Author Topic: NSP Mafia - Game Over  (Read 67838 times)


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #180 on: August 05, 2014, 04:16:05 AM »
Still at work so mini update.
DNA said he was targeting me and did not die, I missed the part where he said he got hooked when I wrote my first post today, but I seem to remember his claim yesterday saying that if he had a failed investigation result he would die: the only reason he escaped the lynch yesterday was because he claimed that role which now appears false unless a doc covered him. However we wouldn't be able to use him as a cop then because we couldn't trust his results.

I can't explain BBMs result. I'm just an announcer. My guess is he is scum faking a guilty to cover scum DNA but I can't see the scum team outing themselves so easily just to kill me. So maybe it is a gambit or his result was tampered with somehow.

Pokemon I beleived his role claim up until he mentioned that he was hooked but failed to mention that there was no attempt on his life or some such message.

Anyway I'm on my iPhone and I just skimmed stuff. I'll write more when I have a keyboard.
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #181 on: August 05, 2014, 04:22:58 AM »
lol took you 12 hours to come up with that excuse? we are town and we did better than you upon first read of the situation. get rekt scum
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #182 on: August 05, 2014, 04:26:46 AM »
also, rules clarified very clearly that if our actions are blocked/redirected we shall be informed of such. hence your entire futile struggle is built upon a false premise ''BBM's results cannot be tempered with''

and your argument about both of us being scum is hilarious. Remember that anon game where SP was Yukari Yakumo (third party) and also in a D1 standoff against me (scum)? That time BBM and I happened to be a in a scumteam. Well, what happened was I got bussed off the cliff without remorse (AS THE SCUM DOCTOR, NO LESS) and we won anyway. theres no motivation for BBM to pull such a silly gambit as scum
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #183 on: August 05, 2014, 08:02:12 AM »
Sky Paladin, do you have opinions on people that aren't Darkninjaabc or BBM?


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #184 on: August 05, 2014, 08:59:22 AM »
can we have a votecount
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #185 on: August 05, 2014, 09:04:48 AM »
Sky (3): BBM, DNA, Raikaria (L-2!)
Raikaria (2): Bard, NNR
Voteless Scum (4): Shadoweh, Junko, Sky, Zakeri


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #186 on: August 05, 2014, 09:16:52 AM »
Suspecting me because I suspect you is old as time, and of course you'd find my reaction to BBM's claim weird. But can you argue why it's scum-minded to disregard a claim up in the air to pursue other leads?

I'm not suspecting you because you are suspecting me.

You said:
It'd be OK if Raikaria had at least posted anything about someone indicating alignment, but he hasn't. I don't buy that the game has been so incredibly hard to read that he couldn't form an opinion on anyone in any direction whatsoever.

I proved that wrong. My opinion on pokemon123 is an opinion indicating alignment, and my opinion on SB; while wrong; also indicates my opinion on his alignment.

So that is a misrep. I had posted something indicating alignment. I had posted at least twice. Yet when you voted me you claimed I had posted nothing. You even said 'it would be OK if he had posted anything'. I had posted something. By your own words your reason for voting me is invalid; thus your initial case falls apart.

That; combined with you essensially shrugging off the tracker report, is why I currently have a low opinion of your slot. Not because you are voting me. I would not have a high opinion of you if you misrepped any other player.

At least you tried to reinforce your case later when I proved the crux of your prior one a misrep.

And Bard; if we lynch Sky_Paladin today and he flips scum I am completely aware it does not reflect well on me.

Do you know who else that logic applies to? NNR and Shadoweh. Who; by the way; keep getting ignored for the exact same logic you are attempting to apply to me. Especially Shadoweh. The fact you are ignoreing other players who did little D1 suggests you are tunneling.

I checked your initial reasons for voting SB in your #94, Raikaria. That's what I call a chainsaw defence: you're trying to pretend he had no valid reason to vote Sky Paladin and used that as a basis to throw suspicion onto SB instead.

