Author Topic: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 4.0 - Tower of Pie  (Read 21986 times)

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2 - Dungeonservice|Update 2.0 - Let's go out!
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2014, 12:10:41 PM »
TP recovery hell the fuck yes. Make way Lilian, the COMET er I mean conet IS ON THE WAY

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2 - Dungeonservice|Update 2.0 - Let's go out!
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2014, 10:08:24 PM »
TP recovery
SOLD! Welcome Conet into the team then, we could use some extra heals in longer dungeon excursions.


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2 - Dungeonservice|Update 2.0 - Let's go out!
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2014, 08:47:48 PM »
Another short, kind of unexciting update, just finishing the forest dungeon from before.

Last time, we got a new character, bumping our total count to 6...which meant one of our heroes won't be able to come along! By unanimous decision, the result is.....

H-H-Hey, wait a second! You can't do this! I finally made a friend and everything! Don't do this to me! A-A-A-ALISIA, HELP!

?? With what? You're just staying at the library to help sort the books, right?

Yeah, but....I d-d-d-d-don't want to be alone with...her...

I'm sorry, did you say something?~


That's good, otherwise I would've had to give you more work! Now come along, you've got a lot of work to do!


Don't worry Lilian! We'll talk when we get back!

(Rest in peace, Lilian...You were kind of annoying but even you didn't deserve this, a fate worse than death.) ....Anyway, Conet. You're on the team now.

Ehhhh....that sounds a lot like work.

D-don't worry! It's not that much work! Really!

Yeah? Izzat so?

Of course! You'll pick up the job in no time...right everyone?

Yeah! It's super fun!


I...suppose so...

Well you're gonna come regardless of whether you want to or not, so you might as well get used to it.

Mannnn...well at least I'll have cake.

Yeah, about that. We don't have that much money right now, so you'll have to live with croissants and seeds. ANYWAY, shall we move on?

Wait a sec, I was told there'd be ca-

Conet has joined the party! I immediately put points into cooking and spirit of service to keep our TP count high in the dungeons.

This sucks.

With most of the west explored, it's time to take the newly unlocked door to the north...that leads right to another locked door. Lovely. :V

The party gets into an encounter! I use this opportunity to show off one of the universal combination skills, Search Eye. As you can see, it lets you see how much life an enemy has remaining. Useful in DT1 since monster seals used to be based on how much life an enemy had remaining before using a seal item, but not so much in DT2 where it's automatic.

The party progresses to the northwest, where they hear singing!

Oh, someone's here! Hello!


Who the heck are you guys? You know you aren't supposed to be here, right?

I'm Yuni, and she's Mefmera! We, um, got a little lost so I thought, 'maybe if I play a little song, someone will find us'! And it worked! Right, Mefmera?

Yes, it did. I'm glad.

....How'd you get lost here? The exit is like, not even 5 minutes away.

Ummm....I have a bad sense of direction, you know? Hahaha....

...Right. Well the exit is just south of here, so get a move on, alright? I really don't want to have to drag you guys back to town later.

Righto! Thanks! Bye! *leaves*

Yuni, wait for me! *leaves*


The party immediately gets into another fight! The hanging girl on the right is a spiderwoman or something I dunno mannnn. She's pretty annoying because she has a party debuff that reduces your speed, and she also hits pretty hard compared to some of the earlier enemies.

The party presses on!

A couple of changes have happened since last time. We have Conet now, who has some nice skills and passives. The first screenshot is what happens after battle when you have spirit of service; it's only level 2 right now, but it's still nice to have. In combat she basically functions as a TP battery. Cooking is a percentage based TP restoration skill, so the gains right now are pretty minimal. Once our TP starts going into the hundreds though, you'll find it becomes more effective real fast. Finally, now that we're starting to get enemy seals a little more, we can see enemy stats of enemies we've sealed when you examine them with L.

 Some more exploring....

Suddenly, disaster strikes! Our TP battery is dead!


