Author Topic: Wind Priestess Quest  (Read 72628 times)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #210 on: May 20, 2015, 04:43:05 AM »
>"Oh yea, you guys don't have TV and electricity yet..."
>"Yup. Though we plan on getting some as soon as your shrine and the underground decide to stop monopolizing all the electricity in Gensokyo. Any indication of when that's going to happen?"

>Wait, we didn't fight or resolve an incident yet, we can't have tea! "Tea please. And uhh, is there somewhere less public I could change when you come with the clothes?"
>There is always time for tea!
>Sakuya gestures towards one of the doors leading into the room, "That door in the corner there leads to one of our vacant guest rooms. You can change in there." she turns to the nearest fairy maid, "You there!"
>The fairy maid immediately stops what she's doing and snaps to attention. "Yes, Sakuya?"
>"Go fetch our guest some warm tea."
>"Yes, ma'am. I'll get on it right away."
>The fairy promptly zips out of the room as Sakuya focuses her attention back on you.
>"I'll be back in a few minutes with the clothes." she says, before pulling out a pocketwatch and clicking a button on it. She vanishes in an instant.
>Sit in a comfy chair. Save our game at the Save Suwako Statue conveniently near the fireplace
>You sit in one of the comfy chairs in your still-soaked clothes. You are undoubtedly getting the cushioning wet.
>Game saved.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #211 on: May 20, 2015, 04:53:58 AM »
>"We'll stop monopolizing all the electricity when we get enough faith  :3 "
>Ponder* a few things *man I use that word a lot here...
>"Man, seeing her pop in and out of sight still scares me a bit."
>"Oops, I'm still not dry. Hope she doesn't mind the chairs that much. :ohdear: " Get up and sit near the fireplace instead.
>"I wonder if those fairy maids ever have break time..."


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #212 on: May 20, 2015, 05:08:49 AM »
I'm pretty chill when it comes to things like this. We're doing a RP and we're here to have fun, no worries.  :flowerpower:

>Observe excellent fairy technique.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #213 on: May 20, 2015, 05:31:54 AM »
>"We'll stop monopolizing all the electricity when we get enough faith  :3 "
>Sakuya is gone and therefore cannot answer you :P

>Ponder* a few things *man I use that word a lot here...
>What would you like to ponder?

>"Man, seeing her pop in and out of sight still scares me a bit."
>You speak to yourself aloud.
>"I'll say, it took some of us over a year to get used to it..." you hear one of the nearby fairy maids answer.

>"Oops, I'm still not dry. Hope she doesn't mind the chairs that much. :ohdear: " Get up and sit near the fireplace instead.
>You see some of the fairy maids giving you dirty looks as you leave the now wet chair and sit on the floor near the fireplace.

>"I wonder if those fairy maids ever have break time..."
>"Oh, we do." says the first fairy from before, "In fact, I think number 256 over here is about to go on her break. Am I right?"
>"Yup. Just five more minutes to go..." replies another fairy maid.
>"Hey. You know, you're kinda weird." says the first fairy, her attention obviously returning to you, "Speaking to yourself aloud like that when there are other people in the room..."

>Observe excellent fairy technique.
>You look over at the fairy maids. They are diligently cleaning the shelves and vases. They're actually moving quite efficiently for fairies, you'd expect most fairy groups, under the same circumstances, to work in a haphazard and uncoordinated fashion.

>So... technique-like...


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #214 on: May 20, 2015, 05:35:51 AM »
>Ponder the inner workings of fate, and how Remilia controls it.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #215 on: May 20, 2015, 05:50:16 AM »
>Ponder the inner workings of fate, and how Remilia controls it.
>You begin wondering exactly how fate works. Is it immutable, or can it be permanently changed. Both theories provide different ways on how Remilia's power can work. If fate is immutable, can Remilia then only change fate in the short-term? If it can be changed, then can Remilia decide your ultimate fate? Furthermore, what is the extent of Remilia's power? Can it reach far into the future, or does it only effect events that occur in a span of, let's say five minutes... There's so much to think about regarding this subject...
>You become so deep in thought that your mind becomes a black hole of philosophy that causes your entire body to implode into it.

>About a minute passes by before you hear a door open. You turn around and see the fairy maid that left the room earlier, this time holding a tray upon which sits a teapot and some cups and saucers.
>"Your tea." says the maid before flying closer to you.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #216 on: May 20, 2015, 06:02:46 AM »
>Reach enlightenment by figuring out that Remilia's fate powers work on how she decides it. After all, she controls her own fate as well as her power's fate, and the fate of those she uses her powers on and this and that and other stuffs and thingies.
>"Thanks" take tea, sip tea.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #217 on: May 20, 2015, 06:17:54 AM »
>Reach enlightenment by figuring out that Remilia's fate powers work on how she decides it. After all, she controls her own fate as well as her power's fate, and the fate of those she uses her powers on and this and that and other stuffs and thingies.
>You feel wiser.

>"Thanks" take tea, sip tea.
>"You're welcome." The fairy says before setting down the tray on the mahogany table, pouring you a cup of tea, and handing it to you.
>You happily accept the tea from the fairy and begin to sip the hot beverage. The warmth of the tea is quite relieving on your freezing cold body.
>"Is there anything else you require?" The fairy maid asks.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #218 on: May 20, 2015, 06:31:41 AM »
>"Aahh, warmth~"
>"No. Thank you very much."
>"This all seems sorta relaxed, even with it being this cold in summer..."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #219 on: May 20, 2015, 07:30:42 PM »
>"Aahh, warmth~"
>You take a moment to express just how good it feels to be sipping something warm right now.

>"No. Thank you very much."
>"Very well." the fairy maid replies, before joining the other fairy maids in their cleaning.

>"This all seems sorta relaxed, even with it being this cold in summer..."
>"Well, we all go through training to keep cool and cope with practically anything." says the same fairy maid that called you weird earlier, "If we were not employed here, though, we would probably go berserk because of the cold in summer. There would be endless snowball fights and snowman building and anarchy and endless snowball fights and lots of other more cooler stuffs and thingies."
>"But we aren't allowed to do those kinds of things these days unless we're on our break. Otherwise Sakuya will punish us severely." the fairy maid that the first one called number 256 chips in, "But even then it's usually not worth it, since playing outside will only get our outfits wet and dirty, and we have to follow strict dress code regulations. And you should watch your grammar, 316, unless you want to be put through those utterly stupid speech classes we took during our training again..."
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 07:36:10 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #220 on: May 20, 2015, 07:40:33 PM »
>"Anyways, you guys are doing a swell job. Kinda makes me wish we had people at our shrine to help out."
>"Hey you guys have any board or card games we could play?" oh, right, still resolving an incident.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #221 on: May 20, 2015, 07:49:29 PM »
>"Anyways, you guys are doing a swell job. Kinda makes me wish we had people at our shrine to help out."
>"Then perhaps you should recruit some fairy maids of your own. It's not hard." You hear Sakuya's voice answer from behind you.
>It startles you so much that you almost spill your hot tea.

>"Hey you guys have any board or card games we could play?" oh, right, still resolving an incident.
>"Number 512! Bring out... the Uno deck!"
>"Aw... But I wanted Chutes and Ladders!"

>This is not the time for games.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #222 on: May 20, 2015, 08:10:25 PM »
>"Ah, perfect timing Sakuya, you can be our 4th player. But we can't play Uno because it's too easy for you to cheat, so let's play chutes and ladders. And don't worry, I don't have enough faith to rig the dice every time it's my turn."
>"Whoa man, You'd make a fantastic serial killer if this was a movie!"
>"It'd be nice, but thinking about it, we do split our work efforts equally... most of the time."
>Sip tea
>Examine the clothes Sakuya brought us.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #223 on: May 20, 2015, 09:05:34 PM »
>"Ah, perfect timing Sakuya, you can be our 4th player. But we can't play Uno because it's too easy for you to cheat, so let's play chutes and ladders. And don't worry, I don't have enough faith to rig the dice every time it's my turn."
>"Ugh, but these are children's games! Why can't we play a nice, civilized game of Monopoly or Risk? Or better yet, why don't we just dismiss the fairy maids and have a nice game of Chess or Go."

>"Whoa man, You'd make a fantastic serial killer if this was a movie!"
>"I'm sorry if I startled you." Sakuya replies, "Anyway here's a fresh change of clothes. I didn't really know your size, so I sorta had to guess. I hope they fit."

>"It'd be nice, but thinking about it, we do split our work efforts equally... most of the time."
>"Well, suit yourself. To each their own I suppose."

>Sip tea
>Examine the clothes Sakuya brought us.
>You take another sip of your warm beverage before examining the clothes Sakuya brought you.
>It appears to be a spare maid's outfit.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #224 on: May 20, 2015, 10:42:00 PM »
>"Because I already own a monopoly, it's redundant. You know what, let's all go to my house and we can play Smash Bros. And don't tell me you already forgot how to play Link, we've only been in Gensokyo for X Years"
>"Uhh, anything's better than these frozen clothes right now..."
>Set tea down get the clothes. "Escuse me while I go change for a second."
>Go to the room she gestured to before and look around it to make sure Aya isn't waiting outside for a scoop.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #225 on: May 20, 2015, 11:10:40 PM »
>"Because I already own a monopoly, it's redundant. You know what, let's all go to my house and we can play Smash Bros. And don't tell me you already forgot how to play Link, we've only been in Gensokyo for X Years"
>"But I suck at Smash Bros! Okay, why don't we try another game? How about Global Thermonuclear War?"

>"Uhh, anything's better than these frozen clothes right now..."
>Sakuya shrugs, "I guess that's true..."

>Set tea down get the clothes. "Escuse me while I go change for a second."
>You stand up and set the tea down on the mahogany table.
>"Certainly." Sakuya replies as she hands you the clothes.

>Go to the room she gestured to before and look around it to make sure Aya isn't waiting outside for a scoop.
>You walk over to the door in the corner of the room and enter.
>You are in a vacant guest room. There is a tidily made bed laying against the wall to your right, on the wall across from you is a medium sized window with two elegant scarlet read curtains adorning the sides, you think this room is one of the few rooms in the mansion that actually has a window. There is a wardrobe on the wall next to said window. On the wall to your left is a small closet.
>Aya, as well as all the other perverts in Gensokyo are peering in through the window.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #226 on: May 20, 2015, 11:42:19 PM »
>"Eh, that'll cause another incident, I'll stick with chess. Oh, I know, Let's play real life chess with the fairy maids as the chess pieces. That way, we could all play!"
>Make sure nothings open then take off the frozen clothes.
>Equip Maid Outfit. "How did I know I was going to end up in one of these if I went here rather than going home..."
>Examine self, preferably with a mirror. Check the closet and dresser as well.
>"Well, I obviously can't go out in the cold with this, so I guess I'm staying here for awhile."


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #227 on: May 21, 2015, 03:51:48 AM »
>Laugh maniacally, running down the hallways throwing knives and screaming "ZA WARUDO!"
>I should pay Sakuya back for the help she's given me. Maybe she'd be up for another look around outside, if her mistress allows it.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #228 on: May 21, 2015, 04:24:59 AM »
>"Eh, that'll cause another incident, I'll stick with chess. Oh, I know, Let's play real life chess with the fairy maids as the chess pieces. That way, we could all play!"
>"Now that sounds like a good idea! Let me rally the fairy maids!"

>Make sure nothings open then take off the frozen clothes.
>You shut the door behind you. Then walk over to the window and draw the curtains closed.
>You then undress yourself, setting your cold, wet winter gear and clothes in a neat pile on the floor.

>Equip Maid Outfit. "How did I know I was going to end up in one of these if I went here rather than going home..."
>You put on the Maid Outfit. It's a little tight, especially around the chest, but it still feels much better than what you were wearing before.
>Somehow, you just knew...

>Examine self, preferably with a mirror. Check the closet and dresser as well.
>You notice a mirror on the wall that the door is located on that you didn't see when you first looked around. You walk over to it and examine yourself.
>You look a bit strange in a maid's outfit, but that's merely because this isn't your usual look, and you're not used to it.

>You then walk over to the dresser and open it. It's empty.
>You do the same with the closet. All you find is a few spare blankets.

>"Well, I obviously can't go out in the cold with this, so I guess I'm staying here for awhile."
>You come to terms with your current situation. There's no way you're going out there looking like this, everyone will laugh at you in these clothes, they are not proper for cold conditions.

>Laugh maniacally, running down the hallways throwing knives and screaming "ZA WARUDO!"
>Halfway down the first hallway, you slam headfirst into Sakuya!
>"Just what the hell do you think you're doing!?!"

>I should pay Sakuya back for the help she's given me. Maybe she'd be up for another look around outside, if her mistress allows it.
>You wonder if Sakuya would be interested in investigating the incident with you, provided that her mistress approves, of course.
>You also decide that you should at least give Sakuya some form of repayment for her assistance.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #229 on: May 21, 2015, 05:04:03 AM »
>Halfway down the first hallway, you slam headfirst into Sakuya!
>"Just what the hell do you think you're doing!?!"

>"Ugh my head, where am I? Who are you? Why do you have a knife? Where's Suwako-Sama? Help me Suwakooo!"
>Check under the bed, there's always useful stuff in games in almost every room...somehow.
>Step outside. "It feels a bit tight. Umm, does it look good?"
>"Thanks for the help and hospitality, is there a way I could return the favor?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #230 on: May 21, 2015, 05:25:00 AM »
>"Ugh my head, where am I? Who are you? Why do you have a knife? Where's Suwako-Sama? Help me Suwakooo!"
>Eirin bursts through the nearest wall, Kool-aid Man style.
>"Did somebody say 'Help me!'?" she says.
>Suwako bursts through the wall, next to the hole Eirin made.
>"She was calling me, you idiot!"

>Check under the bed, there's always useful stuff in games in almost every room...somehow.
>You find a very dirty Udongein- Oh wait... Sorry, I meant to say "Dust bunny." Too bad it's impossible put a strikeout within a strikeout... :P

>Step outside. "It feels a bit tight. Umm, does it look good?"
>You leave the guest room.
>"You look fine." Sakuya replies, "Sorry that it's a bit too small..."

>"Thanks for the help and hospitality, is there a way I could return the favor?"
>"Why yes, there is: Either give us access to the fusion reactor, or become one of our maids for eternity!"
>"Oh, in all honesty, there's really no need for that. I was just looking out for a friend in need." says Sakuya.


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #231 on: May 21, 2015, 05:33:03 AM »
>Heart attack from such warmth displayed by one of the coldest mofos in all of Gensokyo.
>"Regardless, is there anything you need help with? Something to pass the time while my clothes dry?"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #232 on: May 21, 2015, 06:03:12 AM »
>"It's okay. I guess you could say it wasn't maid for me"
>Check the tea for anything different then sip if all clear~
>"So uhh, want to actually play chess or could you show me around the mansion because I can't go out in the cold wearing this."
>"I hope Wakasagihime made it safely there and back."
>"So how's everyone been around here?"
>Sit by the fire on the seat, hopefully we're not wet this time around. And hopefully she didn't notice last time.
>"I've been wondering some things about how your powers work Sakuya. Can you go back in time or take things in your time stop with you. You have such an awesome superpower while I'm stuck being to Reimu like Dan is to Ryu."
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 06:07:49 AM by Miniking »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #233 on: May 21, 2015, 06:49:35 AM »
>Heart attack from such warmth displayed by one of the coldest mofos in all of Gensokyo.

>"Regardless, is there anything you need help with? Something to pass the time while my clothes dry?"
>"No. There's nothing you could really help with, unless you want to help the fairy maids work. You already look the part." Sakuya jokes, "Anyway, there's quite a few things you could do to pass the time while you're here. We have a few rec rooms reserved for the fairy maids to use while on break, but you're welcome to use them as well. You could also make a trip to our library and read a book, or help Patchouli and Koakuma organize the shelves. You could also keep the younger mistress company, if you want."

>"It's okay. I guess you could say it wasn't maid for me"
>"Hey! No puns around the fairy maids! It gives them ideas."
>"Hey, is it your break time yet, 256?" asks fairy maid 316.
>"Yes, I'm fairy positive that it is!" number 256 replies.
>"Ugh," says Sakuya with a subtle facepalm, "See what I mean..."

>Check the tea for anything different then sip if all clear~
>You pick up your tea and inspect it for anything undesirable. Finding it satisfactory, you take another sip.

>"So uhh, want to actually play chess or could you show me around the mansion because I can't go out in the cold wearing this."
>"Sorry, I don't have the time for chess right now, I actually was going to leave in a few moments to play a card game with the mistress. However, I don't think she'll mind if you joined in." Sakuya began, "If you would like a tour of the mansion, I can arrange for fairy maid number 512 over there to show you around." she continues, gesturing towards the same fairy maid that brought you your tea.

>"I hope Wakasagihime made it safely there and back."
>"I'm sure she's fine." Sakuya replies, "Where was she going, anyway?"

>"So how's everyone been around here?"
>"We've been doing fine for the most part; the fairy maids have done an excellent job of keeping things both clean and warm in here. However, if the temperature keeps falling like this, I don't think any amount of effort will be able to keep this place warm for long periods of time."

>Sit by the fire on the seat, hopefully we're not wet this time around. And hopefully she didn't notice last time.
>You walk over to the wet seat from earlier and sit down in it.
>Sakuya takes a seat in the other chair.

>"I've been wondering some things about how your powers work Sakuya. Can you go back in time or take things in your time stop with you. You have such an awesome superpower while I'm stuck being to Reimu like Dan is to Ryu."
>"Oh, please don't try to flatter me. Your ability to cause miracles is pretty cool as well..." Sakuya says with a chuckle, "Anyway, while I am indeed able to take other people into my time stop, I can't go against the flow of time without a obscenely high amount of energy. If I, right now, concentrated all my will into going back in time, the most I could manage to do is go back about a fraction of a second."
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 06:56:56 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #234 on: May 21, 2015, 07:13:32 AM »
>"How have your mistresses been lately? And what about Patchouli and Koakuma and Meiling?"
>"Well, my miracles are dependent on faith though, you get to use your powers more freely and independently.
>"Have you ever considered going back in time and would you do it if you were I don't know, super enhanced by something. Even though that'd take a miracle... ;)"
>"I've thought that if I gain enough faith to cause a miracle of grand scale and superpower you, we could go back in time for this incident and solve it before it even begins. We could be hundreds times better than Reimu like that! Too bad we'd need nearly a 5th or so of Gensokyo's population for that much faith."
>"Speaking of which, seen Reimu or Marisa lately?"
>"Wakasagihime was going to the Genbu Marsh to return some tools I borrowed from a nice kappa there to free her."
>Try and move to a more comfortable position in the char. "Crap, I shouldn't have sat here earlier in the first place."
>Sip tea and marvel at the great wall of text that shall protrude from this post
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 07:20:01 AM by Miniking »


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #235 on: May 21, 2015, 04:21:03 PM »
>*marvelling intensi-knifed*


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #236 on: May 21, 2015, 08:58:07 PM »
>"How have your mistresses been lately? And what about Patchouli and Koakuma and Meiling?"
>"My mistress has been doing fine." Sakuya answers, "I think the cold has been aggravating Patchouli's asthma a bit, but she seems to be doing okay for the most part, especially with Koakuma being with her 24/7. And Meiling... Well... She's still finding excuses to slack off every time my mistress and I turn our backs..."

>"Well, my miracles are dependent on faith though, you get to use your powers more freely and independently.
>"Well, I guess you have a point there..."

>"Have you ever considered going back in time and would you do it if you were I don't know, super enhanced by something. Even though that'd take a miracle... ;)"
>"I've thought that if I gain enough faith to cause a miracle of grand scale and superpower you, we could go back in time for this incident and solve it before it even begins. We could be hundreds times better than Reimu like that! Too bad we'd need nearly a 5th or so of Gensokyo's population for that much faith."
>"Even if I had the energy, or your assistance, I would probably refrain from going back in time. There's no telling how many things can go wrong if we meddle with the past... And if we were to go back and solve this incident before it even began, then what reason would we have to go back in time in the first place? The resulting paradox would be a thousand times worse than any incident that could ever befall Gensokyo."

>"Speaking of which, seen Reimu or Marisa lately?"
>"I did some investigating of this incident with them earlier this week. We still didn't find any leads."

>"Wakasagihime was going to the Genbu Marsh to return some tools I borrowed from a nice kappa there to free her."
>"Oh, okay. In that case she's still probably en route to there. Still I'm sure that she can handle herself out there."

>Try and move to a more comfortable position in the char. "Crap, I shouldn't have sat here earlier in the first place."
>You try to shift into a more comfortable position, but everywhere you try, you still feel the dampness of the cushion.
>"Oh, did you get the chair wet?" Sakuya asks, "You can have mine if you want. I have to leave soon anyway."

>Sip tea and marvel at the great wall of text that shall protrude from this post
>You take another sip of your tea.
>It's so beautiful...

>*marvelling intensi-knifed*
>Wow! The way this beautiful Wall of TextTM protrudes from this post kinda reminds you of how Sakuya's pads protrude from her-
>You are immediately struck with a knife.
>You die...

« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 09:00:43 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #237 on: May 21, 2015, 09:25:57 PM »
>Make sure our new outfit isn't wet as well. "I didn't have an accident, well it was an accident I guess... Forgot my other clothes were still damp when I sat down."
>"How come no one ever wants to go incident resolving with me, or anything for that matter?  :( "
>"Alright, see you later Sakuya..."
>Get our previous clothes and set them near the fire so they can dry quicker. And purify that dirty Udonge dust bunny as well.
>Slump into Sakuya's seat. "What the...wait you were still there!?"
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 09:30:11 PM by Miniking »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #238 on: May 21, 2015, 09:51:33 PM »
>Make sure our new outfit isn't wet as well. "I didn't have an accident, well it was an accident I guess... Forgot my other clothes were still damp when I sat down."
>You think the part that was touching the chair got a little bit damp, but it's not intolerable.
>"Oh." Sakuya chuckles, "Well, we all make mistakes at some point, right?"

>"How come no one ever wants to go incident resolving with me, or anything for that matter?  :( "
>"I honestly don't know..." Sakuya replies.

>"Alright, see you later Sakuya..."
>"Goodbye, Sanae." says Sakuya as she stands up and pulls out her pocketwatch, "If you wish to join our card game, you can find us in the common room on the second floor. The fairy maids will direct you there if you ask them."
>Sakuya clicks her pocketwatch and vanishes from sight.

>Get our previous clothes and set them near the fire so they can dry quicker. And purify that dirty Udonge dust bunny as well.
>You set down your tea and retrieve your soaked apparel from the other room.
>You set them down on a toasty spot near the fire.
>You don't have a vacuum cleaner!

>Slump into Sakuya's seat. "What the...wait you were still there!?"
>You sit on the dry chair. It feels warm from Sakuya's presence.


  • Virtual Cartographer
  • Double Spoiler was my birthday present.
Re: Wind Priestess Quest
« Reply #239 on: May 21, 2015, 10:08:15 PM »
>Sakuya's been kind enough, might as well go take a seat with them and play some cards while my clothes dry.