Did you even read SB's post? He never gave a legitimate reason. The part posted after he says he was cut highly implies voting Sky was his initial intent; and the main part of the post did not even mention his name. What he pointed out about when he got cut was nowhere near a valid lynching reason in my opinion as well.

Look at the cut. A part of the post that specifies someone was cut implies that the rest of the post was made before they were aware of the cutting post. This would include his vote on Sky_Paladin.

And honestly; if you are going so far as to speculate I have two simultaneous night actions and can duel visit? Track me. I can confirm myself as only having one night action, and since I visited BBM last night, and BBM had an active role, he knows I don't do something like roleblock who I give fruit to.

Or DNA can cop me. They can't both die.

Either way; my role is easily confirm-able.

Still waiting for BBM to post and confirm his lemon.

Also obviously the results of last night combined with BBM's track result make me think DNA is now town; not 'very leaning scum'. Hey; look at that; another opinion.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #187 on: August 05, 2014, 09:17:27 AM »
With 9 alive, it takes 5 to hammer. Countdown to day end, you have 57 hours remaining.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #188 on: August 05, 2014, 10:18:20 AM »
I'm not sure how you claim I'm misrepresenting you when you factually held no position on anyone of any worth until within 10 hours of deadline. Voting SB just before deadline and then swapping to Whatever-SB-Isn't-Voting fifteen minutes before isn't what I consider taking stances throughout the day. Focusing on one part of my argument and zooming in on that, then pretending it's the whole isn't what I consider the "crux" of my argument.

Why Raikaria but not Shadoweh or NNR? Zakeri had been touting his why X not Y logic so beautifully at the start, it's a good thing I disagree. I touched on both Shadoweh and NNR earlier, choosing not to vote or focus on either of them because I believe(d) Shadoweh would come in and give a fierce rebuttal without me needing to write a case on her, and NNR I discarded because he habitually pretends D1 doesn't exist and doesn't post there. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but I did find his

I think you bring up a good point, however, regarding having two abilities that you can use simultaneously. If BBM claims he did indeed receive a lemon and there are no dissenting claims, I'll accept as true that you targeted BBM with a role that involves giving lemons, and so it's unlikely you have roleblocked Darkninjaabc. Pending Sky Paladin's flip, of course─I thought you were scummy independent of it, but the role is actually a good argument.

NNR, let's pretend Raikaria has legitimate difficulty forming an opinion Day 1 and all his actions are Glorious Soviet Town, Where Lynches Scum You; who are scummy and why?

##Vote: Zakeri
I could do this thing where I dissect each post, but it's a beautiful day and I feel refreshingly rested. There's also hardly any posts.

I agree slightly with his opening vote of BBM having a weird comment, but I disagree that it's a logical fallacy to ask someone to quantify what distinction they make. I dislike Serela-like antics where he posts for posting's sake and then makes a cheeky "inb4" comment. The cavalier way in which he's marking SB as being scummy without explaining why is bad, because he can just as easily swing one way or the other (I was serious // It was a joke).

Zakeri's activity has been exclusively reactionary. You can check his posts: everything he posts is in response to someone, and the only content he provided without being asked/prompted for it is that he thinks BBM is scummy for asking "why X but not Y?". Sorry, but declaring a perfectly valid question as a 'logical fallacy' is just not kosher. We could even say it's a psychologist's fallacy, but let's not get into that bogmire.

This space reserved to talk about Shadoweh, once she stops emulating NNR; there is a Day 1, and you are expected to participate. You do so a little, but your posts are devoid of any reasoning and some of them don't match up. You say Darkninja's posts are terrible, but then you keep voting Zak. "It's silly" isn't usually sufficient reason to vote someone over "are terrible", and since you later upgrade DNA to your top scum pick, this is egregious. In fact, you dismantle your own reason for voting him, which Townies don't usually do. The way you talk about it is also as if it refers to other people and not yourself.

