Author Topic: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]  (Read 50312 times)


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
  • あなたの応手を拝見しましょう
Hi sorry I'm late.

First a brief commentary on your corrections (aka a case study in why proof-reading is necessary):

Also, I thought if we romanize the second part of the game's name, "Koumakyou", we should romanize the first part "Bouhou" instead of 'Boho".

I agree.

"Gate Guard" probably shouldn't be capitalized, unless it's supposed to be a proper noun.

"True" seems like it would be better expressed as "I concur"

"It is as you say" (Tense should be present rather than past being the secondary verb) is rather stiff language that English speakers (at least in the US) don't use anymore. Something like "That would be nice" or "I agree" would probably sound more natural.

-I have a bad habit of capitalizing things that don't need it....
-Style choice, do whatever suits your fancy.
-Wow, did I really write that? 100% agree.

trying to imagine (secondary verbs should be in the present tense)

Probably a typo from a previous version of the sentence.  Agree with the change, though technically its not present tense its infinitive.

capitalization error, also do you get what sakuya's last line is supposed to mean? Because I don't.

-She's quoting some sort of proverb or something. You can do whatever feels right here, basically what she is saying is she can empathize with the feeling that you want to push someone into a hole for no reason other than that they are standing beside one.

Should be "they have" or "they've" due to secondary verbs being in the present tense.

I disagree, but with the shortened line brliron ended up using, I suppose its irrelevant.

Usually localized as "Onee-sama"


Maybe Patchouli & Sakuya's lines are supposed to be switched? It's not a very good joke, but it works better that way imo.

I'm not entirely convinced that these lines both show up at the same time, but I suppose its possible they do. Either way, I agree...its not a very good joke lol. Switching their lines would probably make it sound better, but that's your decision if you want to stray away from the original text.

ln 31: "booster!" should probably be capitalized, I'm of course assuming it's a proper noun and not a common item.


ln 45-54: I'm guessing "Gyuun" is the sound effect of the booster?

Or maybe the sound effect of crashing into something. Your guess is as good as mine!

ln: 68 "Sure, those Instant Teleportation Devices might have been unexpectedly fun to use."  the might seems unnecessary.

It makes more sense in context with 'might' included imo. ("X might be the case, but consider Y.")

ln: 167 "I wonder. Maybe she's been saving up all that sleep so she could be amazing now."  'Saving up sleep' doesn't quite make sense in English, 'saving up energy' may work better.

That's the joke, kinda. I mean it doesn't really make sense in any language, but I don't think it's supposed to.

ln: 266 "Mecha Sakuya: ...FUGAFUGA, I CAN'T EAT ANOTHER BITE..." It works, but I have no idea what Fugafuga is supposed to mean, other than maybe a sound effect?

Your guess is as good as mine.

ln: 35 I don't get the reason behind the spelling errors. Is Flandre supposed to be dumber when she's trying to escape?

Mecha Flandre is a machine. She talks like machines do, which is different from the way people talk. (The Japanese was rife with spelling errors, so I replicated it here)

ln: 104 Is this an intentional use of 'Merin' vs 'Meiling'?*cough*

ln: 186 "Y-yay! The mistress is watching?! Peace peace...?" Is that trying to say she's throwing up peace signs with her hands?


ln: 302 "I've developped Mecha-Flan." Developed has 1 p

Also correct.

ln: 316 "Physical laber." labor

Also correct.

And a translation of the extra lines.

## Loading stage 4
#  Remilia :
咲夜だけはここに置いておいた方がいいかしらね。 =Maybe we should leave Sakuya behind.

#  Patchouli :
そうね、家を守る者も必要だわ。 =Maybe you're right. We do need someone to protect the mansion.

#  Meiling :
守る役割なら私めがいるではあリませんか! =If you need protecting, then I'm here!
あなたの平和をがっちリガード、信頼の門番紅美鈴が! =The deeply trusted gate guard, who guards your peace and happiness, Meiling!

#  Remilia :
#  Patchouli :
#  Meiling :
いい天気ですし、安心してピク二ック行ってらして下さい霊夢さん! =The weather is so nice, you should just go and have a picnic, Miss Reimu!

