Author Topic: [Competition] Hourai's New Year Resolution - BLAZING FIERY RESOLVE!  (Read 25643 times)


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Summer Challenge - KEEP COOL!
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2010, 10:01:56 PM »
Well, fair's fair, I guess. I was up against some nice entries, so it's only natural to find my place to take last. The critique I got will probably make my next entry to the next contest better, though, that 6.8 was not exactly the best part of my day...

Hoping you'll start up a new contest soon! If I may recommend a theme for next time, how about "Snow Sports in Gensokyo"?

But seriously, 6.8? Why not just round up? :V

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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Summer Challenge - KEEP COOL!
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2010, 11:39:55 PM »
But seriously, 6.8? Why not just round up? :V

Pulled away from 5th place by .2... Just as planned...

Haha really though, lets just say we tied for 4th eh? About the contest, isnt it a little early for snow sports =p? Gappy was sayin she wants to do these more often, So we could prolly squeeze another 1 or 2 in before snowfall~


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Summer Challenge - KEEP COOL!
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2010, 02:07:18 AM »
Oh wow, I actually won... thanks everyone.  :blush:

Yeah, exporting the video from Flash and making it into a viewable file completely screwed up the quality and made some parts look cut off. (Since Movie Maker can't use Quciktime vids)  :ohdear:

And also, it's kind of uh, challenging for me to put humor into the animation without using, uh, some specific types of jokes...

Well thanks again everyone~ (If the next contest's about fall, MWAHAHAHA)

Gappy was sayin she wants to do these more often, So we could prolly squeeze another 1 or 2 in before snowfall~
... you know we don't have snow in Texas.  :smug:


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Summer Challenge - KEEP COOL!
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2010, 09:11:35 AM »
Monthly Hourai Artful Sacrifice Challenge III!
The Return of Autumn!

This month's theme - New Beginnings in Academia in Autumnal Solstice Red

This month's objective: It's back-to-school time, to the backdrop of autumn! It's the season of harvests, bounty, good food, beautiful scenery....It's a season of new beginnings for some, but a season of dread for others. I don't approve! Everyone should charge into autumn with fiery passions burning, their hearts reflecting the bountiful abundant red of autumn! Show them how it's done, Gensokyo style! This month's objective is to psyche people up for school by using the fiery red power of autumn! Comedy is optional, but encouraged!

Entry:You enter the competition simply by submitting a piece of work, whether art or music. The art can be a 4-koma, a short doujin, or a single piece, whatever suits you best. Anything in audio form can be submitted under 'music'. You can submit more than one piece and you can ask to have them judged together or separately.

Time Limit:1 month from today - 27th of October

Judging: In order to make this less a challenge of artistic skill and more a challenge of creativity, the artists/musicians will not be judged on quality of art, but, rather, how well they fulfill the theme/objective of the challenge. In the case of this month's, it's for the piece that manages to utilize the full power of autumn to motivate people for school!

All the participants will judge each other's work anonymously and submit them via PM to me. Thus this will be a challenge of honesty, integrity and impartiality. Also, 5 anonymous judges will be chosen randomly from a pool of volunteers. I will do the randomizing and assigning of anonymous volunteer judges as well as calculating and publishing the overall final score. Please volunteer in advance! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Prize: The winner gets to make an art request of one of the other participants and his/her art thread (if he/she has one) will be stickied for a week. And, of course, unconditional boasting rights ^^. All participants receive a prize for participating - an eternal place in the competition gallery.  (Pssst, we maaaaaay get permission to give out surprise prizes...maaaaaaybe....)

So have at it! Don't disappoint the Aki Sisters!


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #64 on: September 28, 2010, 01:30:50 AM »
Ha... ha...

Er, yeah. Let the killing competition begin!~~~


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #65 on: September 28, 2010, 01:51:09 AM »
Your confidence now will only make your tears more delicious later Fally~


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #66 on: September 28, 2010, 02:55:18 AM »
Your confidence now will only make your tears more delicious later Fally~
My sentiments exactly. ... What? ... Of course I was kidding! What made you think I wasn't? :V

Anyway, definitely entering in this one. Hopefully, this time, I'll end up doing better on it. I'll probably even add colour! Good luck to everyone!

I'm never doing that coloured font thing again.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #67 on: September 29, 2010, 07:15:35 AM »
Congratulations to the winners! :3

Were there other entries besides the five entries shown in judging?

Then, A New Challenger, Lloyd Dunamis, Appears!!
Nice to be here with all other contestants! :3

I, and some others, might be at a disadvantage though, not having Fall in our country and all ;_;
?Welp, let it not be an obstacle to greatness. Go, Musical Comprehension of Mine!! >w<

When I burn with passion, I burn dried leaves!!

?is what my competitive side tells me to say |3
Anyway, no assurance that I'll be able to send an entry yet, but I might as well tell stuff here to let me, well, encourage myself on an autumnal school piece or something while inspiration is flowing.
OMG, I'm competing against the others!? >/////////<
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2010, 11:54:37 PM »
Ah good to see that you joined Lloyd. Let the competition begin!~ (Again)
I will exterminate you Lloyd

Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #69 on: September 30, 2010, 01:07:52 AM »
Oh hey! Seeing as I'm making a fall-themed banner/wallpaper for my blog anyways and have a somewhat-fall-related composition on the works, I might join this as well.

Then again I have virtually no composing experience and completely no artistic experience. And my creativity sucks. OH WELL


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #70 on: October 02, 2010, 11:04:15 PM »
I have this sort of odd, simple idea but  I have a question about it.
I wanted to incorporate a poem that someone [famous] wrote, but I was wondering if it was okay as long as a I write down who wrote it on the entry?  :/

Also good luck to everyone else.
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Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #71 on: October 20, 2010, 06:59:07 AM »
Alright, time to make a post here as well.

As you may have seen, I'm as of recently the second Acolyte of AAA and have pretty much taken over as long as Gappy is kept busy by real life.

So to make sure this Contest runs smoothly, please send all entries for this challenge to both me and Gappy. Chances she will be around are slim, but I'd still like her to get the entries just in case.
Everyone who has already submitted an entry to Gappy, re-submit it to me as well please.

Have fun and good luck~

I have this sort of odd, simple idea but  I have a question about it.
I wanted to incorporate a poem that someone [famous] wrote, but I was wondering if it was okay as long as a I write down who wrote it on the entry?  :/
That's coming as a pretty late answer, but: I don't see a problem with that. Feel free to do it.


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #72 on: October 26, 2010, 11:06:08 PM »
Oh hey, we can still submit on the 27th, right?
The weather is being really schizophrenic to do anything today.
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Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #73 on: October 27, 2010, 06:42:09 AM »
Oh hey, we can still submit on the 27th, right?
The weather is being really schizophrenic to do anything today.
Sure sure~

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #74 on: October 29, 2010, 07:11:18 PM »
PMs have been sent out, judging is in progress. Please watch warmly~

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #75 on: November 10, 2010, 07:55:49 PM »
And it is time! Faster than ever before: It's Judgement Time

First of all, thanks to all the artists who have contributed. We had five entries this time, though two were by the same person. Well, submitting several entries seperately is allowed after all  ;)
Even more amazing though is that three of the five entries were music. It's nice to see both the visual artists and the musicians are working hard and producing a lot of very good works. Keep it up, you make this board the nice place it is~

Well then, let us see what the entries this time were and how they fared. I like tension, so we will start from the back.

Fifth Place
Artist: Flamezero
Entry: Listen here


Huh, and IOSYS-like. Well, I suppose foreign children voices have a kind of back to school feel. Kinda. I suppose it all comes together pretty well, technically speaking, but it's not really all that interesting to listen to.  4/10


... I... do not comprehend. I'm sorry, but is this a joke entry? I mean, I respect the Cirno's Perfect Math Class song, but just that overlaid with electric guitar in the background? Really?

... well, it DOES pick up around 1:40: That part does a good job of complementing the background "baaaka baaaka." Unfortunately, before that the electric guitar usually sounded more like noise than a complement to the tune.

Sorry if I'm being a jackass with this one, but I'm not sure I want to give this more than a 3 out of 10. I think it would have worked better with either a live video to show the skill behind it (if that was the case) or if you could find some way to better mix the volume levels to make the guitar stand out from the song. I think a lyric-less version of it, at the very least, would have worked better. Sorry, man. Not feelin' it.

This fits the back to school theme well, but not so much the autumn.


Cirno's Perfect Math Class! A classic, and one that tackles what all youth hates (or loves, but that's different), school. It didn't get the Autumn part much though, but it did give the "back to school, @*(#&*!"

Anyway, I'm not really a fan of distortion guitars over an existing composition, but I'd say this is well-made. The only thing I can point out is that there are times when they just don't mix well (this is mainly my opinion though) around 0:22-0:43 for example. Also, around 1:19~1:20 (when the vocals say "guruguru", the guitar just went a little strong, and it kinda turned off the portion for me. However, 1:39, is the whole point of this song, and onwards, it was great.

However, the greatest weakness, I think, was the fact that I can't feel any Autumn vibes on this song. It kinda felt like a summer extravaganza, to be honest. It's too lively, too powerful, way too powerful for the fragile autumn.

Score: 8


Oh god, I did not see this coming.
Strangely (Not in a bad way, of course!) the entry does tie in with the "Back to School" theme, but "Autumn" theme in this entry seems to elude me. I can only assume that the guitar was done by the entrant, which is very well done~  Although, it sounds like the guitar was edited over the original song, which bothers me a little. When I listen to it, my mind would tune out the guitar and I would only be listening to CPMC. Maybe you could have it so that you could just have vocals + guitar.


Cirno depicts cold, something I'd assign not only to winter, but also  to Autumn. But the guitar and the song chosen dont give off an authentic autumny feel.
3/10. Not that it sucks, but it's not fitting imo.

Fourth Place
Artist: Sercan
Entry: Listen here
Score: 44


I suppose it sounds nice, but I'm not feeling any autumn in this. And that giant gap from 6:00-6:09? What is that even doing there? Don't just put two songs on the same track, make some effort to put them together. Despite that, and despite the fact this doesn't feel like fall, I'll give it a good score just because this is only music entry I found pleasant enough to listen to more than once. 7/10


Half-improvised, unpracticed live piano? This should be interesting.

Occasional awkward pauses and clear slip-ups, but it sounds pretty good. I like it, overall. Unfortunately, those slip-ups DO hurt it, and the limited tune selection starts to drag on after a few minutes. I'm not sure I'm getting too much of an autumn/school feeling from it, either.

It's great for what you had to work with, I can tell, but my gut's saying to peg this around a 7 out of 10 for the occasional bit of clumsiness, despite the quality (and definite piano skill).


7/10 Quite impressive you pulled it off without alot of practice. You stumble a bit now and again, but all in all, a beautiful arrange.


A slow buildup at the start really reminds me of autumn leaves falling. You know, like taking a stroll in the park in the morning or evening, it really hikes people up.

Minoriko's theme is a theme I will always love, because it conveys the changes of autumn. The quick pace of melodies, the changes in the melodic line, it is a reflection of autumn itself.

1:37-ish sounded awkward. Approaching that mark, it sounded like the piece was being rushed, instead of pacing with its full grandeur. It is not that bad, but it slightly blotches the melodies around that time.

2:25 build up is really good and complemented by 2:49 onwards, it's great. It sounded like Minoriko's theme, but it is quite different, a stroke of originality indeed.

Also a fan of Centennial Festival, it's a great Extra Stage theme, and it really sounds like a festival. Very encouraging, hitting the theme of this contest dead-on. What I didn't like was the long silence between the two compositions, but I guess it's just me being impatient.