I note that my argument about Raikaria not consolidating applies to you in full as well, as you note there are two hours left, tell people to consolidate, spend not a word on the alternate wagon and stubbornly insist on DNA.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #189 on: August 05, 2014, 10:20:45 AM »
Why Raikaria but not Shadoweh or NNR? Zakeri had been touting his why X not Y logic so beautifully at the start, it's a good thing I disagree. I touched on both Shadoweh and NNR earlier, choosing not to vote or focus on either of them because I believe(d) Shadoweh would come in and give a fierce rebuttal without me needing to write a case on her, and NNR I discarded because he habitually pretends D1 doesn't exist and doesn't post there. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but I did find his

Brainfart. I did find his vote on Darkninja to be opportunistic, in that it provided an opportunity to mask that NNR hadn't produced worthwhile reads himself. I mentioned so in my first post. There's just not much to grill him over other than that his Day 1 is terrible and he should consider not signing up to Mafia games as a regular, but as a substitute instead, since he habitually has issues making Day 1 (and then those issues disappear for the rest of the game).


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #190 on: August 05, 2014, 11:57:13 AM »
Confirming that I did indeed get a lemon. Raikaria I guess is probably not scum on rolespec because giving scum two useless roles as fakes is kind of dumb.

lol Sky is just going NO YOU'RE LYING (then why didn't he vote me?) and still didn't answer why he spent half his announcement talking about SB being scum after he spent the first part talking about a bunch of scenarios in which he was town.

if me/DNA/Raikaria/Bard/Junko are all town that leaves the remaining scum to be between NNR, Zak, and Shadoweh. I don't think that Zak and Shadoweh have posted yet today.

I don't really like NNR's Raikaria vote; a lot of it is stuff that applied yesterday but I don't really remember NNR ever talking about Raikaria yesterday. I actually disagree that getting townreads isn't doing anything, because giving townreads forces you to take stances on people and makes it harder to mislynch that person later on. He also just said "your defence is garbage" without saying why. More later, gotta go to work


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #191 on: August 05, 2014, 11:57:57 AM »
Nurfgle. I took a look here earlier but it didn't look like the thread needed my immediate attention (lolSky)
If Sky was an Announcer and Raikaria is confirmed as a fruit vendor, it's really unlikely Rairai is mafia, not just because announcer + fruit vendor would be weird but also because action + action isn't something scum get. DNA is p much confirmed for being the counterwagon, if Sky is scum then BBM is p much not mafia, and I'd be surprised if Junkos was mafia right now. (Sky was doing some non-subtle defending of him, but I don't think he ever really needed defending so etc)

Which leaves...  NNR, Zakeri, Bardiche. And naturally none of you were voting for Sky P when it was near no-lynch to make this easier.  :( I admit I haven't done any hard rereads but I'd lynch NNR first just for possibly being stuck on DNA's wagon early and not wanting to join the massive sudden push Sky got near the end. Honestly we probably have this game won just from the no-lynch + actions + surrounding clears so I'm not sure if rereading matters at this point. >_>

This space reserved to talk about Shadoweh, once she stops emulating NNR; there is a Day 1, and you are expected to participate. You do so a little, but your posts are devoid of any reasoning and some of them don't match up. You say Darkninja's posts are terrible, but then you keep voting Zak. "It's silly" isn't usually sufficient reason to vote someone over "are terrible", and since you later upgrade DNA to your top scum pick, this is egregious. In fact, you dismantle your own reason for voting him, which Townies don't usually do. The way you talk about it is also as if it refers to other people and not yourself.

I note that my argument about Raikaria not consolidating applies to you in full as well, as you note there are two hours left, tell people to consolidate, spend not a word on the alternate wagon and stubbornly insist on DNA.
I'm not actually sure what you mean by dismantle my reason to vote DNA, since I was voting him? I expected people to consolidate on the only wagon that actually existed at the time, Sky wasn't really a counterwagon even if two whole people made a 'counterwagon' at the time, and looking at how we ended up no-lynching I don't think I was wrong about what was actually possible. It ended up working out almost entirely by accident. Really what I find confusing is how we went so long with no wagons in the first place, but etc.

Also if I'm reading what DNA is saying correctly he almost screwed us over by 'confirming' Sky, and if he's not telling the truth about his role he should come out and say it.

