Author Topic: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)  (Read 59961 times)


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #60 on: September 08, 2009, 03:13:43 PM »
Claiming Reimu, Sanae, Koishi and Satori for at least a scene. And Aya for a new reporter duo.

Mech Name: KHI Kp-NM-EX001-R "Hisou Tenkou"
Mecha Type: Medium
Knight: Hakurei Reimu
Linker: Moriya Sanae
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Mech Name: KHI Kp-NM-EX002-R "Heartbreaker"
Mecha Type: Medium
Knight: Hakurei Reimu
Linker: Moriya Sanae
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Mech Name: KHI Kp-NM-EX011-R "Divine Wind"
Mecha Type: Light
Knight: Page Turner
Linker: Aya Syameimaru
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 04:56:40 PM by Mind-The-Grue »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2009, 03:24:57 PM »
Old Map

Nox Sophia has showed up, Incubus went chasing after the Martians, Ophelia had a rival show up, and MazinGetter has been born.

Bucket Force, Trie Noir, and Ophelia have done damage to the Terran and Luna forces. Unfortunately, they've also brough attention on themselves. Bucket Force has taken a fair deal of damage in the process.

Also, note that half-dots denote damaged units that are still able to fight with some effectiveness. Dots that have been erased are unable to fight, but may still be battlefield repairable.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 01:25:02 PM by Dr. Purjewry M.F.D. »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #62 on: September 08, 2009, 05:00:43 PM »
Name: Lazuras Nuguien
Theme: Fiend Battle
Call sign: Waxing Moon
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Strength: Rather quick reflexes
Weakness: Head-strong, prefering to charge headfirst into battle
Home: Unknown
Visual Description: Jet-Black hair. 6'0", Is always wearing shades and has an overcoat which he wears often
Personality: A bit head-strong, but he focuses on his duty.

History/Background: A noted Ace of the LC, he later became a test pilot for the R&D department. when Aria left to become a regular soldier, Lazuras took on the role as the main test pilot. His most recent machine is the X-LSM 15 Nightwing.

Fun Facts: Will always be there to pull Aria out of trouble for some reason.

Mecha: X-LSM 15 Nightwing

Right Shoulder: Frame Tractor Beam (2 WP)
- A small tractor beam meant for holding enemy machines in place to be destroyed by the Nightwing.

Backpack: Angalem Pattern Overthrusters (3 WP)
- An experimental Overthruster. A rather large device, the Angalem Pattern Thrusters are over half the size of the , it can even support the 7 Generals Weapon System.

Chest: 7 Generals Weapons System (5 WP)
- An Experimental weapom system. It works like a Detatch Independant weapons system in that weapons pods separate from the Nightwing. While most of the weapons pods are placed around the machine, the main control system is located in the chest area with the pilot.

The main feature about the 7 Generals is that it utilizes the Warp Sword, recently confirmed for field use. Boasting 7 of these new weapons, the Nightwing is capable of taking on multiple targets at once with the destuctive power of the warp blades. The Warp Sword works like an energy sword, but energy shields are rendered useless by the high output of the warp sword.

Head: Lunar Burst Cannon (2 WP)
- A cannon that rapidly fires energy capsules at the target. The capsule explode on contact. 


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #63 on: September 08, 2009, 08:14:36 PM »
Registering two new mechs for the upcoming Prismbuster Squadron.

Name: Layla Prismriver
Call sign: MEN'S BEER
Gender: Female
Age: ??
Strength: HOTBLOOD
Weakness: HOTBLOOD
Home: Amaterasu
Visual Description:
Personality: HOTBLOOD
Linker: Akyu

And so, for the Suwako-knows-how-many-eth time, the Prismrivers disbanded due to creative differences (READ: Lyrica's EMO, Lunasa's 'Just-as-PLANNED' schemes, and Merlin's INSANITY). They all went their separate ways. Lunasa bumped into Yuka just as she was walking away and the two weren't seen again for 3 whole months. Merlin just disappeared. Now, Lyrica...this is her story.

Lyrica, down on her luck, miserable, and downright depressed, finally ended up bunking with her sister, Layla, who, being a travelling solo musician at the time, was bunking herself at Akyu's place (much to Akyu's chagrin). It wasn't long before Lyrica delved deeper into depression before ending a hikkikomori/NEET.

