Author Topic: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)  (Read 47106 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2009, 06:35:57 AM »
Nwabudike Morgan

The CEO of Martian Foundaries. A man of great power and influence. He has lead Martian Foundaries in a period economic expansion. Despite this, he's actually more noted for his witty lines. below is an example.

Nwabudike Morgan

The CEO of Martian Foundaries. A man of great power and influence.

Nwabudike Morgan

The CEO of Martian Foundaries.





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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2009, 04:30:07 PM »
Name: Elise Kalinin

Call sign: Alchemist

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Strength: An affinity for piloting

Weakness: Very cryptic and doesn't socialise well with others.  Is generally unable to act under pressure without orders and tends to place too much faith in her supposedly prophetic dreams (whether they are is questionable).

Home: Formerly the Io foundries in the United Republics of Jupiter.  Currently the Gensokyo colony ship.

Visual Description: Has brown hair and eyes, and a rather average build.  She prefers to wear white shirts and knee-length skirts of colours varying from the ordinary to the downright bizarre and preferrably a different colour every day.  Wears her old URJ uniform when on duty.

Personality: Outside of battle Elise is cryptic and strange.  She is capable of having normal conversations but often seems to be in a world of her own, embellishing her speech with old Terran allegories and references to strange legends that no one should really know.  She loves wordplay and will verbally fence with anyone whom she perceives as challenging her even if she ends up losing.  She also believes that her dreams are prophetic and devotes at least an hour of every day recording and interpreting them so that they might benefit people.  On the other hand, Elise doesn't seem to realise that people might not want to be told when they are going to die especially if there is no proof or the prophecy turns out to be absolutely false.

In battle she is the perfect soldier.  Elise is absolutely loyal to whoever her commanding officer is and never questions orders once they are given.  Her biggest problem is her inability to function under pressure without orders.  Without them she becomes confused and reverts to her (not-so-finely-honed) instincts, typically acting on the last order that she was given.  Also, she is not too bright when it comes to seeing through certain deceptions and more than one friendly fire incident has resulted from people impersonating her immediate superior as a prank.

Partners: Gengetu, Mugetu

Co-pilot: Gengetu, Mugetu

Analyst: Gengetu

Engineer: Mugetu

History/Background: Elise grew up among the foundry workers on Io where she immersed herself in as many of the technical aspects of shipbuilding and mech design as she possibly could.  She always told people she wanted to become a head designer one day and design the most powerful robots the galaxy had ever seen, but she was generally laughed at by her peers.  She picked up the nickname Alchemist during this time for her lofty ambitions, after the people from ancient times who burned their lives out on absurd attempts to transmute lead into gold.  In other words, it was a nickname for people who chase impossible dreams.

While there was nothing wrong with them per se, everyone knew that Elise did not have the vision or eye for detail necessary to become a skilled designer.  She lacked initiative and could not think for herself under the immense pressure that designers were often under, whether it was to streamline the production system for a military grade mech or to complete a commissioned design from an exacting client.

The knowledge she gained did not help her become a good designer but it did help her become a good pilot.  Elise spent a lot of time illegally accessing the military simulators when she thought no one was looking and felt an empathy for the machines that could not be explained with mere words.  When she suddenly changed her mind and decided to become a pilot she was dismissed once again as a dreamer.  She took this second rejection even harder than the first and became increasingly withdrawn, no longer taking the same pride and joy in her work.  She did, however, redouble her efforts and became a model foundry worker by the age of 17.  What she did not know was that she was not so clever when it came to breaking into the military training simulators and all her data had been recorded by the URJ armed forces, who headhunted her when she came of age.

Using her knowledge of the URJ machines' technical limits she was able to push the mechs ever so slightly beyond what they were theoretically capable of and sometimes this made all the difference.  However, her superiors were constantly frustrated by her inability to take the initiative or command units and doubly so by the fact that she did not relate to the other pilots at all.  In their eyes she was a loose cannon and a liability they could ill afford.  Then, one day, she was simply gone.  Commandeering a mech, she left Jupiter space and headed off in search of the colony ship Gensokyo, never to be seen again...

Fun Facts (optional): Gengetu and Mugetu act more like familiars or attendants to Elise than the working relationship that most other pilots have with their partners.  They act as extensions of her will but at the same time try to keep her from getting into too much trouble, commenting that they do not know how she survived all this time without them.

Additional Information/Background/History:
Although it seemed like random chance or insanity that Elise deserted the military, she had been specifically requested by the intelligence branch for her pliable mind.  They needed an agent who would not realise that she was a spy and thus would not be subject to any sort of suspicion and be unable to reveal anything when interrogated.  Knowing of her tendency to treat particularly vivid dreams as prophetic, they inserted subliminal suggestions encouraging her to flee and seek out Gensokyo, becoming their ally and, when the conditioning activated, pass on information back to the homeworld.

Thus she was found drifting in space near the last known coordinates of the colony ship and was rescued on the brink of death.  Once she swore loyalty to Gensokyo she was introduced to her new partners, the twin sisters of the dream realm.  They presented her with a mana core whose energies were tied to that realm and which warped the mech she had stolen to get to the colony ship, enhancing it beyond a mere mass production model into the nightmarish Faust.

Also, describe your startup mech: It is humanoid in shape only.  Whatever model of mech the Faust originally was is lost under a maze of metallic threads and wires that coil together to form an approximation of muscle and bone that is surprisingly strong.  The network of armour gives the Faust a skeletal appearance with skull faces decorating the forearm guards, pauldrons and shin guards.  Thanks to the...unique...mutations brought about by the installation of a Mana Core the machine has gained a form of self-repair system that allows it to recover from extensive damage across its entire body, given enough time.  Combined with its penchant for close range combat and the numerous gun ports concealed among the "bones" of its body, the Faust truly is a machine born of the most beautiful dreams...and the most terrible nightmares.

