Author Topic: Tears of Heaven  (Read 4213 times)


  • serial time-waster
Tears of Heaven
« on: February 19, 2010, 03:57:15 AM »
My first Touhou-related work. Double-spaced
and a couple of little surprises
for your reading pleasure.

?Alice, open up!? I yelled, pounded the brass knocker into its frame.

?Alice, it?s me! Hey, Alice! You there??

Not waiting for a decent response, I kicked in the door, which creaked open rather easily for its size.

?Don?t mind if I do!? To my surprise, I was not greeted immediately with the usual shouting of empty threats.

?Hey Alice, where?d ya go? I?ve been knockin? for a good five minutes!? I made my way through the silent living room towards the kitchen.

?Listen, I?ve been thinkin?, and I?ve decided.?

I opened the refrigerator, which had a sheet of paper with a bunch of food and things written on it.

?I?ll return everything later,? I muttered while adding an apple to the growing list. It had gone bad, so I threw it over my head and it turned into Patchouli.

 ?Make that two?? I took another one out and corrected the paper.

I called out once more.  ?Alice? Hey, Alice! Don?t make me look for you!?

 ?Alice? Come on, say something!?

I started to search the rest of the house for any sign of my doll-maker. The living room was already clear.


No one in the library.

?Alice! Where are you??

She was not in the dolls? room.

?Alice? You in here??

The bathroom was empty.


I arrived at the one place I had promised never to enter without permission: her bedroom. I cautiously tapped the door. It slid forward a little. It had always been locked.

?Alice? Al-?

Less than three feet away, my Alice lay sprawled in a pool of her own blood, cold. I dropped the apple.

?Alice! What-??

I pulled her out of the little red lake. Her neck was covered in gashes.

?Alice! Speak to me, Alice! Come on!?

I grabbed her delicate hands, this time not for kicks. They were covered with blood. Her blood.

?Alice? What did you do to yourself? Tell me, Alice! Speak!?

Her cute little head rolled lifelessly to one side.

?No, no, no! Alice! Don?t leave!?

This can?t be happening. There?s no way. Everything was perfect.

?Come back to me, Alice!?

My Alice. You can?t leave me, Alice. We?re supposed to be together.

?Come back!?

Alice, you can?t go.


You?re gone.

?We?ve got quite a mess on our hands,? I said, staring down at the young girl?s corpse. I overheard the name ?Alice? on a homicide report that came in this morning, and I was wondering if it was the one I knew. It was, and I didn?t feel any better.

 ?And what sort of mess is tha-? said someone who had just walked in.  ?Oh damn.?

Hakurei Reimu, vigilante. She?s known for her use of excessive force, her impeccably short temper, and her amazing metabolism. Hakurei?s been indicted several times on account of her rabblerousing, but I?ve had to dismiss them all. Sure, she?s a little too pushy. Sure, she?s acting within my jurisdiction without my permission. Sure, she?s breaking the law. But I can?t get rid of her, not even for a second. She gets results. By Byakuren she gets results. I?ve no idea how long I?ve wished for someone else in my department besides me who?s as dedicated to at least some form of justice as her. But right now I didn?t need her here. In fact, it?d be better if she was somewhere else right now. Somewhere very far away from this place.

?Miss Hakurei, may I ask you to not use profanities at least while you are in my presence as well as to what you are doing here before I have someone escort you out??

?So you?re here, too, Shikieki? I heard that something had happened to Alice, and at first I assumed the worst. I came over to check to see if I was as wrong as I hoped I was.?

She was still as nosy as ever. And disrespectful to boot.

She continued. ?You?re in charge, right? Who found Alice??

?What kind of relationship do you have with Miss Margatroid??

I?m betting I sounded pretty stupid right now.

?I?m pretty sure you didn?t have to ask that question.?

Of course I knew that. I wouldn?t have if I didn?t have to.

?We have a death on our hands. This is purely for the record.?

For great justice.

?We?re friends. Well, were? but anyways, who found her here? It?s important.?

I suppose it wouldn?t hurt to tell her.

?A Miss Marisa Kirisame.?

?Oh Youchrist. This is bad.?

The words coming out of this child?s mouth!

?Once more, Miss Hakurei-?

?Please, I hate it when you?re so formal. We?ve known each other for long enough, so call me Reimu.?

?Fine. Um? Reimu, I ask you once more not to use profanities in my presence. And what do you mean by that? Did Miss Kirisame-?


Yes, I know her name.

?Don?t get carried away, this is still an investigation. Did Miss Kirisame have a relationship with Miss Margatroid??

