Author Topic: Touhou 14.5: 東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo. is HM sequel, demo at Comiket 87  (Read 816472 times)

So apparently having a ufo and a rabbit out at the same time with mamizou crashes the game :V

...meaning I can't beat her in story mode :<

Including stuff that's been said in written works, it's -heavily- implied Kasen is an oni.

I know) It's just that she always denied this before.

So apparently having a ufo and a rabbit out at the same time with mamizou crashes the game :V

Mamizou crashed game for me once too, but restarting helped.

Including stuff that's been said in written works, it's -heavily- implied Kasen is an oni.
The cats technically out of the bag already,
a editorial text in WAHH Chapter 21 slipped that Kasen is an oni.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

The main point is that, in-story, it is quite clear Kasen has always seen herself as a youkai despite denying the fact to so many others.  In her conversation with Semireko, she really really seems to be rolling with it.  She doesn't deny it at all and begins discussing everything with Sumireko from a youkai's point of view. Likely as pointed out, this is because there's no point to her keeping up the masquerade with an outside human.


  • The Gloomy Power of Love
Could someone explain how Mami's occult skill works please? I throw the capsule and then what?

Could someone explain how Mami's occult skill works please? I throw the capsule and then what?

Press 6 + (A+B) to activate the monster ball - oh excuse me I meant the capsule.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 11:41:09 PM by Margatron »

Could someone explain how Mami's occult skill works please? I throw the capsule and then what?

Pressing A+B like usual throws a capsule; pressing A+B while holding forward activates any capsules present.

I'm having trouble opening the exe, sadly :( can anyone help me fix this? i really want to play this game. ahh.


  • The Gloomy Power of Love
Press 6 + (A+B) to activate the monster ball - oh excuse me I meant the capsule.
Pressing A+B like usual throws a capsule; pressing A+B while holding forward activates any capsules present.
Ah ok, thank you. I would always throw my pokeball but then I wondered how to release the power that's inside :3

Some spoilers:

No! They didn't tell me why Koishi and Kokoro were fighting. Their stories sounded like journeys of self discovery from what Japanese I could understand.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
- Turbo Granny gave me so much trouble I kept throwing myself right at the motorcycle gfhdhjgfg
I lost two lives thanks to that piece of crap. Her weakness is right at the freaking center or behind the motorcycle and it's also not grazeable. Once you get the hang of it though.

No! They didn't tell me why Koishi and Kokoro were fighting. Their stories sounded like journeys of self discovery from what Japanese I could understand.

Er... not really.
They're both just playing around with their urban legends. Koishi is trying to scare people, but it doesn't work too well since most people in Gensokyo have no idea what a phone is. Eventually she wanders to where Mamizou and Kasen are enacting their plan, and accidentally attacks the final boss.

Kokoro's a bit more interesting, since she seems to have been damaged and seriously believes that she's the kuchisake-onna. Her mask was scratched along the mouth, which I guess is sort of like brain damage for her. Once she realizes this, she goes to look for Miko, so she can get her mask repaired, but Miko is busy with her own plan and doesn't have time for her.

So basically they're both kids who get in the way while the adults are working.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 03:59:11 AM by Clarste »


  • The Gloomy Power of Love
They're both just playing around with their urban legends. Koishi is trying to scare people, but it doesn't work too well since most people in Gensokyo have no idea what a phone is. Eventually she wanders to where Mamizou and Kasen are enacting their plan, and accidentally attacks the final boss.

Kokoro's a bit more interesting, since she seems to have been damaged and seriously believes that she's the kuchisake-onna. Her mask was scratched along the mouth, which I guess is sort of like brain damage for her. Once she realizes this, she goes to look for Miko, so she can get her mask repaired, but Miko is busy with her own plan and doesn't have time for her.