Mech Name: Faust

Mecha Type: Heavy

Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand: Solid Katana [2WP] (Author's note: Oh god, what have I done...?  Oh screw it, Katanas Are Just Better.)
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm: "Raigoue" Laser Submachine Gun [1WP]
Left Arm: "Raigoue" Laser Submachine Gun [1WP]
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Backpack: Alchemical Drive High Powered Booster [2WP]
Chest: Self-repair System (Comprehensive) [3WP]
Head: "Raigoue" Laser Submachine Gun [1WP] (in a concealed gun port in the "mouth" area)
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

WP Pool: 1

Extra Background Materials
[a short burst of static opens the recording]

"This court is hereby called to order.  Bring forth the accused."


"State your name."

"Victoria Kyme.  Lieutenant First Class.  A-032588."

"Lieutenant Kyme, you stand accused of desertion and cowardice in the face of the enemy.  You have been brought before us today that we might determine your guilt or innocence.  How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

"Very well.  We have read your after-action report and, taking into account both the standard symptoms of combat fatigue, subsequent psychic injury, and battle data taken from your unit, we have decided that your account of the situation was altered by extenuating circumstances.  Therefore we will permit you to submit a new account, in a state of sound mind.  Tell us now why you chose to flee the engagement area in direct violation of your orders."

"My squad and I were on routine patrol through Sector C-2.  Our short-range scans detected an unidentified unit coming towards us at speed.  The unit did not respond to our hails but the speed of its movements was consistent with a mid to heavy frame using a boost drive.  Approximately 7 seconds later the unit responded with an auditory only communique, no visuals. only a single message."

[subject's composure falters.  31% increase in abnormal brain activity.]

"What was this message, Lieutenant?"

"'Dark...the world of endless one will hear your screams.'  There was laughter and then nothing."

"Commlogs taken from the retrieved units have recorded no such message and this was not mentioned in your report.  Omissions or fabrication of vital information from after action reports are a breach of military code article 17."

"Damnit, you think I don't know that?!  I know the regs but what do you think would happen if I had?  Huh?  Recommendation for psychiatric evaluation followed by a quiet retirement in a 4x4 white room?  Or maybe on the off chance that someone believed me it would be an operating table as fresh meat for Project IRIS!"

"That project does not exist, Lieutenant.  Please restrict these proceedings to known facts."

"With all due respect sirs, there are things out there you couldn't begin to comprehend.  When I looked into the eyes of that unidentified unit I saw...I saw..."

[subject hesitates, apparently unable to continue speaking]

"What did you see, Lieutenant?"

"The face of death."

[The questioning continues for several hours and features repeated and varied reference to nightmares given form, or to skeletons and other images of death.]

"I think we have heard enough.  We find the Lieutenant guilty on all counts.  You are hereby sentenced to death by firing squad.  Sentence is noted as at 2345 hours and will be carried out at 0500 hours.  As of this moment, Lieutenant, you no longer exist.  This court is adjourned.

- Transcript / Court Martial / Lieutenant Victoria Kyme / A-032588

[Addendum: Of all the subjects that came into direct contact with codename Faust, this is the only one that proved impossible for us to secretly retrieve.  Nonetheless, the data gathered by a live subject is of utmost value to Project IRIS and must be recovered at all costs.  Delay the execution, pull as many strings as you have to.  We need her alive.]
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 02:03:06 PM by Rabbit »
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2009, 05:49:42 PM »
...And so my horrific plan comes into play.  Once again, I'll probably edit this later, although this is far more complete than Nate's profile...

Name: Remilia Scarlet Rouge Diablo

Call sign: Tepes

Gender: Female

Age: Over 500 Unknown.  Looks far too young to be a mecha pilot, let alone an ace.

Theme: Septette for the Dead Princess

Strength/Weakness: As these should both be pretty obvious, I'll leave this blank for now, unless anyone really has a problem with it.

Home: Mars colony

Visual Description: Has the bodily proportions of the average ten year old girl.  She has short, light blue hair and red eyes (although not many people know this due to them being hidden behind her mask).  From her back sprouts a pair of leathery wings, and her canine teeth seem to be longer than they should be.  Her uniform, which includes some kind of mask and helmet combo, looks strangely familiar...

Personality: [See Strength/Weakness]

Partners: Sakuya Izayoi
Co-pilot/Engineer: Sakuya
Analyst: "Analyst!?  Bah!  Do I look like I need someone telling me what to do all the time!?"

History/Background: The life and times of the Scarlet Devil before the launch of Gensokyo colony are well known, and so shall not be repeated here.  At some point during the time between Gensokyo being launched and the present day, Remilia fell into disagreement with Yukari, among others.  As to what the disagreement was, no-one knows, but it caused her to leave the colony with her ever-faithful servant Sakuya and seemingly disappear. However, at the same time she disappeared, an ace Martian pilot who always wore a mask appeared, who referred to herself as "Rouge Diablo"...

As though fate itself was on her side, Rouge quickly rose through the ranks of the MDF.  Her relentless fighting style and superb tactical knowledge led to her becoming feared by the enemies of Mars, and respected (and feared) by the Martians themselves.  Most notably, this has led to her being known as "The Terror of Phobos" by enemies and allies alike.

Fun Facts (optional):
*It is very, very, VERY obvious to anyone from Gensokyo that "Rouge Diablo" is, in fact, Remilia Scarlet, the infamous Scarlet Devil.  However, if anyone brings up this point she will vehemently deny it, no matter how much evidence pointing to her true identity is brought up.

*Chances are you've probably heard of The Terror of Phobos.  Whether or not you know that she's actually a little girl would depend on whether you're a member of the MDF or not, really.

Additional Information/Background/History: (add history and other details as you go along)

Mech Name: Bathory
Mecha Type: Heavy

Originally just a generic MFD heavy mecha, the Bathory has been heavily customised by Remi- Er, Rouge, to the point that it's barely recognisable.

Right Hand: Medium Energy Melee Armament - Gungnir MK II beam lance (2 points)
Left Hand: Medium Solid Melee Armament - Razor whip (2 points)
Holstered Right Hand: (holster on hips or back)
Holstered Left Hand: (holster on hips or back)
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Backpack: Medium Support Equipment - High-powered boosters (2 points)
Chest: Heavy Support Equipment - Radar stealth (3 points)
Head: Light Solid Ranged Armament - Submachineguns (1 point)
Left Leg:
Right Leg:
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2009, 08:35:02 PM »
Because we need one. Most of our discussions take place on the WuftD chatroom at the moment, though we may have to move elsewhere soon as it often derails actual WuftD discussion.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2009, 08:57:12 PM »
That chat can be two things. Less windows = more better.   =[

Also, given how confused the situation seems to be, a crude MS Paint map might be in order.


03/09/2009 22:02:15 ?Anthony? and MTG, for being an awesome, I nominate him for at least 2WP
03/09/2009 22:02:18 ?It's Purvis!? *I would argue you could get one for getting things rolling*
03/09/2009 22:02:20 ?Anthony? anyone agree?
03/09/2009 22:02:27 ?Anthony? well, at least 1WP
03/09/2009 22:02:28 ?Jan? At least 1, if not 2.
03/09/2009 22:02:34 ?Anthony? he does sorta diserve it
03/09/2009 22:02:52 ?It's Purvis!? *Yeah, I am down with MTG getting +2 for starting things out*
03/09/2009 22:02:56 ?Anthony? anyone else agrees?
03/09/2009 22:02:59 ?Etch? ok, so a total of 2 WP
03/09/2009 22:03:00 ?Tilde Moe~? Mmmm, yes.
03/09/2009 22:03:00 ?Jan? Not "sorta," though. More like "For sure."
03/09/2009 22:03:06 ?Anthony? yea I should have said that
03/09/2009 22:03:14 ?Anthony? so MTG gets 2 more WP
03/09/2009 22:03:45 ?Jan? 2WP!
03/09/2009 22:04:55 ?It's Purvis!? *Ima post this in the discussion thread; so it doesn't look like MTG is just giving himself points*
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 09:06:14 PM by Dr. Purjewry M.F.D. »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2009, 09:06:59 PM »
I guess I can work on that.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2009, 09:08:13 PM »
Right, so after discussing with the other GMs, WP has been awarded as follows:

Everyone who has posted at least once so far receives 1 WP.

Anathe receives 1 extra WP for the well done profile + her post.

Etch and Theorist receive 2 WP each + the 1 WP for their posts.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #37 on: September 03, 2009, 09:23:08 PM »
Just to note:

From now on you can put forward motions for certain GMs or players to receive WP. If at least 3 people vote in favour of this then it will be passed. Btw, this is the only way for GMs to receive WP so you scratch our backs, we scratch yours. Deal?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #38 on: September 03, 2009, 09:27:27 PM »
Theorist is a son of a bitch and I'd happily kick him off the side of a bridge just to watch him fall.

But he deserves some props for Rouge. I'm voting a bonus WP there.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2009, 04:14:26 AM »
Announcement: The Registration THread doubles as a Profile thread temporarily.

In lieu of a Aces Thread, which dictates enemy Aces players shall face against, Ace profiles shall go here. Aces can be alone, or you can talk about squadrons which use the same load-out for each Frame. Aces have 12 WP to use, no more than that.

NOTE: Please show if this is an ace by putting ACE at the top of the profile. Partners are unavailable, unless there is a very good reason, Like remi-- Rouge Diablo.

expect more aces later.


Name: Aria Ugetsi
Theme Song: Lonely Rolling Star
Call sign: New Moon
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Strength: Strong-willed, and has incredible reflexes from conditioning.
Weakness: fragile heart, which is why Forte is a prefered target of this ace.
Home: LC Carrier Dao Sutai
Visual Description: 5'7". Pink hair. Fair skin. Her slender body belays her inner strength
Personality: Generally a Cheery person, but her happiness is used to cover her sorrow. May come off as yandere at times.

History/Background: Aria was born in the Lunar Capital. Her parents were former officers in the LC military. Aria joined the military and followed their footsteps. Although, this decision was also made partly because her childhood friend and crush, Forte Zokuranu, joined the military. When Forte joined the Ravager squadron, he was separated from the regular army for special training.

At the same time, Aria was recruited by the LC Research Group. Aria was made into a test pilot for new Frames. Her most recent machine is the X-LSM 04 Dancing Whirlwind. The X-LSM 04 Dancing Whirlwind was cleared for field testing and it became Aria's machine. She left the research group and became a regular pilot again.

Fun Facts: Had dated Forte early in her military career. Due to an unknown reason, hey broke up, and Aria has been trying to get Forte back. At all cost.

Mech Name: X-LSM 04 Dancing Whirlwind

-an experimental Frame, it makes use of experimental Plasma Hands. These hands are avle to grip Plamsa Streams as though they were a sword. It is an incredibly light frame, built to test the effectiveness of Plasma Hands. As it stands, the Dancing Whirlwind is the only mech of its kind that can do so.

Mecha Type: Light


Right Hand: Plasma Hand
Left Hand: Plasma Hand
-When not activated, the hand works like any other hand used on mechas. Plasma is released, forming a protective glove around the hand. While it is mainly used to control the LRPS, it also doubles as a weapon of it's own. Gundam nuts on the research have related it to the Burning finger, only in that it is bright and engulfs the hand, yet insist the original was far more awesome

Right Arm: Warhound Laser Gun (1 WP)
Left Arm: Warhound Laser Gun (1 WP)
- Basically a laser pistol hidden in the arms.

Backpack: LRPS (5 WP)
- The Lunar Rotary Plasma Sword, or LRPS (sometimes called larps), is a basically large Plasma sword. The main housing is reminicent of archaic rotary blades used for helecopters. A large housing holsters the LRPS. When holstered, the larger housing can move above and in front of the Whirlwind and rotate the LRPS while the plasma blades are acivated. With a total of 8 plasma blades, the weapon is fierce indeed. It can only be safely used in conjunction with the Plasma hands.

Head: Deep Scan Radar System (1 WP)
Left Leg: improved light thrusters (1 WP)
Right Leg: improved light thrusters (1 WP)

12/12 used
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 01:22:54 AM by エッチ =スケッチ »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2009, 06:12:36 AM »
It wouldn't be hard to rename the thread and discreetly remove unwanted posts, if you'd like this to be the permanent profiles thread.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2009, 06:34:26 AM »
well MTG made the thread, so we need to have him do that.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2009, 06:37:26 AM »
Purvis could do it too; he's in the Godmother user group that has moderator power in Unlimited Game Works.

However, I would wait for MtG and ask first, just in case.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2009, 06:49:02 AM »
Oh of course, that's why I haven't started on it already.

If the GMs want it that way, then so be it.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2009, 08:42:26 AM »
Fff. Kind of want to do this but don't really have time during the week. How often do you have to post to keep up with this sort of game?


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #45 on: September 04, 2009, 11:30:06 AM »
Fff. Kind of want to do this but don't really have time during the week. How often do you have to post to keep up with this sort of game?

It's up to you, really. Even if you don't post too often other players may move your character along, at least enough so that they don't fall into obscurity. Besides, you can post short sequences like what Trance did and interact with other players to keep yourself tightly involved with the plot. That doesn't take 10 minutes to do.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2009, 02:36:17 PM »
The general rule of thumb for a board RP is you should be willing to make a post a day.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #47 on: September 04, 2009, 03:34:55 PM »
Ehh I better put it off for now. Once I get an apartment closer to my job I'll have more free time.

I work ten hours shifts and I spend four hours a day driving because it's 90 miles away :V

Anyway, my intention is to take Rika and Rikako as my support team. Unfortunately Alice took Yumemi so I cannot complete the PC-98 SCIENCE trifecta, so I'll see who's still available for my co-pilot when I get to that point.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 03:51:09 PM by Stuffman »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #48 on: September 04, 2009, 07:03:26 PM »
Name: Zou Yamato Daihitenryoku
Call sign: Rai
Gender: Male
Age: 25
A cunning, sharp mind, highly adept at tactics and strategy.
Well educated and intelligent.
One of Terra's best ace pilots.
Charismatic. Command the respect and loyalty of his subordinates.   

Gets overly passionate at times and lets his emotions get the better of him. Quick to anger.
Very much caught up with ideas of destiny and fate. Very much believes that his heritage and ancestry makes him the human race's chosen one.

Homebase: Terran Zero ARCs Cruiser, the Arcus Prima
Visual Description:
Partners: (Your in-game partners)

Leader of the Terran Rapid Reaction Special Forces, the  ARCs (Assault Recon Corps), and captain of the Zero ARCs. He was a Terran Noble and heir to one of the TMC's many directors. As such, becoming a high-ranking officer within the TMC's space force was only a matter of time. However, he surprisingly earned his place quite well, displaying exceptional skills and talents quite unusual for one his age. He gets rather bitter whenever ignorants attribute the high rank he had acquired at such a young age to his social status. It wasn't long before he was given the task to form the Terran's most advanced special forces unit, the Zero ARCs. He gathered all the best and brightest together to form the unit which would later be known throughout the Solar System as Terra's Wrath.

History with Rem (not yet confirmed with player)
During Rem's final battle as a Terran soldier versus a Lunarian battalion protecting the Lunarian Cratios Research Facility, Zou was the officer in command of the mission. In a split second decision to rush the base while deflecting a flanking batallion, he decided to leave behind his vanguard unit, Rem's squadron, to act as a decoy while he led his own squad of 7 into the research facility. Unfortunately, he sorely overestimated his vanguard's capabilities and was soon after reprimanded and punished for losing an entire squadron needlessly.

Coincidentally, this battle was also Forte's last mission as a member of his Ravager unit, before its untimely disbanding.

History with Margaret (not yet confirmed with player)
Margaret had served under him as one of the squadron commanders of the elite Zero ARCs...that was until her sudden disappearance following a mission deep in URJ space. He risked quite a bit by stubbornly remaining in URJ space while combing the region for signs of his missing pilot...but to no avail. He would be quite surprised to encounter her later on...

History with Sean (not yet confirmed with player)
He was the pilot who shot down the mercenary Sean Alistaire. He was quite surprised when Sean resurfaced only a year later, alive and well. He believes there is some sort of fate tied in here somehere.

History with Forte
He had encountered Forte twice before. Once during the battle of Foxhorn when Forte downed on of his own. In a fit of rage, he engaged Forte, making use of what was then a prototype weapon, the bunker buster. However, the battle ended with an entire Terran destroyer destroyed and his own unit downed, having lost its prized bunker buster. He is still bitter about it until this day.

The second time was when he lead his ARCs unit deep into Lunarian territory to attack the Lunarian Cratios Research Lab. He finally managed to acquire his chance at revenge. With his new prototype Solar Frame, he managed to resoundingly defeat Forte and his Ravagers Unit. The Ravagers were never heard of on the battlefield ever again.

Forte survived, but his team was soon after disbanded. That encounter was to be his last as a Ravager.

History with Jan (not yet confirmed with player)
His Zero ARCs has engaged Jan's Dakka Brigade on a number of occasions. He was quick to recognize Jan as a fellow brigade leader and rival through their many encounters.

History with Trent
They have fought before, on foot, after Trent managed to down his Frame with his usual anti-frame footsoldier tactics. This was back when Zou was still a soldier-in-training, taking part in a real life skirmish for the first time. Zou survived the crash and went on to find Trent and they duked it out until the rest of Zou's team arrived, prompting Trent to make his escape. He remembers Trent as the first person to ever punch him in the face, something that even his father had never done.

History with Suwako
Secret for now....

Fun Facts (optional):
Additional Information/Background/History:

Mech Name: Spirit of Yamato
Mecha Type: Medium

Right Hand:
Medium Laser Ranged Armament 2 WP
Standard Zero ARCs XM-77 Pulse Assault Rifle

Left Hand:
Light Laser Ranged Armament
Standard Zero ARCs XM-21 Pulse Sub-Machinegun.

Holstered Right Hand:
Medium Solid/Laser Melee Armament 2 WP
Daihitenryoku Plasma Katana

Holstered Left Hand:
Medium Solid/Laser Melee Armament 2 WP
Dairairyoku Plasma Katana

Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Detached Independent Weapons System 5 WP
Yamato No Hikari - A huge, bulky plasma OVER-ED booster array, shaped into foldable wings, that doubles as a detached independent weapon system capable of acting as beam sabers and firing the fearsome BEAM SPAM (TM)

Left Leg:
Right Leg:

His Capital Class Ship, the Terran Zero ARCs Cruiser, the Arcus Prima
450m in length
Armoured with laminated armour plating, equipped with EM charge shields capable of deflecting light energy-based fire and magnetic field generators capable of deflecting light solid round fire.

"Apollo" Mk.71 225 cm dual high-energy beam cannon x 2
"Astral" Mk.8 110 cm linear frame cannon x 2
"Ignitus" positron blaster cannon x 4
"Stelvia" 75 mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS x 30
"Sledgehammer" anti-ship / "Korinthos" M114 surface-to-air / "Wombat" atmospheric missile launcher x 35
"Helldart" surface-to-air missile launcher x 20
XM47 "Tristan" dual beam cannon x 2

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #49 on: September 04, 2009, 10:24:25 PM »
Name: Albrec Wisehiet
Theme: Zero
Call sign: Blackout
Gender: male
Age: 34
Strength: a very capable pilot. Known as the "Shadow of Zin"
Weakness: cares little for others, sometimes going as far as using a fellow pilot as a shield.
Home: Cruiser Halifax/Asteroid belt
Visual Description: 6'3". Red Hair and somewhat muscular.
Personality: A bit of a bastard, so not many people like him.

History/Background: The right-hand man of the one known as Zin. Not much is known about him as there is as little information on him than there is on Zin. What has been speculated is that he is origionally from the URJ, as his frame suggests.

Mech Name: Twin Sun (Heavy)
-The Twin Sun is the only frame of it's kind amongst the Liberators of Eden as it is a Heavy Class mecha. It's basic frame is based off the Irukanji of the URJ. Despite being a heavy type, it is incredibly mobile, and a force to contend with.

Holstered Right Hand: Sword of Roukanken (WP 3)
-A massive weapon reminicient of the Scotish Claymore. A massive, solid weapon, it is able to slash other frames in half with great ease. It contributes the most to the overall weight of the Twin Sun

Right Arm:
Left Arm: Arita Shield (3 WP)
-A massive shield used to block solid projectiles. It is capable of stopping all but the most forcful of attacks

Backpack: Hermes thrusters (2 WP)
-The Hermes Thrusters were built specifically for the Twin Sun. They allow the Twin Sun to have incredibly maneurverability despite it's class as a heavy frame.

Chest: Gravitron Shield Generator (3 WP)
-The Gravitron Shield Generator emits an energy field that counters most energy attacks. When an energy bolt hits this field, the field weakens as energy is expended counteracting the energy bolt.

Head: Sun-Drop Light Energy cannon (1 WP)
-A Type of rapid-release cannon that utilizes capsules filled with energy. They explode upon contact with an enemy machine.

Cruiser Halifax- A light carrier used to hold a large number of frames. it is lightly armed to make way for the Basalisk cannon, a plasma gun meant for taking on much larger vessels. it is also outfitted with a stealth generator.

Stealth Generator x1
Heavy defense Lasers x20
Swarm Missle launcher x4
Basalisk Plasma cannon x1

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2009, 09:16:48 PM »
So a lot of us are sick of trying to guess where everybody is. So I made a map!

It is a bad map =[

The numbers of martians, Lunar Corps, and so on are not definite. I just put in dots to represent there were a lot of them.

I have tried to place people and things as well as I could, but a lot has been kind vague. In particular, I am not sure where Lunablade is at all, or what is going on above ground level. The terrain is extremely basic because all that's really been mentioned was the palace and a capital ship. I have no idea what's going on in space or really even in the air. I would like to know those things. =|

If you are not on the map, I don't know where you are or I forgot you because I suck. If I got you in the wrong place then I just suck. Tell me so I can fix it =|


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2009, 10:32:35 PM »
As the map will (hopefully) prove useful, me and Etch have decided to award Purvis yet another shiny, shiny WP~  Hooray for him!
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2009, 10:38:21 PM »
I intend to update it regularly.

The next one will probably be editted into this post.

What'd I say?

The Terran and Luna count is probably accurate, we're gonna say the Martian count is too, since they got decimated.

Trei getting shooted at, so is Bucket Force. Ophelia is being ignored; probabossibly unnoticed.

There's drama going on around Proto_MazinGetter and Jan-Mech, but as of right now I can't put too much data to it other than it is there.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 01:39:57 AM by Dr. Purjewry M.F.D. »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #53 on: September 06, 2009, 05:07:38 PM »

Squadron Name: 8492nd Squadron
-The 8492nd Squadron is an elite URJ force made up of the best pilot. Each pilot is a potential ace, and is commanded by the most capable of them.

Name: Commander Walter Grabect
Theme song: Fatal Fight
Call sign: Arch Angel
Age: 35
Gender: male
Strength: Has a tendency to survive a lot. An expert pilot
Weakness: Tends to care about his own ass rather than help his squadron members
Home base: 24th Ganamede Base
Visual description: 5'11" Deep blue hair. Has a scar on his left arm and almost always wear shades.
Personality: Extremely confident

History/background: Walter Grabect was a high-rank officer in the URJ army. When news of elite squads came to the ears of the military high command, the URJ promote Walter to commander of an elite squadron, the 8492nd squadron. His consistant survival record is not enough proof, however Walter is nearly untouched by enemy fire yet remains capable on the battlefield.

Mecha: Modified TSTM-47 Faulkner (medium)
- The 8492nd Squadron ultilizes modified TSTM-47 Faulkners. Unmodified TSTM-47 Faulkners are the staple frames used by the URJ military. This means that the Modified TSTM-47 Faulkners are relatively easy to maintain and replace while remaining high-performance machines.

Right Hand: Progressive Sword, Switchblade Form / Ion Pistol (2 WP)
- The progessive sword is a weapon that can cut just about anything. It folds like a switchblade when not in use. A good comparison is the Exia's solid blades seen in Gundam 00. When retracted, it doubles as an ion pistol.

Left Hand: Hephestus Pattern Tri-Gattling Cannon (3 WP)
-The Tri-Gattling Cannon has taken the power of 3 gattling cannons and compacted it into the size of one cannon. The Hephestus is incredibly accurate and has decent range, however has a tendency to overheat.

Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left hand: 
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder: Hellion Torpedo Launcher (3 WP)
Left Shoulder: Hellion Torpedo Launcher (3 WP)
-The Hellion Torpedo Launcher works much like most Spread-missle systems. Instead of missles, more powerful torpedos are used. The Hellion Torpedos are slower than regular missles, and are generally used against very heavily armored mechas and capital ships. 

Backpack: Improved light thrusters (1 WP)
Right Leg:
Left Leg:


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2009, 02:12:46 AM »
Now creating the Pie-Rats of the Curry-bean, a new faction made up entirely of FAIRIES.

Faction History:
The undisputed Strongest faction of the Solar War, the Pie-Rats are a group of salvagers/junkers/pirates/jill-of-all-trades/pesky pain in the buttocks.

Their ship:

Name: The Oberon (named after the King of Fairies from Midsummer Night's Dream)
Unit type: Modified Salvage Cruiser
Manufacturer: Kawashiro Heavy Industries
Dimensions: overall length 290 meters
Propulsion: Dual Mana-Core Drive linked to 8 Ion-Drives
Equipment and design features:
Fixed armaments: 8x Manipulator Claws, 2 x "Tytania" Mk 71 225cm high-energy beam gun; 42 x "Puck" 75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS; 2 x "Fairytale" positron blaster gun; 68 x ship-to-ship missile launcher; 68 x anti-air missile launcher.
Also features the words 'pie-rats of the curry-bean' sprayed out across the hull in bad hand-writing.

Pie-Rats of the Curry-Bean 9th Light-Wing Brigade.


Name: N?rrin Dummkopf
Call sign: Blue Comet AKA the Strongest
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown. Seems rather young, however.
Strength: She is the STRONGEST. Period.
Weakness: NONE whatsoever, because she is the STRONGEST. She is a ⑨ !
Home: The Oberon
Visual Description: Wears a blue and silver least officially. However, she often appears wearing entirely wrong masks, anything ranging from Pikachu masks to welding masks.
Personality: She is a GENIUS. She is also THE STRONGEST.
Co-pilot: Daiyousei
Analyst: Eye am THE STRONGEST! The Strong don't need weak things like animalists!
Engineer: Daiyousei ("Daiyousei! It doesn't work, so it's broken! Fix it!")
Gunner: Misty Stargazer

Fun Facts :
Additional Information/Background/History:

Mech Name: X9-X Fairlion Perfect Freeze
Mecha Type: Light
Right Hand: 
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Name: Misty Stargazer
Call sign: Starchaser
Gender: Female
Age: About 199, quite young for a fairy.
Visual Description: 
Knight: Cirno
Engineer: Daiyousei
Gunner/Linker: Misty Stargazer

Other members of the Brigade:

Mech Name: X9-A Fairlion "Moonlight"
Mecha Type: Light
Knight: Sunny Milk
Linker: Luna Child
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Chest: Optical Fairy Cloaking Unit
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Mech Name: X9-B Fairlion
Mecha Type: Light
Knight: Star Sapphire
Linker: Lily White
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Chest: Optical Fairy Cloaking Unit
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Mech Name: X9-C Fairlion "Black-Gust"
Mecha Type: Light
Knight: Lily Black
Linker: Tokiko
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Chest: Optical Fairy Cloaking Unit
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Mech Name: X9-Z Fairlion "Hoper"
Mecha Type: Light
Knight: Yi Hua
Linker: Daiyousei
Right Hand: Assault Blade x1 (Can be switched into a more powerful Lion King Blade) 2WP
Left Hand: Assault Rail Gun x1 3WP
Holstered Right Hand: Assault Machine Gun x1 2WP
Holstered Left Hand: None
Right Arm: None
Left Arm: None
Right Shoulder & Left Shoulder: Sonic Breaker x1
Backpack: Standard Tesla Drive
Chest: Beam Launcher x 1 3 WP
Head: Standard Broadcaster used to build commutations between mechas
Left Leg: None
Right Leg: A.T.A Trigger (Ash to Ash, basically means self destruction)

Other Anonymous Fairies

Type: Light
Unit type: mass production armored module
Height: 18.9 meters
Weight: 30.4 metric tons
Equipment: Tesla drive, boost drive, ASRS
Armament: autocannon x 2, assault blade x 1, burst railgun x 1, break field

Type: Heavy
Unit type: prototype armored module
Height: 20.2 meters
Weight: 38.0 metric tons
Equipment: twin Tesla drive, boost drive
Armament: assault blade x 1, autocannon x 2, burst railgun x 1, missiles, break field

Type: Very Heavy
Unit type: mass production armored module
Height: 23.6 meters
Weight: 40.7 metric tons
Equipment: Tesla drive, ASRS, boost drive
Armament: missile x 20, beam cannon x 2, big head railgun x 1
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 09:05:56 PM by Mind-The-Grue »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2009, 06:46:56 PM »
I am claiming Kaguya and your can't stop me.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2009, 08:40:23 PM »

"No matter how fierce and scary you may be, you will all collapse under the pressure of Future and Nature! Oops, maybe these two words are not compatible, But whatever..."

Picture: N/A
Name: GA-13 "Besta" Yi Hui (宜惠)
Theme (Normal): F-M-L by RANDO. Click on the play button
Theme (Breakout): Brass Sincerity From SRW OG2/S
Call sign: GA-13, or just "Besta"
Age: Appear as 9
Strength: Have a clear mind and outlook of things, have good data gathering abilities.
Weakness: Even though as a female, she always been mistaken to a boy because of her hairstyle and lifestyle, and she didn't care if this hurts her or other's feelings at all
Home: The Oberon
Visual Description: Tomboyish Female with greenish-sliver short hair, Her height is like a regular 9-year-old.
Personality:Cool headed but she will know when she will get serious. Much like her gene template but with more hot blood.
Partners: Narrin

As a new experimental rank instead of the GA-0xs, EFA starts to build Neo Genetic Altered Human who based on the previous GA Members plus a little twist. And GA-13 is the first group of them.

GA-13 are a merge of GA-01 Fairy Phoenix, GA-04 Hope Firefly(AKA Amarillo Viridian), and one of GA-04's former partners - Daiyousei from Gensokyo. Surprisingly, a fusion of Humans and Fairies get a nicer result than the lab people originally thought.

It seems she have gathered all the good parts of each species, She have high agility as of Fairies, but have a very clear thought that even most human cannot compare with.

So this experiment is obviously a success.

As a preparation of the coming mecha wars between EFA and XUN, she was sent into this Time-Frame for "training", However, even GA-01 herself cannot foresaw what this training will bring to this time frame.

As she have partly fairy blood in herself, she was assigned into the Fairy Squadron, and get very surprised to see how their leader, "Narrin" 's command skills and actual combat skills goes.

"Looks I finally have something to do." She thought.

Fun Facts :

Same as all other GA Members, she have an special ability.

Her ability is officially named by EFA Scientists as "Telepathic Healing", which can heal all mental and physical damage of one. However, this ability proves little effects on Humans but works great for the fairies, which is not that useful seeing what their original traits are... This ability is a result of merging of Fairy Phoenix and Amarillo Viridian's ability.

Additional Information/Background/History:

Have been get a mecha and thrown into the Fairy Squadron by Fairy Phoenix.

Startup Mecha:

Mecha Type: Light

Right Hand: Assault Blade x1 (Can be switched into a more powerful Lion King Blade)
Left Hand: Assault Rail Gun x1
Holstered Right Hand: Assault Machine Gun x1
Holstered Left Hand: None
Right Arm: None
Left Arm: None
Right Shoulder & Left Shoulder: Sonic Breaker x1
Backpack: None
Chest: Beam Launcher x 1
Head: Standard Broadcaster used to build commutations between mechas
Left Leg: None
Right Leg: A.T.A Trigger (Ash to Ash, basically means self destruction)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 09:09:55 PM by [TForce]nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2009, 07:55:30 AM »
Claiming Mokou, Suika, and Yuugi for Boss Borot plan

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2009, 08:07:27 AM »
Theorin and I are claiming the Prismrivers for a plan. You will all like the plan, we promise.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


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    • himegimi
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2009, 08:54:03 AM »

Name: Serena Arcklight

Call Sign: Omnibus

Theme: Careless Breath (ShortVer, look up the song for a full version)

Gender: Female

Age: 33, but through experimentation looks 19

Strength: Extremely knowledgeable in many medical arts and well-versed in anatomy and other aspects of the human body, Serena can use this to her advantage. She can quickly treat wounds, and she can conduct all manners of enhancing experiments (though how ethic that is, no one really knows). She's also extremely persistent and it's hard to dissuade her from a certain goal, though at times this hard-headedness is also a pretty big liability on her side of things. She can also be quite irrational at times, acting seemingly "out of character." She's also an expert engineer and a decent pilot.

Weakness: Serena's fixation on her pet project assigned to her by Rem's parents, that is, the exterior enhancement of Rem, has caused her to grow lustful towards Rem, and this kind of affects her brain as she no longer follows that and instead trusts her emotions and heart. As we know, this is not always a good thing when you're in the battlefield fighting a war. She's also quite a picky person.

Home: Unknown

Visual Description: A well-endowed woman, Serena has allowed her body to undergo several changes as testing for the project she was doing unto Rem, and has been a success so far. Serena looks much like a nineteen year-old, and stands at around five foot nine, not including her high heels... sometimes stilettos. Well, not when she's piloting a Frame, of course! Serena's hair is short, but at the ends, they curl. Serena's hair is dark green in color and her eyes look rather alluring and captivating. It's hard to avert your eyes from Serena once you see her. Despite her looks, she actually can defend herself in a fistfight and is capable of using firearms. It doesn't get any clearer than that.

Personality: Serena is quite solemn when she is at her most polite, and tends to be quite accommodating towards those she regards as friends, and even enemies; she firmly believes in the maxim of "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." However, she tends to go obsessive to an extreme with regards to things she has a fixation on, and as a result her calm composure is destroyed and she tends to become a totally different person personality-wise. She doesn't become berserk, as her manner of speak still remains the same, it is rather the manner in which she carries herself and delivers herself that changes. Serena's not a bitch at all, it is merely just her fixations getting the better of her.

History/Background: Serena Arcklight is the Head Scientist in charge of the exterior enhancement program that Rem's parents assigned to her. Serena herself was born to a pair of scientists in love with each other. They left their Terran posts because it seemed like the consummation of love was shunned. As a result, they were hunted down and killed for reasons unknown to Serena. It seemed like Serena was old enough at the time as the TMC took Serena for themselves and educated her in things she didn't already know in the medical department, and thus she became a scientist to help in Research and Development for enhancement of pilot performance. In actuality, Serena always wanted to become a mech pilot instead of a scientist. In secret, she learned engineering from a very close friend of her father's, and similarly learned how to pilot from the same person. Over the years, she became more and more knowledgeable and as a result she became a lead scientist. It was during this time she started on her first project - a specially designed mech using technology from all over. She had many contacts during this time that she utilized as a result.

Halfway through the project, Rem Farsalina, who was to become a pilot later on in his life, was thrown at Serena and requested by his parents for exterior enhancement, so to speak. Serena was to be paid a huge sum of money as a result. After a long time, the project was deemed a success. Serena got her money, but then she never knew that Rem was thrown out afterwards. She never knew that Rem was going to be treated like a sex slave for the next few months. When she caught word of this, her creation was almost complete. She was going to rescue Rem. Even if he didn't need rescuing. She was going to do it.

Fun Facts: None for now

DPS Lavitage
A bulky, heavy mech that is a hodge-podge of all sorts of technologies which Serena gathered from her plethora of contacts. The Lavitage is designed to take heavy punishment and deal immense short-term damage at once before speeding off. It uses a different core between Solar Frames, giving it a unique energy that is akin to the Nachtmare's mana cores. It is unknown as to how Serena got a hold of such a technology, but this gives it many advantages over your run of the mill Solar Frame.

Mecha Type: Heavy

Right Hand:
Left Hand:

Holstered Right Hand:
Diffusal Blade
Medium Energy Melee Armaments [2WP]
An energy weapon developed with knowledge of both Lunarian and Martian technology in mind, it is designed to eat up energy of the cores of other Frames while dealing some semblance of damage at the same time. It is holstered for easy access to the right hand, as it flips forward like pressing the button on a switchblade.

Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:

Left Shoulder:
Burst Shotlaser Gun "DAGON Mk.5"
Medium Energy Ranged Armaments [2WP]
A laser gun hefted on the shoulder. It's not as powerful as a dedicated laser cannon, but it delivers a thin phaser burst that, when it hits its mark, causes intense burst damage at the target part of the opponent, and that damage leaks out to nearby mechs, foe or ally. It has a cooldown time to avoid overheating.

XEVIOUS Missiles
Heavy Solid Ranged Armaments [3WP]
A backpack that releases salvos of small missiles that fly in all directions. A very straight forward piece of weaponry, but it works very well and can cause massive amounts of damage if used properly. It seems to use a fusion of the ballistics of TMC and URJ technology.

Unique Equipment [5WP]
The FALZIS Core is very unique, as it powers the Lavitage somewhat differently than your typical Solar Frame cores. It is so useful it takes up 5 WP The FALZIS Core converts atmospheric energy as well as some air to some form of earthly energy that seems to resonate with a core from somewhere within... The vicinity. Something like the Earth's core. As a result, the Lavitage handles much better than a Solar Frame with a regular core. However, it's not as strong as the mana cores that go on the Nachtmares.

Left Leg:
Right Leg:

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