In an attempt to get her out and about, Layla pushed her darling little sister on Mystia for a part-time-job at the eel stall. Well, at least that's what the story says. It really went 'Real Men do BBQs and drink BEER!'.

The stall soon went bankrupt.

Nobody wanted to say it, but apparently Lyrica's emo was a drain on the atmosphere.

Mystia then suggested they try something less people-oriented, like delivering packages...on nachtmares.

....for some reason, all the houses they delivered to burned down not long after their visits...

It wasn't long before the two were chased out with pitchforks.

Anyhow, in a desperate move to knock Lyrica into shape, Layla signed them all (Akyu and Mystia included, much to their horror) up for military duty. "...BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT MEN DO!"...despite the fact that Gensokyo had no military...and that they were all girls.

So now they find themselves fighting for Gensokyo onboard the Amaterasu.

The End...literally...

Fun Facts:

Mech Name: KHI Kp-NM-PR-001-LP "Cielo Cello"
Mecha Type: Medium
Knight: Layla Prismriver
Linker: Hieda No Akyu
Right Hand:

Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Mech Name: KHI Kp-NM-PR002-LP "Piano Forte"
Mecha Type: Medium
Knight: Lyrica Prismriver
Linker: Mystia Lorelei
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Holstered Right Hand:
Heavy Solid/Laser Melee Armament 3WP
Kawashiro Heavy Industries Kp-Pr-013-SL "THE PIPE"
A lead pipe with laser nails. It is normally stored as one of the pipes on the back pipe organ unit.

Holstered Left Hand:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Shoulder:
Left Shoulder:
Independent Detached Weapons Systems 5WP
Kawashiro Heavy Industries Kp-Pr-022-SL "Apocalyptic Anthem"
A set of heavy beam cannons fashioned as a pipe organ unit. The beams scatter and spread in wide, curving arcs. They can detach and move independently of the nacht. They also double as melee weapons. See LEAD PIPE.

Left Leg:
Right Leg:

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #64 on: September 08, 2009, 08:17:41 PM »

Name: Fae Shinrogi
Theme: Rollercoaster
Call sign: Puppeteer
Gender: female
Age: 20
Strength: Quite capable of multitasking.
Weakness: She's kept most of her feelings bottled up. The wrong buttons may make her lose her temper
Home: Martian Battleship Kronos
Visual Description: Looks startlingly like Alice Margatroid, but with brown hair.
Personality: A little cold-hearted, but over all calm.

History/Background: Born on Mars, Fae led a pretty calm life. At the age of 6, her life was shattered when her parents died in an accident. Her latter half of her childhood was spent being raised by foster parents. Most of her life was focus around doll, an unusual way to spend time considering the advancements in entertainment.

Fae was eventually recruited by the military. She was able to read the flow of battle and quickly rose to the status as an ace. Recogizing her abilities as a tactician as well as a warrior, the military assigned her to pilot the Grand Marionetteer, an experimental Frame loaded out with the latest Drone Pod epuipment as well as an experimental craft. Her heart still remains closed, but when the wrong buttons are pushed, Fae losses all sense of control over her emotions

Mecha: XM 22 Grand Marionetteer (Very Heavy)
- IT's agiliy is not it's strongest point. It is mainly a support unit that hangs back, however it is able to hold it's own in battle. The size of this machine supports an onboard factory which produces the Shan and Hou drones which are used by the Grand Marionetteer. As large as it is, it is also one the most elegant of the Frames amongst the Factions.

Right Hand: HC Dragon Claw (2 WP)
- A powerful claw that rips through armor with great ease.

Backpack: S-H Drone Pod System(5 WP)
- The Shan-Hou Drone Pod system is the latest creation of the Martian Foundaries. It can only carry a limited amount of drones, which makes it hard to replace them in the middle of battle. The Grand Marionetteer solves that problem with it's minitature factory. The drones themselves are armed with a variety of weapons: energy swords, lances, laser guns, solid-shot guns, and rocket launchers. Oddly enough, the drones are in a humanoid shape, almost like a doll...

Chest: MCS (5 WP)
- The MCS's main function is unkown right now...