Not a fan of the long slow parts though, but it really conveys the pacing of autumn, slow but it is actually moving subtly under your nose. If you don't actually pay attention, you'll miss a lot about autumn.

There are very good improvisations in the piece, and shows a lot in originality. Even if it sounds awkward at times, improvisations are a big plus for me.

Score: 9


Piano ranges! My favorite~ How did you know?  :3
(Plus I love Centennial Festival of Magical Girls.) Great job on both of the songs.
ZUN does have a way with making songs great for piano music, but you on the other hand, give the songs a bit of your personality. (Someone who isn't afraid to not read sheet music, EHH? *Shot*) It was wonderful that parts of the music were slow, but changed pace as it went along. It sort of adds energy to it. Upon reading your description, it's pretty amazing that some of the parts were improvised. Adds personality, like its own song. Or something like that.


My my. Such delicious piano play and such a delicious piano player, d- *shot brutally*
I spent too little time on my entry, seeing what other people have made. this one-shot recording contains unneccesary slowdowns, mistakes, and other bad things. The reverby pianos used here, give me the feel of autumn. I would say, this piece depicts the morning of the first school day pretty properly, especially the centennial part.. But I'm not gonna be egoistic here.

Third Place
Artist: Aoshi
Entry: See it here
Score: 45


Cute, clever, but kind of lazy. Got me to learn a but more about Cummings, though.  5/10


I rarely 'get' poetry, so much of the meaning of this is probably lost on me.

Still, I can at least catch the falling leaves references, and Shizuha's pose and involvement are really fitting. I don't think I 'get' it in full, and it's a really simple peice, but it's good - odd as it may sound, I think Shizuha's hands look quite good, for the complexity of that hand gesture. Proportions and coloring are also beyond immediate complaint. And come to think of it, it's a very nice font choice, as well.

I don't understand it in full, and I'm not seeing too much to it, but I do like it. I think this is worth a 7 out of 10 as well.


9/10 The drawing might not be the best, but it seems to be the only entry that incorporates both Autumn, and back to school. Great job.


Ah, a famous E. Cummings poem. For those who don't know, it could be read as "(a leaf falls), loneliness."

The drawing style is great, though the eyes could do a little improvement. It lacked highlights, and it looked a little dead inside. The theme was motivating people for autumn, it kind of negates that.

Honestly though, the poem itself is a little depressing, and philosophical. It makes people think, instead of making them lively for autumn.

Score: 8

Simple picture is simple~~ Although, simplicity does add a nice touch to it, it doesn't seem to need a background. (Possibly ruin the overall "feeling" or "mood" in the situation?) It was nice that the entrant included a poem from E. E. Cummings, although a few people might not have heard of them. Considering the poem, it seems to fit well with fall, as the poem expresses a leaf falling in loneliness, or "oneliness." Even the way the poem is formatted to depict a leaf falling downwards express fall. The words "And finally..." in the corner could mean "And finally....fall begins." showing a leaf falling towards the grounds.


holy shit, a poem. i find it fitting more to shizuha, than to autumn itself. But she IS autumn. ff, deep. and if thats not enough, the way the text is depicted along with the picture would make my dutch teacher fap.

Second Place
Artist: Anunsew
Entry: Listen here
Score: 46


Hmmm. MoF mashup. Not bad flow, took me a minute to recognize Nitori's theme in that.There's some fun piano work, too.  But overall, it just has less charm than the originals, the sounds don't blend together as well as they ought to. It's a good effort, but needs work. Does give a definitely autumn feel, though, so that saves it some points. 6/10


Hmm... sounds like a pretty straightforward MoF medley, really. It flows well for the most part, and there are some nicely unexpected changeups from the usual MoF tunes. The piano from ~0:21 to ~1:06 and around ~4:20 to the end is a very nice departure from the norm. Some of the music transitions are a little jarring, though: the one at ~2:18 to Nitori's theme stands out to me, and not all of the segues are elegent. Still, quite good.

