Author Topic: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-  (Read 139488 times)

Silent Harmony

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #840 on: October 10, 2016, 07:25:45 PM »
First off, here's the actual post for the new Ranked system:

Now about draft champ select (which is different):

The new champ select is staying, but has a huge change currently in testing. Instead of it being only 2 roles (and auto-fill for high-elo) it's your top 4 and 1 that you will never get unless you have Fill as an option. Basically you select a Primary and Secondary (just like live) but now also you can pick 1 role to fully omit. The 2 remaining roles will be weighed more lightly than the first 2, so for instance:
  • Primary: Mid
  • Secondary: Top
  • Omit: Bot
will yield MID>TOP>SUP=JUN as your queue.

If it turns out that a ton of people omit support and thus make queue times noticeably worse, then they're revert it.

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League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #841 on: October 11, 2016, 12:01:59 AM »
Worlds brought the league thread back from the dead. I've been getting back in to League again. I dunno about solo queueing, but I like playing with groups.

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #842 on: October 11, 2016, 04:40:14 AM »
I've been slowly getting back in myself.  Turns out they turned on Champion Mastery for ARAMs sooooooo yeah.

I've always been all about that.

Also I guess Doom Bots is coming back in a weekend or two, completely overhauled, so that's cool too.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #843 on: October 11, 2016, 11:01:00 AM »
Woo I'm in Promos.

> 3rd promo game my Twitch decided to go offensive on a Lucian/Nami lane. Over and over and over when I'm Janna. And usually when a Warwick is around too.

Welp. Also featuring the Rammus that flamed from about min 2 [Twitch DoT stole Gromp and he never stopped flaming everyone from that point] and somehow got out-ganked by a Warwick when only 1 enemy champion had any mobility at all.

The enemy Warwick who somehow showed up botlane with 4 kills before he was even lv6.

How. Why.

Ironically both promo games I lost had a Twitch ADC on my side. And 2 games before I hit promos I had another Twitch ADC... who got a Pentakill.

Why am I seeing 3 Twitches; all on my team; in 6 games.

By the time Twitch basically suicided the 5th time I just started roaming and ignored Twitch and managed to make some plays. But it wasn't enough because by that point it wasn't even 15 mins and the Warwick had a GA of all things and was towerdiving people.

I mean how does a pre-6 warwick get fed so hard.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 11:04:06 AM by Raikaria »
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #844 on: October 12, 2016, 01:42:42 PM »
Worlds brought the league thread back from the dead. I've been getting back in to League again. I dunno about solo queueing, but I like playing with groups.
Same!  I'll try to remind MJP to shoot people invites but usually he's 321 go and it's just us.

I'm actually excited about the ranked changes because we can do the flex queue which will be less SRS BIZ but also do the thing that keeps gold/plats + lowbie groups mucking up matchmaking because boy howdy major skill discrepancies are no fun.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #845 on: October 12, 2016, 06:00:59 PM »
If the new Flex Queue does prevent players too far apart in skill from playing together then I will actually be a little sad. The thing about ranked teams that I loved was the ability to play competitively with my higher ranked friends and earn a rank together. Without that, Flex Queue will just be almost the same for me as normals, but less inclusive.

I also don't like the fact that the "team" aspect of ranked teams is going away. The feeling of being on a team with set players working towards a goal together just isn't captured in Flex Queue, when you can simply play with anyone, anywhere and not share progress.

I definitely will almost never use Flex Queue. I'll stick to solo and normals and hope that teams make a return someday, even if there have to be time of day restrictions.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #846 on: October 19, 2016, 07:02:48 AM »
So... we're getting a Bard Bard skin.

Also assassin reworks are on the PBE and Talon gets a 3 hit passive and becomes even more Assassin's Creed with the ability to specifically vault over walls.

Oh; and there's a new support item which makes everyone Soraka. [Long-range targeted AoE which heals a bunch and deals 10% MAX HP TRUE DAMAGE o any enemies in it. Also it can be USED WHILE DEAD; and gives the heal/shield boost]

And it only costs 2100. Rito plz.

Also for reference 5,500 range is the same as Pantheon's R.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 07:06:30 AM by Raikaria »
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Silent Harmony

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #847 on: October 19, 2016, 08:09:23 AM »
Oh; and there's a new support item which makes everyone Soraka. [Long-range targeted AoE which heals a bunch and deals 10% MAX HP TRUE DAMAGE o any enemies in it. Also it can be USED WHILE DEAD; and gives the heal/shield boost]

Everybody is Soraka indeed.

You know, except for the 2.5 second cast time.

And the fact that it targets an area (skill shot in other words) and not specific enemies/allies.

And the fact that we don't know how large of a radius the area is (for instance, there's a large difference in radius between Pantheon R and, say, Soraka Q).

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League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #848 on: October 19, 2016, 11:19:05 AM »
Obviously it's not literal. Talisman of Ascension doesn't make every champion Sivir.

But the point is now you have to worry about a long-range heal even without a Soraka on the enemy team. Or if Soraka is on the enemy team. Or is dead.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Silent Harmony

  • Everybody needs the Pharmarcy
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #849 on: October 19, 2016, 08:46:01 PM »
Again, it's a long-range heal that targets an area that you can see as an enemy, especially since it hurts as well. And it has a 2.5 second cast-time which is an eternity in a teamfight. And if the support's allies try to stay in it to heal you know approximately where they'll be for the next 2.5 seconds.

Not saying it's bad, but "Rito pls" is a stretch to put it lightly.

1CC List (all shmups)
League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #850 on: October 21, 2016, 01:45:03 PM »
~preseason chaos~

Bard Bard is everything I hoped and dreamed.

Also I'm being QUEEN OF THE NERDS tonight and seeing Semis live in NYC because whoops it's super close.  Should be a fine set of games.

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #851 on: October 22, 2016, 08:17:46 AM »
Brace yourselves.

The Miss Fortune 'supports' are coming.

[And this is from someone who considers MF/Sivir their main ADC's...]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #852 on: October 22, 2016, 01:33:34 PM »
I wound up leaving after the 3rd game since MJP wasn't feeling well and we had to sync up with train schedules, so I got to see the glory live and I think the other games weren't quiiiiiiite as.... trailblazing?

I actually would want to try it, but I suspect it's one of those very specific counterpicks with limited application. 


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #853 on: October 23, 2016, 05:52:07 PM »
I wound up leaving after the 3rd game since MJP wasn't feeling well and we had to sync up with train schedules, so I got to see the glory live and I think the other games weren't quiiiiiiite as.... trailblazing?

I actually would want to try it, but I suspect it's one of those very specific counterpicks with limited application.

From what I can tell it was specifically to work with Ashe.

Ashe slows+Make it Rain's heavy slow when ranked. Also Make it Rain is an easy setup for an Arrow; which is an easy setup for MF R.

MF also roams faster than any other support due to her passive.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #854 on: October 24, 2016, 07:42:59 PM »
It was specifically to work with Ashe AND counter the Zyra support at the same time. Zyra is squishy so the damage from Make It Rain + Arrow + Bullet Time helps chunk her down. Also because she's a squishy support with no sustain (so continuous Make it Rain casts as well as Love Taps help push her out of lane). All of this combined with heavier roams due to the W passive and the active also helping MF dodge Zyra's shit.

Basically, it's a niche pick that only works if you really know what you're doing. And the pros allowed the stars to align three times in Worlds. That's not supposed to happen.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #855 on: October 25, 2016, 07:58:28 PM »
It was specifically to work with Ashe AND counter the Zyra support at the same time. Zyra is squishy so the damage from Make It Rain + Arrow + Bullet Time helps chunk her down. Also because she's a squishy support with no sustain (so continuous Make it Rain casts as well as Love Taps help push her out of lane). All of this combined with heavier roams due to the W passive and the active also helping MF dodge Zyra's shit.

