Author Topic: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3  (Read 99646 times)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #90 on: December 09, 2016, 05:41:53 PM »
>"Okay, let's be careful, don't touch the walls or anything suspicious."
>Proceed downwards.
>"Got it." Renko nods.
>You proceed downwards, quickly reaching the other end of the entrance without a hitch. The cavern opens up into a large, underground landscape. You notice the ruins of a village off the beaten path, as well as what appears to be a shrine off in the distance.
>The landscape is predominantly dark, though a distant light near the shrine seems to supply illumination. It's almost reminiscent of moonlight.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #91 on: December 09, 2016, 05:42:42 PM »
>Keep going.
>"So what is that shrine ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #92 on: December 09, 2016, 05:48:07 PM »
>Keep going.
>"So what is that shrine ?"
>You keep moving forward, getting closer to the shrine.
>"No idea." Suika replies, "To tell the truth I've never really been down here myself."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #93 on: December 09, 2016, 05:51:09 PM »
>"It seems like people lived happily here a long time ago..."
>Head towards the shrine.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #94 on: December 09, 2016, 05:56:57 PM »
>"It seems like people lived happily here a long time ago..."
>"Yeah, I wonder what happened..." says Renko.
>"They probably just abandoned the village when Hell relocated." says Suika.

>Head towards the shrine.
>You continue to head towards the shrine.
>As you approach the source of the light, you notice that it appears to be a large, bronze disc. You also notice the upper body of a woman sticking out of it, seemingly merged with the metal, holding a ball of light in her hands in concentration.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #95 on: December 09, 2016, 05:59:09 PM »
>Head closer and inspect it further.
>"I suppose..."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2016, 06:03:12 PM »
>Head closer and inspect it further.
>"I suppose..."
>You head closer, and at the sound of your voice the woman immediately opens her eyes, dispels the orb of light, and looks towards you with a glimmer of hope, "Ah! Did you finally-"
>As soon as she gets a look at you, she takes on a completely dejected expression, "-Oh... sorry, I-I thought you were someone else..." she gives you a curious look, "Who are you people? You can't be from here... Does this mean the gate is open again?"
>Her eyes narrow, "Are you here to hurt Konngara-sensei?"


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2016, 06:17:37 PM »
>"No, not at all, we came here to find her for a trio youkai named Shingyoku, the cave is still blocked but i can make a portal for her to go through."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2016, 06:32:00 PM »
>"No, not at all, we came here to find her for a trio youkai named Shingyoku, the cave is still blocked but i can make a portal for her to go through."
>She continues to study you with caution, "You know Shingyoku...?"
>"Kikuri? Is there someone there?" you hear a second voice.
>The disc-woman rotates around to face the shrine, where a woman in red robes is standing. You notice a pretty good crack on the back of the disc, "It's some people from outside, Konngara-sensei..."
>"Oh? That's unexpected." the horned woman begins making her way to you, "I assume that means the entrance opened again? What do they want?"
>"They claim to be looking for you, and claim to know Shingyoku..."
>"Do they, now?" she stops next to the disc, and begins studying your group.

>"Hey, Konn." Suika waves. "Long time no see! Ya still overly preachy 'bout the whole knight order thing?"
>"Suika..." her eyes narrow a bit, "It's been a long time... And if you must know, the order has been long disbanded. Has Old Hell been treating our kind well?"
>"Yea, it's pretty great down there. We even have electricity now."

>The disc girl is looking between the two oni, somewhat confused.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #99 on: December 09, 2016, 06:39:59 PM »
>"Yeah, it's complicated to explain."
>Look around.
>"So will you come with us ? Shingyoku are waiting outside."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #100 on: December 09, 2016, 06:48:57 PM »
>"Yeah, it's complicated to explain."
>Look around.
>"So will you come with us ? Shingyoku are waiting outside."
>Konngara looks at you, "Ah, I was wondering if they were concerned about me all these years... You can go back to them and tell them that I am alive and well, and perhaps that will ease their worries. I have no intention of leaving..."
>She looks back towards the shrine, as if listening for something, before returning her attention to you. "You are welcome to come inside while you're here, in the meantime. I'm sure I have some extra tea, or perhaps some other drinks, to go around."
>"Got any sake?" Suika asks.
>"Of course. Though I don't drink it often."
>"Ah, so you're still a weirdo."
>"And you haven't changed either, I see."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #101 on: December 09, 2016, 06:52:11 PM »
>"Well even onis must have exceptions regarding drinking i guess."
>"Okay, we will tell her, so what about you Miss ?"
>Turn to the disc woman.
>"Are you okay ? You seem to be damaged on the bad..."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #102 on: December 09, 2016, 06:58:27 PM »
>"Well even onis must have exceptions regarding drinking i guess."
>"But not drinking is so... Un-oni-like!" Suika complains.