Overall, I like it. And while I don't know how much of the 'autumn' theme of it comes from the feel of the music and how much of it comes from the Mountain of Faith references, it does fit the theme. I'd give it a 8 out of 10.


Wonderful stuff. Really made me picture falling leaves, and tied in to the theme of Autumn quite well. Not exactly sure how it ties into back to school, however.


It's...quite long.

The intro was good, and it sets the mood of fall in mind. 1:07 sounded awkward though, it sounded like the tracks were just glued together. The piano was also a little too loud around that part. The drums of 1:30 were kinda surprising, along with Minoriko's theme tagging along.

The violin around 1:40 to 2:05 reminded me of Harvest Festivals. And then 2:18, Nitori's theme. Maybe it's kind of unbalanced, but I like the surprises this song brings. It's hard to guess what will happen next.

It reflects the aspect of what Autumn brings, uncertainties and changes. Autumn is a time of change, but you have to face it anyway, whether it be school or growing up. Around the end of the theme (4:05), the song turns into full force, like an encouraging mother that urges you to go on, despite what these changes may bring. Around 4:44, the song slows down, as if to tell the listener that what's next is up to his decision.

Anyway, it's a beautiful theme, and the only things I can speak against it is the fact that every part of the song is already an existing composition. Not much originality, but creativity makes up for the lack of it.

Score: 9


A very creative piece! The title fits the song very well. The way the music sounds give it a MoF feeling to it, which is very Autumn-y indeed (But doesn't express "Back to School. Hrm.). (Although the beginning strangely sounds like Septette for the Dead Princess. Maybe it's just me.) The way melody changes significantly from slow and "peaceful" to fast and upbeat is a nice touch and you executed it nicely.
It saddened me when it finally ended but playing it again was like a different song every time.


first off it sounded a little sleepy, with that harpsichord, an instrument i'd see more as a springy thing. but it built up really greatly. the piano is so delicious~ its happy feel and tempo changes make me like this more than most other pieces i've heard from this certain artist. even though my own idea of going to school again isn't as cheerful, this piece gives off the feel gappy described. oh god, that part with crescendo vibrato piano is eargasming.
I say 8/10. it's probably the best touhou medley i've heard in AAA.

And finally, the first place, and a well-deserved one. So well deserved, in fact, that one judge threatened to take away two points from everyone else to ensure the victory.
Not that it would have been necessary, because the six-point difference to the second place speaks for itself.
Ladies and Gentleman, the winner is...

First place
Artist: Aoshi
Entry: Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Score: 52


Creative and immediately interesting. This is a good entry. People need to do this more. Excellent placement, too. 9/10


Oh, this one's clever. Well-drawn images of the Akis, put on fake leaves among a bunch of real ones? That's about as autumn as it gets, and in an unexpectedly effective way.

I really like it. My only real complaint is an unreasonable one - that the leaves the Akis are on look so fake and untextured compared to the real ones behind them, especially the hints of white paper visible on the edges. Would it have worked better with more stylized leaves without the veins, and/or fake ones for the other leaves as well? I don't know. But there's a few tweaks that could have made it a bit better, I think.

That said? They're not entirely reasonable ones. Despite the simplicitly, definitely worth a 9 out of 10.


8/10 Haha these are adorable. And you can tell by the detail, that it took alot of effort to make.


That is so cute!

It's a simple concept of portraying autumn, and what is best for that? Leaves!
The drawing and coloring style is great, although I kind of think that Minoriko's face was too round. But hey, I really like Shizuha's smile, and it gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

I feel so motivated that I feel like I could run a marathon right now!

Score: 9


Creative. Seeing how the Aki sisters are the goddesses of fall, it seems fitting that they are on fall leaves themselves. (Especially Shizuha considering her ability.) (And maple leaves, no less.  :3) ("Back to School.....?"  :/) Although a little more care could go into Shizuha's leaf, which is noticeably smaller than that of Minoriko's. Maybe you should have used the same leaf as Minoriko for Shizuha. Also, it's pretty funny that those are the ONLY two red leaves in the vicinity of the ground. Doh ho ho~


*listens to Different shades of Autumn*
Lovely! Very original indeed! I love how the background also has fallen leaves!