?Yeah, you could say that??

What does that mean? Is she hiding something?

?But what would you say??

?I would say they were friends.?

?Is that all??


?Don?t worry, anything past this point will not be on the record.? I silently turned off the recorder in my pocket.

?Okay. But you must promise to never repeat in any way, shape, or form what I?m about to tell you.?

If it gets you to talk. What am I thinking?

?If a friend could not trust me in matters such as this, how could I ever be trusted to carry the burdens of a Yama??


There was a little pause.

?So? as you were saying??

?Hmm? umm? have you ever been in love with anyone, Shikieki??

As a Yama, I?ve been asked many, many questions about myself: have I ever made the wrong call on anything (irrelevant), what do I do when I?m not on the job (irrelevant), do I have any hobbies or interests (irrelevant), how old I really am (extra irrelevant) and little things like that; I?ve never been caught off guard by any inquiry into myself until now.

?E-eh? W-w-what kind of question are you asking at this time? A-as a Yama, I h-have had no need to-?

?Not as a Yama. Not as anyone but yourself. Have you ever been in love??

She was completely straight-faced. This was no joke.

?W-well, uh, t-t-that sort of t-thing??

I thought of Valentine?s Day.

?? m-may have happened??

And then it dawned on me. Is she implying?.

?Wait, do you mean those two were-?

?Exactly that.?

I was not expecting that at all. Sure, I knew the two hung around together quite a bit, but it hadn?t even crossed my mind that they were together.

?Oh my.?

?Well, almost exactly that. You know what they have in common??

Enlighten me.

?They?re both incredibly stubborn. Neither one was going to admit to the other how they felt, but they couldn?t live without each other. Until now, at least.?

I?m not a fan of black humor.

?That?s a horrible thing to say about them.?

?No! I meant about the admitting part!?

Oh. Oops.

?About a week ago, both of them, separately of course, came up to me with a grand idea. You know how there?s gonna be a full moon again this week??


?Yes, what about it??

Wait, I don?t want her talking again. What happens around a full moon??

?Oh, do you mean Eientei?s Moon Festival? I heard that something special event would be happening this time.?

?Yeah. Alice had been working with Nitori on something for the past couple of months, and they had finished whatever it was around the time she had come to me. I think Nitori would know more about it because Alice wouldn?t say anything about it to me.?

Suspicious. I know who?s just been added to my list of people to interrogate.

?And Miss Kirisame? Did she know anything about this??

?I?m almost positive she knew that Alice and Nitori were working together, but I don?t know if she knew what it was that had to be so secret. But anyways, they, Alice and Marisa of course, both told me that they wanted to confess. I suggested that they ? still talking to them separately ? should do it after Alice?s big show or whatever, because I assumed that everything would go well. Everything was going well??

?And now this.?

?Yeah, now this.?

I have no idea how I?m going to work this into a report.

?Well, I thank you for this most? enlightening conversation. I am sure it will help in the future? somehow. You may leave, Reimu.?

?What? I?m not leaving.?

Oh, here we go again?

?But I thought that you were only here to check on Miss Margatroid, and maybe Miss Kirisame. In fact, you should probably go see her righ-?

?You do have a point??

So close.

?As her friend, I should probably be with her right now, telling her that things?ll be better and that when Alice comes for judgment, you could just send her up? But I?m not her friend. I?m her best friend, and I know that even though she might not realize it now, what she really wants is two things: one, to see Alice again; and two, to see her murderer brought to justice. I want to see at least the second one happen, and if it happens with my help or even because of it, it?ll mean the world to me as long as it makes Marisa happy. So I want to help you, Shikieki. I swear I?ll try not to screw things up, and if I do, I?ll take any punishment. Okay??

I was thoroughly impressed and even a little touched with Reimu?s devotion to Alice?s happiness. She might not be so bad after all. I can?t tell her that, though.

?? alright, fine. You can help. However, let me make this clear: I will PERSONALLY hold you responsible should anything bad happen.?

?I would expect nothing less from a Yama, especially you.?

Good answer, keep it up and I might actually hire you. But first things first.

?Well, now that you?re helping me, you get the joyous task of questioning your best friend on what she found. At least she?ll be willing to say more if it?s you.?

Nice dodge, me. I hate interrogating the first witness. It?s always so? depressing.

?Oh great, thanks? Hey, Shikieki??

What is it, lackey?

?Yes, what is it??

 ?I?m sure that you really could fudge your decision a little when the time comes, but I know you wouldn?t betray your principles just to make someone else feel better. I know you. I?m your friend too. I just wanted to let you know that I?ve got your back.?

Oh wow. I think she really means it. I?m almost at a loss for words, I?ve never heard someone say something like that! Quick, think of something nice!

?Um? thank you. You know, you always look like you?ve got this forceful air around you from a distance, but you?re not so bad up close.?

?I could say the same to you.?

Touch?. Wait, I see what you?re trying to do here!

?You?re still questioning her.?



You may have noticed, but in the story I'll be telling different parts of it from the first-person perspective. Just making that clear for anyone who didn't catch that.

And now, any praise, criticism, and comparisons to Law and Order go under here.
(Seriously, when I thought about this for the first time, it even had the "dun-dun" part in between scenes.)


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Tears of Heaven
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2010, 04:18:01 AM »
?I?ll return everything later,? I muttered while adding an apple to the growing list. It had gone bad, so I threw it over my head and it turned into Patchouli.

I laughed so hard. People can say what they wanna say about Bad Apple being overrated, but it's damn cool. <3 you for that.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Tears of Heaven
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2010, 05:07:01 AM »
(Seriously, when I thought about this for the first time, it even had the "dun-dun" part in between scenes.)

This one?

Also, the recent influx of Shikieiki fics pleases me greatly. I'd love to see more of this.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Tears of Heaven
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2010, 11:19:44 AM »
(Seriously, when I thought about this for the first time, it even had the "dun-dun" part in between scenes.)
Will never unsee.

Like the look of this one.


  • serial time-waster
Re: Tears of Heaven Revived
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2010, 11:45:33 PM »
Due to the recovery of my manuscript, I shall now be returning to work on this story. Plus, I?ve got more time now that my finals are over. Sorry for not updating this in so long, I hope someone?s still interested.

The judge and the miko were finished with Alice?s house. Forensic teams would be at the scene shortly after, and finally cleanup would take care of the rest. Presently, they were walking towards the Sanzu.

?Well, that wasn?t so bad, was it??

?Shut up.?

?I mean, you only stuttered a cou-?

?Shut it, Shikieki.?

?So, Gensokyo?s great vigilante, who?s solved countless incidents with intuition and brute force, is shaken up by a crying girl? Ooohh, I can?t wait to tell A-?

?Oh come on! How would you have done it, huh?  Wouldn?t you be nervous, too? Woman, I?ve never seen Marisa so shaken up in my life. I mean, she?s always been, a little, you know? off, but I really thought that if I even touched her, she would collapse onto a pool on the ground. I was pretty surprised how messed up she was. All you did was sit there with that serious face on the entire time!?

?You have no idea how I tried not to laugh. This is a serious investigation, but I?ve never seen you so? not helpful. And I?m surprised you didn?t know how much she cared about Alice.?

?You can laugh at me all you want, but don?t be stupid, Shikieki. It wasn?t my place to ever find out. That sort of thing is not a topic you discuss lightly.?

?But weren?t all three of you close? There shouldn?t be any secrets between friends.?

?Well, if that?s the case, then no one would be friends, not even us. I can tell you don?t have many friends-?


?so let me give you a little hint. Everyone keeps secrets, big or small. It?s a privilege that almost everyone takes advantage of at least once, and there?s no shame in that. No one has to know everything, and no one does. People spout lots of nonsense about how nothing should be hidden from the public, but I bet even they have some things they?re not willing to share. It?s a paradox, really. That people want everyone to be completely honest but aren?t willing to join in.

?But I?m getting off track. What I?m trying to say is that they weren?t willing to share what they really felt about each other with me ? even though it was pretty obvious ? and I?m okay with that. I wasn?t willing to but my nose in too much just to know about their love life. It?s none of my business, anyways.?

?Now that?s a real shocker. Reimu Hakurei, staying out of people?s business! Bunbunmaru?s in for one hell of a story when this is all over.?

?Oh, you have no idea what I haven?t told you. Stick around, you might get something to jot down in that little diary you keep in your desk.?

?W-wait! How did you-?

?Don?t worry, your secrets weren?t all that great anyways. Except for that one about the flowers, that was hilarious.?

?Y-you looked??

?Obviously. But that?s not important right now. What I really want to find out is where we?re going.?


?Oh, get over it. It was payback for making me do the interrogation.?

?But you looked at it bef-?

?Don?t mind the small details, and tell me where we?re going. We?ve been walking for like 30 minutes, and my feet hurt.?

??. alright, fine. We?re near the Sanzu, right? Well, when we get there, I have some rowers ready to bring us to Higan. By the time we get there, most of the forensics results will be in.?

?Ah, that fast??

?Yeah, that fast. Just a few months ago, some humans came in who were willing to? offer their best services in exchange for ours.?

?You mean they trained your guys, and you sent them up??

??.Not me personally. It was the district chief who gave the order, and another judge was put on their cases. They knew I wouldn?t take ?em.?

?Good for you for holding your ground, I guess.?

?Now don?t get me wrong. I don?t hate the results, just the process. Backroom deals aren?t on the list of things that I approve of, but less workers paper chasing is.?

?Hmm?. hey, wait! How will the results be ready before we get there? Didn?t your guys go in after we came out??

?We?re walking.?

?You mean we could have just flown to the river??


?Thanks for the foot pains, I?m going on ahead.?

?Don?t be in such a rush, Reimu. We?re already here.?


As the judge had said, there was a boat waiting for them at the shore of the Sanzu. They boarded it quickly and went on their way. As for me, I sat motionless in the bushes, trying to make sense of all that I had heard.

?They?re here! Where the hell is that report??

?I don?t know, I can?t find it! Anyone see it around here??

?Uhh? here! I have it! Just putting in the finishing touches!?

?Jeez! Who made this boy an intern??

?Hey, what makes you think I?m an intern? Just because I?m short-?

?Cool it you two, she?s almost-?

The door opened. Everyone tried their best to clean themselves up.

?Do you have the papers??

?Yes ma?am. Here.?


?Tch! Most of what you saw at the crime scene was confirmed here. Miss Margatroid died long before she was discovered, or at least long enough for some of her blood to start drying. Since we cannot examine the body in too much detail, our best estimates - based on humidity, surface and standard blood composition, size of her body, and the volume and rate of blood loss - put the time of death at least 14 to 18 hours before our teams arrived on the scene.?

?Miss Hakurei here-?


?No need to interrupt. She, who is helping out with the investigation, and I left the scene as our teams moved in to start the evidence sweep and cleanup. That was 30 minutes ago, so Miss Margatroid committed suicide in between? 4 to 8 o? clock??

?Almost correct. Although her body has large cuts, confirmed self-inflicted using samples from her hand, on her neck and she did lose a significant amount of blood through the wounds, they are not the cause of death.?

?What? I mean, please explain.?

?Allow me to, ma?am. Back off, bitch.?

? Screw you.?

?Excuse me??

?Nothing, ma?am. At first, we observed the cuts on her neck, as you did. However, the blood spatter, if not pool, was not entirely consistent with bleeding from the neck. In fact, most of the blood that we could see must have originated from a larger, deeper wound in order to match the volume of her blood that was found around her room. When we turned her on her back, the answer was right in front of us. A circular hole, ten centimeters deep and 2 centimeters wide, was found right on the small of her back. Apparently, an object capable of piercing through her body but not traveling through it shattered her spine and spinal cord, causing instantaneous death. However, due to the nature of the blood trails, she was killed after she had lost a severe amount of blood.?

?I didn?t really get a good look at the blood spatter. What did it look like??

?It was? widespread. Most of the floor and the furniture of the bedroom had at least a few drops, and the areas in Miss Margatroid?s immediate vicinity had the most, but nowhere else in the house could it be found. Most of the spatter is typical of movement while bleeding, but we also found a large circle of blood on the wall. Aside from the drippings, the center of the circle was devoid of blood. In addition to the blood, materials matching her wallpaper were found on her hands. Miss Margatroid drew that circle on that wall with her own blood before she died.?

?Was she trying to leave a message??

?I?m not sure what the circle means, ma?am. All I can confirm is that she did make it.?

?What about the weapon that made the hole? Where was that??

?As I stated earlier, no blood was found outside of her room, correct? Well, that means that the weapon would have to be in the room with her. However, we searched the entire place for anything that could have done the job, and nothing could be found in her room that would match the description. That means??

?That there was another person in the room, and whoever it was took the weapon with them.?

?Attention all employees, this case is now a homicide case.?

There was a pause.

?The first homicide case.?

Sorry this chapter is all SERIOUS MODE, but some parts have to be. This is a drama.
And once again, sorry for such a long delay. I never even thought I would be writing this again.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Tears of Heaven
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2010, 01:20:47 PM »
This is getting pretty interesting.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Tears of Heaven
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2010, 09:26:23 PM »
Too much blood *shudder*


  • serial time-waster
Re: Tears of Heaven
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2010, 11:53:25 PM »
If you can't handle it, then I'm happy to tell you that the bloody parts are
over. ;p