Author Topic: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition  (Read 99096 times)

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #810 on: June 11, 2015, 05:14:34 PM »
> Up, left, left


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #811 on: June 11, 2015, 07:24:15 PM »
> Left 2. Don't bother moving any further until Kasu catches up.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #812 on: June 11, 2015, 07:44:21 PM »
// (+1) attack from sword pls
>"We'll need all the preparation we can get if we want to demolish that tank, so I'm happy these guys' purpose in life is just to work, it seems. Won't make me feel as bad stopping them."
>Slash thrice at the one below me. Hitting the one with the boulder would just agro him onto me, and I'm definitely not suited for a 2v1.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #813 on: June 11, 2015, 09:39:56 PM »
>CDi Ganon mode: off
>Slap this fool with my sword three times. Stupid humanoid trying to hit me.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #814 on: June 11, 2015, 11:21:35 PM »
>Okay, it can move 2 spaces normally...
>Forward 1, slide kick 1, then retreat 2
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #815 on: June 12, 2015, 11:00:21 AM »
I use all my movements to go east and north (east first) so I can get in range for that fairy.


  • 雷滝
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #816 on: June 13, 2015, 12:47:47 AM »
>Okay that's dealt with, let's move on.
>Left up left
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #817 on: June 18, 2015, 07:10:41 PM »
> Move towards the red shrooms.


  • Rena is pleased with your efforts.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #818 on: June 24, 2015, 09:29:36 PM »
Good way to start summer is to update and not stall for another week because at this rate it'll be about two years before the game's complete and I'm not having any of that.

aUsernameIsFineToo (Archer) (Lv. 4)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 (2) | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 13 | EXP: 14/100
Inner Shards: 2
Items: Blueberries: Heals 5SP upon use.
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

Raitaki (Blood Mage) (Lv. 4)
HP: 5/5
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 5
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 1 | EXP: 4/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive).
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive).
Bloodlust: Need 4 Knowledge Points to equip. For the screen, every enemy you defeat boosts your damage slightly (Passive) (Equipped).

Kasu (Healer Mage) (Lv. 4)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 0 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 74 | EXP: 9/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

an unmatched sock (Warrior) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/3
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 2 (5) | SPE: 0 (-1)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 0 | EXP: 14/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Chestplate: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 2, but lowers SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).

Smashy (Fighter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 13/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 3 | DEF: -1 (0)| SPE: 2
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 32 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Dodge Badge: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. When you defend, you have a Luck% chance of taking zero damage (Passive) (Equipped).
Unknown Berry: Heals ?HP, ?SP, and might do something...only one way to find out what it does...

bigyihsuan (Bookworm) (Lv. 4)
HP: 15/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 5/5
ATK: 1 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 40 | EXP: 2/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Wriggle's Blade: Need 5 Knowledge points to equip. Whenever you land an attack, you have a 25% chance of leeching HP from the enemy. During the night time, this chance increases to a 50% chance.

Patorikku (Thief) (Lv. 4)
HP: 3/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: -1 (0) | SPE: 1
SPD: 5 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 78 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Sharpened End: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Grants a 10% chance of inflicting the enemy with Bleeding Tier I (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Luck Gauntlets: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. Boosts Luck by 5% (Passive).

LaserTurtle (Sprinter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 6/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 0
SPD: 4 (7) | Luck: 5%
Cash: 44 | EXP: 2/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Mystery Card: One use. Is said to have 128 different effects, both helpful or harmful...can turn the tide of a battle for either side.
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Broken Guitar: Previously owned by...LaserTurtle? But that's you, isn't it? In it's current condition, it's unusable.
Music Sheet (Energize): Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip, and guitar. Costs 3SP. When used, the party's ATK, DEF, SPE, and SPD are all increased by 1 for 2 turns.
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

MewMewHeart (Healer Mage) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/3
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 5 | EXP: 2/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive).
Unknown Script: Shows an image of a person placing a circular object into the slot in the wall. The text is illegible.
Book of Flight: Needs 6 Knowledge Points to equip. Allows user to walk on all terrain (Passive).
Familiar Charm: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Gives the wearer a chance to obtain enemy summon cards upon defeating an enemy (Passive) (Equipped).
Cake: Happy Birthday! Heals up to 44HP. Can be partially eaten and used later.

The Hating Hater (Robot) (Lv. 3) (Regenerative?)
HP: 4/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 3/3
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 28 | EXP: 71/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Donut (x4): Heals 1HP and 1SP to entire party upon use.
Present: What's inside? Who knows! Open to find out (takes an action to do so)!
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?

Miniking1 (Townsfolk) (Lv. 3)
HP: 1/10
SP: 5/10
Knowledge: 2/3
ATK: 1 (2) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 1
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 0 | EXP: 18/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Bzzit Summon: Need 3 Knowledge Points to equip. Information can be found here.
Apple (x1): Heals 5HP upon use.
Lunchbox (x1): Can be used three times before the item disappears. Heals 20HP and 10SP upon use.
String (x1): It's a piece of string, nothing special here.

Tomion (Red Mage) (Lv. 1)
HP: 5/5
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/1
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 2
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 0 | EXP: 0/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Meditate (Spell): Costs 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 for your next attack, costs 2SP per charge.

Valar (Archer) (Lv. 1)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/1
ATK: 1 | DEF: -1 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 2 | EXP: 60/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: None

Player Turn
LaserTurtle follows through with his strategy, dealing 2 damage overall.
Patorikku moves left twice and waits for Kasu's arrival.
MewMewHeart moves down twice and fires the Worker Livingstone fighting an unmatched sock, dealing 2 damage.
Miniking1 attacks the Worker Livingstone that had attacked him thrice for (1+1+4!) damage.
Smashy moves left twice and down once.
Valar fires arrows at the new fairy, defeating it, and gaining another 30EXP and 1 Cash.
Kasu moves up twice and left once.
aUsernameIsFineToo moves upx1 and leftx2.
an unmatched sock smacks around the Worker Livingstone thrice for (2+2+2) damage.
Tomion moves towards the new fairy, but it's already defeated by the time he arrives...
Raitaki goes onto the lake, and is met with a large group of fairies. Well, turns out the guard wasn't exaggerating can also barely see ice forming onto the lake...
The Hating Hater moves towards the red mushrooms, which is left twice, because Kasu is blocking the way. He regenerates more...(+1HP?)
bigyihsuan auto down down down (Auto-Move).

Enemy Turn
Mimic moves left twice.
Worker Livingstone 1 finally sees what is happening and attacks Miniking1 thrice, but missing once, for (3+3) damage.

Worker Livingstone 2 finally sees what is happening and attacks an unmatched sock thrice, but his efforts are futile because he deals no damage anyways.

Worker Livingstone 3 attacks Miniking1 once for 3 damage and retreats right twice.

Worker Livingstone 4 moves towards MewMewHeart.

Path to Tower Turn 32

Misty Lake Turn 5

Forest of Magic Area 1 Turn 10

Dried Plains Area 1 Turn 6

(Wow, Miniking1 has gotten two crits before anyone else has gotten one. On the other hand, he's not doing so well.)
Next Update: When all players post, or whenever (preferably less than 24 hours, but most likely less than a week)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 12:59:58 AM by FlamingRok »


  • 雷滝
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #819 on: June 24, 2015, 10:01:40 PM »
>ayy who needs eyes when walking around right
>left twice.
[08:23 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki on a scale of 1 to 10 your current mafia game play is annoying as fuck
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- Raitaki, if both of us ended up as mafia
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- I would be so angry
[08:25 pm]  Aristocrat -- that I will snap and give into my rage


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #820 on: June 24, 2015, 10:08:57 PM »
> "Well crap... so much for easy pickings..."
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #821 on: June 24, 2015, 10:15:08 PM »
> Red Shrooms.  :X

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #822 on: June 24, 2015, 10:23:54 PM »
>Smack the fairy on the left
>down left left
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #823 on: June 24, 2015, 10:25:47 PM »
>Least damaging member of the group yet gets all the crits, yea, sounds like my usual awkward luck. :derp:
>Eat apple in case Mew doesn't heal fully.
>Curse my lack of ranged moves I've gotta remember to get some later.
>Attack the one nearest to me then block.


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #824 on: June 24, 2015, 10:57:38 PM »
> Stare intently at your robo-pal to the right and observe quietly. It seems he's doing what no one else wishes to do in testing the mushrooms.

> Also, quietly ponder how an artificial intelligence and machinery can have organic material such as mushroom spores inflict ailments and cause loss of consciousness.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 11:04:34 PM by Patorikku »

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • :V tank
  • ᕦ(? Д?)ᕤ
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #825 on: June 24, 2015, 11:31:04 PM »
> All of the down.

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #826 on: June 25, 2015, 07:59:49 AM »
> Follow Smashy
> All of the down.

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #827 on: June 25, 2015, 11:44:04 AM »
>> "And stay down!"
>> left up up
>> Ask the Guard about details of what he saw on the Lake.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #828 on: June 25, 2015, 05:22:21 PM »
> Go as left as possible.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #829 on: June 26, 2015, 07:57:27 PM »
>Hit the worker again.
>>If I kill it on the second swing, step left to block the other one.
>>If dead on one swing, one left and defend.
>>Otherwise, three swings.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #830 on: June 27, 2015, 01:06:58 AM »
(currently on family vacation, may miss updates)
>attack as many times as I can and then retreat 2. This will be my strategy in case I miss an update, too.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Rena is pleased with your efforts.
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #831 on: June 28, 2015, 02:20:42 AM »
This update has more images than Final Fantasy sequels okay maybe not but we're getting there

aUsernameIsFineToo (Archer) (Lv. 4)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 (2) | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 13 | EXP: 14/100
Inner Shards: 2
Items: Blueberries: Heals 5SP upon use.
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

Raitaki (Blood Mage) (Lv. 4)
HP: 5/5
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 5
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 1 | EXP: 4/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive).
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive).
Bloodlust: Need 4 Knowledge Points to equip. For the screen, every enemy you defeat boosts your damage slightly (Passive) (Equipped).

Kasu (Healer Mage) (Lv. 4) (Hallucinatory)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/4
ATK: 0 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 74 | EXP: 9/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

an unmatched sock (Warrior) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/3
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 2 (5) | SPE: 0 (-1)
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 10 | EXP: 34/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Chestplate: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 2, but lowers SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).

Smashy (Fighter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 13/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 3 | DEF: -1 (0)| SPE: 2
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 32 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Dodge Badge: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. When you defend, you have a Luck% chance of taking zero damage (Passive) (Equipped).
Unknown Berry: Heals ?HP, ?SP, and might do something...only one way to find out what it does...

bigyihsuan (Bookworm) (Lv. 4)
HP: 15/15
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 5/5
ATK: 1 | DEF: 2 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 40 | EXP: 2/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Wriggle's Blade: Need 5 Knowledge points to equip. Whenever you land an attack, you have a 25% chance of leeching HP from the enemy. During the night time, this chance increases to a 50% chance.

Patorikku (Thief) (Lv. 4)
HP: 3/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 2/4
ATK: 1 | DEF: -1 (0) | SPE: 1
SPD: 5 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 78 | EXP: 5/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Sharpened End: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Grants a 10% chance of inflicting the enemy with Bleeding Tier I (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Luck Gauntlets: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. Boosts Luck by 5% (Passive).

LaserTurtle (Sprinter) (Lv. 4)
HP: 6/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 0/4
ATK: 2 (3) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 0
SPD: 4 (7) | Luck: 5%
Cash: 44 | EXP: 2/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Mystery Card: One use. Is said to have 128 different effects, both helpful or harmful...can turn the tide of a battle for either side.
"Exercising For Dummies": Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPD by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Broken Guitar: Previously owned by...LaserTurtle? But that's you, isn't it? In it's current condition, it's unusable.
Music Sheet (Energize): Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip, and guitar. Costs 3SP. When used, the party's ATK, DEF, SPE, and SPD are all increased by 1 for 2 turns.
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?
Wriggle's Lantern: Need 2 Knowledge Points to equip. During the night, grants an extra action per turn (Passive) (Equipped).

MewMewHeart (Healer Mage) (Lv. 3)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/3
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 2 (3)
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 15 | EXP: 31/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Items: Plastic Wand: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Cardboard Shield: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts DEF by 1 (Passive).
Unknown Script: Shows an image of a person placing a circular object into the slot in the wall. The text is illegible.
Book of Flight: Needs 6 Knowledge Points to equip. Allows user to walk on all terrain (Passive).
Familiar Charm: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Gives the wearer a chance to obtain enemy summon cards upon defeating an enemy (Passive) (Equipped).
Cake: Happy Birthday! Heals up to 44HP. Can be partially eaten and used later.

The Hating Hater (Robot) (Lv. 3) (Regenerative?) (Hallucinatory)
HP: 5/10
SP: 5/5
Knowledge: 3/3
ATK: 2 | DEF: 1 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 28 | EXP: 71/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Donut (x4): Heals 1HP and 1SP to entire party upon use.
Present: What's inside? Who knows! Open to find out (takes an action to do so)!
Wood: It's wood, what else is there to explain?

Miniking1 (Townsfolk) (Lv. 3)
HP: 7/10
SP: 5/10
Knowledge: 2/3
ATK: 1 (2) | DEF: 0 | SPE: 1
SPD: 2 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 0 | EXP: 18/100
Inner Shards: 1
Items: Plastic Sword: Need 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts ATK by 1 (Passive) (Equipped).
Bzzit Summon: Need 3 Knowledge Points to equip. Information can be found here.
Apple (x1): Heals 5HP upon use.
Lunchbox (x1): Can be used three times before the item disappears. Heals 20HP and 10SP upon use.
String (x1): It's a piece of string, nothing special here.

Tomion (Red Mage) (Lv. 1)
HP: 5/5
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/1
ATK: 0 | DEF: 0 | SPE: 2
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 0 | EXP: 0/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: Meditate (Spell): Costs 1 Knowledge Point to equip. Boosts SPE by 1 for your next attack, costs 2SP per charge.

Valar (Archer) (Lv. 1)
HP: 10/10
SP: 10/10
Knowledge: 1/1
ATK: 1 | DEF: -1 | SPE: 1
SPD: 1 | Luck: 5%
Cash: 2 | EXP: 60/100
Inner Shards: 0
Items: None

Player Turn
LaserTurtle continues his strategy, dealing another 2 damage.
Patorikku observes what happens to The Hating Hater. As to how a robot is affected by spores, you may never know.
MewMewHeart quickly heals Miniking1 thrice for (3+3+3) HP (+9EXP).
Miniking1 attacks his nearest target, dealing 1 damage, and then defends (+2DEF).
Raitaki moves left twice while noting the mist. At least the lake stays true to the name.
The Hating Hater dives into the red mushrooms with full intent to do so. He becomes hallucinatory (+1HP?)
bigyihsuan smacks the fairy to his left once, dealing 0 damage, and then down left.
Smashy takes all the down he can obtain from the GM, which is three downs.
aUsernameIsFineToo also obtains these downs, following Smashy.
Valar goes up to the guard after relishing in his victory against the fairy, and requests details of what the lake is looking like. "Well, from what I saw, about fifteen fairies, including a rather icy looking one, had seen the work onto the bridge and decided to try and prank me, as a fairy will do. I think the ice fairy hadn't appreciated my reaction, as she quickly ordered the fairies to guard the bridge, and let none pass, something about proving fairies are not weak, and that she's the strongest of the fairies."
Kasu moves left thrice, cutting through the red mushrooms. Kasu becomes hallucinatory!
an unmatched sock hits the Worker Livingstone once more, defeating it. He and MewMewHeart each gain 20EXP and 10 Cash.
Tomion follows Valar and eavesdrops onto his conversation (Auto-Move).

Enemy Turn
Green Fairy 1 moves right twice and down once.

Blue Fairy 1 moves down twice and right once.

Red Fairy 1 moves right thrice.

Red Fairy 2 moves right twice, but makes a detour down once.

Blue Fairy 2 moves right twice and down once.

Green Fairy 2 moves right thrice.

As this is happening, a mermaid pops out from the lake.
"W-What's happening? Why is part of the lake f-frozen?"
Green Fairy 3 fires danmaku at the mermaid, dealing (0+0+0) damage.

Blue Fairy 3 moves left once towards the mermaid, and fires danmaku at the mermaid, dealing 1 damage.

"Ow! P-Please stop!"
Green Fairy 4 moves up thrice.

Blue Fairy 4 also moves up thrice.

Mimic moves left twice.

Worker Livingstone 1 smashes Miniking1 thrice, dealing (1+1+1) damage.

Worker Livingstone 2 continues to futilely attack an unmatched sock for more 0 damages.

Worker Livingstone 3 moves towards MewMewHeart in an attempt to deal some damage.

Path to Tower Turn 33

Misty Lake Turn 6

Forest of Magic Area 1 Turn 11

Dried Plains Area 1 Turn 7

(Well, I guess at least Miniking's doing better now?)
Next Update: When all players post, or whenever (preferably less than 24 hours, but most likely less than a week)


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #832 on: June 28, 2015, 02:33:13 AM »
>Continue sequence of safely whittling down opponent's health, slowly but surely.
>Attack x2 Block.
>"Ah man it's gonna take a while getting this stone into place when we're done with these guys. I hope what's on the other side is worth it."

Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #833 on: June 28, 2015, 02:35:04 AM »
> Right, down, down


  • Weird country-bumpkin city-boy hybrid
  • (ง ?̀_?́)ง
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #834 on: June 28, 2015, 03:59:34 AM »
> It's not very likely that anyone else would be willing to dive into a patch of mushrooms like that right now. Until you actually observe just how they affect... Both of those two, just get back on track. Down 4.

Oh look, I got an image in my signature. Finally.
Click here for Tumblr nonsense.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #835 on: June 28, 2015, 05:20:50 AM »
> Left twice and up.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

an unmatched sock

  • Um...what's this?
  • Should I be concerned? I think I should be concern
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #836 on: June 28, 2015, 05:25:31 AM »
>Attack the guy to my right going after the squishy.
>>If he dies, focus on the left.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #837 on: June 28, 2015, 01:13:43 PM »
>keep at it!
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #838 on: June 28, 2015, 01:32:39 PM »
>smack the fairy 3 times
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Don't Roll To Dodge - RPG Edition
« Reply #839 on: June 28, 2015, 03:39:57 PM »
> "Error. Error. Sensory drives scrambled. Oh nooooooo."
> Move left once and go down as far as I can.