#  Remilia :
ほら、信頼ならないわ??。 =See, we can't trust you at all!

Sorry I required prodding to see this, I don't check this subforum very often anymore but I could swear I had checked it fairly recently. I guess I was wrong! Let me know if you have any more questions/comments/complaints.

Thanks for your help, you two!
Here are the remarks we may want to talk about :

Sakuya: ..."Wanting to push someone into a hole if it exists" is something like this, huh?
do you get what sakuya's last line is supposed to mean? Because I don't.
Maybe it's something like "Sakuya: ...You want to push someone into a hole that much ?"
That makes sense.
-She's quoting some sort of proverb or something. You can do whatever feels right here, basically what she is saying is she can empathize with the feeling that you want to push someone into a hole for no reason other than that they are standing beside one.
So, my rewording isn't really accurate, because it doesn't show this empathizing. Well, how can we translate this ?

Remi: It's a good thing Flan didn't try using this glove...

Sakuya: ...even just trying to imagining it is scary...

Patchouli: ...even just imagining it is scary...
Maybe Patchouli & Sakuya's lines are supposed to be switched? It's not a very good joke, but it works better that way imo.
I'm not entirely convinced that these lines both show up at the same time, but I suppose its possible they do. Either way, I agree...its not a very good joke lol. Switching their lines would probably make it sound better, but that's your decision if you want to stray away from the original text.
Well, my patch dumps the texts in a very ugly but complete format. Then, I pass some tools on these texts to synthesize the content and make it more readable, then I give you this version and keep the original one on my computer. I'll look at how the texts are in the big version, to see if my tools shuffled those 2 lines, or if the 2 lines appears at the same time. I'll tell you a bit later (probably this evening or tomorrow).

ln 31: "booster!" should probably be capitalized, I'm of course assuming it's a proper noun and not a common item.
How should we capitalize it ? "Booster!" because it's a proper noun, or "BOOSTER!" because it's written like this in the items select ?

ln 45-54: I'm guessing "Gyuun" is the sound effect of the booster?
Or maybe the sound effect of crashing into something. Your guess is as good as mine!
So, we keep "Gyuun" ?

ln: 68 "Sure, those Instant Teleportation Devices might have been unexpectedly fun to use."  the might seems unnecessary.
It makes more sense in context with 'might' included imo. ("X might be the case, but consider Y.")
I suppose I'll keep the "might".
I remind you the context :
Sure, those Instant Teleportation Devices might have been unexpectedly fun to use.
But we don't know if they are linked to any other devices elsewhere.
So doing that would be like releasing Flan on the Human Village, or some Youkai Village.

ln: 167 "I wonder. Maybe she's been saving up all that sleep so she could be amazing now."  'Saving up sleep' doesn't quite make sense in English, 'saving up energy' may work better.
That's the joke, kinda. I mean it doesn't really make sense in any language, but I don't think it's supposed to.
Same thing here, I think I'll keep "sleep".

ln: 266 "Mecha Sakuya: ...FUGAFUGA, I CAN'T EAT ANOTHER BITE..." It works, but I have no idea what Fugafuga is supposed to mean, other than maybe a sound effect?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Well, except if you have an idea to translate this SFX, I'll keep it like this.

ln: 20-21 aren't translated, though the note on 22 says they're doubles, of what I'm not sure.
I'll search in all my files to check this.

メ:オネーサマ! オウチノソトヘッレテッテョ! ドカーンスルョ!=ONEE-SAMA! I AM LEEVING THE HOUSE! GET OOT OF THE WAY!
#Spelling errors are intentional, you can remove them if you think they don't do anything for you though
ln: 35 I don't get the reason behind the spelling errors. Is Flandre supposed to be dumber when she's trying to escape?
Mecha Flandre is a machine. She talks like machines do, which is different from the way people talk. (The Japanese was rife with spelling errors, so I replicated it here)
In this kind of translations, I think we should fix errors when people might thing WE made these errors. Here, the spelling errors are obviously intentional, so I'll keep them.

ln: 186 "Y-yay! The mistress is watching?! Peace peace...?" Is that trying to say she's throwing up peace signs with her hands?
So I suppose we don't have to change anything here.

I fixed all others things in the patch's files.
Also, I may have found someone for the translation check. I keep you in touch.
There's also an additional technical update you don't care about : the patch is now able to open a console or a file to log what it does. For now, it doesn't log enough things, but that isn't really hard to improve. Anyway, it has nothing to do with the translations, almost no one will use it.

Edit : I found someone for the translation check in the Touhou-Online's translation team.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 02:22:32 PM by brliron »

Twilight's Call: She's quoting some sort of proverb or something. You can do whatever feels right here, basically what she is saying is she can empathize with the feeling that you want to push someone into a hole for no reason other than that they are standing beside one.
brliron: So, my rewording isn't really accurate, because it doesn't show this empathizing. Well, how can we translate this ?

Actually, I get the impression from rereading is that Sakuya is overcome with the feeling to push Meiling into a hole, but that's also from the context of her general disdain for Meiling in the rest of the script.

brliron: Booster! or BOOSTER!

well if it's a Cave Story reference I would go with BOOSTER!

Myself: I'm guessing "Gyuun" is the sound effect of the booster?
Twilight's Call: Or maybe the sound effect of crashing into something. Your guess is as good as mine!
brliron: So, we keep "Gyuun" ?

If you wish to localize it the associated English onomatopoeias are 'Whoosh' for the BOOSTER! activation or 'Wham' for impact

"Mecha Sakuya: ...FUGAFUGA, I CAN'T EAT ANOTHER BITE..." Well, except if you have an idea to translate this SFX, I'll keep it like this.

You can localize it as BEEP-BOOP if you're willing to localize.

Remi: It's a good thing Flan didn't try using this glove...

Sakuya: ...even just trying to imagining it is scary...

Patchouli: ...even just imagining it is scary...
Maybe Patchouli & Sakuya's lines are supposed to be switched? It's not a very good joke, but it works better that way imo.
I'm not entirely convinced that these lines both show up at the same time, but I suppose its possible they do. Either way, I agree...its not a very good joke lol. Switching their lines would probably make it sound better, but that's your decision if you want to stray away from the original text.
Well, my patch dumps the texts in a very ugly but complete format. Then, I pass some tools on these texts to synthesize the content and make it more readable, then I give you this version and keep the original one on my computer. I'll look at how the texts are in the big version, to see if my tools shuffled those 2 lines, or if the 2 lines appears at the same time. I'll tell you a bit later (probably this evening or tomorrow).
I forgot to do it. So I just checked in the dump files, and the sentences are in correct order here. So there isn't anything to change.
(BTW, if you want to know how big these files are : these files use the txt format with unicode encoding (2 bytes per character), and on of the files takes 25 MB, so 12 million characters).

ln: 20-21 aren't translated, though the note on 22 says they're doubles, of what I'm not sure.
I'll search in all my files to check this.
These lines are translated at lines 300 and 302.

And for the onomatopoeias, yes, I intend to translate them, for a simple reason : I understand "Whoosh", but I don't understand "Gyuun".

Edit : I decided to think about the translation for "booster".
ln 31: "booster!" should probably be capitalized, I'm of course assuming it's a proper noun and not a common item.
How should we capitalize it ? "Booster!" because it's a proper noun, or "BOOSTER!" because it's written like this in the items select ?
well if it's a Cave Story reference I would go with BOOSTER!
First thing, I can't see any exclamation mark in the Japanese sentence (あの"ブースター"という道具、ちょっといい使い方を思いつきました。). Moreover, "booster" appears 2 more times in the game, and it is translated with quotes, but without exclamation mark. So I think I should remove the exclamation mark.
Then, about the capitalization. First question, is it a Cave Story reference ? I'm not sure about it. The Booster from Cave Story seems more maneuverable (in Bouhou Koumakyou, you can't control anything until the dash is finished). And IIRC, the Booster from Bouhou Koumakyou can't go upwards. And, second question, Is the Booster capitalized in Cave Story ? It doesn't seem to be : .
So I'll put "Booster".
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 08:43:56 AM by brliron »


  • 月には叢雲 華には風と
  • I feed on your tears...
Hey, sorry it took so long to check the translation, but here we go.
This is the link with all the changes on the txt files themselves. I've also put stuff that isn't translation check, but for uniformity (like capitals). The comments I made for the translation are here, not much to change really:

## Patchouli :
気を使う程度の能カ、か??。=The ability to control Ki, huh...
##Ki or Qi?
I think Ki is fine, since that's how it's written for japanese

## Sakuya :
フランお嬢様に、もし素敵な殿方が現れて。お嫁に出るような事があれば、=What if a beautiful new mansion was to appear for Flandre?
Shouldn't "殿方" be "gentleman", not "mansion"?