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #192 on: August 05, 2014, 12:04:17 PM »
p much all the things I just said
"DNA's role confirmed me, so DNA and BBM are scum buddies." I mean, it's weird that he's still here posting trying to defend himself but I doubt a game this size has alot of shenanigans going on. (although I'm beginning to wonder about that).

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #193 on: August 05, 2014, 12:05:39 PM »
I'm much more iffy about voting Zak at this point. The argument between him and BBM about why me fry me seems to be semantics, I'm pretty sure they're actually saying the same thing, especially since "picking out and singling people for actions they've done, and a natural part of human psyche is to pick up on the first instance of something they notice and call out against it" is a good description of what BBM did with Zak's defense in the first place.

RE: Voting Zak, not voting DNA.

We/you ended up going so long with no wagons in the first place in part due to inaction on your part, wouldn't you agree? I remember a Shadoweh who pushed cases.

Between NNR and Zakeri, who is most scummy to you and why?

Capital. Can you elucidate the exact reasons for tracking Sky Pal?


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #194 on: August 05, 2014, 12:37:57 PM »
Not much liking Bard saying 'I didn't have a go at Sahdoweh because I expected a fierce rebuttal'. But at least Bard is not looking for people who are potentially scum and not only at me now. Which is a lot better and now that the slot is actually doing something and doing something that I don't think is stupid it's making me feel a lot better about it.

I have to agree that Bard has valid points about Zakeri as well. I've been reading Zakeri rather null most of the game; with a slight town leaning. But honestly this is my opinion on Zakeri about 95% of the time, I think it's just his posting style which makes me feel this.

BBM brings up a good point. What situation is there were BBM is lying about his result on Sky and he is not scum; Sky? Why are you not voting him? Are you wanting to try and avoid the 1v1 or something; knowing that if BBM flipped what he claimed you would be dead?

The fact that at this point the pool of potential scum appears to be cut so thin is a good sign.

Unless I'm mistaken the pool of people who could reasonably be scum; assumeing BBM is not lying; are Shadoweh; Bard; Zak and NNR. I guess pokemon123 could be as well but I highly doubt his role is a scum role; seeing the post restriction and all.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #195 on: August 05, 2014, 01:21:31 PM »
RE: Voting Zak, not voting DNA.
We/you ended up going so long with no wagons in the first place in part due to inaction on your part, wouldn't you agree? I remember a Shadoweh who pushed cases.
Between NNR and Zakeri, who is most scummy to you and why?
Oh, that makes more sense. I don't really see it as shooting down my own opinions since I wasn't sure if I was into voting Zak at the time, I just don't like empty unvoting. You're probably right that I should have gotten more involved (which.. probably would have involved pushing DNA harder so acxtually maybe its just as well I didn't)
Again just from reading Sky P's posts he mentions Zak alot and even takes a few cracks at him via #92 and #62. The way he swerves away from voting Zak is weird but not as weird as completely ignoring NNR has ever said unless it involves reasons to attack other people. He also went out of his way to attack my vote on DNA before DNA flipped but still never mentioned NNR. (putting the cart before the horse as far as lining up lynches goes)

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #196 on: August 05, 2014, 01:38:28 PM »
'I didn't have a go at Sahdoweh because I expected a fierce rebuttal'.

Without needing to poke her, yes. You're implying I was worried over her rebutting me; I'm not. I just expected my comment regarding her pointlessness would inspire Shadoweh and give her a +10 morale bonus to her Town saving throw. It did not.

Shadoweh, I didn't ask about Sky P's posts, I'm asking who is most scummy to you between NNR and Zakeri. Let's pretend Sky Paladin doesn't exist: on what merits are these two scummy (or not) by the content of their posts, rather than the content of Sky Pal's posts?


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #197 on: August 05, 2014, 02:35:21 PM »
I am feeling apathetic and not seriously motivated to post content atm, I mean we can by all means force the way through the scums with a clear role advantage and a hidden doc.