Basically, it's a niche pick that only works if you really know what you're doing. And the pros allowed the stars to align three times in Worlds. That's not supposed to happen.

I'd debate the extent to which MF specifically counters Zyra. Targeted AoE slow is nice and all that to annoy Zyra and set up arrows; but Zyra is literally one of the squishiest champions in the game [She rivals Sona; is is actually significantly softer at lv 18; with one of the lowest HP and the 5th lowest armor], and is also one of the least mobile [Base 335 no mobility at all] I'd be more inclined to say she has a better matchup against someone like Sona or Janna or even Bard who have a much harder time than 'spawn a thorn spitter somewhere near MF; they generally shoot at any champ in range for the first shot'. I mean Sona has Q but she need to get in Q range when Make it Rain outranges her.

In fact; since only a single shot from a Zyra plant is needed to mess up MF's passive and that leads into a rather easy snare which can be capitalized on by the enemy duo; I'd call it a pretty risky 'counter'. Sure; MF can activate Strut to re-enable it; but then she just loses it again from any damage. A smart Zyra in the matchup just takes DFT; the champion-source DoT disabling Strut.

I mean, if you want what is basically a ranged AoE targeted slow and an Arrow Setup... Lux seems better in every regard due to Lucent Singularity and being more useful in general without farm; and having more burst; and having her snare. Lucent Singularity also has slightly more cast range; and an lower/equal cooldown at all ranks.

The only reason I can see for MF support over Lux is her roaming with Strut. At least; in the Zyra matchup. Only because Zyra can disable Strut quite easily.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2016, 08:05:32 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Aba Matindesu!

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #856 on: October 28, 2016, 05:53:09 AM »
~preseason chaos~

Bard Bard is everything I hoped and dreamed.

Also I'm being QUEEN OF THE NERDS tonight and seeing Semis live in NYC because whoops it's super close.  Should be a fine set of games.

WELCOME TO THE NOSEBLEEDS and drunkards surrounding me
Late to the party but AAAAAAAAA I was in the section somewhere off to your left. I would've gotten seats much closer to the stage had I not hesitated to buy tickets as soon as they went up, but oh well :L

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #857 on: November 16, 2016, 02:09:05 AM »
Brace yourselves.

The Miss Fortune 'supports' are coming.

[And this is from someone who considers MF/Sivir their main ADC's...]

This is silly ADC carrying a ADC ?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 04:37:15 AM by Kuriosity9001 »


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #858 on: November 16, 2016, 06:44:25 PM »
This is silly ADC carrying a ADC ?

Think it was mainly as a hard counter to Zyra, and mainly with people like Ashe.

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #859 on: November 16, 2016, 08:59:42 PM »
So I played my first game on the new client.

I queued Jungle/Mid because I wanted to try the new jungle. Of course; I get mid; lastpick.

They pick 4 magic damage champions [Morg; Brand; Elise; Ekko]

I say to my team 'Guys I think this is a Galio game'.

Reactions range from nothing to 'hope you know how to Galio' to 'What's a Galio?'.

Que me going 15/1/something; getting an S+ and completely dominateing the game; the enemy Ekko adding me and my team singing my praises postgame.

Turns out Galio is still a thing that works when you know when to pick it. Despite everything anyone else says.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 09:01:56 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • mrgrgr
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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #860 on: December 05, 2016, 05:40:10 PM »
I actually hate the new client. It doesn't even show featured gamemodes, which is horrible because that's all I play right now.

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Lt Streko

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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #861 on: December 12, 2016, 06:33:33 PM »
I actually hate the new client. It doesn't even show featured gamemodes, which is horrible because that's all I play right now.
Well they finally fixed this for the past weekend, though I did miss my chance the previous week of having 90 fluffy tails on my screen. (ALL THE CHARMS) Though now there's a bigger problem with Riven being able to cancel CC on her.
Anyways, I'm still sad about the lack of Item Sets in the new client. I'm still hopeful they'll add them back in soon.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #862 on: December 12, 2016, 09:14:47 PM »
I finally took Vel'Koz support into ranked. Picked it because my ADC was an MF so you can Make it Rain or Fission into a E into double R and melt anything. Also comps were such that there was no way I was going to be able to solo protect MF from multiple divers regardless of the champion I picked so I might as well focus more on pokeing and getting MF fed so maybe she can take someone with her or wombo in teamfights.