## Patchouli :
そのグローブで土を耕して、咲夜の庭の手入れを手伝ってあげなさい。=Use that glove to move dirt, and go help Sakuya out in her garden.
Would it be better to put "Use that glove to plow/till the ground,", since it's more specific than just moving dirt, and they are talking about gardening

## Sakuya :
寝貯めって??休日のお父さんみたいですね。=Saving up sound like an old man on holidays.
She's comparing Meiling to an old man so something like "She's kinda like an old man on holiday." (also, holiday without an s)

## Remilia :
おっさんの間違いでしょう。正門で平然と高いびきかかないで欲しいものね。=That old man is wrong. I just wish she'd do more than snore at the main gate.
##Meaning is a bit fuzzy for me on this one.
I understand it like "Seems like a poor example of one to me.", I guess the analogy is when you go on holiday and recharge your battery, it's to be ready to go back to work

#  Patchouli :
フランの持てるカをコピーしてさらに強化。負ける事はあリえないわ。=It not only copies her abilities, but improves them. There's no way it can lose.

毒を以って毒を、って事ね。これでフランも滅多な事はできないでしょう。=Fight poison with poison, yes? With this, Flan won't be able to act recklessly anymore.
The ",yes?" seems awkward, since she's not really asking a question, she's more demonstrating her point. I'd propose "It's like fighting poison with poison"

#  Sakuya :
今朝、美鈴の顏に足跡がついていたんです。=This morning, Meiling's face had a footprint on it.

#  Remilia :
やぶから棒に何。=A pot complaining about a kettle?
Not really sure if the expression makes sense here, I know of the "pot calling the kettle black" to accuse someone of hypocrisy, but I don't see the point of it here (unless Sakuya also has a mark on her face)
While the sense to me would be "Is that supposed to be surprising?"

#  Patchouli :
ええ、私達の様子を遠くから、じっと見詁めているようね。=Yes, from somewhere far away, she is watching me.
"she is watching us"

#  Sakuya :
毛玉を主食にしそうな生き物は漠然と居そうな居なさそうな??。=The things Kedama eat are kind of a way they are around, in a way they aren't.
Is the "around" a mistake? it doesn't fit in the sentence

The rest of it looked fine to me. I didn't want to really make big changes on my own, since I'm not a born English speaker
I stared into the abyss, and the abyss didn't stare back. Even the void doesn't want to be my friend :(

Now working with Touhou-Online in French


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
  • あなたの応手を拝見しましょう
So at this point I'm not sure how much of the files have been changed due to space restrictions (as its been....a long time since I worked on the vast majority of it),  but I'll put some comments in anyways.

Shouldn't "殿方" be "gentleman", not "mansion"?

Uhh...yes. Not sure how I made that mistake >.>

Would it be better to put "Use that glove to plow/till the ground,", since it's more specific than just moving dirt, and they are talking about gardening


She's comparing Meiling to an old man so something like "She's kinda like an old man on holiday." (also, holiday without an s)

This is actually basically the same meaning as the original. Though yeah, 'you sound' should probably be changed to 'she sounds.'

I understand it like "Seems like a poor example of one to me.", I guess the analogy is when you go on holiday and recharge your battery, it's to be ready to go back to work

Taking a look at it again, maybe something like "I just wish she wouldn't calmly sit snoring at the front gate all the time" would fit better for the second half. For the first have, it sounds to me like she's complaining about Meiling again (おっさん 間違いでしょう), so I'm not really getting the same meaning.

The ",yes?" seems awkward, since she's not really asking a question, she's more demonstrating her point. I'd propose "It's like fighting poison with poison"

Just a tag question, doesn't really imply the asking of an actual question. Functionally, "yes?" would be equivalent here to the ね here (毒を以って毒を、って事). In the end its more of a stylistic choice imo, doesn't really impact the meaning of the sentence all that much.