Lets pretend Sky P doesn't exist, yeah. My preferred order of lynch after that is basically NNR(flaky response+guilty response surge of activity)>a tie between Shadoweh and Zakeri, then Bard.

Of course depending on how things go along I am always willing to change my opinion. I am just not too pressed to wallpost atm so seeya
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #198 on: August 05, 2014, 02:54:06 PM »
I tracked Skypal because as of the end of D1 he was my strongest scumread, as evidenced by my vote there. I was not as enthused about Zak being scum by that point and not only did I not like Sky's DNA vote, his posts near the end of the day were super-reactionary and OMGUSy, especially since IIRC he'd just before that said he was leaning towards me being town out me/Zak.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #199 on: August 05, 2014, 04:04:24 PM »
I'll start with the obvious thing. 

DNA said he was going with SB's plan, which meant that he would target me during the last night phase. 

That said we pretty much have three townie obvtowns at this point. Me, skypal and BBM. The rest is easy.#

The only reason DNA would know I was town, assuming he was actually town, was if he had successfully targeted me.  However, he said immediately before this:
I pretty much have no words for this. I got roleblocked, somehow I did not die?
(Yes, yes, despite saying that he would die if roleblocked.)

If he really was roleblocked and mysteriously did not die; he wouldn't have been able to target me.  Thus, he would not have been able to give me a town clear. 
(I guess I should also ask, why the arbitrary townclear on BBM since he didn't target BBM?)

In other words, I don't think DNA was really roleblocked.  I think he is scum and he completely lied about his role to buy his way out of the day 1 lynch.  Scums planned to townclear me so that if one of them died later, I'd be implicated, but even better, they'd have a fake 'towncleared' player.  However, they got tripped up by BBM's gambit/doctored result and were forced to come up with an alternative viable escape route for DNA.  Only DNA got a bit hasty and forgot to amend his post after being cut and forgot that he was 'town clearing' me. 

I can't see a scenario where scum BBM would screw over scum DNA like that, so I figured that they can't be scum together. 

##vote DarkNinjaABC

Your story keeps changing and you've spent most of this day phase goading me.  You didn't bother to defend against my case on day 1 and just called me a moron. 

Re - talking about SB in announce;
I didn't expect SB to be dead so that is why I argued with him.  I wouldn't have wasted so much time if I'd have known he was going to be dead. 

Re - why not auto-vote BBM?
I didn't know which of DNA or BBM were scum until I sat down and thought about it. 

Sky Paladin, do you have opinions on people that aren't Darkninjaabc or BBM?

In order of my scum picks;

I poked at Zak but he never responded; I might have missed it but he's been completely absent this phase.  I wasn't really satisfied with his fending actions previously and wanted to hear more.  I just checked his profile and he's been around in the last hour, so unless there's a wall coming up I'd say he's lurking.  This is consistent with his behavior as scum in whateveritwascalled mafia when I blew up LYLO by hammering ActionDan.  So partially meta, partially because his vote was entirely useless, and partially because he just vanished for a big chunk of the game, when there is a lot happening and plenty of reasons to have even a most basic opinion, when his login show's that he's been around. 

Shadoweh didn't really do anything on day 1 and it seemed like her vote for DarkNinja was entirely reactionary to BBM's prompting on day 1.  She only magically appeared this phase when summoned by you. 
I dislike her soft clears of a lot of players based on rolespec and associations before flips, and her criticism of NNR for being on DNA's wagon is hypocritical since her vote was fairly apathetic and on the same wagon.  It doesn't feel like she's really doing anything and her passive/reactive game doesn't sit well with me. 

I ran out of stay awake hit points.  I'm really tired, this is the second night up after midnight and pushing 1 am, I'll go through my town reads tomorrow, but basically the rest are;

Junko, NNR, Raikaria, BBM

BBM I don't know what to do with, he can't be scum if DNA is scum, so he's either misguided town or just unlucky.  If DNA flips red, BBM is town, and I do expect a red DNA so he's town for now.  Otherwise scum.  I'll wait for a flip.   