The reality:
- MF just stands there autoattacking the wave and not lasthitting. To the point where she was like 50 CS behind at 15 mins.
- Top and mid feed
- Then MF runs forward for no reason; gets hooked by Thresh. I land Tectonic on both of the enemies; land Void Rift; and full R on both. MF does LITERALLY NOTHING; dies; and blames me despite the fact I landed all of my abilities and she was the one who got hooked; and then ragequits

Hahahahaha Support and Placements are suffering. Currently 3-3. Two of those 3 losses were due to AFK/Ragequits and one was just kinda the entire team got rolled and I played kinda bad too.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 09:18:04 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Lt Streko

  • Gates of Yukari
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #863 on: December 12, 2016, 09:49:09 PM »
That's pretty much one of the main reasons why I don't play support. Get yelled at by the ADC for not going in when it wasn't appropriate. Then get yelled at for getting caught because you tried to save them. I used to be a good support with Sona in previous seasons, but I just stopped and ended up picking up Top lane in replacement for a secondary role.

Good luck in your placements. Seems like everyone's been getting placed in Silver though. I went 6-4 in my placements and got placed in Silver 1. All my games this season I've either done stupidly good or not so good.

Aba Matindesu!

  • keep it gwiyoming
Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #864 on: December 13, 2016, 03:24:39 AM »
On the other hand, I do tend to pick champs whose sole mission it is to ensure that teammates survive long enough not to be a complete liability unless they are a few degrees of braindead, perhaps with a side of easy early harass. Sona, Soraka, and occasionally Lulu come to mind (but I can't play Janna or Nami for crap anymore at D5 MMR, at least not optimally).

Seeing as I climbed two tiers in a season, I think it worked out well enough.

teets mi hao 2 2hu teets mi teets mi hao 2 2hu

Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #865 on: December 13, 2016, 08:15:34 AM »
Absolutely fuck Galio. Went up against him as Annie a few weeks ago in a normal and got one-sidedly dominated. He started off with The Dark Seal, built Banshee's Veil first then upgraded the seal into Meijai's. Tankiness secured him Meijai's stacks which in turn secured him damage and further mobility. He also targeted Tibbers' burning effect with his shield. Outranged me, outdamaged me, and was tankier than me. By mid-game I was practically a refillable potion for him.

Only a few games later I saw _another_ Galio when I was playing Swain. I asked Yasuo if we could trade lanes and was declined because Yasuo's are jackasses.

Out of curiosity, what's the average rank among the regulars of this thread? I got low Plat with ~110 games last season, and I'll be going for diamond once I get back from winter break. If you're willing to have me I'd be entirely up for ranked/normal group queue with whoever and duo if we're around the same skill level. Previous group I played with recently broke apart and I main top Kayle/Kennen with my secondaries being Jungle Jarvan/Vi & Mid Annie/Kayle/Orianna. Technically I can play ADC Vayne & Ashe but uh I probably shouldn't.

Kayle is my wonderpick. Low banrate, low pickrate, high winrate (source:, and everyone has her for trades. When I was duoing with a Lulu our ults combined made any one person on our team untouchable. Reversed overextending and bad initiates galore. Ahaha, also ulting Vayne with Statik Shiv and IE before her Q got nerfed.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #866 on: December 13, 2016, 09:12:03 PM »
On the other hand, I do tend to pick champs whose sole mission it is to ensure that teammates survive long enough not to be a complete liability unless they are a few degrees of braindead, perhaps with a side of easy early harass. Sona, Soraka, and occasionally Lulu come to mind (but I can't play Janna or Nami for crap anymore at D5 MMR, at least not optimally).

