Author Topic: World of Ijiyatsu - The Mystical Bibliotheque Archives  (Read 16961 times)


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World of Ijiyatsu - The Mystical Bibliotheque Archives
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:33:55 PM »
So, I've picked up yet another little pet project that I think will keep me entertained for a little while - namely an ijiatsu spinoff fiction project.

What I really want is a little information on your iji-selves and the world around you.

What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.

EDIT: What race are you?

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?

What do you do for a living?

What are your objectives/goals/ambitions in life?

Would you be interested in starting a 'disaster' or taking part in one? If yes, what sort?

Who around you are related to you? In what way?

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?

What sort of person are you? How would you react to a threat? A challenge? A plea for help?

Please keep in mind I may alter things to fit in my story. However, an idea of what your preferences are may serve as a guide.

Even if this doesn't produce a (good) piece of fiction, at the very least it'll serve to flesh out the world of Ijiyatsu.

This is not limited to those already in the game, so if you aren't already in ijiyatsu, this your opportunity to get some sort of an iji-self created.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 09:07:43 AM by Mind-The-Gap »


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2009, 11:37:16 PM »
Banned. :|


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 11:42:13 PM »


Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 11:54:55 PM »
Hmm...I have nothing else to do, and need a break from the fic/stepping.

What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.
Uh...we have an age? Let's keep it unknown like ZUN does with his characters.

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?
Just wandering around thinking of Koishi-chan and, if possible, hang around with her a lot.

What do you do for a living?
I'd rather be wandering aimlessly, bothering others for fun and all.

Other than that, step files for Touhou, harass people for fun, I dunno.

Who around you are related to you? In what way?
Kanako, known each other since FFR.

Trance. Had somewhat of a history back in the old forums :V

Donut, Prody, Drago(ry, hung out at the livestream channel a lot last summer when there's nothing else to do.

Ruro, motivator for fic-writer and fellow Koishi lover <3

Sana, rape victim

Theorist, ex-troll attempted victim. Now just casual friends.

I have two others whom I will not mention because both of them are banned therefore not related to ijiyatsu.

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?
Uh...I dunno. Anywhere I guess? CPMC? Palace of Earth Spirits?

If I could live in Palace of Earth Spirits, then whoever lives there canonically (Koishi, Satori, Oku(ry

If I make my own place, then just say some random house in the Forest of Stupidity. People comes in and hangs out, but other than that no one else I guess.

What sort of person are you?
Looking at my portrait, I'm guessing the Koishi-loving mindless perverted Satori =/. Probably a bit annoying about it too.

How would you react to a threat?

A challenge?

A plea for help?


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2009, 12:08:39 AM »
Don't want to talk into other people's stuff without permission, but it's no good, no good. A series have to reach at least the second game to expand its world. It needs the first game to lay down the foundations, but a complete world can't be made until the second game. It's unwritten rule.

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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2009, 12:16:00 AM »

Xenogears Perfect Works came out long before Xenosaga was even planned.

Paul Debrion

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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2009, 12:23:34 AM »
It's a side project, not part of the game itself. I don't think it would do any harm.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2009, 12:40:30 AM »
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 12:52:23 AM »
What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.
Age unknown :V A bear youkai with a great love of collecting hats. Her "Manipulation of bears" power allows her to communicate with most kinds of animals, and turn into a giant bear-monster.
She seems nice enough, and doesn't talk much, but mind reading youkai tend to stay away from her...

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?
Usually just hangs around wherever everyone else is at, occasionally making some small talk.
Her hobbies are collecting strange hats, and rating people's "Bear points"
What do you do for a living?

She occasionally gives people rides from place to place. It's not her actual job, but people pay her anyways

Who around you are related to you? In what way?
lives near the other animal youkai. was once stalked by Prody.

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?
A house in a cave in the forest of animal youkai. it looks like an ordinary cave outside, but it's actually a rather cozy house on the inside. Lives with her parents, 2 older brothers, and annoying sister-in-law.

How would you react to a threat?

"Hey, I think you should just calm downand-"

A challenge?
"A challenge, huh? Sounds fun! When do we start?"

A plea for help?
"Someone needs my help? I should go see what's wrong!"

:V Generic laid back bear-like character, who may or may not secretly be a violent rapist
Wotters gonna' wot


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 02:01:12 AM »
....Didn't Gap already write one? Like a gigantic one? :S


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 02:04:25 AM »
....Didn't Gap already write one? Like a gigantic one? :S

HE SAID HE WAS... Er, he said he was working on another one. :{
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Letty Whiterock

Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 06:29:23 AM »
What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.

Letty Whiterock is only 23 years old, as she only lives 3 months of every year.

She is not to be confused with the true Letty Whiterock of Touhou fame. This Letty was actually hired by the original Letty as something of a winter stunt double while she left Gensokyo to traverse the Himalayas. The real Letty is either having a lot of fun or has been incredibly lost, as she hasn't been seen since this Letty was hired.

Like the original Letty, this Letty is a lady of the winter with the power to manipulate cold, though her abilities are not as strong as her namesake's. Letty's primary ability is manipulation of emotion. Using her cold stare and unpredictable demeanor, she can cause her enemies to feel great happiness, sadness, anger, or anything in-between. In doing so, she can easily take advantage of her target's vulnerabilities and strike when they least expect it.

Letty is well-known for two specific things: the gear on her left shoulder and the suitcase she carries. The origins of the gear are unknown, and no one is sure whether it holds any sort of significance. It turns very quickly as she releases more powerful attacks and spell cards, so there are theories that the gear acts as the turnkey to her abilities, but no one has confirmed this. As for the suitcase, no one, perhaps not even Letty herself, has any clue what it contains. Perhaps it is best never to know...

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?

Letty spends most of her days either relaxing by herself. Occasionally, she visits a few people, but she's seldom seen in crowds outside of youkai staff meetings.

What do you do for a living?

Letty simply does the job of Letty, whatever that may be.

Who around you are related to you? In what way?

Kilga is an old friend of Letty's, and Slaves appears to be on her good side through gift-giving. Beyond that, everyone else is merely an acquaintance.

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?

Letty has no real home and simply sinks into the snow whenever she feels like sleeping. Since she (supposedly) hibernates through most the year, she spends much of the winter out and about. No one's sure if she actually hibernates, so it could very well be that Letty either lacks the need for sleep or just doesn't sleep.

What sort of person are you? How would you react to a threat? A challenge? A plea for help?

While she does not lack empathy, she is quite critical of others and sometimes feels no sympathy for anyone around her. Because of this, people often feel intimidated by her presence or avoid her entirely on the conclusion that she's just a jerk. Letty reacts primarily out of obligation. Threats are taken care of in order to protect the rest of the higher-ups, challenges are responded to in order to uphold Letty's honor, and pleas for help are answered because often, no one else will.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 09:36:43 AM »
What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.

Being a tatsu, TranceHime has actually been around for over two hundred years. Definitely not as old as some of the Touhou youkai you are all familiar with, but definitely older than your typical person (TranceHime claims to be 252 years old). It's been known that TranceHime wears somewhat regal attire, so it begs the question of her lineage, it seems that though she conceals her history and treats herself as a mendicant, she is actually a princess of a faraway land.

The crown diadem she wears on her head appears Western, but actually is supposed to house TranceHime's trump card, the Hexalung Diadem (六龍宝玉), which is rumoured to house six legendary swords by hammerspace means. Actually, the Hexalung Diadem is at present empty bar one because someone stole them all except the single one the thief probably thought looked worthless. The said sword is the Fenris. This is one of the reasons why TranceHime is wandering the land, in search of information of her lost, remaining five blades.

They are the Caladbolg, the Wyvern Caliburn, the Ryuujintou Gram, the Cunei Claymore and the Daimetsuken Brisingamen. These weapons are all actually kinda weak despite their fancy names, mainly because they draw their power from the user. TranceHime's draconic tatsu powers were drained from her being by an otherworldly force, leaving her with her innate ability to manipulate gender. Whoever stole her powers, that is who she is searching for, as they likely have her five other swords. It is said that when TranceHime regains her powers, she attains dragon-like features.

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?

Now being a wandering mendicant, a vagrant, TranceHime wanders towns, villages and a whole host of other places aimlessly, asking people and youkai about potential leads on who stole her weapons. It hasn't been going too well.

What do you do for a living?

Nothing, because TranceHime is a traveler on a MISSION

Who around you are related to you? In what way?

TranceHime has some sort of bad history with Gpop, which is why although she knows Gpop has some information, she chooses to stray away. Furthermore, it appears that she has some sort of relationship with TSO, though what this relationship is is unknown by everyone. E-Mouse, Dragoshi, Sana and a bunch of others have provided as advisors and friends to TranceHime in her travels, and have proved as a great source of moral support. In actually, during the events of the Ijiyatsu game proper, it can be assumed that TranceHime accompanied Gpop because she was promised information on the location of her missing swords. During the course of Ijiyatsu, TranceHime serves as an advisor and provides words of wisdom in dialogue.

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?

As TranceHime is a nomad, she lives in no single place at once, and usually stays with whoever is in the same lodgings as her.

What sort of person are you? How would you react to a threat? A challenge? A plea for help?

Being unseeming in nature, TranceHime uses this to her advantage in becoming a true mendicant. However, as she is a tatsu binded to human form, she still DOES have some semblance of power, and can easily deal with minor threats by using her Fenris sword. However, with her reduced power, she would much rather deal with threats by use of words or diplomacy. She is sagacious with her words and tries to help advise those who are in need. When challenged, TranceHime won't back down unless she knows she will lose badly or win an empty victory. As an unseeming mendicant, she rarely gets pleas for help nowadays, but won't refuse to help someone being attacked or being mistreated.

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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2009, 11:02:09 AM »
Thanks for those of you who've posted info. I've already begun to piece everything together. Plus I just finished my exams so I'm free...for a while....

That said, I need the following:
A) A youkai/non-human character who eats (or at least attacks) humans.
B) Any sort of character who might protect humans.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2009, 11:53:44 AM »
Sadly, I cannot help you there.

AGE: Roll a random 3-digit number. I don't care.

APPEARANCE: i has a laptop. Somehow.

LIFESTYLE: E-mouse/Mus/Maus/Fatmus/(assortage of other nicknames) lives his life somewhere between that of a hobo with a laptop, a cowardly wandering wanna-be do-gooder, and that one friend that sleeps on the couch and only helps with the rent three months a year. He usually stays at Purvis and Slaves' place, lurking somewhere in unused rooms or cabinets, but sometimes gets bored enough to wander around outside, occasionally taking genuine trips through the region.

PERSONALITY: Normally acts smugly amused (bemused) by events, making wisecracks or flashing images of related content at inopportune times. Stays detached from the 'real' topic of conversation unless things get genuinely serious or dangerous, in which case he'll serious it up immediately. And stop with the images. Mostly.

COMBAT/CONFLICT: Tries to talk it out first, as calmly as he can manage. Eager to flee if physically threatened, but can and will raise a stink about the fight once out of harm's way. Still sometimes loses his temper and attacks blindly, but he's not very good at it. Will attempt to intervene if something nasty's happening to someone else, but isn't around most of the time and still flees easily.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2009, 12:30:47 PM »
What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.
If we're talking ijiyatsu here, I guess you can just genderswap my current avatar. Shota, when swapped produces loli anyway.

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?
Treasure hunting!

What do you do for a living?
I sell off the treasure I find. Else I resort to banditry.

Who around you are related to you? In what way?
Sir Donut is my master. I know some other people as well. I want sign peace treaties with Kuma but he doesn't like my attire.

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?
I live nowhere. I am constantly exploring the world.

What sort of person are you? How would you react to a threat? A challenge? A plea for help?
"A meaningless death is the pure essence of gambling."
"You'll only survive if you die."
Prody's anime list! - Prody's favourite MADs on NicoDouga! - Me when steam trading
I wonder if anyone knows the true meaning of the last song in Nanairo?
the economy the economy the economy the economy


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2009, 01:59:52 PM »
Btw, just a question: How the world of Ijiyatsu looks like? It's a mountainous area like Gensokyo? What kind of places are there? Is there a map?
I only know that it's next to the sea.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2009, 02:42:26 PM »

Hello mus~

Just waiting for an opportunity to sit down with Xan and Moerin to discuss the details, one day when Moerin is actually INTERESTED.

Either that or we gloss over that and just start things off~

Either way, maybe tomorrow or over the weekend when I have time. I have a project to finish atm.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2009, 03:04:13 PM »
Btw, just a question: How the world of Ijiyatsu looks like? It's a mountainous area like Gensokyo? What kind of places are there? Is there a map?
I only know that it's next to the sea.

I imagine it's somewhat like Gensokyo, though considering it's a whole new fantasy world I think there'll be plenty of room to get creative. I suppose I'll be shaping the world in my story as I envision it. Whether or not it becomes canon, I don't know.

I'll talk about my plans for the world in my story later when I get home.


  • Good gravy!
Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2009, 03:51:05 PM »
What age are you? Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.
I'm going to guess at somewhere in the teens. :S
Her attire is meant to resemble her hero's.

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?
Wake up - eat - wander - get lost - spend the rest of the day finding a way home again

What do you do for a living?
Tour guide/navigator

Who around you are related to you? In what way?
I'm not sure. :S

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?
See previous answer.

What sort of person are you? How would you react to a threat? A challenge? A plea for help?
Sana is not the most assertive person around, and is mostly oblivious to a multitude of things. Since her power is temperance, she rarely gets angry. Should someone confront her, she would try to talk things out with the other person. If that fails, she runs. Combat is usually not an option, so nobody has ever seen Sana in a fight. Sana would try to help as much as possible if someone asked her for help.

Mounting Jaggis

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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2009, 03:54:42 PM »
Wake up - eat - wander - get lost - spend the rest of the day finding a way home again
Tour guide/navigator
How can you give people tours if you can't find your way home?


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2009, 03:58:05 PM »
How can you give people tours if you can't find your way home?

I think that's the point.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2009, 03:59:09 PM »
Just waiting for an opportunity to sit down with Xan and Moerin to discuss the details, one day when Moerin is actually INTERESTED.

Hey, I'm always interested... If I'd known you wanted to get it done so badly, I would've helped sooner...

...Although it doesn't help that I usually have to sleep soon after you get on IRC... Sigh.

Anyways, I'll fill this out in a moment.  Hopefully it won't take too long~

How can you give people tours if you can't find your way home?

The solution to all of life's problems!

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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2009, 04:04:28 PM »
Oh, I forgot one important, very fundamental thing -

What race are you in the world of ijiyatsu?


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2009, 04:09:16 PM »
I think that's the point.

Pretty much, yeah. In any case, Give me some time and I'll fill this thing out. I've already come up with something great for the 'where do you live?' thing.:V
All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2009, 04:21:25 PM »
I imagine it's somewhat like Gensokyo, though considering it's a whole new fantasy world I think there'll be plenty of room to get creative. I suppose I'll be shaping the world in my story as I envision it. Whether or not it becomes canon, I don't know.

I'll talk about my plans for the world in my story later when I get home.

