Author Topic: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Series (Everyone Loves Sakuya Izayoi released!)  (Read 4622 times)

Hoo, boy. It's been a while since I've made anything worth posting. I think I've been through at least one computer since then. But here we are. Scripts below.

Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei

Download here

Even Reimu Hakurei can't be cheery all the time. The lack of attendance at her shrine is starting to get to her. So when she finds a bunch of people having a banquet at her shrine without inviting her, she obviously isn't in the best of moods...
My aim here was to make a Reimu boss without making a Reimu boss. Each health bar is a different boss, but they're all using Reimu-style patterns, so the fight should hopefully still feel unified. For comparison's sake, I've included a "BONUS Reimu Version" boss that's all the same patterns in a straight-up fight against Reimu.
Your actual opponents here are Reimu's common shipping partners. And holy hell does she have a lot of shipping partners. Somehow I ended up with a whopping seven health bars. But I couldn't bring myself to leave any of them out: Marisa, Yukari, and Sanae are all must-haves, Alice/Reimu is more popular than you'd expect (plus I'm a fan of that one), and leaving Reimu's Subterranean Animism partners out didn't feel right either. So here we are.
Uh, sorry about the lack of flashy effects. I don't have fun working on them, and I suck at them anyway, so I didn't really bother with them for the most part.
I've already got another one of these for Marisa about 20% done. Not sure who I'll do after Marisa, but I do intend to make a series of these, so if anyone wants me to try one of these for a particular character after Marisa's done, let me know..............
Oh, I included Lefkada's Reimu player because it was publicly available on Bulletforge and it fit the best. Not sure what the accepted ph3 protocol with that is, so let me know if I messed up. I can always take it down and reupload it without the player included if necessary.
oh, I tested this with a different player than I actually used, so the player in the screenshots is different from the one in the download. whoops. also, I forget what the limits on the size of screenshots in threads were, so sorry if I went over them.
how is this my first script in ph3? I know I was the last person in the world still using 0.12m but this is ridiculous...

Everyone Loves Marisa Kirisame

Download here

Stop me if you've heard this before: Marisa's stealing some books from Patchouli's library. Shocking, I know. But this time, Patchy's enlisted some help. Getting away won't be so easy this time...
This is pretty much the same story as last time: I made a Marisa boss without making a Marisa boss. Marisa's friends are all taking her spell cards for the day, and they each compose one health bar of the fight. In case you don't believe they're really Marisa's cards, or if you just want a straightforward boss fight without the fluff, I've included a "BONUS Marisa Version." That version has all the same patterns, but it's all Marisa, all the time. (Be warned - that version is actually a bit harder, since almost all of her bullets are stars, and their hitboxes are a bit tough to track.)
Compared to Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei, this one turned out a bit easier. Easy is much easier, and Normal is a tad easier once you learn the patterns. Hard and Lunatic are pretty much the same, so Lunatic is still an unbalanced crapshoot. That said, there are a lot more spell cards with gimmicks that are hard to read the first time through. I've done my best to make everything clear, of course, but I still apologize if you get hit unfairly.
Once again, the enemies are Marisa's common pairings. Reimu and the other magicians are mandatory, of course. I've seen some adorable Marisa/Nitori works, and I know abstractly that Marisa/Flandre is a thing that exists. I didn't think of including PC-98 characters, unfortunately. Yuuka would have made sense, in retrospect. But I did want to keep things down to five health bars after that monster of a Reimu fight, so maybe it's for the best.

Everyone Loves Sakuya Izayoi

Download here

Sakuya trusts her mistress, Remilia Scarlet, absolutely. But does Remilia trust her? Something's going on in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Sakuya's the only one out of the loop. She wants answers, but Remilia won't give them up without a fight...
It's a Sakuya boss... sort of. Once again, each health bar is a different boss, but they're all using Sakuya's danmaku. I do actually think through the stories behind these, so I hope you enjoy the plot. But if you'd rather not sit through cutscenes, you can always try the "BONUS Sakuya Version," which has the same patterns as used by Sakuya herself.
Rather than doing Sakuya's shipping partners, I'm making this one a Scarlet Devil Mansion showcase. Basically that's just so I'm not still doing Reimu and Alice danmaku - while they're two of my favourite characters in the series, they're hard to come up with danmaku for and I need a break. (Well, it also leaves my options open if I ever want to do Everyone Loves Alice Margatroid. She seems to come up on everyone's shipping list...)
Difficulty-wise, this is harder than Marisa but easier than Reimu. Lunatic is even more of a crapshoot than usual. Be warned.

Coming up next: I dunno. ...Well, okay, it'll probably be Sanae, but I don't want to announce it officially just in case I decide to do a different character instead. Update pace will be slowing down as I focus more on writing for the rest of the summer.
(Also, yes, I will reorganize the thread when the next script comes out. :P)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 06:46:54 PM by Supreme Gamesmaster »

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 09:00:15 PM »
Hi! Sure it looks like cool.

I don't really understand the issue with my player but yes, you can use it and include it in your script if it's the question. They're made for this  :).
After Marisa... maybe Sanae? Or Sakuya? Or Reisen?

