hair.

"I know right? I just don't see Miss Patchouli as the type of person who would ever go out."

    Replied the red haired maid.

"It's a good thing we brought extra supplies of her medicine."

    At this point of the conversation you decide to interject.

"Hello girls, wonderful night sky tonight."

    The four girls turned and faced towards you with smiles. The blue haired girl says.

"Hello Mr. Assassin, we were just talking about Miss Patchouli."

    This wasn't something you wanted to hear so you replied.

"I'm sorry but, could we please change the subject? I rather not talk about Patchouli now."

    The girls turned towards each other with worried faces before the blonde maid said.

"Please don't think badly of Miss Patchouli mister. Even though she may look cold and cruel on the outside, deep down she really cares."

    You mentally scoff. Your eye of mind revealed no emotions in Patchouli at all. But then you suddenly realize that Patchouli could be masking her true emotions with magic. You resolve to ask her about this later when you get the chance. For now you put the girls' mind at ease.

"You've got the wrong idea girls, I truly respect Miss Patchouli."

    They breathed out a sigh of relief. One of the girls said its about time they went to bed. After saying good night to all of them you return to your tent. What will you do now?

>Talk with Patchouli.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 12:28:25 PM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #186 on: March 25, 2010, 12:37:21 PM »
>Examine the surroundings, note places where ambushes are most likely, best places to defend and retreat in the case of an attack, and so on.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #187 on: March 25, 2010, 12:43:54 PM »
>Examine the surroundings, note places where ambushes are most likely, best places to defend and retreat in the case of an attack, and so on.

>You decide to look around the surroundings of the campsite checking for places where enemies can ambush. You noticed that you are in a small clearing of the forest and that the most likely spot for an ambush would be from the south. After doing a full analysis of the area you return to your tent. What will you do now?

>Talk with Patchouli
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 12:58:03 PM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #188 on: March 25, 2010, 01:01:18 PM »
>Go make sure Patchouli hasn't couched up a lung.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #189 on: March 25, 2010, 09:10:12 PM »
>Go make sure Patchouli hasn't couched up a lung.

>You decide to go make sure if Patchouli is alright. You exit your tent and made your way towards her tent. Upon entering the tent you see that Patchouli is still awake. She noticed you entered her tent and closed her book then put it off to the side. You sit down inside the tent and decided to ask.

"You seem to be having difficulties just breathing let alone hike. Is there something you aren't telling me?"

    Patchouli sighed and stared into your eyes before saying.

"My conditions have always been a hindurance to me but I suppose I could tell you. I an both asthmatic and anemic. It becomes very difficult to breath at times even with the medicine that I prepared."

    This was a complete surprise to you. Not only did she look fragile, she was extremely weak without her magic. Patchouli kept that vacant look in her eyes whiles opening her mouth to say.

"If that is all you wanted to know then I suggest you rest up for tonight. Sleep deprivation will only make the morning trip a burden."

    Before leaving the tent you ask one final question.

"Are you using magic to mask your emotions?

    You saw that Patchouli tensed up a bit before replying.

"No, what makes you ask such a question?

    You replied.

"When I used my eye of mind to see your true emotions I saw nothing. I would have believe that you were a cold heartless person that is until the maids convinced me otherwise."

    With that you exit Patchouli's tent and started back towards your own tent. You laid your head inside and considered what to do next.



  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Benediction
« Reply #190 on: March 25, 2010, 10:03:06 PM »
> Rest.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #191 on: March 25, 2010, 11:02:05 PM »
>Rest and Ponder until sleeptimes come.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #192 on: March 25, 2010, 11:11:32 PM »
> Rest.

>Rest and Ponder until sleeptimes come.

>You decide that you are too tired to think of anything and let the bliss of sleep overcome you. The next morning was hell for you because the maids came to wake you up early in the morning. Being sleep deprived was really taking its toll on your body you thought while lazily getting dressed. For breakfast the maids gave you fruits and tea. Not the best of breakfasts but it would have to do. You tried to take down your tent but all your efforts failed so you asked a maid to help you. The sun was glaring down upon you as you walked alongside the group. The other maids were giggling at how sleepy you were and you tried to ignore it. As your group traveled farther through the forest your group came across an intersection. There was a sign in the middle with arrows pointing left and right. Patchouli pulled out a map from her backpack and pointed towards the right path. You were doubtful how exact the map really was and opened your mouth to ask.

"Are you we are going the right way Miss Patchouli?"

    Patchouli's face gained a hint of annoyance as she said.

"As I see it yes. the left path will only take us to a troublesome person."

    You decide to take up Patchouli's word for it and play along. You had never noticed how scenic the forest of magic was until now. The sight of streams and animals seemed to put an ease to your mind. As your group was getting closer to the end of the forest of magic it was already after midday. When your group finally reached the exit of the forest of magic; Patchouli decided it was a good time to set up camp. You sat down on a log wondering what to do next.


