Author Topic: Touhou 14 ~DDC Crashes at Fullscreen and at Maximum Resolution - Flashing Screen  (Read 6240 times)


I'm playing on a Samsung R530 laptop, with a NVIDIA GE Force graphics card.
Playing on fullscreen with maximum resolution causes the screen to flash on and off, after which the game crashes and gives me the following error message:

I've somewhat fixed this by choosing the second best resolution, but I want to know if there's a way for me to play with the best settings.


Link to the image:

<Karisa> Merged double post.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 11:33:19 PM by Karisa »


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  • High scores are meant to be broken.
Looking up the Samsung R530 tells me the screen resolution is 1366x768. That'd be the problem-- 1280x960 won't fit on a monitor that's only 768 pixels high. (It happened to me the first time I played DDC, as well.)

I suppose to use the highest resolution, you'd need to get an external monitor?

I see.
But it's strange, since all the other touhou games work perfectly fine.

Thanks anyway.


  • *
Other games (besides ISC and LoLK) even in fullscreen are still 640x480.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

So those two will also have the same issue when I get to play them. Good to know, I guess.


  • Classic era Marisa-like entity
  • Failing at Touhou since 2000-something
I can confirm that it's an issue with screen resolution. I have an AMD APU, with a 1366 x 768 screen, and I get the exact same issues. I suppose it just won't scale.
When I use an external monitor (a TV), the game plays just fine. Does anyone know enough about Touhou's internals to say where resolution scaling is handled?
Please wait warmly. Girls are intentionally leaving this space blank.

Since everybody has these: 1CC PoDD ez, 1CC(?) EoSD ez, PD LoLK, something something HM ULiL


  • *
The question isn't of scaling itself, it's how people expect a game to play at lower than what its resolution is. Like uh, it already gives you the lower-res options if your monitor doesn't go that high? Just use those.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Classic era Marisa-like entity
  • Failing at Touhou since 2000-something
The question isn't of scaling itself, it's how people expect a game to play at lower than what its resolution is. Like uh, it already gives you the lower-res options if your monitor doesn't go that high? Just use those.

Huh. I kept misreading it as 760 all these years. I somehow expected it to be wholly smaller. This changes things.
Still disappointing that there's no 1024 x 768. Isn't that a standard resolution? Something between "less tiny" and "a bit huge?"
Please wait warmly. Girls are intentionally leaving this space blank.

Since everybody has these: 1CC PoDD ez, 1CC(?) EoSD ez, PD LoLK, something something HM ULiL


  • *
Well 960x720 is 1.5x larger than 640x360, and 1280x720 is 2x larger. So it's pretty much exactly even.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -