Author Topic: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)  (Read 205288 times)

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #120 on: October 16, 2009, 12:23:20 AM »
Twas Mabinogi, Mari server. Also this pic, taken 9/9/09:

I'm playing as Marisa, PM me if you wanna randomly do touhou stuff.
yes that is a touhou font mod

I'll un-derail this now:

Cations were mentioned in science class. After seeing that Walfas flash, they are now CHEEEEEN ions.

Rinnosuke Morichika

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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #121 on: October 16, 2009, 12:28:40 AM »
A story on the CNN News Ticker went by this morning mentioning the United Nations, in acronym form. Naturally, a certain EoSD Extra Mode boss's theme started playing in my head.

I also saw a ton of Witch decorations while doing some errands this morning, to which I momentarily thought they were Marisa.  :V


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #122 on: October 16, 2009, 12:48:52 AM »
Twas Mabinogi, Mari server. Also this pic, taken 9/9/09:


I'm playing as Marisa, PM me if you wanna randomly do touhou stuff.
yes that is a touhou font mod

I'll un-derail this now:

Cations were mentioned in science class. After seeing that Walfas flash, they are now CHEEEEEN ions.
Ooh, what's your IGN, and have you got a Flying Star Broom yet? If so, get a screenie riding on that!

Also, would overall pairing count? Because I came up with the crack pairing of Mokou x Nue, and even drew a crappy coloured picture of their meeting.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #123 on: October 16, 2009, 01:44:36 AM »

Farmville on facebook. Recognize the kanji?

Note: My neighbors are chicks

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #124 on: October 16, 2009, 02:29:55 AM »
Ooh, what's your IGN, and have you got a Flying Star Broom yet? If so, get a screenie riding on that!

Also, would overall pairing count? Because I came up with the crack pairing of Mokou x Nue, and even drew a crappy coloured picture of their meeting.

let's continue this via PM lol.

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #125 on: October 16, 2009, 03:58:47 AM »
Someone on IRC just now mentioned Nurse Witch Komugi. I immediately thought Nurse Witch Komeiji.


Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #126 on: October 16, 2009, 02:10:55 PM »
Farmville on facebook. Recognize the kanji?

Note: My neighbors are chicks


i just 1cced EoSD normal for the first time last night. my mate and i spent like 3 hours today analysing it and discussing where i could improve etc

"Eh, who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all you need!" -Kirisame Marisa

Kitaen Silva

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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #127 on: October 16, 2009, 03:20:13 PM »
When making breakfast this morning, I decided upon cereal.
After pouring the cereal and not caring what kind it was, I took the first bite and was hit with an epiphany like a brick in a purse.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch = C.T.C. = CtC = Concealed the Conclusion.

So now I eat Concealed the Conclusions for breakfast.


  • *
Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #128 on: October 16, 2009, 03:57:24 PM »
My friend asked me what would be another word for "crazy happenings". First I said "Incidents", then I said "Unprecedented serious affairs".

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #129 on: October 16, 2009, 04:13:15 PM »
When you construct Aya's tokin out of construction paper, crumpled copy paper, and shoestrings, then become upset that you lack the materials to make her hauchiwa.

Secondly, the fabric used for her top doesn't seem to exist.

Thirdly, you try to come up with ways to alter Aya's outfit to make it appropriately wearable on a guy, yet still make it obviously an Aya cosplay. I was thinking pants. >.>


Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #130 on: October 16, 2009, 04:21:17 PM »
Thirdly, you try to come up with ways to alter Aya's outfit to make it appropriately wearable on a guy, yet still make it obviously an Aya cosplay. I was thinking pants. >.>

who said guys can't wear skirts?

"Eh, who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all you need!" -Kirisame Marisa

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #131 on: October 16, 2009, 04:28:03 PM »
who said guys can't wear skirts?
Yah, srsly, you should've seen E-Mouse as Chen~

Kanako Yasaka

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #132 on: October 16, 2009, 04:58:45 PM »
Rust Remover = Stardust Reverie >_>

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #133 on: October 16, 2009, 05:33:59 PM »
who said guys can't wear skirts?

As in, I would not make a good skirt-wearer. Plus, I'm trying out various outift styles and trying to make them match the character. Imagine a victorian-style Reimu, or a western-style Sakuya.

Yah, srsly, you should've seen E-Mouse as Chen~

Wait, what?? E-mouse did Chen? Where was I for this??


  • Certified Danmaku Dodger
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #134 on: October 16, 2009, 09:30:45 PM »
Thirdly, you try to come up with ways to alter Aya's outfit to make it appropriately wearable on a guy, yet still make it obviously an Aya cosplay. I was thinking pants. >.>

Anyways, I was in my Chemistry class a while ago, and someone started writing "CATS" all over the board. I took this opportunity to write "CHEEEx100N" off to the side just a few minutes before the bell.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #135 on: October 16, 2009, 10:08:26 PM »

Guess which one was me~?


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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #136 on: October 16, 2009, 10:44:43 PM »
A question on a quiz I had today was about crows. I thought, "This is a fucking quiz"

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #137 on: October 17, 2009, 01:39:46 AM »
There was a concert going outside my window, and one song began with continuous drumbeats. I started playing UFO's stage 6 theme in my head along with it ...


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #138 on: October 17, 2009, 03:39:10 AM »
Y'know, it might just be bad habit, but no matter how hard I try, I subconsciously draw everything with large eyes, like in any manga/anime. This is why Koishi is one of my least favourite, yet still one of my favourite Touhous.

Also, if you make page (9) of your sketchbook dedicated to Cirno, but make the Cirno a male. It was kind of a (9) move on my part.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.

Alrisandre Margaletrisame

  • The Raving Puppet
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #139 on: October 17, 2009, 04:20:40 PM »
I can't even hold a casual conversation without making some sort of obscurely Touhou-related comment about something.

Ally: "Yeah, Hobb said he was going to fix XXXXXXXX in the XXXXX last night... did he ever get to it?"
Kit: "I dunno. You were on the comp yesterday, did he?"
Ally: "An unprecedented serious affair occurred. It required my immediate attention."
Kit: "Meaning you had to use the restroom, go to Stu's for lunch, and hang out on Maidens of the Kaleidoscope all day?"
Ally: "Gaw, how do you know me so well?"
Kit: "I know you in ways YOU don't even know you."
Ally: "Creepy. Go back to your Concealed the Conclusions now... I need to make up for wasting time by optimally configuring my room for the chance that a gap will appear there."
Kit:"... How exactly does that make up for wasting time?"
Ally: "Because it involves cleaning off my offertory box, where I can work on the plot for Luminous Wings of Cold Steel. Byenow." -doorclose-
Kit: "...I see."

Kitaen Silva

  • Motivate yourself to make that fake game.
    • Retro Fox Studios Online
Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #140 on: October 17, 2009, 04:45:32 PM »
I can't even hold a casual conversation without making some sort of obscurely Touhou-related comment about something.

Ally: "Yeah, Hobb said he was going to fix XXXXXXXX in the XXXXX last night... did he ever get to it?"
Kit: "I dunno. You were on the comp yesterday, did he?"
Ally: "An unprecedented serious affair occurred. It required my immediate attention."
Kit: "Meaning you had to use the restroom, go to Stu's for lunch, and hang out on Maidens of the Kaleidoscope all day?"
Ally: "Gaw, how do you know me so well?"
Kit: "I know you in ways YOU don't even know you."
Ally: "Creepy. Go back to your Concealed the Conclusions now... I need to make up for wasting time by optimally configuring my room for the chance that a gap will appear there."
Kit:"... How exactly does that make up for wasting time?"
Ally: "Because it involves cleaning off my offertory box, where I can work on the plot for Luminous Wings of Cold Steel. Byenow." -doorclose-
Kit: "...I see."

XD I was going to post this. Oh well...

You know you're adicted to touhou when you go outside and successfully make Water Danmaku while raving with a bamboo staff by using a puddle for a power source. (Not by assaulting the puddle, either, but by collecting water with the length of the staff, and spinning it with lethal force so the water is sent flying with centrifugal force.)
I'm the Youkai of Centrifugal Force! XD


  • Certified Danmaku Dodger
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #141 on: October 18, 2009, 02:25:58 AM »
I'm talking to a guy on another site and he says that he had a dream last night with a girl he describes as pure perfection. He said she had long blond hair with a bit of brown in there, big blue eyes and would sometimes disappear and reappear in his dream. He told me a few more details, and after a while I picked this picture up, showed it to him, and asked if she looked anything like the girl in his dream. He said that there were a few minor differences, but overall, she looked like the girl in his dream.

I wish Yukari was in one of my dreams. ;_;


Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #142 on: October 18, 2009, 04:29:40 AM »
I'm talking to a guy on another site and he says that he had a dream last night with a girl he describes as pure perfection. He said she had long blond hair with a bit of brown in there, big blue eyes and would sometimes disappear and reappear in his dream. He told me a few more details, and after a while I picked this picture up, showed it to him, and asked if she looked anything like the girl in his dream. He said that there were a few minor differences, but overall, she looked like the girl in his dream.

I wish Yukari was in one of my dreams. ;_;

This is obvious proof that yuakri is real, and probably doesn't gap into the minds of touhou fans. Non-fans only. So, let us renounce our fanship and-*gapped*

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #143 on: October 18, 2009, 04:41:55 PM »
This is obvious proof that yuakri is real, and probably doesn't gap into the minds of touhou fans. Non-fans only. So, let us renounce our fanship and-*gapped*
Jeez, what is this, a Candlejack thing where you

Thata no Guykoro

  • I ran out of good lines a while ago
  • It alllll makes sense now
Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #144 on: October 18, 2009, 05:42:46 PM »
Lately I've been referencing Touhou in my real life converations to see if anyone else actually understands the references. Sadly, they don't.


Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #145 on: October 18, 2009, 06:10:21 PM »
i swear the traffic lights were red blue and green last night.

"Eh, who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all you need!" -Kirisame Marisa

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #146 on: October 18, 2009, 06:59:33 PM »
i swear the traffic lights were red blue and green last night.

Were you playing Marine Benefit as Marisa or something?

Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #147 on: October 18, 2009, 09:36:49 PM »
Were you playing Marine Benefit as Marisa or something?
I think it's more in reference to UFO.


  • stalking stalker a stalker.
Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #148 on: October 18, 2009, 10:28:12 PM »
I was thinking of solving an incident... Marisa style.

You see, it's fall, but so many trees are still green. This incident is unprecedented serious affair! :P
Current cosplays

Suwako- Some con
Cirno- A&G Ohio


Re: You know you're addicted to Touhou when... (volume 2)
« Reply #149 on: October 18, 2009, 11:32:46 PM »
I think it's more in reference to UFO.

mainly ufo, yeah, because the drops are all red blue green from mof onwards

"Eh, who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all you need!" -Kirisame Marisa