And that's it, Ladies and Gentleman, Artists and Musicians. Thank you once more for participating, and a big thanks as well to the judges and their detailed judgements. That really became a nice wall of text up there.
Aoshi, enjoy your Special Member tag, even if it doesn't do much.
The others, you shall get a nice blue Idiot Princess title for your participation.

A new contest will begin once Gappy decides on a theme, until then, keep up your good work and have fun, everyone~


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #76 on: November 10, 2010, 10:47:46 PM »
Goddamn last place >.> Woulda been better off enterin an acoustic bit again XD Well grats Aoshi, ya done good amigo.


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2010, 12:17:03 AM »

:blush: Wow, wasn't really expecting that.

Thanks, and congrats/good job to everyone else too~!
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  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #78 on: November 11, 2010, 01:15:09 AM »

Congratulations to all the people who entered~ All of the entries were  :V
I should have entered hurr

Oh and Flame... wat  :/


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #79 on: November 11, 2010, 01:26:51 AM »
I should have entered hurr

You were all excited about it too...
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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #80 on: November 11, 2010, 04:00:17 AM »
I should have entered hurr
There's always next year's Fall. :P

And congratulations to Aoshi, I really liked your entry. :3

Comments are recorded and assimilated.
Data gathering is complete. Beginning adaption sequence...
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 04:05:50 AM by Anunsew »


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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #81 on: November 11, 2010, 04:20:33 PM »
hadnt expected anything higher than 4th place, so im happy with this. congrats to the winner!

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #82 on: November 24, 2010, 12:15:05 PM »
Congratulations to everyone, especially Aoshi! :3
The 2nd set of pictures that won would've been all Fall-y if you had the green grass covered with more dried leaves. But nevertheless, it's nice. The Aki sisters each in a maple leaf kinda portrays that they co-exist with Autumn itself, too.
Ah, cute artstyle is a plus! >w<

Anunsew and Sercan! Your musical pieces are just :*
Kinda figured musical submissions would be more or less MoF-based. I'll be commenting on it further on your respective threads =w=

Then Flamy...
Goddamn last place >.> Woulda been better off enterin an acoustic bit again XD
Hai (yes). I was kind of anticipating an acoustic "New Beginnings in Academia in Autumnal Solstice Red" from you, but... :<

Welp, next time, I guess =w=

Erm...f-for those expecting for my submission.........l-let's just say I kinda burned them leaves too many before I get to compose one myself, aheheh ^_^;; *coughcough* Bweh. Autumn exterminated me along with him >.>;;... eh, just kidding
Actually, I was confused myself how to incorporate Back to School with Autumn theme. I guess my worry got the best of me, end up not submitting one >_<;;...

Kinda figured that your Minoriko's theme arrange that you submitted to Awesome Atelier Album was also. :*
The Centennial Festival is also a grand additional, and it's one theme I like that I don't hear everyday.

Then, for something completely different, I think...
Judge4, whoever you are, I love you~<3
... Eh, i-it's not just for anything; It's how his judging went. Be it art or music, his comments are detailed, or something like that =w=
(n-not that the other judges were anything bad)
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #83 on: November 25, 2010, 07:11:40 AM »
(n-not that the other judges were anything bad)
He's criticizing all of you. Exterminate him.  :flamingv:

I already said congratulations to all... but congratulations to all heh.

I'm really hoping there's a contest for winter because... oh the irony if I enter  :3

Edit: I exterminated you Lloyd? I don't remember such thing.  BV
« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 07:13:17 AM by Autumn »


  • Demonic★Moe
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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #84 on: December 25, 2010, 02:55:45 PM »
i am eagerly awaiting the next contest!
i wonder what it will be~ and when... :<


  • The Great Southern Trendkill
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Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #85 on: December 27, 2010, 10:19:47 PM »
i am eagerly awaiting the next contest!
i wonder what it will be~ and when... :<

Well, thats why we have a certain fish around yes? I'm sure it couldn't be too much longer =p

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #86 on: December 27, 2010, 10:22:06 PM »
Well, thats why we have a certain fish around yes? I'm sure it couldn't be too much longer =p
I brought it up to Gappy a while ago, but we didn't get past "Oh yeah, need to do something again" >_<

There'll definitely be a new contest to start the new year. And there's also some other plans being talked about currently, we hope to get some fresh air and activity into AAA in some time.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: [Competition] Hourai's Autumn Challenge - BACK TO SCHOOL!
« Reply #87 on: January 04, 2011, 06:25:51 PM »
Monthly Hourai Artful Sacrifice Challenge IV!
New Year! New Inspirations! New Resolutions! NEW COMPETITION!

This month's theme - Renewed Will and Fiery Resolve in New Year Resolution's Struggle for Blazing Dawn!

This month's objective: It's another new year! Remember your new year's resolutions from last year? How long did it last before you gave up/forgot/put it off/postpone/trash/ragequit/end/get fed up with it/other modes of quiting? This year, it's going to be different! Because this year, we do it GENSOKYO style! That's right, we're going to party through our new years resolution, fueled by tea, sake, danmaku and ART. This year, the Atelier's going to show the world how to celebrate new years resolutions, the GENSOKYO WAY. So tickle your muse and make new years resolutions personal again! Burn your fiery will and resolve on paper or tunes! THIS.IS.YOUR.YEAR!

This month's objective is to portray Will and Resolve in fulfilling New Years Resolutions, Gensokyo style! Comedy is optional, but encouraged!

Entry:You enter the competition simply by submitting a piece of work, whether art or music. The art can be a 4-koma, a short doujin, or a single piece, whatever suits you best. Anything in audio form can be submitted under 'music'. You can submit more than one piece and you can ask to have them judged together or separately.

Time Limit:1 month from today - 5th of February

Judging: In order to make this less a challenge of artistic skill and more a challenge of creativity, the artists/musicians will not be judged on quality of art, but, rather, how well they fulfill the theme/objective of the challenge. In the case of this month's, it's for the piece that manages to best portray Will and Resolve in fulfilling one's New Year's Resolution, GENSOKYO STYLE.

All the participants will judge each other's work anonymously and submit them via PM to me. Thus this will be a challenge of honesty, integrity and impartiality. Also, 5 anonymous judges will be chosen randomly from a pool of volunteers. I will do the randomizing and assigning of anonymous volunteer judges as well as calculating and publishing the overall final score. Please volunteer in advance! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Prize: The winner will receive the title of ShrineMaiden, gets to make an art request of one of the other participants and his/her art thread (if he/she has one) will be stickied for a week. And, of course, unconditional boasting rights ^^. All participants receive a prize for participating - an eternal place in the competition gallery.



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  • maior e longinquo reverentia
Re: [Competition] Hourai's New Year Resolution - BLAZING FIERY RESOLVE!
« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2011, 12:08:36 AM »
Err, wait. I'm a little stupid.

Is the topic "Show how you try to resolve resolution in a Touhou way," or "How the people of Gensokyo try to go about fulfilling their resolutions?"

The winner will receive the title of ShrineMaiden
Huh. . .?
Art Thread -->
Well gee, I have a Tumblr now.  | Twitter
 What a nice day to complain about mobage!


  • Autumn is coming!~~~
Re: [Competition] Hourai's New Year Resolution - BLAZING FIERY RESOLVE!
« Reply #89 on: January 05, 2011, 01:37:29 AM »
Awesome. I'll try to squeeze in a short comic or something  :V
Screw animations, they take forever

Is the topic "Show how you try to resolve resolution in a Touhou way," or "How the people of Gensokyo try to go about fulfilling their resolutions?"
Um... I'm going with #2 since it seems more fitting. (Cirno learning to get a driver's permit? haha NO)

Oh and
The winner will receive the title of ShrineMaiden
Wat.  :/