Author Topic: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine! (Cancelled, See OP)  (Read 11220 times)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2017, 02:15:10 PM »
Well, this -does- seem better than most of the stuff Finn has played! Other than like, Hatoful Boyfriend.'s not like that's a high form of praise though, given how bad almost all of them were :V

I just want more Ruth.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2017, 04:43:22 PM »
Was the double entendre here intentional?

Part 6 - Mandatory Tragedy


  • Retired
Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2017, 04:58:08 PM »
Don't want to be That Guy, but... It's just nowhere near being interesting and I have no idea what you people see in this game. I mean, it sure is a notch better than that House M.D. thing, but... there's just nothing outstanding. Things like Cafe 0, Bermuda and, hell, even Two Steps Back are at least so bad that they're actually entertaining in their own ways. This... looks about as exciting as a flash game.

(No offense to you, though, Finn. By gods, one can tell you're TRYING to do your best with this...)


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2017, 05:14:30 PM »
Next time on Heart's Medicine: The story of how Allison paid her way through med school after winning a malpractice suit because Flashback Doctor left her old man on a stretcher for 8 hours post-cardiac arrest to deal with a bunch of people with glass in their arms.

Don't want to be That Guy, but... It's just nowhere near being interesting and I have no idea what you people see in this game. I mean, it sure is a notch better than that House M.D. thing, but... there's just nothing outstanding. Things like Cafe 0, Bermuda and, hell, even Two Steps Back are at least so bad that they're actually entertaining in their own ways. This... looks about as exciting as a flash game.

(No offense to you, though, Finn. By gods, one can tell you're TRYING to do your best with this...)

Someone has to sift through all the trash, or we'd never get to see gifts from the gods of gaming like Romance Detective!


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2017, 06:53:03 PM »
OK so I just got informed that for some reason all of the images for this LP just collapsed. I have no idea why, they were showing fine for a few hours after the upload but they've suddenly stopped. I'm hoping that it's a problem on Photobucket's end because finding a way to reorder and reupload 400+ images plus rewrite all my updates would be...not fun. :<

EDIT: OK, things seem to be working again. False alarm, everyone, move along. :V
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 06:57:29 PM by FinnKaenbyou »

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #35 on: June 01, 2017, 07:03:48 PM »
My headcanon is that only one word was heard on the hospital that day, echoing through the sepia halls.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2017, 01:17:32 AM »
Hell with Daniel, let's hook up with Ruth.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: The Labcoat is Real, I Swear - Let's Play Heart's Medicine!
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2017, 06:49:24 AM »
OK. This is a bit of a rough post to make, but after some thought I feel like it has to happen.

For those who want the tl;dr, I'm probably calling off the rest of this LP.

There's a few reasons for this, but the main one is that I'm simply not having fun working on it. I have carved out a niche for myself LPing bad games and turning my complaining into an art form, but honestly I'm starting to get tired of all the caustic criticism I'm throwing around. There's an underlying negativity that's really messing me up in a lot of ways, and it's not worth the hits and the comments (as much as I appreciate the response).

The LPs I remember most fondly were for the games I actually enjoyed. Hatoful Boyfriend, Cthulhu Saves the World, Chroma Squad, games like those. It's difficult to find titles that I can play off of like that, though, and playing bad games to laugh at them is something I've used as a bit of a placeholder. The problem is that pushing through bad games tends to leave me in a lousy mood. I don't want to spend hours concocting a well-written-whinefest when I could be doing something genuinely fun instead.

That said, I don't want to leave this game totally hanging for people who are curious. If people so desire, I'll write up a basic summary of the remainder of the plot (I plan to play through the game casually in my own time, which should only take a few hours since I don't have to worry about capturing footage or writing commentary). Otherwise there are a few youtube playthroughs you can hunt down if you're hungry to see how the story ends. (Spoiler alert: An ambulance crashes.)