The basic parameters that would be established for the topography of the world in 'canon' is: 1. It's like Gensokyo. 2. There is a sea. 3. There are important places, but complete maps likely do not exist. 4. There is an 'edge of the world', where OMES takes place (i.e. border between Ijiyatsu and the forums) but it's not something widely visited or known by any means.

The current development of Ijiyatsu is sorta backwards right now (Since 'fanon' based on the 'canon' game is coming out first). And since 'fanon' usually expands upon details implied or not-mentioned in the original, the 'canon' Ijiyatsu constructions will actually be less fleshed out than they would here, characters AND world. Since the primary reason to establishing vague and somewhat skimpy world parameters is to give derivative work more options.

I think that as long as you keep that in mind, along with being receptive to the idea of possible  revision to fit into the 'canon' better, then go crazy.

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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2009, 05:27:24 PM »
Shouldn't be too hard, considering I did most of this for the spreadsheet some time ago.

What race are you?
Youkai Magician (Formerly Human)

How do you envision the everyday lives of your iji-selves?
Travelling and performing music to lift people's spirits, perhaps a random Danmaku game to spice things up.

What do you do for a living?
Jan is a Magician Musician, specialized in magic that can make herself and allies stronger, her enemies weaker, or restore energy (buffs/debuffs/heals). Casting by song, she prefers to support her allies, but is quite formidable with her Death Mandolin if she needs to be.

Who around you are related to you? In what way?
Moerin, another magician and old friend.
Trance, a fellow wanderer.
Many other acquaintances gained through travels.
(I'd kinda like to throw in a Sana/Jana gag.... Maybe they're familiar enough that Sana calls her Jana.)

Where do you live? What sort of place is it? Who else lives in your household?
Jan doesn't stay in any one place for very long, but enjoys rooming with a friend for a night before moving on.

What sort of person are you?
Normally nurturing and easygoing, Jan can become a serious threat if she is angered. While she tries to avoid it, she seems to enjoy being angry.

How would you react to a threat?
Through the utilization of both her buffing magic and her natural anger, Jan can become a fearsome physical fighter when she feels seriously threatened. Her Death Mandolin's impaling spike is a usual favorite. It may be worth noting that Jan doesn't remover her glasses in combat.

A challenge?
A challenge that isn't a serious threat will be treated like just another Danmaku game to Jan. Her magic style isn't tailored well to Danmaku dueling, but she prefers to make patterns that follow a rhythm/beat while she strums a spell to summon the patterns themselves.

A plea for help?
Jan will usually heal or increase the abilities of an injured person or youkai until they can fend for themselves. Being a former human, Jan helps both humans and youkai on equal terms.

What age are you?
Jan's age is ambiguous, but she has lived much longer than most humans ever would.

Describe yourself a little, perhaps add details beyond what we see in the concept art.
Her clothing choice, a pajama top and pants, are a small homage to Patchouli (if we're going with the 4th-wall-breaking route).
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 05:34:48 PM by Jana »


  • Developer fairy
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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2009, 05:45:50 PM »
I imagine it's somewhat like Gensokyo, though considering it's a whole new fantasy world I think there'll be plenty of room to get creative. I suppose I'll be shaping the world in my story as I envision it. Whether or not it becomes canon, I don't know.

I'll talk about my plans for the world in my story later when I get home.

Well it kinda became more than one question. Just because I've had an idea that the world of Ijiyatsu resembles the forums in one way or another. Like, there's a Hakurei Shrine here too on the borders, there's a Trash Gap, and a big Mental Hospital called "The CPMC" (but nobody really knows what "CPMC" stands for so its name is constantly changing).


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2009, 06:22:57 PM »
This is good, I'm more motivated to fill in character motivation when somebody gives me a template. Seriously. I tend to limit my own self-expression.


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Re: MTG explores the World of Ijiyatsu!
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2009, 06:24:39 PM »
I'm an old grumpy human male who hates self-insert fanfiction and wants to light all of you on fire.

Edit: Git off mah lawn.