Res items are pretty expensive at this point, so we immediately gtfo the dungeon.

I hate this job. I quit. I just go out there and take a dirt nap, and I don't even get cakes!

You'll get used to it...haha...


Don't tell guys have died before too?! This is the worst! How can you guys live with this?!

Aw, c'mon! You don't think this job is fun?


Is it really that bad? Now I kind of don't want to go out either...

Just think of it this way. Imagine the alternative, which is working here at the library and wishing you were dead.

I don't believe it! What could be worse than dying?

Sounds like someone hasn't seen the library worker schedule. Anyway, you're alive again so we're going back now.


The party retraces their steps and carries on to the north. At the end is an inactive warp tile and a...tree trunk thing. This is the entrance to a lategame area, so we don't have the item to access it yet.

As the party continues further in, it doesn't take long until...


Welp. Here we go...Alisia, this time DON'T run in like a moron, alright?

Okay, bu-hey!

This kinda real. It's only been like 2 turns and Mio is already dead!

So what death feels like...

Mio! Hold on! Don't walk into the light!

Now the fight is starting to get pretty dire. The boss knows how to dance! Waltz is a dance that reduces the party's physical attack power, so our only real damage now is Melvy's fireball. Keep in mind that the boss does around 40-50 damage a hit, so if we want to keep the damage coming we basically have to use a croissant every turn.

Around this point, I've run out of croissants but I'm pretty sure the boss is pretty close to dying. The party goes full offense and....

Victory! Level up! Dead Mio!

Next time on Dungeon Travelers 2:

A new dungeon! A new party member???

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 2.5 - Cooking is love, cooking is TP
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2014, 08:57:46 AM »
Dying is easy, dungeon crawling is hard. :V

Also this had better not be
EO4's Echoing Library
or else bad stuff is gonna happen >_>


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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 2.5 - Cooking is love, cooking is TP
« Reply #34 on: November 15, 2014, 07:58:11 PM »
Last time on Dungeon Travelers 2, Mio was on the border between life and death! that you? I'm coming to where you are now....

Not on my watch! We're out of here!

Back on the world map, we get a little box telling us there's a new place to go to! Lovely!

Alright, we're back, and Mio should be back to life in

Eh? Oh. I'm alive again!

*whispers * Say, Renko...did you know Mio's mother had passed away?

*whispers * Nope. It's never come up until now.

*whispers * Are you sure we should be taking her to these dangerous places? I mean, with her mother gone and all, it just seems so...tragic!

*whispers * Gosh, it's just like one of those daily soap operas! I wonder if she has any siblings with dark pasts...

*whispers * Maybe we should let her stay behind at the library like Lilian!

*whispers *Are you insane?! Trust me, she'd be better off he-

So...your mom's dead, huh? That kinda sucks.


Ikuno! That's so rude! I can't believe you would say something like that!

? My mom? She's fine though?

Wait, then what was all that about-

WELP, now that that's been taken care of! It's time to go the...library. Ugh.

Back at the library...

I see you got rid of the boss at the forest! Wonderful! Now, wasn't that a nice picnic?

Yes. Fun.

I knew you'd agree! Unfortunately, it's time to get back to work, there's a ruin to the east and....

Yeah. Whatever. Got it.

Aww, there's no need to be such a spoil sport about it! It's an adventure! Go out there, your adventuring thing~!


A couple new gear updates! I got this dagger+4, but I'm a dumb and I like seeing big numbers, so I end up giving Ikuno the handaxe+3 instead. The boss seal gives us a nice passive that increases our chances of crit, the ghost seal reduces your chance of getting crit, and the taoxie seal increases your lightning resistance. And now, onward!

Dungeon music: Shrine of wrappl
Battle music: Shooting Star

Welcome to shrine of wrappl, home of lame monsters and probably one of the best battle themes in the game :V

Well this place sure looks...cozy.


Say,'re sure you're fine, right?

Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?

Seriously, what are you, her mother?

