Author Topic: Batman Vs. Superman: We're Still Letting Zack Snyder Make Movies I guess  (Read 9702 times)


  • alter cool
Has anybody seen this yet? I've got a ticket for tomorrow afternoon.

For those who don't know me, I'm a huge Superman fan. I fucking love Superman and I'm kind of protective of him because I think he gets the short end of the stick a lot in modern comic fandom. Needless to say, I really, really hate Man Of Steel. I was sort of indifferent to it when it came out, but I've come to absolutely despise it because the more I think about it the more clear to me it is that Zack Snyder, and by extension Warner Brothers and the committee responsible for the script, doesn't know or care about Superman at all.

I'm very cautiously optimistic about this movie, since if you asked me to fix the new Superman movie franchise I probably would have pitched something like this. I'm not particular fan of Batman, but we basically have a morally ungrounded douchebag Superman to deal with, so a different hero slapping some sense into him is the only thing I can think of to try to salvage his character. That, or retcon any scene from Man Of Steel with Johnathan Kent in it. So while I don't have any reason to assume this movie will be any better or have any more reasoned understanding of the character than the last one, at leas the potential groundwork is there for it to maybe start to get the franchise on track. That's proooooobably not going to happen, but I'm an optimist so I guess I have no choice but to keep an open mind.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

The movie has 33% on rotten tomatos. So your probably gonna hate it.

Also is it time for us to say Zack Snyder has overthrown Micheal Bay on the throne for "Most Hated Movie Director To Make Lots Of Money"?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 04:05:05 AM by the old guy »
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Also is it time for us to say Zack Snyder has overthrown Micheal Bay on the throne for "Most Hated Movie Director To Make Lots Of Money"?

they're probably sharing

So while I don't have any reason to assume this movie will be any better or have any more reasoned understanding of the character than the last one, at leas the potential groundwork is there for it to maybe start to get the franchise on track. That's proooooobably not going to happen, but I'm an optimist so I guess I have no choice but to keep an open mind.

prepare to be disappointed

all this film is
is a hamfisted attempt at trying to kickstart the Justice League so that DCEU can compete with MCU

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Infinite Bread Chewing Powers! Activate!
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  • Om nom nom nom nom nom*
And they said Ben was gonna be the sole reason this movie will suck, oh boi were they wrong.

TBH though, I kinda like it. It's not the best Batman film, but certainly isn't like George Clooney's. Wasn't dark as most people expected, and overall, it's really mediocre. Unlike Marvel movies which presents you with some light humour, and story, most DC I've seen these days contrasts Marvel. So I wouldn't compare it to Avengers or something tbh, and certainly not Age of Ultron(that thing sucked balls for me).

Edit: Yes, Man of Steel was better overall if we're talking about continuity. NO, PLEASE NO CHRISTIAN BALE MOVIES COMPARISON.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 04:39:18 PM by [En]glish Muffin »

Twitter | Steam |[Zerviscos#1833]


  • alter cool
Well, the person who was supposed to buy my ticket just didn't, but she bought tickets for everyone else in my group so I guess I have to go by myself at some point? Which sounds pretty terrible? And she bought and charged everyone for super-deluxe 3D tickets without asking them which they're all pretty pissed about, so I guess I dodged that bullet at least. :wat:
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
And they said Ben was gonna be the sole reason this movie will suck, oh boi were they wrong.

The reason the movie sucked was that the cast was wasted on subpar writing and atrocious editing

It's saying something when Wonder Woman steals the show from the two leading dudes even though she has a fraction of the screentime. And that's not a spoiler cause she was in pretty much every tease and trailer of the film.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry

Also: Teach me about Superman, CommadantCool! I have never actually met a genuine fan of the guy, and I am curious about your perspectives!


  • alter cool
Also: Teach me about Superman, CommadantCool! I have never actually met a genuine fan of the guy, and I am curious about your perspectives!

Alright, I'll do my best. I've never quite streamlined my answer to that question so this will probably be messy.

First of all, I'll clarify that while I like most renditions of Superman, my favorite version is the silver age/early bronze age comic book Superman. DC tends to tinker with Superman's power set, power level, and to a lesser degree personality quite a bit over time, but my favorite Superman is the one who is omnipotent but not omniscient, tends to be relatively isolated from the rest of DC continuity at least within his own book, and who skews a bit more toward being a science fiction hero than a superhero. I think he works a little less well as a deeply-integrated part of the DC universe and as a member of the Justice League.

So the first thing that people usually say about Superman is "he's boring because he always wins". I would say that Batman is a bit boring because he always loses, then does research on how to beat whoever beat him, then always wins. They both have a pattern their stories tend to follow, and Superman's is (assuming he's being written competently, which is not always the case especially during certain periods of publication) isn't about getting in a fight with a guy and winning because he's stronger. Superman fighting should rarely be a significant part of the story of a comic. It's usually a foregone conclusion that if he gets in a fight he's going to win in like two panels, so good Superman stories are about solving a problem, not beating an opponent.

To be fair often that problem is figuring out how to defeat some enemy that has an invention that makes them hard to get to or have to circumvent one of Superman's weaknesses or something, but the focus is never on the fight. It's on Superman figuring out what kind of wacky science fiction scenario is going on, whether it be fighting-based or not, and devising some kind of complicated plot to fix it. This is a kind of storytelling I really like, and it's very strong in Superman comics from certain eras.

But that doesn't speak as much to the character as to the kinds of stories he's involved in. What I like about Superman himself, rather than just his comics, is probably obvious to some degree. I like that he's an everyman, yet also absolutely not an everyman because he does things that no man can do. I like that he holds himself to a high and consistent moral standard, yet in some ways that moral standard is flawed, or at least complex. Superman is, at its core, a story about a man who could solve world hunger but just doesn't. At some point he had to make a series of incredibly difficult decisions about his place in the world, and he decided that he's going to devote a lot of energy to doing good and solving problems, but he isn't going to take the reins of humanity and make the world utopian in his own estimation. He's going to leave humanity to its own devices to a significant degree so that they can continue to grow and change without being utterly diverted by an alien force, and I find that idea to be extremely powerful idea. Superman could easily be a totalitarian force, in the sense that personally if I had his powers I'm not sure I could make the difficult decision to not just fix everything exactly the way I would want it to be. That's a very common depiction of Superman in non-canon DC stories and I think it's an important part of his character.

Another one of the significant parts of Superman that really appeals to me is Lex Luthor. It's a commonly-held belief that the best villains are "dark mirrors" of the heroes they go with, and Lex is a fairly subtle and effective version of that. He's not like Bizarro or Zod where he just has Superman's powers but is evil and that's the limit of the inversion. Rather, Lex is a mirror of Superman because they're both "men of tomorrow". Both of them have the potential to do anything they want and to help humanity in nearly limitless ways, but they're both held back by opposite forces. Superman is held back by his selflessness, and is committed to living in an imperfect world because creating a perfect world himself would hold back humanity's creativity and growth. Meanwhile, Lex is held back by his selfishness and lives in an imperfect world because he's too greedy and self-centered to allow his focus to be shifted even a little bit. Just like with the totalitarian Superman being a common alternate version of the character, heroic, world-changing Lex is a common re-interpretation because it's a strong potential he has. Unlike the Joker, Lex could be redeemable which makes him a more complicated and interesting character in my opinion. It might not even take much to get him to make the change.

I'm just kind of spewing out ideas here so that probably doesn't make a lot of sense, but hopefully that helps.

I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • mrgrgr
  • In need of a new sig
Regardless of reviews, my friends and I are going to go see it anyway and form our own opinions on it. Personally, I had low expectations anyway. I don't know how they could have did it better than the animated version, which was pretty good.

Btw, Ccool, have you seen superman vs. the elite? That sort of sounds like the superman you're describing.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
I watched it with my friends on Friday. I came in with an open mind, came out thinking it was great.

Except for first 10 minutes or so, aka Batman's origin story thing. I was really confused as to what was going in there.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
I have never been a fan of superhero comics, let alone movies about them, but the whole idea of Superman vs. Batman has made me think a lot about these characters.

Superman: Comes from a well-off family, lost his parents. An illegal immigrant, he was nonetheless taken in by a kindly Kansan family, who proceeded to indoctrinate him with their Kansan ways. This shows in his reporter work, as he is unwilling or unable to challenge the status quo in print. To relieve the internal conflict this causes with his moral compass, he prefers to get into disguise and unleash his wrath on criminals of every stripe and calibre. Openly heterosexual, the fact that he has not consummated his attraction for Lois Lane only adds to his sublimated rage, which he projects onto anyone who does not abide his own morality. Still, he maintains his blue collar reporter job, and does not show preference to race, creed or nationality in terms of who he protects, relying solely on his innate abilities to make the world a better place.

Batman: Comes from a well-off family, lost his parents. Spent his entire life in the lap of privilege. Not only does he have no innate superpowers; he does not seem to have any sort of remarkable talent to speak of at all. Uses his hoards of wealth to build machines and devices to "fight crime", and refuses to share his technology with anyone else. This is because he sees himself as the sole arbiter of justice, which the highest echelons of the police force are more than happy to abide by turning a blind eye to his vicious vigilante attacks. Claims to be sticking up for the downtrodden, he fails to recognize the axes of oppression that have created the major villains he fights again. Takes himself entirely too seriously, and leans heavily upon not one but two assistants to do his grunt work for him, while more than happy to take the credit for himself.

A battle between Superman and Batman is not a battle between the proletariat and the ruling class. It is a battle between two self-appointed unilateral arbiters of morality; one naturally so, the other having bought his way there. Rooting for one as opposed to the other is a false dichotomy. Compare these two to Wonder Woman, who, while literally an aristocrat, deliberately left her vaunted title - taking no small effort on her part - to fight for justice for the downtrodden, through a combination of innate ability and Amazon technology.

In conclusion, Wonder Woman stole the show because she is the only real superhero in a movie ostensibly created to highlight the pretenders.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 11:03:12 PM by Tengukami »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
This is the first superhero movie I've seen to make me go WTF?!!! Highlights include: 
I don't know Bats can make people floats. Since when this movie turns into Injustice: Gods Among Us? Demons...? Demons...?! Demons! Who are you? Why you make a Sequel Hook long before the movie is over? Batman kills people?
Also, apparently Zack Synder thought Batman = Zorro... Which makes sense actually.

The first hour of this movie is really boring... and weird. Only in the climax we finally see Batman vs Superman,
Batman indirectly kills the bad Russian dude, which I am okay with that
, and Wonder Woman.

Now I see why critics don't like this movie.


  • alter cool
Just got back from theater. Movie is trash. I tried to give it a chance, I really hoped it would work, but it is garbage. It makes Zack Snyder's awareness of the criticisms of Man of Steel abundantly clear, but it's equally clear that he doesn't acknowledge them. This franchise is unsalvageable because the people running it think the answer is doubling down on grimdarkness and feebly imitating Marvel studios without understanding what makes those movies work.

I've typed thousands of words about what I think about it and deleted them all because they're too rambling, so I'll try to distill my take down to a best of and worst of list.

The three worst things about this movie:

-Like I said before, it does acknowledge the problems with Man of Steel. It knows that the horrific carnage and moral groundlessness were criticized, so it addresses them with bullshit throwaway lines and additional, even more direct violence. This has given me no hope at all for any future movies from this team of creators. They're not incompetent, they're just interested in making art that is completely counter to what I want to see. These movies are not for me.

-Just about everyone is wildly mischaracterized. Somehow a movie with Zack Snyder's Superman in it managed to still make Batman the villain. Zack Snyder's Batman is actually more terrible than Zack Snyder's Superman. I weep for you, Batman fans. And as a huge Lex Luthor supporter I can't figure out what this movie's Lex Luthor was supposed to be. His plan made no sense and he seemingly had no real reason for enacting it. This could be addressed in future movies, but at this point who cares?

-It's not functional as a movie. So much of it is spent talking, but nothing of value is said. No problems are solved, few if any interesting points are raised, and it's monstrously unfocused. And when the talking breaks for action the action is either deeply upsetting or just tedious. As a film it makes no sense because it basically requires you to bring a lot of pre-existing knowledge of these characters to the table, then ignore it when they fail to act consistently.

And, for balance, the three best things:

-Wonder Woman. She has an inconsistent characterization over DC's history, almost more than any other character, so there's a lot of room for interpretation here. So what did they go with? Lady Conan the Barbarian who's also a super spy I guess? Her outfit is pretty cool too. Too bad she's barely in the movie.

-Little talk of Krypton and next to no mention of Jor El. All of the Jor El shit in Man of Steel drove me crazy. It was the same bizarre, terrible message the new Spider-Man movies have: Superman is a good guy because he has good guy genes, his adopted parents be damned. We get a little of Johnathan Kent in this one and he isn't comparatively quite as mischaracterized as he was previously, and no Jor El. This almost makes it seem like Johnathan Kent had an effect on Clark's upbringing after all. Like maybe Superman is a man at heart and not a Kryptonian after all. Maybe this is faint praise because it's more a case of what didn't happen than what did, but I'm counting it as a positive.

-This is extremely faint praise because it's almost more criticism than it is a positive, but I'm struggling at this point: Parts of Doomsday addressed specific problems I have with him in the comics. He certainly didn't need to be in this movie, his effects certainly weren't good, and the ending of his fight was pretty weak, but at least his powers work more consistently than they do in the comics. And unlike in Death of Superman the first thing Superman does is try to fly him into space and away from people. I've always been bothered by the fact that that didn't happen in the comic. That's how silver age Superman would have beaten Doomsday, he would have stranded him on some distant uninhabited planet. It doesn't really go anywhere in this movie, but it was a nice gesture.

Ugh... I'm happy for anyone who liked it, but I went into this movie hoping for something specific and felt pretty explicitly shit upon.

By the way, is anybody here a big Batman fan who can weigh in on how they feel about his portrayal here? I can't figure out if Batman in this movie is more offensive than Superman in Man of Steel, but I think he probably is.

Regardless of reviews, my friends and I are going to go see it anyway and form our own opinions on it. Personally, I had low expectations anyway. I don't know how they could have did it better than the animated version, which was pretty good.

Btw, Ccool, have you seen superman vs. the elite? That sort of sounds like the superman you're describing.

I haven't. Honestly I haven't seen very much of DC's animation even though people love it for the most part. I'll add that to my watch list.

I have never been a fan of superhero comics, let alone movies about them, but the whole idea of Superman vs. Batman has made me think a lot about these characters.

Superman: Comes from a well-off family, lost his parents. An illegal immigrant, he was nonetheless taken in by a kindly Kansan family, who proceeded to indoctrinate him with their Kansan ways. This shows in his reporter work, as he is unwilling or unable to challenge the status quo in print. To relieve the internal conflict this causes with his moral compass, he prefers to get into disguise and unleash his wrath on criminals of every stripe and calibre. Openly heterosexual, the fact that he has not consummated his attraction for Lois Lane only adds to his sublimated rage, which he projects onto anyone who does not abide his own morality. Still, he maintains his blue collar reporter job, and does not show preference to race, creed or nationality in terms of who he protects, relying solely on his innate abilities to make the world a better place.

Batman: Comes from a well-off family, lost his parents. Spent his entire life in the lap of privilege. Not only does he have no innate superpowers; he does not seem to have any sort of remarkable talent to speak of at all. Uses his hoards of wealth to build machines and devices to "fight crime", and refuses to share his technology with anyone else. This is because he sees himself as the sole arbiter of justice, which the highest echelons of the police force are more than happy to abide by turning a blind eye to his vicious vigilante attacks. Claims to be sticking up for the downtrodden, he fails to recognize the axes of oppression that have created the major villains he fights again. Takes himself entirely too seriously, and leans heavily upon not one but two assistants to do his grunt work for him, while more than happy to take the credit for himself.

A battle between Superman and Batman is not a battle between the proletariat and the ruling class. It is a battle between two self-appointed unilateral arbiters of morality; one naturally so, the other having bought his way there. Rooting for one as opposed to the other is a false dichotomy. Compare these two to Wonder Woman, who, while literally an aristocrat, deliberately left her vaunted title - taking no small effort on her part - to fight for justice for the downtrodden, through a combination of innate ability and Amazon technology.

In conclusion, Wonder Woman stole the show because she is the only real superhero in a movie ostensibly created to highlight the pretenders.

In a broad sense outside of the scope of this movie I don't fully agree with you, but if we're just talking about the film continuity then... Uh... Yeah.

This is the first superhero movie I've seen to make me go WTF?!!! Highlights include: 
I don't know Bats can make people floats. Since when this movie turns into Injustice: Gods Among Us? Demons...? Demons...?! Demons! Who are you? Why you make a Sequel Hook long before the movie is over? Batman kills people?
Also, apparently Zack Synder thought Batman = Zorro... Which makes sense actually.

The first hour of this movie is really boring... and weird. Only in the climax we finally see Batman vs Superman,
Batman indirectly kills the bad Russian dude, which I am okay with that
, and Wonder Woman.

Now I see why critics don't like this movie.

The floating bats thing was referred to as a dream. Not that that makes it that much less ridiculous, but it wasn't supposed to be literal.

There's a canon Batman/Zorro connection, and it's referenced in this movie. The Waynes were shot on their way home from a screening of The Mark of Zorro, and that movie was part of what inspired Bruce to become Batman. You can see Zorro posters in the alley during the Batman origin sequence in this movie too. It's definitely an established part of the character being referenced, not something Snyder came up with.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • mrgrgr
  • In need of a new sig

I haven't. Honestly I haven't seen very much of DC's animation even though people love it for the most part. I'll add that to my watch list.

Yeah, if you were willing to watch BvS, you should give both of them a try. Both of them feature superman and kinda have that stuff you're talking bout. One thing I might mention is that Elite's artstyle takes a little bit of getting used to. Haven't seen the moive yet(had to skip a lot of your post.) I also liked Suicide Squad and Flashpoint Paradox. Though those aren't superman related. Most opinions I see say something like go marval for Live action and DC for animation.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


  • alter cool
Yeah, if you were willing to watch BvS, you should give both of them a try. Both of them feature superman and kinda have that stuff you're talking bout. One thing I might mention is that Elite's artstyle takes a little bit of getting used to. Haven't seen the moive yet(had to skip a lot of your post.) I also liked Suicide Squad and Flashpoint Paradox. Though those aren't superman related. Most opinions I see say something like go marval for Live action and DC for animation.

It was a little less of being "willing to watch" and a little more "feeling obligated to watch". I'm a comic book dealer, so people were going to be asking me about it ten times a day regardless and I felt like I should probably have an answer for them.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Huh, neat. Didn't know that!

What's your thoughts on All Star Superman? I've never looked into it, but my hipster friend likes to rant and rave about how it's Superman done right. Which makes me suspicious because he's Hipster Friend and I don't trust his opinions until independently verified.


  • alter cool
I think it's mostly very good. It gets bogged down in some real Grant Morrison shit at times near the end, but it's totally worth reading. I don't think it's the definitive take on Superman, but it's a very decent interpretation with a lot of good ideas.

If you're looking for the absolute best Superman comics for a modern sensibility I'd highly recommend Alan Moore's Superman stories. I'm not usually a strong supporter of Alan Moore, but when DC has a leash on him and won't let him jump to  shock value rape in every single story he writes he can be amazing. His Swamp Thing is probably the best comic book story ever written, and certainly the best ongoing series, proving that he actually can pull off some amazing stuff with editorial oversight. He has an incredibly solid grasp of Superman, as much as or more so than anyone else who has ever written the character.

He only wrote four issues of Superman books ever, and they're not consecutive. The most famous two are For The Man Who Has Everything in Superman Vol. 1 Annual 11, and Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow? in Superman Vol. 1 No. 423 and Action Comics Vol. 1 No. 583. There's also a great Superman/Swamp Thing crossover in DC Comics Presents No. 85. All four are collected in the "DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore" hardcover from 2006 (look for the 2006 printing specifically, there's an earlier one that's missing the annual), along with a lot of other stuff with varying (mostly high) degrees of quality. Totally check that out if you get the chance.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 02:00:19 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Whoa, I didn't even know Alan Moore wrote anything Superman. That's pretty interesting!

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
This is the first superhero movie I've seen to make me go WTF?!!! Highlights include: 
I don't know Bats can make people floats. Since when this movie turns into Injustice: Gods Among Us? Demons...? Demons...?! Demons! Who are you? Why you make a Sequel Hook long before the movie is over? Batman kills people?
Also, apparently Zack Synder thought Batman = Zorro... Which makes sense actually.

Unfamiliar with Knightmare, I take it? It was a dream sequence anyway. Also, cameo by Flashpoint Flash.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
I watched this with my friend last week. I have since encouraged all my friends not to watch it. Not only is it kind of a waste of their time, it's also just so.... boring. There are more interesting movies to spend money on. And while I adore Wonder Woman, it's telling when they give her so little to do that we saw her withdrawing money from an ATM at one point. And frustrating. I wanted more of her :(

Oh by the way, did cinemas in the US also include a long trailer spot for Turkish Airlines before the movie? Because the one I went to here sure did.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
My brother: I'm gonna see Batman vs Superman

Me: Everyone and everything is saying it's bad or at best a massive letdown

Brother: Eh it can't be that bad

Me: That's what you said about Fantastic Four.


*Brother comes back*

Brother: You were right

Me: Two in a row.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Unfamiliar with Knightmare, I take it? It was a dream sequence anyway. Also, cameo by Flashpoint Flash.
The way the scene transition itself makes the scene looks like it was set in the real world, not in dream. Also, I didn't read the comics, so, I didn't know about the Parademons and Darkseid. When I saw that sequence, I was like: Okay, did the movie just jumped the Sharknado or something? Bonus point: I wouldn't have known that scene ripped off Injustice had I not seen this

Well, at least we all have fun bashing this movie here.