Prelude Hello there, fellow god and goddesses. I sure you all had notice our the situation where there is mass migration of human to our land of Dragon Pass recently; However, they are separate to dozen of clans. This is a once in a life time gold mine!
Imagine the potential landmine! Different principality are gathering all in one place along with our native Elf, Drawf, Duck people, Spider Queen, and the one I stopped toying with which I had long forgotten.
However, They also bring along their religion, which irate me to no end! This land is our Turf! We shall be their god!
However, I will let it slide since I am interest to see what magical power those foreign gods possess. In an attempt to do this, I contacted with this group of people that just about to settle down to form their clan, and they all
brainwashed agree to let me manage their clan, and even change their name, belief, etc. How nice!
Here is their story for those who are interested.
There was a time where--WHAT!?! GOD AND PEOPLE WALK TOGETHER!? SUCH BLASPHEMY! And everything is peacefully boring with Orlanth the Storm God being the leader. :x
During this time, the our clan's ancestor happen to finally decided which god they want to be their
main god. I can understand since everyone in the clan will
act differently when they follow the value of that god.
(They also build a shine/temple related to their god the moment the clan is settled)
1) Elmal: The sun god, skill in Combat (defensive, good for Neutral Clan)
2) Orlanth: King of gods, Combat and leadership. (Offensive, good for War Clan)
3) Ernalda: Mother Goddess, she care for many things like crop, baby growth, etc.(Perfect for Peace Clan)
Then some shit happen and Orlanth is force to remake the world, which I call it bull sh--HOLY GREAT KITTEN CANNON!!! THAT'S WHY ALL MY CUTE DINOSAUR IS GONE WHEN I AWAKE!!!!
It seem our clan did something famous during this time, where they plan to honor their
fameinvolvement with the god by immediately build the respected shrine when they settle down.
Here explain the story about how their ancestor major decision in dealing with Thralls: In our term "Slave".
The village elder warn me about their mortal enemy, and then urged me to heard the story, which I decide to ate him as an afternoon snack...I am hungry.
Somewhere along the way, they are fucked up by a bunch of Chaos and darkness evil monsters. SEE WHAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU KILLED ALL MY DINOSAURS? YOU NOOB GOD!
One of the previous king decide to rise up and get rid of the mess. It was this time that the king had to choose what type of law he should make to decide the overall attitude of the clan. (war clan mean your clan will want you to attack someone once in a while or they won't be happy, along with other event)
Problem solved, everyone then go to wake up those pussy gods who decide to sleep over the problem.
The god seem to learn their lesson and decide to go back to their heaven and let the human handle things from now on; However, they are available to help anyone if they ask for it in long as the offering is good. :help:
Few hundred years later, the dragon suddenly decide to make friend with you. cute dinosaurs survived and evolve to dragon? I...I don't know to said...
It seem the dragon decide to go Jihad on every enemy which is the reason of the great exodus to Dragon Pass.
Pharaoh's ancestor came here before everyone did, and I didn't really bother with them since they are boring. But now I might make some poor soul explore the map to find them when I feel like it.
So--How much land should I let them claim before someone else take it? Big land would mean we need more patrol or other clan will easily sneak up on our clan, but it will also be a bad situation to run out of land to expand.
So, here is a random summery of our clan. Decide the name, and we will be playing an Averagely Long bloody game with all these poor poor souls.
I when ahead to look at other clan; here an example of their village and stuff they have. As you can see, They have lot of animal, crop, and fortification of wooded fences!
I didn't brainwash these people, just nicely asked them to stand in front and let me take a nice photo of them with my--Charming spell. All clan will decide every year how much magic they will inject into the given categories for a boost. Worshiping and certain god's candidate in the ring can increase the amount we can spend on these categories.
Interestingly, every year they will have a divine prediction of what will happen this year, which this clan is suck horribly at. More or less? Phail!
Such pathetic clan should be punished! So I brainwash them to make their clan name become Tree Brothers. I hope they have wood problem! Wuahahahahha!!!
Here is their farming menu, stat and management about crop and animal is here. Adviser will give comment when you ask them.
Here when I can choose to manage in order:
Farming - Food, crop, land.
Relation - Relationship list of other clan, we can send ambassador to fix up some hatred.
Trade - Trade anything from food to treasure. Treasure provide bonus so is good to have a lot of it. : D
War - Manage weapnthanes, footmen, build fort, attack someone, etc.
Clan - Just stat about our clan.
Magic - Sacrifice and worship god, or do heroquest, which will give good boost or treasure when we succeeded. However, it is VERY dangerous.
Background - History of the world and the god story you collected. Good hint for what to do in heroquest.
Saga -Our clan history record. Mostly about what we did at what year.
I will explain most of these when we are settle down.
Here the exploration map, just a small part of the whole map with lot of unexplored area. You can see other clan relationship with our clan, blue is friend, red is enemy.
We can send one of our candidate to explore with some Strong weaponthanes and lesser footmen on his journey. Exploring is dangerous, so try not to kill them all when I am still entertained.
This stone here just to tell us what blessing we got on each topic.
Here is the list of candidate that we can put on adviser for Tree Brothers. Please choose carefully because they also will be the one to do the exploring, solving problem, and heroquest; each of them have different strength and weakness, and the yellow icon on the right is the icon of the god he/she worship, which affect a few things. The First guy with the extra icon mean he the leader, which give better boost and affect few more things.
Finally, I picked one of the glossary that you might be interested, but not require to know.