Aw, man....this place doesn't look delicious at all.Why can't any of these boss dudes ever live in like...a chocolate dungeon? Or a candy one...

Tell you what, if we ever find an edible dungeon, we'll send you in solo. C'mon, let's go.

Doors, doors, and a chest! With unidentified accessory. But as the party leaves the room...

Oh great, we've got company....wait holy **** is that a chainsaw?! Everyone kill the **** out of her before she kills us all!

Agreed. What about the other one?

Eh, just some Super Mario wanna-be. She's probably harmless.

New enemies! The tanuki girl is exactly what's written on the tin. She has two stick things, because she can hit twice...and it hurts. The creature is tanky, hits pretty hard, and can cast. Combine this with wielding some sort of death gearsaw thing and you'll know why I always focus on them first :V

You guys hear that?

Hear what? Is it the ramen guy!?

No, it sounded like...footsteps I guess?

Oh. Sorry. I'm only good at hearing food. Like the sizzle of meat on a grill, or the sound of someone putting sprinkles on a donut....

Right, whate-wait, sprinkles on a donut? Really?

Suddenly, encounter!

Oh god, not the chainsaws again! Everyone focus on her!

What about that witch back there?

Crap, I didn't even see her. ****!

Man, those bananas look gross....

New enemies again! The sorceress is...a sorceress. She casts. Dies real fast, as sorceresses are wont to do. The banaagos are...well, what you see is what you get. :V They have an "attack" that decreases their defense and restores your health, like the cherries from last dungeon.

Don't worry everyone! I've got my ROULETTE CIRCUS!


Yeah, uh. Totally frozen again. Yep.



I HATE ROULETTE CIRCUS. Anyway, the enemies go down. But at WHAT COST

Lots of adventuring later.....


C-calm down, Conet....

It's the Gold Pengiun Creamery! Like the ramen bear, you can randomly encounter them in a dungeon for cheap HP/TP restoration. The ramen stand focuses more on HP, and the ice cream is better for TP.

Right now, their selection is pretty meh though. I buy the party some banana ice.

Even in a dungeon, we can find ice cream stands...There really is a god.

Uhhh....right. Anyway. Let's move on.

Oh man, now it's all you can eat fruit?! I lied before, this place really is delicious! I love this place!

After a little more exploring...

Hmm....That's weird...I'm supposed to be out of here by now. Maybe I should've taken a left turn at Albuquerque?

Uh...who are you supposed to be?

Oh, customers! *ahem * I'm Souffle, adventurer extraordinaire! I sell treasures! Want to see?

Treasures, eh? Treasures that you stole, right?

That's right! I-wait, no! I didn't steal them! I'm just a regular adventurer!

Then how come your class says "Treasure Hunter"?

That' buy something?

*sigh * Whatever. What've you got?

Souffle is the wandering merchant of the game. She sells random unidentified gear, as well as rare items you can't buy instore, like this healing item that heals ALL HP for one party member, or the maharaja curry which heals 150 HP/TP. For most of the game though, you won't have enough cash to make buying them feasible, so we'll mostly just focus on the gear.

Waiii! Thanks for looking!See you later! the way, you wouldn't happen to know the way out of here, would you?

....nope. Not at all. You're out of luck.

Aww...Well, see you again maybe.

Of note is the last one, it's a res item that's worth about 1200(!) gold to buy.

A little more exploring, and...

There's those footsteps again. I swear, there's someone following us!

Maybe it's just Souffle again?

Well, there's only one way to find out. We'll all hole up in that room, and then we'll jump whoever's outside it, got it?

That sounds fun!

Who do you think it is?

Who knows. Diehard fan?

Say, can we go out for ice cream again after? That stuff is great!

The party sticks to the plan, and when the footsteps draw closer....



Eh? Monica? What are you doing here?

Oooooh, it's the shopkeeper lady! Maybe she's got fired!

She did look pretty new at the job.

I didn't get fired!

Then why are you here then? can't tell you that.

Right. I'm sure. Well you're coming with us, I'm sure Irena will be happy to find out that you were sneaking around this whole time.

Wait, not that! Anything but that!

So are you gonna tell us then?

I can't do that either.....Sorry everyone, but I'm gonna have to fight my way out of here!


Okay, but if we beat you, you'd better give us a discount at the store!

Suddenly, Monica with evasion buff! And random scrubs. This happens a lot in this game; since a solo boss would be too easy, they usually give you a couple other guys to deal with and it can be a huge pain. The bear on the left(Bear Predator) is a fighter class, and the sheepy thing on the right(Cotton Merry) is a magic user. As usual, focus down the caster first before going for the other guys!

All in all, the fight isn't too hard. Monica and her little tube arms and butter knife aren't much of a match for our team. Here the bear has used war cry to buff all enemy attack stats, but it still isn't enough to do much, as long as you have enough healing every turn. Unfortunately, about 3/4 of the way through the battle, I ran out of croissants. Melvy was on full offensive casting because our melee damage right now isn't enough to end the battle alone....and so I had a moment of weakness. I used roulette circus.


Welp, it's looking pretty dire again. No croissants. Melvy is running out of TP and is still frozen. Everyone is 1-2 hits away from dying.

Suddenly, Monica decides to keel over and die. Thanks, Monica!

Next time on Dungeon Travelers 2, we finish the shrine once and for all! Also, THE LIBRARY claims yet another victim, post your votes on who to keep in the party!


I was in one of the postgame dungeons and got into an encounter with this glorious monster, named SATURDAY KNIGHT. She is wearing a rainbow cape, and her horse has a rainbow mane. BALLIN'


  • Blue flower
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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #35 on: November 15, 2014, 08:29:35 PM »
Wait, did I miss something? Who joined after Conet? Did you abduct the Shop Girl? Do we get a portable identificator now? Never mind, I guess that was still part of the preview on the next episode. :V

Well, since you said that Mio's outfits are the real deal after the first one I'd at least have her stay.
You should use more Roulette Circus anyway. :V

On another note, it's kinda irritating how much Mio's portrait differs from the in-combat version and the one for out-of-combat.
The length of her hair seems to not match at all.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 08:42:09 PM by Yookie »


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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #36 on: November 15, 2014, 08:43:56 PM »
It wasn't exactly clear in the LP, but the game has this thing of giving you party members after you fight them, so the new party member is Monica! (btw she's a scout)

Mio's outfits are only okay as long as you go along a certain class tree, nobody in this game has a flawless outfit record :V
Also her portrait is from the official site where she's already fully promoted, and no longer has glasses for some reason! And also has longer hair, apparently.


  • Blue flower
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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #37 on: November 15, 2014, 08:59:56 PM »
It's just like Touhou, you beat them up and drag them with you!  :getdown:

Well, green > brownish, scout is scout.
Let's have Monica do double duty as shop girl & party member and send Ikuno into the depths of the institute's library. Unless she joins severely underleveled for some reason.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 09:09:04 PM by Yookie »

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2014, 08:21:51 AM »
Why can't more bosses be as fabulous as this ;___;

I'd say drop Mio, but that'd mean we'd have to train up our new character again...So keep it as it is. What we need is either a better melee fighter or a buffer. I forgot, can characters change classes in this game?


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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2014, 04:35:59 PM »
New characters come at a set level(usually higher than your current) so you won't need to level them from scratch. Characters can't change their "basic" class like maid/fighter/scout but they can promote along their class tree, and you can respec to change your path on the tree.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2014, 08:14:24 PM »
Hmmm. Well, I guess we can force Monica into some community service for us for a while. Heck, we could promote each scout into a different class later.


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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.0 - ROULETTE CIRCUS STRIKES AGAIN
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2014, 04:49:57 PM »

Monica here is another scout, and she comes pre-equipped with average gear and one level in cleansing, a scout ability that removes ailments. Unfortunately, in the interests of team diversity, I won't be dropping Mio yet. Which means...

Hey, uh...Ikuno.


I was just thinking, you know...Monica's in our party now, and....


Well...I mean, she does the same things as you do. So we took a vote and, uh....well...

Hi~! Renko, I hear you've got someone new for me? How lovely!

You didn't...YOU TRAITORS!

Hey, it's not like I'm the one who voted you out!

Who was it?! I bet it was that stupid Alisia kid! Oh, I swear, when I get my hands on her...

Now now, don't worry! You'll love it at the library! Only 80 hour work weeks, and delicious meals of bread and water! Doesn't that sound nice~? Now come along!


Well that could've gone better.

She didn't take that very well, did she...

I don't blame her at all.

Awww...I wanted to go hang out with Lilian too!

(Thank God nobody voted me out....)

Anyway, Monica. You're on the team now, I guess.

I, I'll do my best! gonna explain why you were stalking us?
I wasn't stalking! I was just, you know....taking notes.

Notes on what? don't think too badly of me, okay? I really needed the money!

Yeah yeah, just spit it out.

So...Melvy's dad hired me to spy on you guys.

Wait...what?! Why?!

Well, he was worried about you! You hadn't sent him any messages in such a long time, and he had heard you were hanging out with the "wrong crowd"!

That idiot...

Yeah, we're totally not that kind of people, right guys!? *munch *

...Where'd you get that sandwich?

Oh, you know. I..."borrowed" it from the store.

....Maybe Melvy's dad was right. Wait, from the store? If Monica's not working there, then who is?!

The party goes to the store, and...

Meet the new shopkeeper! He is functionally exactly the same as Monica, except he's a bear :V
I've already been replaced....I can't believe it.

Another new option has opened up in the base menu, and it's the quest room! It's basically your typical RPG quest stuff: fetch x amount of thing, kill y amount of enemy, etc. As you do quests, your quest level increases and gives you nice bonuses, like being able to take more quests at once, or increasing your bag capacity. The top quest is a "recommended quest" that pops up sometimes, they're usually a quest that gives you a special item. This one just gives you 1000 gold for beating the boss of the dungeon we were just in, so we'll be taking it on. By the way, quests in this game don't give out EXP, only items :<

A buttload of new enemy seals! They are:
-Spider girl thing: Earth resist up slightly, physical attack accuracy up slightly
-Creature: Attack up, dex down
-Scout: Physical attack accuracy up slightly
-Dryad: Slight increase to HP
-Harpy: Wind resist up slightly

Back to the dungeon! The first thing I noticed was that I somehow forgot to unlock the red door after fighting Monica, so I immediately go back there...

Only to discover you can't unlock it from the other side. There's some sort of switch you need to press, so I guess it's time to find it :V

Also, I run into Souffle. She sells katanas now, even though we won't be getting a katana specializing class for like another 20 levels!

Some exploring.....and then a room with nothing but a gas trap :<


We take the other route and walk into an encounter! The new enemy in the middle is a Skeleton. They hit pretty hard, while looking EDGY.

Exploring montage, with some loot! Got a new ??? katana and yakisoba bread.

After a couple fights, I get this dialogue: Melvy has learned her unique skill! Uniques are....well, unique skills that characters have aside from their regular class skills. You learn them at level 10, and they go up a rank every 10 levels. 3 of our party members have new uniques at the moment, they are:

Alisia: Attack skills will randomly deal splash damage to adjacent enemies.
Monica: Chance to attack an enemy before it attacks
Melvy: Reduce TP cost by 1 per level.

WELP. Instead of finding the switch, I find the boss door! I'm not really prepared for it right now since I have no healing items or anything but WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN

I spend some leftover skill points. Alisia gets war cry for an okay melee buff to the party. I pump points into danger shoot for Mio so she can finally stop using roulette circus, and put another level into fireball for a little extra damage.

Alright everyone, you know the drill. Get in there quietly and take out the boss ASAP so we never have to come back ever again.