    A dark silhouette besides a girl in a witch costume could be seen. The girl smirked to herself before saying.

"Oh look its that servant that beat archer and lancer ze~"

    The dark silhouette turned it's head towards the girl and said.

"Servant? He looks more like a commoner."

    They looked down upon assassin before saying.

"Appearances or not he is in our way and must be eliminated da ze~"

    The dark silhouette stopped to think for a moment before saying.

"Perhaps we should wait a bit. It seems that if we follow them we may find the other servants."

    The girl cupped her chin with her right hand before saying.

"Maybe your right. In any case we should observe them for now learning their weaknesses."

    With that the two figure jumped off the branch that they were on and decided to set up their own camp close to yours.


    You still haven't come to a conclusion of what to do next until the girls said that supper was ready. The girls had been boiling a soup full of beef and water over a fire. It smelled delicious to you. There was a container of noodles to the side of the large pot. You decide to help yourself to this delicious meal before you. But as you were eating you couldn't shake off the feeling that something or someone was watching you. You decide to ignore it as you enjoyed yourself by the fire. After supper was over you decide to rest in your tent. What will you do now?

>Talk with the girls.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 11:40:27 PM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #193 on: March 25, 2010, 11:15:58 PM »
>Talk with the maids. It makes one feel like less of a literal tool.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #194 on: March 25, 2010, 11:39:05 PM »
>Talk with the maids. It makes one feel like less of a literal tool.

>You decide that you like the company of the maids and return to the campfire. They were sitting near each other engaged in idle chatter like they were last night. You decide to listen a bit more before talking.

"Did you see that fish in the stream? It was huge!"

    Said the red haired one.

"I wish we could've taken it with us. Its too bad that our cooler is too small."

    You decide that this is a perfect time to interject saying.

"Hello girls, terribly sorry of myself but I've forgotten to ask for your names."

    The group of girls giggled at you. The blue haired one said.

"Don't worry about it mister Assassin. My name is Mizumi Nakahara"

    She gestured to herself. Mizumi then pointed to the red haired one and said.

"She's my little sister and her name is Koizumi Nakahara."

    Koizumi gave you a little bow. Then Mizumi pointed to the green haired one.

"That is our sempai over there. Her name is Kaori Mitsumoto."

    Kaori gave you a little wave. Mizumi finally points to the last maid and says.

"And that is my best friend Suzuki Ishikawa."

    Suzuki bowed in your direction. You also haven't told the girls your name yet so you decide to do so.

"Pleased to meet you girls, My name is Sasaki Kojiro."

    The group of girls smiled at you. Suzuki opened her mouth to say.

"So what is it that you want to talk about mister Kojiro."


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #195 on: March 25, 2010, 11:45:36 PM »
>Ask them about themselves. If they are guarded, explain that we can't recall anything of ourselves, and thus hope that hearing about other people may help. Also because it's nice to know who you friends are.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #196 on: March 26, 2010, 12:24:51 AM »
>Ask them about themselves. If they are guarded, explain that we can't recall anything of ourselves, and thus hope that hearing about other people may help. Also because it's nice to know who you friends are.

>You decide to get better acquainted with them asking them a series of question.

"So tell me a little more about yourself Mizumi."

    Mizumi smiled at you and said.

"Well, lets see... Oh I have so much things to share about myself that I don't know where to start. First of all I went to maid school together with my sister and best friend when we were still in the outside world. Our sempai Kaori graduated before us though. I have an extreme phobia for spiders and other insects. I love it when people are kind to my sister. I guess thats enough about me for now."

    You nod your head in agreement as you were being bombarded with information. You decide to ask her little sister more about herself.

"So Koizumi would you like to share more about yourself?"

    She nods her heads furiously before saying.

"Oh boy would I ever. Let see... Well first of all I really like berries, but I love strawberries the most. I am afraid of high places and the dark. I really look up to my older sister even if she gets on my nerves sometimes. When we were in school together, the older girls kept picking on me and bullying me because I was short. But that all stopped when my older sister came and protected me. She scared all the bullies away and that allowed me to make friends."

    You nod your head as she energetically tells you more about herself. You decide to ask Mizumi's best friend about herself.

"Suzuki was it? would you like to talk more about yourself?"

    Suzuki nodded timidly and said.

"Well I guess I'll start by telling you my likes and dislikes. I really like seashells and I love the ocean. My parents were divorced when I was a baby so I never got to see my dad. I am really afraid of ghosts and stuff like that. Umm, I guess thats all I have to say about myself..."

    You nod well she timidly told you things about herself. Finally you decide to ask their sempai about herself.

"Miss Kaori, would you care to share more about yourself?"

    Kaori gave you a warm smile before saying.

"Why I'd be delighted to tell you more about myself. Well, I really like nature and would often go outdoors. I really hate it when people show disregard for the beauty around them and destroy that beauty. When I was still in maid school I was the president of my class. I guess that is enough about me. What about you mister kojiro? Care to tell us more about yourself?"

    The three other girls peered in to listen to you. You had no recollection of what you were like so you said.

"I am sorry girls but I can't seem to recall anything about myself. I think I may have amnesia."

    The girls looked dejected but that soon went away. Kaori said that it's getting really late and that we should all go to sleep soon. Upon entering your tent you laid your head down thinking about what to do next.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #197 on: March 26, 2010, 12:28:44 AM »
"I really like seashells and I love the ocean." <---Man did she fuck up in a former life, if she's living in Gensokyo. =[

>Do a quick scan of the area for likely points of attack and the best ways to stymie it, then go rest. We've been slackin' there.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #198 on: March 26, 2010, 12:38:11 AM »
"I really like seashells and I love the ocean." <---Man did she fuck up in a former life, if she's living in Gensokyo. =[

>Do a quick scan of the area for likely points of attack and the best ways to stymie it, then go rest. We've been slackin' there.

>You decide to be extra paranoid and exited your tent to set up traps in everyplace you think can be used in an ambush. When you triple reinforced the surrounding area with makeshift traps from your knowledge as an assassin you enter back into your tent with barely any stamina left.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #199 on: March 26, 2010, 12:39:10 AM »
>That's why a quick scan was supposed to be made, not thorough ;_;


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #200 on: March 26, 2010, 12:57:17 AM »
>That's why a quick scan was supposed to be made, not thorough ;_;

>Sleep deprivation is taking its toll on you and you decide to lay like a lump on your bed till morning. Morning was extra hell for you because Koizumi woke you up with her obnoxiously happy voice early in the morning. After getting dress you exited the tent and started to take it down using techniques you learned from the maids. Quite sloppily so but at least you did it by yourself. After checking that you everything you need in your backpack you walk over to the campsite for breakfast. The maids had given you tea and fruits again. You and your group finally exits the forest of magic with much rage. Well for you atleast. On the horizon you could see something that resembled a village. As your group got closer you realize that it was a village. Upon entering the establishment you are greeted with the sight of busy street marketers and kids playing on the street. This place somehow reminds you of your hometown. Patchouli then stopped the group and said.

"We need to restock on supplies before we set out again. Meet me in the village square when you guys are finished."

    The maids all nodded to each other before separating in different directions leaving you standing there. Patchouli had already left for the village square. What will you do now?

>Follow Kaori
>Follow Suzuki
>Follow Koizumi and Mizumi
>Go shop on your own.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 12:59:19 AM by Wylfred »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Benediction
« Reply #201 on: March 26, 2010, 01:00:38 AM »
> Shop on our own.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #202 on: March 26, 2010, 01:22:57 AM »
> Shop on our own.

>You decide that your a grown man and can shop on your own with the money you received from Patchouli at the start of the journey. But you soon regret it as you got lost in a sea of customers. You were lost and decide to ask for help from a man nearby.

"Umm, excuse me sir do you know where I might purchase these vegetables?"

    You showed the man a list of vegetables that you needed to buy and he replied.

"Yea sure, you see that section of vendors over there?"

    He pointed northwest of where we were right now.

"They usually sell alot of vegetables over there."

    Feeling relieved you decided to thank him and ask for his name.

"Thank you mister... What name do you go by?"

    The man replied.


    That was certainly a strange name you also know that he seem to be carrying two swords. You decide to ignore it and take a bow before leaving to the section he pointed out. After some extensive shopping you meet back with the group in the village square.


"Whats taking her so long to just get our supper?"

    The dark silhouette that was with that girl in a witch's costume said while taping his foot with his arms crossed. He uncrossed his arms as the girl came back carrying a bag of groceries. He opened his mouth to say.

"It doesn't take that long to shop you know."

    The girl in the witch costume grinned at him and said.

"I like to select the finest ingredients for my dishes ze~"

    The man face palmed before replying.

"As if you could cook for anything."

    A vein popped on the girls head and she kicked him in the genitals. The man bent over and groaned.

"That'll teach you to insult my cooking skills. I happen to be a great cook."

    The girl snidely remarked.


You and your group were on the outskirts of the village with camp already set up. Currently you are sitting by the fire waiting for supper to be serve. What will you do now?

>Make idle chat with the girls.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #203 on: March 26, 2010, 01:28:05 AM »
>Who just waits when there's idle chat to be made?


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #204 on: March 26, 2010, 01:42:54 AM »
>Who just waits when there's idle chat to be made?