Apologies for dumping this on people so out of nowhere. Hopefully I can find a game soon that's both fun to play and good to riff on. >_<

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
I wouldn't mind a synopsis once you finish it up.

Also: I think I found someone:


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
So as it turns out writing a synopsis for this game was harder than I thought, mainly because it's not finished. Like I mentioned Time To Heal is the second game in a series, and a lot of plot points in it get carried over to the sequel, Hospital Heat. I cheated and watched a playthrough of that to get a grasp of the plot, which answered a lot of the remaining questions but ALSO produced new ones as well.

To summarise everything as neatly as possible;
- The little girl's dad gets saved, then turns out to have another condition which seems terminal until Allison figures it out at the last minute
- The ambulance crash happens after Daniel falls off his roof, drunk as hell after his dad told him how much the new ward stank. Allison managed to save Daniel from the crash, but Joe died instead.
- After the accident Daniel cuts himself off from everyone and has to be convinced to testify about the crash. He then immediately leaves for India on a journey to discover himself, causing Allison to fall for Connor instead.
- At the very end everyone has a party for the new ward, only for Ruth to burst in and tell Allison her mother is dying and is on the way to the hospital.

This then leads into the plot of Hospital Heat, where:
- Allison's mother Mathilda is dying and needs a new kidney, which is why she came to Allison, but Allison initially rejects her
- All the illegal dealings from the last game catch up as Victor (head of the board and Mason's father) puts the hospital under audit
- The letter for Ruth was an eviction notice - she's been struggling to pay for her old home since her mother was put in a psychiatric ward (turns out she kidnapped a random girl and claimed the kid was Ruth)
- Allison helps Daniel hide the facts of his drug addiction, destroying her relationship with Connor in the process
- Sophia is pregnant with Joe's son
- It turns out Daniel's father John was partners with Victor back when the hospital started, and Victor got kicked out for disregarding the lives of patients to make more money
- Mathilda had blackouts after her husband's death, and one of these blackouts caused a fire that nearly killed Allison. She left Allison's life out of a fear she was a danger to her daughter
- Victor finally exposes Daniel's lies, getting him kicked out of his job and taking over the hospital. He then immediately plans to tear it apart to get revenge on John
- Daniel gets a new job at Queensborough and helps figure out what's wrong with Mathilda, turns out she needs super-complicated conscious brain surgery
- While the surgery's happening the hospital catches fire thanks to Victor's budget cuts, leading to Allison PERFORMING THE OP HERSELF IN THE MIDDLE OF A BURNING BUILDING. She'd have died if Daniel didn't barge in to rescue her
- With Little Creek gone, all the doctors have to work at Queensborough instead, and it seems like they won't get on with the doctors there
- Connor starts a relationship with a Queensborough doctor, having moved on from Allison (note - Connor was actually 100% faithful, it was Allison who messed it up)
- Ruth's problem is solved by all the girls (Sophia, Allison and Jenny) teaming up and living with her
- Victor goes missing after the fire, and it's implied that Daniel might have locked him inside the hospital
- Daniel's also back on medication again, so I'm sure THAT will go great
- oh and
Ruth bangs the janitor

But yeah, that's where the story ends for now. Apologies it wasn't the neat concise ending people were hoping for. >_<

EDIT: I almost forgot to link this beautiful moment where Ruth proves she's definitely the best character.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 10:59:56 PM by FinnKaenbyou »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry

Wait, if Daniel has to save Allison, what happens to Mathilda?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya

Wait, if Daniel has to save Allison, what happens to Mathilda?
Oh, whoops. He rescues both of them right after the operation ends.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Holy shit, that's some B-grade soap opera right there.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
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Holy shit, that's some B-grade soap opera right there.
Forget that! Doing an operation during a fire?! That's something right out of Trauma Center!

If nothing else, GameHouse knows how to keep you hooked. Sort of.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
The synopsis was worth it. This really does sound exactly like watching a soap opera.

<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore