Author Topic: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)  (Read 95690 times)

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2016, 11:33:37 PM »
>Didn't we do that already?
>Oh right, she was gone then, wasn't she?

>Didn't you already.... yeah, yeah you must've; don't want any food now.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2016, 12:08:25 AM »
>"Had breakfast while you were out. You eat yet?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2016, 01:01:33 AM »
>"Had breakfast while you were out. You eat yet?"

>She nods. "I did. I've been up a little while now."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2016, 02:12:57 AM »
>Did we manage to find out if we'd written that medicine recipe down?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2016, 02:36:15 AM »
>Did we manage to find out if we'd written that medicine recipe down?

>Yeah, you wrote... Wait, no. You were going to, but you never did - couldn't find the pencil, and then Kyouko came back, and... where was that pencil anyway....?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2016, 02:56:35 AM »
>"There is something, though, we should do first. I'm starting to think that I may need to change my plans when.... If we get to Yuuka's."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2016, 02:59:14 AM »
>"There is something, though, we should do first. I'm starting to think that I may need to change my plans when.... If we get to Yuuka's."

>"Change them how?" she asks softly.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2016, 03:07:10 AM »
>"Back in the city, I didn't want you anywhere near Yuuka. But now I don't know if that's the best idea. I might need you, when we get there. By that point, I'm not sure I'll be able to see, let alone mix the medicine."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2016, 03:13:25 AM »
>"Back in the city, I didn't want you anywhere near Yuuka. But now I don't know if that's the best idea. I might need you, when we get there. By that point, I'm not sure I'll be able to see, let alone mix the medicine."

>"If you need me, I'm there. I've come all this way, haven't I?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2016, 03:20:41 AM »
>"And that means that, if the need arises, you'll need to know how to do it. And I think I should tell you now. Before I lose what little focus I have left."
>"But, I hope that it doesn't have to come to that. I'd still feel better keeping safe distance between you and her."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2016, 03:40:04 AM »
>"And that means that, if the need arises, you'll need to know how to do it. And I think I should tell you now. Before I lose what little focus I have left."
>"But, I hope that it doesn't have to come to that. I'd still feel better keeping safe distance between you and her."

>"Before I lose what little focus I have left...." she repeats somberly.
>"You can trust me!" she insists. "I'll be okay!"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2016, 03:56:55 AM »
>Walk her through the steps for making our dose of cure.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2016, 04:42:38 AM »
>Walk her through the steps for making our dose of cure.

>With concerted effort and unsteady cadence, you walk Kyouko through the instructions you found buried in the library's archives. As feeble as the remnants of your mind are, that is one memory you refuse to relinquish.
>"Oh, that's easy," she says, once you finish. "I used to work at an herbalist's, you know! Well, mostly I just handled customers and kept things tidy, but I saw potions being brewed all the time! I even helped with a few of the simple ones, every now and then. Emberdraught was my favorite, I think. Smelled kinda like cinnamon, but with more zing!"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2016, 05:26:44 AM »
>"Emberdraught. Sounds like the Emberwyrms of the Dragonblight, with their... No wait, that was one of Marisa's stories. Or... maybe a dream?"
>Shake head. "Sorry, I... I'm feeling very shaky."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2016, 02:18:59 PM »
>"Emberdraught. Sounds like the Emberwyrms of the Dragonblight, with their... No wait, that was one of Marisa's stories. Or... maybe a dream?"
>Shake head. "Sorry, I... I'm feeling very shaky."

>"Very shaky...." She frowns again. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here and rest for a little bit?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2016, 11:24:12 AM »
>"Want to? Sure. I want to sleep for about a month. I just can't."
>Let's try to pack up our belongings and make ready to head out. Then pause and assess our status.
>If then we think we can make some worthwhile progress, then make every effort to do just that. For as long as we can.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2016, 05:32:24 PM »
>"Want to? Sure. I want to sleep for about a month. I just can't."
>Let's try to pack up our belongings and make ready to head out. Then pause and assess our status.

>Kyouko frowns harder as you pull yourself upright to start gathering up your things, sending the damp towel tumbling off your head in the process; you barely even notice it fall, just feel the air around you growing hotter. But before you can even considered whether you should retrieve it, Kyouko is already scooping your possessions up.
>"Here, let me help you with that."

>After everything is packed away again, she insists on wrapping the towel around your forehead somehow. It feels awkward and heavy and probably looks ridiculous, but... if it makes her happier, you guess that's okay.

>If then we think we can make some worthwhile progress, then make every effort to do just that. For as long as we can.

>To be frank, you don't really feel you like you've got another hike left in you, but you have to try. You have to. If you don't try, you're dead.
>If you do try, you're probably still dead. It would be a lot less struggle just to stay put. Maybe that's what you should have done.

>No. No, that's enough of that. Just one foot in front of the other. One quivering, unsteady foot. Your heart flutters wildly in your chest, but you ignore it. Have to ignore it. Too many things to have to pay attention to. So hard just to... stay upright. The ground is so uneven and the trees keep moving. Which line is the horizon, again? There's so many of them and they all look the same. Too many damn trees in this forest; they're a nuisance.

>The ground rushes up to meet your face and it takes a few moments to register that perhaps you were the one who moved, and not the ground. There's so little air down here. There's so little air anywhere. Kyouko is shouting your name into your ear, for some reason.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2016, 05:25:36 AM »
>Have we met the ground, or still en route?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2016, 06:15:37 AM »
>Have we met the ground, or still en route?

>You and the ground have met intimately. There was an vague thump and an aftertaste of soil. It might even hurt, if you were less dizzy.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #49 on: January 12, 2016, 06:21:58 AM »
>"Shoulda done a flip..."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2016, 06:50:40 AM »
>"Shoulda done a flip..."

>Mumbling out a response at least gets Kyouko to lower her volume, though you find yourself alarmingly sort of breath in the attempt.
>"Are you alright?" she asks.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2016, 07:05:41 AM »
>Are we facedown?
>If so, "Don't like taste of dirt."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2016, 07:13:20 AM »
>Are we facedown?
>If so, "Don't like taste of dirt."

>Partially, but enough to leave half your mouth smushed against the terrain.
>"Here, let me help you up."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2016, 07:24:33 AM »
>"Gimme a minute. Not sure about 'up' right now."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2016, 07:31:47 AM »
>"Gimme a minute. Not sure about 'up' right now."

>"Okay..." she says reluctantly.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #55 on: January 13, 2016, 04:32:49 AM »
>Relax for a moment to gather ourselves. As much as possible.
>Then get Kyouko to help us up.
>If we manage to get vertical, "Where are we?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #56 on: January 13, 2016, 05:27:48 AM »
>Relax for a moment to gather ourselves. As much as possible.
>Then get Kyouko to help us up.
>If we manage to get vertical, "Where are we?"

>You lay still on the ground for a moment, grasping weakly for air. You're not sure it helps very much. Can't just keep lying here. Have to keep moving forward. Have to keep moving....
>You beckon Kyouko to help you up and feel one hand take hold of yours, and another wrapped beneath your arm. Even with her support, it takes an act of will to rise to your feet again; your heart plays trills and your legs quaver beneath you, as if your own weight were more than they could bear. But still, you rise. You demand it of yourself; blight or breath or exhaustion, be damned!
>For a moment, you stand upright - a battle fought and won. But there is not enough strength left in you to keep defying the trembling in your limbs. You have time only to open your mouth to speak before your legs give out beneath you and you crumple. Kyouko keeps you from tumbling you the ground completely, but you are left hanging off her like a ragdoll - limp and useless.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2016, 05:41:03 AM »
>"Didn't work."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #58 on: January 13, 2016, 05:50:47 AM »
>"Didn't work."

>"Here, let me get a better grip on you," she says, sliding her shoulder in beneath one of your arms and holding onto your torso. But it doesn't matter. Your legs go limp the moment you try to bear any weight on them at all. Kyouko is left trying to prop you up like a heavy sack of potatoes.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2016, 05:55:54 AM »
>"Think we're done for the day."