Seeing as I climbed two tiers in a season, I think it worked out well enough.

I usually do that, but the enemy teamcomp was so dive-heavy and there was no-one else on my team to protect MF that it was basically pointless to play a passive support and just aim for defending.

So I want more aggressive and tried to feed her instead so at least she had a fighting chance to take someone out.

Also this game was extra painful because my main ADC is MF. ADC isn't my main role but MF is my ADC main to the point that she's my highest mastery champion. I'd honestly say I was easily twice as good as that MF. Who was so bad she couldn't even lasthit and just randomly AA'ed creeps constantly. It's one thing to be supporting a trash ADC. It's another thing to be supporting a trash ADC playing your main ADC who you KNOW you could do better on.

Honestly since I have a lot less time and motivation to play league these days I really need to cut down my champion pool and focus on a select few instead of playing 30+ well. Thing is I've played so long playing everything decently that I'm rooted in that. I played so little ranked in S6 that I basically placed Silver after godawful placements and never played enough to get out despite gaining far more LP per win than loss. And I have no idea which champions I'd narrow my pool down to or even really what roles. Since I used to play every role to a standard where I'd at worst not feed [Although my best case was usually getting a couple of kills and a CS lead; not stomping].

Dosen't help that my old main was Jungle Maokai and ever since his mini-rework he's been a LOT worse in the jungle due to a shorter range on his snare.

I mean I could try and play Bard; Leona; Vel'Koz; Lulu; Morgana; Janna; Sona; Alistar; Taric; Hecarim; Zac; Vi; Jarvan; Maokai; Malphite; Cho'Gath; Rumble; Irelia; Jax; Kennen; Singed; Karthus; Ahri; Lissandra; Miss Fortune; Sivir; Ashe; Ezreal; Corki; Pantheon; Kayle; Diana; Kassadin; Galio; Evelynn; Urgot; Kog'Maw; Lux; Garen; Nasus; Fiora; Sejuani; Amumu; Nunu; Olaf; Udyr; Viktor; Caitlyn; Sion; Kah'Zix; Shen; Varus; Karma; Swain and Nocturne to a Gold level standard...

But I'd probobly not play to a Gold level anymore with a champion pool that deep. Hell; in reality I'd only really need to know 3 roles tops now. Since Autofill would always be Support. 2 roles if I opt for X+Support. [I wouldn't do Support+X since I'd get Support literally every game]

My champion pool is so deep that even with the length of time mastery's been out I have 1 champion at Lv 4 [MF] and 7 at 3 [Janna; Jarvan; Pantheon; Caitlyn; Sona; Sivir; Ezreal. ADC's all being 3's due to me playing a comparatively small pool of those]

I really need to distill my champion pool at this point. But I have a hard time doing so because whenever I do so my head says 'Hey this game's great for *champion* and you play it! DO IT'
« Last Edit: December 13, 2016, 09:31:55 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #867 on: December 14, 2016, 04:54:19 AM »

Since you mained Maokai you could try to rotate to Top Maokai with CoC, that's strong atm and doesn't seem to be on a manufacturing line towards a crippling nerf.

Zyra probably would have been a better pick than Vel'Koz as an aggressive support as well. Though with an adc that can't last hit it it may have been futile from the onset.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #868 on: December 14, 2016, 01:21:18 PM »
I really like Camille. Finally another champion like Evelynn, whose playstyle makes sense to me from the get-go.


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Re: League of Legends Thread XVI -Double International Salt Mine Edition-
« Reply #869 on: December 14, 2016, 05:59:08 PM »
I really like Camille. Finally another champion like Evelynn, whose playstyle makes sense to me from the get-go.

For me , Camille feel like "Counter Assasin" Champion due her ult can completely seal all way out which mean high mobility assasin like Le blanc or Yasuo cannot juke comfortably  and maybe because of her skill set I saw most player using Camille as jungler

Two sides of the coin