You and Junko just suddenly popped up and started posting so I'll read in the morning.  Junko's day 1 is pretty bad, they made no effort to really communicate but they are talking now so I'll reread.  I'm just too tired.  I put them as worse than NNR/Rai because they just tunneled me all day 1 and didn't make any effort to explain why.  I don't know where to place Bard because I haven't properly read him, I have no opinion. 

Leaning town on NNR and Raikaria because they both voted in the right place on day 1 even though they both did virtually nothing.  Raikaria has the melon thing, I didn't really read in to it yet because *sleep* I'll look in the morning.  I don't care what the detractors of Raikaria say, he was right to challenge SB for his vote at the last minute and BBM/SB cost us the no-lynch, not Raikaria.  They had two votes, he had one, four plus two is six.  DNA should have been lynched and then we would probably be discussing which of the ones on my wagon are scum. 
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #200 on: August 05, 2014, 05:06:22 PM »
hm is it normal to have three investigative roles in a game this size?

Also if we are really convinced it comes down to zakeri,NNR, Shadoweh, and Just I can use my ability today to help us. I would want to use it on shadoweh IMO. Also shadoweh apparently seems to want to vote NNR for not voting sky during the big push but this is extremely hypocritical because at the time you were still voting DNA as well. Shadoweh can you give an exact read on Zakeri? I don't see why it's bad for NNR to be stuck on the wagon early? How is that scummy. 
Touhou games 1cced(sadly on easy mode) MOF,DDC,IN,TD,POFV,UFO,EOSD,SA


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #201 on: August 05, 2014, 05:13:21 PM »
If you have a dayvig I'd honestly recommend shooting Sky Paladin. That leaves us the ability to discuss a second scum without watching another night phase come and pass by after catching one.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #202 on: August 05, 2014, 05:21:29 PM »
Hmm; Sky has a point; I mean it's blatantly obvious that the announcement left on SB's body was by Sky Paladin; which explains why he visited SB; and if Sky was the one who killed SB; why would Sky have said things which blatently gave him away; such as:

"Skypal's suspicion is incredibly reactionary and twists like everything I've said into something scummy."
If it's reactionary, that's my playstyle.  Remember the previous game where I had to argue with a tunnel vision town and ended up voting for the guy who was most anti-town over the scum. 

[I'd like to think I played SCP pretty well btw D:]

Something I do find curious is how Sky is so adamant on the fact that scum have a sab; since he mentioned that several times on the announcement.

And yes; it dosen't add up. A roleblock is a failed investigation.

There are two explanations however; not one:

1: DNA is lying and is scum; as Sky says.
2: DNA was Docced. If this is the case; Doc should out; since that explains a discrepancy.

I somewhat doubt #2; because that means we have a VERY strong town setup.

I'm going to #Unvote and give a bit of time for a potential Doc claim to clear up the DNA side of things. I am significantly less confident about a Sky lynch at this time. It just doesn't make sense for Sky to attach a note to the scum nightkill and basically say 'Hey; this note was written by Sky_Paladin! Be suspicious of me!'
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #203 on: August 05, 2014, 05:23:11 PM »
What I don't understand in all this is why SB was nightkilled, or why Sky was so sure SB was a potential nightkill target. He would have been; like; last on my list to do so.

I would have nightkilled DNA [Due to his claim] or BBM/pokemon123 [Seemed rather town; if I feared a Doctor on DNA]. I certainly would have have spent my nightkill on SB.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #204 on: August 05, 2014, 05:24:31 PM »
In fact if I was scum I might have even killed the Polly slot after hearing Bard coming in because Bard is pretty good at the mafias.