Not really sure if the expression makes sense here, I know of the "pot calling the kettle black" to accuse someone of hypocrisy, but I don't see the point of it here (unless Sakuya also has a mark on her face)
While the sense to me would be "Is that supposed to be surprising?"

The implication here is that when Sakuya brings it up, Remilia thinks that she is being blamed. So she's saying basically, "don't lecture me for beating up Meiling when you do it all the time."

Even after looking up that phrase though (やぶから棒) I still don't understand how it's being used here all that well, but I get the feeling your understanding is more accurate than mine.

Is the "around" a mistake? it doesn't fit in the sentence

"Around" here basically means "exists." So "exists in this general area" >> "are around."  You can change it if you don't think it's clear though.

You know, every time I look back at this I'm embarrassed again at my old work lol. At least I suppose that means my Japanese is improving...

Thanks for your answers. I'll sum up here the remaining questions.

Sakuya: ..."Wanting to push someone into a hole if it exists" is something like this, huh?
do you get what sakuya's last line is supposed to mean? Because I don't.
Maybe it's something like "Sakuya: ...You want to push someone into a hole that much ?"
That makes sense.
-She's quoting some sort of proverb or something. You can do whatever feels right here, basically what she is saying is she can empathize with the feeling that you want to push someone into a hole for no reason other than that they are standing beside one.
So, my rewording isn't really accurate, because it doesn't show this empathizing. Well, how can we translate this ?
Actually, I get the impression from rereading is that Sakuya is overcome with the feeling to push Meiling into a hole, but that's also from the context of her general disdain for Meiling in the rest of the script.
I still don't really know how I can translate this.

#  Sakuya :
毛玉を主食にしそうな生き物は漠然と居そうな居なさそうな??。=The things Kedama eat are kind of a way they are around, in a way they aren't.
Is the "around" a mistake? it doesn't fit in the sentence
"Around" here basically means "exists." So "exists in this general area" >> "are around."  You can change it if you don't think it's clear though.
I'd like a native English speaker to tell whether it's clear for him or not.

Also, this evening, I'll ensure all the texts still fit in their boxes.

Quote from: brliron
Booster capitalized in Cave Story ? It doesn't seem to be : .
Oops, must of remembered that incorrectly, my B.

#  Sakuya :
毛玉を主食にしそうな生き物は漠然と居そうな居なさそうな??。=The things Kedama eat are kind of a way they are around, in a way they aren't.
Quote from: Kuilfrayt
Is the "around" a mistake? it doesn't fit in the sentence
Quote from: TwilightsCall
"Around" here basically means "exists." So "exists in this general area" >> "are around."  You can change it if you don't think it's clear though.
Quote from: brliron
I'd like a native English speaker to tell whether it's clear for him or not.
As a Native English speaker, it's my interpretation that she is dodging the question of "what do they eat?" The joke being that the player hasn't seen anything the kedamas can eat except fairies. If there's supposed to be further meaning Sakuya is imparting it's lost on me.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [need translation check]
« Reply #98 on: September 01, 2015, 12:44:44 PM »
Regarding '"Wanting to push someone into a hole if it exists" is something like this, huh?', a friend of mine suggested "I'm quite eager to see you fall in your own trap". Is it okay for you ?

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [need translation check]
« Reply #99 on: September 07, 2015, 08:14:14 PM »
I suppose that's okay.

Today, I remembered we forgot to translate the config tool. Here are the texts to translate :
On my side, I'm working on a way to put the translations into the config tool.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 08:18:04 PM by brliron »


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
  • あなたの応手を拝見しましょう
Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [need translation check]
« Reply #100 on: September 08, 2015, 11:51:01 AM »
I suppose that's okay.

Today, I remembered we forgot to translate the config tool. Here are the texts to translate :
On my side, I'm working on a way to put the translations into the config tool.