Lemme write that we go in....and then fight the boss....and then...oh wait, that's all. Got it!

Maaaan...I'm gonna miss eating all that fruit and stuff. I sure hope the other dungeons have ice cream shops.

Don't worry, I'm sure they will!

You'd think that they'd relocate to a nicer the city.

Anyway, everyone's got the gist, right?

Yep! Got it! Let's GOOOOO!


So....this is the Gremlin. I guess gremlins aren't really worried about clothes, because anyone else would be really embarrased by that "skirt" she's got on! She's also got fruit friends. Their damage isn't really much of an issue though. The real problem is they're taking up the front row, so we can't do much damage to the boss, while the boss takes potshots at the party. Combined with no healing items and somewhat low damage output, this fight's gonna get pretty dicey.

We finally end up taking out the fruit, and the real fight begins. Mio got poisoned by one of the fruit attacks, which is gonna be pretty lame for us.

This boss has pretty good defenses...even with the attack buff from war cry, Alisia's raging smash still only does 72 damage! I decide to danger shoot it up with Mio, and I get a lucky 3 hits at 30 damage...for basically all her TP :V

Oh, also? SHE CASTS. Luckily she only knows how to freeze people, but ailments are just as bad since if Alisia gets frozen our main damage output gets rekt.

The boss is basically just toying with us now. It keeps hitting party members so they barely survive, and since we have no healing items, our healing output can't keep up!

I try to get Melvy to heal everyone, but in between heals, Alisia takes a dirt nap.

Hey, wait a sec....Who turned the lights....out...?

Everyone gets frozen by the next cast, and then Mio joins Alisia in the afterlife...again. Also, for some reason EVERYONE is at high morale even though the party is dropping like flies :V


Well the party is basically in an unwinnable situation right now...nobody's damage is good enough to actually kill this thing before it kills us. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Conet uses one of our 2 res items on Alisia.


I go all in, Alisia on full time raging smash and Melvy on offensive casting...

And the party barely comes out victorious! (RIP Mio again)

Next time on Dungeon Travelers 2: Another dungeon! Again!!!


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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2014, 05:00:38 PM »
Should I be afraid of Ikuno's vengeance now...? Oh well.  :derp:

Also, those enemies totally looked like a skeleton and a gremlin. Total resemblance.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 05:03:23 PM by Yookie »

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2014, 06:41:45 AM »
(bonks Sana) You idjit, stock up on items next time >:<

I'm very fortunate that the actual attacks don't hit the gremlin's arse, otherwise this'd get way too kinky.  :derp: I forget, who's supposed to be our healer, here?


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2014, 05:12:39 PM »
Melvy is supposed to be our "healer"...except her healing takes too long and doesn't heal enough people so it's bad :V
I usually just use items to heal and drop the caster for someone else, but there aren't enough characters or money for items yet, so Melvy's still useful atm.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2014, 12:29:27 AM »
Do we eventually get party-wide healing items? Heck, what *are* the extent of the healing items in this game, if you can list them?


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2014, 05:37:00 PM »
HP healing(single): 50/150/250/500/full(rare)
HP healing(party): 100/200/500(rare)
TP healing(single): 20/40/100(rare)
HP/TP healing(single): 10/30/150/999(all rare)

These are all the "regular" healing items(rares are items only purchasable through wandering merchant or obtained via drops), there are also random enemy drops that can be used for healing(like the orange juice that drops from oranges, etc.).


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #47 on: December 04, 2014, 05:08:22 PM »
Info bump, the LP is on hiatus until next week because :exams: :<


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2014, 08:45:08 PM »
Welp I had stuff to do but now it's finally over! I'll be chipping away at the next dungeon soon, so hopefully the next update should be up by next week.
Speaking of the next update, I've noticed the contents of the LP are getting pretty sparse since there's a lot of tl;dr dungeon crawling in it. If there's anything anyone wants to see more of in particular, or just stuff you want done differently, feel free to mention it since I haven't started the next update yet :V


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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #50 on: December 19, 2014, 05:00:33 AM »
Well, what else is there aside from what you're putting here?
In essence it is just go to dungeon, clear dungeon, return to base, repeat.
You could include particularly strange or interesting encounters in the dungeon that happen but you're kinda already doing that.
I think you're doing a fine job and if there's not much to report on then it's less work for you. :V

Third Eye Lem

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Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2014, 05:33:13 AM »
As much as I dislike the, um, random nature of the dungeon layouts, posting the filled out map of said dungeon might be kinda neat (I like maps!)

You have the first DT, right? Maybe you could also show some interesting moments from that too, as a sort of "where we came from" bit.


  • There's no escape.
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  • It's time to burn!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #52 on: December 21, 2014, 03:31:28 AM »
Seeing this reminded me I really have to get back to this game. I got distracted by work and other games and a bunch of other various things but I have a bit of time off now so maybe I'll get back to it. Last I played I think I'd just beaten
the first (mid?)boss of Cthulhuland
and the game was starting to ramp up the difficulty a bit.

Also, I'm enjoying the LP plenty as it is, although as someone who's played the game recently I dunno how biased my opinion is here. :V
Let's fight.


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 3.5 - Scouts!!!
« Reply #53 on: December 27, 2014, 08:14:38 PM »
Finally back, o bb
This update ended up being pretty short, mainly because I completely forgot about what happens when you increase your quest level!

Heyyyy, you alive?

...Hm? What happened? Where are we?

We're back at the died a couple minutes ago, remember?

Yeah, that monster totally bopped you! It was like, "BAM!" and then you fell down!

That's...lovely. But we beat it, right?

Darn right we did! Anyway, take it easy for a while, we're just waiting on Monica and Conet to come back from item shopping.

We're back!  And guess who we ran into on the way!

Hello everyone~!


So, how did you all enjoy your shrine visit? Lovely, wasn't it?

I've had better.

Now now, don't be such a spoil sport! Remember, with every monster you seal, the closer we get to stopping the end of the world!

The end of the world? What's that supposed to mean? Does that mean we won't have to go to school anymore?

I think it means the world runs out of food...

Guys, didn't you pay attention in class? There was that big war 500 years ago, remember?

...doesn't ring a bell for me...

I heard about that! We had to stop this demon lord from doing...something. And then he got sealed away!

That's news to me...

Wait, so this "adventure" we're on actually has a purpose? Who knew!

So, we're HEROES???

That's right! The world's fate rests on your shoulders! So chin up and seal those monsters!~ Speaking of which, I have a new assignment for you all! There's this monster that's really been bothering everyone lately, so we need you go and seal it.

  ...This sounds more like you're just pushing your work onto us.

Why, what would give you that idea~?

C'mon Renko, let's go! I always wanted to be a HERO!

Ugh. Aren't video games enough for you?

I wouldn't mind being a hero. I hear they get discounts at all the stores!

Come now, aren't you all ashamed of yourselves? We should probably go help, even if it's not related to the war thing. It's no good if the monsters are bothering people!

Fine, we'll go. But don't blame me if it turns out to be some sort of false alarm or monotonous busywork!

(...I should really use that "end of the world" line more often!)

First off, we've got a couple new seals: the banago increases cast time(lol) and the gremlin makes you recover from ailments faster when you're not in combat. Now it's time to go to the new dungeon!

It's the Tower of Piertan! Sadly, I can no longer link to music for the game, as the uploader got banned and all their videos got removed :<

Moving on, for some reason I decide to go to the left, and go through a couple doors.

An encounter with new enemies! The derorons are the round guys...they don't really do much. Sometimes they do an attack that reduces their defense, and sometimes they just poke you for minimal damage. The yuurika in the back are also pretty non-threatening. They hit you for low damage, and sometimes they decide fighting isn't worth it and they just run away. Even their portrait looks worried when they're fighting you!

Regardless, the party beats them up indiscriminately because that's what JRPG heroes do. Monica gets a level!

Moving on through the door gauntlet, and then another encounter! The cat with the moneybag is a nekobaba. It doesn't do much besides hit you for average damage or run away without warning. The other dudes are old news!

After going through the door to the north and discovering a trap right outside the door( :< ) we wander around and get another encounter! I swear, this game's random encounters are pretty...well, random. Sometimes you can walk through almost entire floors with minimal encounters, and sometimes you walk through doors and get an encounter every time :V
Anyway, two new monsters here, the grimoire(book girl) and the priestess(SCARY LADY). They both cast, the grimoire casts attack magic and the priestess likes to go for ailments. Both are lame so focus on them first!

Many, many more doors, and an egg sandwich(minimal HP/TP regen). Two of them are locked, which means we'll definitely be back here at some point. Anyway, we walk through the easternmost door and....

Welp, this encounter is pretty real. I came out of this encounter pretty worse for the wear, so I teleported back immediately. After returning to home base though...

Excuse me, would you happen to know where I can find the exit? It's my first time here, you see..

Huh? Yeah, it's, uh...over there. Up those big stairs.

Thank you very much! * leaves*

Who was that? I've never seen her before.

Who knows. Probably just some visitor or something. Anyway, let's get back to work.

A new seal! The tanuki girl's seal reduces bash damage. DT2 has a similar melee damage system to EO, melee attacks are divided into cut/pierce/bash categories.

Back in the dungeon, I go right this time and realize why I went left to begin with. The door's locked!

After a couple of fights, the party gets a few more levels, and Mio learns her unique skill. It's pretty meh, just a random chance to reduce def/res for all enemies.

Now we're back to where we left off last time. Dungeon montage!!!

A surprise encounter with Souffle. Her items are pretty bleh though so I don't buy anything.

The party walks through an unassuming door, and...

:V Oh nooooo, the "heroes" are here! Whatever will I do!

You must be the monster everyone's been complaining about. How about you pipe down or we'll have to seal you away, got it?

:V Oooooh, so scary. But you know, you can't seal what you can't see! Tata!

Get back here, you little-

The monster quickly disappears from view. Before progressing, I make sure to unlock the door from the beginning of the dungeon for a quick shortcut. The party moves on, and...

WELP there's a second floor. Since we've just opened the shortcut, now's a good a time as any to return to town.

Here's our progress in the current dungeon so far!

Some new seals, the deroron increases earth resistance slightly and the sorceress increases int slightly. I took on a couple quests before entering the dungeon, and thanks to that our quest level has increased, giving us access to yet another dungeon! Now's where you guys get to make choices, oh boy!!! Explore the new dungeon for a while, or keep going in the previous one? Choose wisely!


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 4.0 - Tower of Pie
« Reply #54 on: December 27, 2014, 08:58:48 PM »
Well, Tower of Pie is bound to make at least one in the party happy thanks to its name and personally it bugs me to just abandon a location before doing everything possible there
so I'd say keep going in the tower.


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 4.0 - Tower of Pie
« Reply #55 on: December 28, 2014, 07:12:13 AM »
Samara! I'm curious how your party will fare with the first boss there.
Let's fight.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 4.0 - Tower of Pie
« Reply #56 on: December 28, 2014, 08:29:27 AM »
Never leave a dungeon partially unexplored! Finish the tower first.

And while you're at it, you might want to look at your post again, some of your pictures and text are breaking the tables.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 4.0 - Tower of Pie
« Reply #57 on: December 28, 2014, 06:04:38 PM »
I'd say hit the new one since I'm paranoid about completing the current one only to find out that it blocks off access to the new one or something.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Good gravy!
Re: LP: Dungeon Travelers 2|Update 4.0 - Tower of Pie
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2015, 06:37:52 PM »
Looks like the votes are even, so I flipped a coin for this. RNG says to keep going in the tower, so the next update will be the second floor :V