Squadron: Azure Wing
-A squadron made up of light mechas. Mainlky used for recon, Azure Wing is also used to flank enemy units. The incredible agiliy of their MVLF make Azure Wing very dangerous in battle.
Squadron Theme: Decide in the Eyes

Name: Rick Wheeler
Theme: The Meaning of Truth
Call sign: Falcion
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Strength: Highly skilled pilot, as he is the leader of Azure Wing.
Weakness: His emotions sometimes get the better of his judgement.
Home: Martian Battleship Kronos
Visual Description: this
Personality: Quite Hot-blooded and has a nearly insatiable need for speed.

History/Background: Born in the Martian Capital, Rick Wheeler was an infamous street racer. His insatiable need for speed led to the death of two people. In hopes of curing this, as well as delivering justice, Rick was sent to a correctional facility. It was not cured, and Rick was drafted into the military. It was there he fell in love with the MLSM-77 Firefly.

Taking note of his love for speed as well as his capabilities to fly very fast, the military high command assigned him to Azure Squadron. He later became the commander of the Azure Squadron.

Mecha: MLSM-77 Firefly (light)
-An incredibly light frame, it is mainly used for recon. However, the Fireflys of the Azure Wing are able t hold their own quite well in intense battles.

Right Hand: Shalucia Chain-Sword (WP 2)
-A Large Chainsaw converted into a sword form.

Left Hand: Lancia Rapid Fire Laser Cannon (WP 2)
Holstered Right Hand: Laser Dirks (WP 1)
Holstered Left Hand: Laser Pulse Pistol (WP 1)
Backpack: Martian Pattern Overthruster (WP 2)

Chest: Locust Pattern Cluster Missles (WP 3)
-A missle system that is capable of damging light Capital ships as well as take on a number of Frames at once. Small missles separate from each other and spread out to find enemy targets.

Head: Deep Scan (WP 1)

Battleship Kronos

700m in length

The largest ship amongst the corporations. It boasts an enormous hangar bay supporting a veritable Armada of Solar Frames. It supports a number of heavy Rail Guns and can stand alone against most Capital fleets.

Basalisk Rail Guns x10
Rapid Deployment catapult x20
Heavy Auto-Cannons x90
Twin Turbo Lasers x90
Vulcan Pattern Rail Guns x20
Vertama Missle system x45

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #65 on: September 09, 2009, 01:42:38 PM »
I am putting a kinda claim on Shikieiki and Komachi.

Kinda in the sense that I intend to use 'em as NPCs, rather than proper playables for the most part. So if someone else wants them, just lemme know and we can probably work things without too much trouble.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2009, 09:41:20 PM »
Phew...that was an absurd mess. Thank you, Rouge! Anyhow, here's the rearranged stuff. Feel free to make any changes you like. Purvis is currently editing it to make it nice and pretty for everyone. Isn't he nice?

"You can't kill what you can't see, Zou. Besides, worry about yourself. You're in my sights." Sean said, firing off a shot at the Daihitenryoku's arm.

Before the laser could blow off his arm, the Daihitenryoku countered with a dazzlingly fast katana slash, deflecting the laser straight into an incoming Martian mech, which crashed into the walls and exploded in a brilliant fashion.

The Noble White skidded under the flaming wreckage bouncing along the tunnel walls before spinning back upright to gut another Terran mecha in two with its pile bunker.

"Trent! You persistent little..." Zou reversed his boosters and aimed a katana slash at the Noble White. 

"Incoming cucumber milkshake!" Trent managed to dodge just in time, such that only his right arm was severed along with his right shoulder veneers.

 "GETTA TOMAHAWK" Yelled out Anthony as he pulled out the MazinGetter's Tomahawk, and boosted towards Zou

"Nathanial, that seems to be the enemy leader..." noted Yorihime.

"Hmmm, yes... Well, only one thing for it then..." The Lunablade hefted it's mighty energy blade and charged straight for Zou's frame.

Zou stabbed the Getta Tomahawk through the center with one katana, spun it around him a few times, maintaining, and even speeding up its momentum, using it to deflect the Lunablade's energy blade, before launching the tomahawk flying at the Noble White. But just as it happened, Suwako gave his pilot seat a sharp kick in the back, causing the shot to go off by just a bit, ending up only slashing off the other arm off the Noble White.

Another laser shot out at Zou, this time from behind.

Yuyuko looked worriedly at Sean "We're not going to be able to keep the cloak up for much longer"

"I know, damnit, just keep it on for as long as possible." Sean said.

"A Martain frame, riding heavily on its boosters, and took aim at Noble White's engines. A moment later, a distictive "Fweem" noise echoes from upwards, as a greenish beam tears into its rockets and forces it to land. "This is Red," comes the voice of Shizuha on the Gensokyoan Comms channel, "Are we too late? Over~"

"Dammit! If the Tomahawk won't work, then Suck on my Rocket punch!" Yelled out Anthony firing the MazinGetter's rocket punch at Zou's mech

"Oy...we're unarmed..." Tenshi pointed out, looking side to side at the two sparking stumps where arms once were.

Meanwhile, the Lunablade was moving ever closer to Zou's mech.  It lifted it's blade high, and... "SWORD OF LUNARIA!  DEATH STRIKE!" ...Brought it crashing down towards him.

The Daihitenryoku chose that moment to stab its katana through the Noble White's chest, before raising it for use as a meat-shield against Lunablade's strike and the Mazingetter rocket punch.

The Noble White's cockpits burst open as the Lunablade's and the Mazingetter's strikes hit it in the back. A rather mad-looking Trent burst out from inside, propelled by the impact, a stolen sword of hisou in hand. He ran along the stabbed katana and the Daihitenryoku's arm with a scream of "MIIIILKKKKKKKSHAAAAAAAAAAKKEEEEEEEE!" before leaping at its cockpit hatch.

With a maddened grin, he stabbed through the hatch with the force of a million earthquakes, shattering it into bits, exposing an enraged and horrified Zou and a excited happy Suwako to the rushing air.

The Mazingetter's rocket punch then hit the mecha meat shield, and bounced off, the MazinGetter quickly flew up and reattached the arm. "Dammit, I can't get anything at him, he just blocks or avoids it, I need something to pierce through!" Yelled out Anthony.

"Well, there's one weapon left over from the old nightmare" said Letty, brining up the weapon list on one of the monitors, one of the weapons looked unfamilar to Anthony.

"There's no time for organizing!" Kisume cries as Noble White is impaled. Shifting into the distinctive heavily-armored shape of Maple Force, Team Bucket moves to join the fray. Kisume boosts around Daihitenryoku and jams its sword at the frame's side.

"Kisume be careful!" Shizuha cries, "There's a person on the outside of that thing!"

"Oh no you don't!" Zou shouted, deflecting the Maple Force's blade just in time, causing the the Maple Force to ram into it through sheer heavy momentum. Before Trent could reach out for Suwako, the shock from the Maple force sends him flying backwards off the Daihitenryoku.


"MORON!" Tenshi shouted after him...but the Noble White wasn't fast enough to catch him.

"Damnit, I can't fire with all these idiots in the way!" Sean muttered.

"What is that maniac doing?" Kisume asks, as Bucket Force draws back, then turns its attention to a set of Terran Mechas coming up behind them. They watched as Trent fell back past their cockpit.

"Bein' awesome!" Rumia says as she unleashs the Fweem Beam upon the Terrans.

Trent landed with with a thump atop...thin air...?

"Oh damn, pull him into the cockpit before he gives away our position, Yuyu" Sean shouted, gesturing up at Trent's butt which was now pressed up against his 'windshield'. An arm reached out of thin air and pulled Trent into... somewhere invisible.

"Bang Nail? Sounds like it'll pierce that sucker right through!" Yelled out Anthony upon noticing a weapon option with a catchy name.

"Now! BANG NAIL" Yelled out Anthony, which then the head of a nail poped out of the right shoulder of the MazinGetter, and then Anthony pulled it out, the nail being around the size of a sword on scale with a mecha.

"...By the gods, I'm surrounded by idiots," moaned Yorihime.  "Nathanial, I don't care what you do right now, just... Do something."

"As you wish..." sighed the pressganged pilot.  "Um... Meh, it's worked so far..." Lunablade once again struck out at Zou with it's sword.

Zou simply spun around with his dual katanas and parried, though his parries were no longer as graceful as before. Now they were filled with raging force. "TREEEEEEEEEENT!" He roared into the air.

The other Zero-ARCs commandos moved in to protect their leaders. They were aces, true aces, and weren't about to let their leader down just like that. "They're moving to protect that damaged nacht," says Shizuha.

"On it," says Kisume, as she fires the boosters and moves to ram the hefty nachtmare into one of the Zero-ARCs.

"Keep moving!" Cries Shizuha as Maple Force bowls over the Zero-ARC it targeted and moves to lock swords with another.

"I know, I know!" says Kisume, whilst Rumia cries "WHUMP!" and focuses the Freem Beam on the Zero-ARC as it moves to strike Bucket Force with its free hand.

One managed to ram the Lunablade into the wall. "Gah, cocky bastard!"  Nate tried to knock his attacker to the side.  "Get out the way!"

"TREEEEEEEENT!" Suwako spun around in her seat and slashed her bindings apart with the sword of hisou which had ended up stuck through the seat.

"S-Suwako-sama! Get down!" Zou cried in panic. "You'll die!" Zou shouted at Suwako.

"No...Shirayuki-chan....Trent...will save me...I'm sure of it...because...Shirayuki-chan chose him..." Suwako smiled, before leaping out of her seat and into the rushing air. She spread her arms wide open, catching the torrents of air, and flying upwards. "TREEEEEEEENT!"

"Nothing can stand between me and my payday!" Trent kicked open Sean's cockpit and leapt out. "PAYDAY KID!" HE roared as he leapt for Suwako.

"Suicidal moron. Oh well, Yuyu, I'm going to let you pilot for a moment. Just stab the damn thing once those two are out of the way." Sean muttered aside to Yuyuko.

The two floated in free-fall as they fought to get closer to each other, Suwako by desperately reaching out, Trent by doing his own comical rendition of the breast-stroke.

"Treeent!" Suwako cried, arms spread towards Trent.

"PAYDAY KID!" Trent shouted back, grasping for her. Their fingers missed one another's a few times, before they finally grasped one another tight. "Payday geeet!" Trent cheered.

"TRENT!" Suwako cried, pulling Trent into a tight hug, as if she was afraid of ever letting go. "I-I thought you were dead..." She cried, crying tears of relief.

"A real man never kicks the bucket..." Trent said. Kisume just happened to sneeze at that very moment. "....not even when he is swallowed hole by pickled broccoli layered in fish oil from a giant 200 meter long whale."

"Tehehehe~" Suwako giggled a little through her tears. "Silly Trent, whale aren't fish..."

"They aren't...?" Trent blinked. "Those whales lied to me!" He gasped in outrage.

"Yuyu, now!" Sean shouted. A beam sword extended itself through the Daihitenryoku's mid-section. Sean nervously fidgeted as Yuyu held the sword in place.

"SEAN!" Zou roared, kicking Sean back and slashing his katana at Sean's nachtmare. "I have no time for the likes of you! Suwako-sama! SUWAKO-SAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He called out into the rushing air.

The Noble White chose that very moment to boost up behind Suwako and Trent, cockpit open. Tenshi and Yukari reached out and pulled them out of their freefall and back into the safety of the nacht. With a silent hiss, it sealed itself shut once more.

"Shirayuki-chan!" Suwako glomped her usual Linker seat. "You came for mes, yeps! And you brought Trents! I'm so happy!" She cried out through tears of joy.

"Phew, glad that's over..." Tenshi sighed, plopping back into her usual seat.

"It's far from over." Yukari muttered, darkly. "Back to your seats, people. We've got a mana core to catch!"

"Now Feel the piercing strength of Justice!" Yelled out Anthony, charging with the Bang Nail in hand at Zou. One of the Zero ARCs commandos managed to blast the Mazingetter's booster unit.

"Dang it we're going down Anthony!" Yelled out Letty.

"Well, if we can't get close, we'll send them a present from afar!" answered Anthony. Then the MazinGetter threw the bang nail and followed up with it's rocket punch right behind it, being the hammer for this nail. "TAKE THIS! SUPER, BANG NAIL PUNCH!" Yelled Anthony.

Unfortunately, before Anthony could attack with the nail, he was suddenly knocked aside by a mysterious red mech that came out of seemingly nowhere.

"What was that?!" screamed  Letty.

"You do know the price of treason, right?" transmitted an oddly young sounding female voice to the Mazingetter.  "Why where you firing on friendly troops?"

"You..." muttered anthony "It's you...rouge"

"Ah, I see my reputation precedes me..." The girlish voice giggled softly.  "Now, answer my question before I lose patience with you."

"I am not the one truly betraying, I was betraysed before, being lied too, and now I see the true justice, and defeating the evil of this universe!"

"Who the hell is that one?" Cries Kisume as Rouge's mecha comes into view.

"I'm not sure," Shizuha answers.

"Oh, really?"  Another giggle from the red mech.  "And what is this "evil of the universe" you speak of?"

"The corporations, all of them! I thought mars was the only one free of it, but I was wrong, all of them are evil! and so, I shall go on, and defeat every single one of them!" Anthony shouted.

"Who is that guy with the nail?" asks Kisume, as she dodges around a Zero-ARC's energy axe.

"He's...I'm not sure who he's with, but I think he is working with us." Shizuha answers, as Kisume cuts into the offending Zero-ARC's arm.

"He's the guy who said cool things while we were fightin' the Mars People!" says Rumia, as she aims at another Zero-ARC.

"That's guy? Huh," says Kisume as she jets back before the Zero-ARCs could swarm her, and Rumia fires upon them to hold them back.

"Now Rouge! I shall defeat you!" Yelled out Anthony, preping for throwing the nail at Rouge.

Rouge merely laughed.  "Oh, you've got spirit... I like that~" The red mech readied it's weapon, a nasty looking energy lance.

"Well, you shall be the first. To meet the power, OF MY TRUE JUSTICE!!!" Yells Anthony, who changed the Mazingetter's stance to hold the nail like a sword.

"...You do realise you sound like an idiot, right?  "Oh, oh, true justice, ultimate evil, wah wah!"  Heh."  mocked Rouge.  "Sakuya... You know what to do~"

"Affirmative, mistress." replied a calmer, more mature sounding voice.

"You are the foolish one, for someone who doesn't believe in these, Shall never achive True Victory!"Anthony declared. Letty just facepalmed, feeling a bit sorry for Anthony, and feeling jealous of Orange being the one knocked out

"I don't know, I seem to be doing just fine so far~" As though it had moved instantaneously, the red mech was suddenly behind MazinGetter.  There was a light chuckle over the intercom, before it pierced the side of it's opponent with the lance.

"Dang it, boosters off line, and the tomahawk is lost" Muttered Letty.

"Don't give up like that! we can still win!" Yelled out Anthony, who then made the MazinGetter's arm swing around in a 360 degree arc, hitting Rouge that was behind them

"Hmm, that Frame that Noble White is fighting can take a beating, can't it?" Shizuha says.

Rumia aims for the weapon arm of another Zero-ARC as Maple Force collided with another Zero-ARC, causing it to tumble head over heels.

"OUT OF MY WAY, SEAAAAAAAAAAN!" Zou was in a furious rage as he slashed at Sean, whose cloaking device had begun to fail.

"G-gah, too close, much to close, got to get away!" Sean gasped. Sean frantically grabbed at the controls and rapidly reversed thrust, pulling the sword out and sending the Falter zooming out of the way.

Suddenly, the tunnel widened out into a huge chamber. There, far below them, in the middle of the huge spherical chamber, sparkled the small, half-nacht-sized circular mana core that powered the entire Sanctuary.

"It's the mana core." Yukari observed.

"That thing powers the Avalon?" Tenshi asked.

"Yes, and it has gone critical." Yukari said, noting the arcs of energy bursting out of it.

"The mana core!?" yelled Yorihime.  "What do you plan to do with THAT, Yukari!?"

"I'm taking it." Yukari replied to Yorihime, with a hint of glee.

"I... I can't let y-" Yori began.

"Yes we can, Yorihime.  I just... Have a feeling we should trust her for now." Nathanial said, in a calming voice.

Shizuha, in the meantime, sends out a comm to her allies. "This is Red. What is wrong with that thing? Over~"

"Bucket Force, everyone, that core is failing! Treat it with care!" Yukari shouted over the coms.

"Oh, that's Yukari!" says Shizuha. "You heard her, Green."


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #67 on: September 10, 2009, 09:45:09 PM »
Considering they're about to see combat in the RP, I'll go ahead and register the rest of Jan's team.

Name: Micheal Taylor
Call sign: Dakka 2
Gender: Male
Age:  22
Strength: A calculating ability and patience surpassed by few.
Weakness: Doesn't pick up on others' emotions very easily.
Home: Martian Foundry Corporation
Visual Description: Somewhat taller and more muscular than most, Mike isn't the typical sniper. With short blond hair and blue eyes, he seems to be more of a surfer than anything else.
Personality: Somewhat distant from others.
Partners: Dakka Brigade

History/Background: A friend of Jan's from the Martian Naval Academy, he was drafted into Jan's Dakka Brigade almost immediately upon its creation. Being from a military family, his discipline and intelligence combined made for a great combination Jan simply couldn't help but get along with, almost as a direct opposite to Jan's other good friend, Anthony Kabuto. After Jan left, he continued to lead the Dakka Brigade from the rear, using his machine's scanners to feed information as he had done before.

Mecha: Heavy
Despite holding a sniper's position at the rear lines, his machine is still of the standard Martian variety. His machine's weight allows Mike to use two sniper rifles at once, although he usually only uses one.
Right Hand: Customized Heavy Sniper Rifle, "One-Shot" (3WP)
Left Hand: Customized Heavy Sniper Rifle, "One-Shot" (3WP)
Holstered Right Hand: Light Pistol "Last Resort" (1WP)
Head: Ultimate Tactical Analysis System (5WP)
The pinnacle of Martian Recon technology, this scanner array constantly feeds data to Mike's machine. He then relays the data to the entire unit,making him an invaluable asset to the Dakka Brigade. The scanner array itself is capable of uncovering almost any type of stealth mech from a considerable distance, allowing him to warn his teammates or take out the target without them ever knowing he is there.

Name: Florence Bonati
Call sign: Dakka 3
Gender: Female
Age:  21
Strength: Determination and a strong will.
Weakness: Doesn't connect to others very easily.
Home: Martian Foundry Corporation
Visual Description: A beautiful young woman, Florence doesn't strike many as a demolitions expert. Standing at five and a half feet tall, with long, curly brown hair and brown eyes, she is the very essence of the elite families of Mars.
Personality: While a professional on the battlefield, she tends to be more relaxed than the other members of her unit, along with her childhood friend Marco.
Partners: Dakka Brigade

History/Background: A member of the elite families at the head of the Martian Foundry Corporation, Florence was destined to become one of the corporation's many aristocrats. However, she tired of her boring life, which consisted of greeting her family's various business partners and other members of the Martian aristocracy, and left for the Martian Naval Academy at the suggestion of Marco Bernardino. Her knowledge of explosive chemistry and her knack of causing unfortunate "accidents" combined to give her a bad reputation, but her skills were recognized by Jan Monteiro. She was the second to join his new Dakka Brigade, and continued to follow both his and Micheal Taylor's orders after his departure.

Mecha: Heavy
Dakka 3, being the unit's demolitions expert, is equipped with many explosive weapons. Using the data fed to her machine from Dakka 2, she can target the weak points of any structure, as well as use her homing missiles to devastating effect.
Right Hand: Single Rocket Launcher "Pile Breaker" (2WP)
Left Hand: Single Rocket launcher "Pile Breaker" (2WP)
Right Shoulder: Customized Heavy Bazooka "Mountain Buster" (3WP)
Left Shoulder: 6-Homing Missile Launcher "Repeating Death" (3WP)
Backpack: Mid-Power Flamethrower "Napalm Death" (2WP)

Name: Marco Bernardino
Call sign: Dakka 4
Gender: Male
Age:  23
Strength: Laid-back, he is able to stay calm in battle and everyday life. His sense of humor often helps calm his teammates as well.
Weakness: Doesn't get serious very often, meaning he is more apt to underachieve.
Home: Martian Foundry Corporation
Visual Description: His black hair and startling blue eyes make this tall young man handsome to many Martian Naval Academy recruits.
Personality: Loud and active, Marco intentionally tries to rile people up into having fun.
Partners: Dakka Brigade

History/Background: The Bernardino family used to be a member of the Martian Aristocracy, but was disgraced when an important business deal fell through. Marco was born before the fall of the family, and his childhood was abruptly changed by the experience. To cope, he became a humor-monger, and he set his sights on putting his family back into the elite status it had occupied in the past. When his childhood friend Florence Bonati expressed her desire to leave her aristocratic life behind, Marco saw an opportunity to earn fame for himself and his family.

