Author Topic: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread  (Read 99308 times)

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #150 on: July 05, 2015, 06:59:29 PM »
Yeah, I was thinking about it and that came up. The fact is players of all skill levels are joining from level 3 peeps who can't even wear new clothes to level 20s who poured all of their money into rerolling. the skill level of all players combined is going to even the more you play against each other, so in the end it would be really surprising if the different ever goes above 55-45.

And yes, every loss is equal to losing performance points, but I'm pretty certain the results of the splatfest only count the win/loss ratio, not Player's performance.

Edit: In other words, I'm pretty sure the Matches against the same team do not count as a win or loss, as oppose to just automatically deducting 6 points from the more popular side. I'm pretty sure cat's would have flat out beaten dogs if that were the case.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 07:03:28 PM by WHMZakeri »


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #151 on: July 05, 2015, 07:05:30 PM »
Yeah, I was thinking about it and that came up. The fact is players of all skill levels are joining from level 3 peeps who can't even wear new clothes to level 20s who poured all of their money into rerolling. the skill level of all players combined is going to even the more you play against each other, so in the end it would be really surprising if the different ever goes above 55-45.

And yes, every loss is equal to losing performance points, but I'm pretty certain the results of the splatfest only count the win/loss ratio, not Player's performance.

Edit: In other words, I'm pretty sure the Matches against the same team do not count as a win or loss, as oppose to just automatically deducting 6 points from the more popular side. I'm pretty sure cat's would have flat out beaten dogs if that were the case.

Yeah, that's what I thought.  I wonder what the game would look like if they had voice chat.

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #152 on: July 05, 2015, 07:40:26 PM »
@ the performance stuff: It is a speculation, not a confirmed thing. Though I think the speculation might be plausible because it is the only way I can relate the high popularity difference and lower/closer winrates.

@ the voice chat:  Didn't Nintendo said something along the lines of preventing online harassment/faul language by not implementing such things?


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #153 on: July 05, 2015, 07:42:13 PM »
Also face it, Nintendo made a strong move with Splatoon. But I am extremely salty and kind of mad they released it for the Nintendo WiiU. If this game were to be on PC, the reach would've been 1000x greater I think. Not to mention pretty much more people own a PC than a WiiU. The greedy WiiU price however is also a strong move. We all know what many people are going to get for Christmas this year.

I know three people (one of them is me) who bought a WiiU to play Splatoon. Maybe a PC release would have been great, but it seems like their plan probably at least sort of worked.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #154 on: July 05, 2015, 08:43:59 PM »
@ the performance stuff: It is a speculation, not a confirmed thing. Though I think the speculation might be plausible because it is the only way I can relate the high popularity difference and lower/closer winrates.

But there is no relation between High popularity and Winrates in the first place. having more people does not directly imply that the people involved are more likely to win 4vs4 matches. If losing 6 points every Dog v Dog or Rock v Rock loss had brought the rates back down to 50% then against who were the Dogs and rockers getting those extra points from?

Also, I fully support the lack of In-game Voice chat. I would probably try to Mute voice chat in random matches anyway if it were an option.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #155 on: July 05, 2015, 09:36:09 PM »
But there is no relation between High popularity and Winrates in the first place. having more people does not directly imply that the people involved are more likely to win 4vs4 matches. If losing 6 points every Dog v Dog or Rock v Rock loss had brought the rates back down to 50% then against who were the Dogs and rockers getting those extra points from?
Depends on how the game treats the points and teams. If it purely looks at the fact "Purple" or "Green" then they get their points from obviously just fighting Green and winning. Doesn't matter whether your enemies are fellow purple or truly green players. You would be fighting yourself in those games. 

To get the extra points, plenty of times you would fight true Green people too extra points would come from there.

Edit: I am quite confused.

Edit2: Ok I understand your point, I think. If fighting own Rock fellows is losing points then who did we win points from, right? I guess from fighting Pop people?   ???

« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 09:45:41 PM by Helepolis »

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #156 on: July 05, 2015, 10:46:17 PM »
to clarify my argument, the two scenarios I'm looking at are thus:

1. Winrate is based solely on Flags
In matches where the same team fight each other, one team wins 4 points, and the other team loses 6 points (Assuming all team members have 6.5 points each)
The more popular team will Vs each other when there are no teams of the opposite side, and the least popular team will never vs themselves.
Therefore every match that isn't met by the other team will result in two points lost over all for the more popular team.
This negatively affects the popular team. If we assume even skill levels (which is reasonable to assume given the high pool of players and the fact that the poll does not have a skill or level requirement to enter.)
The more popular team would have to have a winrate approximately 1.5 time that of the least popular team in order to approach a 50% winrate.

given the patchnotes have states that teams infighting does not influence or count towards winrates

2. Winrates are based on straight wins versus losses
None of the above scoring rules affect anything,
The 50% win rates between teams reflects the idea that both teams have even skill levels due to high player pools
Infights cannot affect the end result because it always counts as one win and one loss a.k.a. 0 points.

The reason I asked "Who are the players winning points from" Is because if we assume that equal skill levels leads naturally to ~50% Win ratios, then in order to balance for one side fighting themselves in a system that would lead to self-defeat, they would have the be getting the same amount of points from some place that doesn't exist.

Of course now that I work though the basic math, I feel like I would rather have it based on flags because then it would automatically balance out the popularity vote.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 10:54:53 PM by WHMZakeri »


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #157 on: July 05, 2015, 11:19:51 PM »
I've been messing around with the Luna Blaster today. It's fun to use, gets a ton of kills and seems fairly safe on most maps. So far I've found it to be kind of map-reliant, in the sense that on smaller, narrower maps I keep getting funneled into the middle of big brawls where the short range is a huge liability, unlike big maps where I have room to maneuver and pick people off on my terms. I can probably figure out how to use it more efficiently on small maps if I play with it more.

How are mines best used? I haven't been able to figure out a great way to abuse them yet. They keep ending up in far corners of the map where nobody ever sees them, or getting set off by my own team. I think part of the problem is that I keep forgetting I have them, but they're not as point-and-click as grenades so a few pointers would be handy.

What exactly are the rules for the Inkzooka? It seems to have a long-but-not-infinite horizontal range, but how does the vertical range work? Every time I've tried to use it to pick off an elevated sniper it doesn't seem like it works, so I'm wondering if it doesn't reach that high off the ground. Since the tornado seems to start/drop to ground level instantly even being elevated myself doesn't seem to make a difference. Although I might just be slightly outside of horizontal range and the lack of vertical range is an illusion. To what degree can it shoot through walls? It seems to go over a lot of obstacles and I think I've been killed by them through solid walls before, but I'm not sure.

Also while I'm throwing out questions, on an unrelated note, how do I play against seekers? Once they lock on I haven't been able to figure out how to get away from them. You can't jump over them, they seem to follow for quite a while, and they can turn. Is it just a matter of jumping on something or running far enough away? They seem really strong.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #158 on: July 06, 2015, 01:28:33 AM »
Mines are good to use in sections where you know the enemy is going to walk into. A bit vague, I know, but I've caught squids out on the Underpass by placing a mine on that mini ramp that leads into the main area. Trial and error is always a good way to find out the best spots for the mines~

The Inkzooka I haven't really played with that much, so I can't really weigh in on the mechanics of it. It has been satisfying to catch some players in the distance with it, so at least that part is reliable enough~ :V

As for the seekers, they only follow what they can see. If you're in squid form in your own ink, it won't follow you. In other words, once you see one, dip down and swim either side of the direction it's coming in from. If it explodes (from either hitting a wall, or having travelled a set amount) and you're still in the area, it'll catch you; so remember that distance is key. But yeah, the main rule of the seekers is that they home in on players in kid form~

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #159 on: July 06, 2015, 01:30:26 AM »
Mines: My favorite place to drop them is in tight corridors or the middle/entrance of a hallway. Leaving them out in the open center if the middle is being contested might work, too.

Inkzooka: The vertical range isn't infinite, but there's definitely an advantage to taking the low ground when using it. either way, whether you're aiming up or down doesn't seem to affect the vertical movement of the tornado. This is glaringly obvious if you're stuck on a ramp in the other team's ink without ink resistance.

Seekers: I find I have a bit of luck dodging them if I jump to the side. Jumping directly over them might not work because the hitbox of the bomb points up, but they can't curve on a dime if you side step them at the last moment (And jumping for insurance that the last moment isn't already too late)


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #160 on: July 06, 2015, 02:55:11 AM »
Ink Mines are a bit more difficult to use than you'd expect because they explode on their own after around 10 seconds. You can't just lay one and forget about it - if you want to booby-trap a passage, you have to keep tending to it. Splat Zones is probably the best mode for that. I've also seen plenty of players use it as insurance in a close-quarters confrontation, an attempt to take the opponent with them should they die. The top of Blackbelly's center pillar and the moving tower in Tower Control are common places where I've seen that. However, the mine's long detonation time is a glaring weakness that prevents any of these strategies from working reliably. Even when considering natural Internet latency, players can easily react to a mine about to go off and either swim past it or retreat. The fact that it explodes when covered in enemy ink, which opponents need to do anyway to move around, means they'll also be able to react to it when they're already outside its blast radius.

From what I remember, Inkzooka's horizontal range is about as long as the Splatterscope, though nailing high targets at that range is difficult because of how the tornadoes sink (I can't give an exact numerical rate or anything, but you can get a feel for it in the firing range). It doesn't go through obstacles at all, but the part above the top of said obstacle doesn't get deleted and will continue as usual, which means players can hide behind blocks and the like to protect themselves but must stay close to them. However, the sheer speed of the whole thing is what makes it so good. You can literally fill up the special meter, activate it, let loose a tornado (hold down the fire button while pressing the R stick to buffer a shot at the start), and kill whoever's sitting across the map thinking they're out of range, all before they can even react. It's basically like a Kraken (pre-nerf) in terms of how much opponents have to respect it when it's active, except it's even better than that because of its range and speed. People aren't joking when they argue it's one of the best specials in the game, if not the best.

You can jump over Seekers - if you're still dying, that's probably a bit of latency working against you, so jump a bit earlier, and preferably to the side. Or as Tamashii suggested, hide in your own ink to prevent it from locking onto you. Like Ink Mines, Seekers are also relatively easy to react to because of the blaring noises they make. Just be aware of people who might launch them over the tops of ramps (i.e., Urchin and Arowana) or from behind corners when they know you're trying to approach (just stay back in that case). Their grounded nature can also work heavily against them. I was playing a game of Splat Zones on Arowana a week or two ago where the other team had two Seeker users. They gained control of the hill early and started alternating Seekers down the main ramp to form a sort of wall (which I still died to twice lol). But my team still won because we were able to approach from the sides, where the Seekers couldn't reach us, and break their defenses. I admit I'm curious to see how many people will take advantage of Seeker Bomb Rush like this once the Carbon Roller Deco comes out.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 04:30:39 AM by ふねん1 »
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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #161 on: July 06, 2015, 08:24:21 AM »
I am curious about your opinions about loadouts:

You know, I have been now playing with the splattershot Jr loadout all the way up to level 18 and the only alternative superweapon I considered was Killer Wail, but only on maps where it is narrow and close quarter: Port Mackarel, Warehouse and maybe Urchin. But since you cannot change weapons and also don't know which map you end up it is often safe  with the Bomb rush / Bazooka for brawling.

However, I really enjoy the Bubbler special, because you also buff allies you touch. You can make those major pushes at Splatzones if your allies are smart.

My concern: Am I being a bad player for only going with the Jr loadout? Would switching to another loadout benefit my team more?

To give bit more info:  I enjoy being the tactical Inkling. I rather angle/flank then backstab people or charge forward suddenly acting like a noob but activate the bubbler and try to either splat them or shove them back so my team can advance. I guess it would count as: Charger Shooter?

Als to be really honest: I haven't tried out other loadouts yet so I am probably extremely biased with my splattershot Jr. Hence this post. I want to try out different loadouts once I hit 20. Reason why I am saving all my sea snales.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 08:31:36 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #162 on: July 06, 2015, 08:39:39 AM »
Splattershot Jr is good. Bubbler is really good. Splat bombs are good.
Only thing that stops me from putting it in top tier is the low range and accuracy leaving you weak to range, and that good blaster players will win everytime.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #163 on: July 06, 2015, 09:04:29 AM »
I'm glad I was able to pick up those Amiibo, since one of them let me unlock the Hero Roller Replica that includes sticky bombs and the Killer Wail, both incredible for Tower Control. I've gotten at least two triple kills with the latter when I ran the L-3 Nozzlenose, and then realized how useful the former was when I fought against them.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #164 on: July 06, 2015, 09:19:31 AM »
Is the Hero Roller only achievable through the Amiibo? Or can a normal player unlock it through ingame effort?

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #165 on: July 06, 2015, 12:01:58 PM »
It's amiibo only. Each of the three amiibos (girl, boy, and squid) give you different outfits and weapons; along with challenges to unlock said items. For me, the UK batch got stolen, and with lack of funds, I haven't been able to acquire any of them~ >>

Frustrating, but one day, I'll get them~


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #166 on: July 06, 2015, 01:32:22 PM »
(I'm like a few days late but) Inkbrushers represent  :toot:

The proper way to use the pablo is to use your sprinkler to build up your special while you splatter another part of the map. If you see an enemy, hide first with your incredible brush speed (although you'll have to take note of your remaining ink because it drains pretty fast) then get behind the guy and draw your katana brush. The Inkstrike's just a sweet icing on the inkcake.

(Or well, you could just use a gal or aerospray they're easier for most)

I'm glad I was able to pick up those Amiibo, since one of them let me unlock the Hero Roller Replica that includes sticky bombs and the Killer Wail, both incredible for Tower Control. I've gotten at least two triple kills with the latter when I ran the L-3 Nozzlenose, and then realized how useful the former was when I fought against them.

Isn't the hero roller replica just a replica of the splat roller with the same sub wep and special though (that is a very good point for tower control i hate that mode as a squid who mains the melee weapons and never thought suction bomb + killer wail would be fantastic for it)

It's amiibo only. Each of the three amiibos (girl, boy, and squid) give you different outfits and weapons; along with challenges to unlock said items. For me, the UK batch got stolen, and with lack of funds, I haven't been able to acquire any of them~ >>

Frustrating, but one day, I'll get them~

Oh wow, you were affected by the amiibo truck theft?  :o Well other than the very cute schoolgirl outfit from the Inkling Girl Amiibo the weapons are just reskins of weapons you can get ingame so not too big of a deal to me personally  :V (The reskins are cool though)

i should probably get to changing my sig but im too lazy

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #167 on: July 06, 2015, 01:39:12 PM »
Oh, you're right. I'm not sure how I didn't notice that the original roller also had those two weapons. I suppose that does make it more fair.

I kind of made the Killer Wail discovery by accident after my first triple kill. It seems to work better than the tornado since there's less timing involved whenever the platform is in motion.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #168 on: July 06, 2015, 01:44:55 PM »
I was about to say, I was posting "So it is pay-to-win in Splatoon"  but I got cut by 2 reply notice.

Good, that at least makes me less frustrated.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #169 on: July 06, 2015, 02:12:04 PM »
Holy crap the suction + killer wail combo is really good for Tower Control

...and then it switches to Splat Zones once I got my B- rank back thanks game ;_;

i should probably get to changing my sig but im too lazy

art thread / yukkuri quest thread


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #170 on: July 07, 2015, 06:43:47 AM »
Yesterday was watching A+ 99 game on a stream where the matches were pretty damn even. I asked the streamer, who interacted a lot with his audience, about some weaponry and modes.

For Tower Ride > Luna Blaster and Custom Blaster was heavily used in the tower war games. Followed by occasional Tentak Splattershot or Rollers. The reasons were quite simple: 1 to 2 shot with the Blasters and if you have good aim, easy kills with the Splattershot. The specials which come with the weapons are quite useful. A+ Tower Ride was exactly as you would expect: People using their brains instead of jumping the tower with 4 people and then dying.

For the SplatZones Rollers seem better due to the nature of the game.

Except the Blasters are anything but user friendly. They have a small delay and travel time before they explode in range. Which is the key to the gun: If you want to splat your opponent you need to get a direct hit. And due to the ROF, you will need lots of patience and aiming with it.

Splattershot Jr was in his opinion great overall weapon and the loadout pretty solid. Except he said that there will be a moment in Ranked Battle where you just don't get through it. That is where the Splattershot Jr is struggling. Swapping it out for a Tentatek, Blaster or Roller play would be in that case a specific better choice. Of course he also added the RNG needs to be in your favour.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #171 on: July 07, 2015, 09:55:48 AM »
Right! With the Splatfest out of the way with, two new weapons are on the way for tomorrow! This time, we have the Sploosh-o-Matic, and the .96 Gal Deco. The Sploosh looks interesting, and I can't wait to have a poke at it~ XD

Oh, and Pasu, was great playing with you earlier; we seriously rock on the same team! Also, nice combination~ XD


  • resident walker
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #172 on: July 07, 2015, 02:04:56 PM »
Oh boy .96 Deco, this will maybe be the greatest thing yet.


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #173 on: July 08, 2015, 02:17:29 AM »
I like the Sploosh-O-Matic. It covers ground so fast that you can get up your super very frequently. Not sure if I'm going to use it consistently, but I'm enjoying messing around with it.

Just bought an ethernet adapter because my connection is still questionable, especially if anyone else is home and using anything wireless. Which is horseshit given how much I pay for internet and the alleged stats on my service, but whatever, my provider just blatantly lies to me so expecting anything is naive. I assume they just give you the bare-bones wireless no matter which service you pay for because they're monsters and hate me.

Edit: Wow, yup, I just had three matches in a row with severe lag, with a disconnect during the last one. I've been messing around with my wireless settings trying to get myself to a point where I can play this game on a basic level, tried every thing I could think of, and every time the Wii U's network test gives positive results. And then every time my connection is horsetrash in-game. There is no way for me to test this without fucking over seven other people by ruining their game, so I guess I just quit. I'm not playing at all until that adapter gets here, and if that doesn't work I guess I'm just selling my console, because it's worthless to me like this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe there's something obvious I overlooked.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 02:42:33 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #174 on: July 08, 2015, 10:17:34 PM »
I finally got to get out of C / C- rank and am now B-. Holy shit that was suffering. The way people play in C+ and above is whole different than the clueless new kids in C- and C. Really suffering but it was worth it.


  • resident walker
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #175 on: July 09, 2015, 05:12:38 AM »
Now you experience the typical suffering of sometimes  completely outclassing everyone and go up a few ranks to A and then immediately being continually beat down back to B.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #176 on: July 09, 2015, 06:39:48 AM »
So the suffering never ends huh  :ohdear:

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #177 on: July 09, 2015, 09:22:32 AM »
The suffering will only end when you  put down the controller and never look back.


  • resident walker
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #178 on: July 09, 2015, 10:51:40 AM »
Sometimes you look at your A+ rank fondly, and swear to never touch ranked again, but the lack of a 99 next to it beckons you back to nothing but disappointment and anger.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #179 on: July 09, 2015, 11:26:20 AM »
What rank is everybody here?