> Inventory
> Abilities
> Spellcards
> What do we think of Rumia
> Fly up slightly over the tree tops so we can get a slightly better view
[Going to do this more or less in reverse order for formatting mostly]
> You fly up above the treeline. The noon sun is somewhat irritateing [You are primarily nocturnal after all] but it's nowhere near as inconvenient for you as Rumia. You can see a large rock formation ahead, likely where the cave is.
> You find her amusing. You know you're both stronger and smarter than her, but the way she acts like a leader is fun. Besides; that lets you think up your next scheme instead of putting effort into leading your group. That and she's alright. She dosen't seem to be someone who puts themselves above everyone else like most Youkai. And she's not preachy like that load Kyouko works for.
> Your inventory is empty; besides Spellcards.
> You actually have quite a few spellcards, although you lack the magical capacity to make use of them all. You also change the names as you put more power into them.
- Vocal Sign: Hooting in the Night / Howl of the Horned Owl
- Moth Sign: "Hawk Moth's Wingbeats" / "Sphingid's Wingbeats"; Toxin Sign "Poisonous Moth's Scales" and Deadly Toxin "Poisonous Moth's Dance in the Dark" are all actually the same spellcard; just amped.
- Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive"
- Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow"
- Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master"
- Bird Sign "Mysterious Song"
You also have a Last Word spellcard: "Blind Nightbird". This is functionally a last-resort spellcard. You can't even use it unless you've used at least three of your spellcards already, and doing so would drain all the energy you have left, both magical and stamina. A victory with the Last Word would be Phyrric. Still; it's useful for forcing a draw where a loss would have occurred.
// Abilities:
Skyborne - Even before becoming a Youkai; you could fly without magic. As such; you don't need to use magic to fly and can instead use stamina. This frees you up for using magic in the air easier, and faster movement while using danmaku. You used that to good effect during that flower incident!
Youkai Strength - As a youkai; your physical attributes are significantly above that of an adult human male, despite the fact that you are a bird who are generally rather frail by nature. Indeed, you are more frail than most youkai, but you're still not so fragile as to be in any danger against an unarmed human.
Talons - You have very long and sharp nails. These are durable as well. They can be shortened with magic if they get in the way [Such as cooking] but you usually have them out. They extend about 10cm past the ends of your fingers and are dagger-like. You could easily kill a human with them.
Curse-Woven Song: You are able to carry vile curses within your song, be it actual song or birdsong. The song dfominates the ears, and then attacks the other senses. Firstly it attacks sight; inflicting Night-Blindness. Then, a longer song would start attacking other senses, and impacting what sight remains. Bewilderment is a common result, and even further exposure to the hexes and curses would cause temporary insanity and delusions. The curses are most effective in a frontal cone to you; the direction sound carries best. It is a lot slower to afflict someone behind or besides you, and distance also slows things down. You also have to be careful of echos, since that can cause your own song to backfire.
Musical Talent - You're not part of Choujuu Gigaku for nothing!
Cooking Talent - You don't serve Lamprey for nothing!
Fishing Talent - Where do you think the Lamprey come from?
Bird's Eye View - You have naturally good eyesight
Familiars - You have lesser Sparrows as familiars. You can't use anywhere near as many as Wriggle can, but they're stronger and capable of bird-shaped danmaku. They also generally fly straight and in less complex patterns than Wriggle's. Your ability isn't commanding birds after all.
[Negative Trait] - Ooh; Shiny! - You might have some Magpie in you with how much you like shiny objects. You frequently try to con humans to get their shiny things.