Certainly would have done so over SB. Only person I might not have nightkilled over SB in this sort of situation was Shadoweh. SB seems like a very weird nightkill.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #205 on: August 05, 2014, 05:26:25 PM »
people should answer my question if it's normal to have three investigative roles.
Touhou games 1cced(sadly on easy mode) MOF,DDC,IN,TD,POFV,UFO,EOSD,SA


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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #206 on: August 05, 2014, 05:44:22 PM »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: NSP Mafia - Day 1
« Reply #207 on: August 05, 2014, 05:58:24 PM »
even if you accept sky p's jackshit about me possibly gambitting as scum. you are effectively ignoring his past 2 failed attempts at justifying his alignment (namely, calling BBM results wrong, impossible for any townie paying attention to the rules and calling us both being scum which directly contradicts with BBM's playstyle, and mine too, to a lesser degree)

raikaria ur so cute  :3 cant you just turn a blind eye to sky p by now? he is making absolutely no sense whatsoever. my role essentially failed because i got roleblocked, but yet i didnt die. which means i got protected, thats it

raikaria is so terrible if he actually is town, he essentially just told us to out our doc with our massive advantage while seriously pondering the merits of junk spewed by who is a confscum. in fact his plays is so bad, that i AM seriously considering raikaria might be scumbuddies with Sky P equipped with a junk role+roleblock just because how the intent from raikaria's posts cannot be anything be ''anti-town''

also zakeri, nnr and shadoweh essentially disappeared. wtf

Junko, i want to see you dissecting cases and presenting us with your opinion. While this may seem unfair but your largely absence d1 means we cant read you, say something or keep looking scummy
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Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #208 on: August 05, 2014, 06:11:40 PM »
Maybe I'm just being too cautious.

And I did say I doubt there's a Doctor. I mean; town already has a lot of power. And there is an unexplained thing involving you. If the Doctor confirmed he protected you it would prove Sky is scum. That's why I thought a doc outing in the event; and only that event; that they protected you; was a good idea.

I mean; such an action would give us 2 confirmed townies and a dead scum almost certainly. That's why I called for what I did. I think that outcome is worth a doc outting if a Doc did protect you.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: NSP Mafia - Day 2
« Reply #209 on: August 05, 2014, 06:17:27 PM »
also bard pls do something with raikaria's posts. you are great at tearing apart arguments right?

 i am getting a literal headache reading his posts, my skull must not be thick enough; but since i have time lets break this apart

1st: Why would raikaria have to explain sky's intent for him?

case one: raikaria genuinely believes and consider sky p's struggles, my response? lol

case two: raikaria is scum, i am seriously considering this, really seriously too

2nd: Let alone build his reasoning upon numerous false premises?

 hey dna must be scum if we have another full doc blahblahblah. except that it has been shown and proven most roles in this game are weakened to a degree. the tracker does have a high chance to embarass and kill townsfolk by tracking the fruit vendor to ded people, the cop (me in this case) dies and leaves no result and can be easily tempered with even by roleblocking. the doctor likely also has some sort of restriction which upon revealed could leave us at a disadvantage, on top of letting scum know exactly who to hook in order to better plan their actions.

right whatever this is getting too long cuts

3rd: why would scum kill SB and hook me?

i mean SB pretty much publicly guarded me in the thread. as that command implies a bodyguard role is used, along with what i have claimed (i would die if i get roleblocked), it only makes sense as scum to kill sb (as bodyguards cant save themselves) and hooked me to line up another kill.

i guess it IS a blunder on their part. for regardless of whether i am hooked or not, i probably will be alive anyway due to the doc. hooking me was a mistake for it is a guilty response on their part with our roles annouced. but i guess scum's decision of hooking me does make sense in hindsight considering theres an off chance i might visit another townie and conf them, so their hook would've lined up 2 more kills if it worked
also theres sky's crack theories about town having another jailer and whatever, but further bashing them is essentially the mafia equivalent of kicking a dead horse. in fact i am doing this because we have nothing else BETTER to do. NNR, shadoweh and zakeri vanished and they are the pool of scum candidates. Junko hasn't spoken nearly enough for us to draw a rational conclusion

feel free to come up with more crack theories sky pal, i respect outted scum who try, just dont pretend theres any actual evidence and analysis behind it so i can get the crux of your arguments without actually going through those incoherent walls, better for us both.

man i am bored, cant the three people appear already?
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