So basically they're both kids who get in the way while the adults are working.
I don't know, I still kind of feel like Koishi's story is a huge step in her trying to connect with people that I kind of theorized in an earlier post. And I find Kokoro's both fascinating and a bit sad really. Even though she may be trying to find her own sense of youkai-ness this shows that her masks are still an essential part of her and directly influence what she may be doing or feeling. I don't know, maybe I just expected her to be an independent tsukumogami that controlled 66 other tsukumogami...

And this was just a random thought, but what if
Sumireko, through some paranormal events, is split into Renko and Maribel/Yukari?

You know, i hope that
means that Yukari will make a return in a future game, since shes strangely fallen off the grid in recent games (Other than that one chapter of WAHH, where she probably made a bare faced half-lie towrds Kasen, and SA), and with Mokou being in this game, its not unthinkable that she'll make a come back in the near future IMO.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • The Gloomy Power of Love
You know, i hope that
means that Yukari will make a return in a future game, since shes strangely fallen off the grid in recent games (Other than that one chapter of WAHH, where she probably made a bare faced half-lie towrds Kasen, and SA), and with Mokou being in this game, its not unthinkable that she'll make a come back in the near future IMO.
I was just thinking about that and I feel like Yukari is practically required to make an appearance now. I mean,
the border to the outside world being broken seems like it should be a big deal to her.

You know, i hope that
means that Yukari will make a return in a future game, since shes strangely fallen off the grid in recent games (Other than that one chapter of WAHH, where she probably made a bare faced half-lie towrds Kasen, and SA), and with Mokou being in this game, its not unthinkable that she'll make a come back in the near future IMO.

Lie? What lie?

I'd be more surprised if Yukari ISN'T feeding the youkai in gensokyo via outside world humans. Those Youkais need to eat too, y'know.

So am I the only one that thinks that Sumireko's theme sounds a tiiiny bit like Greenwich in the Sky at some parts? Which is quite fitting, of course.


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
I'd be more surprised if Yukari ISN'T feeding the youkai in gensokyo via outside world humans. Those Youkais need to eat too, y'know.
They don't need to actually eat humans  though. If one does so, it's just them being picky or cruel enough to consume fellow sapient species:

*Youkai have longer lifespans than humans. *Youkai have stronger bodies than humans, so even if they're split into five parts, they heal right away. *Youkai are more easily affected by belief than humans, and as a result spiritual damage can cause fatal wounds. *Youkai generally do not move in groups. *Youkai only think of themselves. Youkai are the most dangerous enemies to humans. However, since they are rather varied, one must be informed of each of their traits before heading out to exterminate them.

Potential Harm
Kidnapping, Prededation, Livestock Theft, Crop Theft
Humans have no greater enemy than youkai. Youkai attack humans for food. However, most do not attack when they are full and satisfied. If the human population drops, youkai will face trouble as well. They do not eat only humans, but animals, birds, fish, vegetables, fruits, alcohol and other things humans normally eat. Still, they consider humans a delicacy above all else. They steal crops and livestock as well. This is also serious problem.

Unless one thoroughly trains in fighting against them, youkai extermination is difficult. Youkai have a history of being physically stronger than humans, and trying to fight them may quickly end up as feeding them. However, the reason most youkai attack humans is because they need prey. That's why one should offer something else to eat in place of themselves. Offering a cow will save you from being attacked for a while. There are many that have a strong sense of duty, and will befriend those who do not turn against them.

I think that humans Yukari spirits away serve not as actual food, but as "food for thought", youkais feed on their fear and realization that all those horror stories and legends were true. And after a while Yukari returns them to Outside, where they will probably end up in retreat or, if they are lucky, forget about this nightmare.

Also youkai actually did eat humans, but not after establishing of Hakurei Barrier and especially not after establishing Spell Card rules.


  • Border of Whatever
They don't need to actually eat humans  though. If one does so, it's just them being picky or cruel enough to consume fellow sapient species:
They are *meant* to be cruel human-eaters. Most of them at least.

And after a while Yukari returns them to Outside, where they will probably end up in retreat or, if they are lucky, forget about this nightmare.

Also youkai actually did eat humans, but not after establishing of Hakurei Barrier and especially not after establishing Spell Card rules.

Actually, Akyuu pretty much says that outsiders ending in Gensokyo are left alone without being helped, unless they manage to reach the village and settle there or ask for help to the Hakurei shrine maiden, but most of them get eaten because they aren't able to recognize a youkai (and even if they could, escaping would be basically impossible). Even PCB prologue says that almost noone manages to get back to their world.
Because honestly, why should Yukari bother to return them to the outside herself? She isn't a nice person to begin with (not for humans), and i see no reason for her to worry if a human from outside gets killed/eaten. They aren't important.

The SC rules only protect the villagers, not *every* human in existence. It's known that youkai go on hunting trips in the outside world to hunt humans, and the vampires of the SDM are known to feed on humans too.

*sound of realizing* Ah, I would really like to chat about that and everything, but this is a thread for ULiL) We probably strayed a bit too much.

Also, some more spoilers:


  • magneiptVE
    • Unsurpassed ??asual Dating - Real Women
To people who know the plot clearly: do all the characters actually fit into the plot properly and not look like they are forced into it for the sake of filling up the roster without having to create too many new characters?

Yeah, I'm still salty about the roster... :(

Thanks in advance!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
not look like they are forced into it for the sake of filling up the roster without having to create too many new characters?
it'd be a pretty big waste to -not- reuse all the assets they'd already made, so
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • magneiptVE
    • Unsurpassed ??asual Dating - Real Women
Nothing wrong with reusing assets, but that isn't really an excuse to make little new contents.


  • Spin, Hina, spin
  • Spin like there's no tomorrow
Nothing wrong with reusing assets, but that isn't really an excuse to make little new contents.
It's pretty much the exact same thing that happened between IaMP and SWR. It was to be expected.

And being salty about the roster doesn't make much sense, considering the way the previous figthers went. ULiL added 4 characters. SWR added 5 (and removed Meiling). Considering the sprite resolution of the current games (which are quite higher than the ones in IaMP/SWR/HST), it's surprising that they managed to make 4 fully new characters in addition to making new sprites for existing characters at all, really.

Unless you meant that a character you wanted didn't appear. In which case, join the club :V
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 04:56:57 PM by Sagus »
Peketo's Drawing Stuffs
Despite the name, it's mostly 3D models.

My fanfics.

This game is very different from HM and 2D fighting game sequels rarely have more than 4~6 new characters. Stop complaining.


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
At leats it's not like Guilty Gear Xrd where the roster got cut down because custom-shaded-every-frame faux-2D 3D is really frakkin' hard. :V


  • alter cool
Played a bunch of matches last night. Everyone I forced to play with me liked it, even people who hated HM.

We have a few questions though.

-What is the "future" stat on each super?

-What exactly does the black hole weather/event do?

-What exactly are the requirements to use a Last Word? We worked out that you need a certain number of balls (four?) but that's it.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
-What exactly does the black hole weather/event do?

It drains your health and creates "white" health, similar to Mokou's white health. It drains your regular health faster the closer you are to the center. If both players survive, at the end of the event both players will have their white health return to blue. However, if one player dies (blue health drained), then they lose the round.

-What exactly are the requirements to use a Last Word? We worked out that you need a certain number of balls (four?) but that's it.
Hit the spell card button and C at the same time, have at least 4 occult balls, and be in the neutral line for it to activate. The more occult balls you have, the more damage it does.


  • Just lurking around, don't mind me.

-What is the "future" stat on each super?

I'm fairly certain the future stat is the duration of the spellcards after casting. Ones like Marisa's satellite shield has a high future stat due to it staying out while you can still fight, while her dash has a lower future stat due to it being done fairly soon after casting.
Saying I rarely post is an understatement... but I'm always here...!