Mecha: Heavy
With its thruster system, Dakka 4 is able to move in and out of cover easily, fooling enemies into thinking he is more than one machine. Marco's mech is outfitted with various light and medium weapons, but his booster systems allow him to keep his heavy armor while maintaining a high agility.
Right Hand: Heavy Machine Gun "Ghost Cannon" (3WP)
Left Hand: Heavy Machine Gun "Ghost Cannon" (3WP)
Right Shoulder: Mini Rocket Launcher "Ghost Blast" (1WP)
Left Shoulder: Mini Rocket Launcher "Ghost Blast" (1WP)
Backpack: Martian Heavy Multi-Directional Booster System (2WP)
Chest: Hidden Laser "Headshot" (2WP)

Name: Rachel Maurer
Call sign: Dakka 5
Gender: Female
Age:  20
Strength: Reliable intuition and general know-how, her kindness also endears Rachel to her unit.
Weakness: Despite her talents, her nervousness tends to cause clumsy accidents.
Home: Martian Foundry Corporation
Visual Description: A smaller girl, Rachel's most prominent features are braided black hair and her round glasses, helping her brown eyes.
Personality: Nervous around her superiors, Rachel is otherwise an intelligent young woman and enjoys helping others.
Partners: Dakka Brigade


Mecha: Medium
The only medium mecha in the Dakka brigade, she prefers to fight with speedy weapon-draws than with the aid of boosters. A natural gunslinger, Dakka 5 is a machine meant to take on multiple enemies from any direction at once. Rachel's pride and joy are her ability to quickly swap weapons, as well as the ammo settings on her shotguns. The shotguns have a variety of auto-loaded ammunition, from rifle-like shells to scattering walls of buckshot.
Right Hand: Sub-Machine Gun "Auto-Cannon" (2WP)
Left Hand: Sub-Machine Gun "Auto-Cannon" (2WP)
Holstered Right Hand: Standard Pistol "Old Reliable" (1WP)
Holstered Left Hand: Standard Pistol "Old Reliable" (1WP)
Holstered Right Shoulder: Shotgun "Switch-Shot" (3WP)
Holstered Left Shoulder: Shotgun "Switch-Shot" (3WP)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2009, 01:11:29 AM »

Judging By The Size of This Crater, Someone Brought the Ruckus! - Starship Amazing

The Martian Capital ship crashed on the palace, opening a way down to the Mana Core. Now everybody wants a piece of the action! Zou beat up Noble White, everyone beat up Zou (who is on his last legs), Rouge is causing problems! The Zero-ARCs are causing problems!

Topside, there are still some dudes; mostly stragglers, damaged mechs, and people collecting escape pods.

Elsewhere, Reimu and the calvary have come to try to get into Avalon, but mostly find transports wanting to escape and a lot of angry dudes.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2009, 03:50:07 PM »
We really need to get back to working on coposts here...
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #70 on: September 18, 2009, 05:12:35 PM »
I would argue the opposite. We should abandon coposts until people can be here and make real posts in the meantime.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #71 on: September 21, 2009, 03:39:31 PM »
I would argue the opposite. We should abandon coposts until people can be here and make real posts in the meantime.

Except that the way the situation is, everyone except rabbit and Jan is basically stuck having to co-post.

This is unprecidented serious affair.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #72 on: September 21, 2009, 06:02:23 PM »
I think that's indicative of the main problem, namely that co-posts have become bloated and are collapsing under the weight of peoples' contributions.  As the old saying goes, too many cooks spoil the soup.  Really, at the risk of sounding unnecessarily harsh, did people forget how to write stories on their own?
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #73 on: September 21, 2009, 06:10:16 PM »
Except that the way the situation is, everyone except rabbit and Jan is basically stuck having to co-post.

This is unprecidented serious affair.

Untrapping yourself from a copost isn't hard. Just do a couple short posts with limited actions until things become untangled. Just avoid character controlling the other people and you're fine. I'd been holding off myself, as I'd been waiting on Anathe and Trance to get more involved, but I suppose there is a breaking point.

Also, Rabbit does have a point that coposts are too large to be easily manageable. Not to mention that when they finally get done, the editing to make them half-decently readable is a trial in and of itself.

So yeah, it'd be advisable to just cruise along with real posts for a bit.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (General Thread)
« Reply #74 on: November 17, 2009, 12:19:39 PM »
Anathe gets one CP for being the first to post since things got GMed.
Anthony gets a CP for doin' stuff in between times.