>"Okay, we will tell her, so what about you Miss ?"
>Turn to the disc woman.
>"Are you okay ? You seem to be damaged on the bad..."
>"I'm fine..." the disc girl replies, "The damage was caused by a young shrine maiden a long time ago... I was trying to protect Konngara-sensei, you see... and well, I took a nasty hit..."
>"Unfortunately, that's when Jigoku started to become unstable..." Konngara frowns, before turning around, "I need to check on someone inside, we can talk more in there if you wish..."
>"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going see how wimpy Konngara's sake is." Suika jumps off your shoulder and begins following Konngara


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #103 on: December 09, 2016, 07:02:38 PM »
>"Okay then, maybe they can tell us something helpful about Sumireko and Matenshi."
>Follow that Mini-oni !
>"A young shrine maiden ? Did she wear an white and red outfit and have dark hair ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #104 on: December 09, 2016, 07:04:33 PM »
>"Okay then, maybe they can tell us something helpful about Sumireko and Matenshi."
>Follow that Mini-oni !
>"A young shrine maiden ? Did she wear an white and red outfit and have dark hair ?"
>You start following Suika, talking to the disc as you pass her.
>"No, she had purple hair... But she did wear red and white."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #105 on: December 09, 2016, 07:06:28 PM »
>"Did she have "Hakurei" on her name ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #106 on: December 09, 2016, 07:08:51 PM »
>"Did she have "Hakurei" on her name ?"
>You stop following Suika when it become apparent that the disc isn't coming with the group. And turn around to continue the conversation
>she shrugs, "I never learned her name... I was more concerned about stopping her from hurting Konngara-sensei."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #107 on: December 09, 2016, 07:09:43 PM »
>"Why did she even try to ? Was an incident happening ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #108 on: December 09, 2016, 07:10:44 PM »
>"Why did she even try to ? Was an incident happening ?"
>"Incident?" she tilts her head.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #109 on: December 09, 2016, 07:11:59 PM »
>"Yeah, Gensokyo seems to suffer a lot of incidents about people threatening balance or something."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #110 on: December 09, 2016, 07:17:14 PM »
>"Yeah, Gensokyo seems to suffer a lot of incidents about people threatening balance or something."
>"Oh... I see... Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a very long time..."
>"Oi! Ya comin' or not?" you hear Suika yell.
>"If you're heading inside, then you should go..." the disc girl says, "Don't keep your friends waiting because of me..."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2016, 07:25:29 PM »
>"Okay, it's sad you have to stay there..."
>Head with Suika with a slightly sad face.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #112 on: December 09, 2016, 07:36:34 PM »
>"Okay, it's sad you have to stay there..."
>Head with Suika with a slightly sad face.
>"It's fine, I've grown used to it."
>You head to Suika and the rest of your group with a frown before heading inside.
>You notice a woman with purple hair lying on a futon, Konngara is speaking with her.
>"-are a strong fighter, Meira. I did not spend every moment since the accident caring for you just to have you lose hope like this. Just keep holding on and you will find a way to move forward. Now, speaking of hope, I heard the way out is open, when you regain your strength, you could go back home if you wish..."
>"...What's the point...?" the woman says, unmoving, "So much would have changed since then... Not to mention I wouldn't know where to go... And as if I will ever regain my strength, we both know for a fact it's pointless, and that I'll never be able to use my legs again. Now please, Konngara, I just wish to be left alone."
>"...As you wish..."

>Konngara steps away with a concerned expression, before noticing you.
>She silently gestures to a doorway.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #113 on: December 09, 2016, 07:39:31 PM »
>Nod silently and follow her to said doorway.
>"So... she lost movement on her legs ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #114 on: December 09, 2016, 07:49:10 PM »
>Nod silently and follow her to said doorway.
>"So... she lost movement on her legs ?"
>You do so.
>Konngara nods sadly as you enter the room, "A lot of her memories as well... It's quite unfortunate"
>"What happened to her?" Renko asks.
>"She came here a long time ago to challenge me to a duel. She wished to become stronger. I accepted, and then Kikuri noticed us fighting... She panicked, thinking Meira was trying to kill me, and responded by shooting her in the back with a focused blast. When she next woke up, she had lost all feeling in her legs, and couldn't remember much about herself other than her name, and that she was an accomplished samurai... That same day, the damage Kikuri, or rather, the artifact she's sealed in, sustained all those years ago finally took its toll, and the resulting earthquake caused the entrance of Jigoku to collapse."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #115 on: December 09, 2016, 07:56:38 PM »
>"I see..."
>Look worried, but perk up a bit.
>"You know... my sister also had something similar happen to her, her right arm was injured badly, and every time she tried to close it it was extremely painful, but we managed to heal it, so i wonder if we can heal her legs too..."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #116 on: December 09, 2016, 08:00:20 PM »
>"I see..."
>Look worried, but perk up a bit.
>"You know... my sister also had something similar happen to her, her right arm was injured badly, and every time she tried to close it it was extremely painful, but we managed to heal it, so i wonder if we can heal her legs too..."
>"If you could manage to do that, it would probably make Meira a lot happier... Though, she'd still have to recover her memories..."
>Konngara looks out a window, where you can see the disc girl, whom she called Kikuri, still floating there, seemingly waiting for something.
>Suika hops up on top of an old table in the center of the room.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #117 on: December 09, 2016, 08:03:54 PM »
>"And what about her ? Kikuri right ? Why is is merged with that thing ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #118 on: December 09, 2016, 08:13:09 PM »
>"And what about her ? Kikuri right ? Why is is merged with that thing ?"
>"She was one of my students. I was training her and one other to become part of my order, the Astral Knights. The artifact she's merged with, the Hellmoon, is what keeps Jigoku stable, and is the source of light down here. She became one with it in an unfortunate accident, and attempts to release her without damaging the Hellmoon failed, since the Hellmoon works by absorbing ambient light and emitting its own, unique light. And since Kikuri is a Youkai of Light, the Hellmoon acts like a perfect trap...My other student did not take these facts well..."
>She gestures to the table, "Let's have a seat, it'll be more comfortable than standing around..."


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III - Part 3
« Reply #119 on: December 09, 2016, 08:14:55 PM »
>Nod and sit down.
>"How so ? Please explain it some more."