>"Yeah, I appreciate it."
>"So... shall we be off?"
>Assuming no objection, let's pack all our stuff in our car and make for Delaware!
>"Sounds like a plan," says Archer.
>You lead up your things, it's easy enough to do, the only one you really have to worry about is the backpack with the the mana battery in it. You can probably pad that with some clothes. You load up the backseat with the stuff you got yesterday, make a stop at the local filling station, and then make for the highway! It shouldn't be too hard, you just follow I-90, then either stay on it and deal with toll roads, or hop onto state route 30, take a bit longer, and drive for free. That'll get you as far as Ohio, as least.
>Then you get onto the highway to find it has turned into a slow-moving parking lot... Archer doesn't seem too concerned, she's too busy eating up your data plan on your phone. But with things going as they are, it's a perfect opportunity just talk about something.