If you need some other players for thee scripts, maybe I can do them (if they're not too exotic characters).

edit: And it is. It's really good. Espacially for a first ph3 script. Welcome into the fabulous, awesome and fantastic world of Danmakufu ph3.
So, if you need some players for you futures scripts, ask me. I'll be happy to make them for a such good quality work.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 09:18:34 PM by Lefkada »

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2016, 07:54:39 AM »
Eeeeeee. Thaaaank yooooooou. I'm really happy to read that :'v
Yeah, I just wasn't sure how ethical it was to package someone else's player with your own script. I'm starting to get the hang of making players myself, but that wasn't really the point of this release, and your players suited these scripts well, so.
Thanks so much for the kind words. ^^


  • Danmakufu Scripter
Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2016, 09:34:45 PM »
That was a very nicely-presented script with some fun danmaku and a cute story (givin me some Sengoku Gensokyo vibes here :V).  I look forward to your next script!

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2016, 10:04:48 PM »
oh no ajs-senpai praised me, strange fluids are spewing from my body...............
Seriously, thanks very much. I'm glad the story worked well. (I've never actually played Sengoku Gensokyo; I should probably track it down.) Hopefully the next script lives up to this one.

Speaking of which, Everyone Loves Marisa Kirisame is actually done, but I still have to playtest it and put together the description, screenshots, etc. Hopefully that'll be going up some time this week (maybe tomorrow? fingers crossed).


  • Master of Aura and Shade
  • I'm Talos, not Talo~~
Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2016, 11:24:41 AM »
Saw AJS' comment so I decided to give it a try.

Whoa, I'm not disappointed. The idea of imitating Reimu's danmaku to different characters is pretty refreshing, and you perfectly nailed it. Moreover, every pattern in this script is original (pretty rare to find this day. xD) also they're fun to play with. Lastly, the music is quite catchy, but the story...the story is the best ~ I love this kind of story (not something like "hey! you're on my way, let's do danmaku duel, blahblahblah which is pretty boring)

All in all, I really like your script! and you're making the new one right? I'm looking forward to it!

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2016, 10:20:35 PM »
I tried the Reimu game and it was pretty fun I must say, the idea was interesting and it felt refreshing instead of just another danmakufu game.

The Marisa one is already done? What are the characters?
I think that would be fun if the characters she stole techniques from appear there (Mima, Yuuka, Patchouli...), stealing back from the thief, though I can see at the screenshot that Patchouli is already there (with Marisa's version of the spellcard she stole from her...)

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2016, 10:28:29 PM »
So, not sure whether you already know about this, but I saw that there's already a run on Youtube.

Nothing to do with me, I just happened to notice it :)

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2016, 04:25:46 PM »
@TalosMistake: Aaaah, thank you~ I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. It's a little tough to explore a whole narrative arc in the space of a single script, but it feels like a waste not to at least try. I'm glad my efforts paid off ^^
@VierMill: Now that the script is up, you can find out for yourself :o ...though actually, that thing you mentioned with people stealing Marisa's spells back sounds pretty cool, now that you mention it...
@Mikuru: Ooh, I did not know about that. It's really fun watching things like that with my own script for once, so thanks for letting me know ^^ (It is a little disappointing that he basically bombed through the whole thing... but I'm the one who made the script, so it's really my fault :V)

New script is up! I hope everyone loves Everyone Loves Marisa Kirisame as much as everyone loved Everyone Loves Reimu Hakurei.

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Marisa Kirisame and Other Scripts
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2016, 05:31:50 PM »
Development update: I'm actually progressing at a reasonable pace on Everyone Loves Sakuya Izayoi, but it doesn't feel that way. I don't think I've ever thrown out so many spell card ideas before... The time stop is actually a fairly tough gimmick to work with. It's a bit tricky to do much original with it at this point. I'll pull through, though.
The biggest problem is, I don't think I can really make the time stop convincing unless I make some modifications to the player as well (to stop the shots and such in their tracks, take away the player's hitbox so they don't die mid-time-stop,). I'm not sure how ethical that is... Well, I'm already plagiarizing all my graphics, so I guess it's a bit late to be worried about ethics. I'll leave it to Lefkada to let me know if I'm overstepping my bounds, I suppose.
Posted some preview screenshots. Those patterns are more or less finalized, so barring any unforeseen circumstances, they will be in the final product. I hope they look promising. The final product should hopefully be out some time within the next week.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 05:58:27 PM by Supreme Gamesmaster »

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Series (Everyone Loves Sakuya Izayoi released!)
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2016, 07:00:46 PM »
All right, new script is out! It was fun focusing a little more on danmaku and a little less on movement gimmicks. (Well, there are still some movement gimmicks in there, but they're a little more straightforward.) Next time will probably have an even bigger focus on raw danmaku, since it's prooobably going to be Sanae unless I really have trouble coming up with ideas there.
If you want to leave feedback on this thread, I'd deeply appreciate it. At any rate, I hope you enjoy my work~

Re: [Ph3] Everyone Loves Series (Everyone Loves Sakuya Izayoi released!)
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2016, 12:35:32 AM »
Oh jeez, I've been meaning to record and put on your Sakuya script... Ehhhhhhhh I'll do it later.

But these are very nice! Good endings are always best endings!  :)

« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 11:54:55 PM by Umbrashdw »