>You decide to talk to the girls instead of waiting and being bored.

"So Mizumi how is it working for the Scarlet Devil Mansion?"

    Mizumi adds a little bit of spice while stiring before saying.

"Its quite nice actually, Mistress Remilia allows us maids more leeway then necessary but that doesn't stop us from trying our best. I don't think I'd rather be working anywhere else."

    Kaori comes to taste the soup before it is done to check if the broth tastes right. She decides to add a little more vegetables and letting it sit before saying its ready. Supper consisted of rice soaked in broth with bite-size pieces of fish littered throughout the bowl. You start crying at how delicious it was and decided that these maids are the best cooks in the world. When supper was finish all the girls cleaned up and went to bed early. You lay in your tent thinking what you'll do next.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #205 on: March 26, 2010, 01:47:06 AM »
>Try to recall other things about home that the village might have knocked loose while drifting off.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #206 on: March 26, 2010, 02:14:51 AM »
>Try to recall other things about home that the village might have knocked loose while drifting off.

>As you were drifting off to sleep you try and remember what that village reminded you of your home. A sudden rush of blurred images flooded your mind. The only think you could make out of this jumbled mess was that your father was a nobleman. He was killed by Musashi to weaken the political power of the shogunates. Everything else in your mind was just blurred off. You finally shake off those images and allowed yourself some rest.

^The Next Day

    This was the first time you slept well ever since you exited Scarlet Devil Mansion to go on this journey. Breakfast was fruits and tea as per usual. It seemed to be a much nicer day today then it was the past two days. The birds were chirping and the deers were running around. You then noticed a rustle in a bush nearby and decide to go check it out. Upon uncovering the bush you find a sleeping bag and inside was Remilia. She woke up drowsily only to find out that she had been discovered. You decide to go back to the campsite with Remilia and make her explain there.

"Were you following you following us Remilia? If so why"

    Remilia looked away from you and Patchouli and said.

"I thought it was unfair how you and Patchouli went out by yourselves and had fun without me."

    Patchouli sighed and returned to cleaning up the campsite with the maids. You looked at Remilia and she was looking at you with pleading eyes to let her stay. After much thought you decide that having Remilia around wouldn't be so bad. The trip today wasn't as bad for you as they had been the other two days. Everyone was engaged in idle chatter except Patchouli.

>Talk with the girls
>Talk with the girls and Remilia.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #207 on: March 26, 2010, 02:18:37 AM »
>Talk with the girls and Remilia


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #208 on: March 26, 2010, 02:47:16 AM »
>Talk with the girls and Remilia

>You decide to join in on the conversation that Remilia and the girls were having.

"There was this one time where I used my giant spear to stop a giant squid thing that came out from beneath the Scarlet Devil Lake; charismatically of course."

    Remilia was acting like the first day you met her and you mentally facepalmed. The girls all stared at Remilia in awe as she puffed out her flat-chest.

"There was another time when a armpit miko came to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and tried to challange me. Of course being as generous as I was let her defeat me because I was holding back."

    You decided that listening to Remilia boast was not exactly a fun thing to do and decide to ask Koizumi what she thought of Remilia.

"What do you think about Remilia, Koizumi?"

    She turned her head towards you and cheerfully said.

"I think that Mistress Remilia is the coolest person ever! I am so glad to be serving under her."

    You were mentally reaching your limit with all this bullshit until Patchouli raised her hand signaling for us to stop. In front of you, you see a large waterfall to the side and a stairway leading up. On your way up the stairs you noticed that something was ominous in the air. What you finally saw the top of the stairs Patchouli ordered the group to stay down. Something didn't feel quite right in the air. You finally realize what it was that was trouble you when you saw two servants standing opposite of each other getting ready to fight. On the left was a gruesome looking man who was half naked. He wore red cloth that covered his body from the waist down. The upper part of his body was too grotesque for you to bare. His upper body wore hellish tatoos and designs that look as if they were in graved onto his body. He also wore a bandana on his head and carried a sadistic smirk on his face. On the right was a gigantic brute of a man wearing heavy armor carrying a short sword that seemed disproportion to his body. The man towered over the other man and was 3 times his size. Both of those servants look pretty vicious to you. Besides the servant on the left is a woman clad in irish plaid dress holding a parasol. Besides the servant on the right is a woman in a red dress with a large blue afro. You mentally cringe at the thought of getting into a fight with any of these servants. Patchouli seemed to be watching with no intention of interfering. What will you do now?

>Suck it up and decide to join the battle.
>Wait a little longer and let the battle play itself out.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #209 on: March 26, 2010, 02:59:33 AM »
>Let them beat each other up a bit before making the final decision on whether or not to join in.
>Make sure the travel group doesn't get seen; direct them to hide.