Left side:

Screen Settings
640x480 (Full Screen)

Right side:

Game Pad Settings
[Dropdown menu]: Do Not Use
Sensitivity [Slider]
Input Test

I imagine the options in the drop down boxes will be pretty self-explanatory, but if something odd pops up feel free to post another screen and I'll translate it.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [need translation check]
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2015, 12:22:34 PM »
So the dropdown menu on the right is a list of gamepads ? Ok. I'll try with 2 gamepads connected to my computer this evening. I suppose (and I hope) I'll have the gamepads' names, in English.
And for the dropdown on the right, the other entries doesn't contain Japanese text.
On my side, I've done most of the work needed to put these translations in the config tool. I think I'll have finished tomorrow evening.

Here is my progress:
Can someone think about a shorter synonym for "Sensitivity"? I suppose the answer is "no" and I'll have to hack the slider on the right. I should be able to do it quite easily.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 06:09:54 PM by brliron »

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2015, 03:03:02 PM »
This translation patch is finally finished !
Many thanks to everyone who worked on it.
You can download the patch here :
To install it, you just need to copy everything from the zip file to the game's directory. Then run the game, it will be patched automatically.

You may want to know what I plan to do next. Most of the technical work for patching Bouhou Koumakyou 2 has been done alongside working on Bouhou Koumakyou 1, so that'll be the next game I'll translate. I'll create a thread for that soon.
And one the patch for Bouhou Koumakyou will be finished, I'll work on Bouhou Youyoumu.
But before all that, I'll finish to work on an archive repacker for ULiL.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]
« Reply #103 on: September 14, 2015, 10:53:51 PM »
1st off, great work! It's really cool to be able to tell what's going on.

2nd, I spotted a hole in the translation, there's a conversation in stage 2 between Remi, Sakuya & Pachy that begins with "I feel like we should get a new gate guard." then continues in moon rune for 4-5 more lines. I've managed to screen shot the last 2 untranslated lines:

It does not appear to be the same conversation listed in script_story_1.txt that begins in the same way. Also my money amount is entirely coincidental.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]
« Reply #104 on: September 15, 2015, 10:30:44 AM »
Ok, I'll give a look at that later.
The patch should have created an archive.tar file when you closed the game. Can you please send it to me?


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
  • あなたの応手を拝見しましょう
Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]
« Reply #105 on: November 08, 2015, 09:58:09 AM »
And this should fix that problem. least, once it's worked into the main translation.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]
« Reply #106 on: November 08, 2015, 07:20:01 PM »
And I just got some new untranslated things (6 lines).
So, let's go through the usual process. First, transcription:

Also, in your last translation, the 2 following sentences need to be shortened:
They do say the cherry blossoms blooming beside a hospital are mysteriously pretty as well, don't they?
It will be proficient at spells, and more importanly won't slack off. It'll be a copy of me, after all.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [ Need translators ]
« Reply #107 on: December 03, 2015, 12:47:51 AM »
It seems I made a typo when I was transcribing the ending texts.
I updated the script (same link), but if you already downloaded the old one, just take note of this:

Code: [Select]

Change "続" to "統".
I apologize if that single kanji typo made the whole sentence incomprehensible :ohdear:

Hi there,

I'm trying to translate EVO - the old EVO search for eden files - into English. The emulator works no problem on my machine, but I'm trying to figure out how to edit the text in old PC-98 roms. Any ideas where I can start this search??

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]
« Reply #108 on: December 17, 2015, 05:03:13 PM »
I've received the last translations. So all that left before v1.01 is to shorten some lines.
They do say the cherry blossoms blooming beside a hospital are mysteriously pretty as well, don't they?
It will be proficient at spells, and more importanly won't slack off. It'll be a copy of me, after all.

I suggest this:
They do say the cherry blossoms beside a hospital are pretty as well, don't they?
It will be proficient at spells, and won't slack off. It'll be a copy of me, after all.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]
« Reply #109 on: December 31, 2015, 10:45:36 AM »
So, it took some time because I waited for thoughts on my last post, and because I was busy with other projects, but I finally took 15 minutes to check the patch, fix some   insignificant things (like the version number in the readme), and write this message. Here is the patch v1.01with - hopefully - all the translations!
I should work on a way to avoid this step of going through all the game, searching for all the texts. Maybe for Bouhou Koumakyou 2 or for Bouhou Youyoumu? (note: this link is the same as the one for the previous version, and it will always point to the last version. If, for whatever reason, you need to get the v1.00, you can download it here: